ANGUISH GIVES WAY TO LOVE Mrs. Phyllis Lydecker crawis under car pinning her daughter, Sharon, 5, to cradle child's face in her arms. She comforted Shar- on in this ner while passersby held car up until a jack could be placed under it. The child was struck by car near her home in Bayonna, New Jer- sey, when, according to its driver she darted out be- tween parked automobiles. Sharon's shoe is near her head. She was listed in cri- tical condition in Bayonne Hospital, Driver, James H. Henderson, was not held. (AP Wirephoto) UN Association Urges 'Recognize Both Chinas WASHINGTON (AP) -- The time has come for the United States to support the seating of both Communist China and Na- tionalist China in the United Na- tions, says a national policy panel of the UN Association of the United States. In a 64-page report released Thursday night, a panel of 27 ent business executives, acholars and bankers supports the promise of a seat on the UN Security Council for Com- munist China if Peking accepts the two-China approach in the UN General Assembly. was headed by Robert V. Roosa, former undersecretary of the treasury and now a partner of the Wall Street firm of Brown Brothers, Harriman and Co. The vice-chairman was Fred- erick S. Beebe, chairman of the board of the Newsweek-Wash- ington Post Co. CITES EXCESSES The excesses of Communist China's Red Guards and the hardefing of Mao Tse-tung's ex- tremist policy are cited as con- vineing evidence of "the need to provide fresh and timely en- couragement to those moderate 'influences that still remain in 'The panel for the UN associ- a private organization, China." The report says it is the con sidered judgment of the panel By ARCH MacKENZIE WASHINGTON (CP)--A mar- ket exists in the United States for surplus power from the Churchill Falls development in Labrador. But there are a lot of "ifs," The quantity, the price and other stipulations by Quebec- Hydro, taking the lion's chunk of output from the $1,000,000,000 Canadian project, will tell the story. There are hurdles to clear, too, in the ntial markets in- dicated so far--the Consolidated Edison utility of New York and the power-short New England area, The U.S, government, Interior Secretary Stewart Udall has stressed, favors growth in eco- nomically - feasible power con- nections with Canada because these develor a continental ap- proach to energy sources. No problem exists there. But it will take hard bargain- ing and it will be in the middle 19 before Labrador power enters the U.S, market, sources here believe, First Churchill Falls power may be "on stream" five years from now. Consolidated Edison was pon- QPRE PARAL ANS BS cut your family's budget almost two actual shopping lists for a family of four, one totalling $18.62 and the other $34.87, The cheaper groceries matched the expensive ones in nutrition, but featured store brands instead of national brands, less expensive cuts of; meat, and a variety of other low-price alternatives. The buying trips were made to an Ottawa store in mid. October. The CAC shopped for a father, mother, nine-year-old boy and 13-year-old girl. It based its purchases on the Canada Food Guide, a single- health department that is easily available from local health units and city nutritionists, OMITTED LUXURIES The buyers left out items usually bought in quantity to last several weeks, such as sugar, drinks that vary from family to family. In most cases, "choice" of me in half, the Consumers' Associ-| cents; instead of wash' ation of Canada suggests today. | stant potatoes and frozen french The CAC published details of] fries at $1.65. and luxuries such as soft) calf Consumers' q acennm! atinn Cuts Family Food Budget OTTAWA (CP)--Pass up the)fresh pears and grapes, canned fancy labels, substitute wisely|peaches and fruit cocktail, and here and there, and you may|dried apricots, for $3.27, for 56 and in- Potatoes by the ba ~Fresh carrots, celery, turnip, squash and cabbage, choice - quality creamed corn, peas and green beans, at $1.69; fresh carrots, broccoli, cauli- flower, lettuce and tomatoes and fancy-quality kernel corn, peas and beans, at $3.35. --Long-grain ricé and instant rolled oats by the bag for 79 cents; instead of breakfast cereal, instant rice and instant rolled oats by the box, for $2.21. Two pounds of margarine and eight ounces of butter for 85 cents; instead of 244 pounds sheet publication of the federal]! butter for $1.68. Boneless beef chuck rolled, pork shoulder, hamburger, store-brand sausage, pork liver, frozen cod fillets and medium eggs, for $5.06; instead of sirloin steak, pork chops, minced round steak, brand - name sausage, liver, frozen scallops and large eggs, for $8.66, Vegetable o11, molasses, the cheaper|Marmalade, tea, siore » brand instant coffee and ice milk, for that the United States "should Uist contains promptly begin consultations with those countries which have, in the past, joined this dium grades of canned goods.|*4 instead of olive oil, table The other contains "fancy" or|SyTup, brand-name jam and tea top grades. bags, brand-name instant cof- Some comparisons between|fee, and ice cream, for $5.40. Churchill Fails Power May Find US. Markets. dering the long-distance trans- mission of as much as 1,500,000 kilowatts from the Labrador project, TO CREATE POWER That power was being studied as energy for pumping Hudson River water to mountain-top reservoirs at a proposed project at Cornwall, N.Y. The water oul released to crea power to serve periods of dally peak demand, But a court order upset Fed- eral Power Commission ap- proval of the Con Ed project and the uility comes back be- fore the commission Nov. 14 for another crack at it, armed with the old plan and five alterna- tives. including energy produced by gas, coal and kerosene. In New England, there is in- terest but uncertainty. too, Une possiple incentive of tak- ing Canadian power is progress in constructing the Dickey Dam in Northern Maine. President Johnson the other day approved another $1,100,000 for planning the $227,000, project, Secretary Udall has said there is "real logic" in con- necting Dickey-which will con- fer some downstream benefits on New Brunswick-with Cana- dian transmission lines, But Quebec has yet to sig- nify its approval of the flooding that will occur from the Dickey Dam on a emall part of provin- cial land, Agreement was re- ported virtually complete when the Quebec Liberal government was defeated but Premier John- son's new administration appar- ently hasn't given Ottawa the green light to go ahead with a if Dickey is fin- ished, it would be a logical transmission key for pouri power into Vermont, Maine an other states now forced to use high-cost electricity. 1IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728.0192 te|from car makers while on the Upper Saint John River a MP Fro Detroit Tour' OTTAWA (CP) -- A motion jj that would have sent a Com- mons committee to Detroit at the expense of auto manufac: | turers was withdrawn quic! Thursday after independent MP. Gilles Gregoire denounced it as "scandalous," He said it is abnormal and) incomprehensible that the jus- |i tice committee, which is 5! ing proposals to make cars| safer, would accept hospitality | Detroit plants. '| Shortly after Mr, Gregoire | began to speak in French, J. A. | Habel (L- Cochrane) withdrew his name as seconder of the motion to allow the committee's} all-expenses-paid trip to Detroit. James E, Walker (1L--York Centre) asked committee chair- man A, J, P, Cameron (L---Tor- ww tas sa5) LF his motion, __Mr, Cameron coniplied, say- 'RE A ing He haw NOt INveNGed tO INTO easeau duce his motion Thursday, He * said he will move it next Tues- ay. Mr. Gregoire (Lapointe) said he wished to protest strongly Vawaenee we rr - +» TRY A BOX TODAY : we os Uniil it's... against the trip in the name of common decency, PAT & MIKE FISH & CHIPS "Generous Servings" HALIBUT, SHRIMPS, SCALLOPS 723-1951 488 HORTOP country in, opposition to extend- the less-expensive list and the}, ing an invitation to Peking, in more = expensive list on equal order to work toward the rep- resentation of mainiand China in the UN." Roosa said in a press confer- ence in connection with the re- port that 17.of the 27 members of the panel felt it is important to tell Peking it could count on a Security Council seat if it sits with Nationalist China in the assembly. $1.22; instead of homogenjzed milk by the quart for $3.92. --Vitaminzed apple juice and tomato juice for 85 cents; in- stead of whole grapefruit and pure orange juice for $1.57, Fresh apples and bananas, canned peaches and dried prunes for $1.46; instead of Ecumenical Priest Stresses Close Ties Between Churches KINGSTON (CP) -- Roman Catholic and Protestant churches are closer now than many people on either side real- fe, Rev. Dr. Gregory Baum told the annual conference of the Queen's University Theo- logical College Alumni Associ- ation Thursday. The three-day meeting, & gathering of the United Church, was described by one observer as 'more of an ecumenical as- sembly." The audience during the three days included as many as 100 Roman Catholic priests and re- ligious sisters, Anglicans and representatives of other denom- nations. Father Baum, associate theol- ogy professor at St. Michael's College, Toronto, and chief lec- turer at the conference, said Roman Catholic theologians might be able to help United Church ministers recognize the sacramental tradition of the An- "We could have a reconcili- ation between Protestant and Roman Catholic churches which four lectures given during the three-day conference. Protestants and Roman Cath- olics are not far apart in spell- ing out the goals of the minis- try, but "when it comes to priestly authority they differ widely.' Roman Catholic theologians still regard ministers of Protes- tant denominations as '"'not valid or sacramental," yet now acknowledge that they minister by divine calling, doing the work of God in the community. Family Cleaning IS OUR SPECIALTY SAME DAY SERVICE "CRYSTAL" FARREL SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL ALL LENSES PRECISION GROUND TO YOUR OR A BARREL | CHARLIE ECKSTEIN REVUE @ COMEDY @ VOCALS @ EXOTIC DANCING @ SWINGING BAND ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY AND SATURDAY MATINEE 4 TO 6 P.M. FRENCH BUFFET -- DAILY... 12-2:30 & 3-9 p.m, -- SUNDAY 5 te 8 p.m. Benquets -- Weddings -- KING PARK PLAZA *"t.% x. 723-0961 Parties -- For Infermetion Phone Whitby 668-3386 1 INN 17 Bond St. East 2nd Floor EXACT NEEDS... NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR TINTED LENSES OR PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES PRIZES INCLUDE... The New CAMARO Ontario Motor Sales 2, 7 day vacations to HONOLULU vie CANADIAN( PACIFIC AIRLINES 4, winter vacations for the BAY MOTOR INN SKI VILLAGE ELECTROHOME portable TV } 2 to and PARKWAY TELEVISION / $1,540 in MERCHANDISE \_ VOUCHERS Entry coupons eveillable Wentified with "Win ¢« businesses from Prise" benners. IST PRIZE $80.00 -- 14299 7TH PRIZE $ 3.00 -- HOLDERS OF WINNING STUBS MUST CLAIM AWARDS BY OCT, 22nd, 1966; AT THE CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST AND SAVINGS CORPORATION, OR NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, 172026 if eee ee Cee ee ee ee ee ee eee ee 27963 46128 47015 197085 erates. SOSTee 134009|nmnm ne 232845 142664 244762 SPECIAL BONUS PRIZE... 6 DAY WINTER VACATION FOR TWO TO THE BAY MOTOR INN end SKI VILLAGE 112227 2ND PRIZE $25.00 -- SRD PRIZE $10.00 -- would in no way demand a re- ---- of the clergy," he id. Re-ordination of ministers and priests has been a central topic among those concerned with union between Anglican and United Church communions. | A great renewal is under way! in the Roman Catholic Church, | Father Baum said in the last of @ OSHAWA DONNA LONDON & THE PERCY + CURTIS mo | ONE TRY OUR BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON {2-2 P.M. DAILY @ AJAX DAWN -- TRIO | 4TH PRIZE $10.00 - VOTH PRIZE $8.00 = STH PRIZE $10.00 -- = 6TH PRIZE $ 5.00 12TH PRIZE $3.00 --~ Four Charges TORONTO (CP--Carol Ann of suburban | | OVER | charges of wounding. Miss Tomlinson was charged with attempting to murder Wil- fred Knight, 38, of Toronto, fol- lowing a shooting outside a tav- ern on downtown Queen Street last month, She is also charged with at- tempting to murder John Kwan, @ S3-year-old taxi driver. Mr. Kwan was wounded twice when a ©oman with a gun, being pur. sue@ by police, forced him to drive at high speeds through downtown streets. Centennial Concerts TORONTO WOODWIND QUINTET Janet Zorou--Soprane Two Others PHONE 725-7911 $8,500.00 IN PRIZES! Deon" Wil-a~ prize Facilities for 20 to 300 BANQUETS @ MEETINGS @ WEDDINGS 723-5271 942-5580 For Information and Reservations