Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1966, p. 31

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~ i A ait : Te a a ahr a are ee eh 1 i ° . eg eee we g teing J 7. Soaktgeig mcr eat ee Oe Viet Ae : aan = si ae ae put Pag aS aa ED a, IO LPORY a A a Oh a gat ai % * = ' -------- GREENWOOD RACEWAY | Major Merger | SOCCER SCORES THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnadey,Oxtobr 26.1966 31 ; LONDON (CP) -- Results of] second Round, First Le < ma ane ee Sue a Hivalhe Wier a Pune aiee| Italian Politics Tuesday night's soccer matches: rashes, Italy 4 Odense, f Toronto Argonaut rar Pirvt--Purse $2,000, maiden 2-year: annie : FAIRS CUP mark 1 : sas ire Wrongs pogepagetl YO claiming, years) ROME Reuters "Italy's S0-| gecond Round, Second Leg |Antwerp, Belgium 0 Kilmar- Condition Serious TD MSolemotic. Red Cru) $40 $70 3,90/ Clalist and Social Democrat par-/pumniey § Lausanne Sports| nock, Scotland, 1 TORONTO (CP)--Ed Hulse, a ood (Stautter) .40|Roman Roup (Dittfach) $69 §.70 3.90 ties plan to merge Oct. 30 in the (Switzerland 0 agutes tev Meg cog by Princess Selket (Fitzsimmons) 40) most significant move in na: Second Round, Second Leg Torente i oround Sue, Food on Table, Time: 1.26 45 | |(Burniey won on aggregate 8-1) the Eastern Foot! Confer- Castitiia, Rock Knight, Monoufer, Be| Sea Salt, Redirect, Larkspur tady,| tlonal politics in the last five} Bordeaux, France 0 La Gan- ence, is seriously {ll in tal pr Angel, Queen's elvel, Lisa n Lib, pve Roreat, Tudor Heir, Orange Sod®/ years, ENGLISH LEAGUE CUP toise, Belgium 6 tallowing ae p Arad a ep iy ey tg , | 'The two parties, partners in Round (La Gantoi 1. 5 yen Heats Late scratch: Either ©: a Gantoise won on 1-0 aggre a Second Purse 12000, claiming | moe ithe centre-left coalition along] queen's gg en: RE gate) ee oe maiden % and year-olds, 7 furiongs., Sixth--Purse $2,200, claiming, d¥e@r! With the larger Christian Demo- NX citis, \ My Boy Rich'd (Walsh) 40 380 290ToIds and Up, 1 2-16 miles Swindon 0 West Brom 2 Hulse, who handled third. Chie Tudor (MeCauley) 4.60 2,90/ Spicy Favour (Harris) 9,90 2,50 210 crats and the smaller Republi- FE down snaps for the Figgieneed 270|Drittea | (Ditttaeh) 4 2%9/can party, will hold congresses) © ENGLISH LEAGUE UROPEAN CUP pa for the Argos, un Timer stata, Paraguayo (Harrison) £0; CAR party, + derwent surgery for a ruptured Luxury Martin Champ) Time 200 5 a neal give approval to unification Division ¥ First Round, First Le; appendix Oct. 18, a few} Fut Fama Prive, Neer the Sealers Autumn. alao ran, ' abo eu ili by thelr cen) southampton 1 Everton 3 Valerergens, Oslo 1 Linfield,|before he was to play against nal Flight, Lady Arlene also ran, Late scratch: Pidikus af He mr fours behind the Sunderland 2 Stoke 1 Northern Ireland 4 Montreal Alouettes. 1), | axactor Spicy F nd (a) | ' oy Poy Ricnara aie wane and) nea pala 41.00. eet pi blige Pica ao Fag carte Oa rsa lage aneae a a Prion *! who once was an ge ally Faces regan, rm) Sa an en wg Tiare 4 pat of the Commuuniats, bis Brean Mimen ha Nak re Tine hea with +") de Martino, and 50-vear-old yo dqPickie King, Okanu, Scottish Prine tiple ance, River Party, Never @\ rio 'Tanassi, secretary of the | ; Hi I, @ Wallace wre. tien" seremnys Aten | chants Dabnens. he ain Bn "| Social Pym si ai " a LA ol our wer. "disguelitied |. Mlehth.-Purse 52,300, -- claiming, | Hea unification in heat te arolds, 1 1fé miles a mites eer iXiwer, Moonlight (Hrs) 13.50 720 420/have the blessing of President cil 7.20 Purse $2,000, claiming, %/ Knight Out (Gordon) 19.40 §,90) eestiy awe Ty Wirieran Malestic Sal (Barroby) 370 Gluseppe Saragat, a former So Back R (Boweut) $8.60 22.00 11,70 Timer 1.46 15 cial Democrat leader. is 90.80 13.40| Sliver Gus, Danish Dancer, Hit The Duis Gg (Bell) $t0|Liney Drag Pil, wotty vister see rani Th merger represents the Timer' 127 35. | - MOSt Imporiani chang= Sn the Indian Lark, Jacket O'Blue, Virginia! Attendance: 7,222, Handle: $434,480. | normally + static political scene * | since the Socialists came around to supporting the Christian Dem- ocrats and thus gave Italy cen- : TO GO ! GREENWOOD ENTRIES iso Supporters of the merger hope | THURSDAY, OCT, 2 Clear and Fast the new party will prove a rally- | ing-point for a mass working | ACE = P $2,300, Claim: EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,200, Claim: | ,, 5 niy 9 ee ig Peay (le dev had 1 Mile (®), . | Ing (3000), Three-yearolds and up, (Divn| class vote, rivalling about 12,- a e My Sailor Boy, Fitzsimmons 110 Jot ath). Mile (13), | 000,000 who vote Christian Dem- ringboard, Kornblum X10? Royal Stitch, Boweut 110 leer | erieeeereinedore, Gltitech V8 Trieky Scamp, Walsh 122 ocrat and' nearly 8,000,000 who Repuise Bay, Griffo X05 Judge Alone, No Boy 116 | vote Communist, Superior Sal, No Boy 10? | Uniprix, No Boy 119 | They believe it can provide | | tar, Robinson 112 Roman Tribune, No Boy 16 | Aunt Gem, Grobe. XI08 | Mary Catharin, Fitzsimmons. 116 |ltaly before long with a demo- Anita Lea, Inouye 112 | Reaeavens. Cones, fey vive cratic, non-Communist alterna: | $n * u Niewolet? | Roman Thunder, Coombs X108 tive to the Christian Democrats SECOND RACH -- Purse $2,100, Ciaim-| Five Lovet, Kornblum. X08 who have been in power since i 7500), Maiden two-year-olds, 7 Pur-| Ramaay ,» Gomer 116 'f , ipnas (7h, P Chance Cover, Swatuk XXX106 |the Second World War, Rascoe, Bowcut 115 Also Mligibie: Bive Poppet, No Boy,| The united party, they think, MOUNTAIN OF IRON | Roseman roveimnene Tit shige jmay isolate and wean votes This mountain, waiting to posit of iron ore in the go ahead depends on ship. gre, Rule, yo 0 yt $ oe Aas jaway. Regerehip bn -- be mined near the north world, A' base camp has ping facilities for use during | gunyou, Ditttach 120 eemenle lee AAC en Naa lame aives deme ae end of Baffin Island, con- been established at Mary the brief Arctic summer, Live In Hope, No Boy 117 Poe po tw Sig Pre tains the second richest de- River, but the decision to (CP Photo) _ POST TIME 1 P.M, nv iz ' THIRD RACE --- Purse $2,900, Claim Two-yearolds, (Divn of lat), ba aed Kingston Road, No Boy 119 Baby Dill, No Boy li4 Golden Jive, Walsh 117 mie*Srint, No, bay 1 Miss Orleans, No Bey \ Sailor, Br Ht X08 A. Hi. (HARRY) ALLIN Bowmanville, Oct, 28, at 2.30)Cemetery, Rev. John Romeril Ruling Manaren, Ne boy tid B Ne gre Ip m, It will be conducted byjwill conduct the service, Gall "pe Evegurer, Oritte xIN4 A ----. pay Marre) [Reve G, Ward. Interment will | 4 Min 88 "tied at Bewmeaville be in Bowmanville Cemetery, MRS, ARTHUR L. SMITH | pourtn Race -- Purse $2,200, Claim Memorial Hagspital early today, | Taken suddenly sick last ris jig one Threeyear-olds and up, | He had lived in the area all ROY VAN CAMP day, Mrs, Arthur L, Smith died] gai merei, Harris 122 é his life and was regarded by! The death occurred at his) Oct. 25, at the Port Perry Me: | Medicine Lad, Kornblum X11} o many as an authority on local/home, RR 2 . Bowmanville,)morial Hospital, A resident Of | Sar Apen: Wrivite ne. history, He lived at @ Edsall this morning of Roy VanCamp,|the Columbus district for many} Gandio, Kornblum X11? z ° One in a series of messages to advertisers | » j | "s Pick, No @ i" Street, |He was in his Sist year, years, she was in her 78rd) Sy" \iong, Nedeny "ty f Mr, Allin ran a grocery busi-| 4 son of the late Thomas Van|"e8?: | Black Treasure, No Boy | ness In King Street, Bowman-icamp and Elizabeth Burk, the|, Th® former Bitie Evelyn/eneiyhign, rite x14 ville, for over 40 years before! deceased was born in the 'area | Scott: the deceased WAS A/Take Notice, Gordon 122 . c «* retiring about 15 years ago, At) . i jdaughter of the late Mr, and/Fie 8. Good, Alter 113 7 . - e one time Re was A volunleet the Rage Line School, A tarmer|M®%, Thomas, Scott, Born Feb,|r)"Baing to mya We" ULA Assume, for a moment, that it were possible to clip this display fireman, "tia hen Waren 20, 1804 at Tyrone, she was! : Hie Became a member of the nasced down to him. by. nis|married there June ®, 1023: | 'ery nace -- pare wae cuim message from each copy of this newspaper printed for today's issue, 'el: t i the © DUS | ing (9000), reeyearoids and up, x : Independent Order of Odd Fel-'painor, A resident o! 'olum bus | ing penn that th clippings + neatly ed lows, Bowmanville, in 1909 and member of Trinity United) My was a member of the Unitedf) ay Berry, Ne Boy 117 ids P 4 Church, Bowmanville, Church, At one time he W&S/Church Women of the church|Grendiowy Marrs 17, distribution, or which were otherwise, undelivered, left over, He was married to the late/8ctive in the work | of the) na attained great success with|AcFalcon stevie Entry. . Birdie Dilling, who died minaret lodge at Bowman |ioy cultivation of flowers, | | returned, or used in our office for file or checking copies, May, 1981, He is survived by|"!"*: | Besides her husband, Mrs.) suere Race -- Purse 93,000; °corn two sons, Lorne Allin of Bow-| He is survived by his wile, smith is survived by two sons, Wall!" Allowances. Threwyearoids and Since no one read these, they can go into the wastepaper, manville ont 7 a, Co- 1 Ny ge ee y eat Neil and Glenn of Columbus |seinerscorcn' Gomer Me Ni bourg, ar our aughters: si h a g Over Current, whittle 12 Margaret, Una oy W. R,|Maple Grove; ems ie Mrs, enon Ww te he Don, | emeeter, 8, Boy U9 Second, remove those messages which appeared in : N ' ); son, | é ' ' : sg, Ay : : : : : 4 Miller) ot Oshawa, Gertrude /Neil Brownell (une); a 80m, /Mar. 16, 1960, Bye and Nears We Boy vt copies delivered to subscribers behind in their payments, service copies to advertisers and agencies, employes, any' rice Proctor) of Brockville./held at the Northeutt and) Armstrong Funeral Home, In-|, SEVENTH, RACE. © Purse ss.tne g' es, ip. There are five grandchildren, ('Smith Funeral Home, Bowman: t will be Oshaw 7 Fur oD i i j i A funeral service will be held) ville, at 2 p.m, Oct. 28, Inter pred ag ouaeters, Pat Winet|we yetg No Boy Na , complimentary or promotion lists, and all others which do not See ee ee eines Betaaes, lair of Serine anoway ie qualify as paid circulation, Just for the record, you might want to jColumbus Unit ureh, wi y Ne OSHAW A TIMES P ATTERNS. [conduct the services, itive 'omg tanawey ne count the number of these, but then they go into the wemtapeee; too, Alirutiah, No Boy 113 FUNERAL OF . |Remvante, Dittfach A116 Now our stack is down to only the paying customers, MRS. LUCY ANNIS [Sharon Markets Gritte te ARE 5 The funeral service for Mrs,|canssitis, Gomer 120 Count the number of clippings in the stack; = g gdh ag ype vedas cconloneth news a er When that's done (and the exact figure recorded), er igs a tar tg separate the clippings into three separate stacks ee MOHAWK --one for those distributed to readers in your central gat age Be spyeer orgie RESULTS market; one for those distributed to readers living outside this market, but who shop here regularly; and one for those copies delivered to }St, .Mark's United Church, kine Cemetery, Dunbarton BR readers living elsewhere. Count each stack and, when you have these figures idistrict for 43 years, Mrs, Smith| Furlong 7), ; van © he had been) are Little Red, Walsh 114 | also belonged to the Bowman:| Mr. Van Camp,w was a very active member of|Mornins' Mornin, Ditttach 117 retired for some years, was aj-. Day We Sall, No Boy 10° } <s Aye ® ville Rotary Clud, He wat 8 rember of Maple Grove Cate olumbus United Church. She creas, he Boy. 7 First, remove all clippings which appeared in copies spoiled in rs, J, C, Snowe) of Winisk,|Sam, and nine grandchildren, | w.4 memorial service will be! t., and Marion (Mrs, Mau) The funeral service will be/peld at 2 p.m., Oct, 27 at the! Whitby, Interment was in Ers- FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), Purse oo (a) The pallbearers were Blake duimmy Riddell, woods 6.90 4.10 as eerie . * : Annis, Lye "Armstrong, Prank 22 Gaeear"%y uatran, erate accurately recorded, divide the clippings in separate stacks by method of delivery a a " » Star, wih n fue oy » and Sandy Pherrill and Austin Pearce, /S¥r (carriers, dealers, vendors, mail, and so forth), and count each stack. FUNERAL OF SECOND RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace) sett omnes (BSS. au ne sh You look a little tired at this point -- we'll help by counting the number of clippings The memorial service for SPN" aha Senet appearing in copies sold with premiums, in combination with other publications, 2Queen Reine, Langille 9.0 we Roland Godfrey, who died Oct. Alse Started: Whirired, Judy's Billy : K 2 2, at the Belleville General Ere, tee, Deen Leo's Win, and Miss and at special rates. We'll also count the number sold in clubbing offers or as a result of Hospital, in hi Ar, WAS DAILY DOUBLE, 8 AND 5, PAID $304.00 : . held at the Armstrong Funeral a contest or with an insurance offer, }Home at 2 p.m, Oct, 25. -- gaitttRD RACE -- 1 Mile (Tret, Purse : " Sa es aon save Senn, Wyte 3. 2 Rested now? Give us a hand and we will sort out the clippings in separate conducted the service. Inter-| ByeKing ¢ Len Newnes | tite = s.acxs for each city and town in which copies were distributed (just exactly where ment was_in Mount Lawn Ceme- Also Started" Maitland, Rod Hanover, ¥ : : : im S [ "Fhe paltbearers were Frank O" Ores West tor ire peuttions every copy of this message went -- to the paying customers only), lCaldwell, Stanley Duval, Then we count each stack for the record, jStanley Duval Jr lace ae | he eee Palmer, Calvin Godfrey SJiemy Belwyn, Hie 1.00 580 3 Santen Deheh. sherrveed Atom. Pacey SB LR Now, while you relax and finish reading this message after counting and measuring sw |Da"Raiierinn ck. Prey Pent en's our circulation in so many different ways, perhaps you would like to see what AL torney General PET 'N' JAMA B AG. JOR. MURRAY F. TOWNSEND osccod om tar a teeeasen wrest. __ it costs each of the paying customers to buy a copy of this newspaper? RY ALICE BROOKS re Baa tg hitTh RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Pure Then again, if all this talking about some of the ways the Audit Bureau of I's tun to learn to be titr--| PERFECT TASTE |rritence,, O95, Masson Street,|tretisy tee" grant' 28 HY Circulations regularly counts and measures our circulation has you tired out, children love to stuff 'jamas! al . Sis Pe DS tie ls » into this pussycat bag BY ANNE ADAMS ner ome a P.m., Also Sterted: Mei me Vole Hi Jane : Give kitty a soft place te! Enter Elegantly into the holi- oi al RENTS FE One Ree Hew just ask to see a copy of our latest ABC Report. snoore -- right on a child's bed. day season in a side-buttoned service was conducted) 1. aace -- 1 Alia ttre). Por ' . ' es , He's both a pet and "Jama Dag, /sheath that plays up the slim-|ty the Venerable Archdeacon|ygp iy tor ~ | MN" re). Pore ABC's stacks of figures aren't nearly as tiring and tell you a great deal more about Pattern 437: pattern pieces/ming vertical. Quick 'tie tops!" QVOTCOR, TOOT Cte epceana teks Pom 3.0 ies ° rs ° . Leeelh. eeest ge Be ply Christ Memorial Anglican [Asses Wy, Foren 40 5 the distribution of your advertising messages in this newspaper. Thirty-five cents (coins) for) Printed Pattern 4639; / Church, Interment was in "ak a cater' -- each pattern (no stam ps,/Women's Sires 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, | Mount Lawn Cemetery EXACTOR, 4 AND §. PAID sens please) to Alice Brooks, care 44, 46, 4% Size 36 requires 2% |. The Pallbearers were Drew oft Tre Oshawa Times, Needle. yards Sinch pa 5 Se aan ee Stan- pltVENT RACE -- 1 Mite, (Pace craft Dept., 68 Front St. West.) Fifty cents (50 cents). in coins) CY MMS, Dr. John Pickering, | TOs ive, waadell Ge 200 2a Toronto 1, Ontario, Ontario resi-/(me stamps, please) for each | Deval Moore and MAEEICO bis Wenn, Boy 4% 3.7% dents add 2cent sales tax. /pattern. Ontario residents add) : yg a a sal hed Print plainly. pattern number, /3-cent sales tax. Print plainly! Members of the Ontario Regi- yao, mares fg ethan Bg ~~ name, address size, name, address, style num-| ment formed a guard of honor | 220 Most Reautifal Needle. ber a! the funeral home 'and the) eienTe Race = 1 Mie race Purse 3000. ? erat Designs (im new 1987) Send order to Anne Adams, /SCmelery SMooreiands Dan, Hie 48 260 290 Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, cro-jcare of The Oshawa Times, Pat- ------"1e-THe GIDD, Millman 27 2.9 chet fashions, afhans, quilts,tern Dept, 68 Front St. W., LONG REST ENDS [rake Sater Wen Geen, tn oe embroidery, toys, gifts. 2 free/Toronto 1, Ontario. LONDON (CP)--Jane, a palm] "ere Tepe, end Lorie Rhyinm patterns, Send 25 cents today Fall's 198 Best Designs --/jcockatoo from the Aru Islands! ' i 12 remarkable heirloom quilts|lively school, sport, career, /of Indonesia, surprised keepers an NT PACE -- | Mile (Pace Purve| ; : 7 . Siva | --complete patterns in colericiamor styles, all sizes, extrajat the London Zoo by laying her/¢N'wa Oevie &, Fiion 3 ¥ a! MEMBER OF ABC ta Museum Quilt Rook 2. Quilt-/features in new Fall-Winterifirst exe since her arrival in Ly ae alg creer $i 4 S Dart "at alae : > 2 we Grattan, She ae motifs Sead #8 _cents . Pattern Catalog. Clip coupon in}182?. They doubted it would be Ane 'Started: Guines Mite, Ge ar ~ Send also for Quill Book 1 --/Catalog -- choose one free pat-/fertie but are giving it the Dene. tector, Dune ee ee ee : 5 f | it < : CULATION VA A$ complete patterns. 60 conts.itern, Send 50 cents fit of the doudt, \Attengance 243%. Total Poot $138,008.

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