i st all! std Ee ae ener Chet etna vranaent 'or or id al th we "0, Bp I, y, aren R Ym 1' 4 "7 Mt se pi a fy amtpunes v4 j ties mar Re Ke Miller and' iourih staff, ure) onns id el ta it : ene Anne, At, trie and 'paul aul, and Dianne (nee Yule) cs hea are Liss = teh DEATHS DOBNEY, Frederick William Sr, Hospital Thursday, i, Frederick W, Dobney nd of or yo lavina of Mrs, Walter G, Bunker! (isle) Alfred fvans (Dorisi, aie f, Prede ek Wi dra in Nie Oath year, Rest a] " Melntosh:Anderson Funeral Home serviea in i arr mal Saturday, Al miner interment Union Saenery: a ne poo «Ao i, 340 King Street Bast, on Thur ms Wet, aday, Merle Taggart, reeloved wite Edmunds and dear mother Neve cot * unere| Home, 182 Street Rat Service in the chapel ¥, Novernber 7 al 2 p.m, inter ineat Mount Lawn Cemetery, The family! will receive friends at the Sorreneneing Saturday evening. flowers donations to the mn 'yneral Home,| in eu) cer So clety may be made at the Funeral Home, | PORSYTH, Frances Geneve Entered into rest in the Sinawe Berare! tal Thursday, Novembe rent, peloved. wite Benson mother of ie) oan Bennett (Clara), Mrs, Donald M ald (nar lorie), Mra, Louise Hill and ahawa, Mrs Jon yee of Newburg, Harold of lon and Rawin of Port Willlam B \ ante of Mra, William Ruiter (Helen) of Bow: 2214 manville, in her aith year Ry a the Armatrong Funeral Hore, Osh with funeral service in the cha 'y aturday, 'November § at 31 interment Oshawa Union Cemeter: on am, MAJOR, Patricia Blaine Rotered into rest in the Ajax > Plenering Hospital on Thursday, November 3, 19 parrige Blaine Mawker, sk a Malor, pouner ot Suey a Catherine, Betty-Ann obert By. and Patrick and daughter. of Mra. Campbell (Evelyn), Oshawa: in her 34th year, Resting at the Armatron Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funera service in the chapel Saturday, Novem: ber § at 1) am, Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, MOSS, Annie May Entered into reat in the Oshawa General Hospital on Wednenday, Naverveer 3 1964, Annie May gt ¥ ¢ &. Frank Mesa, mother of John ody. VAverey Mra, Ralph "Prenen (Mar mn) and Albert Moss, Oshawa: in her Tid year, Resting at the Armatrong Fu: neral Home, Oshawa, with funeral serv: fee in the chapel Saturday, November 5, ata pin, interment Oshawa Union Come: te Ladies' Auxiliary Canadian Legion will hold @ service Friday at 7 p.m. tory Lodge LOBA 583 will hold a service Friday at 7.90 p.m. Kindness beyond eles, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 da lean, beloved wite of | 4 MAIN PARTS By ANNE ADAMS | | It's the long side darts that do it! They give your midriff long, streamlined look, Just 4 mainsparts to dress jiwith curvy. collar, | Printed Pattern 4734; Half Sizes 1214, 144, 16%, 18%, 20%, 2414, Sixe 16% takes 3 yards %--inch ) ifty cents (50e) in coins (no stamps, please) for each pat \tern, Ontario residents add te sales tax, Print plainly size, name, address, style number, Send order to Anne Adams, care of The Oshawa Times, Pats tern Dept., 60 Front St. W., Toronto 1, Ontario, Fall's 180 best designs -- liv: ely school, sport, career, gla- mour styles, all sizes, extra fea: tures in new Fall - Winter Pat. tern Catalog, Clip coupon in Cay talog -- choose one free pat: tern, Send 5c, FREDERICK W. DOBNEY, SR, Following a sickness of two years, Frederick W, Dobney, Sr, a resident of Hillsdale Manor, died Nov, 3, at the Osh: awa General Hospital, He was in his 04th year, Born at Nottingham, Eng- sed had been a ada and Osh- A inter trade, he OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS - OBITUARIES Island May Be on Move VANCOUVER (CP) -- Geo physical scientists think Van couver Island is movingor|T perhaps it's. the British Co lumbla mainland which is on the move in relation to the laland, Furthermore, they say, from location of the city of Van- couver, situated in the south: west corner of B.C,, has yet to be established, To find the answers to these questions the federal depart: ment of mines and technical surveys sent two teams to the Pacific Coast this summer, One, | a 16-man survey team headed by George Hueston of Ottawa, workes on the Vancouver Is» land problem, Another team under G, L,|® Fraser, geodetic survey engi. neer, did preliminary work on locating Vancouver city, to be followed next year by a precise survey, 'The Hueston team located 16) points on Vancouver Island, Meavea Aibhine triangulation expert with the department of mines, said these points will be revisited in 10 years or so to check their locations then, "But maybe the movement is so slight it still won't show up." Mr; Gibling sald the move: ment of Vancouver Island or the mainland is caused by pres sure against the sides of a geological fault that runs di rectly down the centre of} Georgia Strait which separates the 300-mile-long island from 4 "AMviveuly Varies Wh en Wirt IN ONE PIECE By ALICE BRCDKS Look Smart! Knit this "Poor Boy" turtle neck top with short or long sleeves, Knit this sweater from neck down, all in one piece, Kasy knit and purl ribbing, Use sport yarn, Pattern 7288: sizes 32-34; a geodotic standpoint, the exact rh MOHAWK RACEWAY THURSDAY, NOV, 9 FIRST RACH -- | mile (Pace), Purse 9 igles PNorthwead, aya Ww fiend: 70 'Sai wh an, Waple 1 Scoteh pale m Adieu, Queen ft ne reer Scratched, "nite Dillon, oikeene RACH = | mile (Trot), 4, Paimer 106,10 arven HR ¥ ver, Fillon Webg Also nn Kintutica, Malemar, xe woo 'ir irley's Faber and anny -N sty ond &Ple R a paineae, CUNY oe RACE = | mile (Pace), Purse iKaren | Keen, ron Smet Volo, Rooliera Imot ny Meadow, Neontien eee: ar Pratt coy Versatile, / MY TH, and Brewe: M FOURTH RACE -- | mile (Trot), Purse an 'aq, Campbell bray 'ecialn h ariuk ime } vy Also Started: Wee Crusader, Carib. bean Pong. Armbro Parr, Dawk, and Lady Spring, Ory RACH -- | mile (Pace), Purse rtf Wiaewer, MeBlory 4,00 12 Dr, W., Waddell Valeo Ot Boring, Norris Time @i4 a5 Also Started: irish C Grattan, oie Bilton, Barney's Boy, and Lady Violet rect Seartched, Lynden Chief, SIXTH RACH = | mile (Pace), $000 (8) 4&Plain Al M, Wellwood 4,90 4, &-Girl, Archdekin % giles wee Megens Tim Also Started: Tennessee Greene, & Manover, Mr, Mac M, Benny, and Li nardo Pick, fxactor, Nos, 4 and &, Paid $120,60 SEVENTH RACH -- | mile (Pace) Purse $800 (8), Go 9.10 He 5.90 Purse >Moeliie Ariac, Davies ?-Dixie Wiek, Gelsel, Jr, 36-38 indluced, Thirty-five cents (coins) for each pattern (no stamps,| please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle- craft Dept,, 60 Front St, West, Toronto 1, Ontario, Ontario resl- dents add 2-cont sales tax, Print plainly pattern number, name, address, 210 Most Beautiful Needle: | insula, craft Designs in new 1067 | "We surveyed Gaspe = last Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, ero jyear and compared results with chet fashions, afhans, qullts/20-year-old figures,' sald Mr, | embroidery, toys, gifts, 2 free|Gibling, 'The results were ins | patterns 12 remarkable heirloom quilts) -complete patterns in color in Museum Quilt Book 2. Quilting motifs, Send 60 cents, the mainland. along the lower coast, | Vancouver Island isn't the) only area in Canada where such| movement exists, There are also faults between Ellesmere Island will work next along the St Quebee and summer, the is a onto Quebec." Dr. J. A, Jacobs, head of the | |department of geophysics, said 40 cents. |would be about an inch a year,) "| fast enough to change the width | of Georgia Strait by a mile in 1! 360 years, "The measurement process is| sa desdendant of a United Rim-|like lHning up flagpoles in Van- pire Loyalist family couver, Victoria and Nanaimo Mrs, Edmunds was a mem-|!f the shape of the triangle they ber of St. Andrew's United) make changes at all, something Church and was active in the | has moved and you can find work of the women's organiza:/out which way and how much, jtions of the church, | "Besides pressure on a fault, She is survived by her hus, there are convection currents | band and a son, James, ofiin the molten rock under the Halifax, Nova Scotia, jearth's crust, These currents The funeral service will be/can carry a land mass around held at the Mclntosh-Anderson| with them as they move, 16 complete patterns, and Greenland, where a team} and | Lawrence between | Gaspe Pen-| 4-Loyal Briton, Waples Also Started: Queen Blue Frosty May | Sond 25 cents today, | conclusive but we think Gaspe| University of British Columbia | Send also for Quilt Book 1--| the maximum rate on this coast | | oe rewers/are "anxious" to avoid overlap: mm 98 tl 0 2.60 90 $90 3.00 Rt 5,10) Yankeo's Prid GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS TORONTO (CP) Thursday's ore er Prince ath cH $2,400, maiden Byer ran. Sam 'nl Bally Bewbler 97.40, ae el m8 ty Meeeviey) ean vivo, a Parking, Garden Mt ee ree ee, pny + and H & ta Bi ir ) ) and' Dane HIN Acres lay. Speedy, "Windy Mahan, wo ee Football TV Body Avoid Overlapping ' i nd Fear Pure $2,000, claiming % anal * Se 13.10 t 5.40 Wild Pablue Mine "at THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 4, 1966 29 Kingusto, Sweetly Gr Mr, OF Alue S| Ture puree 00 culming aan ing in Litleny Altona Mite. R amen) 19.00.48 ile ee London eel a ler, Ni i ay Asn Mecauiey X11 sp byneme, Grits x1 aicon Stab GREENWOOD cei SATURDAY, Nov, RACE = lo boy. 108 Packed, Grubb K108 iy nay af ALL LJ Wite, et i 07 ores!, No OTTAWA (CP) -- J daur, chairman of the Ca: Football League's television committee which met here Tuesday night, said members ia *] hun Par. hs, nas sat a FitthPurse byear, and a ti in neder } sim eee alt «| Bling ine: " : AYANEY> leon' Birthday, i's if Kau i) eo ran, tv Purse 42000, Dyearold fillies, oa pred forvee) 00 be ( Vishory { went) ime: 45. TV coverage of Eastern Western Football Confer. ence playoff games, No statement would be made | Hot on the closed-door committee meeting, But he indicated com- mittee concern whether EFC and WFC playoff schedules, and television coverage, could be arranged to skirt overlaps, iilled, Zeone: 2.0 also ha Ruling Crown. Lawless ran, Late serateh: Cusmax, Gxector: 11,80, eventn---Purae, 8300, tet Viator (Ditech) Pretty Wise (Robinson) |The Hangman tomer) Time: 1:52 45, Dark Sin, @rik Lea, Sunny Jemes, Pare yo Bighth--Pu 200, claiming, an, and Dilly | year-olds an * upward, foaled in can 10,50 6.00 4,00 70 5. 5.00 Twi Gum Maid Diteci, Maraziia's 5 4 Worty Pisne ington, and Jimmy Whistler, BIOHTH masl 1 Purse $1,100 (8) 1M, Dee Dee, Carmichael 5.00 8 i § " ig] iso Started: Swift Cavalier, Discoutn, | Rocky Li cleiming ® 1." +e 4.00 " se Me) mile (Pace), 4+Mudge Forbes, witca SAllan Wilmac, W i peiment Ernie, Dally Gene, ada, Mad Fiver pen i i RINT RACE -- | mile (Pace), purse |Cunesene (Kor blur (8), Caledon colonel MBvirte) "Andy Byrd, 5.20 4.80) Time: 1:46 48, #Lochinver ' Peinaten" 24,10 Hr Bim weed, ret @ Question, 40) (i Byr Killen, Nie, 1 git Tan Roman Thunder, Unig | Vital Ma de a7, Total Wellw swamp, tal Mat, Wee Annie Royal Abe, and) Claymound Su, Salt _Along also ran, Pool, $128,458, | | Altengence, Attendange. 6,05), ~Wandie--s999,010, Broth oF te Late serateh: | ¢, Famous es 'on 'np al Mineral Alto 106; Captain Dory,| CsI tite Xie? r "nl SEG ih "Bout Boy cat A~Dane cd TH we) iiss '0 Hy Gay Pa Mie Autumn inten na joweut 117 | Acres ferry, RACE -- Puri iar Hey tet), OM im Fiver, Tiger Cat, lor of Arts, je) Ditttach Va Is wl x) ry vo Downs Farm and WT Mason ae Sl eee tee In ne (3008) Three-year-olds and vp. 7 Pur. x ldiet, Leader, Dittfach 119 eny's Count, Steve a Solar Apex, No Boy ella Wealth, ty VW ti ne er Ni X if Higible: Well No stuvent Mt Prefect, No A Soo, Steve, 8+X108; Tings Ted, Barroby, H Pendleton, F. Wagner and R, Zukowski! Ente ry, BN Gailelli ane | D Dileandro Bantry, Purse S21800, Sas hart joy Alls Walsh Bntry, SECOND RACE -- U5 vg 9, ing (5000), Two-year-olds, 1 Mi Hale 117 ae-eeenth| Ae few, sueive, x rt x MeCcomi ' ne aye nel a ne "_ i, No @ No ~2ia0 and up or ark . Claim: ie (8), 92,300. Pe eae Oe HJ eeataeeny ronu, No be rs yuo, Boy A simi ng os, a inary Lily "110 Ma Sa a P dmith entry, a Eenane e sone Riweteer +) tre pa ore A No ey 109 rw, © oN No "4 nen s ach 122 Hempeter, rr bsrre ile gt ah scant art 190 Native Victor, ane ® Boy ot] RioHTH cr = Purse oes Claim {ng pea Alien ge sig Edgor's Lane, Auii lia tery Carat, Mec Aud Recent i ara brea satield xxK104 by wy 4 200, Claim: nal inter 'hur bv Dittfach, 114) on iy, Barroby, 114) Jet invader, Ke Sarrenyy gl Dominion Brave, Brad jel Aw@& Short and W Waterman Entry, ibs AAC AC TIMe 1 PM, '" taay pleasure for the entire family! YOUR decora' worked in the paint départment| Funeral Home at 2 p.m., Nov.| "Geophysicists believe Bur OSHAWA TIMES at General Motors prior to his) 7. IN MEMORIAM BVENDEN -- In loving = memor George Frederick Evenden, who pan a away November 4, \04? So many things have Napeened, ince you were called away. many things to share with, you Had you been left to stay, Every day in sorme small way, Memories of you come our way, Though absent you are aver near, Stil ilaaed, loved, always dear, m-Sadly missed by Mom and family, MeCORMACK = In loving mm ® dear husband, father and Psa Bll Renent Moward McCormack who passed) away November 4, 1945, Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf, wo Always remembered by the family ot ray MeMAHON - In laving imomere jeen.| darling granddaughter, Margare' who passed away November 4, 196 Til memory fades and lite P| Yeu tive forever in my heart woSadly missed by Grandpa Bingham. MOMAHON - In loving memory of our Gaughier, Margera, aie whe paned away November 4, 104) Gone from the sulk 80 swiftly, dust tike a tlower in dioom, So young, so fair, a0 loving, Yet called away 80 soon, Constantly missed by Mother, Dad and sisters, Barbara, Lesiie and Joan. MeNAUL = tn loving memory be a dear mother, Annie MeNav!, wie ae @way suddenly on November 4, 1 do net offen get to stand By the spot where you now lay But you are always with me thoughts Today and every day. Lovingly remembered by her son Bil! and Audrey r A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest OUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS Four courteous advice please visit the Park Office, 723-2633 LOCKE'S FLORIST Puneet arrangements and floral arrangements for ail Occassions Pye aasa QUADS AM CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728.6555 728-7928 CARD OF THANKS) FISH -- |} with to express my a ranks and appreciation ts Me" many friends, relatives, and ne heir floral tritutes and sympathy vier Also thanks to my friends who gave = freely of Meir tne, Special thanks to ©: © G. Mills, Dr, D. E. Seitn, the start of | in my After hours 2C and the extensive care at the Cah. | Home at 1! a.m., Nov. 5, Inter here, awa General Hospital; Canon Ongley and the Armstrong Funeral Meme for their Kindness and consideration during my re! cent bereavement Henry ¢ DISPUTES SITE CHOICE QUEBEC (CP)---The head of) Quedec's 1969 Summer Games| MRS. CLARE V. EDMUNDS | aiready shipped-one car load to] latield 1 Coleraine 3 Corporation said Wednesday his/ organization disputes the selec: tion of Halifax and Dartmouth, N.S., af host to the First Cana-/ dian Summer Games and will continue City as the site. Co President Georges said the federal minister re sponsible for the games, Health Minister Allan MacEachen, announced only last week that a site would not be chosen be fore next February, 'Dee, 15 Fivh) lrector of St to. promote Quebec) had | tion jretirement in 1948, An adherent of Knox Pres: ; byterian Chureh, Mr, Dopney, in his early days -in Oshawa, served as bandmaster of the Oshawa Citizens' Band, He was a member of Phoenix Lodge,| Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows and of Local 222, UAW, In February, 1923, Mr, Dob: ney was predeceased by his op) firat wife, the former Eliza: {beth Nuttall, He is survived by) this wife, the former Esther| |Swanson, whom he married in Toronto about 30 years ago; two daughters, Mrs, Walter G, Bunker (Elsie) and Mrs, Alfred Evans (Doris) and a son, Fred- jorick W, Dobney, Jr, all of lOshawa, He is also survived by granddaughter, Mrs, Helen Scott of Port Credit and two! grandsons, Roy Bunker of Lon- don, Ont, and Grant Evans of Oshawa The funeral service will be held at the Mcintosh + Anderson Funeral Home at 3.30 p.m,, Nov, 5, followed by interment in Oshawa Union Cemetery Rev, G, W. C, Brett, minister of Knox. Presbyterian Church, will conduct the service MRS, ROY T, MAJOR The death occurred, Noy, 3 fat the Ajax and Pickering Gen- jeral Hospital, following a very ishort sickness, of Mrs, Roy T ;Major of 925 Bayshore Hel; A Ray Ridges, She was in her _ th year | .The former Patricia. Ei Hawker, the deceased was-t , 1992, in Nort: Toronte {She was married Noy, 4, 1951, lin Christ Memorial Anglican! Church, Oshawa, Mrs, Major is survived by jher husband; four daughters, Susan, Patricia, Catherine and Betty-Ann and four sons, Rob} ert, Stephen, Kelly and Pat: jrick Also surviving are her n oth:| Mrs, D, W. Campbell (Eve ba) and her grandmother,) Mrs, Phyllis Phillips, both Oshawa The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral iment will be in Mount Lawn iCemetery. Rev, A, Woolcock, Mark's Anglican) | Chureh, conduct ; S@FVICe, will } Following a serious sickness of six months, the death eceurred Nov, 3, at her home, 380 King Street Bast, of Mrs Clare V. Edmunds The former Merle Taggart, ation | the deceased was a daughter of)/by Christmas Labrecque/the late Frederick and Minnie Taggart. Born at Manchester, Ont., she received her educa in Manchester and Port Perry and had been a resident of Oshawa since her marriage tat Port Perry in 1919. She was) |Andrew's Church, will conduct {In lieu of flowers, donations to/establish 18 "first order triangu- |thie 'ithe of he the jamong Interment will be in Mount] ope and North "America may | Cemetery, Rey, John have been very close together | monister 1300,000,000 years ago' Mr, Fraser, explaining the complicated process of getting} receive | Vancouver city's exact location, Lawn Morris, of St. the service, The family -- will friends at the funeral home/said that when the survey team) jcommencing Saturday evening,jcomes back next year it will Cancer Fund would be/lation marks to fit into the) appreciated {North American datum," | The datum is a "grid system FUNERAL OF beginning in Kansas, where a | KEITH (RED) KRANTZ point has been located as pre- The memorial service for/cisely as possible and the lat<| Keith (Red) Krants, who died itude and longitude recorded," Oct a. at the Oshawa Gen "From that point, triangles eral Hospital, in his 49th year,/are drawn across the country was held at the Armstrong |and the corner located exactly, Funeral Home at 2 p.m, Noy, all linked together,' 3. Mr, Fraser said his team will Canon FY G. Ongley, rector) use optical theodolytes to meas of St. George's Memorial Angli the angles between the jean Church, conducted the serv /points and tellurometers, which ice, Interment was in Mount/are radar-like electronic instru Lawn Cemetery. ments, to measure the distance The pallbearers were Wil. between them liam Smith, Joe Victor, Jr.) Then, he said, the measured Leon Victor, Robert McFadden, points are mathematically re Leo Peeters and Douglas Cal-'duced to sea level, compensa houn tion is made for the curvature ihe earth and the latitude jand longitude are determined iby relating the points to the Kansas zero point, SOCCER SCORES LONDON § (Reuters)--Results The service. was conducted! °! Wednesday might's soccer " he Vene . son | matches by the Venerable Archdeacon) EXHIBITION Harold D, Cleverdon, rector of], Christ Memorial' Anglican) Crechostovakia 0 England 0 Church, Interment was in Osh- " FAIRS cur Second round, Second leg awa Union Cemetery, 1) . The pallbearers were James Kilmarnock Royal Antwerp (Beigium) 2 Jolin Hodgson, William | [Buros, Lloyd Young, Garnet (Kilmarnock won on aggregate White and B, Bellis, Box Car Pat : 'Aids Indi LONDON, Ont, (CP)--The In- dians of Northern Ontario don't! ow rag but his name! soon should be a popular one.) Mr, Shea, CNR yard foreman! se ng aa collected a box car Of] shewsbury 3 Bristol R 4 iclothes. last January and shipped it to an Anglican min-| np tS ister fried to be distributed) about 700 Cree Indians] C5 7 Sterling 3 in the Frog Lake, Alta, area, |5" Mirren 1 Rangers 6 This fall he is concentrating TRISH GOLD CUP Northern Ontario, and has Second round ure A GUARANTEED PRICE INCREASE ou FUNBRAL OF DELBERT F, CLEMENS The memorial service for Del bert Frederick Clemens, who) died Noy, 1 at the Oshawa Gen:/ }eral Hospital, in his 7lad year, | was held at 3.15 p.m,., Nov, 3, at Armstrong Funeral Home, ' i he art ie . > eagien « sUHeTMiAl leiesiNeall score 44, but Di namo qualifies for third round jas away goals count double in levent of tie, Dunfermline won ifirst leg 4-2) | Ferecvaros ody ane 7 Ocr. | _gryte (Sweden) 1 \crerenct aros won on aggregate | Magazines New Renewal TM AReosy (The Men's Magetine) REDROOK ) LADIES HOME JOURNAL Secound roun@, First leg Dosutrecht 1 West Brom 1 } CHATELAINE MAGAZINE ; FP) TRUL STORY "| PARENTS' MAGAZINE MODERN PHOTOGRAPRY ) GLAMOUR PHOTOPLAY ) CHRISTIAN HERALD AMERICAN HOME THE MONTREALER ) HUMPTY DUMPTY (Agee 3.7) } CHILDREN'S DIGEST (Ages $-12) ) SCIENCE & MECHANICS ) ATLANTIC ADVOCATE ) AMERICAN GIRL | MODERN ROMANCES [) RUDDER (Fer Boaters) ) POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY ) JACK ond JL ) SPORTS AFIELO CAR & DRIVER ) CHATELAINE (Preneh) on Moosonee where a priest took} charge of distribution to area Indians, He expects to have al LONDON (AP) -- Ten Soviet ear load ready by Sunday night! planes were intercepted by Brit tor the Kenora area, and plansiish Lightning fighters -close to a second car load for Kenora/the British coast last week, an RAF spokesman said Monday Mr, Shea says used diapers/The Soviet aircraft were not are among the most urgently) ever British territory and there needed articles of clothing butiwas no hostile 'action, the that anything useable, including/spokesman said, adding "such all types of clothing and sport-/flights by Russian aircraft vive ing. equipment such as skates,/excellent training for our fight is acceptable, ters," SUPPLIES PRACTICE 4 MAGAZINES-All from Group A 3 MAGAZINE 2 MAGAZINES-Both from nei B BETTER HOMES & GARDENS 3 yre, OFFER . . . THERE WILL BE NO ON THE MAGAZINES YOU SELECT FOR YOUR FULL SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD. proudly presents an outstanding reader service for the entire family! THE ECONOMY READING PLAN NO DOWN PAYMENT. ONE SMALL PAYMENT ON YOUR CARRIER'S REGULAR COLLECTION DAY COVERS THE COST OF BOTH YOUR NEWSPAPER AND THE MAGAZINES. YOUR MAGAZINES WILL BE DELIVERED BY YOUR POSTMAN, YOUR NEWSPAPER WILL BE DELIVERED BY YOUR REGULAR CARRIER. YOU PAY ONLY 7 5 'PER WEEK FOR YOUR NEWSPAPER AND YOUR CHOICE OF MAGAZINES Place Your Order... Today, Not Tomorrow CHOOSE oo Me (Weekly) (Renewals OR S-2 from Group A and 1 fram fraun a = ss Sane See - OR -- N GROUP A Maganines New Renewal OO Mecca's TO) SATURDAY EVENING post C1) MODERN SCREEN OM MEO & STREAM oo MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE ... CUE TRUE (Men's Megerine) ... TIC) YOUNG MISS (Ages 9-14) oo MOBILE HOME JOURNAL . CU MOopyY MONTHLY nn US, CAMERA . MO Ree & GUN . ") Hi PLSTEREO REVIEW .... ) CATHOLIC DIGEST POPULAR ELECTRONICS .. 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Oshawa Times for 36 months and the magazines checked above, to pay 75¢ weekly for 36 months with the understonding that this amount represents full payment et present rates for not only the magazines but also for the newspaper, This gives me the » PHONE No. * WPlease Print Plainly)" ORDER TAKEN BY ALL MAGAZINES MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE . Dete .. privilege of receiving The | agree aeeeeeeeees APT, Nav secsneveese . PROVINCE , SAME ADDRESS C) NEW NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER C) PRESENT NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER