Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1966, p. 13

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og hg hoy veg A Pa ¥ at aw re ee ee PHYLLIS DILLER, SPOOKS VISIT HUMORESQUE CLUB i the left are club members Mrs. Arthur Wakely as Phyllis Diller; Mrs. Allan Forrest and Mrs. Reginald Pike. Standing are: Mrs. Jack Anderson, president of Hallowe'en arrived early for members of the Humor- esque Club for the Blind at the Civic Auditorium last vide and serve the refresh- ments for each meeting of the Humoresque Club and the Lions' Club provides transportation for -- those needing it. the. Lionettes Club; Roland J. Cousins, a member of the Humoresque Club and Mrs, William Borrowdale, Lionettes convener for the blind. The Lionettes pro- SECRETARIES INVITED TO SUBMIT ARTICLES FOR CLUB SUPPLEMENT In mid-November The Oshawa Times will publish its annual supplement summarizing the activities of the women's organizations of Oshawa and district during the past year, Club secretaries are invited 'to send a brief report of projects and activities undertaken during 1966 and those planned for next year, together with the full names of executive officers. Black and white glossy photographs depicting a club event are also acceptable if the subjects aré properly identified, The articles should be typewritten on one side of the paper only and double-spaced and must reach the Women's Department of The Oshawa Times by Wednes- day, November 9. night. Seated in front from Therapeutic Horticulture Used To Help Aged, Mentally Ill h |Canadian Bay Ridges, Port Perry Legion Auxiliaries Visit Oshawa by Mrs, Daniel Guiltenan and helpers. The draw for the cedar ches' The Ladies' Auxiliary, pevel Legion Branch 43 eld the business meeting in) t Centre | Street' Church on Tues-|and contents, and other prizes| 0" a ro day, October 25, with Presi-|took place. The conveners for}Shops dent Mrs. Alyn Elliot presid-|this were Mrs. Alfred Laven-| Storie ing. A hearty welcome was! der jgiven to members from Bay|Thanks were extended to the} and Mrs. Albert Law. |Ridges and Port Perry Auxil-|doners and to the men of the jiaries. i) memory of an old and loved member, the late Mrs, Joseph|R. W. Gay. Spencer. was expressed. for. her. family,|4raw will be given at the next) | jretary, ja to Uxbridge Auxiliary for the TORONTO (CP) -- The green unteers, church groups, those fine evening spent the as The charter was draped in| tickets, The winner of cedar chest. and contents w A financial report of. the Deepest sympathy | sec. | business meeting, November 8, sec- ' ) in Centre Street , to be held Was. welcomed "back Church, side door, south side fter her 'recent 'illness, of church It was decided that a letter) ------ f appreciation would be sent) | Mental Patients' there re-| Mrs. Charlies Lamb, branch, who helped in selling| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 28, 1966 13 Telephone 723-3474 for Mrs, Walter Bestwick, Sunset drive, held a meeting at her home last week to begin the organizational program for the 'Women's Progressive Con- servative Association for the riding of Oshawa. Over the cof- fee cups plans were made to hold an afternoon tea at the Hotel Genosha early next month. Patrane and gueste of honor of the Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE attending the annual sup- per dance and floor show at the Hotei Genosha inciude the Hon- orable Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr, Mr. A. V. Walker MLA and Mrs, Walker and Alderman Hayward Murdoch and Mrs. Murdoch. | Members of the Oshawa Pilot Club who have just returned! |from "Fall Council" being held) jin Windsor at the Viscount) {Motor Hotel, October 22 and 23, | are: Mrs. Walter Campbell, |president and official delegate; | | Miss Lillian Beamish, Governor |of District 17, Pilot Internation-| al; Miss Mary MacLean, secre- tary of District 17, Pilot Inter-| national; Miss Beverly Storie, |Miss Joy Reid and Miss Beth Miller. Miss MacLean assisted) | tating schedule re .work- and secretaries; Miss) was -door-keeper and Miss Miller, a page. The many friends of Mrs. |James R. Gould, Canterbury, | New Brunswick, will be sorry to) jlearn that she is a patient in the Carleton Memorial Hospital | Woodstock, N.B., where she will undergo surgery. Among those holding reserva-| tions for parties attending the) | Candlelight Ball being sponsor-| ed by St. Gregory the Great|during a tour last month of the) Council of the Catholic Women's) League, are: Mr. and Mrs, Ber- nard Shaw, Dr, and Mrs. Peter; Riordan, Mr. and Mrs. James} SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Women's Department Mrs. Walter Johnson, wife of the Chief of Police of Oshawa, will officiate at the opening of the annual bazaar being spon- sored by the Women's Auxilia to the Oshawa Police Associa- tion, in November, Oshawa guests attending the official preview and reception Tuesday evening last of a new department store in Agincourt Shopping Mall included Mr. and Mrs, Charles R. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Mills and Mr, and Mrs. Leslie J. Eveniss. Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Smith, Eastbourne avenue, have re- turned from a flight to Scotland where they visited relatives jand friends in Aberdeen, Inver- |ness and Glasgow and spent a few days in London before fly- ing home. Mr, and Mrs, A. C, Ferries, Masson street, entertained at their home last night following the reception and presentation accorded Mr. Ferries on his re- |tirement as Truck Service En- gineer from General Motors. Arab Style Robes Dominate British Fashion Show LONDON (Reuters) -- Exotic Middle "astern influences, hinted. at in shows earlier this London fashion week, took over completely Thursday in a col- lection of caftans and' fresses inspired by the all-enveloping, | Arab-style robe. Designers for a British fash- ion house found their inspira- tion for a 'Tunisian collection' country. Models floated down the cat- walk Thursday in voluminous floor-length caftan robes of pale Showers Honor Judith O'Donnell Miss Judith Anne O'Donnell w marriage will take place at 3:00 p.m, tomorrow to Mal- colm Knocker was honored at a cup and saucer shower given by Mrs. John Kirkbride at her apartment on Nipigon Street. A shower was held by the bridal attendants, Miss Elizabeth Stetson, Mrs. Alan O'Donnell and Miss Kath- leen O'Donnell at the home of negie Avenue. Mrs. Thomas Hamilton and Mrs. William Badgley aunts of the' bride-to-be held a miscel- laneous shower at Mrs. Hamil- ton's home on Anapolis Street. A presentation was made to the couple from co-workers of the future bridegroom and also from the Fire Fighters Associa- tion. A trousseau tea was held at the bride's home. Mrs. Patrick O'Donnell, Osh- awa mother of the bride-to-be Wilt emeriain ine wiiuar party following the rehearsal at her home on Kendalwood Road. THE STARS SAY By ESTRILITA FOR TOMORROW While you can make this a satisfactory day on the whole, you could also experience some disappointments if you are not tactful with others--especially Mrs, Allan O'Donnell on Car-|.. with bers of the te sex. Don't yield to inclinations) toward bickering, arguing over) petty affairs. FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If tomorrow is your' birthday, | your horoscope holds promise of a most satisfactory year. Em- phasis will be placed upon oc- cupational advancement within the next three weeks, in late January and throughout . May,| August and September. Best pe- riods for finances: The next 10 days, January, early February, early July, mid-August, Sep- tember, October and November. | Do avoid extravagance and| speculation next March how-| ever. | Social, domestic and senti- mental relationships should prove exceptionally harmonious --if you do your part to keep them so. Romance will be gov- erned by beneficent influences in mid - January, early April, early May and late August. If! single, marriage is a distinct) possibility during the latter GOOD NEWS! ~ ABOUT TOWN On Hallowe'en it's time to celebrate along wi and Hobgoblins. So join in on the one fun getting your supplies at LUCK'S 5 TO $1 still time to choose from assorted cost: wias hots; half-masks with pretty ruffles or full-faced devils witehes; cute cartoon characters or gruesome "ears" and They're all there, weird enough to make you scream or enough for a Beaux Arts ball, And for party toble dress-up there are gay poper tablecloths, napkins, and candles to spark up the occasion, So hurry down to LUCK'S, at the "four comers' In downtown Whitby, before the sell-out, * * * Perhaps, since through this column you have In, some measure become aware of the delights " . and practicability owning and piloting your own personal plane and wish: quire about purchasing one, you may be interested' that most Municipal Airports in the larger towns have ships where you con obtain such information, In Oshawa, ROM BALILTER FLYING SERVICE at the airnort If va become an owner, RON POULTER will house and maintain. plane yeor round, and chart courses for all ' doys a week his staff is available for body, engine, and radio tune-ups and repairs, along with welding ond painting, on all types of aircraft, Phone 728-6155, * * * 'f you- want to be in shape for the gala festivities ahead during the Christmas-New Year season, now's the time to begin. Creat- ing a new figure for yourself will give you poise, good nerves, and abundant energy, with the slenderizing methods used by CREATIVE COIFFURES, 360 King W., Oshawa, They offer through exercise classes, proper diet schedules, and body mas- sage by a qualified Estonian Masseuse, the three basic aids for losing pounds easily and pleasantly, So if you ore weary from carrying excess weight, visit CREATIVE COIFFURES, and enjoy unbelievable improvements in your appearance and well-being within weeks, Phone for your appointment 728-4351, Ls * * The facts about PEL'S DRY CLEANING is that you can look like a million... in minutes . . . for pennies @ doy, Twenty-four minutes does one complete dry cleaning job, and one low price gives you eight pounds of clean clothes, Just bring your garments in to PEL'S, The trained attendant there will place them into the rapid dry cleaner where the solution, together with the machine action, will give them thorough cleansing. Then they ore spun and fluffed dry, free of strong odors. You save money by doing your own pick-up and delivery, and pressing, if necessary. Try PEL'S way for your future cleaning jobs, as well os their DIAPER SERVICE and LAUNDROMAT focilties, ali located ot the one cleaning centre in the Bloir Park Plaza, Whitby. Phone 668-4671, * * * It may be time for you to consider buying a new TV set in black and white, or color, Through years of experimentation the new models have reached an all-high state of perfection which mokes televiewing the number one pastime. for every member of the family. ROGER APPLIANCES & FURNITURE STORE, 50 Bond St. E., Oshawa, has them in all sizes ond styles from the increasingly popular portables to the smart console models, And for complete home entertainment TV, Stereo Record Player and Radio are all. combined in one long slender cabinet. Come in ond choose from among such famous name brands as Phillips, Fleetwood, G.E., ete., to ensure better viewing and listening from this winter on, Phone 728-2151. * * * If you are a "Bridge" enthusiast, you are probably eware of the tournament that's been taking place recently, and that the finol play-offs are scheduled for this week-end at the CAROUSEL INN. These players, numbering about 100 in all, are one of many groups to take advantage of the CAROUSEL'S ample "Confederation Room", Reminiscent of early Canadian, with wallpaper and chandeliers in matching Colonial theme, this room may be divided, for smaller groups, by « huge accordian folding wall. So any organization, large or small, contemplating some future meeting or banquet, would be well advised to get reser> vations at the lovely CAROUSEL INN, off Hwy. 401 at Steven- son's Rd., Oshawa. Phone 723-5271. * * * The newest trend in home furnishings is that anything goes a8 long as it pleases you and you ere happy living with it, BETTY HAYDL, 15 King E., Oshawa, hos et her shop some distinctively elegant imports, such as @ small octagonal-shaped table from Mexico where upon each of the eight gold panels @ Medieval worlord is hand-painted, or @ gay little velvet-topped wrought+ iron stool finds many uses, Or an arched gold-framed mirror adds a Mediterranean flavor to your room. And not only itema for ornamentation, BETTY HAYDL has enchanting living, dining and bedroom suites that will more than bring fulfilment to the home of your dreams. Phone 725-2686. * * SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE is always awaiting to fulfil, your smoking needs whether it's your regular brand of cigorettes, cigars, tobacco, or a new Briar pipe, Located at 12) Brock St. N., ot the "four corners" in Whitby, his convenient location and enormous assortment of "variety" items make shopping @ breeze. Greeting cards and gift wrappings for someone's birth- day, games and toys for children's parties, books and magazines for those who like to read, « good assortment of candies for your last minute "shell out', and cameras and films to record the Hollowe'en crowd, are among éver so many more items too numerous to mention here, So shop for your needs at SHORTY'S He's sure to have it! Phone 668-8361 * * Your American Motors Rambler Dealer for this district te located at NICOLS MOTOR SALES on Hwy. 2 between Whitby and Oshawa. See them and learn first-hand why you should working with delinquent youth and the aged, take simple, ele- mentary workshops on therapy through horticulture under Mrs. Burlingame's instruction. AWARD WINNERS "It's wonderful what can be done for disturbed children," she said. "We have one large group in an institution, each working joyously with a small plot, growing flowers and vege- tables, "Each year these children win more blue ribbons in the coufty fair than any other children, although their identity is not known to the judges and they enter geperal classes. "We have two large green- houses at the Pontiac State (mental) Hospital and two) classroom buildings. Students taking occupational therapy take credit courses there and patients, often terribly with- drawn before, begin to reopen thumb therapy of Alice Wessels Burlingame is aiding the aged, school dropouts and the men- tally ill. A specialist in greenhouse production and landscape de- sign, the Detroit grandmother of five was in Toronto to lecture about Therapy through Horti- culture. She calls it "green healing" and sees possibilities for its use everywhere besides the many ae of the United States and rope where she is a frequent! visitor, "During undergraduate days 1 took training in occupational therapy at the Michigan Uni- versity Hospital,' she said in an interview. 'Then I married and became involved in my fa- mily." Her husband, an insurance company manager, now has re- |O'Regan, and Mr. and Mrs.|pink or lilac, which will cost | Alex Biro, the 'romance - minded saa ke housewife about £4 ($12). Mrs. Joh Vivash, Columbus, This Arab-style robe was also formerly of Oshawa, at freely translated into flowing, the semi-annual meeting of the|short shift dresses with batwing Provincial Chapter of the ODE) jeeyes, held in Owen Sound last week-| 4 hangover from harem days end. |was a slinky jersey pants-suit, Mrs, William Dougherty,| With low-belted tunic and wide- Auckland, New Zealand, is :a|>ottomed trousers. guest this week of her cousin, 'rs. James Donald, and) HELP AT SCHOOL | Mr. MacDo. 4, Hillside» ave-) Among its aid projects,. the nue. Mrs. Dougherty is enroute |LODE sponsors nearly 50 high home after a world tour. |schools in the West Indies. | month, Best periods for travel: late July, August and Septem- ber. | A child born on this day will) be endowed with a remarkable memory, fine intuition and ex- ceptionally good judgment. cently. Cheques for $25. will be| . sent to the local collegiates for| Recovery Aided scholarships to be presented at) their Commencement exer-| By Art Expression cises. A donation of $50. will be sent to the Poppy Fund. | QUEBEC (CP) -- Therapeutic Mrs, Raymond Boivin gave\art is on the way. Marie La- the auditor's report. l\berge, poet, painter and reg- The re-laying of the corner istered nurse, has set up @ free- stone at the new Legion Hall| hand painting workshop at Que- take bec City's Saint - Michel; ae a ee Archange Hospital, a mental were asked to attend, x institution, ; ~ Miss. Laberge's experim: Names are now being taken given . for the: visit to :the Eglington Fogger Sel ae Giattiste and Theatre, Toronto, to see the|." he' psy "Sound of Music," November psychologists, has already prod- 14, and the bus will leave the uced some interesting results: Patients of the institution have --_ oo Centre street, at) founded a monthly magazine| \called La Breche (The Gap). . ° It was announced that tag-| "These people must be en-| recastin gers were needed for Poppy|coyraged to express them- Fund day, November 5; that)seives," says Miss Laberge of the election of officers will be|the 30 patients now enrolled in * held, December 6; the Christ- comes an exact science * hi , ..OUF Fain/$§ Pee PM with teen-age boys| A social time was enjoyed|gain their mental equilibrium. ul fi ine coat of low L.Q., school dropouts who|and refreshments were served| "The trick is to leave each| ° had been finding trouble on) -- -- ---- {patient to his own designs and/| : 7 street corners. We have given [thereby to discover a peculiar| IS your eee 00 n SOCIAL NOTICE |mode of expression which may | " Y , ; . \\ protection! \\\,\ the program. "For artistic ex- them a ground maintenance RECEPTION suit his personality. \ . ' W\\ \h \\\ \\ Discouraged, | Distressed . . . Need Help? f Cail "LIFE-LINE" 728-2111 "After the war I felt an urge to go back to school. -. . had loved gardening since my grandmother took me _ totter- ing around with her as a small child. So I trained as a land- Scape architect and in green- house production." SEES POSSIBILITIES She was so successful in de- signing gardens to suit personal- their personalities. members' children, December|/hyman being, and which may "There has been a wonderful|17, in the new Legion Hall. | very an ait these patient pe and the Christmas tree for/ auto-therapy which liberates the! jingling in their pockets and a * sense of self-respect. Mr. and Mrs, Chester Dewell/do what they like, and for this ities that she was booked far|, For residents of homes for' wilt be pleased to receive their|reason they feel free to drop ahead. She also began to see {he aged "gardening takes them) relatives, friends and neighbors! all inhibitions without fear of the possibilities of therapy in| ack poh snaggeee of childhood! at the home of their daughter,|any scruples or social rules." gardening. . +» brings back a sense of / Mrs, Frank Ball. and Mr. Ball, Miss Laberge believes her ex- "My occupational therapy|S®cUrity." . 306 Kingsdale avenue, on Satur-|periment will give the depressed training had been a perfect in-| day, November 5 from 2:00 toj/and alienated patients of Saint- troduction. I found so much| SOFT PINK WITH PURPLE (5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.|Michel Archange Hospital a could be done teaching garden-| Plum, grape, purple shades|on the occasion of their 50th/lease on life, pumping in them ing and love of flowers and}so popular this year take a| wedding anniversary. ithe will to live. plants to inmates of correction | special bit of make-up. Try a| institutions and the handicapped) soft pink lipstick that is really! that I began to see it as ajpink, not fuschia. Then give it wonderful field . . . to reach'the moonlight touch of pearl these people." jglace. Very young-looking, and Now garden clubs, hospital) perfectly lovely with the vin- mas party, on December 13; |pression is really a form of | course and now they have coins "We simply let these patients| ' WANK \\ \\\ * IS OUR SPECIALTY auxiliaries, mental health vol-|tage-wine tones! Send Them Out To Play In Fall Fashions Finest fashions in children's weer ever to be designed. Finest quolity end value in boys' and girls' weer ever to be here in sizes from infants te 14 (girls) end infents to 12 (boys'), "THE BEST COST LESS AT..." YOUNG AGES Oshewe Shopping Centre Adult Building EXQUISITE 3 BEDROOM SUITE (November Possession) Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 G@ORGIGN mansions | 124 PARK ROAD NORTH; OSHAWA | AARON NRE mats SAME DAY SERVICE -- ot -- VL Ves CLEANING CENTER Country Club Guelity et neignbornood prices King St. W. At Park Rd. SALE ENDS TOMORROW OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 723-09619 CREDIT @ No Down Payment necessary @. No Interest @ No Carrying Charges The weathermen do their best, but Nature continues to play tricks with un- predictable rain squalls and cold spells. No matter. This coat prepares you for weather at its worst. The duplan shell shrugs off rain. The zip-in lining pile lining keeps you warm. The classic sty- ling and rich colors keep you looking your best. Good reasons for immediate selection, COAT WITH ZIP-IN LINING. . ener eens $9.50 2 LOCATIONS DOWNTOWN 36 King St. E. Open Friday till OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Thursday and Friday till 9 own a Rambler. Here are some starters! First of all, there ere 26 models in all to choose from among the "Rombler Ameri- can" compacts, the intermediate 'Rebels, or the full-sized " Apabassadors. They've got to be the most durable car on the road or the American Motors wouldn't stand behind them with o 5-year or 50,000-mile warranty on the performence mechan- ism, or the 2-year or 24,000 mile warranty on the entire automobile. NICOLS MOTORS has them for you in sedans, hard- tops, convertibles, or station wagons. There's just got to be one to suit you out of this wide choice range. Phone 668-3331, * * * CLINT'S is the big, friendly TEXACO SERVICE STATION located on Wentworth St., between Park and Ritson Roads, south Oshawa. Expert in all minor car repairs, car washes, lubricating: and undercoating jobs, it pays to keep your car in top-notch condition at all times by people who know their work, Auto sup- plies, Firestone Tires and Batteries, etc., are sold there for your convenience, with an experienced mechanic to install them for you. A quick, reliable tow service is available when called, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. doily except Sundays, And' te top all this, CLINT'S gives away free breakfastware with your gas purchases. Phone 728-5811. * * * In the Central Pack Subdivision, northeast Oshawa, the beoutiful split level homes are larger than average with three or four bedrooms and two baths each, and some with family rooms, These exclusive homes, each one ap individual Modern or Traditional style, ore situated attractivély along quiet circle-end drives and crescents, All have electric heating, attached gar- ages, town sewerage, and paved roads. N.H.A, Mortgages are obtainable at the original 614%. A "model" home, located on Central Park Drive, is open during the doy for public viewing. If you wish to see ony of these fine homes, contact OLIVE HOWE aa ESTATE, 515 Brock St., Si, Whitby, Or phone 668-5853. . * * * Have you recently built @ "ree room" in your basement? Hf you have, the R. H. CABINET COMPANY, Charles St., Port Whitby, is at your service to build your bar, furniture, room dividers, or anything else you might have in mind to complete it. Regardiess of size, an attractive bar or refreshment centre can be built from any kind of wood or simulated finish to harmonize with your decor regardless of how elaborate or simple it may be. Hate Gawe made, from the R. H. CABINET COMPANY, a ve it installed in your home r to use for ir next party Phone 668-6911. " aw

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