20---Rea! Estate fer Sale Courtesy, Integrity, Service H. MILLEN Real Estate Limited Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, NIFTY $10,500 Better take a look If your waiting for a bar- goin. It's for you at |20---Real Estate for Sele GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD., 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Ranch brick bungalow, situ. ated on a large lot 60 x 180, 20---Reai Estate for Sate SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century Of Service OPEN DAILY 9 A.M, TO 9 P.M, 20--Real Estate for Sale KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST Realtor 20----Keai Estate for Scie _ GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 ha BUNGALOW @ Beautiful 3 bedroom home, 18--Male Help Wanted REAL ESTATE SALESMAN To manage local office also 2 experienced salesmen, to complete our staff, Excellent working conditions, All in+ quiries treated strictly con- fidential, W. 0. MARTIN REALTOR EXPERIENCED 18--Male Help Wanted CLASS de MECHANICS Woolco Auto Service Centre AGINCOURT MALL. 20---Real Estate for Sale Meee ff 40 King St. East "In The Heort Of Oshawa, Whitby' a Sheppard and - Kennedy MEN with alignment experi- ence aiso men to handle brake and ignition work, Ag- gressive men prepared to as- sist in the operotion of a large modern auto jie center specializing in front end alignment, brake and ig- nition service, THIS position includes salary, bonus, plus company paid ri | hospitalization, medical, pension, prescription drug plans, For an interview santnet or MR, M, A. HARRIS B. F, GOODRICH |; CANADA LTD. Shephard Ave. at Kennedy Rd. Toronto 291-3791 2 YOUNG MEN WANTED With some credit experience, to fill eng created by applicants will be moture, aggressive, and be prepared to display a sincere desire to succeed ina challenging posi- tion which offers a promising future, Starting salary $80 per week with annual increments and excellent fringe benefits Reply In writing with full res- ume to: BOX 56088 OSHAWA TIMES STEINBERGS LIMITED GROCERY CLERKS Exceptional -- opport- unities for bright energetic men, In our progressive Su- per Markets. Some experience useful but will train suitable condidotes, salary $74.75 rising to 87.50 within six months. | axPRRNRNE "hardwood floor PRESSER To work on. automatic presses, Good wages »-- Full re. Call 723-1159 be- fore 5 p.m. or 723-7388 of- ter 5 p.m, MEN WANTED EXPERIENCED PIPE COVERERS FOR INSULATION Telephone 668-6594 MEN FUR fanvestine trees, 7 269-0025, ready for ving" "Orchards, fg 0, portunity for ag character to en fo train interview please contact Joseph realtor, 728-7377, local retail bread route. lished round employment, year Oshawa, 720-2691 the investment field, We ae Active" retired men Interview, Uxbridge 852-6942 Call G. Bans before 6 of 7231605 atter @ p.m, SELL AND SERVICE the WW des ht Electrolux (Canada) Limited, Fu BM jo---Mele 'and Female __Help Wanted MANVERS TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Requires principal for two room school. Salery schedule In effect, new central school to open September 1967, Duties to commence immedi- ately due to illness, Apply to Secretary MRS. DOROTHY BRISTOW RR, 2 JANETVILLE part ven it Yor apple picking, Apply Se by 8 am, Rea miles west of Whitby REAL rave Pores required, op. ressive person with good ir the real estate sales field, Prefer experienced man but willl right person, For Sonrtiaer oso, hy EXPERIENCED SALESMAN for ested Steady Guaranteed wage, commission, Apply Brown's Bread, A REWARDING FUTURE awaits aa y or up to 65 considered, Paid Toman pon plus other benefits, Car necessary, Call for WAITER WANTEO -- Pull time work, Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street men, 728-101) of or part-time, Car essential, Complete Be | eer ih a Call 723-4163 ask for Mr, TWO WEEKS POSSESSION TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time, Minimum age 25, MERCURY TAXI OO ee, BOOKKEEPER Able to keep complete set. Construction company, Refer- ences will be required, Salary commensurate with ability, Replias in confidence, Write APPLY TO STEINBERG'S Employment Office 2 St. Clair Ave, W. TORONTO 7 Direct to the Store Managers at the following Locations: 600 King St. E. OSHAWA 190 Harwood Ave. AJAX MALE TYPIST Two mole typist ore required for a night shift operation 'of expanding cheque manu- focturer. ties = require Operator to produce imaged masters ready for offset re- production. On the job training Hours cre 11 p.m. -- 7.30 a.m. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL MR, D. SELBY 723-2233 ELECTRICIAN Qualified, required for the maintenonce department, to compiete our steff of else: tricrana, Steady employment 40-hour week, with good benefits. Fora personal in- terview please apply between 9:30 a.m. -- 4 p.m, week: Box 56001, Oshawa Times, John F. DeWith REAL ESTATE LTD, BOWMANVILLE, 14 Frank Street 623-3950 ORONO Stone house, covered with clapboards, Barn on 4), Acres, Future building lots All modern conveniences. Priced to sell, BOWMANVILLE Brand new, brick bungalow with all modern conveniences, laundry tubs, Hardwood & tile floors, Asking $16,000 Terms. BOWMANVILLE S Roomed, new bungelow on good size lot. Hardwood & tile floors, All modern con- veniences, Priced to sell, OSHAWA 7 Roomed home Oi! heated with 3-piece barthroom, All newly insulated ond wired Hardwood & tile floors. Very cleon., Asking $13,700 Terms OSHAWA 5. _Roomed. hriel bungalow with garage, All modern con- veniences, Double _ laundry tubs Hordwood & tile floors. Finished rec. room with bar. doys at the personne! office OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL OSHAWA, ONTARIO OPPORTUNITY We are looking for embiti- ous young men, from 18-25, who don't mind working herd, for 6 hours per day. Excel- lent remuneration, This is our pon md of the yeor end nity is -- excellent ko ny 728-480! between 10 a.m. end 6 p.m. OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MEN with some soles experience @nd ore fomilier with Oshows @nd cree to head up sales crews for reputable portrait studio in Oshown. Telephone 728-480! between 10 om ~6pm OFFSET PRESS MAN meal j Roofed patio. Paved drive- way. Asking $18,500. Terms. PORT PERRY Three, brand new, $ Room- ed brick bungolows with all modern conveniences. Hard- wood & tile floors. Priced at eround $18,000. Terms Call Thomes Donnelly, 985-7264. 1% ACRE LOT With S$ roomed bungalow, All modern conveniences, Located neor Port Perry Asking $13,900. Cell: Tom Donnelly, 985-7264 We hove @ great demond for small forms, homes ond atreages We List Photo M.L.S, end Exclusive 20--Real Estate for Sole BARNHART'S PAVILION on LAKESHORE Lot 260" x 200°, approxi- motely 14 acres. A site for -- development. Good } 1 | } 1] | if } } | } } | is kitchen, ample cupboards, attached garage, Many extras, Close to schools, "bus ond shop- ping. Phone now for salesman to show you through, CEDAR VALLEY BLVD, Il @ This 7 year old bungalow offers you comfortable living eway from the busy city streets, Finished recreation room and an extra bedroom downstoirs for your comfort, Detached garage on this property, Call us for an eppointment to see it to-day. LARGE FAMILY? Ill @ Take @ look at this 2% storey home in a good residen- tial district, Bus service in front of house, Modern kitenen, liv> ing and dining room on first floor, 3 bedrooms and 3 piece bath on 2nd floor and large bedroom on 3rd, Finished re- creation room and 2 piece bath in basement. A new garage and poved drive make this a real nice family home, ready for you to move in, OPPORTUNITY TREMENDOUS IV @ for the growing up busi ness minded family, there is a restaurant driving range, mine ature gold and a 6 room home on the highway just north of Brooklin, Can be purchased with @ reasonable down payment and the Vendor will take the mort gage with very attractive terms Call now for more details and appointment to inspect V @ Immaculate 3 bedroom side split, with built-in stove and oven in) kitchen: 644% mortgage thot corries for less than $125.00 per month, including taxes, Better col! now on this one and avoid disappointment, WHITBY HOME -- EARLY POSSESSION Vi @ This home is well worth Inspecting, features semi-finish- ed recreation room with 2 piece bath, good sized living room, Hollywood kitchen, 3 lovely bedrooms and treed bock yard RANCH BUNGALOW Vit @ Close to schools and transportation, Recreation room, garage, paved driveway, L-shap- ed living and dining room Home in immaculate condition, | beautifully landscaped. Call us! for more information---and in- spect to-night, "RELUCTANT TO LIST' BUT VII @ This executive has been transferred, so sell he must, Three better thon average sized bedrooms, separate dining room, family room, wall-to-wall broad- loom, make this en outstanding home to show, Call to-night for full particulars afd an appoint: | ment to inspect. Call for full particulars, Open daily from 9.a,m. to 9 pm, After hours call Leonard Bissell 725-2070 Judi O'Donnel Bob Cooper Italo Bortolussi Jean Peacock Jock Graham Leon Manitius Steve Englert El. Ann Thompson Roy Flintoff Evelyn Cassel George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Luces Peacock 725-4330 _Dick Young 23- 7183 BE SURE TO COME OPEN HOUSE This Weekend Saturday and Sunday 2-5 p.m, 894 and 904 Walnut Court (from King St. E,-south on Harmony Rd. S. turn left on Florell Dr. then turn left on Watnut Court) In a friendly S.E. neighbour- hood and sofe yord for the children to play, These brick bungalows hove well de- signed living room ond kit- chens every Mother will love, Well kept homes zest- ful and clean with immecu- late walkout basements and garage with plenty of space 728-4923 723-6329 728-2634 728-2754 728-558) 728-4731) 723-2537) TRING GAS WOFRSASD: Carnot be Tepleced { for the low esking price of $20,900. OPEN HOUSE this weekend 2-5 p.m, 176 Athabasca St. (off King St. E) 3 bedroom bock split with attached garage. Broadioom in living room, dining room and front vestibule, Features finished recreation room, Priced way below reproduc- tion cost, Come out and see it | i} j j | || swimming pool Be Sure To Come it's 211 Switzer Drive OPEN 'this weekend 2-5 P.M. To see this home of moster- ful design end construction in @ delightful neighbour- hood. The kitchen is speci- ally designed for modem conveniences. There is cio- set room galore and other built in features you alwoys wanted, like doors opening to the beck yord ond ottach- ed gerage. A tantolizing within 2 separate dining orea| | Minutes walking distance. j i | | 728-6713] | | 725-4330) 725-3454| 725-3710] 728-4241 | $1,500.00. DOWN Immediate possession, Clean 5 room older bungalow on Adelaide Ave., E., New F.A,O. Furnace, Good lot with: shade trees, $10,900.00. We have o bungalow on Cur- rie Ave, with three bedrooms, a finished Rec Room with fireplace and skylight, 4 pe. bath in basement, and two car garage, 30 day posses- sion, Nice quiet street. pm LDL i 4 6 Room, ed storey home on Oshowa Bivd, i, Two oie bedroom apartments present ly tenanted Listed $14, 500,00, NORTHWEST 8 year old, 3 bedroom brick bungalow close to Adelaide, Finished Rec Room, paved drive and fenced yard. Listed $16,900, Call now if this ls for you, $18,500.00. Roomy 9 year old bungalow offering six rooms of good living, 3 bedrooms, large Rec Room with fireplace, Almost new broadioom in LR, and D.R. Carries for $107.00 monthly PIT. with a gaod down payment, Located in the Northwest area $19,500.00 Five room 3 bedroom bunga- galow on Baldwin St, Finish- ed Recreation Room with bar: Home is in excellent condi- tion and grounds beautifully landscaped, Good location for schools, OWNER TRANSFERRED 4 year old ranch bungalow with attached garage and paved drive. Many features. Over 1300 sq. ft. You can't miss here. Listed $24,900.00, Northwest area, This is the time to call for details, DOWNSVIEW AREA Listed $23,200 and only two years old, 6 room 3 bedroom bungalow with attached' gar- age and fenced back yard. Several desirable extras such as Intercom system, kitchen with built-in stove and oven, flue in recreation area and attractive flagstone patio ot reor, To-night is the night to call for an appointment to inspect , H. KASSINGER is build- ing 27 new homes on Wil- son Rd. N., just south of | Rossland Rd. E 3 and 4 BEDROOM --- BUNGALOWS AND 2 STOREY PLANS -- fea- turing exposed basements balconies stone fronts, N.H.A, 634% mortgages, priced from $19,675 up end down payments as low as $3,740, | Phone Exclusive Agents | SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2268 OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY SATURDAY and SUNDAY OPEN FROM 1:00 until 5:30 p.m. For full particulars call 723-2265 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 725-9345 Ed Drumm 723-1358 Marg Hall trene Brown 725-3867 728-1066 Bill Johnston Mel Dale 623-5638 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 tewin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board We LIST EXCLUSIVE : AND M.L.S MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe porking BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED NORTH WEST 7 room, 2 storey brick home with garage: Located close to S imeoe Street North. Imme- diate possession. Home must be sold. Owner moving from City, Asking $16,500. To in- spect and moke an offer call Roy Yeo ot 725-2217. Even- ings. DUPLEX $12,500. Only $2,000 down. 2 3-room apartments with kitchens, 2 3.piece bathroams, with fin- ished room in Qasement separate hydro meters, clean home, close to downtown Call Jock Appleby, 723-3398 evenings. 10} Simcoe Street North Mernber 0.D.R.E.8. 728-5123 Quality extras, Neor Oshawa, Handles for $107.00 Frinci- sll & Toxes at 6%, npayment of $2,500.00 can be arranged, Call Mar- goret Lee to see. SHOPPING CENTRE SPECIAL N.H.A, Resale 642%. Close to French Schools, Three bed- room brick bungalow car- ries for only $83.75 monthly, Large hollywood kitchen, L. shaped living room, Fenced in back yerd, immediate pos- session. For inspection call Shirley Moskal. OPEN HOUSE Daily and Every Weekend FOREST GLEN HEIGHTS ARMSTRONG HOMES (Harmony Rd. N,, opposite Eastdale _Collegiate) "$74 a 4 ahdbighl »& I saaumee full eehine price with 6% N.H.A, Mortgage, for 3 bedroom brick bun- galow in choice north-east location. Stone fireplace in living room, pave drive, nicely landscaped, private drive and finished recre- ation room, 'To see call ~ Thelma McMullen, Open 9 am, to 9 p.m, MEMBER OR O.D.R.E.B, CENTRAL, ONTARIO RALPH SCHOFIELD Supervisor NEW MODERN DUPLEX Try $3,600. down. This is a well built and very nicely finished Duplex with 2 & 3 bedroom _ suites. Complete with dryer, built in stoves and = ovens, refrigerators, breodioom in spacious living rooms, etc, Now yet one yeor old. For further -- details, call at once, ASKING $15,900, -- SOUTH CENTRAL OSHAWA 3 bedroom brick bungalow near Holy Cross ond French schools, Nicely decorated and in excellent condition, Large rec.-room, Bus stop at front door. See this very clean home at once. BREATHE CLEAN AIR! New four and five bedroom homes (only two), Priced to sell --- Immedicte possession, Rosland. Rd./Cochrane St, area, Whitby, Beautiful. loca- tion, in exclusive courts, Low toxes! DO YOU WISH TO SELL? If the answer is yes, then you should list with Central Ontario Trust. Why? Because we have FUNDS ond FULL AUTHORITY to finance the sole: And if you list with us before Dec. 20/66 you may quolify for the FREE COLOUR TELEVISION to be awarded Dec. 22, whether or not we effect a sole before then. Ask us for full details, | OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE j Wit HELP YOU SELL or BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST PHONE 723-5221 | AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL YEAR OLD HOME! Charles Chaytor Allan Thompson Tom Houston 668.229) 728-2870 668.4416 7EXSG07 723-522) Rap Schoteta Office Phone OR WILL TRADE | SMALLER HOUSE. 'ON THIS LARGE | 4 BEDROOM Consisting of 2. bothrooms, large kitchen, L-shaped liv- ing and dining room, partly completed 'recrection room, Located on a large city lot, fully landscaped with paved $1495 full down and $80 monthly for this charmingly cozy, ful- ly insulated bungalow the French Coll 728- $82 MONTHLY Nearly new 4 bed- room bungalow, with hollywood kitchen, hardwood and_ tile throughout. Attached garage. Oh yes, room basement apt, : rents $80 monthly. Call 728-1656, $85 MONTHLY 4 bedroom home in College Hill area near French School, Heat- ing cost $100, Tax- es only $221, New 100 amp. hydro ser- vice, Call on this one 728-1656, $62 MONTHLY Lovely 3 bedroom brick home in desired north west area with natural fireplace in living room, Complete- ly finished rec room with electric heat. Low 542% Mort- gage, Call today 728- 1656, MONTHLY Brand new homes on Waverly Street south of King and just west of the Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, A low down payment of $1827 or $915 if you qualify will settle you into this lovely 3 bed- room home with mon- thly payments that are probably less than your present rent, Call today 728-1678, 4 BEDROOMS Try your offer and down payment on this very attractive 4 bed- room home jn the east end, Attached. gar- age. Dutch clean throughout. Call 728- 1678, DOWN Brand new 3 bedroom bungalows at the low price of $17,000 with total monthly pay- ments of $129. Oil heated, clay brick. Immediate possession can be arranged, Call 728-1678, A DARLING A beautiful 3 bed-/ toom detoched with garage, The grounds are neat and carefully groomed. Condition of the house is immacu- late, Price $17,900 and try your down poyment, Call 728-/ 1678, HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 COUNTRY LIVING 25 minutes from Oshawo, | large 2 storey 6 room brick | home on | acre of land-- several good size pine trees-- small barn and all in. A one condition, Suitable for V.L.A. buyer. 4 BEDROOMS 2 boths -- stove ond oven -- wired for dryer -- nicely broadioomed --- situated on large fenced lot in a quiet preserviced residential oreo. Call tonight for your -per- sonal inspection. NEW LISTING 10 minutes from Oshawa -- large ranch bungalow --~ at- REDUCED TO $17,900.00 Nice brick bungalow with 3 pow ae large modern kit- recreation room and pig in for extra bath in basement, The yard is fenced and must be seen, LARGE HOME ---- 3 Rooms and bath on the first floor, 3 rooms and bath on the second' floor and one large room 15 x 20 ft. on the third floor, all in good condition, The basement has a forced air with oil furnace and the lot is average size with a gerage, located right on Sim- t North. Askina $17,- 900,00. HAMBTOK Evrantianally well constructed brick home with 4 spacious rooms and bath on main floor, 2 large bedrooms and bathroom on second floor, This home is in excep- tional condition throughout with hot water oil heating, gorage and nicely landscaped lot, Inspect this one tonight by calling 728-7328, NEW _ HOMES VAN- COUVER COURT -- These homes are under construc- tion now, priced from $18,- 700 one N.H.A, mortgage. Completely decorated, storms and screens, storm doors; clay brick with some anamel stone, fan and hood, ceramic tile. Buy now and have your choice of colours, COUNTRY HOME --- Large modern ranch brick bungalow with double attached gorage, split entrance, three bed- rooms, Property offers a baau- tiful view, over half acre of land, possible VLA property. CALL 728-7328, FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Mernber Oshawa and District Real Estate Board FREE APPRAISALS ANYTIME SALE -- NO CHARGE MORTGAGE MONIES AVAILABLE, WE CAN REFINANCE YOUR HOME SO IT WILL SELL FAST Retirement Home ---- 3-bed- room bungalow, large lot, at- tached gorage, fruit trees, nicely landscaped, neor schools and shopping. Owner is transferred and anxious to sell, $26,000 -- Terns. Oshawa, Bond and Steven- son's Road area, 4-bedroom brick bungalow with otteched garage, Completely finished basement. Near schools and Oshawa Shopping. Ideal for large fomily. Call 623-3393 After 9 P.M, Clare McCullough 723-7843 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Andy Keys 728-0196 Jack Whiteman 623-7414 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Howard Forder, Brooklin 655-3853 Roy Foster, Orono 32) George Beaton, Port Perry 985-2987 $2,500, DOWN 3 year old, lovely 3 bedroom brick bungalow, hollywood kitchen, living and dining room combination, large deep well landscaped lot, weed streets, close to Harmony school and Donevan in Cork ate, could be purchased $2,500 down, 6 MONTHS OLD and you are able to walk, out and do your shopping' in o very few minutes, close to transportation, bus goes by the door, 5¥2 room brick 2 storey. electric heated hame. call now, NOWNSVIEW PARK Where you would enjoy fiv- ing, built up courts, crescents, and rolling land, here you can have the home built to your liking or buy one ready built and move in, Attached garages, cor ports, all under- ground services, 12 ACRE CHOICE LOCATION Builders this is east end lo- cation, built up around it, Services handy and the best of all, its in the City, Enquire Now! OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 John Osborne 728-5836 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jock Hogon 728-1554 Joe Mage 725-9191 Eldon Kerr 723-9178 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 [tennant MEMBER 0.D,R.E.B. We list exclusive & M.L.S, DIRECT FROM BUILDER ! ! ! Prestige Homes Harmony Village Walnut Court off Florell Drive. Harmony Road South, east of Donevan Collegiate, "LUXURY LIVING' Features Include @ Large ravine lots with year round stream @ squore feet of finished floor area @ 400 squore feet of recreation room with natural field stone fireplace @ Sep- orate dining room with bal- cony @ Built in dishwasher @ Radio intercom system @ Wall to wall broadioom in liv- ing room, dining room, hall and all bedrooms @ Two car attached garage @ Quiet paved court @ Plus 33 other special features too numerous to mention, TRADE IN YOUR PRESENT HOME NO CASH NEEDED Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, BUY NOW SAVE $2,000 K. R. BELL and SONS LIMITED 723-6541 tached garage -- fireplace in basement -- large lot 100' x 150' -- mony extros ond early possesion, Call now for further details. 2 YEAR OLD RESALE Close te Seventh Day College --- stove and oven ---- very clean home -- about $4000 will handle the purchase. Phone for all the information. HARMONY ROAD NORTH | Close to King St. -- 3 bedrooms -- lorge kitchen -- comfortable living room -- paved drive on a large deep lot -- only $2500 down poy- ment. You must see this one. OPEN 9:00 A.M, -- 9:00 P.M, After hours call Les Hall 728-5513 Frank Smith 723-3533 Ken Hann 723-7963 Dick Barriage 725-6243 Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King Street West, BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 BROOKLIN 10 ACRE HOMESITES Choose now with spring peer session, High and scenic lots of trees and creek. Close to No, 7 Hwy. First time offer. ed. $5,800 to $9,500 with terms. EXECUTIVE HOME Brooklin village, split level, double garage, fireplace, bal- cony, walk out family room, workshop. Something special, deep lot, natural trees and creek, Asking $32,000 with $10,000 down, One mort- gage to owner: Modern 6 room 14 storey country home, paved rood, school bus, off Simcoe St N. Asking $15,000 easy terms. RETREAT ACREAGE 85 acres woods, two spring fed ponds ond river running through property. 18 miles Oshowa. Asking $12,000 with terms, FARMS H.KEITH LIMITED REALTOR Photo M.L.S. 4 ACRES -- 12° ROOMS This extraordinary home lo- cated 3 miles east of Osh- awa, hidden among 40 foot Seller will wold " pelaren on easy terms. Chance of a life- time. Call Doug Carmichael, 723-7463, OUTSTANDING VALUE ~™ -- WHITBY Out of town owner has dras- tically reduced to sel! ot once, well constructed 3 bedroom brick, with big beoutiful rec. room on sofest street, with large enclosed beck yard. . immediate i | Doug Car- michoel, 723-7463. 10 ACRE LOTS nik PRICE 634% _N.H.A. MORTGAGES Down Payments From EMERSON: COURT AT FAREWELL & DEAN L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE LIMITED 723-0321 18,290. a i ae ee ee som ee eee ' : 498 MODELS ond INFORMATION |" aver ane REALTOR * 728-5103 SPACIOUS BRICK HOME With lorge double garage and only minutes from Oshawa. Better buy cannot be found on the the market today! WALK DOWNTOWN From this' spacious 2 storey home bs i aes large lot, 4 good sized bedrooms, could be duplexed. REGISTERED BUILDNG LOT In the country for only $2, 700 we can show you some of the finest 10 acre lots in this area. Members of 0.D.R.E.B. We List Exclusive and Photo M.L.S, W. O. MARTIN REALTOR 728-5103 W. O. MARTIN, self . contained apartment, . SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 ed in ad aski ice $23,500 ti ESTATE SALE: $11,900 full asking price for this 6 room 1¥ storey house on a 66 x 165 lot, located on Oxford St, at Mill St. For information and inspec. tion of the above and other Leable da tual, Zoke~ | VARIETY STORE WITH. AD- JOINING 6 ROOM BRICK HOME store size 24 x 17 |)" good turnover, ideal for ex. tra income, extra lot agp $1,654. DOWN NEW QUALITY BUILT 3 - bedroom brick bungalows N.H.A, FINANCING on quiet court near Oshewa Shopping Centre Priced from $17,950. full price REALTOR 728-7377 -% JOSEPH BOSCO =: .*t THE BEST YET. Modern 3 bedroom bunge by, lorge livingroom, ade diing ony, eeeTT kitchen with lots of cup- boards, extra washroom, basement, electric heat . BEST CONSTRUCTION, BEST PLAN, BEST PRICE BEST TERMS. These are not ee ag stetements, you man et 668-3338 or 6 3253. - W. Schatzmann Realtor 114 Brock St. N.. Whitby 668-3338 ses with attached garage in White - * a yourself, just all. W. Sch Boa ie We have several 10 acre properties in East Whitby, Reach and Darlington Town- ships, with and without streams. Priced from $3,200 and up. Call idso Wiersma, 728-5683. 100 ACRES HUNTING UNLIMITED Mostly. wooded, 45,000 Christmas trees, in excellent hunting eree. Only 15 miles north of Oshawa, Priced to sel] immediately. Call idso Wiersma, 728-5683. We hove properties to rent, DOWN THREE CHOICES Modern brick homes; with four bedrooms, two bathe rooms, Large lots, Locations: Athol St., E., Adelaide St; W., Garside Ave., Brook Immediate possession. Calls Bill Millar, 725-2557 or™ 725-1186. $1500 to $2000 : ws tin. > * W. T. LAMSON: REAL ESTATE LIMITED: - drive close to separate, public and f'~h schools, Immediate porticulars on farms, doiry or Inquire for commuter beef. Call HOWARD FORDER BROOKLIN 655-3853 |/DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS | An average 300 byes copies of 6.000) posse... Dally 3 are 9! the world on any given wae | Tear' a why w %, araare _eemnane to ad jvertise in The Times' Classified Section PHONE ». WS So popular. it's the one place! People look for your ad. To get your) 723-654] he ea ae i over © preferred home for | the prudent buyer, attractive \| i] | res hee Experienced offset press mon to opercte @ 17" x. 22° Horris in specialty plent, shift work. Contect Mr. 0 Selby, 723-2233 OLDER HOME Six rooms, bath, gorage, five blocks public, seperate, high schools. Carries $95 month, principle, interest, taxes. Low down peyment. Contoct 728- | $426. ' Of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 723-2265 or 728-2233 terms ond price, ond the selesmen on duty will be |_gled tk to give all information GUIDE Realty Limited nt Ase er eslnbie! 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 | \ ' | lca Call MAIBLE BOUDREAU || | 20--Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 22)»: FILL SPARE ROOMS win _pavire| NED A ices, "Cheek "Bust Quests. Dial 723.9483 now Lor en an ed-writer viable fe Delp you phrase. an a 5