Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Oct 1966, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 21, 1966 15 GOOD NEWS! ABOUT TOWN with Should you be thinking of buying a home ndw, you could be spending Christmas in a dear little Cape Cod stylesteeped with the atmosphere of candle light and burning hearths, This charm ing 3-bedroom house, with large picture windows overlooking pretty flower gardens and handsome Willow trees, is located in Whitby west, The large den and. overhead bedroom is suitably laid out for accommodating, perhaps, Grandmother and Grandad who now live in with the family but, here, could have their own © private quarters, An excellent buy ot $20,900, See OLIVE A REAL ESTATE, 515 Brock St, S., Whitby, or call 668+ a nh * * oy BETTY HAYDL INTERIORS, centrally located at the four corners in downtown Oshawa, hos such pretty things for your home, If you have a-flair for the unusual ond wish your home to reflect your very own: individuality and good taste, you might choose, otter @ pair bf red velvet occasional chairs for your entrance ll, Or an ivory and gold hand-decorated bedroom ensemble for the guest room, Many, smaller but none the less imoortant items ppeok loudly, as a centre of interest, in a marble- coffee By MARY WILLIAMS part. of Bast Whitby, and pre- sey pede pail ve gore, ¢ hanging 'globe-lamp on @ A 'i in, Fr of The Times stair Vious to that had been a school | mama : TOO aii your home decorating, s0 itil coneuitarien. ie. otred on piniod avery successful ven-|teacher, She likes to watch the * : ' ure there is a woman or wo-|,.,... : i * mes and the current Commun. |8°oWth of the educational sys- * ity Chest drive is no exception, fem and enjoys her. canvassing A athall army of women do|*8 it keeps her outdoors, most of the actual leg work|MRS, CLIFFORD PILKEY of canvassing business in the) The Oshawa Shopping Centre | area covered by the Communi: js to be canvassed by nine ty Chest. These canvasser's|canvassers under the leadership are divided in four sections, | of Mrs, Clifford Pilkey, wife a headed by four well known/of Alderman Pilkey and the Oshawa women, each with @/mother of a 21 year - old-son history of participation in ac-/and a nine year-old daughter, | tivities to help others, Mrs, Pilkey is past-president| | : jof the Legion Auxiliary and is! MRS. C. M, ELLIOTT Ipresident of the UAW Auxil- MRS, CLIFFORD PILKEY MISS VERA MOYSE Women Work To Canvass Oshawa During Community Chest Drive hen oes anid meee pe V you haven't a "powder room," you could easily have one if your home includes @ large closet on the main floor, Place @ small window or oir vent in the outer Woll of your closet; a built-in vanity including sink and mirror could occupy one end, with toilet opposite; enhanced with goy point or wallpaper, together with a clever choice of today's smart colors in bathroom fixtures, you could be proud to direct your guest within, The R, H. CABINET COMPANY on Charles St., Whitby, will. olla borote with you on any rejuvinating idea such as this, They can build at their factory any sized cabinet, bathroom vanity, or kitchen cupboard you have in mind, and install it in your home, @ completed job, Phone 668-6911, sant oe : + * * Did you know that the OSMAWA FURRIERS, 46 Send Them Out To Play Oshowa, sell gorgeous fur hots os well os o pedal 9 " In Fall Fashions ey. yu 3 MRS, C, M. ELLIOTT The outlying businesses injman of the family welfare com-,of Directors of the YWCA, ve The downtown business ares the oe Dong ho -- be| mittee of the Women's Welfare|where she is the finance com- es ee ' ss lier leovered by Miss Vera Moyse! ft : tn. Sebi ss a < will be canvassed by 22 women se ikl becoming a sec.(and her 30 canvassers who are|eague and serves on the Board|mittee chairman, MRS, JOHN GLOVER under the direction of pues. Gs tion leader, she bade worked|#l! members of organizations| erence a ' > |M. Elliott, Glencairn street. | inder Alderman Alice Reardon|!" the Community Chest. | Mrs, Elliott is the wife Offin earlier Comunity Chest cam-| Miss Moyse is going out to SOCIAL & PERSONAL Dr, C. M, Elliott Schools for | emuane. Her nine canvassers are|Canvass this morning and hop: ' dent of ego i neyo fOr!ail members of the UAW Aux.-/@8 to get two or three calls * KE the Oshawa Board of Educa: jjiary |made, She tries to do the samo n itor : <a : | Jo Aldwinekle, Wome * a tion and a Community Chest) Mrs, Pilkey was out canvas-(number each morning as the Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department section chairman for the menising yesterday and found every-| businessmen seem to have canvassers, one most o-operative, She and| more time then She is the co-author of Eng-jher helpers try to refrain from fur coats, stoles and jackets? A turban of Sapphire M = fully bejewelled with @ topaz sparkler, aan we gird so Another wos a brimmed mode! in Pastel Mink with narrow leather band, Then there was a darling of « striped pillbox in two-tone Mink tails, And a Mink boa, playing a double Finest fashions in children's weer ever to be designed, Finest quality , ' and value in boys' and girls' weer could be used successfully as a vari-shaped collar, or cleverly FN Miss Moyse has been active} i ¥)) Sst No be Waren seaestretl converted into a smart turban, Drop in to see these handmade Mrs, HM, 8. Joyce opened her home on Grierson street last week to the Oshawa UNICEF committee who spent the even- ing assembling teachers' kits for 'all Oshawa public and sep- arate schools, prior to the dis- tribution of nearly 9,000) coin boxes for the children's Hal lowe"en "Shell Out for UNI- CEF," St, Andrew's Society held its first "Smoker of the new season recently and invited as their guest Chief of Police Wal- ter Johnston who gave a talk 'on "Law and Order", review- ing the increase in crime, fel- Sony and drunk driving, Chief « Johnston was introduced by * Whitby Chief of Police George < Rankin and Past - President » Archie Taylor expressed thanks. The social evening included a singsong. An evening of cards follow. ing a short business meeting was enjoyed by the Oshawa Liberal Women's Association at the home of Mrs. R. §, Jones, Chevrolet street, The president Mrs, G. N. Varnum announced the names of the nominating committee; Mrs, Frederick Mc: Kee, Mrs. E, A. Mounce and Mrs. Joseph Wiltshire who will meet next Wednesday to pre- pare a siate for the annual meeting November 16. Prior to her wedding last ;Saturday, Mrs. Ropert Skinu- lis, the former Darlene Pow- Jenzuk was feted by friends Mrs, Matthew Powlenzuk, Mrs, Edward Skinulis and the bri- dal attendants, Mrs, John De- Hart, Mrs, Dennis Mackey, Miss Linda Skinulis, Miss Marilyn Powlenzuk, Miss Andre Rair- enne, Miss Diana Powlenzuk and Miss Branda Haase held Club Recognizes Devoted Service Ot Spiritual Leader _ A souvenir was presented to the Reverend N. J, Gignac in appreciation of his services as spiritua} director for the years 1988 to 1966 by the members of the Federation of French-Can- adian women at their meeting in St. Mary of Pennie Roman « Catholic Church, Father Gignac * was also the winner of the door prize donated by Mrs. Richard Lacroix, The new spiritual director, the Reverend Roland Sanschag- rin, addressed the members and answered their questions Mrs, Jean Cardinal presided and the secretary, Mrs, Lucien Chamberiand read a letter from the regional president, Mrs Benjamin Michaud, stating that Gregoire Machildon, son of one of the members, had won a $50 bursary from the central com- * mittee of the FFCF of Ottawa Mra. Michaud will present the cheque to the winner at the next meeting in November. A donation was made to the Association Radio - Television Francaise and Mrs. Camille Dorion was appointed French radio + television convener for « the section. Mrs. Yvan Gilbert reported « that the contribution from the sale of the periodical "La Ban niere de Marie Immaculee" had been sent to Brother Nadeau OMI toward an education for the ordination of new Oblate Fathers Refreshments were served by Mrs. Rosario Lacasse and Mrs. Laurent Lanteigne. HOUSEHOLD HINT Line the roasting pan with heavy duty aluminum foi! and you won't have a scouring job te do when it's time to clean it. a shower at St, Marys of the People parish hall, Neighbors, firends. and relatives honored the bride - to . be at a pantry shower at the home of Mrs. David Simpson, Perry crescent and a dinner was held at the Spruce Villa Hotel by fellow employees at City Hall and presentations were made, | Mr, and Mrs, Lioyd Patter. json, Drew street, celebrated sary last Saturday at a ban- quet held in St, George's Uk- ranian parish hall, Mrs. Daniel Aird Reid, the former Miss Dora Lee Ballan was entertained at several showers prior to her marriage. Miscellaneous showers were gi- ven by Mrs. Edward Reid, assisted by her daughters Nor- ine and Margaret; Mrs, William Lee, Clarke street; Mrs, Ray Cowan; Mrs, John Balan and Cedardale United Church Wo- men. Personal showers were given by Mrs. Robert Crosmas and fellow employees of Shell Canada Ltd. (Toronto), The office staff also made presen- tations to the bride - elect and her neighbors and friends ga- thered at Storie Park clubhouse to present her with a vacuum cleaner, place settings of china and a purse of money, The shower was arranged by Miss /Nina Marmara assisted by Mrs. John Wyatt, The employees of Dunlop Tire made presentat- ions to the bridegroom their co-worker, j SPECIAL VALUES! Fur Fabric COATS wie i GROUP 1 Reg. te 135.00 Group 2 Bag. te 900.80 Sizes 8-20, | their silver wedding annivers-| Warmth and luxury ia full and % coats of Sim- otta and otter-like fabric collared with Fox or Mink, Rich shades of brown, grey or beige. Fashions since 1807 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE the Oshawa General Hospital; iCommunity Chest. man, Mrs. Olive Petley, who} lgives valuable assistance, and| 118 of her canvassers this year) 'have had previous experience in other years, Six new ones are being used. Mrs, Elliott tries to draw her leanvassers from participating | agencies and fills the gaps with! her friends, } MRS, rom GLOVER | East Whitby Township area has Mrs. John Glover of RRI, Oshawa, as its section chair- man, Mrs. Glover has six canvas: sers to help her and each will) make about ten calls on the businesses in her area, each re- presenting a school section, | Mrs, Ferguson is --_ the | Raglan area; Mrs, Walter Beath and Mrs. Jon Hayes, Colum- bus; Mrs, Bryce Reeves, RRi Oshawa; and Mrs. Elmer Parks| and Mrs. Lyle Noble, RR2, Osh- awa. Mrs, Glover is the president of the East Whitby Social Wel- fare Committee and each of) her canvassers is a member) of that committee, Mrs. Glover has served on the East Whitby) High School Board ever since, |the City of Oshawa annexed | | lish textbooks; the treasurer|/canvassing during the weekend|for a number of years in Girl| of the Women's Auxilary of rush on Fridays and Saturdays.|Guide work in Oshawa and re-| are working to raise|cently retired as District Com-) the Ist vice - president of the|the contributions coming from| missioner. in recognition of her! University Women's Club and/the shopping centre this year|work: with the Guides, the Osh-| is active in the Women's Wel-/and will follow up on call backs|awa Division of the Girl Guides| fare League and the YWCA, as often as necessary to get/donated a trophy in her name| both of which participate in the the desired results, Mrs, Pil-/to be awarded to the Company) key says its too early yet tojearning the highest marks in | Mrs, Elliott has_a co-chair-jindicate any trend in returns|the annual spring competition, | until next week, | They Miss Moyse is a former chair-' infants to 14 (girls') and infants te 12 (boys'), "THE BEST COST LESS AT..." YOUNG AGES Oshewe Shopping Centre SN SAG "HUDSON" Open for Inspection Now in Beautiful .. . FOREST GLEN HOMES Harmony Rd. North off King St, East, Oshowe SOUTHWOOD PARK Off Harwood Ave, South, Ajex SELLING $s 1 ea 9QG.00 ww FOR ONLY = Ww gee *2,000 ONLY a' DOWN IF YOU QUALIFY e EXCLUSIVE AGENT FEATURING THE Reaistered Exterior Heated by Clean, Silent, Economical Il | } MANY OTHER | | GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. OSHAWA 723-6461 723-8144 HEAD OFFICE OSHAWA AJAX 942-3310 exclusives; their lock of elegance will make you feel pampered tee and are so practical for northern winters, Phone * + * If you haven't as yet enjoyed an evening of entertainment end cocktails, a delectable meal, or overnight accommodations at the CAROUSEL INN, you have been missing a rare treat, Locoted on Bloor St. at Stevenson's Rd,, Oshawa, its nome nightly implies the true carnival etmosphere in its huge, oetagonal-shaped Ban- quet Room, Carousel Lounge, and Dining Room and Cocktail Bor, Motel rooms are beautifully furnished in black end brown eombined with soft green or gold broadioom and bedspreads; and oversized twin beds ellow for endiess nights of sleeping comfort. When in town, make your reservations ot the lovely CAROUSEL INN where everything necessary is provided for your comfort and convenience, Phone 723-5271. * * w "Top o' the morning" is the greeting from Texaco, and #0 If you've breakfasted from their gay "give away" Irish Ba wore, ond filled your car with that good Texaco gas ond oil ot CLINT'S SERVICE STATION, 245 Wentworth St. W., Oshawa, CLINT'S con take core of all your car needs, from @ new Firestone tire or battery to a thorough lubrication job. He services your car in minor repairs, or undercoats it to prevent rust and corrosion, A wet wash is just $1, with drying 50c extra, Or you can get @ FREE wash with every grease and oil job, So, par Aid not pray and lovely set of breokfastware. yet, Ing gas o "S$ 80 , to, ean right, Phone 928.581 ' ah iain gies * * * There's @ new '67 Rambler waiting for you et the NICOLS SALES, LTD,, 1190 Dundos E., Whitby, All you have to do is come in and choose your favorite model from' among the economical Rombler 'Americons", the terrific "Rebels", or the luxurious 'Ambassadors', These exciting compocts American Motors are actually sweeping the country like @ | wave, One wonders if imp Nts could possibly be made on last yeor's models but, yes, the American Motors hove come up with some dandies for '67, Visit NICOLS showroom at your first Opportunity and have onevof the soles representatives there give you the lowdown on the new '67's, It's @ certainty that Rambler will be your next cor! Phone 668-3331, * * * If you are ene of the lucky pilot-owners of your own plone, you know that, while flying high, away from it ail, one senses @ certain worldly detachment which is pleasurable indeed. And always, before take-off, you also know thot it is wise to oveil yourself of the safeguard services such as RON POULTER offers you at the Oshawe Airport. Perhaps already aware of his year round housing and maintenance services, you know, too, that he does radio and instrument check-ups, mechanical repairs and replacements, body work and sheet metal finishing, and symbol, fame or number painting, the final earmark of your own per eonal croft, Phone 728-6135, * * * Located at the four corners, SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE is the most conveniently located smoke shop in downtown Whitby from which to buy your favorite cigarettes, tobacco, or pipe, For such @ compact little shop SHORTY'S also has a remarkably diversified veriety-of other-_items_too-in onything from children's games to @ Paper-Mate pen. As for hunters, while the season is still in full swing, you can choose here a good rifle or gun, with am- wnition to go witht. So. if vou usually borrow a gun from ¢ relative or neighbor, be independent trom mow on, surprise them by owning one of your own, It's easy with SHORTY'S low prices, Phone 668-8361, * * * Hf you mothers haven't tried the diaper service thot's offered ot PEL'S CLEANING CENTRE, you ore missing out on a very apecial advantage. PEL'S dependable pick-up and delivery service twice-weekly leaves practically nothing for new mothers to do for baby except to change; feed, and walk him in the fresh air, Scientific methods of washing and sterilizing insure hospital cleanliness, thereby providing greoter protection for boby's delicate skin, Rain or shine, you'll always be sure of having on ample supply of fresh, clean diopers on hand when you patron. py a DIAPER CLEANING, Bloir Pork Plaza, Whitoy, Phone * * * When | stopped in ot ROGER APPLIANCES & FURNITURE STORE recently | couldn't help but odmire their many lovely dining room suites with round or oval table tops in vorious simulated woods, with motching chairs covered in contrasting golds, browns and corals. A rea! beauty in Swedish Modern hes @ beautifully grained oval-top toble, with choirs whose backs ond seats are upholstered in gold; o hutch-style cobinet, with sliding glass front, to display your best chine, tops the long matching sideboord. ROGER'S, located ot 50. Bond St, E., Oshawa, hos many lovely furnishings to beautify your home, and an excellent line of modern appliances that mokes home-moking @ rec! pleasure instead of the usual chore, Phone 728-2151, * * * Some women have thin, limp hoir that even a shampoo and wove cannot greatly improve upon. For these women a wig or hair piece is the logical solution. Mode from natural, healthy heir, they are individually styled. in any shade whether an exact motch to your own hair or o different color to create a more exciting you. The BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS, 301 Byron St. S., Whitby, speciolize in creating beoutiful wigs and holt pieces, os well as servicing them for you. Call in for a free consultation on your particular problem end realize for yourself the wondrous results thet can be obteined by having one, You con then be sure of a perfect hairdo anytime at @ moment's notice, Phone 668-3061, 8

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