Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Nov 1966, p. 24

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way Secky ae nye ay epg Shree erie ye m8 i 9 ROBE yg HRI gy pee a MG Ege Oy TY 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 3, 1966 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Reol Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 24--Stores, Offices, Storage 26---Apartments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 27--Rooms for Rent 10 ACRES land, $6800 Peters Realty Lids Realtor. bo HYMAN Douc Dougan 323 King Street West REALTORS TRA TIN BUSINESS OPPOR OPPORTUNITY 'elhume BOWMANVILLE pe lagen ge --_ close tech 37,000.00. Monthly in " peal 7 , Situoted on large centre, Call for - jot, 144' S192 LAKE AREA sap GARDENS me Ty os with finished Rpg at "ee end a four' ogg WILSON ROAD NORTH -- Nearly new fires. baste, bungalow, vee, mete vate Carl B, Olsen, Realtor. CHURCH STREET --- tosh only $13.90." gab fines te oy a nae 'carl B. Olsen, Resitor., lon room, drive ai at G7 == $1000 Kelth walk-out basement, pri- ind garage, Call George 724-1133 or evenings 723- six- List- 5,000 SQ. FT. of Floor Space in Downtown area rowed Floor -- th passenger and THREE - STOREY brick Income home, Arthur Street, Oshawa, four. bathe, ga p wbbead drive vai wwiwi t ek, "Brank Real Esteve. Lid. 623-3998, BRAND NEW NHA ressle, $1,700 down, requirements. Beautiful ho sala eat tlt range, Rae 'ated, Owner leaving town ba. must sell! 723-6541, COMMERCIAL corner, Simcoe South, re- pair shop, office and fine room hou: Cali Don Stradesk!, Realtor 723-4651, freight elevator services SFE; T. L. WILSON GSHAWA TIMES 86 King Street East Phone 723-3474 STORAGE inside clean dry, Boats sié tent rales me full vase King St. W., am pow, Attractive 1¥ storey home a Ey Avenue, Jack Ricard Ltd., Realtor, meme [SARABE "a5 RENT Ideal for storing boat. ae a ad Adelaide area, Tele- basement. Immaculate throughout. Full price $18, 500,00 MUST SELL PORT PERRY Five room electricoiiy heated Finished recreo- ation room 26' x 14', Large 112' x 225' lot, Close to public end high schools. bgt STREET--Four - bedrooms "a wi house, Ga with breeze way. a aT $15,800, Realtor, 623-2503. ving room with fireplace, garage. Ask- Ir 'onl fay We will "try low down ravment for the right party. Call George iivleven, 'Realtor, 623-5300. rage 'Jock Ricard Ltd.,/5 WELL BUILT and kept slx-room house, } SROIRCaIEE STORE for rent, sult able office, beauty ty stem "s 42 Simcoe jable For Prestige Living LA CONTESSA APARTMENTS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR: Homé-sized -iwoms with ample storage space, Free hydro and electric heat with individual room control, Sauna Room Swimming Pool Recreation room with kitchen facilities Fabric Draperies Pressurized, odour-free Bete sancavimataly yy of floor ares. Suitable oon St. ON, $60 rooms, garage, drive, Tay "aditional. features. ou wi love it, Only ge iy) terms. . Schatzemann Realtor, 668 or 668. BEAUTIFUL four-bedroom family home, comet Whitby, N. W. OSHAWA $1,700.00 down moves you into a 5 room brick bungalow in an excellent part of Osh- awa, Call tonight. This house won't last. After 9 P.M. Lloyd Lafoy 725-0343 Gord. Schofield 725-2214 Bill Dougan 725-1109 OFF KING WEST FAMILY HOME PLUS INCOME lent two family home with six rooms for. Owner plus three room self-contain- ed apartment. Two bath- rooms, double attached gar- age, large lot 79' x 233' are just some of the desirable features. Asking $5000 down and one ra mortgage for balance, Ht trwin Cruik- shonks now ot 728-5205. Schofield-Aker Ltd. price $18,500 with low down ment. Hurry these won't last long. OPEN 9:00 A.M, TO 9:00 P.M, After hours Frank' Smith Ken Hann Dick Barriage Glen MacKinnon Les Halli call: 723-3533 723-7963 725-6243 728-6750 728-5513 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR Centre Hall Plan fine home on Simcoe offering lerge living room with fireplace, separate din- la bedrooms ONLY $1,690 DOWN New N.H.A. bungalows, or we will take your present home on TRADE J. B. McMULLAN Real Estate Broker 725-3557, 668-6201 PRIVATE, three - bedroom bungalow for sale or trade, for home outside Oshewe. of neighbourhoods, Try $4,- 000 down, Cubert St. -- Asking 15,900 » 728-5683, H. kath . Realtor. PRIVATE -- One and @ half year old, six-room bungalow. Close yd and RENT OR SALE -- Idea! for income. Bin die soceaicsel Ii ares frome: 62 Colborne Street East. TRADE YOUR PRESENT home on a new four-bedroom spiit-level_ home. For oe call Don Stradeski Realtor, 723 PRIVATE SALE, Va storey brick home, Lins Rossiand cree, "Suner evn righ MY LAUDER aa ROADe loan OUR FINANCIAL gag ag Pp rooms, heat, Close rivate, Telephone 725-397! WILL HELP YOU SELL OR BUY| private and modern, LIST W é ITH plit level CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST rade AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL 'Tom Houston 668-4416 Allon Thompson Charles Chaytor Ralph Schofield Office Phone GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 NEAR FRENCH SCHOOL This older type home is dutch clean. Has a paved driveway and detached gar- age. Close to shopping cen- tre. Carries for $80.00 prin- cipal ond interest. Call Ethel Tranter to see. LIVE FREE In this 2 storey 4 oport- ment brick building. Central location, 3 opartments rent for $240.00 monthly. Car- ries for $130.80. Ask for Tina DelGobbo. OPEN HOUSE Daily and Every Weekend FOREST GLEN HEIGHTS by ARMSTRONG HOMES (Harmony hays ne opposite Tre + bedroom home with attached garage. nice view. $15,909, "Telephone Tose chotled Aker NEW five-room ry = Gibbon, near ere Cent h and tiled floors throug! "4 Possession in one week. Telephone "728: $2500 DOWN buys this two-family home. Rent from upstairs pays your way. Call now and inspect, Ask for at 723-1133 or evenings 723. Olsen, Realtor, 20 Ray ee ae -- NORTH ARGA, attractive five- brick jalow on large fenced for ¢ Close to schools @ ing. sone ake alten wort $117" per = mont! P.1.T, Immediat To Inspect cali vary ay Bayle, Pate, Joseph Bosco Realtor, iaRoe ti STYLE bungsiow with attached garage. Natural stone fireplace. Beautifully landscaped spacious let. Many, many features make this home @ housewife's dream. In choice. area near K-Mart. For particulars contact Joseph fr Pr Joseph Bosco Real- ive west of » Rec. room, 723-5221 Neth sabes Fe tir further $5000 DOWN buys good commercial bui!d- Ing which contiets of store and equip- wee i$ Serres apartment. certles $150 per mont af = Jonn- fon ba teed Schofieid-Aker Ltd. five- MOVING, seiling Lin! = bedroom, alow, recreation finished Eastdale Vocational School, Norih, "Garage. Terms, Tele 3893, room, Near Hermon phone 32) McDONALD tut old Street, Port Perry. lose and downtown. Full 'prive $9,000. must be cash, feel to come out pol talk business. Credit Union folks welcome. Apply above address. caked HOUSE with 4 acres on areas Road. Twelve rooms, fireplace, Call Doug ae Ta 83,. nH. ath 'Lid, Real- SIX-ROOM, two storey house Availabie now. Bloor East istrict Peele | phone 728-6507. PRIVATE SALE -- three-bedroom alum- Inum siding bungalow, lot 123° x 75'. Close to manera and pane schools. Im- mediate possession. 725-7649. joka MONTHLY. Come and see these ind new homes on Waverly St., south |! brig Kk Mig bedrooms. Fully deco rated. can offer early possession. Call 81656. H. Millen Real Estate Lid. Vengl LIVING -- City advant: ve your house bullt to any speci He on this beautiful 100' x 150° CMNA Approved lot. jog A arranged. Tele phone 723-9503 or 725-2159. NEAT TWO-BEDROOM -- with gerege. Centrally located. immediate . M, Bullled Real- QUICK peared East end -- north of King ~-- all new schools. Three bed- room brick home. Rec, room facilities. Oil heot, Quiet oreo. Full price $15,800.00 pay $98.00 monthly includ- ing toxes. Call Margaret Lee for details. MAKE AN OFFER! 7 room brick house with gor- age in good area. New forced air oil furnace. Good fomily home. Call Pauline Beal to inspect. Open 9 o.m. to 9 p.m. MEMBER OF 0.D.R.E.B. INCOME HOME: Seven - room, two af brick home with private drive, Three - room apartment upstairs, com- plete with stove, wretrigeraler and kitchen set, Must be sold and reduced for quick Coady a ltd, 4 BROCK STREET, Oshews. Seer brik home, Trees ieee, bathe alt heating, zoned R4. $18,900, terms. W. Frank Reai Estete Ltd., 623-3393. 'com bengoiew je kitchen Estate ment to 1133 723-2008, etl py R-4 Realtor, 20 Ray Street. bedr DOWN, five and @ half room, jon large lot, 75 ft. by 142 ft. Hur Soawe ached. Electric heat.| with loads of cupboards. There is @ com- Choice eaten, close to all schools and | bined Bs .F Rig on the prop- shopping. Terms to fit the working man's ee & Low down payment. budget. Call Joseph Bosce Realtor, ea Teele ee 723-1133 or eve 53 or 728-7377, 'B. Olsen, re WHIT8Y -- Three - iM low. with Va FIVE-ROO! bonanls reat ped 0. Martin Vub, acre fon $13,500, Act (of caldarn 72 70-5) Ww. Racttor, $1,400, COWN ae stately six-room brick In northwest Oshawa. Early pos- session, must sell, Call Eimer Fredin, Lo A 44,500 -- FOUR-ROOM bungalow with ome land, east of cl ist sell. ie Call Elmer Fredin, 728-5103, W. 0. erin eat RIDGE + Eight-room, ene ome, 100 as 90 foot ior Must sell, $7,900, ae con payment, Tele phone irene Armstrong, Broker, 852-4009. BETWEEN OSHAWA and Bowmanville, bungalow, three bedrooms, garage, low taxes, Located on a@ half acre of land. ferael To. Inopect, call Jeannette Niger 0 In call Jeann Yavasst, Don Stradeski Realtor. , Ings, rissa". 21--Farms for Sale $16,000 BUYS hig wind beef farm with five-bedroom ho Excellent trout stream. Commuting 'istance from 'awa. W. 0. Martin, Realtor, 728-5103, HOUSE, BARN and eleven acres, three Osh-| heated, Will decorate to sult. Res; OVERLOOKING GREEN-BELT Builders' Own Home Beautifully landscaped: split- level, four bedrooms, finished rec-room, walk out .to patio, two bathrooms, Lennos Cen- tral Heating and Air Condi- tioning, Tappan 400 range, Intercom, and many more ex- tras. Close to all facilities, 723-1433 CUrnuvre Sho , schools end Shire es near at hand Oshawa's only T.V. controlled entrance to protect you Transportation at your door A home you will be proud to VISIT "LA CONTESSA" 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481 show $$$ $$$ $ Buying -- Selling a home can be pesky. If this is your prob- lem. Call DON STRADESKI PARAAACAG $$ $ two bathrooms, oll sible tenants, Reasonable rent. Apply 150 Wil- tlam Street, E. SIX-ROOM house, miles from Cobourg on paved highway. rice $8,000, Contact owner. 36 Stan- ley Street, London, Ont, 432-9807, FOR RENT -- One hundred and tweive acres of excellent land, house and bern, ee on Highway 401, Bowmanville. Um $e possession. Call Toronto, RUsselt roses. 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent SPOTLESS six-room house for rent, ab fs sla oll heated, central loce- tlon FURNISHED HOUSE for winter bly central, to -- - on flo objection to one child, $125 thiy, References re- quested, Apply 29 charles Street. TWO - ROOM, self-contained, semi-tur- nished house, for couple only. Telephone 723-2710. PIGEON near PETERBORO Cottage with Lot $2995 $50. DOWN $47 Monthly PAYMENTS START - JANUARY 1967 IMMEDIATE -- POSSESSION! LOT 75'x200° surveyed with family-sized , 3 bed- rooms, ones, $2,995 cash $50 down $47 _mon' Ry payment start January, 1967, Limited num- ber, Year round activities PRACTICAL FOR RETIREMENT or PERMANENT HOME Good roads, open year round. , telephone, swimming, excellent fishing, water ski- ing, boating, hunting, etc. Winter Ski-tow neorby, EN- JOY Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, @ MEET @ Beside Toronto Dominion Bank, only bank in Omemee. Highway' 7 on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each day this week-end at | p.m. and 3 p.m. No appointment nec- essary. ie OR cis Can be seen Monday to Fri- day, day or evenings, by spec- jel appointment only. oa HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD. COBOURG, ONT. 372-9494 22--Lots for Sale 12 Large L ots 2 miles from: City, in attrac- tive afea. Some treed lots. Paved street, Close by public school, new high school and bus lines. PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 BEAUTIFUL residential area, only one choice serviced lot left. Private, owner must sell, Bergain for quick sale. Glen- mar Avenue, north of Rossland and Gib- bons. 725-2539. OT FOR sein' oe West of Osh- we Vemile north of K-Mart. Bees to schools. Apply 114 Garrard Road Wilson Road, Oshaw: Realtor, a8 or 66 wing CHOICE CMHC approved serv- North end of city. Name your be aly 723-1194, W. Schatzmann $3. he $125 monthly, 723-7: TWO SERVICED Landa King tut and] house, also one-bedroom main floor apartment, both in central area, Please apply 723- 455i. THREE-BEDROOM Lager electric heat, conveniences, $85, monthly, Out of town, Don Stradesk! Realtor, 723-4651. THREE-BEDROOM brick house with garage, north-east section, clean, quiet street, family with one child welcome, $120, December 1. 725-2515. ELGIN WEST. Three - bedroom house with all conveniences, Immediate posses- sion. Apply 30) Elgin West after 2 p.m. THREE - BEDROOM home for rent, cen- tral location, Avaliable immediately. ent $85 monthly, Tel 728-6246. water, or 729200 after 4 DELIGHTFUL three-bedroom brick bun- fenced-in yard. Select suai neighbors. low enclosed jorthwest = area, TWO HOUSES for rent, one on Colborne Street, one on Cedar Street, Telephone 942-2401, Ajax. SMALL HOUSE, four rooms, suit small furaiture, south end, by bus rgd = or smal! baby welcomed, After 4, 723-6349. THREE-BEDROOM house, bath- rooms, $130 mopthly. Telephone'? 723-1349. FOUR-BEDROOM house, 162] Simcoe Street North, with fireplace, $135 month- ly, Phone 668-8252 or apply at above ed- dress after 6 p.m. TWO-STOREY, Bigger bedrooms, two bathrooms. Close to south General Motors. Available paola Me oi $145. monthly. 723-7037 after 6 am FouRsi BEDROOM | Reet pncenitral" loce- oe thly plu jieie Possession. Option to buy. Call anise HREE-BE SaeeH bungalow, north. west bang Oshawa, residential, close to public and eg ht wees <F wae able 7164, TWO-BEDROOM 'cae Pease Novem- ber 14. Close to bus. Telephone 728-3050. SIX-ROOM country house, nine miles north of Oshawa. All conveniences. Avail- able early in December. Call between 4.0 ana 6. -- banastew Telephone 728- 26--Apartments for Rent TWO MONTHS FREE Modern two and three bedroom apartments Two bathrooms Fenced-in playground New building Oshawa south Telephone 725-0657 or 728-2226 ~ Regency Towers 349 MARLAND AVE. 725-2227 Premier 321 MARLAND AVE. 728-6722 Modern 1 and 2 bedroom opertments, drapes, stove, frig and hydro supplied. New- ly decorated. Balcony for each apartment, controlled entrance with elevator ser- | 23--Real Estate Wanted vice, ge and laundry facilities on each floor, svete CASH BUYER Wishes to purchose two bed- in nice residen- tial area. Call immediately. H, Keith Ltd. 723-7463 LISTINGS WANTED rl SIBBY'S "~ on 78 76° room brick, Ra ae two or room home, right away for @ r who has a fair amount of cash. Schotield- eal Willard Johnston 728-1066, Aker Ltd. TWEED, Hoobs in holls, ample parking space, close to Shop- ping Centre. Apply or tele- phone the above numbers. ROYALE APTS. 119 NONQUON ROAD 1 and 2 bedroom suites available. View anytime. 728-5282 GRENFELL SQUARE Immediate Possession Features 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites @ FREE HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM. ROOM @ SWIMMING POOL @ Free Hydro @ Oshawa's Largest Suites @ French Provincial Kitchens @ Indoor Parking Available @ Outdoor Guest Parking Rental Information CALL 723-5111 38-385 GIBB ST: SHELDIAN MANSIONS 885 OXFORD STREET Within Walking Distance South General Motors @ No damage deposit required Swimming Pool FM Music and Inter Com. Two Bathrooms in all 2 bedroom suites Free Parking Free Hydro Model suite furnished by Wilson's Furniture Store MODEL SUITE OPEN 1-9 P.M 728-7942 WENTWORTH MANOR 275 Wentworth St. Oshawa You will enjoy living In Wentworth Manor, con- veniently situated for those who work in and around Oshawa. Within easy walk- ing distance of stores and schools. RENT INCLUDES: @ Drapes @ Heat and hydro @ Stove and refrigerator @ Parking A few choice 2 and 3 bed- room suites still available. Rental Office and Model Suite Open Daily from 1-9 P.M. TELEPHONE 723-8701 OSHAWA'S FINEST APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED POOL COMFORT CONDITIONED Double windows for noise ond draft control thermo- stat in each suite, WHITBY. 26----Apartments for Rent " Ree vines Te POR RENT, specimen. 723 oF 362 Mary Street, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, all modern conveniences, ele- vator, built-in stove, fabric drapes. Free parking. Neor schools, Telephone 668-5347 FOR RENT or SALE 12 ROOM HOUSE 162 COLBORNE ST, EAST REGENT ARMS 1 i OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY SAT and SUN. 11 a.m, - 7 pm, Oshawa's largest apartment building offers the best fea- tures, Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x 18' Balconies, 20'x18' com- bination Living and Dining Rooms, 4 quick elevators, 2 Olde English Decor Lobbies, Bus ston at door. Model siute Broadloom by ANGUS GRAY- DON, Furniture by WILSON'S FURNITURE, PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS 1221 Simcoe St, N. 725-9934 FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT AT Grenfell Square ncy. 1 bed- room apartments, $109 monthly, Adults only, Call 723-6455 Between 6 - 9:30 p.m, THREE peer unfurnished apartment, |su ee for: girl, $85 monthly or girts x res 'montihly, » Heat end i ly supplied, 725-4320, {frigerator, stove, _ TWO - BI on One TWO, two bedi EDROOM r in triplex Avenue, Avaliable' becember if 728-5316, welcome, Call 2 oss SINGLE ROOM with confinentel bea, pi OS Sa room apartments for rent stove and refrigerator. Avallabl wor bert 'and November 15. Phone ON' apartment on main floor | fac! egg rg November iso tar SINGLE. furnished room, ey ree ogriral ert TWO WEDROOR apartment. Available Selim man ee Sireet. Se gh atnar and ery. App 38 NEW APARTMENT -- $00, monthly, Re- tree, ble Sotober (meh is." his Aik ist June 1, furn nee Gua enon, oF aan mo 5923, new a Mase will FURNISHED single rooms for: ors Oi fer, Vibe 417 BYRON STREET NORTH, Waitby.| Five-room apartment with i BED-SITTING room bath, Avai 7 and kitchen. Com- fn" General Motors a8 Street W or 728- 7969. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in five plex on Lansdowne Drive, stove and refrigerator included. Adults only. Tele phone 728-558), COMPLETELY 5 nf CR for Cag Apply wnivey, nicely furnished rooms share -kitchen, parking space Brooktin assaras vg furnished, rent, THREE ROOM unfurnished irtment, Central location, quiet home, couple, Apply 175 Athol East. SUNSET GARDEN < piri - Simeoe|: Nerth, one-bedroom ag ately, tr free *fervices WHITST--FicKEKineg Give. three rooms in large quiet home, nished or pet furnished large walk- In closets, park! THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, peivers entrance go boy available October Pereperves AnTaciys immed! ing. Walk-out balcony, bus at amr close to, sho ing, reasonable rent, Telephone Taa-For es ments. Apply Marland Avenue, Apartment 107 or telephone 723-6134, Pos- session "THESE ROOM apartment, unfurnished, comfortable, parking, Private Rooms SOT Sroom suites, $10, each person, motel suites to share; $35. $35, Parking. Telephone 668-5201, Whitby. CAROH TWO-ROOM upstairs apartment,| available now, me eenesie entrance, central, lparking spa 725-0562, ONE, Two aS THREE bedroom apari- ments with refrigerator, stove, intercom controlled hol ag Sad elevator service, swimming pool, fenced-in playground. Glen Street or call 723-2347. suater Very spacious saya mh ponte | two bathrooms, swimmi dam apeeeet prepaid, cniidren al. come, ners FURNISHED bedroom and kitchen, all conveniences, suitable for couple, Also); one single furnished bedroom. Centrally located, Apply 141 Church Street, ONE-BEDROOM apartment, in apa' ment, in apartment buliding., Adults pe Stove and refrigerator jnctuded. Tele- uhone 723-4953. or 9217, MODERN | two-bedroom, apartment, $130 monthly, heat, hydro in- cluded. Children allowed. Immediate oc cupancy. Telephone 723-8860 after 1 om THREE ROOM APARTMENTS -- Stove and refrig, supplied, heat included. Close fo downtown, Reasonable rent, Please) -~ telephone 723-9605 after 5 p.m. iA rt-| hydro. Telephene soussmrencniinpeciosie | TR 2 bathroom | 5) adults, abstainers, Immediate possession. 728-3270 TWo- AND' THREE-BEOROOM 'apart. | ties, ah aaa ave roe on a i. tr A ry Daktiteecoay al. a ag a avail aincst Rtg -| one more, al, cont N leasan a is nv tan aran, Block. ne gsc Room is Nae wlth eae gentiem: an rate 'elephone 72% 1830 or apply 109 Park Road South. TWO PRIVATE ROOMS for rant in quiet new home with no children, Reasonable, Telephone 723-0544, PRIVATE qui ec We Ae T after 6.30 p.m, |contained, reasonable, 723-3211 or 725-5494, THREE - ROOM, second floor apart- ment, private bathroom and entrance, refrigerator and stove supplied, bus stop) ) at door, Adults only, 725-6473. TWO - BEDROOM apariment, 108 Ross- land East, stove, refrigerator, washer, FURNISHED ive room apartment, sat central, Telephone| fie 'erivee' 2 rivate onicence., Space, Telephone 723- ROOMS FOR RENT, nig 'and weekiy rte, Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe NEED LIVING QUARTERS? Read "Rent" ads in Classified now! dryer, paved parking, outlet, $110, Adults, 725-1310, 728-5034, 74 BOND STREET EAST -- Heated apartment, top floor, private entrance, No children please. Telephone 723-5029, THREE - ROOM apartment, newly dec orated, a age Me mony Available De- cember includes heat, BED SITTING ¢ Tiel saa Wo aaa duty stove and frig. New 3 piece beth- arking, Telephone 263-2966, ROOM apartment in Oshawa, Telephone 942-2401 Ajax, eee Bosc ggegh Large two bedroom apartment in clean building, rears. iwercom: No children under 12. 1 and 2 bedroom suites In Oshawa's finest aportment buildings, | diate occu- MARY AND ot aby -- Three-, room -- apar' furnished, parking ot ineule Telephone 6304. r four- avatlabid 725- pancy, Call Grenfell Square Rental Office 723-5111 380-385 GIBB ST. CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT @ 1 and 2 bedrooms @ stove @ refrigerator @ broadioom in halls @ inter- com @ F.M. @ Balconies @ Immediate possession, Close to shopping centre and all schools, 728-4283 Apt. 111 340° Marland THUNDERBIRD TERRACE One and two bed: rt~ ll gg ae gent 8 EAST -- down- One-bedroom apartment, refriger- or stove, brodiom, hake laundry facil- . Apply Apt. monthly. 300 High Street, wat THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath and entrance. Parking space, Frig Pg Close to South GM, 'Telephone ae ND TWO anytime os Hit rancanaly Stove, refrigerator, and laundry faclil- tles. Modern buliding. ee Ah nig ROOM apartment, close town and North GM, Private urens and bath. Adults only, ae anytime. Possession, Nov, 15, 194 FAREWELL Ave. -- oa are' and one re floor apartment, Call after 5 p.m. ean Sie eens fo down: oe fo there si Telephone 28--Room and Board SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. ROOM AND BOARD for two lemen ee to share, Central, Whitoye Cait 668. ROOM AND BOARD for one willing to share room. ving and Pork Park Road area. Telephone 728- ROOM AND BOARD avail RY Ritson Rd. South or tel He yoeae af ROOM bed. 95 Me Gregor Street, is WANT o PEEL AT HOME? Room board for two gentlemen lon ware on Goan Vista Avenue, home lunches cooked meals, room, laundry done, 725-3978. FOUR-ROOM 'apartment, heated, Apely 154 Willlam Street &., side door, Tel phone 725-2173, GROUND FLOOR, three la ind Beef Bia se kitchen, » close to be) adults. Available now. Telephone TwoRooR apartment, all furnished, private entrance, suitable for two men working married --_. Child, = three closets, vacant now, T WHITBY -- Central location. Ra ales Cater ing, TV. Board rooms | ge AND BOARD D tor gentlemen will. share, peat Parking. SPhiephone $rs-0see. 68 | 43 a GARRARD RO THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath, iT es quier 94d, or five years, welcome. an 4. 31 Elgin St., 723-3807. FURNISHED BASEMENT working couple, laundry teciittien monthly. Telephone affer 5.30 p.m. 3093. eas. 72%3- Dee, IDEALLY SITUATED. = bedroom Available immediately. A South, Bowmanville partment, oy 76 Liberty St, or call 623-2609, THREE-ROOM apartment, stove TB-992 202 1, Apply > bal eet three-room apartment, five minutes from Oshawa, oe bath and entrance. Adults aereres. Town Line north. Telephone WARM, DRY, letely furnished base- ctric fireplace, auto- matic washer and dryer. pref Business girls erred, Central, Telephone 725-1562. FURNISHED ai three-room = apart- ment, three plece » Nicely decorated. fan we to Roepe 'ey on couple, Heat ARTHUR -- three-room tween 4.30 TWO-BEDROOM furnished apariment fo OOM furnished apartment to share with middi widow, Rea able rent. Telephone 723-7655 atten 4 mM. cluded. Clark St. pod IN BEAUTIFUL residential erea, three fogs rooms, heated, plus three-piece and bert fireplace. 'Available Ime | i WHITBY -- Room and young gentlemen wil beds, lunches packed. Telephone §7 COLBORNE STREET EAST, Room and board for gentlemen, to share, single beds, close to north GM and downtown, pt ro + Newcastle a onda | for elther men, wornen Mer coup 298: fp ag use les, For further information call peetys AND BOARD for mediately. Adults. ville, 623-5406. 27--Rooms for Rent WHITBY HOTEL | Rooms to rent. by the week. 207 Dundas St. W. 668-2337 Senco eae ee Road Sou' PLEASANT sig irom for business jady or gentleman, In comfortabl: ys veda week. Breakfast, . eo . Bus service, Telephone lephone TASaNGS thorn: 65 morn SINGLE Doard. Apply Division rete me se ROOM AND BOARD for single or unches. packed, Perking share, |i available, South district, 29----Wanted to Rent RENT -- couple, child while father works. Two rooms in ant use kitchen, livingroom, TV 728- 00 between 1) @.m.-4 p.m. tee + BEDROOM apartment. Fridge oie stove Waner ces "ed i weicome. apa ments, Laundry facilities and lockers on each floor, Large suites with utilities and drapes. Thermostatically con- trolled in each room, Un- waweaeTLN -- One ment, $65 monthly. Telephone Nev Newenstle, 907-4777. SELF - CONTAINED apartment, three rooms and bath, fridge and stove, park- Ing. Athol and Wilson area, close adults only. Phone 725-0394, derground parking ilabl 190 Nonquon Read. Telephone 728-9726 Four + ROOM apartment, in private garage 'available. Children over sign welcome, Telephone 4 pm, me. Saturdays ee REGENT ARMS Immediate Occupancy 2 bedroom apartments close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. TELEPHONE 723-6455 Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige maging. centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook ond kitchen, tennis @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Houses, Rooms, Room and Boord. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 court end barbeque, THREE-ROOM apartment, good lotetion, re wy wiring, televialon antenna, 240 Ritson Road South. information ap- ply a4 Arthur Peas refriger- er and stove, Near he hospital. "apply 14 Alma' Street. xine STREET EAST, 335 -- Self-con tained modern apartment, stove. refrig- erator, ear dress. Willing mind} washing facilities. Adults only. December 1, Apply above ad- ey ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | FURNISHED b bedroom with vanity cabi- hot end cold running water, for gen erie, ue minutes © to oes hopping C tre. 460 King St, West. HOUSEKEEPING room for ay frig, stove, hot water, caren ae located, yng) space. Immediate ..possession. Apply 4 410 0 King East. i2 ELGIN ST BAST. Furnished housekeeping room for gent with dishes, linens, hot plate, refrigerator, Near north General (ua hospital, bus. -con-| Abstainer preferred tors. Suitable for ni rock Street East. ns . lon. able Saute sgl for 'fr ged tenants. aor Cambridge A or telephone 725- FOUR ROOMS, bathroom ground oo welcome, near store scl Sy iP 263-2126. OLIVE-WILSON, a eenctaen amt bungalow, wood gehen, Private entrance, parkii its. teed ayn |S hydro free. Two adults, 6304, 4 PURN ey) pecele, apartment A. quiet all Inctuded in rent, say gentieman, Telep! $90 MONTHLY. Three-room apartment, bath, garage. Near north GM and down- bo edgand Pag working couple. purer T 728-0429. towi. t fp 'eer, Refined. lady or | Kit hone 723-8635. Pat two-bedroom and one, onebed- apartment, Frig and stove, thitdren under 10, Telephone 668-5692. fee ed DECEMBER 1 -- Two-bed- iment, $125. monthly, every- thing inefided. Telephone 668-8746, ONE-BEDROOM apartment, private bath, chen rds, sini refrigerator » heat ond h hydro iid welcome, ° 725- and stove, month ra 'One small SIX + oe aeaeine ete second oa In e's No| HOUSEK FURNISHED room in clean quiet home. pe] distance to south GM. Telephone ROOMS FOR RENT at Horse Ranch, cooking facilities and TV. Private rooms or share with one other, Five minute drive from hg GM and downtown, Tele- phone 728-5971. ING room single ip double bot ahah and stove, Free king. Close ¥. Hospital and north General Motors, Telephone 725-8150. Pan A we gor Ogg bg in alow. Tenants to share first floor; syle Apply 51 temen Wilsen Rd. S, after $ p.m, COMFORTABLE room tor See only. Apply ir 4 ais 323 Athol East 1O-ROOM apartment, newly decorated, fyaro ana and -- included in rent. Tele- one % FouR- ROOM "apartiivent, central, drive- way, - Apply 204 Drew Street. counRGou upstairs apartment, pri- vate entrance and bath. Close to bus. TWO-BEDROOM ina Tduhean 723-5482, abs eo near In| EOUR-ROOM anariment, ""lkitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom and garage. In private home, Phone 728-9987 after 4 p.m., Saturdays anytime. ROOMS ror "amt hospits! ba Apply a eee Avenue or oar ead bedroom, kitchen ai laundry privileges. Parking space, shit workers welcome. $74 Crerar Avenue. DOUBLE ROOM, large cee driveway ae garage. K-Mart area. Telephone 725- FULLY furnished apartment refrigerator and stpve. ideal for newly married couple, No children please. Tele- phone 723-6369. BACHELOR APARTMENT, 925 mony. furnished. Available November 12, Tele- phone 728-0807. THREE-ROOM _ self-contained apartment. Stove, ri living-room, TV outlet. or two Call 725-1470. THREE-ROOM basement apartment, pri- vate entrance, private Dain heat, hydro Included, $75 monthly. ae heated LARGE three-rocm apartment, sink and cupboards In kitchen. Vi Clean ai central. etait, 33 Arthur Street or. tele- phone cen three-room gfe Fo pee ment, entra! location, wer, sho: ping, Suit two girls. Telephone SUBLET. Twobedroom 9g.) apart. ment near south GM , deposit required. Telephone. 723-8213 after 15 p.m. ng |fer gentleman, gara eae LARGE ROOM with la closet, avaliable. Close to north GM, Apply 15 Patricia Ave. Kd bea Bn are Bb faems ' a close a Sacooing » free pa ing. telephone 716-7190 ter he all nigel Psp and ee rooms available Oshawa Motel. Tele phone ma. ROOMS $10 each to share, and $15 single. Board tional. Abstainers preferred, Free pai 668-5201. pes pvilege wag apartment em eens ie MODERN UPPER DUPLEX apartment, Athol Street at Fa 1. Five ele plus ers ee gle Ree equipped kitch- sae sae MODERN one-bedroom . Come pay private. Lovely she *Exeel- lent residential area. rage, stove, frig ane $95 monthly. Avaliable now, Rea! Estate 'Lid. 46 725-|Oshawe, 728-7576. MAIN FLOOR, rooms, bath, heat and hy MS 3a5 Oshawa Blvd. South, three, possibly tour iro_ included, 'S-8608, LARGE comfortably quiet further 723-1024, FURNISHED double reer, ay clean pd home, Available --. to fone yore A 'thaws Biv. South telephone furnished room for business ihformation please, ADELAIDE AVENUE WEST -- room apartment in LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apartment in medium-sized apartment buliding. Imme- diate occupancy, Washer, dryer, frig and stove. Central, beg to transportation. Adults only. 723-1408. LOVELY two-bedroom apartment, bh loom in living room, Icony, schools and shopping. Apply Apt. 7 64 Chaucer Ave., Oshawa, Two-bed- apartment building, 725-6851. Two eee furnished rooms. and bed-sitting room. Private bath, 'here rei two men or working couple. ONE - BEDROOM apartment, centrally) R located. Available phone , NEWLY DECORATED two - bedroom pce gee private entrance. Close to gag [Schools ind shopping. Children welcome. $46! Share bath with one other family. Large FULLY FURNISHED three-room base- ment apartment in Whitby, central, busi- ness people only. Telephone aon. TWO LARGE bright rooms. floor, Unfurnished. Private private bath, Heat and lights, please. Telephone 668-2661. round emennae Adults, ments. ve supers able inmate, "agoiy Apply 518 vietorle Street East, Whi TWO, "THREE-ROOM | furnished spert:| phone 7250038 one - BEDROOM x newly | CED newly | General decorated, close immediately. Tele- naires tely. Hy iS for women, kitchen ares : Rina fter $ p. quiet Rome: Contra sult suitab seiner no man, 723-9225. FURNISHED apartments and se keeping rooms, near hospital, girls only. rent. Telephone 728-1070. . Heat' supplied, $95 monthly. T 728-4236 WHITBY -- Two share bath, for married ee monthly, Telephone 668-6226. ONE APARTMENT for rent, stove and frig. Close to bua, near shopping. Tele- + Toom apartment, private entrance. Suitable no children, $70 to Centre. 1S. We THREE ROOM apartment. Private bath and entrance. Reasonable rent. Telephone/ 668-6360. i preferred. Telephone 725-1959 Pm. rtment, TWO ROOM hea urnished, self-con- tained, light housek medi jate possession. Shard Vise "er aa Orehera hg Soares ~ welcome. Two modern a stove, otc drapes, etc. One child -- deposit. ROOM TO RENT, light housekeeping optional, Apply 42 Fernhill Blvd. -- moeee 3 room, centrally lo- elephone 668-2466. is LARGE light hou na, room. Private bath @ ag a Risleiverss Phone ster "Spm eses. ROOM, very 1 Motors rs fice ng | st Kenneth; 723-: near north weekly. Apply pe 4 DREW TeeaTS Two partly furnished | 3rd floor, sink. 8 light housekeeping rooms. Couple preferred. Apply between S$ - pm LARGE Plaza Apartments, Nea ani ote to town, Girl preferred, Towa tnd gar ONE - icy eel er a ee "Thole on seee tee. RESPECTABLE er woul like Ls nished sekeeping room bath, pay $10 weekly, Phone 723.078. 30--Automobiles for Sale OK USED CARS ROY NICHOLS MOTORS. LTD. 1965 Pe fgg F.85 Deluxe sedan, V-8, automatic trons- mission, radio, extra chrome, white walls, wheel discs. Really sharp. 16,000 miles. Lic, H91013., PONTIAC Laurentian 4 door stationwagon, in beautiful condition throughout. Lic, X10391. CORVAIR 700 sedan, automatic trans- mission, -- immaculate condition, Lic. J4602. FORD GALAXIE sedan, standard trans- mission, _ with radio. tie, H93986, OLDSMOBILE F85 sedan, V-8 automatic. Neat as a pin. Lie, H93784. PONTIAC 312983. Pipi LeSABRE power want solid comfort -- this is it. Lic, 314550. VOLKSWAGEN sedan, for economy, in really. fine condition. Lic. J16164, SPECIAL 1960 OLDSMOBILE 88 se- dan, automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes, radio, white walls, discs, etc, Local one owner. Clean. Lic. J15633. See . . . ACE RICHARDS or LOUIS PHILLIPS at COURTICE 728-6206 OR HAROLD MICHELSON or TED MILLER aot Bowmanville 623-2556 OPEN 9 a.m. to 9 p.m,

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