Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Nov 1966, p. 26

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ne Peeters Se eieellleetie Mite edanaeeeenie: inet econ eee cee eas | ye EE RT Ml Rt iy canta ip ant as Mipe leean ENA |the alert against the disastrous '|/ for the special 0 operations execu- | titled Inside §.0.E. Wartime Secret Agents 'Trained At Oshawa Base LONDON (CP)--A German in- "eyoNno officer who posed as \a Canadian spy in wartime France helped put defences on Dieppe raid was not steeped nor was security broken." However,, Cookridge relates that. forewarning contributed to the 68-per-cent casualties among ihe 5,006 men of the Canadian 2nd Division at Dieppe--almost 1,000 killed, nearly 600 wounded and almost 2,000 taken prisoner. Eckert, who also was oun mental in cracking 'the Allied in- telligence organization in south- ern France, had. spent two pre- war years in Canada as a com- mercial representative. With the help of a turncoat French re- sistance man, Eckert infiltrated anti - German organizations in Canadian raid on Dieppe Aug. 19, 1942, a British writer says in a book paiblished today. . . | PUSS * Cookridge, an agent tive during the Second World War, tells the. story in a detailed narrative of secret service op- erations in occupied Europe Cookridge traces the blunders and ine triumphs of the S.0.E.-- | | ROLLS' ROLE IN GERMAN PRICE WAR other. Winners are the -cus- tom®érs, such as this man with a stringbag of rolls While Canadian and American housewives are carrying on a price war against chain stores, simi- them by the hundreds. So | what if they do get stale? | They always can be ground lar stores in Neu Isenburg, he bought for one pfenning up for use with wiener Germany, are fighting a (one - quarter of a cent) schnitzel. | price war against each each. Customers are buying (AP Wirephoto) =| Canadian Stowaway Stalls: Russian Vessels Sailing VICTORIA (CP)--A stowaway,tion authorities and turned back] Reporters spent several hours | in a tug alongside the Ola Wed- nesday night trying to talk to the stowaway. Instead he sent them a note written on a scrap of Soviet stationery stating: "You're wasting your time. I will not speak to you and you won't have no chances at all to take pictures (go home). You} don't have the right to spoil! people's reputations." An attempt to get an order| who identified himself as Andre |to Victoria. Dubois, a French citizen, was} "] didn't want to break any still-holding up the sailing of a|Canadian or Soviet laws," the Soviet freighter anchored two|master said, 'He told me he miles off Victoria early today.| wanted to go to Japan maybe, Dubois is believed to have|maybe Hong Kong, maybe Rus- boarded the vessel Ola while it/sia." was loading grain in Vancouver.| Captain Pepshivalev said he Efforts to remove him fromjasked Dubois how long he the ship all day Wednesday by|planned to stay in Russia and ship's officers, agents and Ca-|he replied: "Maybe two months nadian immigration officials|}or two years--maybe my whole |trained at Oshawa, Ont.--includ- |ing the capture and courage of | Canadians F. H. Pickersgill and | J. K. MacAlister. Hicaught by the 'Germans soon after they were parachuted into many of those agents were! northwestern France as 'Harold Evans,"' a Canadian S.0.E. of) ficer. Through a duped woman| resistance member, Eckert | learned that an anti-Nazi officer of the German labor force in Dieppe had been providing the British with information about ine hai voi wwii, formation about the harbor) town. Eckert informed German| The two Canadian agents, France in 1943, were executed jin B uc in c nwaia concen much camp the following year, Their story -- which includes an es- cape attempt in Paris by Pick-| military headquarters and "pre- |ersgill, who killed two Germans cautions were taken to. streng- |with a broken bottle--was re-|then the defences" at Dieppe, laied. in Foot's official history. Cookridge says Eckert named | Cookritige says the Canadians|the anti-Nazi German officer in| were among a group of prison-| Diepper as Niemeyer, but adds) lers hanged from hooks on the| "I do not believe this was his |wall of the Buchenwald crema-| real name.' | torium. Eckert, now. a Hamburg busi-| Pickersgill was the brother of| nessman, told Cookridge that he} Transport Minister Pickersgill, |!0st track of Niemeyer in the) His 609-page account of S,0.E. raid. activities throughout Europe is ESCAPED TO ENGLAND jbased on interviews with more! 'He is still convinced that the than 600 former agents on both German escaped with the sur- | sides as well as on a study of| vivors of the Canadian units to wartime documents, Official) England and he says Niemeyer| |British permission to publish re-| was employed after the war as sults of his research followed) an interpreter with Allied head- | publication last spring of an of-| quarters in Europe and later ficial history of the S.O.E. in| with the British control commis- Hagel Bcd Oxford historian M.| sion in Germany." Eckert, now 50, was tried Moet says Heinz Eckert, and sentenced to death by the a German intelligence captain) French after the war but was! who had infiltrated the French | later reprieved. | eee Tee saith adie Se ae a | A REALLY CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE WIN 25.00 IN FREE GROCERIES EACH WEEK IN THE GROCERY BONANZA TO BUY A FINER USED CAR 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST @ WHITBY @ PHONE 668-3304 GOOD PLACE WHYTE BROS, Furniture and Upholstery BEAUTY AID FOR ALL : : b Softer Lovlier Skin, YOUR \ 4 FURNISHING ' More Lustrous Hair H NEEDS | | Automotive Trim i 35 King' St. E. 623-5252 Call CULLIGAN 668-2200 = ncmnaa BEAVER LUMBER "Home Improvement Headquarters" 419 Dundes €. Whitby mete oe @® KULED @ Each week for the next 26 weeks there will appear throughout the advertisements on this feature the letters forming the name of a famous person or place. All you are required to do is read each advertisement very carefully, pick out the letters and identify thot person or place. Send your answer along with your name and address to the GROCERY BONANZA €DITOR, c/o The Oshawa Times, no later than 4 p.m. Tuesday of each week, The first correct answer drawn will receive, compliments of the sponsoring business, ond Duffy's Super Market, the grand weekly prize of 25.00 in free groceries. Enter today, THIS WEEK'S WINNER EEN, 0 how USED CAR VALUES @ THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS '66 Chevrolet, 4-door, V-8, (Blue), Licence 103490, '63 Lincoln, vinyl top. Licence 89877, 64 Pontiac, 327, t- ible, Licence HaB748. MRS. HELEN CLANCY '64 Fg poh at hy hic super spor: n EB Voleaveaenl Licence 33 ADELAIDE AVE. Ww. 318552. $175, '57 Chevrolet, station wagon, Licence 13565X $125, OSHAWA ls . ' ee eee meveoreers | Of Relexetion Visit The... s "Nightly Entertainment" OSHAWA DENIS Stadies PELESHOK MOTORS HARWOOD AVE. AJAX 942-6300 PETE'S LIGHTER CLINIC = . Electric Shaver Service Service to all makes of lighters end Money Changers, @ Free Seryice to All Mokes of Shavers @ (Two Weeks Only) 5 P.-J. Bolahood, Prop. 59 King St. E. Upsteirs 668- 3442 101 Dundes W. (Over Bank of Montreal) Whitby resistance and inteélligence|-- movement by posing as a Cana-| dian S. 0. E. officer, found out} CBC Workers Vote about the Dieppe raid before-| hand and enabled the Germans! 'T'g Choose Unions to prepare. The author, who bases his in-- OTTAWA (CP)--CBC produc-| tion employees will vote Nov.) formation, on a. Post-war inter- | 93 94 to decide whether they will] whether treachery was sus-|remain with the International lpected by the allied military) Alliance of Theatrical Stage |com ninders," although the { statement commanders concluded after- |said Wednesday. failed. They could find no legal |life." from a justice of the peace for|wards that the Germans . had) The vote date was set Tues-| "The Home of Better Food Values' ea etn rae ae ee Y"S SUPER MARKET never been "officially disclosed| |Union of Public Employees or| 948 Simcoe N. 'We Deliver' -- Open until 10 p.m. for your shopping convenience 723-9371 Ideal Dairy Products e JUG MILK Guernsey Gold 2% .. 68° Homo Milk ... 63° eeeaeee WILSON PLAZA BESTWAY footing for his ouster. The vessel left Monday night. | Immigration officials sai Vancouver] they could not force the man Dubois was dis-|to leave the ship because they covered in the ship's rope dockes/ nad no proof he boarded th after the Ola had been eight) hours at sea. Capt. ship at a Canadian port. d e V. Pepshivalev of the| shipping agents said the Soviet) Dubois' removal from the ves-| sel also failed, Officials of both Canadian and| Soviet governments were. ex-| \pected to become involved in| A spokesman for the Ola's|the case today. (rome prepared for the Dieppe day at a meeting of labor de- |partment, CBC and union offi- | WASN'T BETRAYED |cials, Francis K. Eady, assist- Terence Robertson, in his 1962) ant to CUPE national president book Dieppe: The Shame and| Stanley Little, said in the state- The Glory, concludes that "'the| ment. Ola said he immediately re-| vessel came directly to Vancou- ported Dubois' presence aboard |ver to load wheat from Viadi- | his ship to Canadian immigra-|vostock. Nobel Physics | GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS Prize Awarded STOCKHOLM (Reuters)--The T TORONTO (CP)--Wednesday's Green-| Canadian Lou, Anuwar, Vibrant Bem,|Royal Swedish Academy of Sci- wood Wee Bunty, Eolian ky Mahmoud's | Pit cPurse $2,200, claiming, maiden! Star, Col. Saxon also ran jence today awarded the Nobel Sieen's Veet" Gritte) 9.70 iyo 3.00 Fifth--Purse $2,000, claiming, 3-year- | physics prize fo. Fret, Altred , ing, nica Mid det. ageloids and: Uewerds % Rloner |Kastler of the Ecole Normale 'ica King (c (Gomen) 2.70 Worthy Craft (Harrison) 7.60 4.§0 3.50| ents in ifs | ae Top Cadet (Brownell) 6.10 4.20 e academy made t w aDark ani: Pincio's Gift, Our!credit Union (Griffo) 6.10 for his "di y "a + a tet Gooden, Sunyou, Dreamy Jo, Sure to! Time: 1:30 (1-5, iscovery an evelop- | Lain, stag ooy ey in, rie Little Skip, Roman Pride, Solar Apex, |ment, of optical methods for' and Falcon Stable entry. Real Runner, Courteous also ran. | studying Hertzian resonances in| claiming 3-year-| atoms." The 300,000 crown ($60, 000) | 8.70 . 310) prize will be presented by King - 3.70} |Gustaf Adolf in Stockholm Dec. | Sixth--Purse $2,400, eaee $2,200, Dlolds and upward, 7 furlongs. D Tall McAul 1 Hy slord Saybrook (B'by) Bite oe, ck = en re hee Muskeg (Dittfach) Rock Knight ail 5.10 ag ae apareie) Time: 1:44 35. 228 claiming VARIETY * SOFT DRINKS * ICE CREAM * GROCERIES * COOKED MEATS * SCHOOL SUPPLIES SUZANNE HAIRSTYLING (Mrs, $. Lemieux, Prop.) MOTORS Colou r TO YOTA Specialists Crown Open Daily 9 A.M. to 10 P_M. For Appointment %* Economic Luxury PORT WHITBY TEXACO GORDON NIEUWENDYK Prop. It's Fall Tune-Up Time At... 100 Victoria W. FOR THE FINEST Sunday 10 to 10 ; Phone: * Up te 30 Miles Per Gallon je Aa HITBY Custom and 372 Wilson S. 728-253611 5 John W. 725-4541 Dundas et Centre 668-4792 WHITBY 668-347 Ready Made | : "a " DRAPES ||| Cadillac Billiards |} "w*Y 00 ™ oo SISTER'S PADDY'S MARKET uv 17 TABLES ; STAURANT Furniture end Appliances in the latest Shad id ackgroun usi¢e Kozak RE a end ie. pict Or: tobi USED WASHER PARTS OPEN 9 A.M. - 11 P. CARPENTER patil HOME- & REPAIRS & Cc rami" 'Lode Kitchen COOKIP | ies Gariterner Cobinets MEALS & CALL TODAY Dry: Geode |: Sraperiee W Sith Parents Bathroom PASTRIES ' a ae | | ce ee 150. WILLIAM W. a coany Nanas 74 CELINA STREET 723-7827 725-8112 La m } | Svick Short Onder ory |] HAMPTON 263-2241 Free Customer Parking while shopping et eur store" 360 King W. jews 723-1991 H 154 WILLIAM Ww. 2: Alrruitab, Ereisdeses Rubbe: | Stamped also ran, a--J. and R, Korsk | | ca! land Cymar stables entry, | aBlve Whistle, alive In Hope, | fers. Mark, Oliphant, Nimble, Ann Good, nis Magner, J. fe! + Sun also ran a---T. E. King, - Mason and Mrs. H. A. Luro| Sxeetor: $28.90. shir guetnipnes | Seventh--Purse $2,000, claiming 3% Dally double: $75.00. year-olds and upward, 7 furlongs. Triple Alliance So al 11.20 ty nr claiming 2-year-|Mencheval (MeCom! } 7 furlongs. Well Oiled (anoway) 34,50 12.20 7.40) Time: 1:29 15.30 8.70) Scottsdale Lea." Black Raven, 14.20 | Catharin, Faisun, Third--Purse $2,100, olds, foaled in Canada, Open Page (Griffo Easy Gem (Bowcut) Miss Orleans (Kornblum) Time: 1:32. 1-5. { Garcon d'Or, Miss Clark, Castillia, Pal 1 Maid, An Echo Party, iden Victor also ran. 13 Mary} Berno Miss also ran. Eighth--Purse $2,200, claiming, 3-/ Flying | year-olds and upwérd, 17 1-16 miles. | Royal Staff (Gordon) 10.50 5.10 Ramsay 2nd (Gomez) 4.10 Fourth--Purse $2,100, claiming, 2) Vedas (Coombs) 4 year-olds, foaled in Canada, 7 furiongs.| Time: 1:5) 2-5. Golden Jive (Inouye) 23.90 11.30 7.10) Li'l Gddy, Medicine Lad, Morgan Smoke The Grass (Gomez) 4.60 3.80 Road, Five Loves, Peel Express also Baby Bas 9 ore' 4.90 | ran Tim : | Attendance--6,386. Handle--$426,860. JET CPA NONSTOP TO AMSTE RDAM Jet to the centre of the continent- Amsterdam, Gateway to all Europe. Just an hour or so to London, Munich, Paris, CPA will jet you from Teronto to Amsterdam for only $41 down ~ 14 to 21 day economy round trip. Balance in Copenhagen, Stockholm, 24 -- installments of Qsio, and other major cities. $15.0: See any Travel Agent or Canadian Pacific...and y Canadian Cacific areunes $2 For Rmervellons and Travel Information Call: DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 104 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY 668-8867 Cc t Travel Ar and Trovel Information Call FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL OSHAWA--WHITBY--BOWMANVILLE--BROOKLIN '37 KING ST. E. OSHAWA 728-6201,.728-6202, 728-6203 ' > everybody Enjoy it every day. It Le) nes GET-UP-AND-GO of "Ge he" MILK it's the greatest! You never outgrow the good things you get in a glass of milk. Enjoy it anytime you need a real pick-me-up. And glass for glass, milk is still one of your best buys in pure food value. 's one of the healthiest habits you can get into. at A THE ONTARIO MILK MARKETING BOARD needs

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