Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1966, p. 12

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12. THe OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 28, 1966 ANN LANDERS Social Security Law Allows Remarriage woman said marriage use she would then her deceased husband's social security. A widow can now remarry and collect 50 per cent of her deceased husband's social security, Please tell her thousands of others. Field Representative F, N. T. Naar Ren: Thank vou for the omg rte And nae to all oe iu len age swingers who Hes living together 'rithout ben- efit of clergy--check with your local social security office and get married already, Dear Ann Landers; Please don't ask parents to stay to Feng for the sake of the chil- . T have a teen-age son who has been begging me to get a divorce. He says he cannot respect a woman who takes so much abuse, My husband has told me in front of the boy that all women are tramps and not to be trusted. His mother carried on an affair with a roomer in her own home for years. His sis- ters were rounders, too, After they married they continued to chase with men, even though they had large families. I have left my husband four who stay with abusive husbands do so for themselves, By your own admission you can't live with the bum---or without him, Your husband is a sick cookle and you are sick, too, or you would not have stayed around to take the abuse. It is impossible to help people who refuse to help themselves, And you don't want to be helped, You'd rather wallow in your misery, Dear Ann Landers; This let- ter is in regard to the teen-ager who wrote to you about the wiueny ts ed to give her $5 because she ex- changed a few pleasant words with him while waiting for an elevator, You praised the girl for her friendliness and I am not. saying you were wrong, but... Please print something for young girls about the dangers of speaking to strange men. You understand what I am try- ing to say, don't you? Thanks very much.--Mrs, C, B, Dear Mrs. C. B.; Yes, I do understand, and your point is certainly worth making, Small children should be taught not to speak to strangers, they should be -- never to accept a ride with strangers or to accept candy or any gift from stran- gers. A l6-year-old. girl, however, is not a small child, Certainly there is a vast difference be- tween exchanging a few pleas- SHOES WITH POW! Patent leather, now con- sidered by leading shoe manufacturers a year-round fashion, is "| highlighted by I, Miller for Fall in brown, white, navy and wine. The trend-setting gay shining shoe shown was selected from the 'patent Steel Outside Furniture category" of their fall col- lection and features the current popular low heel, the new round toe and thin instep straps, Opaque stock» ings or tights are recom- mended as an_ effective leg-covering contrast, Is Decorative Indoors By Tracy Adrian Summary of reports of DIABETIC MOTHERS The Mothers' Group of the Diabetic Association held its October meeting at the home of Mrs. Arthur Cranfield in '| Courtice, with seven members present, Discussed were activities to be held ame year, to ' Group to again resume partial financial responsibility for sending dia- betic children to summer camp. Mrs, M.B. Proctor, camp chairman stated that this sum- mer the group was able to help five diabetic children go to camp, It was announced that the Wednesday Nov, 9, at Mrs. R.J, Broadbent's home, 303 William street east, Oshawa, at 8,00 p.m, An open invitation was ex- tended to anyone who was interested, to attend, JAYCETTES The Ociover meeting of the Oshawa Jaycettes was held at the Genosha Hotel, Three new members were inducted' by the president, Mrs. John Tuck: Mrs. Leif, Olsen Oshawa; Mrs. John Latulipe; and Mrs, Nor: ville Buck both of Whitby. Mrs, Tuck spoke briefly on the use of parliamentary pro- cedure at Jaycette meetings and announced that the par- Hiamentarian for this year would be Mrs, Fred Ball, A report on activities to date were given, The program for the even- ing consisted of Improptu spe- ||next meeting would be held, in DISTAFF DIARY meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries, eches which were offered by members as part of their self- development training. Mystery, items donated by members were auctioned by Mrs, Ball and the door prize was won 'by Mrs, Douglas Hurst. The evening ended with a card party, announced that the would be held at on Wednes- day, November 9 at 6:30 p.m. with the business meeting at 8:00 p.m. PMA CLUB The Pleasant Monday After- noon Club held its weekly meet- g at Knox Presbyterian Church, with the president, Mrs, George V. Lee, presiding. Congratulations were extend- ed to Mrs, John Claus on her recent marriage, and many happy returns and good wishes ia Mre Jack Jakes who recent: ly celebrated her 80th birthday, Members who have not yet paid their bus fare to go to Yorkdale Shopping Centre, No- vember 2, must pay it at next Monday's meeting. The bus will leave the Legion Hall at 2.00 p.m, A discussion about member- ship fees for 1967 took place, and they will be $1.00 per year, or if paid each month, cents per month, The bazaar at Hillsdale Manor takes place November 9, Mrs, R. G. Collison was report- ed sick and all wished her a speedy recovery, Refreshments were served ten and a social time enjoyed. O'KEEFE CENTRE OSHAWA LIONETTES . The monthly meeting of Osh- awa Lionette Club was held at the home of Lionette Mrs, Ray Stephenson, with 17 members present, Mrs, Jack Anderson presided and welcomed Mrs. Stephen Smegal, who was visiting the club for the first time. Reports were read, including |. a thank you letter from Miss Mary Patricia Byrne, who had received the Lionettes' bursary at the Catholic High School, Mrs. Anderson received an in- vitation to present the bursary to Donevan Collegiate, Novem- ber 5, and will be accompanied by Mrs. John Zaporozan. Mrs, William Borrowdale, the convener for the blind, advised she will be making the refresh ments for the Hum ue Club's monthly meeting, which will include a masquerade party. Ways and means convener, Mrs, Ray Stephenson, advised the peanuts had been delivered to the members and hoped they would sell as many as possible, pe fr haga ge UMD VOANg wre 4 main projects, : The centennial project was discussed. It was decided check further to see what could be done. é The members were reminded of the rummage sale, which will be held on November 23 at Simcoe Hall, and were asked to bring as many toys as pos- sible, COMPLEXION TONIC Time for vibrant good looks! 'Skins get sluggish, sallow, roughened during summer, A creamy-pink face masque that 'ou tissue off gives the skin vi- rance and glow that shed the years, YOUR RED CROSS IN THE PINK A dying tan succumbs beau- tifully to the 'pink' treatment, Instead of your usual suntan make-up, try a rose beige glamor base off with a brush of face-' tenin, lights, The pink luminosity does is, fhe pine minonty del} FOR YOUR HELP jon colors. FREE GROUP THERAPY Five Day Plan To Stop Smoking TO BE LD AT THE YWCA -- 199 CENTRE ST. Nov. 7th. to Noy. 11th. 8:00 P.M o™M Competent Instruction and qualitied double your money C} times because my son has ant sentences with an elderly By ELEANOR ROSS brought indoors for the winter, FRONT & YONGE EM. 3-6633 asked me to but I always "° back. He has slapped me in front of the boy time and time again, I'm sure this makes my son lose respect for me. Please tell me what to do so I can have some peace of mind in in a movie--or worse yet, loite: in a park. udgment word my old age.--Problems Galore Galore: Most women taught. gentleman .while waiting for an elevato. and speaking to a man who seats himself next to you is the operative and judgment can be When cold weather arrives, you will find steel furniture is just as decorative indoors as it was on the patio, Be it shaped from pipe, bar, wire or a combination of all three, this type of furniture is made of carbon or stainless ir New Zealand's Travel Far To By MARILYN ARGUE OTTAWA (CP) -- New Zea- landers are all alone out there in the ocean, 1,400 miles from Australia, 7,000 miles from Van- couver and 12,000 miles from Lendon. "The young people want to get out," says Helen Hampton, dep- uty high commissioner for New Zealand in Canada. 'They're desperately keen to see how the rest of the world functions." A lot of them save up and go to London or points east and west, But they've got the return fare, from, $500 to $1,500, "They come back." Miss Hampton hasn't been back much since she joined the foreign service in 1947 after ob- taining a political 'science and economics degree from the Young People See World so you'd better be fit if you can, You also need light tweed clothes in the country she living in considered 'desperately cold" the temperature is 45: degree: corners looked different. "a sizable wardrobe -- a great variety of clothes," She likes simple styles and wore a with a bright blue silk blouse when interviewed in her down- town office. She finds it's better to buy "because they are meant for that sort of climate," In New Zealand a winter day is 60 heavy topcoats don't exist. "The seasons are not as de- fined as they are here. I got lost when the leaves suddenly came out on the trees here last spring because all the street steel that can be plated with other metals such as chrom- jum, coated with vinyls or other plastics, or painted with enam- els, epoxies, acrylics, latexes, etc. This provides plenty of versatility in looks and design. Styles can be created which would not be as readil achieved in other materials--of- fering a fine latitude of choice from the classic to the more ornate designs. There are delicate items that look absolutely fragile, but since steel is virtually indestructible, the pieces are enduring lifetime investments. It is warp-proof, chip-proof and there's no worry- ing about it drying out or the veneer peeling ~ all important considerations in furniture used outdoors, When this furniture is made to be painted, the steel is given a coating of zinc as_protection against corrosion. The sinc seals out moisture and other corrosive elements, so there's no fear of the pieces rusting. They are kept relatively clean suit if Ss, University of Wellington. She served in Sydney, New York and London before coming to Canada last winter. Born in Auckland, she grew up in Wellington, the capital eity with a population of about 161,600. Weekends were spent at her family's "batch," a beach cottage by the sea. A elim, brown-haired woman with blue eyes and dimples, Miss Hampton keeps track of Canada politically, economically and culturally for her high com- missioner, Sir Leon Gotz, An- other responsibility is deali with New Zealanders in Canada} and Canadians travelling to her! country. COLLECTS ANTIQUES Her hobby is antiques, "They have to be small, and most of them don't travel well, I have to leave them at home." In New York she picked up china and prints, and "'two very old maps of the Pacific." In) London she found "'all the an- tiques in the world," and bought geome "beautiful old silver, be- fore the prices went up," Army Couple's Marriage Tangle Straightens Out but they had obstacles, 'It's all now,"' Lieut. orate, Connie believed they were married la chapel. EDMONTON (CP)--An army couple at the suburban Greis- bach Canadian Forces Base have proved they are married straightened out Ronald Johnson said today, He declined to elab- Breeze of Ambherst- burg, Ont., and Lieut, Johnson Dec, 23 in the base's Protestant But Connie went to the Al- berta government's vital statis- 3 by rain water. For routine cleaning, ordinary soap or detergent and water are in order, Stubborn spots that re- sist soap and water usually can be removed with a paste made of water and a mild scouring powder, Before the furniture is tics branch to get proof of their marriage because she and Ron- ald are to leave Nov. 27 on transfer with the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's C ana dian Light Infantry, to Fort McLeod in West Germany, she learned the branch had no record of the marriage. The .clergyman who per. formed the marriage was at Fort McLeod and the best man either in Winnipeg or West Ger- many, st It's simple how quickly one may lose pounds of unsightly fat right in your own home, Make In Canada, she has located two old prints of New Zealand) scenes, "They came from New-| foundiand. Somebody I just hap-| pened to be talking to told me) about them." i Many of the demands on her| time are social gatherings--re-) ceptions, luncheons and dinners. "T go out a lot, but I love going out, If you're in this life, you) know you're going to be active, this home recipe yourself, It's easy, no trouble at all and costs little. Just go te your d store and ask for four ounces of Naran Concentrate, Pour this into a pint bottle and add enough agony juice to All the bottle, 'ake two tablespoons full a day * needed and follow the Naran ian, If your first purchase does not New Home Recipe Reducing Plan | show you a simple easy way to lose bulky fat and help regain slender more curves; if reducible pounds and inches of excess fat don't disappear from neck, chin, arms, abdomen, hii calves and ankles just return empty bottle for your money back, Follow this easy way en- dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves graceful slenderness. Note how quickly bloat a ge much bet- ter you feel, More alive, youthful appearing and active. MISS DORIS LINDA'S FASHION HAIRSTYLING Announces .. . The addition to our staff of expert styl- ists Miss Doris, For be sure and call us now for your ap- pointment, Complete Line Of . . . INKA COSMETICS An excellent European the medium price range exclusive in Oshawa with us. LINDA'S FASHION HAIRSTYLING PREE PARKING 366 WILSON ROAD SOUTH that new hairstyle produced cosmetic in POR APPOINTHENTS CALL 728-7021 i wash the pieces with a deter- gent-water solution or a mild scouring powder, using a sponge, cloth or cheese cloth. Rinse or hose it down outdoors with clear water to remove any trace of suds and dirt, and then dry with a soft clean cloth. Never use steel wool on stain- less steel furniture, Other types of steel furniture, which have been purchased in colors, can be repainted as de- sired, All that is required is to spray on a new coat of enamel paint, change the fabric on the upholstery and you have furni- ture that is entirely different. Some manufacturers of carbon steel furniture suggest it be coated with ordinary furni- ture wax to give it luster, If you have done this, be sure to re- move all the wax before you begin to paint. Otherwise, all you need to do is to wash the furniture with soap and water to remove any grime, dry it thoroughly and then paint. FIRST CANADIAN APPEARANCE SAT., NOV. THE GL 5 - 8 P.M. EVELAND PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Conductor: Zoltan Roxenyal KODALY BEETHOVEN LISZT BARTOK BERLIOZ One Performance Only TICKETS AT THE BOX OFFICE. Mail Orders Accepted. $2, $3, $4.25, $5.50 with Canada Savings Bonds Centennial Series BUY YOURS RIGHT AWAY PAINTING THE TOWN FOR 95 YEARS Now ! Patte's are painting their enlarged Parking Lot to provide more spacious; more convenient customer parking. IT'S OUR 95th ANNIVERSARY PATTE'S . . 95 YEARS at 85 SIMCOE ST. N.- OSHAWA Su CILTONE SATIN LATEX GALLONS Reg. 9.95 SPECIAL .. 195 Q Reg, 3.25 SPECIAL UARTS 265 Help Us Paint the Town ae CANADA IM-VARTONE @ LATEX @ SEMI-GLOSS @ ALKYD FLAT caus. 5.95 ower. ars. 1.95 95 YEARS @ C-LL SPECIALS = cauons ony @ 21032 ALKYD FLAT @ 21033 LATEX @ 21034 SEMI-GLOSS OVER $8,500.00 _IN PRIZES! 2 for 9.95 HUNDREDS OF COLOURS @ FREE PARKING 95 Years OF COLOURS 1966-67 1966-67 WALLPAPERS MURALS 20% OFF 33% OFF PATTE'S PAINT at 85 Simcoe St. North © OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY ® FREE DELIVERY

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