Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1966, p. 30

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SPD SQV SP Pi rey Te Th I Et IN IRR NN tN OE SOB CS CIN enw Ser ti Het 26--Apartments for Rent |27--Rooms for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale 30--Automobiles for Sole |30--Automobiles for Sole |31--Compact Cars for Sole |38--Coming Events 30) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 2, 1666 LARD tee-roem apartment sink. and ; 1964 CHEVROLET : 2t--Apertments_ Rent_|26--Apartme ral Apply "31 Arthur ce ZOLTAN A ; - nto for Rent __jezira pany a armor trow #! WHITBY HOTEL Eg et tg FUN Uo ob oR tly JAYCEES new tires and brakes, Low and Fiat Dealer mileage, V-B; out ie, Specializing in Volkswagen "WreeTaamapperTi WHITBY for an bath. Telephone ng Rooms to rent by the week, SHELDIAN or_apply 362 Mai oo ae , power steering and brakes, Repair and Service : erwin - a nev 160 Simcoe South O N St e r equ tt ' a eS 728-005! 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, is all modern conveniences, ele- Sina three-roory tu nines eae 207 Dundas St, W. MANSIONS | See" tet css see ee 668-2997. i | hel 'en ox it Nese] «ATTRACTIVELY SABYAN o) 885 OXFORD STREET eenline AEE ee | «| FURNISHED' ROOM See One MORLEY STALKER | ,MOTOR SALES LTD, B| N | Within Walking Distance | | @ FOR RENT @ trem guwina, See ian' tear) Avaliable In. private home, Of These Dealers 10 Rn SIRE Oecaa area O | A OSHA' cui closets, South General Motors" | 2el*siera™*otnen "Hour (vam S"fashot asain" "| 82 PARK RD. N, : Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m, to BROR 334 hey 've 5, rh * vhs aga deposit 7 pam. Sot, 'ti! 3 pum, maaately win electric heal hot 728-867 | ror Quality Service } 733-490729.9811 _ opm inns, AOMission 50c and water, Oy ag and fridge at only i LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION [sii monty. No damege depen sit, SIbby's| ROOMS FOR" RENT at Horse Rangh, | -- sass VOLVO E PEUGOT @ Swimming Pool 35 Broce St 720-1070. [Sitesi ne treet Wes erg cen ard "phe whee 'S TIME © A.M. @ *y MERCEDE 4 il Two Jackpot: Main RCR Rm, th ibly four |or've al nm GM and downtown. Tele- B E W | S E iT S A NOW! * ES BENZ ac po s © "Nunis end FOR RENT __ [fromictain et, cind rare Weed, hoe - "Your RAMBLER Dealer' General Repair ond 53 and 58 Inter Com. 45 Oshawa Bivd, South, =. Gana 2 Brew, « ott King Was & To winterize your NICOLS Motors Limited Auto-Electri¢ Service or SALE --__|sBHCAIgn vie wes Texte Rin "ES | automobile On Highway No. 2 Joke and Bill's Garage | QNE MUST GO @ Two Bathrooms in rerrinartior, sipvi, t dross, "| WINTERIZE AB 449 Rit all 2 bedroom suites 12 ROOM HOUSE | isda term ee tye y iy BODY REPAIRS Just "Waet of; Thickson 'Rd. Wo ne Se0921 Free Parki 162 COLBORNE ST. rw ang! errance' ais monthly. Inelaes| et. Sullable Yor'fwo. Uacaled log" and] Don't let the first cold snop SPRAY PAINTING Whitby. 668-3331 || sa eonvall' Rothe toongese North $500. _ @ Free Parking EAST i 'and hydro, Newly decorated, Park: ox =| catch you unprotected, Now e MORE CASH HL r tonallons Taleohane awe | IN 50 NOS. LESS -- <n ear ee mg See S| nh meme | Frogantimates:imuronce | M Se ae Me © Model suite furnished by Rouen) ARMs moe ange Immediately: T916|Notors, Telephone 725-4180. ci hal ide rp prom yl: greeny bieck interior" 16 wayne "bieeek $200 ST BEGNGEM Gbatinenl, si 7 ROOMS to be rented ately ¢ . ; Wilson's Furniture Store nang Ain ey a inh raeiniet ewiy'aeoraeae One [tungeion. Tenants Seed tah ar) OSHAWA OSHAWA DODD MOTOR SALES |e sumer. 'Uise'as"seean « 7 Shreunced Now ianer CTE ADEN room apartments, walconns, Yelephone T2679 after |WnBe gentler Thee T 3s Appl 314 PARK RD, SOUTH phone 655-3717, end $25 Consolation Prize hse # TPM 7 ata eter ree ; -- DECOR: peers EOMBORYABLT room tor gentleman ESSO BODY SHOP 723-942 I eal et ee Tan Call 723-6455 apartment, private oe " Close" to By. Boely aizec 8, ere oe I bay 4 GF VOLREWAGEN Wallon ~waeer naar, $10 per line both gomes a schools and Children 25-0536, se Tae! = mower ean asa leustem radh i ROaphon sav 728-7942 Meidaav 6: 9:30 om, Share beth with one other temiy, Lar ROOMS FOR aR Hospital ~arey. SERVICE CENTRE 725.8332 | fay rypaa ies oe Like new, mone! @175 lacknat SUNRREROOI dortoens 'gesd' lnostihs Felophone 770-4236 evenings. Yl ohone vaste' Avenve oF TI) KING W, -- PARK RD. -833 \¢ vbee ehalesl 1962 CHEVY Vi, 300, Ceylindery adoor co ee heavy auty wiring Taevilon antenna, 240 APARTMENT, 'unfurnished, veitncorated FAROE furnished be Bedroom, "ki kitchen ar and SIMCOE ESO SERVICE 109 BLOOR'E BILL BENNETT peeer fodla, In goed condition. $950 or $20 per line. $75 full card ply 214 arthur street, gaol water, Varo, Pireat supplied, Parking workers Welcomes" sr'Crerar Avetus. (STN, 89) r MOTORS 1960 BLACK" VAUXHALL Deluxe Your. 20 Regular $20 games pay WENTWORTH THREE-ROOM veltcontained heated 385 an tee - Lg King SIMCOE S. We Buy & Sell "3K Ww. betery sling price ony Miase"sr Gant dour i 17 em at toes 5 'or, p - "1 t Ht. at offer. 77 MANOR Hig algae el Mare bum. privteenvanee aun oo eg Ms 728-1601 Cars & Trucks =| - fen 0 ae He, THREE-ROOM basement apartment, pri- monthly. Telephone 64tvant6. 570 atte 723 " aE VERY RUSE Rae SAP Hee SOR UOREERRY Ce | 'CONVERTIBLE TOPS 32--Trucks f for | Sole Early Bird Game 7:45 P.M, vate entrance, private bath, A ee DOUBLE" ROOM, large closet, bid Cy model VeBS2, fiveton, le 275 Wentworth St. aabeea ubran 23-5876 fie. Qiang bse aut roa Gan One ane Serage, Kx Mal iT ae to all mokes of cars nee ame ruck combo' tong EXTRA PRIZES ) ° ue upholstery an i % Oshawa Bre aires, tie daa rooms. | OM <aparievent AY In triplex ONE ~CARGE TROON 'with large el No Winter ti yin " Mane a a 'iran! "heat wane Every Thursd ay : O TRIM » ams 4 Bam, ¥ (J a0m le: equ er on Digby Avenue, Avaiiab! if ihe 4 You will enjoy living In [8 Slt adults. Phone 721-4494 or 725-1014" chila 'Welcome, Call 720-8316, to_north GM, 'Apply 5 Patricia Ave. : Wentworth FOUR ROOMS, bathroom ground Moor, TWO NICE large rooms in new home, IS YOUR CAR 409 Brock St, S. Whitby, Tae INTERNATIONAL ingle axle dump anor, con. Gane Pe 8 . MODERN one-bedroom apartment. Com- nidcon Welsenes fant." btere and, shopping, free park- > D W Days 668-8 Eve, 655-457 base, 7,000 vereeany situated for those letely private. Lovely | eho ae Schools, Immediate possession, "Hampton ing. TANS atier 6 SICK OR WON'T riving orries GRILLS, tadlators, all ear ae im hata Widder: ated bw at t e 43-2126, Saab Feamms GO? ov ty 'Courtlea" Auts Aparse, lack, 440-108 or Yan Porry Street, who work in and around jlent residential area, Gar a = c Zz z a = Osha % frig included, $95 montniy. © *avallenie | 2 ny pre Page now. 72584", GNM = SEBROOM aperiment, newly | ohone ras. siege ea If you see Wreckers. 23 s2 pL ' *}e LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apartment in| decorated, close fo | Os rr . 169 PARISIENNE, You 'M1 VOLKSWAGEN bus, Overhauiee J P is, De cmaitg Warmest baler Im Contre. Avaliable Novemoer 18. Wo ring ROOMS 810 each To, share, and 818 single, 327, V4, automation power" sieccleP'| moter, 0d | pee] UDI ee avi ion RENT INCLUDES gle oecupaney. inte aryer, trl a nd | Suh prefer lelephone emer Free. parking. 1 en ieure brakes, none july tauipped, Excel. | 725°8006, H stove, tral, close to transportation. re 168-5201. lent condition, Telephone 725-9 - esercamitalicipeti' 6 Ore 1, Aduits only, 723-1408, NEAR on sein Plant: 'one. ~ 'bedroom acre comfortably durniahed room 19 BILEN DUKE'S wer PONTIAE Parisienne, fie dome Whi "3 eee BUSES LEAVING pes LOVELY pve vor 'Apariment, broad-| apartment, monthly, fridge and! quiet home for business gentleman, For = i hardtop, Bla ; , @ Heot and hydro team In__living room, balcony, near ve, b pag 7 further Information plea @ 24-hr, Towing motor, -- fou "renmi,""6 ood] pertect HT ie ee TOUR ee elim hools and shopping, Apply Apt. 27. 6462-8072 ater Sh. oT @ Licensed Mechanics ' condition. 668 gays, ariel "rw ire: 18: Phone and 7:15 P.M. @ Stove and refrigerator ehaeeer Ave., Oshawa. rive two bedroom apariments tor rent PORN i © double room, In lean quiet G 5 | 'P SSO ervice iss CABILL. eg And Ravi fer' Oi stove and refrigerator, vailable Novem: . lo )=--no "q eturr: otter @ Porking Puttar eta, bt |e ou Noe 16 Pane RH | Sta Her Ati State Bie] @ GOod Supply of Parts | Eas, rie Tetons Sonar |33--automebiles Wanted sett A few choice 2 and 3 bed- | N88 people- only. 7 668-3202, on DROOM apariment on main floor fas = an @ Lowest Prices 194 CHRYSLER, lourdoor, power' sleer- Children under 16 not admitted, room suites still available, | TWO wanes. erent tage Ground is 595,50 monthly. 668-6980, pv ede sitting room. Private bath, parks We Specialize in cae Ganee Brakes, redio, wae walls, CARS WANTED floor, Unfurnished. rivate entrance, | '?, 279.20 Mmoninly, sore sd its k one owner, Telephone 942-3666 afier 6 Rental Office private bath, Heat and lights, Adults,| TWO BEDROOM apariment. A Rl st ili il Oi Ban. Buying AN ? and Model Suite please. Telephone 648-2861. soon. Refrigerator and stove, A tena ee @ TUNE UPS 1957 CHEVROLET 6, automatic, --four- uying lew Cari TEN PERFECT Open Dail TWO, THREE-ROOM furnished eparts|Defore 3 p.m, 728-8519, ROOMS for "wom my, klichen privileges i Goer tiation Wenen, "int ee tanta | Sell your used car to Ted' CHANNELS a from 1-9 P.M. ments: Heat and hydro supplied. Avall-|LARGH KITCHEN, private bath, bed. taron Fevprone novsekeeping room "tn @ BRAKE SERVICE Telephone 723-0112, Tolk 'Cash' to the New. He sitting room, private entrance, stove a . - " ~ TELEPHONE Street est Woney, cee __. retrigerater, Close to south GM, Tele a al ball a nl Healt a7 Be a pond aha oe wie chanel MOTORS the finest in THREE ROOM apartment. Private bath | Phone n ' 723-8701 and entrance. Reasonable rent. Telephone| NEW APARTMENT -- 300 iv, Re- gl i iarimenis, | ys 1004 Simcoe S. FIAE Parlilon, tweGeat QTE | ese shee 728-9574 ENTERTAINMENT FWO ROOM heated, turnluhed, salhcon: Sul one or ir two people aes Sctober |Resecrable rent. Telephone 728-107. + Wentworth top) V-8 automatic: low mileage, balance LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want ; ; FURNISHED tained, Aw neveekedping ener aig im. | 13,_723-83; ROOM To RENT, | Tight housekeeping q entwor' maculat pughOUT, 72: GRIEES, ity foo 'Wentwecin eeit, "i 5118) prices pele SPORTS mediate possession. 92, Ora oy 7 RYH, Whitby,| optional. Apply 42 Fernhill Blvd, 1600 KING E 4 CORVAIR. Spider, bi j wan 6 APARTMENTS chard view or 22 Orchard View Bivd.| Five-room apartment with beth. * avaliab! SINGLE" furnished room, centrally lo ¥ 7 ] Interior, turbo-charged 1 Bi eo charge fer Aan te vr ene me Relayed direct! te your Sle fora, GN Ao mani" |@NuANDTWOBRBREON spociran|GWe,"LARGG lan hovakoara, Fam 728-7781 | wort FSS reat oe tore et a AE Malate bh , nth je ; FOR two girls. at. $68 "montihly. "Heat" and|in new building, downtown, 60 Witla Willlam | Private bath and entrance for "2. men. |"h WALEON datuna ~esechoaher 178 en AUTO | WRECKING "Co. cara) Cable TV, RENT . |bydro supplied. 725-4320. wee West. Telephone 725-9328 or 728- Abstainers, Phone after § p.m, 728-9223, Pa on econ mea epaneune au moe f eyiemenie. mee mie eau Neh ' Y EF Bloor " pa severe FWo BEDROOM prncipient. heated, im- very central, near north / discs, padded dash, seat belts, washers, band Ro Hk conacaa 8 mentniy. Maple| Vi BEDROOM apariment in modern | General Motors attics. $7 weekly. Apply black 'with red. interler, Reasonable awa AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars Phone Now AT Grove Road. Telephone 623: 623-2 ho ne plex on Lansdowne Drive, stove and| se . WILL 725-7190, "1h Weehaine Tiree Fe a nis stale: WHIYEY--PIEKERING are ares. Aaa ae et only, Tele oe srReer. Two partly furnished M4 PARISIENNE, "337 engine: . and place ree rooms in large quie' » ed fh + Sink, four-door, ardtop, powe: iT nished or parti Wrielede large walk-| THREE ROOM unfurnished apartment, cain preferred, Pretty y' between s a C-0-0-0-OLD brakes, radio, whitewalls, ue nit 35--Lost and Found your order renre in closets, parking, 668-2728, Central location, quiet home, sult couple. phone 728-9543, he eager a - for THREE-ROOM = APARTMENT, pervene eal = "wo = room apariment for | '3s up. radar Secepied. Terms ar | colored witty Tatwatehy and. waviet entrance and bath, avaliable October 1,|ONE-BEDROOM basement apariment:|couple, Private bath and entrance. Use T 55's up. 'Trades aceepeld, Terma are muer wrieiwatenc One wallet Cable TV S uare Telephone 725-2849. private bath, Utilities | of washer and dryer, Apply 350 Arthur | BE READY ranged, R. B, Motor 509 Bloor &. Son one. role" tasites or ee @ OR FOUR room "ral 723-6025, _ | Street, crane PAio™ OFF We rade Up, down, {Ville Polle FURNISHED single rooms for working frem over 60 cars, No down aye men, Shift workers. welcome, Close te| Better be nice to your FOR THE FIRST rents" us _Brown Motors (td, 728. partment, fur- heated, electricity Supplied, Avail: able now. Telephone 725-6304, Tinga Fiana hee "ate | ©=PHONE 723-5278 | DEN one-bedroom apartment in| [Private Rooms 815.00; S-room suites, | #0!* tree services "and park-inorth GM and downtown, Parking, Tele: > BARGAIN. 9 E "| Please call Mrs, Gorman 728-4498 1 end 2 bedroom suites Ri cia pa: 1 cae te aeaer Ing. Walk-out balcony, bus at door, close | phone 723-9695. cor, How? Why, take radio, '59 Dodge 'Feogaet aan 720-8121, 7 Oshewa's finest apartment -- "1 r rent, 7 t to Len Wall! Don't | bl Oshev $35, Parking, Tele 648-5201, Whitby, |'9, shop BSITTING room and klichen Com.| it to Len 'a ion't new. Apply 513 Ortona, before 2 pm. or LOST, Pair of lady's bifocals, light biue Osh ¢ ble TV 0 Oceu- | |LARGE TWO-ROOM Opslairs apartment, Wo. OR THRGUANDROOM apar| neely, furnished with television, Suit one) wait you may be too COLD telephone 723-6585, frame in white case, Reward, Telephone snawa Cable paney. lavailable now, private entrance, central, i Maas Ae te Near south General Motors 723- | 1956 FORD Victoria, two-door hardiop, | 7257959 parking space. Telephone 725-8562. ye rd or felephone 723-6134. Pos: |e ne perth war sete epee ate. Va automatic, dual haust, radio, New 4 GNE, TWO AND THREW bedroom apart-| session' Imumedignen LARGE bedsitiing and light housekees| BETTER CHECK THAT MORNING ? Uren. Best offer, After ¢ pm, Telephone |37 Auctions . Call mente, with ret clave, Wntorcom | Fina IA aparteenty unturniahed:|icun' Giri wreterres, valent ard ew | CHARGING SYSTEM 4" CHEV sietlonwagon, six" cylinder LIONS BINGO Grenfell Square Savors Pe ch playroom. bee wou Sieier imran bneaek |" n yendard frenemiasten. | Sacrifice price Aucti Sal 1 Off Glen Street or call 72% hone 728-3270 after a share. Kitehen,, parking space available,| @ Alternators Stop in Today at of 31.290 Telephone 723-5063, uction odie Renta ice FIVE ROOM apariment, stove and fi9.| sypnisHad two > room aparimont rook mli$ P Y ON + ** |eirvaviow covERAGE si Tow emi w| ®t Stirtevants Auction Hol TO-NIGHT 723-5111 Sere Oey ey. ore: Tonenene contained, reeseneblar central. Telephone EOMPLETELY iqurtieds Ronexoaving e Generators wal you get with 'Classified Ad oie 33 Hall St. ' MODERN TWOBEDROOM -- spartren.| gg Cin Athol _E. or telephone 725-0803, ® Batteries ' altel ee THURSDAY, NOV, 3 Early B \ electric heat, free hydro, drapes, stove,| THREE - ROOM, second floor apart = 44 PONTIAC, two-door, V-8 automatic, id arly ird Game 7:45 i th ONE LARGE room with leundry end) @ Storters . 380-385 GIBB ST. refrigerator, inonary Techies: Baleony: i Agi i entrance, kitchen priviledges, Central. Telephone fedlo, ech wnitowall: and _ undercoat: at 7:30. p.m. be Bey gl aap Ing at door, Adults =. 725-6473, 7207402, Siow battery eharein oe ses hy bun Le motors, woter pump, single JACKPOT sueLeT a Spacious modern apart. | TWO - Ross |GIRLSI Cheery, comfortable room tor ry ging SUNOCO oR ge lind Fen i oer Tew.| bed, dressers, vacuum clean- + land East, stove, be erator, one or more, kitchen priv' 5S option. and rentals | D cylinder automatic, ] 4 buf | 52 and 55 ment, two ba' 'goed By cio. ing Poot. 4 al, central, pleasent are, Block north A phone 723-4803, er, lamps, buffet, television, demege maa" Children wel: |S eats of hospital, 58 Aberdeen st. 720.3028. | (We do Rust-Proofing) SERVICE Ii PONTIAC Parisienne convertibie,| Dicycle, tricycle, range, cedor - ~ el a ae modern apartment, |TWOs LAROS nana pec agg oe 1 i cylinder automatic with. power steer: | chest, many ether articles too ONE MUST GO stove, refrigerator, drapes, etc, One child |entrance, newly decorated. Suitable for Power brakes, 35,000 original! mumerous too mention. contained. omy east of Townline north, | Stove, 9 pe Hampt mention welcome. No damage deposi! Available; Mmarried couple or two ladies, 214 Cadil- , miles, Hampton 263-8634, ive. monthly, Includes beet ine vere. pee, he earn Plate. Apartments, {lac Avenue South, 723-3541, WHITE 925 Simcoe N. 145 OLOSMOBILE Jetstar, 4 door, hard: Terms 'cash. Bus leaving King and Simcoe 4455. telephone 723-8844 ROOM FOR RENT, with "parking. facili: ROSE {OP Pawer brakes and. steering, mist] Myles King, Auctioneer Sts. 7 sia ---------- | 94 BOND TT aa AST =~ Heated | ties, pre' T 723. j owes Ast lon inside and outs also 8--c Se ee » # and 7:19 p.m, DIPLOMAT FURNISHED be bedroom wre uitche iso) apartment, top iy PB acy 1830 or apply 109 Park Road South, 725-684] 725-2552 tvs ears Best afer around & visor call 3 joming Events ; one single furnished bedroom, Centralty No children please. Telephone 723-5029. | TWO PRIVATE ROOMS for rent In quiet 1723-6803 'or 728-0884, Wes Every Wednesday @ 1 end 2 bedrooms @ [iccated. Apply 141 Church Street. THREE - ROOM apariment, newly dec-|new home with no children, Reasonable WES GOGO Gur dean Romaine can. stove © refrigerator @ [SNE-BEOROOM apariment, in spart-jorated. Close to shopping, Available De-| Telephone 723-0564 © | Snnnrnnnnnsnrnemnnnenenmnnsnnenmnenennensnenneenenerses teens dition, Sound ee ae ems iat SUNNYSIDE J ubilee Pavilion broedioom in hail inter- | ment, in apartment building. Adults only. cember 1. $82 monthly Includes heat, . ee : clls @ inte ap 9. sone | PRIVATE furnished room, south 4, uw @ OCBINGEILT Kara Aare com @ FM. @ Balconies | ove and retrigerator included. vero, Telephone 792-5618, _..| quiet gentleman only. $7 weekly, Vele| im, CLOSMOR ay 9p. Bower a ver : @ lmediote seesession whone 723-4953 or 728-9217, THREE ROOM basement apartment, $80) Phone 728-8053 |ponraction, many extras, a: T condition. All proceeds to charity q Close to shopping centre ond |TUREE-BEDROOM apartment. In small) monthly, Bus stop at door. No children, | GN furnished housekeeping room, with easonably priced, 723-80: | See Tues. Ad 4 all schools. ™ Samer en Sek heel an Gow aI. ia oii 'tod ed 2 ils frig, Private entrance, Also parking 'i le RAMBLER American, eke ex : q : ED SITTING room and kitchen, heavy|space, Telephone 723-7657 GOING DOWN S A F F leatient condition, low down payment, | ; OO ea cantare | MOY Stove: end A New 2 piece bath:/ ROOMS FOR RENT, nighliy and weekly o* Easy terms. Cicence Hasoe0, Wellman Christ Ba i 728-4283 TER sie eae nal, eel | tae PeCueaE eect ree asl etes, apely Queen's Wore, a simmons [tor Rambler, 720-7351. ristmas Bazaar 4 iM "apartment, 'one child | Stree lor Ps 4 "y R ant et Cae estas tn oe |weieae, AH monly. ABDIY 777 Row 1 Avoid the rush get Be Ready For [nea Coto uh titel ea and Tea ! 340 Marland SACHELOR APARTMENT duitable tor |sua-weomeone Reed "Rent eee in clarstied now! set for cold weather Wi A hBRO enenie x couple, completely self-contained Private | ON REOROOM 'aparimnent. tee | a es inter | a FORD convertible, ony, equipped, 2 pm. i entrance. TV outlet. Close to bus. Park-ideposit. Available Nov, |, Park Plaza, 28--Room and I Board now. Anti-freeze, ater eines Mie Saye Saturday, November 5 se] Ing. Telephone 728-0243 after 6 p. 10 Park' Ra, South 729-8844 . thermostats, tune-ups SEE ee ee TWO JACKPOTS Ms ; TWO MW N FOUR-ROOM 'apartment, on main floor.) FOUR ROOM apartment with garage. 4 Aid . 7 7 Var automatic. i q for 3 adults or couple. Close To. hospital | qcatanie Immediately, at. 36 Ba ate SINGLE ROOMS _ rod repairs, lubrication. "ROY ALLAN" Sg SeNVOrtiOnh, VO. eurernatie 53 and 56 mn bi and Mary Street, After 4 p.m. telephone | Telephone 728-5571. : epairs, tu . Power steering, power brakes, Low mile- : M449 age, Excellent condition, Must sell, 668- Memorial Hall -- Simeoe St, i GRGa ROOM APLAR ----<igge |ONE BEOROOM apartment in Oshawa and BOARD 8608 after 4 United Church, Oshawa i | THREE ROOM APARTMENTS -- Stove | Telepnene panaol Ala . for ioe a r t land retrig. supplied, heat included. Close a FINA PRODUCTS '4 METEOR" Wo. door Rideau, Va, . I }to downtown. Reasonabi 1. Please| IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, L " automatic, radio, Must sell, $1,850 or Oshowe ond / Modern. two and three | tetepnone 7 9605 atten of on *lbedroom apartment. in clean *huliding Apply - e Tune-Ups beat offer, Tarms can be arranged. Call IN 52 NOS. OR LESS Spormored by bi a} bedroom opartments Torees of Foor Central. intercom, No children under 12.) + 4 Divi S 24 HOUR TOWING , atter 6 pum, 7204758 District Cerebral Palsy Parent f ase re ereieeniein t. @ Anti-Freeze : RENT THAT VACANEY trough Rent 900 Council for Crippled Children, lephon room i ig Two bathrooms | Avaitabie anytirne $95, $110, peopectivety: | iparsin pid GEAR ie ,fentleman, © Thermostats wrhie teen siuitiacic wissen . a ; | " Seana ill ache io bus 6 oom ewe = ' Bi Fenced-in playground pe as Re I = eee) a andar sa A Tag ness. abu Wurniahed 'apariment. for rent coe MA PLE GROVE '44 CHEVELLE, six cylinder, radio, auto: In announced Nos. |. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ti : |ator, stove, Broadicom, tree laundry facil: | THREE ROOM apariment, clove te down! Wane Fo RHEL AY HOMEY ROY ALLAN'S [fates Rewer Sead "axteriory anaus, sks $25 Consolation Prize "WHITBY CAB" New building lon veokason sea ouh. "Aguas guan_ sin (ow, Jr tye ener taba SERVICE evenings $10 per both games | } Pt agg hard ote, ree room N/ P.osseasion, Nov, Yan.792 jon Guang Vise Avenue. Single bea. ESSO SERVICE i940 SUNBEAM, convertible, dual os + 203 Dundas Street West Oshawa south oat, water, ee ab lunches packed, rae uration, 4'9n the floor, new top. $ ] 50 Jack ot . ace ee Ben (ARNE Sci fe ANVILLE Bee, Sah Novatel het 'pes : Teleph 725-0 : . "lpm, 7234712, oe 5| Ron ANG BEANO tei porllarnaie aes 7 BOW MANVILLE 288 Bioor Street [ante svealage $20 PER LINE 668-5855: 668-8151 \ elepnone -0657 |=" Ret iva ROOK ~ jtral lotation. Telephane Favi8 or 147 | is METEOR station" wagon, $50 FULL CARD ; and entrance. ee Se | we years and pHi gg ayy ad Broek a 623 5329 | Soman Site oF Sar eee . ' 0 | T RKEY S PPER or 728-2226 stove. Close to South GM. Telephone 220: | Street ABR ren [Wate = Genial ntatians Ahavad : 728-3293 ac TMPAUA ieoran $800 i. ie id Chureh 058 7 - we iain private room for ung gentlenwen, Park 'sh IMPALA four-door, V2, automatic, ot Westminster Unite: re! : oe FOUR-ROOM iinent, he are 6 . P T. RGOMsnarlmants "ail forwlahed:| 184 Willem Sivect Ger ste Geet, 'Yele. | ceerenre linet. Cai 4th dh Afier Hours 623-2822 powered, cecie, tinred windetweld. Six REGULAR GAMES on Manning Road, wo. ' ~ Regency | OWETS private entrance, suitable for two men|phone 725-2173 Trot etare oan ecet Gerilernin Wil ~lieccin Mba eter ser $20 PER GAME SAN oe = 1966 : or working married couple, Child, four @ROUND meter ah day Wank, lunches pet Tee Sem Cs ce | ND AVE. oy We Gea ecaeiek heels Gee GROUND FLOOR, Three | large' "room packed, Parking. Telephone 10844 ' 4a" MERCURY" Couns, painted Gandy $40 IN 17 NOS. OR LESS > : 5 IOS D597 4. 31 Bigin Sty 723 hydro, A real home, close to hospital, Hy GARRARD ROAD, near K-Mari aural ores ay S pr mins ] 0 ye eh $1 $0--Chidren = ! FURNISHEO BASEMENT apariment, | Adults. Available now. Telephone 723-9968 | "Ome cooked meaia, parking, einen form se nromeds rman wihesia. 8 dmission by tickets only , . . 4 Premier working couple. laundry fecililet, "$85. THREE-ROOM apartment, privele bath, waver hak eke G | T oo $150. hi) * eae i 321 MARLAND AVE ha "adie Nig eee, VERE tre, TOreenENE | young gentlemen ining te have, single Wes, PONTIAC convertible, G7 eat to SPECIAL GAMES hesgrsstene neve Po Ninos "The: * |TWO-ROOM 'furnished apartment, kitch:| IDEALLY SITUATED. Twos" B. lunetion packed, Telgmnere o46-e419 | Gitte tenn cheats "octnee' ; day, November 3, at 1 p. ¥ en and bedroom, clean, central, park Ma ice eeereom | iF COLAO } eta BackUp liphte, windshield washers, } i 728-6722 Siyjevne morree "cup Telephone | phy" Ciery" sole mewranele| ond ond roma iar, | With your GM Authorized |reslo, Teenbone matin $50. Biwi, Bane Par, EUNTE Avo incon 1 ona 2 toeeng (Earns wwe one (i thers ang tea, tata i ahs sag | Dealer, The. man who is [Wit PLYMOUTH coupe ta alg. 7a: DOOR PRIZES kat tee opertme: QUIET, country three-room aparimeni,| w a -- "Tp |ROWMANVILLE + ewe as tram sh bh gheltys: ncaa atta At <n SS frig ond hydro supplied. Nee: |'%g Minus "om Gurwwa, private an| cage etemhone "vASWNN. Appiy anilane.toard tor siner™ mw" amet] with @ ear that est equipped to perform | ip, elem eramialen for sal. TH) EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:43 ) . "4s rance. 's rererred. 'own couples, we furthy inte ati ; M - - 4 ly decorated. Balcony for |Line north: Telephone 745100. | A sd cous ior further intormation call ons won't stort. Call mr Dota and Tia CLBUSBILE "RE Fearne ake. ADMISSION $1.00 Py { @och apartment, controlled | WARM, DRY, completely furnished bese-|large rooms. C reaidential area, Three ROOM AND BOARD" Vor" genlleimans| ve " MGFGIGN IMIQINTEMGNCe [male semen searing one Sreken. Ex. : i ment apartment, electric firepl " pl a : AY SAM S cellent condition throughout, Apply entrance with elevator ser- matic ett . tnd or a TOpiece, = bath and natural fireplace. Available im: ox Maatarts 'catkina thelti ite Mad hilsen oe ervices, Tronrenee cow apartment = Every Thursday | vice, storage and laundry Preferred. Central. Telephone 725-1862, y, Adults. Road th on 4 Breferred. Ce Ville. 623-3404. |Road South, 723-0364 : HOT" ROD for pertect condition, 3 focilities beta so at, FURNISHED large three-room apart a ~wmewe {PLEASANT single room for business and have your car ONTARIO best offer. ARDY Marlon Auto Body, 2 broedioom in holls, ample | ment, three piece bath, nicely decorated lady oF gentleman, In comfortable home prepared for the cold i and | porking spoce, close to Shop- Close, to hospital, a7 ¢ couple, Heat Five-day week, Breakfast. Lunches pack 'SS CHEVROLET, fourdoor, six stan. $ ping tre 'Apply 'or tele hydro, 499 Someve St. ec. Bus service. Telephone 7252768 morn weather Gard; '38 Pontiac, two-door, hardtop, six ; \ ngs. automatic: '52 Studebaker, two + door 3 phone the above numbers. ARTHUR _ STREET, ~oaoi Ho For SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply ts s MOTOR Pots six standard: for sale or Wrage Ry Bore ag i private bath, hydro and heat supplied, Division' Street Se S [ A W A Y | ; NE AT immediate t 1 - | mi ea ROYALE P 1 si baron 4.30 and v0 RESULTS ROOM AND BOARD. Linches "packed } SALES 7:00 AND 7:30 P.M. H os easonable rates. Telephone y 3 DROOM furnished apartment to A t APTS. ane oe ae Sores a apar ment to a Qn a M 0 T @) RS DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS Children under 16 not admitted READ AND USE THE 4 119 NONQUON ROAD able rent. Telephone 720-7685 after 4 Classified ROG ANS WEARS "te ooroman, ha deenk Wk aes als ob : f single or share, lunches pa ar LTD aun: 2 ond room -- able, South . 4a) dally newspapers are sold throughout the " i sate, Amen se Kew mT eae ting ia) TIMES reece LTD | wera 'oh ay even ween FALL ANNO CRiStiNns MARKET ; View anytime. home, use kitchen, , toe ry ye. ACTION ADS 29---Wanted to Rent | That's why it's smart business to ad A | ' ¥ }2100 after 4 | -- _ (Authorized GM Deoler for rtise in. The Times' Classifi ti BAZAAR and TEA pm. ve is' Classified Section : 728-5282 a ONE « BEDROOM apartment in apart 1120 DUNDAS E 40 s) i. ts 4 ilar t's the ene pi : | ; Two - BEDROOM apartment Fridge * ment building. fer single adult, Tele | Ww | a | over years lpi sae eng it 4 . nt earl FRIDAY, NOV. 4 BASKET : Bur AWAY 0 tay wom by renting aa iene stove echt One, chite welcome. | 723-3492 jphone 725-5105 after 6.30 pm | HITBY 140 Bond St. W loffer before 2:.000 supseriber-reagera at at 2:30 p.m 2 pasely with @ Times' Action Want ene id ' BUY A BARGAIN Weevah Classi . ' jlow cost, just dial 729.3402, Babysitting service, bring the = Aa Tepnane TIE and put ome We\TO. GUY PROPERTY crack The rea [Ader Weed aemethinas' chee est 668-5893 | 725-6501 | children ' ecm Ada - ~ s : Classified 'Ada now! Everyone Welcome 4

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