Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Nov 1966, p. 22

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22 rh See ee rere © eee Don't Store Those Summer Left-Overs.. Use A Want-AdFor Quick Cash Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. " "i 8--Articles for Sale 11--Pets and Livestock \7----Female Help Wanted RESTOREO ANTIQUE SOFA, ever iu | "UREBRED REGISTERED SNILOREN'S NURSR MAID 10 live. iny 10 Sens old. Solis. pines { J ; a, al , le puppies, D US N ESS SLN C D R é @, RY nT Manesenee: By RL SCOTT | ere mga | aah™ ns Very Tatil [hone Sor netane, ett . a ad ' Ries | pl ; 40033), | MALE BACK and 'an n dachshund, fou fous preg litcr WAITRESS, a L. IN LW I I GUL AVAPAKESY TRIANG ELECTRIC TRAIN with 4 x mean needies In| 10, Sundays or. holidays: wit fi AX AIRING = ONE 10 y) ys table and Various accetsoriea,. Call iluded re desired tTelepnene_? raa-soay, | waltreas tor Priduy nights, at the yy tie BIRD meee 7 746 a * | WOREES BOARDED, close "to Oahavwa,| *°m_0o™! Gril. 34 Band street" Wey " : " cnn aan a monthly, Also saddie and horse for WANTED oo Lady to help mother with : : | Re eT a neem en me b UJ w . Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies |Rug, Upholstery Service acco 9108 oh salt Poe ' eo Mave. haa "ame re A i" ' ' Bert et ' aimese May RY Residential "TOP SIZE" RUG CLEANING my. snide aind Lt cong | ORRMAN SHEPHERDS, Caneaw sine | Am mith Commercial BULBS ® hes 'ferees {\ | iN Very | tan color, chrome trim, ney too buy sir an ° charect rin Mild. | Free Pick-Up and Delivery f Ml "elt a HIGHT-MONTH-OLD, purebred, male, ndustrial al cm, peu! = A at Pane " Danalne -- Albarations eae ' Angus-Graydon : pa : | le auaKe ont iu lanai, Hampton, 2h lor ie ss pues Twn tan ° Wiccan WALL, 'ee Additions -- Remodelling eres 728-6254 sy # doco Te wed be amlior $4 Accountant Shine i KI Me For all Coneielation Daffodil boy's sieves, Piensa 12--Articles te Pld aly, commis Needs -- Narcissus ERRGFRRRINDS vevmglavred ara MAN'S" OVENGAT, see" io vw, | 0088, USED, FURNITURE. wnat nape] oem nt eeount CALL Crocus sig Big oa A= g ariinally 978, sell "tor 938, Chitaran's| You saat" Sreek 8 Bond' sire! west | 18--Male Help Wanted _ Ri, Tb 3 JAMES ALLEN & SONS Buren ide her aren Uphotaiering, 7 Charles irene "eke, mia nea v Mah ate ware, lompa, ching, j Compieie ae ey FE 725-6126 rape eiyoeity RUCUPHOLETHRY by experi, Eatad- pil el | oye wt and 568, ~| PERMANENT teh North, 7 Ren, Paper White Bulbs shed 20 years, Workmanship guaranteed. 4 \ fa [priced fender, vet pacritice + cash] PIANO WANTED, smail size preferred Pree ectimates, Credit terme, Mattresses offer over $160, 725. Must be in good condition, Telephone Soup 6 (ANN, Chartered age ce Regal Lil iit, furnit Ished, Oshawa Uj ARE CLAY PGRONS, ~ a lens rysien 7 Bond Sree! eka be eRe rg. tw Gd ies heiterng, 7 Bean Avene, ces USED AS PLING TARGA Com hipca- rice Bi" cal "Monta arig| /24-4089. EMPLOYMENT 'ast, Telephone TROON eagileied "Ae PTB hk Ai bi 2. Bor care ia k ubaate Bien ms Couns yp 1 elas pn sock, 6 power Wenver scope, Excellent 660 UseD FURNITURE swanie ate. oe Panes, ree. r eet i 4 ae Rae GE tan valence aed eal Han tein Wanted' ed"nom wyreietive see] Semusacms axe | 'Ot 10 59 WERE ROD AG. Leg Ce Sennen Perera emer | iene sah ah, shai, " awa, jr --_ OWE BIRIM BY | eWEYELOREBIA AMER ; all General Repairs, Rose Collars and Service -- wruranrvae | OM LEPINOSA nie HR AMTINES. | salion, benUTIN Heokeane Incided, 'ike| 19--Articles For Rent wy oar ' ¢ "h : Barristers i H. McKOY Prop, Bird Feeders pr gedes rood eo Moun PITH (AAGACAY, ARGEHNMAD || few, Bloat offer, 7202117 saci Quality Control ere ogee Rig 'tel waa bil 7 25-8576 Wild Bird Mix "APPLIANCE =m Wie acdt one, sweteh feat se'aise,| Tablet, Choirs, Linens, Dish. ° ss fair condition, Telephone 775-9786 atte s Surery, < ah ah Mesente v. iy Ms on i Nh I i Mal REPAIRS Som eb hides Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal INSPECTORS 1 Thomas MH. Jermyn, BAy LLB, 725) tee, 1) years in business, Terrano Paving, COOPER-SMITH "PRIGIDAIRE" STOVE, 10", practically) Wear, Men's Formals, White da scold Expert repairs to oll makes |TV----Radio Repairs 5--~Trailers new! Telnphane 124178 Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, MES MACDONALD, BA, LCS ail KINDS OF ODD JONS -- Furnace CO of washers, dryers, ranges, | men --~ LADIEN COATS, and ralncoats Expansion in our Mechanical tm and Solicitor and Notary Pub! repel , 5 : ' i » ial 1h On 66 Deven Breet, ' Testing department h t 7 re Commercial pulling. ma ee =, "staan nag "ng CELINA $ ete, CITY. TV televisions, radios, TRAILER CLEARANCE teull "oH Wilken" Telephone 705 SARGEANT S_RENTALS ed dbase gaara? pod asm Remnant" PAN] anhol Ta EAN": wrk Wh] 799'9373"723-1139 | @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ | Service and. repoirn Serve | TRAIMERS, HEATERS, RE. | |...463 Ritson Ra. S. 725-3398 | Successful opplicents will be ; Warrister a = dept, open 7 days a week, FRIGERATORS, Authorized | 1947 1-000 SHOWMOBILE by Bomber | wHmmL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, trained to full quolification ||CARPENTRY -- New ena repairs, block Delivery Service A L a A N Also T.V, towers, color and Service on trailer heating and | "1l#r: World's largest producer of soft Soll lreducing machines, sick. room. supplies. 4 and cement work, Free eatima 20-7600 aie bie vehicles and MeCuiloch chain» Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, over a one-yeor period, then ack ari vite ¥. ire retrigerators now on dioplay, United Renal Marine, i i " NIT APPLIANCES | Dleck and white T.V. Anter trigerat Ayo Rent : will ossume full inspector sta- "dew "AUGHLIN, S.comm., LLO,|NEW PLASTERING and rei Established 1909 FURNITURE and lied. Sal c 845 King B1, Bat Wilson, 728-8565 ENTERTAINING? Finy to one hundred ' iInspe: WB Metaue Har, $000 King 81, E. |sidewalks, remodeling, "ree PFGE | nnn! §-- 482 Simcoe S. ---- Oshawa nas, rotors Installed, Sales MILLER HEATING . people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ben-| tus Ond responsibility, Parciuer anne Sie citer, t) H 5 and Service 9 a.m, to 9 p.m, 9 Tudor St, Ajax, 942-9491 FALL SPECIAL - 80° 1\4" heavy dutylquels, parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, estimates, A.C, Wood, 728-2420 or mm ' Telephone 723-001) lower struck Do 1 WOMPHREYS, SeveRyH and Wick | 47", SMITH'S TREE FARM 306 Kitchener Avenue, Call heads) Al-channel antennae aie, 4eig| @arking. 723-2140 evenings, Valera, Solleltorss 2418 King ACC HVPET BUILOING "REPAIRS -- " eur hah UrianaR Ne EY 725-0500, All work guore | rt Television, 7285143 | Work involves inspection of Sree on 'Oanawa, RD. Mumpnravs|rooting, chimneys, eavestroughing, tir © Cedars for Hedges Harris Aluminum Sales onteed RAMBLER TRAILERS aw; eae ag fre og fe ita | in-process rolled steel pro- hv AC, BA, LLB: Orca Cai, maenrys Gord May, Whitby.) @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse) Taunton Rood E. - SALE =~ RENT pairs to all makes, New hoses. Phone 4 ducts, also testing of speci- ec: » Oe a Ad nmene snenene eh residence: 725-4604) Whitby, | 668 TVR | i 1049 ; . +) FRA) FOS8103. NMA and -- were s merewenms| §8@ Dry fire wood cut to suit R.R, 1, Hampton 'vi entails Jack Lees, 726-6956 mens in the lab. Calculations iron tieat mortgage Wunds avaliable, | ROOPING. ot ier and gravely 'shingle, ts and poles Phone Osh 525-6064 Open Sundays 2 +4 P.M TWOPINCH CHESTERFIELD, two ena) Gonedion manufacturer needs | Gn4 recording ore on essen- SAEFR--b- MANoAN "toi pepaire. a eand amall rm 8 H, pos poles, lone shawa New Sets BUDDY TRAILERS tables, one coffee teble, two table lamps. distributor in Oshawa area, tiel pert hak 4 'ob Money. ty loan, OWice, Van King Street pROTEET YOUR CAR irom ice ~ana|col! Collect Newtonville 786-2283 eg My ais "6 ALCAN PORT HOPE Awa Timon, "eneition. Gen S78, Osh) to operate new. process «in dss t, Oshawa, 728-8232. ngs, stonework, railings, high public demand. Eorn -- ae Fvtiabe guerveed coor, end "patoree Yor ort, ANB" FILL for sale, Beatty) yeors experience, FURNITURE AND Lot at 401 and 28 ry Towers SPRCIAL -- a i srocture, to. $30,000 yearly. Total i Preference will be given to a 5 atenn . cae a rie os ' " Bay monthly payments arranged, 723.) Nevlage, _Siding Experts, Lowest Prices, -- AE ANSE winvan STORAGE: Bonin ratory atc, |e, channel antenne | vestment $5,500. Write ave enpliconite Wii bento deaths aw an oo 'even Instruction 4 imeoe 5, Wilde Rental, Whitoy ing name and phone number ulation, or good standing in change will be hooriss CHIMNEYS, all types of : 7 BEST QUALITY 'siuminum Windows, ? " K asetiaompen " i lings, etc, \ to D h I 5 a took for. the best tgds | Frank Mecenn, W's: Orhewe, ssaeet AURELIA < CURTIS, ARCT, Studie. ot Rent ree Sl eee |6--Marine. Equipment Veshane FOS Cn ee rent fo Dale. Chemicals, 974 Goede 13. Spero Mare Piano instruction, 3 to % pm. ng S$ Wanted" column in GAVE ROUGHING -- ~"Nurrey | Holl. Hast ' 1 PIBREGLAS boat, 6 45 HP "Chrys-| CHESTERFIELD -- contemporary it i om oF phone 729-5430, A * industry will be an asset. poet ag a Ma AAT day, Queranteed work, Free estimates, | - one a HEINTZMAN COLOR T. Vv. ler outboard, "46 tilt "tractor and eaulp- [six months, barely used, Custom SMALL MODERN __ Rogers Rood, Toronto 15. | duct inspection or in the steel ) ment, },_ Reasonable. Telephone 725-5 holstered, _ Telephone Claremont, 6o-2108. ip Wanted" now! FOUR -UOEAL Almay eleaner Ehie | Dan me s eeretien Eg rae OR BLACK AND WHITE Fuk SPARE | ROOMS vont ine SKATES! A large selection et ew "and BEAUTY SHOP Apply in your own hondwrit- CLASSIFIED RATES neve bultt, Ag 9as tnings Voataieg, one we : All work guoranteed item you shamen ene lance hockey. sticks, cycle Centres ade) EXCELLENT LOCATION ing, clearly stating age, mari- D ADS aaLUTT Rona improvements, general) Port > 'ont Tele 728-2921 meme Sire TEN OT a ea i a, tol status, ecademic standing at) m=} insertion of 24 wore, €1,08) mp > general! Port Perry area. Day orn GUARANTERO REPAIR to all -wrnper| T-R.1LO. TELEVISION |7--Swap and Barter WINCHESTER Medel 80> 308 calibre. * | and complete work experi- repairs, rec, renee, remodelling, Free) your home, A © barrier, Tel pene ne ae, oe or eatimates, 728206 5082, yee epmone | weehers and re et Free estimates. hed 728-5143 SINKS" AND VANITY unils, gav.05) | Excelent_condition, 725-2681. 725-3971 ence, insertions 1 he saa AYCANTIE™ ae and concrete, Get 720-1742 oF 729-00)! basins, $10.; stainiess steel sinks, $11,.50.; |FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. evenings words e rt et lade a : ; 4 words, $5.04) your driveway paved i | experts, 20 cents Janitor tn tubs, tollets, laundry tubs, piping, fit-/| Guaranteed trouble - free winter if you RA k Ao ky ° PE TT TO 4 secutive insertions of M4, words, your crivewey paved by axperte, 39 cante| Jn Servic a ae Septic | a T.V. TOWERS Rust _|tings. pressure systems, repairs: and so0-| purchase trom Western Olt Company 725-/$HBLL CANADA LIMITED har a sen-| Please address applications y gallon tanks, 4. Chinn, 288 Hillside, j 1212, ice station for lease on a busy art to: ned Free| SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service Proo siebsint , ors sieigoesiil ery. tO: na " min 4 las charee | Carpent "4 pen fy it i MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mat-|Better than average income, Minter Fy ee Pe raneoe i meets estimates. cal Se wie = 'service, e7,gale, Walter ward, 204 Cheatnut Street COLORED TV 8--Articles for Sale tresses, all reduced. "Smooth-top mat|investment required. Fer information, pdoards, tresses, $29) crib mattresses, $9.88; mat- * Method of Counting -- Leas then 2/ recreation rooms, and stairs, Free estl- ee rere or black and white tresses for bunk beds, $16.88) roll-away] ae, On x each words| mates, rienhone 72S-7aad, Money to Loan Surveyors 24-Hour Service cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's" Purnt'| Beat od opportunity: ter medium aie ball goa Lake tario exer a words) " mAs sre number eeunts te] Cay A --"" | WIKE LOAN You up te #5000 af a/DONEVAN AND FLBISHMANN," On 723-0065 or 668-5830 a lhc DR a Svliste inquiries Kept "eonfigeniah_ Br > ath 2 phone number counts two eee smear Seen of interest ae fario Land Surveyor, Commercial vive RAE'S RADIO & T.V N C) \W/ BUY AND SELL -- Good used turniture| vate. Write Box M58826, 3. es, Steel Company your bills sa 'or any other uie's rints, 11 Ontario Street, 72 gee pppiances. one o"south Ls sal LARGE NINE-ROOM home tent iL) ATHS purpose providing you are steadily @M/ i RLiM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario and urniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, | condition, plus large show roam 6s A Novices CARTAGE ployed and have good credit, 729-4631. levayors, 112 Elgin Street Bast, Phone TV SERVICE USED TIRES, most ail sizes, " F| Work. shop. ideal "for 'finsmithe "uphol- Limited ple (Mortgages FHEPAE_UNIGUET Went Aiwa DAY OR EVENING FOR FASTER SERVICE | FYPRRIFERR Soe ne nares [one I it whieh lows ploy af @ HOUSES @ BARNS @ SHEDS oneeumaue wa be Dag nye Big Tse ts 32 weekly. pau os cashierty tle cae RthoticldcAker Ligns Vonnstors 728-1066, / Quality Control Department, Anythi Demolished Ri an ad-writer now. 728-5286 e New, used, rentals, service, trades, Bili ob Ea ARE : ny' a mo! or Re- MORTGAGE : a | Hamiiton,- Raglan, RESTAURANT on Simcoe South, seating P.O. Box 330 moved Reavonable Rates TV--Radio Repairs OSHAWA WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL iGUARANTEEO USED wringer waaners,|'0,,coproxmately 20 Berson. Will aa 2 Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- television, refrigerator, etc, $34.50 and : 728-7020 -- 728-1892 ELECTRONICS a ee. ere Furnfure "and 'Appliances, x32 |neuse-_ Telephone 720-4391 or 485-4418, Whitby, Ontario wheel 'ali ment inspect and re nahn ete on AAA E SI l ee a ei "ite wiam EARERGOY, OKO 36 n " Free estimates, all work guaranteed, Fer) correct castor and camber, anil, -- Ay 'caving wah Ng Shree wpaide door. "eee saoeoee 2173, GAREFOOT, "BR. JOHN Ms Dental] ~Moneys available tor first fast service call 440-4761 or 720-4879 at] align foe-in and toe-out to |vaten cr contractors." Free. estimates, (TREMENDOUS RETURN on coax Are You Interested Magee ~e 'and second mortgages, Open 104A Byron Street South, Whitby. i Phone 729-6088. ment. Paved end fenced | parking | la, | R ding C r? Ter Sppeeernat_Taeeir. -------| mortgages. No bonus, First neve correct condition .... $6.88 0 ENLARGER (Opera 11A);| 100% 181 feet. Close to South GM NG Rewarding \oree | SALE ORE. B, Bentel Su . K @ Ports, extra if, required |PHOTO ENLARG (Opemvs TIA); | tuily rented (56 cars per shift), For full TE Simcoe Strest North, Oshawa, Ror} Mortgages, vecond mortgages Well Drilling--Diggirg @ Torsion bar adjustment [fare jays tic, Yashleamal, 24 x 2 lparticulars. call Lloyd Corson, 720808, HERE |S WHAT appointment, 720-5842 er Res, 728-044), and ogreements for sale pur- WELL DIGGING by machine al extra. condition. Reasonable, Teleph 'after 7 Guide Realty Lid., mal Simcoe St. S. as chased, for ring. In Minch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chest- Bam, 7255 ONCE IN A LIFE TIME chance, eatab- Z || 4 Li j d i EN! pan insanrion, Dresomeking M. F. SWARTZ perfect Realise Ria: aie oa sad al hat ® Siksch GUITAR TBs [ carlos, like new,|ypees jen, Mueneas te Vcenceg, va ener s imite DEADLINES ORIEN SMARKING, Experiiy fitted 26% King St. East BRAKE SPECIAL must sell, best oiters Telephone: 728-8183 watt: Fer, Gentiaeaiel. teteeviek. aan wits, ) a sever, Grenee, Ire Tene Wat cin Oshewa, Ontario } tv 2--Personal Most popular "cors, First |Defore six. = Loved Corson, 72345 SH. @ulde Realty, OFFERS YOU IN WORD ADS Sam, DAY PREVIOUS ORESEMAKING, serail Tult | } Quality Royaline. 4 wheels. ripped decent dha BAN Lost ani ND coats, dressen, ete." Work 7. preter: | 723- 4697 mecepnen Removal of superfluous hair $14.88 fon tit Reigstones 728521. seieg 15--Employment Wanted RETAIL MANAGEMENT ag t§ RR Pay PUBLICATION sfenaity Mra, SMehamee, RATS, -_ | a on Marie Murduff will be in Ps PHILIP'S FOUR-TRACK stereo tape re- * Good storting salary ; | 10 Oshawa, Nov. 7th, 8th and corder, complete with all accessories, § Pe OA ORT aUaticaTion seater, Fa.seter toe sen" woh MORTGAGES pests 9th. Phone Genosha Hotel on | WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL [phone"Sit7iir ant Spare we peenanes = Erellnk sing presrem sine ikibe Sid Ge Garden ; 73 i oe | e peeertiel : these (ve for appointment. Including weights per wheel /FURNITURE -- three rooms, new quer ; ith i wuey oars bility OF THANKS rdening an supp! ee | Sormmercie with ELECTROLYSIS eoch .. é $1.95 ity furniture, oniy $299. Includes com-| Fully experienced. Complete Sa ey eae pane DAY PREVIOUS @ Industrial | ay 723-464] SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, plete bedroom, living roam, witcher on knowledge of repairs to all * Liberal benefits CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Immediate Service and Ever» ; FRONT-END WORK AT Valves! Barons' Home Furnishings aa] (0UNdry equipment. - Refer- Company policy of promotion 1 ealumn = 4 pom, day previoun) cob oe Deoomenes Forcom. | antenna 3--Sportamen's Ci -- COMPARABLE PRICES Simeoe South ences. Telephone: psetiggi urna oF larger = XO am. dey previous. BRANC | ans Solumn PASTEL MINK bolero, worn once, <a 263-2610 Opportunity for high-level A H | get HUNTING Li LICENCE ES, new end used inal value $1,200. Telephone 725- a ORRIN ANP REALTY INVESTMENTS LTD, | bl unt. Dovent and sok Saver 'skate ex UNIROYAL after 6 p.m. | WILL GIVE DAY CARE in my Wome to) income CORRECTION M cable new. and neds axaten. est ELECTROWOME TV, 31° cabinet Toast, |BUBY oF one, child. East end' of Oshew. Interesting and active 9 am. day OF PUBLICATION S| King E Valley Creek, 16 Bond St. W ENTRE \ Gerd SEReerenehy Wate Wate ran | Cane ran: nteresting bag DOUG TERWILLEGAR tv A e ( S Good appearance, TNTIAL-end--commerciat Hesr| «environment med ED'S TV TOWER and Aerial service, Reine ei Will" be charged en eevee' maert: 723-1) Res. 725-6210 | vorlen i-a~S eric edna a The New Nome Of + [CEDAR RAILS, "intoct, ave. per rail,|and. window "painter hardwood Strong expansion program ake end SECOND | supplied, Phone betore 1386, DOMINION. TIRE STORES | Telephone 655-3400 Hoe gp aE hg oeifypon le ong ¢reating unusual opportunity 885, BOX NUMBER RENTAL 41.00 MORTGAGES call are Contract lavited." 725% for progress Ae every endeavor will be made te ' ~All Closses-- 723-5278 pat Motorcycles 17 Park Rd. S. 9--Market Bosket WOMAN with six years office expert : A forward replies to box numpers te the >: nel, imatines ihe TRIUMPH 6 cc, SG3 oF bent Phone 725-6511 APPLES -- Meiniosh, 8150 per boanel| ence requires position in doctor's oftice| Applicant Must Be Able q ners SUMMERLAND otter, Telephone 728-1890 after p.m. and up; Spy, $2. per bushel and up; also | oS "eceptionist. Telephone 723-8006, To Relocate Periodically i SECURITIES LIMITED Heed "FRiUMEN PONNEVILLE, excel Cortland, Delicious, Russet, Toleman| MOVING? CALL ROBCO. Reasonabie : M * | . For Color in the Spring Member tario. Mortgage -- 2,900 miles, 98s. Sweet and pears. Algoma Orchards,/rates. Free estimates. Rake leaves and Junior atriculation ' Alt # lumb: " " Thickson's Rood North, Whi itby. haul away same, -- services. H i 3.2) Tibia glk 12 $ st" Trail dome' Geet, Seal ea FRESH VEGETABLES. Cabbages end| (20-2882. 723-4090 anytime, ___ 4b eee imeoe St, N., 725-3568 5--Trailers es J * jearrots. Walter Huron Farms, 2 mile/ TEACHER REQUIRES Wevskeeper \m- Freshly dug Pina aN AND SECOND mortgage avall- sinks, tubs, overhead garage | west' ot Oshawa on' wore net service mediately, Telephone yaa) ater 5] Please Direct All Replies To Box Evergreen and Flowering gb, W. Schatamann Realtors Nie Breck doors, steel windows, steel [road Num treet North, Whitby, 668-2338. i : beams, wooden beams, cup- | POTATOES for sale, tree delivery, Tele TARGA available for painting and , 1966 Rambler Trailer, ' Pe phone 728-1306. | decorating, All work guaranteed Renton 56313 hrubs aes -- FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale boe . ; hareements purchased end nee Mew TY. TOWERS 17 ft, Deluxe.. Brakes, double os pa gem gy Fat hg | POTATOES HeOR SALE -- tree delivery, | *b!e prices. Please telephone 725.2938. Oshawa Times » AIC arriy ' , Ss FERTILIZERS East, 723-7202, 9 bottles, double bunk, frig. the line of used building mo- | relepnene_ 70! GIRL WOULD LIKE position es cashier ry jan : or clerk - typist. mae to do part-time BUILT IN OSHAWA toilet, Demonstrotor. This terials. For sale yearround, _|APPLES. Hic Delicious, Courtland. | Worn Telephone Touease, : - Green Gptomeirist AT OUR OWN PLANT week only, $1995.00 |: Tele 3 725.417) 298. oy Mine north, erie LADY wit ~ RY SIT children Inher | vergreen FR RIGWARD BLACK, 6D, ik Simcoe : ; phone or = |house Bring ' own home, 'ably Monday to Friay, : Sirest North, Sutte & Oshawa, Telephone tower or te = pater 3521 from 7 a.m, to 10 p.m. |APPLES -- Macs, Delicious, Courtiond, in caatieg Eola area. 728-749 2 poe LAWN SEEDS ---- si a 966 Romb BT ee eae nee HOM, FRE WAITED Tope CHIEF 362424 arabler. ro} et, } 738-6175. tn the coves ot dtaptay i in 2 ler--Teailer, BARGAINS neues. rite containers | De held renponsidie! Paintin and Decoratin Bis Se tied FAN OR MOVING ws Doreen sires. terror nonce Man Mat When Te 'actual Stop in teday for ell your |anariecs =a _e =| 15 ft Shahan Seas 6 Cue FLOOR COVERING COOKING APPLES, $i, bushel; eating|full time = a a ENGINEER gorden needs > apples, $1.50 bushel. Twelve miles north! 1503. | timates, Onstrator, This week only Thousands of yards of of Oshawa on Oshawa - Port Perry High- tixement it y neecuracien wm any form trek O90 Bie are conaines Yunerein. | waDbines, Sart abaraa le "Sick! Uust East of Ritson) . 10--Farmers' Column A power tool manufacturing white and coler, Mest apie Wil " j ---- GENERAL company requires the service oa aah Gee ke GARDEN CENTRE | aes. Tenth your own tome st me) 723-8131 - 723-8132 | 1966 Falcon 24 ft : ees DEAD | eo OFFICE WORK of a professional engineer, Cah Classities Direct 1O1S King St E. PSR a ah With absolutely everything. aeenarapeminnieniaiicasesisicsiecann | VYTUNO Tenens Collect Hampton 263-/ i) seated for Bowmonviite (mechanical) to participate in 723-3492 -- x : Tt ee yacouin aerate 2 Jen Se retail store. Commercial ex- promict, Geveerost ¥en 725-6551 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED cept reasonable offer, or renin Vecwim S aeven tee ree 11----Pets and Livestock perience essentiol. Five doy exponding operation. --| PLUMBING MART TV T OW ERS ade, rears he Bee 4 W RANCH week, Write: The occepted applicant must ot 2 * ° | beds a cS BOX 58816, % INDEX TO Not Just "Nursery Sod" But SOLD DIRECT ARE BEST Very good selection of, new [OrMsaers S16, crits S10, "stoves ate] types of horses for scale OSHAWA TIMES oe cle aie LASS i = , washers $15. 16 Bond Street West, 25 Bond ' s Be ee 100% GRASS SOD j 20%. OFF | WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! and used trailers and comp- /Street_East, Valley Creek 720-420), $25 down, Easy terms. Trial chief engineers position in Perearel . | Copper pipe, pumps, three ers on our lot right now the . [CONTINENTAL BD BARGAINS, mar rides, hay rides, sleigh rides. the very near future. Spartans Colima | piece bath, steiniess steel T R. | @) fabulous new Satori trailer [frewes, Mall Brice. Finest guellty Pos- Ride daily Mon. - Fri. $9. COSMETIC arercyeiea PICKED UP oR, DELIVERED | sinks, vanities ete end track comper, third off, 723-3889. : Spacious box stalls, Ask for REPRESENTATIVES All resume should be address- Equivnent Visitors W Hours iy pm, to > am. TELEVISION WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE sea] Joey or Ted, Pickering 942- REQUIRED ed to; ae hy BY Sale "ALL GREEN" nugsery | Set. -- 9 am. to 5 pm. Corner Bond and Division wresea Pour tere Wa "Soncen "Street LOT, __._| Why not phone 725-5151 to Personnel Manager, | TAUNTON RD, E. ere rechie bet tomes vel caver R T N D 1 F _----y oi a SUPPLY LTD. $1495.00 discontinued patterns way, Simcoe Street North, = a F Help Wanted Cohen SOD GROWERS lowed Wed BUDDY South, 72-1671. HOUNDS FOR SALE, Written guarantee -- joining us in promot- ; 728-5143 a eer. a open Giese Teunten-vitge OSHAWA | .'49 Brock St. N.. Whitby )-- franaee ech 'Eines nomsron' assay sweet ames"! SHOWCASE COSMETICS ROCKWELL Townline Nu vk MOND oF | 668-6601 | TELEVISION--RADIO FEMALE BEAGLE pipp . dias s Or 2hNNS. |FEMALE BEAGLE pup 725-9674 ALL TYPES OF REPAIRE wna vemesee| 24 HOUR SERVICE TRAILERS SSaNGARSworeher Gis eora| oe RESPORSIALE woMaN wr yong wey| MANUFACTURING \. Reasonadie ' ive in re wi a a eee | Oe TS eee Port Hope, Ont. a RS ee Ex FO FOR TALE. TWO lane ose schooeage chitaren tn ™rven| Company of Canada ALC PLUMBING AND HEATING v0p-| HOLMES Lot at 401-28 interchange /BRIVATE -- Soru:Khan wool fups FREE TO GOOD HOMES, cosy coddiy|room and "smat renureration wine ee LIMITED TOP SOIL, SOD piles, Telephone 725-257, Harold N Stark | kitchen table, range, tape recorder, kittens, Telephone 728-4476, 108 Powell| able to hold parttime job elsewhere It 40 Wellington Street Lid, Prombing, Heating and Engineering, table radio, television, train set, protes-| Road desired. Telephone 725-2387 after 4 p.m. Fall Sale of BSS Simcoe Street Sovrr. a4 ELECTRONICS Open Evenings 7-9 man bao TW compressor, rill, NONGY: |ieigh SETTER PUP, mais: eight weeks eek | YOUNG eg ge be GUELPH, ONTARIO u ke r oo nid, registered, $75. Telephi a live In and care for three small boys in - ad : CROSLEY "retrigerator and 39" Moffat Se ort aa' . Te . |motheriess home. Must be reliable, of NURSERY STOCK Rug. Upholstery Service Closed Sat. Evening epi ebeurs | For Prompt Service Call i Open Sundays 2-4 Puawocreconamonea "one™resarnth: ADORABLE Scout Siomee hilo of| asm, gMeNrene® gg Preterely DOORMAN | We do RECOVER your except te HARDSAND CHESTERFIELD et anpeie Whitby . -- 668- 3679 | od, _Telephone_9ch2702 champion sired' Tetaphone 72 sain 8° SaRV SITTER" ons er tow evenings WANTED STER | Phone A ee SAVAGE CARBINE Fife, _noeune | ------~ iweekly, South-west area, Children aged LANDSCAPING yo - ----____---- "og abtomatic » COEYS RANCH, Revs. < German. Shep-|7 and 3. Telephone 7204735 Polite, courteous, fetired or , shotgun, $s Re. For FREE ESTIMATE coil, P y i 885-4245 beard moter, electric guitar. New "cont | P RELIABLE WOMAN + tor - reti rt! : argelay 728-3651 * | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 | Soe See Se, AS Cremenen Avene | [tevipment, "cites "ASNbUrn 6SSa8en small child, in Ser nae Fiveday heck -- ee | Fast T.V. Service a fer. 8 p.m . 725.172) i* week. Cail after 4 p.m., 723-014 y: f é~ ' INT n ne . e |SEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready a wane oe pas " NTERIORS by WINDOLF | SSTARCRART™ can Weedine /GiRU'S y WINTER coat, size 12, like new Apply Mrs.|CAPABLE PERSON lo care for lwo pre- Mr. Kadoski, goed quality, } yas. and . ue ye T i -- for traini talking strain. 39 Simeone St. N j DOMIN ION Evinrude meters, Open evenings at Tetepnone 725-1482 after $.30. T Br Sea, tia Ek vain East stheol children, household duties, five-day Manoger ¢. Deiveres. rasa wis ] resregs, Marte, Shree ane Supply SPACE Soncivions" Wrewkiin eSSea7e ate TONTINE " KNLS. "REGO." sndunces Hampton." in or out, Apply to C. Kappes, Gdecn Theatre a a Teper Le. m 3S tent iti ri in 2 her a jon. : at ¥ Yau ---- . WANT ADS reac Trocnanas @ wteresh| TELEVISION j Brookiin, 655-960) eS = -- Serre 3 * black Miniature Poodle puppies om | Hampton. " 39 King Street East Cali 'or FHL Gitles pronpects every day. Take advantage! lisee a ALUMINUM cor top 1P boats, | 452 Bm. oF San |cramoionani Stock. Also black, "experienced. Telephone 725-583 sagen Free ealimaten, PRES erie? the vast audience Dy felepron: [Ree we, Sih. nes Rental, 4e-/ELECTRIC GUITAR, 3 ampiitier 2 'endiand white stud service. Eleine and bred aK. 'Conditions. prting Mice elep 5 hea 728-5154. 9 am. te 9 em. lane wee. Guitar eave for sole, Felephone 985-7327. Frank Shewring. Telephone 723-5930. ot » 688-8591, After 6:30 p.m.

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