setemiiatemenera eT WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Hair Styling Display Draws Large Crowd imatead of {ts regular month- ly meeting St. John the Evan- none CWL entertained mem- vs and their friends with a @emionsiraiies of hair tinting, styling and the showing of wigs and hair pieces. Mrs, William Simpson intro- duced Frank, of Fair Lady Beauty Lounge, Whitby, and members of his staff, Linda and Jill, also color technician, Miss Ruth, Toronto. - While models were having their hair styled, the large attendance showed its interest in good grooming with ques- tions asked regarding tinting, problem hair, brush back-comb- dng, hair cuts, etc., direcied to Miss Ruth and the stylists. . "The models were: Mrs. Mary Delomont, Miss Helen _ Seio, Miss Tes Bryant, Mrs, Eleanor Colwell, Miss Shirley Cousins, Miss Marion Vella, Mrs, Joan Church and Miss Elaine Howard, Mrs. Simpson, on behalf of the CWL, thanked Frank, the members of his staff and the technician, Miss Ruth, for mak- ing the evening a profitable and enjoyable one. UCW Unit Presents An interesting and well acted, akit on the problems of a young married couple and a wayward 16-year-old foster boy, all living in the Far North, was present- ed by Unit 10 at the November) general meeting of St, Mark's United Church Women, Mrs. Ralph Crawford, Mrs, R. H. Daniel and Mrs. Ed McKim acted their parts in a most con- vincing manner and then three discussion groups were formed under the leadership of Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, Mrs. S. G. Ireland and Mrs. J. K. Bowes, to dis-) cuss the points brought out in} the skit. | Mrs. M. A. Price presided at) the meeting and drew attention) to the Church Anniversary serv-| WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. Reta Barnes, whose marriage takes place in the near future, was honored at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Kelvin Powell, 837 Dundas Street West, Whit- by. Over 50 co-workers of On- tario Hospital Whitby and close friends were present to offer Mrs, Barnes their best wishes for her future happiness and to oe her with many beautiful gifts. At the close of a very pleasant evening, deli- cious refreshments were served by Mrs. Kelvin Powell and Mra, Reginald Willett. Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Hartletb, Belleville, are spending a week at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hartleib, 603 Maria Street. 'The Salvation Army Women's This was followed by a short business session chaired by the president, Mrs. H/ C. Munro, who mentioned that the com- munition breakfast will be held Nov. 6 at Georgian Mote Hotel, following the 9 a.m. Mass. Members wishing to at- tend are asked to contact Mrs. William O'Brien, 668-5028. Mrs. D. Sullivan reported on the most successful bazaar and tea held last Saturday when approximately $840 was raised from this annual event. Thanks were expressed to co-conveners Mrs, H. C. Munro, Mrs. E. W. Waring and Mrs, William Goverde. Plans were made for the dance on Dec. 3 to be neid ai St. John the Evangelist parish hall. with co-conveners, Mrs. Robert Mackey anu Mis. James McCarroll. The Dec. 6 meeting will be in the form of a _ Christmas party and pot luck supper in charge of Mrs, Paul Kaiser and Mrs. Desmond Newman, En- tertainment will be provided by members. Tea hostesses were: Mrs. MOCK INQUEST PART Or CORONERS' Building in Whitby. The inquest was part of an edu- _ cational course, including lectures by ductors, law- yers and police officials, being held in Toronto this week. Dr. B. D, Cotnam, Eighty Ontario physi- cians, being initiated for their role as Ontario coron- ers, attended a mock in- quest, Welnesday after- noon, at the Ontario County David Jack and Mrs, Fred Parrott, Interesting Skit ices to be held Nov. 13 with the Rev. James Roy Hord speaking at the morning serv- ice and the special youth folk service in the evening. Plans are well underway for the Anniversary dinner, Nov. 15, hot turkey and all the trim- mings. First sitting at 4.45 p.m. and the second at 6.30 p.m. Tickets available from mem-) bers or Mrs. G. P, Cox, ticket] convener. | Mrs, Percy Pascoe and Mrs. J. R. Ward of Unit 3, led in a very fine worship service pre- ceding the skit. Meeting closed with the chor- al benediction and all remained | for a social half hour with Unit 1 and 2 as hostesses. Christmas tea and sale of goods Nov. § from 2:30 till 5 p.m. Mrs. Brigadier Wilfred Hawkes, Belleville will official- ly open the event. Lieutenant Mrs. Charles Eyre will be in charge, assisted by members of her committee, puters the concept of '"'how" the number system works is Gephard Heiler, of Germany, |important; Area Teachers Study Demands Of Society BROOKLIN (Staff) --- What will the demands be of the citi- zens of tomorrow's society? The teachers of the Inspector- ate of Ontario County No. 2 and 4 have some of the answers to this key question, | Three speakers; . Professor Elliott of the Ontario College of Education, Toronto; J. K. Crossley and J. Ross, of Edu- cational Television, contributed much to the teachers' solutions of coping with the problems of} modern education, | Professor. Elliott concluded that the vast new technological revolution is exerting and will continue to exert greater de- mands on the teacher. In her own field of social studies, the key answer is to set up rela- tionships for the pupils connect- ed with all areas of study. The same theme of relation- ships are stressed by Mr. Crossley in his field of mathe- matics. In the age of com- but the operator must feed in the correct information. Mr. Ross outlined briefly the role of television in the class- room, and also the general pub- lic itself. He said that tele- vision cannot replace the teach- er in the classroom, but can be of great assistance in the teaching program if properly used, Following the morning ses- sion of Meadowcrest School, dinner was served in the Chris- tian Education Building of Brooklin United Church. Mrs. G. Hastings, accompanied by Mrs, D. Forder, led a sing- song. The executive, headed by Mrs. D. Aldread, with S. Lane as secretary - treasurer was aided by the inspectors, P. F. |Wiseman and J, C, McClelland, STICKS WITH BOSS June Taylor has been the choreographer of the Jackie Gleason show for 15 years with- that is, the com-jout a break, creating 1,300 home of Mr. and Mrs, Aslaf Heiler, Mrs. Martha Hewis, Centre Street South, with her house guest, Mrs. John Campbell, London, Ont., exchanged visits recently. Mrs, James McMaster, Port Perry, spent few days visiting at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Hill, 305 Victoria Street, Home League is holding its Port Whitby. SKATING CLUB BALL CONVENERS WHITBY FIGURE SKAT- ING Club is sponsoring its annual ball,Nov. 19, at St. te mi hall, from § to midr . Metro sound will provide . dance music and entertain- ment. Co-conveners are: Mrs. Howard Mundy (left) | Whitby Duplicate : . Bridge Winners WHITBY -- The winners and high scores in the games play- ed by the members of the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club were: . North and South -- Mrs Irwin and Mrs. E. Bowman, 178; Mrs. K. Hunter and Mrs. D. MacGillivary, 158; Mrs. P. Spratt and Mrs. D. Wilson, 155; Mrs. H. Welsh and Mrs. C. Left Hand Turns Rre Not Illegal WHITBY (Staff) -- An unfor- tunate error occurred in Wed- nesday's issue, in the story dealing with the work done by the Whitby detachment of the OPP during the past month The error occurred in that part of the story dealing with the "Singing Median" on Highway 2 between Oshawa and Whitby The story should have read as follows "This median is not designed to prevent motorists from mak ing legal left turns across a median into or from private or business properties." v P,| was a recent visitor at the|/puter answers the questions,/routines. Evening Programs 7: & 8:50 Last Complete Show at 8:50 "Film & Making at its Marvelous Best! i: Genuinely Entertaining!" BROCK WHITBY LIFE RO. TECHNICOLOR®/ PANAVISION® A UNIVERSAL RELEASE PLUS MUSICAL & CARTOON -- ALL COLOR PROGRAM -- SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 CLEARANCE SALE! Cosmetics & Patent Medicines Greeting Cards 50% OFF ! FRI. SAT. & SUN. WORFOLK PHARMACY Blair Pork Plaza -- WHITBY and Mrs. William Moffatt. Mrs. Larry Batherson was unable to be present when the- picture was taken. There wilt -be~club--privll eges and. lunch will be served. Proceeds from this dance will be utilized for the children's Christmas party. {Stiner, 147144; Miss G. Forsyth jand Mrs. E. Boothe, 146. | East and West -- Mr. and M J, Wilson, Ajax, 160%; Miss B. Wilson and Mrs. M. Crossman, 1524; Miss G. Bovay and E |Coles, 151; Mr. and Mrs. F./ |Wells, 14344; Mrs. W. Barrons) and Mrs. D. Horner, 138. \ PLUMBING MART 149 BROCK ST, W, WHITBY, ONT. . Direct-Te You . . . Plumbing Supplies TOILETS -- Reverse Trap with seat 31.50 Net BASINS 17 x 19 8.75 Net CHINA VANITY BASIN ........ 17.30 Net EVERYTHING IN THE PLUMBING LINE 20% OFF ALL SUPPLIES HOURS -- 12 P.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT. 9 AM, -- BPM, CLOSED WEDNESDAY PHONE 668-6601 | | | it leav es you breathless ...the greatest name in vodkal ' INSTRICTION chief coroner for Ontario, presided, Members of the jury were Dr. W. J. Han- ham, Carleton Place; Dr. R. Flowers, Clinton; Dr. Graham Owen, Oakville; Dr. T. Blank, and Dr. F. Mills, Goderich. The "wit- ness" on the stand is Ken Lewis of Dr. Cotnam's staff. The court officer was THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 3, 1966 § those who assisted in the saleyproved to be most successful of Hallowe'en caramels which|when over 900 bags were sold, neue March Of Dimes! Plans Discussed AJAX (Staff) ---Ajax Kin- ettes held an executive meeting at the home of vice + president, \|Dorothy Farley, Burcher Road, Ajax. The president, Marnie Richards, chaired the meeting. Members discussed the Ajax March of Dimes to start late January, 1967, with Barbara Wallis as chairman, Ainettes will assist -Finsmen im with their 'Square Dance Eve- ning" to be held in the near future, The next dinner meeting of Nov. 15 will be held at Ajax Carousel and new members will be initiated. Also the one hun- dred per cent pins will be pre- sented. Kinettes wish to thank all wow! the best Used Cars still come from Luperd Just Arrived... COURSE Inspector P, J, Lidstone of | the CID branch of the OPP. Assistant Crown Attorney Edward Howell was the in- terrogator, All those taking part in the 'inquest,' which reconstructed an actual in- quest held earlier this year at Owen Sound, were newly appointed coroners. --Oshawa Times Photo rRaM House of Hobberlin Tip Top Tailors OLDSMOBILE 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST * WHITBY *PHONE 668-3304 BE WISE. . BUY WHERE YOU ENJOY BETTER MEN'S SHOP SERVICE 129 Brock St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 PANELLING {packed 6 layers to bundie) 1x6-7 3 2: 1x6-8° tne 4,25 © 1x8-7 ronan 4,96 © 1x 8-8' wee 5,67 © ' Populer Milled = with approx, half inch pattern joint, @ ANELLING VALUES PANELLING VALU Random Vee-Grooved MAHOGANY **"* Top Quality ; At These Prices! 4x8 $ 3.1 owe ton LESS THAN CRATE LOTS ADD 20c PER PANEL PREFINISHED 39 Random Vee-Grooved 4 x T's cael MAHOGANY a:e: 988 sas o4xte.... 6.72 lots LESS THAN CRATE LOTS ADD 20c PER PANEL o4xes.... 7.68 IMPORTED PRINTED PLYWOOD --3 BEAUTIFUL CHOICES @ 2c ment TEAK, CHERRY arts B68 can a MOUNTAIN ASH - * eaxts.... 7,42 DEDUCT 25¢ PER PANEL ON LOTS OF 24 OR MORE PLYWOOD e PANELS e CANADIAN BIRCH o4xes.... 8.48 e pana xc MANY MORE PANELLING VALUES AT ALL 15 CASHWAY CENTRES!! | |\\ ee Mede To Your Order! ALUMINUM 15 CENTRES THROUGH ONTARIO CASHWAY TO SERVE YOU ALUMINUM Comb. Storm & Screen : Brooklin 655-3313 OVERHEAD STEEL rive 42.85 8'x7'0" .... 43.95 9'x7'0" .... 49.15 Black Marble! Charcoal! Or Carnival! FLOOR TILES 9x9" 6% Don't Let Your Heat Go Up In Smoke! . . INSULATION BATTS ; 2" "Cael" 59: 37 Or ears SMALLER LOTS ADD 20c * S x 1/16" Vinyl! Asbestos! Compare and rite save! OTHER COLOURS 7¥ac UPt 10-Pe, At Price! NAME BRAND EAVESTROUGH 4'x 8'x 1/8" HARDBOARD 1 THESE VALUES AVAILABLE AT... CASHWAY LOCATIONS IN BROOKLIN | AJAX North of Whitby Highway Highway 401 to Ajax. Exit No. 7 and 12, Telephone 66 South to Dowty Road Telephone Ajox 942-1221