* - hal ra 7 pe s* eheeeteetrer ent CSCC LETS CLASH SSECPIAAH ER ESA SEP eSee eeteeere SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aidwinckie, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Among those attending the 42nd annual banquet held by the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles Club at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last Saturday, 'was R, G, Fowler, Gibb gtreet, Sixty were on hand to renew old comradeships and re+ live -adventuzes jn the : batties of fifty years ago or more, Speakers included Colonel P, _ Hunter, commanding the Gov- ernor General's Horse Guards, Gregory Clarke, former major and adjutant of the 4CMR's; Brigadier General L. J. Ruther- ford (The Old Grey Mare), old-time company. officer. A showing of films and draw for prizes completed the evening, Among those holding reserva: tions for parties attending the Candieiignt Centenniai Bail are; Mr, and Mrs, William Ryan, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Dignem, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Harper, and Mr, and Mrs. Dare Young, Foliowing the bali, Dr, and Mrs. W, L.. Gilchrist are enter: taining their guests at a party, The ball is being sponsored by the St. Gregory's Council of the Catholic Women's League, with proceeds going to the Centen- nial Fund for the General Georges Vanier Institute on Family Life, the national cen- tennial project undertaken by the Catholic Women's League of Canada. Mr. anti Mrs, Cyril Clark opened their home for a meet- ing of the Friendship Group of Centre Street United Church Women, After a chicken sup: « per, the evening was spent play- ing games, It was decided that pitts for patienis at the On- tario Hospital, Whitby, would / be brought into the next meet- ing. A dinner and dance was held) at the Georgian Motor Hotel) in honor of Grover Gage's 20th anniversary with the Metropoli- tan Life Insurance Company. Among the guests present were the regional manager, Charles Tompkins and Mrs, Tompkins, Toronto; the agency manager, Elton Parker and Mrs, Parker, Barrie, Mr, Tompkins present- ed the service award cheque, and Edward Plewman present- ed Mr. Gage with his 20-year certificate and conveyed best wishes from the company. see eee Ross . oe presented a t on behalf o the staff ng Miss Rosamond Women's Department charge of booths are; bingo, Mrs, Harold Power; bake sale, Mrs, Ronald Gibbs; nearly new shop, Mrs, Max Coleman and Mrs, Hart Williams; draw, Mrs, Wiliam Edwards; grocery draw, Mrs, Augusta Deschee- maeker; sewing and knitting, Mre, Kenneth MoRse and Mrs, Canavan Kine: Bann deoe Mype Gordon Jubenville; religious articles, Mrs, Thomas Cullen; touch and take and white ele- phant, Mrs, Norman Fry; teen bar, Mrs, Joseph Cooper; candy, Mrs, Frank Moloney; children's booth, Mrs, Edwin MacDonald, The October meeting of the Pilot Club of Oshawa was held recently at Adelaide House, with the president Mrs, Walter Campbell, presiding. Miss Beth I dent and chairman of the mem- bership committee, was in charge of the program for the 45th anniversary of the found: ---- guest speaker for the evening was Thomas H, Jermyn, who chose as his subject 'Wills and Estates", followed by a lively question and answer period, Re- freshments were served by the committee in charge, af Tilat Tabanaatla. Wh oS 49uk atte ae The finance committee of the Oshawa Pilot Club held a meet- ing recently at the home of Mrs, Walter Campbell, Mary street, when plans were final. ized for the annual night of cards to be held at Hillsdale Manor, Mrs, Albert Barnes is general convener and Alderman Christine Thomas, an hohorary member, has consented to open the evening's entertainment Goblins Visit White Cross Centre "Goblins A-Go-Go" was the name given to the Hallowe'en party sponsored 'by the White Cross Centre Monday night. Members and - volunteers were entertained by the Til- bury Trio, a folk singing group from O'Neill Collegiate, trio, composed of Mike Astrop, John Switzer, and Nancy Wil- son, sang everything from "If I Had a Hammer" to "Where Have All the Flowers Gone"? C. § Harden, Park road south, Oshawa, climaxed the evening's entertainment with Comrie, office manager, pre- sented flowers to Mrs. Gage. Mra, T. Bernard Jones will convene the '"Treelights Bazaar", an annual event be- a magic show, Mr, Harden's amusing and mystifying bag of tricks included turning an egg into a live dove and changing white scarves into red, blue, and yellow ones, Both the Tilbury Trio and ing held by the Catholic Women's League, in St, Ma 4 Auditorium, Mrs. ar, which features @ nearly {of cider, ew shop. Mrs. James Seaver,|corn, members and volunteers in charge of the tea room, willjended the party with a splash ir, Harden kindly volunteered time and services for vening, After refreshments doughnuts, and "pop- The) ei 'Fabulous' Says Oshawa's hopes for the Miss |Ganada crown are centered in |Miss Martha Frankfurter, who {was crowned Miss Oshawa in ja contest sponsored by the Osh- awa Jaycees in September | All this week Martha has been a guest of the Miss Can- ada Pageant Productions at the Lord Simcoe Hotel along with 25 other area queens from coast to coast The girls are kept busy seven hours a day and enjoying every minute of it, Martha is sharing a room with 'Miss Hamilton' and their official chaperone is Mrs, Victoria Walker, There is ja chaperone for every two girls, Every day there has been a luncheon and dinner in one of Toronto's 'better known dining) rooms. An individual gown has| been designed for each of the contestants and time has been) allotted for fittings. Martha's! will be in a deep rose shade to! compliment her dark hair and) eyes. Professional help is boing provided for hair-styling | make-up and to assist the can- didates in their talent contest) serve refreshments, Others in'by gaily bobbing. for apples. and Lloyd Edwards is arrang:| ing and directing the music for| THE CUP THAT CHEERS IS ALWAYS IN FASHION Because the proceeds of the Oshawa_ Kinette's "Ladies' Night Out" next Wednesday night will be de- voted to t he Kinsmen's na- tional centennial project, an institute of mental retarda- tion in Toronto, the com- mittee decided to introduce an air of 1867 into their parade of 1947 fashions. Left in blueschiffon of the early 1920's, is co-chairman Mrs, Boris Melch; in turn-of-the- century ensembles are Mrs. Stephen Hawkey, chair- man; Mrs. Lioyd Pigden, president and Mrs, Peter (Women THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 4, 1966 13 Saturday Bride, Honored at Pre Sharon Crowells Miss Sharon Anne Crowells, whose marriage takes place to- morrow to Charles A. Barron, has been entertained at sev- eral showers, MARTHA FRANKFURTE R Miss Oshawa Preparing To Be Miss Canada | | Teenager Traps Herself With Chocolate Ice Cream background and accompani ments, Rehearsals have al-| ready started for the telecast in color over CFTV on Monday night from 9:30 to 11:00 p,m, With such a tight schedule, | there is no sleeping-in, The girls are up at 7:30 a.m, and) around 11:00 p.m, they gather to relax with a light snack then} retire with happy anticipation of the next day's surprises "I'm 'having the most fabu lous time | shall ever have," Martha telephoned her mother, Mrs. Frank: Frankfurter, yes:| terday, "The girls are wonder- ful and it's al! marvellous," The girls have been divided into two groups, Red Roses and) Pink Roses and the judging will start at 2:00 p.m, tomorrow and continue all day, The names of the five finalists will not be released until the final judging on Monday night when all the contestants will appear on the television show, The studio audience will be made up of the contestants' parents, all of whem have re- ceived special invitations, The invitations have had te be lim- ited due to the capacity of the auditorium, Judges who have the respon- {I am quite active, I seldom eat }to this time, Mrs, Lloyd Somerville, Brook- lin, opened her home for a miscellaneous shower attend. ed by friends and relatives of the prospective bridegroom's family, Mrs, Harry Pretty, assisted hv hear twa daughters. Susan and Inez, held a kitchen show- er at her Colborne street home attended by friends of the bride-to-be, Co-workers of the bride-elect sibility of selecting Miss Can- ada 1967 are Pat Gwyer, fash- ion consultant for McCall's pat: terns; Serrell Hillman, Time Magazine bureau chief; Blanche Lund, dancer and choreographer; John Pratt,| producer of entertainment for) Expo '67; Sylvia Murphy, tele-| vision song stylist; Sydney) Perlmutter, director of radio} and television arts, Ryerson! Polytechnical Institute, and| Clyde Batten, national publicity co-ordinator of the Centennial Commission, | KEEP IN TRIM By IDA JEAN KAIN "IT am four-fooell, 16 years old and have a small frame, more than 1,000 calories a day; 1,200 a day is feasting for me But that makes me heavy and bloated, "Chocolate-chip ice cream is my downfall, My little brothers and sisters love it and it is al ways here, Twice or so a month | eat about eight cups at one sitting, Then I have to diet terribly, I've tried to analyse this for. some psychological problem, but I can see none, I really believe that it's just that I love the taste of chocolate- chip ice cream. What do you think?" I think that perhaps it's easy you are short, For this reason, it is all the more important for you to swing into good food tabits. You can lose weight on 1,200 calories a day, provided they are. divided into three meals and the essential nutri- ents are included Are you over. wating on the wrong foods and tkimping on the foods which keep you properly nourished? This leads to malnutrition and overweight, One other thing. I favor choc- olate-chip ice cream sprees co- incide with a certain time of month, this can be influenced by pre-menstrual tension, at which times you repeat for you to gain weight because |™ your | Na tial Daabian " Mpudu Paes iGS in the Parts and Service De- partment of General Motors held-a supper party at the South End Grill, where Misa Crowells received many gifts, Mrs. Leslie Cole, assisted by Mrs, Douglas Turner and Mrs, Earl Smith opened her home on Oakes avenue for a miscel: laneous shower attended by neighbors of the future bride Mve Harry Cauah Couvtioa opened her home for a miscel- laneous shower held by Mra, Harold Parsons who waa assist: ed by the bridesmaids, Mra. William Morrison. Kee. watin street, assisted by her mother, Mrs, David Spiers and her sister, Mrs, Bruce Mar: shall, held a miscellaneous shower for relatives and friends of the bride-to-be, Bridesmaids Karen Crowells, Sandy Barron, Brenda Norris and Joanne Parsons, held a} linen shower at the home of Mrs, Fred Bidgood, After the rehearsal, the bridal party will be entertain: ed at the home of the pros- pective bridegroom, with his) mother, Mrs, C, A, Barron, al the hostess, quired to surrender: his property until the ag trie of the appraised value. jand Mrs, Irwin Maltby, Laurel, CET Oe Eee Women's Institute Asks Consideration For Owner's Rights TORONTO (CP)-The Central Ontario Area Women's Ineti- tutes Thursday urged greater consideration be given to rights of owners in expropriation pro- cedures, A resolution passed at the group's 64th convention asks the Ontario government to ensure that owners be given at lenast one vear's notice and that muh. lic hearings ha held ta show proof of need, It asks. that no owner be re- body has paid him at least & per cent The women want expropriat: ing bodies to pay all legal ex- penses incurred, and establish: ment of a single provincial ex- ropriation agency to standard. ize procedures and make com: pensation rates more satisfac. tory, Another resolution called an the federal and provincial gov- ernments to insist on more re- search into the auto safety and installation of the newest safety devices in all new cars, it Was Aino Gecided to ask the department of education to en- act a bylaw requiring all high school boards be elected in: stead of appointed, Mrs, John Hermansen of sub urban Weston was elected area president succeeding Mrs, Mau rice Jones of Glencairn, Mrs, George Dixon, Brampton were elected vice + presidents and Mrs, Roy Westlake, Bramp- ton, secretary-treasurer, | rte ve ned | RECOMMEND FREE TRADE EDINBURGH, Scotland (Reu- ters)~A joint meeting of Cana: dian and British national com- mittees of the Commonwealth Chambers of Commerce Feder- ation has recommended an in- vestigation into freeing trade harriers between the countries, A statement Tuesday after talks at the two-day joint meeting the compulsion will wane, You won't feel deprived when others eat it, I cannot overestimate how important it is for you to get with good food habits! This will help you all the rest of your life, Eat breakfast, including an egg or a whole-grain cereal, a slice of toast and fruit or juice. Have a balanced lunch, with one modest serving of every: thing, and a glass of skim milk or a plece of fruit, At dinner, eat one serving of all good food, but no seconds, Skip dessert, Take some shapeups to tone the big muscles and you'll have a honey of a figure, It's a magic moment when you decide that you're just the girl who can do it! HOUSEHOLD HINT For a flavorful switch, add a teaspoon of curry to the water in which you cook rice, said it would recommend the investigation to both national jcommittees, | WORLD OF | AWAITS YOU HERE! Removes superfluous hair per: manently and painlessly by | ELECTROLYSIS The Kree Imperial now installed for your convenience, Over 15 Years Experience MARIE | MURDUFF Wit be in Oshawe et the Gonoshe Hote! Nov, 7, 8, 9 PHONE 723.4641 habit pattern, and go on an ice- cream binge, PROBLEM IS PHYSICAL } This is not a psychological problem, but a physical one, The best way to counteract the tension buildup is with physical exercise, Go out for a hike, arrange for dancing classes, or take some form of enjoyable exercise, Just knowing the prob- able cause of the overeating sprees can give you perspec: tive, Talk this over with your doctor, He may suggest that you cut way down on salt prior On the psychology score, know that the ice cream Is al ways there . . . and that you can have it if you want it, Reason it through and you will see the spree is no favor to | Address by G, L, ROBERTS, R. S, MeLAUGHLIN Collegiate Vocational Institute Announces THEIR FOURTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES | Saturday, Nov. Sth - 8 P.M. . Supt, of Secondary Schools yourself, When you convince yourself that your fun isn't in stuffing on ice cream, and that you really want a neat figure, "LIFE-LINE" 728-2111 Melch, refreshment conven- er. Mrs, Max Sanders, decorations chairman, right, wears a headed dress of the early '30's MOTOR CITY BATON TWIRLING CONTEST director Irene Harvey SAT., NOV. 5 9 am, te 5 p.m, et O'NEILL COLLEGIATE COME AND SEE THE ALL. ONTARIO TWIRLERS IN ACTION Adults 40¢ Children 35¢ Oshawa Times Phote & Fashions since 1867 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | ; a "of OF course you may charge tt G00D NEWS! ABOUT TOWN Hunters who like to seek their sport in virgin ereas, inaccessible by cor, can reach their destinations by way of the "amphibian", Wheiner ionging on open fieid or woierway, youve gor tte plane, vere, equipped tor ertner, nnd wilh @ fliceheed prior te guide your way, you're all set for a week-end holiday thot's filled with adventure, That's why sportsmen, with the. true spirit of daring, come to RON POULTER at the Oshawa Airport when they want to try the new and untamed territories for their wild gome hunt, He will be glod to arrange @ flight, with pilot, to ony part of the continent, for groups or two or more, So visit the Oshawa Airport and make arrangements now for your ane ticipated gir journey, Or call 728-6135. * * * On a quiet street in suburban Whitby stands a 'homey'! 3 bed- room bunaclow of brick and stone, with attached aarane: The attractively landscaped frontage has hedge border, while at the rear a large patio, with fish pond and shade trees, is surrounded by high, basket-weave fencing, to insure complete privacy, The immaculate, well-laid-out Interior includes @ spacious living room with raised stone fireplace ond picture window, In the be ane ree an mohaccn : : is cobble 2 copper Nling, and a cupboard-bar separates adjoining dini room, Plush broadloom, drapery tracks, and Venetien bliin remoin with purchase, Contact OLIVE MOWE REAL ESTATE, 515 Brock St, S., Whitby, or eall 668-5853, a * * When last | visited the OSHAWA FURRIERS, 463 Bond St, E,, Oshawa, | especially noticed the full length silver-grey Persian Lamb coats, Some were collared in black Mink and some in white, the contrast of which was striking Indeed, And the red> blonds to deep red-browns of Russion Kolinsky, in elegont atoles and jackets, would make you completely lovely on an evening to the Opera or Ballet. Stop in soon and view their wide selection for yourself, Then try one on, You will feel you ore sinking into @ furry cloud of complete weightlessness se these new coats are not of the stiff, cumbersome variety they once were, but ey! soft and comfortable to weor for any eecasion, Phone 728-8322, * & a Remember hearing about great-grandmother's kitchen around the turn of the century .. . with the old wood stove, one big sink with not a drainboard In sight, and one ark of a cupboard serving complete storage duty? How different with today's vast improvements! With such construction experts os the R, H. CABINET COMPANY, Charles St., Port Whitby, we con now enjoy modern kitchens with cupboards beautifully finished in wood or vinyl in any style or color desired, So if your kitchen ie out-dated, the R, MH, CABINET COMPANY will build your made-to-measure cabinets in their factory, deliver and instoll them, ready for use, without the mess and inconvenience of corpenters under foot in your home, Phone 668-6911, * * * CLINT'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION at 245 Wentworth St., south Oshawa, has everything om need to keep your cor run- ning smoothly and efficiently, Besides the regular 'Fire Chief'* asoline for most 6-cylinder motors, there ie the high-test "Sky ef' that proves great for the V8s, The reguler motor oll and the heavy-duty "Havoline" come in Grodes 10 to 40, for hot and cold weather respectively, And the 10W30 combination ia for general year round use, Ask CLINT about the type best suited for your car next time you get an oll change, And for these of you who beppen to hous set Ot aera: it would poy to invest in the 2-gallon tina ef Valor Motor Ol] inexpensively priced et $2.79, Phone 728.5811, * IGAR STORE in downtown Whitby, next for smokes, or most anything else the late fell hunting season, of rifles, guns, gun cases, and amuri= ineculars, composses, knives, ete, And for the swing till the snow flies, you will find golf A --_ bags, Rey gar with gee coming, now's time to select your gi rom among large assort+ ment of home appliences and various games and toys, And, of course, where but SHORTY'S could you find ¢ lorger ment of popular brand emokes? Phone 668-8361. * * * * Hf your taste runs to the exotic, and you ere looking for o new dining room furniture, BETTY HAYDL, 15 King E,, Oshowe, has a beauty of on Oriental suite in chareoal-brown oak, The chairs have tall, tepered backs with cone-woven centre panels ond upholstered seats of vibrant peacock blue, The rich finish of the matching teble and slim buffet hos a rore beauty os @ result of the new open-pore treatment which bares the grain. This set would blend well with other contemporary furnishi in your home, and is just one among many beoutiful dining, bed room, end living room suites with thet certoin flair to set your home apart from the ordinary, Phone 725-2686 * * * For the past ten yeors, ever since the Oshawa Shopping Centre came inte being, the BEAUTY CLINIC MAIR STYLE have been serving you, the women of Oshawa end vicinity, in all your beauty needs, And recently, since additional hair pieces ond wigs have become so much in vogue, they have expanded to include the 'Wig Room' purposely for. fitting, styling and servicing them, Their Salon is also in the process of being refurnished and redecorated to give it a smart new look, together with the installation of the latest equipment. With or without en appoint> ment they will try to fit you into their schedule ot @ moments notice, But, to be sure, call ahead 728-4623, * * ¥ A word ebout PEL'S! Modern mothers are smart about bringing up baby, She soves time and the ery of washing dozens o' diapers every week by using PEL'S PER SERVICE. PEL picks up ond delivers twice weekly, His scientific method of washing and sterilizing insures hospite! cleanliness and safety. Each diaper is numbered, too, so that your baby receives his very own every me, So be smort and take advantage of this fine, help- ful service and call 668-4671 before your next washday, Also try PERS rapid DRY CLEANING and LAUNDROMAT, ali cen- tred in one convenient location at the Bloir Park Plaza, Whitby. * * * Though the Romblers for "67 have much to admire in looks, the built-in safety features are noteworthy, for that feeling of security when on the road, First of all, both front ond back are provided with sorety- belts. Bur tor sudden SiGpa, Se re forgotten and little ones are thrown forward, the blow is softened by padded dosh and sun visor, and the instrument panel recessed eut of harm's way, the driver, non-glore window wipers have been installed, And the double braking system means front and back brakes work independently, so if one should fail there's always the other to rely on, Many other excellent ppt | be learned by visiting your Rambler dealer, NICOLS SALES, on Highway 2 between. Whitby end Oshawa, Phone 668.333), * * * If your home calls for something new in laundry equipment, three of the famous big names---Kelvinator, McClary, ond G.E.--are represented at the ROGER APPLIANCES & FURNI- TURE STORE, 50 Bond E., Oshowo, Their husky washer ond dryer twins are great aids on those ineviteble wash days, especially with young children in the family. Just sort your soiled clothing, tumble them into the suds where they get thorough woshing and rinsing several times. Then trensfer to dryer to complete the job all ready to fold and iron, So come in to ROGER'S and look over their modern applionces, You will be glad you did becouse "his prices are rio' for your budget, the lowest in town, Phone 728-2151, * * * To the man of the house | moke this suggestion! Treat your wife this Sunday (or any other day, for that. matter) to dinner at the lovely CAROUSEL INN off 401 at Stevenson's Re, Oshewa, She can dine with you in splendor, away from the usuel rounds of meal making ond monotonous kitchen chores. She'll enjoy the lovely "Centennial Room" with its mist green wolls and pert blue end green furnishings. Cocktails ore served if desired, and menus of fish, meat or poultry provide a delect- able choice, with luscious desserts and fragrant coffee to tep your meal, The dining room is open Sundays from 8 am, to 8 p.m, end weekdoye 7 @.m, to 9 p.m, Phone 723.5271,