14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 4, 1966 DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organizations ag compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries, BETA SIGMA PHI (Gamma Epsilon Ch.) The regular meeting of On- tario Gamma Epsilon Chapter)? 'of Beta Sigma Phi was held 'at the home of Miss Lynda 'Hatfield. Members anieraa into) ithe spirit of Hallowe'en by ap- 'pearing in costume. ' The speaker for the evening, 'Miss Lynda Hatfield, was in- 'troduced by Miss Gloria Irwin. 'Her topic was "Environment, 'Health, Work and Play," Miss 'Hatfield led the members in a 'lively discussion, She was 'thanked by Mrs, Donald Arm- 'strong. ¢ People in the neighborhood | good- Famed helped as the 'members in full costume went 'on a scavenger hunt, won by|_. | Mrs. Thomas Corby, Miss Pau- "line Durkin and Miss Sheila 'Brown. Mrs. Barry Hooper and «Miss Rachel Macleod won 'prizes for the best costumes, REBEKAH LODGE NO, 3 NG Dorothy Holdsworth pre- sided over the regular meeting vg Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No, Color-bearer Sarah Vande- walker presented the flag of the country and Chaplain Pear! Peacock performed the devo- tional exercises, PNG Lena Harper presided for the vagy | of the charter in memory of PP of RA Mabel Disney and PNG of Oshawa Re- bekah Lodge No. 3. PNG Lena Harper was assisted by the PNG of No, 3. Hilda Packer sang "Beyond the Sunset', ac companied by pianist Eva Tip- ton, VG Irene Walter reported for the visiting committee. It was reported that Hillsdale Manor | book bazaar would be held Novem- ber 9, and members were ask- ed to contribute to the bake table, Tt was decided to give a dona- ely the Muscular Dystrophy ind. ONTARIO REGIMENT ASSOCIATION AUXILIARY The Ontario Regiment Asso- ciation Ladies' Auxiliary met in the armouries with the presi- dent, Mrs, Harry Wood, pre- siding. It was decided to send a donation to the Aberfan Welsh Disaster Fund and a donation to Hillsdale Manor bazaar. It was decided to have a night of cards at the home of " , 183 Roxborough a November 14, at 8.00 m, and that the Christmas party would be held at the Rib room of the Hotel Genosha, De- patty pululis alter. The draw prize, donated by Mrs, Henry Davies, was won by Mrs, Douglas Cox, and a penny sale was held, It was an- nounced that the next meeting would be held November 28, and elections would be held. CENTRE STREET UCW Mrs, Mansell Gerrow led the devotional period at the regu- lar meeting of the Centre Street United Church Women. were & Dean Peel, Mrs. C. moir, Mrs, Cyril Clark, Mrs. Archie Britton, It was decided to send a do- aatian ta Five Oakes. Mrs. eporis "and being done at Norway House, Manitoba, A list of needed supplies was read and many larticles of clothing turned in for this work, Unit 3 requested all members to save their used postage stamps. | §T. MATTHEW'S WA A meeting of St, Matthew's) Woman's Auxiliary was held with Mrs, Alex McAllister pre- siding. Mrs, Harold Meades, treasur-) er, reported successful sales of, cook books -| treats, It was decided to purchase| prayer and hymn books for the|@ Shureh with the money re:-| ceived from the sale of cook) s, A toy demonstration followed, It, was announced the next) Thomas Goch, entitled "rhe cember 1¢ af @.20 p.m, with alo jalso_ announced "levening for aii groups would be Earl Hann spoke on the work by and Hallowe' Cro Growing Edge' was read by)G the Group Leader, Mra, Frank Ball who. also expressed her thanks to Mrs, Arnold Gardner, hostess for the evening. Mrs, William Edwards gave an up to date report on the commemorative spoons being handled by the fide 9 Also on exhibit were decorative plates, displaying a picture of King Street United Church, which are belay sold by the Friendship nit. The hustle and bustle preced- Ing the Christmas Merry-Go- guad Bazeer, helne hela thie year in the VAW Bail, Wed- neaday, November 16, is begin. ning to increase in tempo and Mrs. Vernon Osborne gave a satisfactory progress report from the various booth con- veners. Because of conflicting dates, it was decided to hold the Christmas meeting of the Unit, Tuesday, November 29. Mrs, Dwight Bunner, Somerville Ave- nue, will be the hostess for the pot luck supper meeting, It was that a social held December 8 in St. Andrew's United Church, 'An opportunity was provided during the social hour arranged pais, ma Mre Russell Mapes and. Group 3, for members to browse through a fine Christmas gift display which was prepared by the hostess, Mrs, Gardner, | 7TH SCOUT GROUP AUX. The regular meeting of the 7th Scout Group Auxiliary was held in Cowan House with Mrs, {Morley Robinson presiding. Mrs, G. E, Sloggett gave the lannual financial statement. A} ibrief summary of the year's| activities was read by the! soc me convener, Mrs. John Mrs FE. G. Simmons, Scout) Group Auxiliary District rep- resentative, presided for the} linstallation of officers as fol-| lows: president, Mrs, Robert {Corneal; vice + president, Mrs. Alan Tutin; secretary, Mrs. their bazaar ties, Ww, G. Coulby; treasurer, Mré, G. D. Bartlett; social conven- er, Mrs, John Crook; card convener, Mrs. John Jenkins; patrol leader, Mrs, James Shet- ler; phone committee, Mrs. Sklar, Mrs. Archie Dewey, Mrs, H, J, oe Mrs, R. G, Heard, Mrs. J. Annand; sewing conveners, Sa Morle Robinson, and Mrs. C. H, Collard, STREAMLINER TOPS Under the leadership of Mrs, Florence Russell the regular meeting of the Motor City Streamuner TOPS Club_ of Runde Mark hei: Punts day, - Mrs. Eileen Mastin was crowned by Mrs, Russell as runner-up to the queen of the week, Mrs. Ann Buell, who was not available for the crowning. Mrs. Buell lost five pounds and Mrs, Mustin two pounds, The pig gained three pounds. Mrs. Mastin was also award- ed a charm bracelet for being the six-week queen with a loss of ten pounds, . Miss Mary Louise Devie was welcomed as a guest, Mrs, Russell announced that} on November 29, the election of| a new executive would be held, and that the hazaar planned! for November -22 at Rundle Park was in full swing, Streamliner members who were in the pig line-up were) - 'rising costs {t was decided to send a record player and records, instead of individual gifts to the scholars as was customary. Mrs, Edgar 8, Bray, National Echoes secretary, introduced by Mrs. McCallum, gave a short talk urging an Increased mem- B./pership, and explaining that in most depart- ments made it necessary to raise the price of the Echoes, Miss Adeline Goheen, ways and means convener, conducted a draw for an Eskimo carving donated by Mrs, Albert Ham» bly and won by Mrs, John Whittington, A di-year pin is to be ordered for Mrs, R. L, Shupe. SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE Installation of officers for the current term of 1966-67 was the highlight of the regular meet- ing of Sunshine Rebekah Lodge. The ceremony was conducted by District Deputy President Irene Lye and her staff of Wel- come Lodge, Stouffville, dress- ed alike in gold satin. Honored guests were DDP Irene Lye, introduced by Ann Coakwell: NDP Betty Maior in- troduced by Lillian French and Ann Coakwell, first vice-presi- dent of the Department Asso- clation of LAPM introduced by Hutchinson, VG, when yearly reports were given, Regret was felt that the in- coming vice-grand, Edna Hu- Greene CY STARTS STUDY of Ros NAN NELSON, B.C, (CP)-- Nancy sland, B,C Sabreaitne international skier, dent, She is a member of the jhas given up her job as secre- tary at Notre Dame University alhere to become a full-time stu- Canadian national ski which studies at Notre teani, Dame trains on the nearby moyn- tains, band, was unable to be present due to illness, The new officers {nstalled were as follows: Noble Grand, Delma Hutchin- son; Junior Past Noble Grand, Dorothy Haley; recording sec: retary, Victoria MaGee; finan- cial secretary, Louella Pine; treasurer, Marie Elliott; war- den, Esther Heard; conductor, Elsie Keays; chaplain, Ger. edn RAM ae setalan ila den trite Thititenhy AT Morgan; flag bearer, Edna Franklin; right supporter' of Noble Grand, Lillian French; left supperter of Noble Grand, Estelle Sim; right supporter of vice-grand, May Wood; left sup- porter of vice-grand, Myrtle Bonnetta; inside guardian, -Dor- othea Pierson; outside guar- dian, Amy Moore, MUST BAKE AT HOME PETERBOROUGH, Ont, (CP) --Don't move to the Northwest Territories just because food prices are high in Ontario, John Lewis wrote from Inuvik to re- lativés here, Milk costs $1.19 a quart in the north, bread 63 Flora Purdie. PNG, The first part of the meeting was presided over by Dorothy Haley, NG, Assisted: by Delma cents a loaf and eggs $1.19 A doze, Mrs, Lewis saves DY DA' ing her own bread and using dried milk, eRgs and Potatoes, charts to be kept and reminded of) article as penal- igiven calorie for a week A brief talk was given by Mrs, Mastin on how she keeps ther weekly weight loss, and the meals she prepared, PRINCE PHILIP IODE The October meeting of the Prince Philip Chapter of the |1ODE was held at Adelaide {House Monday, The Regent, /Mrs, Frank McSallum presided, Mrs, J. H. Beaton, education- al secretary, was unable to get in touch with the teacher at the} Chapter's adopted school at Burnt River, Newfoundland, so meeting would be held at Mrs, | | McAllister's home at 526 King} Street East, November 8 at 8) hg | | _ KING STREET UCW 4 | The reguiar meeting of the | Fellowship Unit (4), King Street | United Church Women used al meditation "Let Us Give Thanks" on Millet's master plece, the Angelus, given by Mrs, Stanley Gomme who was assisted in the devotional per- iod by Mrs, Russell. Mapes and Mrs, Seymour Bigwood, A report from the UCW Stew. PILOT CLUB Night of Cards HILLSDALE MANOR November 10th -- 7:30 p.m. Dessert and Coffee Tickets $1 OF OSHAWA Phone 725-5378 Pan x 4 PHONE Low Rental Rates by the Month or Year Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting Save on Wholesale Meat Buy in Quantity and Save Complete Locker Service OSHAWA FUR AND LOCKER STORAGE 81 William St. West 723-3012 IN VITA TION You Are Cordially Invited To Zeller's Christmas Party From 10:30 A.M, to 4:30 P.M, A. professional phot and your family with BRING YOUR FAMILY VISIT ZELLER'S TOYLAND Lower Sales Floor TOYS For Girls or Boys BUY NOW PAY NEXT YEAR MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7th ropher, will be present to toke color photographs ef you hristmas in mind, to each customer, One 3'/2" x 6" PHOTOGRAPH In Portrait Folder Only 79¢ Plus 6 FREE CHRISTMAS GREETING CARD FOLDERS ardship Chairman, Mrs, a Oe THESE COMPLETELY FURN ISHED HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION Heated by Clean, Silent, Econemical Registered Exterior -- exclusive agent REAL ESTATE LTD. OSHAWA 723-646) A courteous Griffin Real Estate Ltd, daily, including Sundays, ao spection. HEAD OFFICE OSHAWA 723-8144 AJAX 942-3310 Home Sales advisor is on duty 9 A.M, to 9 P.M, to answer any questions may have and to assist you in your Forest Glen Heights home aes odel Homes ener ereerncete ee GREAT HOMES! GREAT VALUE! IN FUREST GLEN HEIGHTS Harmony Rd. North off King St. East Are Completely Decored For Your Inspection ALL ARMSTRONG HOMES ontin mo FEATURES AS STANDARD These Model Aiso regiure DRAPERIES and CURTA in most rooms or dining room WALLPAPER in HALLS NEWLY LANDSCAPED FRONT GAS LIGHT STORM OPEN | FOR INSPECTION MURAS IN LIVING ROOM DOOR CHIMES @ PAVED DRIVE GAS BARBEQUE in OUTDOOR PATIO bie erg Als = Ny DOORS in 2 Homes INS and BATHROOM --~Seaie won ere MODELS 12, . Divided & Copper tone hooded exhouat fon in kitehen, Colored ceramic : wall 'tile 'for bathroom end colored fixtures. Velonce box in living room, Kitehen cupboards end doors neturel steined imported my feustom built), Double leundry tubs, Forced eit gas heating. All electric light fixtures, 100-Amp, heavy-duty electric wiring installed. s with Divided services included: paved road, sanitary and storm sewers individual water connections, curbs, Front end side yard sodded, . Mate driveway » Fancy eeiling in living room end dining . Cor -- throughout where Asbestos Vinyl tile is not steps or more. . Capper tened builtin peper towel reek. . Clay brick, . Bulltin: Kleenex dispenser, , Poured concrete basement (with lifetime guarantee), \ Mahogany trim. . Built-in range and oven, . Shoe boxes in each bedroom, 2, Alcon Aluminum siding, ALSO AVAILABLE IN room. SOUTHWOOD PARK Harwood Ave. South -- Ajax . Sidewgits installed trom front te driveway and side hen telling installed on front porch where there ROLLING HILLS ESTATES Grandview St. South at Olive Ave. -- Oshawa