Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1966, p. 15

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Oe a a a a nanewncetnrarse cs Gee snes at eae Me t q g , _ . . - - st Seas ae OE a via he 2 | = evan Seat tt PL 2S PI " et eae Sg ly Tyg Reale ag ag Ee Mp ar ee ee ay Se eee eee aia esa tgp na egy epg A TE NG yg ty Sy ay hE TP NG TU Cy yy NP NG MY AF OG OG POT NG OE TE NE IE EEE ------ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, October 26,1966 15 8th Scout Group Auxiliary Installs New Executive Mrs, George Fitches offici-; Mrs, Reginald Coombes pre- ated at the installation of the|sided and welcomed a new new executive of the &th Osh-|member, Mrs, GH, Elliott, Spe- awa Sea Scout Group Auxiliary|cial guests were Mrs, Robert at its annual meeting. Corneal, Akela for B pack Cubs Those installed were: pres-|and Derek Hewitt, skipper of ha gh oy Mrs, David St. 'Andrews, Mrs, Coombes reported that secretary; Mrs, Fred 'Taylor,|the Group committee was plan: ning a winter camp in Febru- treasurer; Mrs, D.C, Bradley, social convener; Mrs. Konrad|ary and A cub pack would hold Cser, assistant social convener,|a spring camp in May, Annuai Mrs. J,A, Fry, corresponding! reports. were given. secretary; Mrs, Riussen Gionnt,; Gaanughtis sf events plans visiting convener; Mrs. Wilbur/for the coming year included Smith, telephone; Mrs, John! visit from the 19th Bermuda Robertson, neckerchiefs; Mrs.|'Troop, August 10 « 27. Mr. Hewitt mentioned that splitting the Scouts into juniers Reginald Coombes, uniforms; and seniors had worked out well and the new program was definitely stimulating interest in Scouting, a Mra, J.D. Osborne, press. Flag bearers for the install: ation ceremonies were Mra, Edward Brisebois and Mrs, B.A, Tomlinson, DOLLS IN NATIONAL costumes, flags of all na- tions and colorful posters are part of a display in McLaughlin Public Library ern work of art was donated to the Oshawa UNICEF committee by the artist, Cecil George Step, attention to a piece of mold- ed ceramic design, suggest- ing mother and child, sym- bolic of UNICEF, The mod- highlighting UNICEF week, Mrs. E, J. McGhee, a mem- ber of the Children's Li- brary staff who arranged the window display, draws 7 SECRETARIES INVITED TO suBMIT | Westmount Church Women ARTICLES FOR CLUB SUPPLEMENT | Plan Christmas Fantasy Bazaar In mid-November The Oshawa Times will publish its | annual' supplement 'summarizing the activities of the | The regular meeting of the women's organizations of Oshawa and district during the | Westmount United Church past year, , : |Women took place Tuesday Club secretaries ate invited to send a brief report of avening in the church hall, the projects and activities undertaken during 1964 and those . : , , planned for next year, together with the full names of president Mrs, Percy Neal executive officers, opened the meeting by welcom- Black and' white glossy photographs depicting a club jing the members and visitors, event are also acceptable if the subjects are properly Mrs. Gordon Holbrook as: identified. sisted by Mrs, Harry Bennett The articles should be typewritten on one side of the {led the devotional period taking paper only and double-spaced and must reach the |service and missions as the Women's Department of The Oshawa Times by Wednes- (theme with Mrs, G, J, Minielly assisting at the piano, Mrs. John Knox of Hampton day, November 9. secretary of supply and wel- sack yields about $300 to $400 KEEP IN TRIM fare for U.C.W.'s of the Oshawa and it takes patience and skill | Presbyterial, spoke about the iggnt emis | For Fast Hip Slimming Add mitts tn sine ms Isometrics To Calisthenics in Manitoba and also the mis- sion at God's Lake Narrows iaverage weight of a money-bag there, of the supply allocation oh go nt, ger ye and also the Christmas gifts to w on hand to pick up the = ; e sent, She asked the mem- Macks if they are top heavy for| _ BY IDA JEAN KAIN -- curve on the side hipline, roll.|hers to be careful about. the the women, The co-operation of| There is no mystery why hips| Position: Sit on floor, leaning |cjothing sent in for overseas the police department, the fire|are a common figure problem. |Slightly back to bring weight/hales and listed a few things department and other civic|The gluteus maximus, _ that to bear on upper hipline, Bend bodies is a great comfort to the|large muscle upholstering the|/Knees so as to shift angle of backside of the hips, is natu.|Poll. Have arms out-at sides to rally fleshier on a woman's|Push and brace. figure than on a man's figure, Action; Slowly 'and heavily that were important such as UNICEF Committee. All appre- Today we spend most of our roll along one thighline, and workable zippers, buttons sewed|tions for, the new executive Be pom on all clothes in clean condi-|being prepared by Mrs, Gor- ciate the fact that wherever a well - organized UNICEF pro- ' ; back across hips to other thigh- waking hours in some sedentary Ls way, so these muscles lose tone. line. Push with palm of ane tion, don Wherry. The next meeting ALITY DROPS Mrs, Rupert Harrison thanked|is to be held Tuesday, Novem-| A drop in quality became gram prevails, they can worry less about vandalism and sense- ' hand and brace with the other Fat accumulates on muscle- . lazy areas, Alas, once the fat This TO irons out thighline the speaker and introduced ajber 15 when an art: demonstra-/really noticeable at a frost con- less' pranks. has made a home for itself, it] lees. fashion show of things not be|tion will be given by Mrs, R./tent of four per cent, Of the put in the bale. Models in- packages, 14 per cent showed Hallowe'en gift averaging more Oshawa had no unpleasant clude? Mrs, Kenneth Cobb,|~ than two million dollars a year.) : incidents last year. Adults, \Mrs. Gordon Dignem, represen-|motorists and the "Hi-crowd" BE PREPARED clings er with a swing action. Precision calisthenics will |, Position: Lying on right side, work wonders, particularly lege straight down, left 4 Mrs, A, L. Ogilvie, Mra, Fred Brooks, Mrs. Alfred Fursey, Nest Meaday is Mallowe'en itatives for the Separate - --_ = the " es: 'The little people will be around Schools; Mrs. R, A. Donald, /happient over by cota top of right. Palm of when the isometric principle of muscle contraction is added. In braces on' floor for support, 'Temperature Changes Cause 'Dehydration In Frozen Foods | OTTAWA (CP) -- Packaged \froxen vegetables subjected to temperature fluctuations during storage, transport and retailing suffer "serious dehydration" ac- companied "quality deteri- oration," a National Research Council study released today says, It adds however that they are just as nutritious as ever, The study. involved 66 pack- ages of frozen vegetables bought in eight Ottawa stores, It was made by Bert van den Berg, a 37-year-old Dutch-born scientist with the council's food technology section, His study showed there {s a progresses accumulation of frost inside the package from the time itis frozen until it js bought, He thinks the resulting dehydration is mainly the re- sult of temperature fluctua: tions, In 20 per cent of the pack- ages examined, frost content, at two per cent of less, was ticeable, and so was Public Schools, was unable to be present, In the fore- ground can be seen the offi- cial collection box and only this with the UNICEF label, to be used. next Monday night. -Oshawa Times Photos THE OSHAWA COMMIT. TEE for UNICEF has spent many hours preparing over five hundred teachers' kits and getting ready for Hal- lowe'en collections by school children, Those 'Shell Out For UNICEF' Gives New Meaning To Traditional Hallowe'en 'Trick Or Treat' BY JO ALDWINCKLE How old must one be to share in the honors of the Nobel Peace Prize? Just old enough and tall enough, it would seem, to be able to reach for a door- bell and ring it on Hallowe'en, Last year a Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund for its continuing financial contri- bution toward the relief and care of homeless, suffering | children all over the world. The UNICEF Hallowe'en pro- ' gram was the brainchild of a small Sunday School class in ' the United States that was. in- ) spired to give the ancient ritual ' of "Trick or Treat" new mean- ing. The year was 1950 and the lection was $17.00. Today, | the efforts of four million young ' cor oe in Canada andthe ited States bring UNICEF a above are Mrs, Ang.uis Dixon, vice - chairman and representative for Separate Schools; Thomas Wells, treasurer, and Mrs, C, G, Step, chairman. Mrs, R. A. Donald, representative for an "excessive" amount of frost at eight per cent or more, Deterioration was shown in clumpi and discoloration, commonly known as 'freezer burn," In extreme cases of de- hydration, shrivelling had oc- curred in peas and beans took on a brown color, "Deterioration doesn't mean here they lose their wholesome: ness," he said, Dehydrated vegetables would be just as nu> tritious, Thawing and cooking peas showed that dehydration is largely irreversible. Mr, van den Berg says @ con- stant storage temperature of zero degrees Fahrenheit is re- garded as acceptable for stor- ing frozen vegetables up to one year, Wide temperature variations are known to occur in trailers and in retail frozen: inets, ing November 23, reported on the progress of each convener: touch and take, Mrs, William Ward; hat boxes, Mrs, Mervyn Owen and Mrs, James. Sutton; fancy work Mrs, R. R. Genge and Mrs. Rupert Harrison; knitted goods, Mrs, Robert Saunders; fish pond the Sun: day school; treasure table, Mrs, Murray MacPherson; novelties, Mrs, John Colley; aprons Mrs, A. FE. Samll and Mrs, Lesley Barony; candy, Mrs, Kenneth Markle; home baking, Mrs, Kenneth Cobb; tea room, Mrs, Kenneth Me- Williams; and the kitchen, Mrs, Ralph Boneham and Mrs, Gor- don Holbrook, It was suggested that the members would offer contributions for various booths instead of the conveners phon: ing with requests, It was announced that the UCW were to entertain the choir and their partners at a jdinner in November, Nomi send a draft to the UNICEF account, COUNTING THE CASH This means that people with) know-how are tackling a job that took inexperienced volun- teers hours and days. Each OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East 723-2721 MRS, C, H. VIPOND Mrs, John Colley, Mrs, Rupert Harrison and Mrs, Gordon Hol- brook. Mrs. Percy Neal conducted the business meeting during which members of the former unit 2 requested help to con- tinue their project, which is to redecorate the cradleroll room, Mrs, Harry Bennett and Mrs. John §. Harris, co-conveners of the coming Christmas fantasy bazaar to be held in the church tchureh hall. Wednesday even- with the little le and mak- for thelr peace offerings of{representative for Publi¢ling' sure that in their excite. candies and goodies but they|Schools and the Home andiment and ises will also have with them the|School Council; Mrs. J. R.\to no eo area 43 official orange and black box|Warnica, Mrs. Donald Ellis, with the UNICEF emblem on|Mrs. Harold Joyce, Mrs. Bruce it. This is the "Shell Out for|Williams, Mrs. R. Neil Mac- UNICEF" box which every |Lean and Mr. Thomas Wells, child hopes to fill with nickles,| treasurer. dimes and quarters for some; The Oshawa Kinettes, as a other hoy or girl who has had body, have been delivering col- no supper, let alone candies |lection boxes to the schools and for treats. jcireulating about town with The UNICEF program for posters advising homeowners to Oshawa is 11 years old, In 1955,|have small change on hand the children of Dr, and Mrs,,come Monday evening. Claude H. Vipond sparked par-| The children will take their ticipation of 24 children in their)boxes to school on Tuesday neighborhood in a "Shell Out) morning and the teachers, as- for UNICEF program on Hal-|sisted by members of the Home Action: Swing top leg forward past 45-degree angle, then swing vigorously rearward and for- ward again, On the second swing te the rear, hold, Hold for a slow count of six, then swing again. Repeat complete this exercise session we will deal firmly with the trio of hip muscles, It saves time to know the. specific muscle action fol- low through. The gluteus maximus = ts proea on aes ae oe routine 10 times, change' sides tended past a 45-degree angle. aad awing a aaln. This principle is put into effect in the first exercise, : repeat, Let the rhythm be 1-2-/ head on folded arm, legs) straight down. | Action: Vigorously flex right knee toward chest. Then, shoot) New... cereal with banana for your baby lowe'en. In 1956, as a member of the executive committee of the North Simeoe (Now Dr. 5S. J. Phillips) Home and School As- sociation, Mrs. Vipond sug- gesied that the association might like to sponsor a similar) program in the school. Nearly! three hundred pupils volun-| teered and collected $372.42. The Home and School Associa- tion arranged a party for the) children at the schoo! following the collecting. Gradually,._more and more achdols wanted to participate. | Mrs. A. P. Fulton became the general chairman. Later, after an rv and chairman, K. Stiles became the and School Association and the Catholic Parent-Teacher Asso- ciation empty the money into sacks provided by the UNICEF committee, The sacks of money are then taken to an assigned bank or trust company. The Oshawa banks and trust com- panies, the Auto Workers Credit Union and Eaton's cash office faa have all undertaken to count = 4 leg straight down and swing leg rearward--past a 45-degree angle. Hold the muscle con- traction at this high point, for holding increases muscle tone Repeat five to 10 swings. In swinging leg rearward, keep knee straight, Change sides and repeat, Let the rhyth mbe 1-2- swing . . . hold. Hold to a slow count of six the monies, roll the coins and co-ordinator and organized the! & UNICEF program for Oshawa and district. Last year over 7,000 boxes) were distributed to grade school pupils and not one box was) Jost, stolen or damaged, This) year 9,900 boxes have been allocated. GROWN-UPS PAVE THE WAY While "Shell Out for Hallo- we'en" is essentially a project for children helping children, it takes a dedicated group of adults to plan the framework and complete the picture. Osh- awa's chairman of the UNICEF Committee for Hallowe'en is Mre. C. G. Step and her com- mittee members are Mrs. D. K. Stiles, Mrs. Angus Dixon and Can't find your rubber gloves? Put rubber bands around the open ends of un- punctured plastic bags, work your hands into the bag until you can move them tresly. | double your money with Canada Savings Bonds Centennial Series BUY YOURS RIGHT AWAY MRS. D. K. STILES To. discipline the. amphora We present with pride a % special showing of the exclusive % CANADIANA COLLECTION #2 % of LINDE Stars e * o® a e é sd From the collection: Necklace with 'The Star of the North... i Star Rat Sree am forty-toro enzat manmade A gleaming star dances and flickers in the depths of every magnificent gem in this Collection ... moves and multiplies at the merest touch of light. These deep ruby red and sapphire blue Stars of eternal brilliance are set in an exquisitely designed collection of jewellery. ececccececceceeces By special arrangement, this exclusive collection will be displayed Until Saturday Oct. 29th JEWELLERS 20 SIMCOE NORTH OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 with Inner-foil Wrap... to prevent moisture Babies are our business...our only business! Gerber Baby Foods niagara PALLs. CANADA A package of pure pleasure, Mixed Cereal with Banana is downright delightful when mixed with milk or formula, Specially prepared, too! Cereal and bananas are deftly combined during processing so every fluffy flake has uniform flavor and nutritive value, Nutrition addition, Like all Gerber Cereals that you mix with liquid, this cereal-fruit combination is enriched with iron for its blood-building quality and important B-vitamins to help spur growth, Mother-and-baby tested. This new product was tested by a panel of mothers and babies, The satisfying results? Mothers, babies and toddlers were all smiles. But isn't that typical of the extra care you expect from Gerber... the company that specializes in good things for babies?

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