12. THE OSHAWA, TIMES, Friday, November 4, 1966 or ANN LANDERS How Can One Woman Be So Easily Deceived? woman who one bevel ': sneaky husbal prompts this, my first commu: nication to a newspaper. . 8 1 weeks my hus- dent coed me if Pouud mind if a business By ond ioe r a n our ope week tp save expenses," 1 cannot describe my aston eg bsg I ees 8! ass " ng and the only business thev had together was monkey| Mim {her business, For five days she sat around our house in her filmy negligee, filing her, fingernails, smoking civarettes and reading trashy magazines. My husband took her to a "sles meeting" every night. They never got home before § a.m, Finally I asked her what con- nection she had with my hus- band's firm and she told me she had no connection, but that she used their products once in a while. Then 1 asked what she was doing in town and she said) she had always wanted to visit Cincinnati What do you think of this for gall?---Anonymous Please Dear An: I think her gall is exceeded only by your stupid- ity, If it took you five days to ask a guest in your home what ~-ehe was doing in town, you are pretty slow on the uptake, lady. Dear Ann Landers; I am a 1f-year-old girl who wants to know how much loyalty a per- son owed a friend, My closest girl friend (1 will fake the name and call her Inez) asked me to spend Friday and Saturday night with her be- eause her parents were goin, to the Cape for the weekend, My parents have always liked Inez and agreed that it would be OK, De te eo m weeks ago, After date (we went to a movie to eat) Inez asked il ont hart lis! ' 5 tho lea and told her that I was ing to sleep ad to say door. Tene Ane Tandern: (Tha mites int i sian fa and just the and th goodnight at the # | Canadian Press e and that my date} | Well, to make a long ome 4 , stayed) | , Ines' friend nigh me When Goonveres more nights w: not on good terms ' My mother asked why I looked so unhappy when Y got home and I told her ines ang had had an argument, Mom accused me of being "hard to et along with' and suggested that I improve my disposition. if I had told mom the truth Inez would have been in plenty of trouble, As it is I am the one who looks bad, How much ry do I owe her?--Vietim- Dear Vie; This is not a mat- ter of loyalty, it's a matter of integrity. A person. of good character does not rat fink, and you proved that you are a per- son of character, So-------an or- ehid to you, doll, and a bouquet of skunk cabbage to Inez. Confidential To Where Did 1 Fail; You made the all-too- common mistake of grabbing bargain-counter pleasure when you should have waited for a meaningful relationship to de- velop, Most of man's unhappi- ness results from having made the wrong choice. And this was your undoing. Confidential Te A Friend Who Got No Thanks; I don't call it friendship when you lend mone at 25 per cent interest. Obvi- Friday evening we double dated, I went with a fellow I've ously you would rather eat well than sleep well, CHILD GUIDANCE Overweight School Children Are Tormented By Others By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD jdoctor, While it would be s0 Children of school age who|much better if your daughter ) |positive aspects 4 |co-operation ami SWAGGER COAT Ready for duty at aii times in all climes, this 'military-inspired" Ameri» can-made traveler has all the zing and trim of an officer's coat tailored in weatherproofed worsted ga- bardine, Its trim lines are highlighted by gold nautical buttons on the epaulettes, cuffs and the double- breasted closing, In guards: man red, white, beige and a it comes in sizes 6 to 4, By Tracy Adrian smell success is at a gathering of Study Shows Sales Increase In Men's Toiletries): OTTAWA (CP) - Canadian miraih she ort selves Ww ,000,000 worth o scented energies, toiletries last year, says an article in the Imperial] tne Oil Review, And the 260 kinds of cologne and 166 lotions available today offer twice the variety on the market two years ago. Best places to sniff the sweet the cosmetic industry's young executives or on @ col- lege campus, It ie the young swinger who is leading the del- leately scented pack, manufac: turers say, and he's doing it because of his girl friend, "Women like a nice grance," says one advertisin manager. 'They buy it, give it to men, and men, being what they are, decide that if their ee like it they'd better wear are overweight are handi-|would regulate her diet without capped, his help, she clearly has not They may not compete well|done 80, in sports. They are constantly] Perhaps you talk too much reminded of their overweight by| about her weight and her eat- the names other children applyjing without finding Me to to them. A mother writes of her |regulate her food intake. If you overweight daughter, 10; have the resources, be decisive "Our problem is he close ratings but those in the and Atlantic region are said to} But the impetus for her new r woeight.|in forbidding her to eat ex: +F She cannot exercise on control|cessively, especially of fatten- about eating, If allowed to, shejing foods and eating between can eat without exaggeration) meals. five meals a day plus snacks.| By holding her to a budgeted My husband's family and my/allowance you might limit her husband are all inclined to consumption of sweets she can overweight, Their battle with/buy, the scale is never ceasing. Most parents of overweight "She is our oldest child.jchildren don't use the resources There are three boys---ages 8,/t! have in regulating their 5 and 3. She is bright, does well |diet. Some parents almost ty- in school, very good-natured, |rannical are highly successful in maternally concerned with thejthese directions. The younger younger children, helpful in the|the child is the more easy it house, doesn't shirk her jobs, isjis to get going a wholesome conscientious in her homework.| pattern for preventing excessive "The boy, 8 and she get|weight in him then and when along fairly well. There is some|he will be 9, 14, or 40. Usual sibling conflict at times but this| overweight does not come sud- is minimal, The boy, however,|denly but grows out of eating will abuse her if he thinks nojhabits practised from early - can oe him a her| childhood, 'Fatso' or 'Tubby,' (Unfortu- nately, he has picked this up| ANSWERING QUESTIONS from schoolmates that have also|, @- What punishment is good for curing a child of jealousy? r thes 5 stuadgalbasapeplyncaengs A. None 1 can think of. Nearly | CONSULTED DOCTOR jalways the child suffering from "About a year ago we took) jealousy gets more rebuke and her to a doctor for a diet regi- | punishment than the child he is | men and mild pills to assist her | jealous of. The best "medicine" in cutting down. She did well/for jealousy is more love and and within three months was! understanding, more building up discharged by the doctor, of the jealous child to make him "However, now three more|feel he stands as well in the months have gone by and she|family and ig as worthy as oth- has not only gained what she/ers there, lost, but gained plus. She now is again unhappy about her MUST MOVE TO WED weight and wants to go back to the doctor, While she went te the dector she followed senal- Nis antine sate as she stopped, she again went "If I admonished her or pointed out the foolishness of this, she would sneak the food. I, therefore, stopped being so strict about what she could eat. "My concern at this point is, T think she has come to think of the doctor as a crutch, that she can eat all she wants today, tomorrow can go back to the doctor and get thinner. Since | feel this a poor answer, I am seeking your help in finding a more reasonable answer, be- cause she is not happy when she is overweight." RESUME DOCTOR My reply in part: Since your daughter improves so much in controlling her weight when she was working with the doctor, I suggest you But &S scum! resume this program with the BIRMINGHAM, England (CP)--This Midlands city is be-/i coming Engiand's Greina Gree ioe india aaa Panissar gaged couples living in Scot: land. No Sikh, Mosiem or Hindu | temples are licensed for mar riages in Scotland and Birming: ham is the nearest availably place. A curtain rod in the bottom of cafe or tier curtains will keep them from blowing, make them hang straight. Weis: .. i A Quebec men lead oll of North America in their enthusias- |trates too single-mindedly tle acceptance of scents, magazine reports, Ontario ™ 8 behind in cross-Canada 'est moving into the field with tion, Prizes Include... The New CAMARO Ontario Motor Sales 2, 7 day vacations i Women's Organization Stresses Need Of International Unity By JEAN SHARP Women's Editor TORONTO (CP)--Helen Tuck er's activities have aroused suspicion, attracted ridicule and drawn praise. Bhe is aware of all three re- actions and is unshaken in her conviction that it is sensible and sarthahila tn hao atelvap for ace and to organize women help her. ' Mrs, Tucker is best known as one of the founders and first president of the Voice of Women, She is no longer connected with that organization because she feels its approach is too nerrow, But she now is starting a new group emphasizing of international women. Mrs. Tucker js tall, fashion, abie, almost elegant in ner dress, She is charming with a cheerful laugh and pancreas as the onl a life, she doesn't thump tables or lock eyeballs, She is articu, late and perhaps a little sad that not everyon cepts the logie of her argu 5. MUST CO-OPERATE "We must beat this prejudice ame if it is possible, These feelings seem to be such need- 09 barriers to the richness of e, "The law of co + operation means survival. No unit ever operated alone. 'Tt is not scientifically sound that you progress by conflict, There is creative tension, of course, but you only ay a job done when people want to do it, Then they put their backs into "War as a way of settling dif ferences is non - productive, There are positive and + relaxation and ten- 'ou must arrive at nt where you know when tension is harmful, The mob, the riot is never productive, 'The capacity to see the beauty and the glory of the world around you is a matter of choice, There is a choice of will-you can see what there is to build on or you can see what there is to destroy you, 'Hither you see something of common humanity in other peo ple or you don't, UN has to go on basis," sion, But fra:| WOMEN WASTED Mrs, Tucker says she be- lieves women are among the world's wasted resources and that by active involvement they can increase chances for peace, She says she is no longer with the VoW because it now concen: on protest to governments, She considers it was founded both to protest and to take part in positive international activities, p came indirectly from the oW, In 1960, while she was to HONOLULU via' CANADIAN PACIFIC AIRLINES :, winter vaeatians for 2 to the BAY MOTOR INN and SKI VILLAGE ELECTROHOME French Designer's Rocks Pakistan CHI (Reuters) -- The mini-skirt, Pakistan-style, has arrived with a supersonic bang and Pakistanis are reeling un- der the impact. Alr hostesses of this Islamic country's state-owned Pakistan International Airlines have been given a new uniform firalans maifram tha drawing hoard of ine HELEN TUCKER ' aia all coun a geaun Aavalanad pea mewateteatey Fe PMMpt MT eater he - = re he idea that there should be an international co-operation year. After much effort, the idea was presented to the late Pandit Nehru who proposed it to the United Nations, The UN desig- nated 1965 International Co-op- eration Year, Mrs, Tucker was chairman of the international women's committee that organ- ised conferences and projects. Her new Women's . Interna: tional Co-operation Committee of Canada is using the ICY motto, 'peace and progress through co-operation," EXCHANGE KNOWLEDGE Broadly the idea is to keep up the personal and organiza- tional contacts and the momen- tum of ICY and set up a talent pool and a clearing house of in- formation, Mrs, Tucker says there is often waste in women's groups because there are not enough channels for exchanging skills, knowledge and needs, "We must complete a circuit of knowledge and action, We are not. using women's power to think and express them- selves," Mrs, Tucker was born in Texas and attended the Univer- sity of Michigan, An exchange professor from the Philippines encouraged her interest in in- ternational groups, When she graduated she went to France as an exchange student, She and r Scottish-born husband, William D. Tucker, came to Canada in 1939, He is a custom furniture designer. They have a son and daughter and two grandchildren, Mrs, Tucker says much of the TOOTHACHE Ret tet tov with ORNIEL. pens: Sort near to eop rebing pel. Yat v0 sete Recommended by many doctors eommmana it for teething, 89¢ ORA-JEL toothaches WINNING TICKET FOR 2 TO HONOLULU 50816 wellknown Waris tashion . de signer, Pierre Cardin. And Cardin has attacked, though not routed) Moslem modesty with revolutionary lines > 9 the West's fashion strong. He has not violated any part of Islam's rigid requirement that women should be covered from the ankle ~ But his skil- ful adaptation of tradition to the is age has set tongues wagging wonder, i pia "It 18 a8 much part of the jet age as of 5,000 years of Pa- istan tradition," the airline de- clares proudly. HELD COMPETITION It all began several months ago when the airline held a pub- lic competition in Karachi with a view to bringing the girls' outfits up to date. Cardin was present, and had only lukewarm comments for even the best de- signs, y were all close varia- tions on the old green-and. white uniform consisting of knee-length, shift - type (the traditional Pakistan! 'ka. mees"),. "ohalwar" (trousers money that finances her efforts comes from her husband and from her own work aa a special lecturer in speech communica: tlons at the University of Tor- onto, ""Moatly ry husband is sym: patnetie and interested and will ing to su me, but he is not active in the same kind of work, We are ideally matched to prove a point. We have a great re- spect for one another's skills, but feel appreciation, not com- petition," that bag above the knee and taper to hide the ankles), and a Hostess Uniform |». of Pakistan, surveying museums and all the country's regional| COVER dress variations, Cardin pro duced his own design, retaining modernizing it, hostesses' knees and ankles stay|hidden, and so are the walst, out of sight beneath a modified |the hips and the arms." : perry egies wy med yp oe On top of the kamees goes a- , now i are straight and narrow. rv te pao ate uy The winter uniform is aage- green, while the summer ver sion ie fawn, i PRESSES HARK BACK The Wolof tribeswomen of Gambia: "yey 4 Piso or seats 'Whe ts '* 10th leantyre Wrance, After a two-week study tour HEADS The final touch, perfectly in keeping with Pakistani tradi. tion, is the addition of a stole, or "dupatta," which the. hi tesses will wear to, cover their heads and shoulders outside the aircraft, "The new uniform is whole somely sexual." wrote one eommentater, 'The hosam ts the basic qualities of an ancient fashion while at the same time The kamees is slackened and shortened into what one woman fashion writer deseribed a "very wall.out. callariese mini-akirt." But minievint a= --6 sha otp with Canada Savings Bonds Centennial Series the more you browse through our campus collection the more new ideas youll find to like! table TV PARKWAY TELEVISION $1,540 in MERCHANDISE VOUCHERS hel from Entry coup ' identified with "Win @ Prize" banners. HERE ARE LAST WEEK'S WINNING ENTRY COUPON NUMBERS 'AND SAVINGS CORPORATION, OR HOLDERS OF WINNING STUBS MUST CLAIM AWARDS BY NOV, 4th, 1966 AT THE CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, 1ST PRIZE $50.00 -- 320321 7TH PRIZE $5.00 -- 255213 AND PRIZE $25.00 -- 8736 SRD PRIZE $10.00 -- STH PRIZE $5.00 -- 113254 426269 OTH PRIZE $5.00 -- 192744 FREE GROUP THERAPY Five Day Plan To Stop Smoking TO BE HELD AT THE YWCA -- 199 CENTRE ST, Nov. 7th. to aH PRIZE $10.00 -- 397133 STH PRIZE $10.00 -- 426789 6TH PRIZE $5.00 -- TOTH PRIZE $5.00 -- TITH PRIZE $5.00 -- 248731 ~~ 442042 196120 J2TH PRIZE $5.00 -- 35072 ie entry may be TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION. et NATIONAL TRUST CO, LYD. end et CENTRAL ONTARIO Ipe NTOWN DOWNTOWN 36 King St. &. Open Friday Till 9 How about a change of pace that can change your out look for the better? Take a few minutes to stop in and just look around in our Campus Collection. Take your time . . . ask questions . . . perhaps try on something that attracts you, You'll see the most of the newest. You'll leave with the highest spirits . . . and very likely with the handsomest new wardrobe you've ever owned, @ 2 LOCATIONS e OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Thursday and Friday Till 9 ee Thos, asssseees Turtle Neck T-Shirts "Poor Boys" Sweaters .... from Long Sleeve Sport Shirts... from Brand Nome White Dress Shirts from Paisley Shirts ....0046 aves from Sports, Jockets, Corduroys and worsteds ..s. "Never Press" Pants ...00 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT @ No Corrying Charges @ No Interest