20 FUR /ORUAWA TUNE, Pte, Crete M866 You Need No Licence To Hunt Good Bargains In The Want A Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 am. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8~~Articles for Sale aren for Sale BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | 74% a tags] A | seta REAL va ete cae ae: * Building Trades -\Gardening and Supplies {Rug, Upholstery Service . tag tne Ba certah at Halll o E yee " do RECOVER your , . Pete hae HALL FOR RENT Peo tial BU ras. chisttarech ot de fh B U D G E Tee What a toes eee #, Dances @ Wadlings @ Stags A = Stage == Bar == Kitehen fas ; For FREE ESTIMATE call, j iuae waa wn ali ge Industrial Tulip Bulbs 728-3651 ' . AVER & wirlping te gaa ven lage 300," Accomodates up to Repairs --- Alterations Hyacinith - INTERIORS by WINDOLF . | S Phone adi. Petia 725.97) Additions -- Remodelling Daffodil 39 Simcoe St, N. B soune 723-438 Wesaea, For all oe Construction Riaietiniie EHESTARPINLDS renal UWLDA" reupload aa ts ea niens 135 Ibs. Mo toes Comin Crocus Nir' recovering' slip "covers mace / - ', ; Cutlery, Glasses, Stephone ee Niel hind JAMES ALLEN & SONS Duis ict ber 722 a : wUV"AND a is mo § fa 725-6126 rape Hyacini RE-UPHOLSTERY" by experts, Baiab- ig ig in ' Acero," tte, anh 'Onuwe Do Paper White Bulbs _| {ime myer: orthwnans marae. Wieners ae gydhtope nme dyrss: OSHAWA HOME Regal Lily re-bullt, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up: = . a aa. rare : down, ee A hie NITALS sane A ny IMPROVEMENTS Hyacinith Glass _ ae ee Wa PAWAC argon sh SE : Haws wer yr hy ey Custom Built Kitchen---Bath- ° Pp _ 2 Ek Fa he Bl] ome momemand ll | Pear Moss a mrene | asec | | Rennie, oa ag ates Guta esa tant, inte H McKOY Prop Rove Gollors APPLIANCE %o A rioonorcynns ™ tur wi Mt Chickens ec Mhsovas raaTaln rity Ye ts ; 5 ; pies, Bird Feeders REPAIRS Bik Me ete ge tna a Neg: 10 Ibs. tresses halt price, Finest qualit Bes. By wens. Bar, ber 725-8576 , F @REER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll- ' Wild Bird Mix Sica tab aiid We. we, elf tac ak we Mile peg Foam, Headboards, one: / parking, 7222140 Siaaeet git | J.B. WITHROW | COOPER-SMITH | {i*sueit"sn my ws en lc eee see He dirmyn, BA, LLB, ete 5 Ibs Veaaing, x i" re ae me I ls ' tore, TV--Radio Repairs |6---Marine Equipment south Wakte, Wie ar For "stn ie St sai 6. Remodelling contractor CO. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ |" ¥----ReGtO Repelrs | G--Miarin Bacon UBB(ONT™ PIANG "snag » ae KI j siagl very "ine Saba Ing Specialty----Cabinets 16 CELIN ALCAN SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.80 CLEARANCE 10 tbs. RY raeeaiy tuned, leptons Ait 14--Business ( pportunities 725 0586 723-2312 723. 139 Fast T.V, Service Sausage DOLL CARRIAGE, HI" Phillipa Telouls: EXCLUSIVE eo aa ' FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES ion, recard player, Wale piece tele Canedien ined needs CARPENTRY -- Wow one diock nt ae Telephone 723.0011 DOMINION NEW --~ 1966 4 Ib. feria ib mann eli distributer in Oshawa area, "ana | and catimares, 74690 Established 1909 a TELEVISION M ork: Roast a to operate new process in GW" RCABVARIRG arr | rere Boats, Motors, W @ar| high public demand, Earn up sidewalks, re-modelling, recvrooms. Free) Harris Aluminum Soles 728-5154 9 am. to 9 pm, Trail 3 Ibs, Wear to $30,000 Total ins ee cs Not Just "Nursery Sed" But Teurton ee & rene _ raters Cooked Meats! mole vent iti veatment a5.806 10, Write oa -- BLUE } lampten Rust : ( ted) values arene' Home mat ner, ing name a phone nu Bf em ssw. 100% GRASS SOD | Phone Oshawa 725-6064 | T:¥. TOWERS Proot |® eg 48 SN ge nee pa BL au to Deluxe Chemicals, 374 TLC VISE UiUbine Rabari :| PICKED UP OR DELIVERED | Siding, windows, doors, awn: COLORED TV y $28, Sole giao. | 9, lbs Sree ea" Weatc eet, wale' fas] Rogers Road, Toronto 15, ev ALL S$ BUILDING RSPAIRG -- . Vaitans "Wisleanvs " | ings, stonework, railings, 16 or hike Gna Unie <i teen le Veal Cutlets purenese from Western Ol) Company ¥ reefing, chimneys, eavestroughl cee , ' wi em eet Soe Be WO GREEN NURSERY | Seiua Boner owest Prices osctiour Service, $415, Sole mesats (breaded) Ty TOWRA WRNEIAL =a Fara, SMALL MODERN FING, hol tar and gravel, ; thingie. SOD GROWERS a RAE'S RADIO atv |° 40 horsepower, regulerly | Turkey 12 Ibs Vistons Paeean a Zerennes x SHOP repair, large. and ama Rent A Piano E'S RADIO iV. | $830, Sale $625 (for Xmea) suit @UALIBV AGN EXCELLENT LOCATION @ 40 horsepower Lork, puch FOprss awnings, raltingh, ete, Lew ste! For Further Information ruction, ya ani? : Taunton-village OSHAWA PROTECT YOUR CAR from ice ana) 'Townline N., 1@ MN, of Gasy monthly ae arranged. a ale ment barely sed, Custom DAY. OR EVENING = a 78 a EXPERT FIVING. "Free eats | | SMITHS TREE FARM | 72 Simcoe St, N., Oshawa sey rve, * shat, oti wr a | O09 O Re es Rte ha 0 " Fone Bontes. Veron aving.| @ Cedars for Hedges | ___ Telephone 728-2921 OSHAWA eat he $698 ' Sack Leen, 7amatse - at = ire BED REPAIR ibreglass runabout equip sates) A | et CLASSIFIED RATES weoeiie.~ CHIMNEY type ail @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse) evanantuce LJ Pree PAL ae Ay ELECTRON ICS ped " 4 $545 A Total of 26 Varieti used, Also neckey i] "Teri RESTAURANT " 1D ADS coment work, sidewalks, slabs, stoops.) @ Dry fire wood cut to suit Yaee1242 or 72900 a Dae "enema valent otal o arieties riced remiey sticks, Cycle Centre, ing for Rete inggrtion of 24 words, #.08)| Frank Mccann RR 3 Ounawa, 6-00 penis 'end pales. |Septic Service T.V. Rentals Many used boat and motor for MEATS Steaks, Irene NF KS ve * wpe eat Payment en hevee, rT) RAVEsTROUGHING -- pmurrey, Hoill- rains hae, sas) say aa coe Call collect Newtenville 786- 2283 |sartie" FANRT Gaaaned" Briel warvics AVCAIN Roasts, Your Xmas ese Eimer, Hampton asaete VARIEEY ay WORE wr oa bs ry secutive insertions of 24 en tl os RE vik on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street Turkey. additional words each. YOUR LOCA jimney cleaner, Chim-|TOP SOIL AND PILL for sale, Beally| West, Whitby, 468-2563 A ( ) {TANOARD™ Tyeewrller, i ulate tan all rivates Content el rhe yt neva built ake ons singe ii | |Haulage, 725-2156, ee ee " . FURNITURE AND i WN B Y {all tully guaranteed) $35. adding rr Tatil » Vaohone roofs Fr Charge -- 10 rer cent additional charge epaired. Free estimates, 723-2997,/ , se ors |ter, 'at ; aieetrie mut nan. Yah We waite Tuer P| $00 on a, Eg Surveyor APPLIANCES POWER MOWERS) No Money Down |vaevun REPAIRS aha tas 15 --Enplyment Wanted rs, rec, . &., a varcmeltine Free |BONEVAN AND" PLEISHMANN, Gn. 452 Simcoe S, brushes, ete, Plek-un, delivery, M2021, REFINED LABY Count -- Less then sine 720-2061. |OARLINGTON GAROEN SERVICE -- ario Land Surveyor, Commercial bive! 723-001) - ? 3 M h {Fleming Vacvurn pderviee, Main Street, housekeeper nae Seorevietion 'counts, sh] ATLANTIC PAV PAVING | and | conerete, ay gg ree BN Stim oeeecie aces fereers 7 @ 19" Ceguierty 995, Sale $78 onths to pay Plekering, in ore ne wre counts te! your driveway paved by experts, 20 cent | _ } . lita =} FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Oniario and @ 19° with grass catcher, re- PASTEL, al = Salar we reply te Ounawe 4. ng Al work guar. 4 Yours. 3.0m. "|Site eee tl aa. coe til isan. Te Bye mire Kee, re COLOR T.V, gularly $109.50. Sale . $85 On Budget inet yee Maen eleahons eK is alee a - t yd, Delivered, 725-0607, eee OR BLACK AND WHITE @ 21" regularly $102. Sale $79 FREE HOME DELIVERY oar Fi tenders = ey Ply Gl ae. fis ile a [TV--Redio Repairs ieteieieidiin All work guaranteed @ 21" with gross catcher, re To Tolle an 'San Tk ata = ae a thapping cman T y teams 'eng. sels, Fre eat 728-0618 guiarly $116.50, Sole . $89 ORDER TODAY FORM ---- | s#MerEsls 4 Rand aires West 38 Rand ay BL OUITARIAT avalaly itis yas-Jad, ie T.R.1.0, TELEVISION Je 21" auto mower, regularly Kleer Pak SL ee Paates ee and painting. Instruction CARPENTERING" and pai 1 | 1 . recreation reams, Telephone 723-99,/ AURELIA CURTIE, AREY. Siudio. a 728-5143 $196.50. Sele $130 wick wr a te Sanne | Plane Inatruction, 3 to 9 pm, 1190 K EOE FW VOWRR and Aarlal" service e 2! . coneeren regularly Foods Ltd. Two-hiece anestee WESTERPIELG, Wwe ena and Roasione rea, Bast or phone 723-5600. Free estimates, all work guaranteed, For $147.50. Sale $1) rpg. RESIDENTIAL" and commercial fleet GALLEY - GAYON twirling. Register 47 fast service call 468-6761 or 728-4879 et) Used rebuilt lawn boy power oO h NN i oe anaiien" Box land window p.m, dally, Harvey Dance Academy, 104A Syren Street South, Whitby, S awa 725-8863 He pechianaln CARTAGE Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122, Soe es ct ae mowers from oo .5 55 $35 RA Me Wo en OF ANY KIND ig paseo taught "by" " Ci for Well, Nl Drilling--Diggirg Hours 9 am, == 6 pm, SUPPLIERS TO HOME zi as ade, tank, tract _ invited, note. 'elepnone een an j ~ @ HOUSES @ BARNS @ SHEDS [p.m perfect {wary RIGGING "by machine." special Convenient Terms FREEZERS jowwarre a Wire, | ick" Seeehy ance tan lh e |WANY TO PLAY tar? jaw yi " } Pm qemcmes aiiiinineiel SE = a wn. Demolished or Re hosriyp lis Rha wero eS} tv | nut Street West, Whithy, 448-2803 er 44h) OCHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD, BAR INS al had hy Leva ; Rte a WavINa® --< sana easonable Rates. Port Perry area, Day or night lessons in | reception - aon HARBOUR ROAD ba 628-2839. hy A barri Tel . 728-7020 -- 728-1892 [farts A" Saran. Talore wi a. 723.8186 FLOOR COVERING -- | aaRRiouRATOR ed sw in tan Hl Dentistry ani arvice at 10 Removal of superfluous hair lag piawRGLAT BOAT, "A" Chryaler Ps ont ports ee * w wy, > Ans RSET OE ONS bane ae -------- Marie Murduff will be in [moter, '44 ai A. tralier and equipment from 29¢ pe 9---Market Basket tut yam ORY previous aang, Pg flee: Free] channels |' Oshawa, Nov, 7th, &th and | Telephone 7 ne ' ; ' Pu ; ' For appointment, 728-8171. |Sanmaten Call Ken's Cleening. Service| h |< Gh. Brae Saeihe batel on witencaaere "war tavern ba Wilson's Furniture Arse: mentests Losr AND FOUND ii RoE By Banter Sorgeon,|'2 Gladstone Avenue, 726.9508 wit | e fe Evinrude motors, Open evenings and Ne, Alse Sew, Fier R Gace eet te ent heal Kapoey, a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION VALEK, BR. EB. Denial Surgeon, these days for appointment weekends. Marine Storage and dusply 20 Church St. ant weet, U 1 | Hamaten, PIRTHE AND DEATHS tpointment, TaeSbAa oF Res. "yivsia'™'|Money_ to Lana | ELECTROLYSIS se Sa core BIRCH YULE LOGS, Wholesale, riell, Ras_Norihs Whitoy ' he am, DAY OF PUBLICATION |T WILL LOAN" you up to 45000 ate antenna 723-4641 WINTER STORAGE, Boats, motors, ete, | Telepnone 723: REIN VEGETARLES -- Wilde Rental, Whithy 668.2226, r 1 MEMORIAMS Dressmoking |reasonable rate of interest to consolidate get x j sal woe Ww ABIL ae a "very | Dages. sererh, oe e\ hy ORs aSSMAK pa] vee Bille or ser any ether werthwnn LEAVING OSHAWA 7.18 a.m, arriving | USED ALUMINUM car top If" boats,|geod condition, Tei Tee ay TaN sd aoaiiar, ol a A jpurpese providing you are steadily em b! Toronto Teachers' College Conn Ane $150.00) 14°, $195.00, Wilde Rental, 42! RegvoRED ANTIOUE JOR ever Vee) 21 Ret Reevice rend, Spm Lg | ployed and have good credit, 723.443) cable one interested please call 723-8989. 3224, Whitby, veare Gi Feu vere ROTATOR to le uF "eine y ° CLASSIFIED DISPLAY |DRESSMAKING. perliy "Willed sulla, |TO MEET THAT MAN or woman who tv YOUNG LADY wishes ride to downtowniauY A BARGAIN 'through Classified BROWN AND BEIGE baby car aa : 1 column = 4 pm, day previous) 8 Cok] coats, dresses. Mitully tailored Wile |wants. fe rent your vacency. piece Rent Toronto, arriving at 8.18 Telephone 725:/Ads, Need something? Check the Wentiriage, 14" wheels, $202 "Tod re oe naravous, TS he ie umns of larger = 10 am, day previous. | covers, drapes, Toms, 468-237 Ads, Dial 723-3492 now, ais Ada now! atte suite with alx ehaira 828, Call at 72 BREESMAKING, aliereiions. TaTTe oa le ae oe memronnnreme [DOAN AVG OMOr 4 BL OF OH Coy Cater [APPLES Maes, Belleleds ' CORR NEBL LATIONS vies' coats, dresses, ete. Work done protes- Mortgages call 3--Sportaman's Column ; 7--Swap and Barter | day _ | Bann No 'on NOD ianway, x ® am, DAY OF PUBLICATION ee et, Oe [HUNTING CICENEHS new "and "Uned| TOILETS, TURE, Vanity bani" ana] WARC® Mates ens consal" ede, |f0, Ov Mt at SSL oe | 2 jauns, Bought and sold, Bauer skate @x-/4) ined! ea ny advertisement cengelled vetore pub-Gardening and Supplies | MORTG AGE 723-5278 Changes New "ANd aed skates," BAHilteptle enka, laundry "Wbh, Dining and NEW THREE.PIRCE -- balbream Gah HALLOWEEN "HPRCAL™ Fay tet Will be charged on day's -- prices, Valley Creek, 16 Bond St fittings, H Chinn, 208 Hillside Wave Reasonanly priced at Tele: ase phone @2NIa) wa wnat 'Stns he hal we 4. M VERAG et your u hetous Fresh annie BOX NUMBER RENTAL 81.00 : B | \Y LOANS 'Motorcycles SEU ton ner eet heeded heer blak A hah tell chy I ta RS ver Ary © 9 gallen) wo alt potent snow Mave Your ey." | 725-9674 | HEINTZMAN TV SERVICE button shift, regularly We. (Your cost approx.) clenea¥ince SENT TS, CALL 725-397) | iV 18 TRIUMPH 650 cc, $425 or beat 723.3002 now for an adewriter \" teaser ONG stand, &e Markel, | t een la -- luc aReneRnte teers [os TST SS Raha Be WOMEN vailable + - = vs 10 day Fam am Moneys available tor tirst | --~Articles for Sale diver, Yetepnane TVEA anor "hearst | eran and second mortgages. Open 5--Trailers | mortgages. No cata First : ™ ier eclee Mancaar creme 4 Repeay tae hs WR AN ae) i paler, werk' if J al | mortgages, second mortgages TRAILER CLEARANCE Ceniaten and eC Ute SOON 3 bw ak sheen Wrtervational saleg ergeniem } and agreements for sale pur- TRAILERS. HEATERS, RE Pea Taae abt ge ss Se) wasting: |W Barrera Hon needs Hee aggresive | chased Ney 7 be! at Wins Mi sat iNReO A Weavigee Sheek naan hue FRIGERATORS. Authoriaed AROWN LEATHER JACKET, ale Mh [Servier (Une Want Ads tee retinnie) eevee Women Whe poanesa | ' | "BUILT IN OSHAWA REGULATIONS | M. F. SWARTZ OUR OWN PLANT Service on trailer heating and J BFANE New Siseen) fer tarnraxele te help dow leadership = qualities = and 26) ing Si refrigerators ' " ee at Offer. Call after ' r dr" crrrs in "ternary somes | 26% King St. East aL ER HEATING SIX SERVICE BAYS | APPLES \\ae's, Betielaa. plearing personality, with @ errors in | how: ¢ . }QUN, WEAVER magnum, double Sar Fast on No > Migaway, pane hy at | Oshawa, Onterle We qive you a better ? Tudor St., Ajax, 942.3491 FOR FASTER SERVICE Wrreeingh Thanet 'eet eat Brac ta Oikawa NaS yes wie sincere desire to enter the 72 7 ower fo ess Mone eh honee, Belg container ner beyond the pri For Color in the Spring 3-469 ' . rs opi ms ' ® cane, Mota iY SHOWATOR BOER, SNOTA wine | Note Ne containers, sales monagement field. Insertion in 'wien a error occurs, bs aig Plant w! j - S | 4 WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL NOLAY heavy duly eleetele ¢ » 10--- Farmers' Column ch 4 - la No' Ist and 2nd | 0 AWA V, RAMBLER TRAIL ERS EEL be AM * A is Teale yy We Fang, tndivicvels selected will re Chev., . : yaaa Gear aver, fee a z , Tre. Oanews wn, Timnan ranarven he Freshly dug MORTGAGES : seats SALE == RENT mrautit, Ponting. We 'correct __enene HS¥4 OHAR AND CRIPPLED farm dock ple) ceive Comprehensive training se set jimi Ms 1 uth, Pontiac. We correct ' * eat naan Shasta Det proper classification. Evararaen fo and Fle ne 4 = ~ t WWUEE RT mtb f Upen Sundays 2+ 4 P.M. wheel alignment, inspect and tak ey aaa Rag Pe ha eeary [Tagen Fereprene ¢ | FeO @ WT Higerees SS in the cases of display advertisements Shrubs | i ie | TAU NTON RD. E BUDDY TRAILERS correct castor and camber {aut stove ehildfen'a | Bua ae: : Miao Hho, Ms eres tion, Duties will cansiet of The Times will not be held responsible | trial | Qust East of Ritson? align tee-in and toecut ta Koupak vi eet ai lina nae jae SALES SP SSSR Goality bay, de hiring, train and motives tor Sr mae seen apace than that which "the actual | --hamed Service and Evens . PORT HOPE sapuehh hanalibinnt $6.88 | geal Sites S cal MRaNt sy Seine Ay @UAANT. Akane NTH, TRREIAQ One WV The | core ring M4 Bethany f \s WYersares all ey matter cer. FERTILIZERS ing Appointments. For com- 723-8 1 3] : 12- 8132 Lot at 401 and 28 @ Parts, extra if required pale © MUNTee Seat, vee 1 Gen fag women soles staffs, hold relive but essume. fo plete details call otter nal va AT abhi alia | | Wy@ Qroup meetings, ete. ly fate i m'twm] --@ So Green BRANCH Sas Wea Se em] © Tureen ber cdhaiment (es aia ee arate one Sranem i ' tre, MAN ll apa ; , Ww "> "rrr | the Orhowe orea, ore" contained. therein @ Evergreen REALTY INVESTMENTS LTD, | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED |g? TRAIL ni tes ies, fy Tak " Uh eae Fenty Roraee ee) KW RANCH | iT® Gasy TO PLACE A 5) King € TV TOWERS ing, Price ta 20-9546, e stove, $20 Upright piano, beautiful tere. Ail | Excellent pay plan, company "TIMES ACTION WANT AD LAWN SEEDS DOUG TERWILLEGAR BOX" TRAILER, oe cs .eavlpned BRAKE SPECIAL oat oer Meena " Ss ee beg ti | benefits with opportunity: tor for campi mm " witht "e ¢ N t Call Classified Direct 723-1157 Res. 725-6210 | ARE BEST and: guaeen' enver Gest tenttan we Most popular cars, First aos wd wee stant an rictea, Nay rides, ay rides, rapid advancement, 723-3492 Stop: in Fs fig your |~ FIRST ane "acOND" --- WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Telephone 256270, Quality ivy: wheels, Ride daily Mea. " oRTe . . $9 Spacious bex stelle. Ask for For interview, write resume toey or Ted, Pickering oa. te MORTGAGES -- All Classes -- CLASSIFICATIONS R U N D L E ---- ry Rural Vacation a6 I. R, ; 0. TIMES WHEEL pikait SPECIAL, AN a VORTRRER walter or traller ed rR Tg a re Mr. Mox Edwards TELEVISION \-Woment Column GARDEN CENTRE SECURITIES LIMITED Corner Bond ond * ey Classified ere weights lea By 4 a Ra = Sissies Wh Ane we eprns wg Sarah Coventry i : : Member Ontario Mortgage 728- 514 HOC Fender. Hie. f Canada L ited Sportsman's Column 1018 King St. &. Brokers ai sta i Sc, S! KS, MUFFLERS, oe .ve "he itteas, rebred, of Ca " en a FRONT-END WORK AT [Sites ove? Sli, abuser wont eo a shore Road 725-6551 ara -- = --_ TELEVISION---RADIO ACTION COMPARARLE PRICES bn ag Cy = chain "Ba ~ -- et Arms ae able. W, Realtor, 114 Brock 24 HOUR SERVICE Dee varies 'other * nouNae™ Foe Sale Wien § , Street North, Whitby, 6682338. UNIROYAL Roe Ag Ta My Bes : rs TOP SOIL, SOD einst AND SECOND "mortgages. tale HOLMES ADS om et py RR : "he. > ' agreements purc' and s Hennick CENTRES tel {yen Data |nee TYPIST * Fall Sale of and Hennick, Barristers, 2) King Stree? NURSERY STOCK acl ELECTRONICS for The New Neme Of ets eye SRS. Fast, accurate, for licence Optometrist : DOMINION TIRE STORES |! |MEAUTIFUL BABY BUDQIES "ready, ured and other HARDSAND FP, RICHARD BLACK, OD. Iss Simece For Prompt, Service Call RESULTS 1? Pork Rd. S. py og , Rell Ne tia Bh ebbcus eae core ie Ph sess ol res Sulte 6 Oshawa, Telephone oF Po palin LANDSCAPING Whitby -- 668-5679 Telephone Phone 725-6811 Safe ses et sarees Race mene tet en ee MRS, BIGELOW gran M4. Painting and Decorating 9 © =~ as Simca Siveet North |coumeneee ae ate "Wace Mt] Donald Travel Service 725-1721 |PAINTING and paper hanging, free ex-| CITY TV televisions, radios, a All types'of lumber, pipe, wins 'PRERTER IF cu HST Lionel elec: Frank' Sheweing. Telephone 725800, "We Sa Telephone 7-100 service and repairs, Service | Bh ge rh stairs, toilets, poy] ae Dunbarton | A | poodle m0 weeks old. ye pees i 102 2 aie S. ~----"| dept, open 7? doys a week. | ¢,, inks d ee or Sveorece Whi Processed for top dressing Plumbing and Heating | ia T.V. towers, color and for all other departments ~~. soe gg ol be agg Bg Sg Bin ithst |etise fain -- Bs PR Ae ee ces $3 yard, non-processed 2.25 aT PLUMRING "AND Rearing va | black and white T.V. Anten- 723-3474 beams, wooden beams, cup | REDCHESTERFIELD -- and matching |@000 DEER HOUND fer ial" Tole.) Lids Plumbing, Heating and Engineering,| 2S, rotors installed. | Sales beards, furnaces, panei box. [}MNe cMlr, 6.8, esc maize | PRONG FERAEM, oh | eG ae d Service 9 9 Cat reas REPRESENTATIVES 2 mcoe Street South on rvice Pam. toP pm, | es, boilers, rads. Anything in OSHAWA GARDEN Iii "rrrer ee wennercareneaa| 208 Rchane Mises Cai |" Open Monday = Friday | th: line of used building ma- |RERAVGERATOR, large sno. tll Woes WwW t- tod Den' REQUIR SERVICE rales, estima used Dap Reasonable} § 725.0500. All work guar- 8:00 am. to 5:00 p.m, terials, For sale yeor round, [Roth in excellent condition Telephone an S$ mn | Why not phone be ~SISL te 723-116) roe be de. ~ Te | _anteed Telephane 223-4171 or 2ARe taceeee z Cost Th P. ' <. weperp oath NI Fa ee | YOUR GIANT HELPERS Un finding the} ----~ Saturday Ms = Gi BIEVELES. "VET 1 boat me, ost~ e a we . 1 . iter | ED WELP IW A WORRY? Pinte ajhome or apartment you need. Times [TO UY PROPERTY check Ne reat 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 3521 from 7 a.m, to 10 p.m. -- frractor, Chore Mtaater iler, 30, we} Y Y SHOWCASE COSMETICS ad now by dialing aes, Classified Ada, featate marketpiace, Classified Park Lane Avenue after 420