Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1966, p. 22

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ey Fe ERT AEE 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Seveser 20, 1966 : A Want Ad A Week... Will Always Keep The Wolf Away From The Door a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 12--Articles Wanted GOOD USED FURNITURE, ae wan ra xe ley Creek 6 Bond & eet West, GOOD USED FURNITUR etc, ress-| Highest prices, Call pS lag MacNell's drawers, < Furniture, 668-548), 668-6526, #6. 3) GLEAN FILL WANTED tar, as Waterloo Street East, Telephone 728- 13--Articles For Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS _ 463 Ritson Rd. $._ 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS, reducing machine: mh Rentals, 105 people? Oshawa T quets, parties, weddings, parking, 723-2140 evenings. 14--Business | Opportunities EXCLUSIVE Canadian manufacturer needs distributor in Oshawa areo, to operate new process in high public demand. Earn up to $30,000 yearly, Total in- vestment $5,500. Write giv- ing name and phone number to Deluxe Chemicals, 574 Rogers: Road, Toronto 15, 15--Employment Wanted TRUCK and Rye al a hire, deliveries, etc, Telephone 7 WILL RAKE os names ane 'and teke same Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Building Trades Mortgages © Residential FinslontGaaes Commercial -- All Closes = --- City, Rural, Vacation -- Industrial SUMMERLAND Repairs -- Alterations SECURITIES LIMITED Member Ontario Mortgage Additions --- Remodelling For oll Construction Brokers 112 Simcoe St. N. -- 725-3568 dann dn COLLIER ENCYCLOPEDIA with CALL Cpremetie classic set. Bookcase Incl JAMES ALLEN & SONS F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe 'i : : new. Reasonably priced. Telephone 725-6126 8--Articles for Sale DEEP FREEZER, "General," 17 cu. ft. Ss a" os, rill, heavy duty matching By R J onl deep fryer, yal Pigg cash regis- ter, all in 'ood. cond ition. 723-8348, BLE BED, mattress, spring, di er with mirror, chest of complete, Also bunk beds, after § pm. ELECTRIC ORGAN, Mitchell. Very good condition. $400, Ph. 6018 etter § pet UPRIGHT PIANO, $125 also Thistle eed Carriage, capt he 5, bassinette on wi in good condition, Tele 18--Male Help Wanted SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK aa. wan, CLAM DIGGER. FAST PROMOTION and A SECURE FUTURE FOR YOUNG MEN in RETAIL STORE Management Rapidly expanding Conedion -Retoil Firm with stores from coast to coast has immediote openings for ae men to train on the job for Store Management, with future op» portaniies " rome Utice and Administrative positions, Starting salaries depend upon age, education and past work experience, and will be attractive to both High School and University Graduates, Salaries at the Mandgement level range upward from @ minimum of $7,000 to over $35,- 000 annually, Extensive exponsion pro- gramme and supervised training provides excellent opportunity for rapid pro-" motion bosed upon individ. ual performance, Employee benefits include Pension and Health Pion, Profit sharing, Summer and Winter Vacations, QUALIFICATIONS Age 21 to 28. Single men preferned. Leadership ability. High School Graduation, or better. Willingness to accept per- lodic expense-paid trans- fers. Reply stating full particulars: Nome, Address, Telephone Number, Age, Marital Stotus, Education and Previous Work Experience. BOX-NO. 46604 OSHAWA TIMES CLASS ne i MECHANICS Woolco Auto Service Centre AGINCOURT MALL Sheppard and Kennedy MEN with alignment expert. ence also men to handle brake and ignition work. Age gressive men prepored to as- sist in the operation of a large modern auto service center specializing In front end alignment, brake end ig- nition service. THIS position includes salary, bonus, plus company paid insurance, hospitalization, medical, pension, prescription drug plans, For an interview contact, or phone MR. M, A, HARRIS AS AGungt 1 Ants' NE Aa rasssin" bre bn WITHA SWERf | FREEZER CABINETTE, Marconi rec- Quip. ord player, Electrohome television set, CsiAM) al sp, ews Apply 71 Baldwin Street, roo! TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40 ft. structure, all channel antenna, $50, TRIO Tele- vision, 728-5143. rev diest BEDS, nearly new, $55; one wash machine, $45.; one heavy duty elec- re stove, $50.; knitting woot, over 100 Ibs Make offer, Call Ajax 942-0226, Gardening and Supplies SALE Nursery Stock LEASE EXPIRED ON OUR OUT OF TOWN PROPERTY EVERYTHING MUST GO! | EVERGREENS | | Hicksyews 12" to 18" $2.69 eoch, Junipers, Pfitzers, So- vin, Hetzi, Andoro, 12" $2.49 each. --. RDON Certified General fecumtrt, "2 hulle veoh, Oshawa Shop tos ela Tate INTING Servi ice. Complete ners service, 178 Sim- coe Street North, Res, 723-7605. Wicensed trust Charged Bond 'Street it rustee. East, 723-4833. LBERT HOSMAR, Charte fuer '47 Prince = aes iis, & Osh ows, 'Unter r, 7 =. BEADLE AND 60. "Charter: So Aaeoniuate: Financial Trede Bulid- risa East, Oshawa, On- 10, 3S. T. Hopkins, CA; H. E. Beadle, CA; .. rigs CA, YALE, FRIEDLANDER ANY GO. nar tered Accountants, Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, 52/2 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 728-7371, LIAM C. HALL, B.Comm., Charter- ae Aecoutierts 36% King Street East. Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. BOATS AND mattress $5. A\ 1G SHELAPISH, fo Bh ancl sotyes Junior = Cub fer' bene Bar, kitchen, op had Suite 6, Oshawa, Telephone 723-0527 atier 4 p.m. Bist COMPLETE KITCHEN with cupboards Hag uF RYAIRN 4, ; 2 4K USE. OF WALKING CANES BEEN ADVOCATED) YES. 115 HELPPUL AS A MEANS oF PREVENTING FAViGUE AND FOR, PERSONS WHO HAVE HAD BOHR, AND JOINT INJURIES. vin capinetie; i eee jen seal, ees Frigidaire pull-down. stove, bullt-in oven; double stainiess a sink; Frigidaire re- frigerator, 12.5 ft, with bott r.| $850, Teli fephoné 725-3661. MAX OF AL CENTRAL DESERT EE 6 SHORT GIRLS' WINTER coats, size 12-14, BECAUSE HE HAS 40 SUPPLY HIS SEVERAL FATHER: [S008 condition. Reasonably priced. Re INLAWS WITH MATERIAL FOR STRING*MAKINGs -- | 728-6426. ' ; '! SPECIAL RIFLE, gun case, box of shells, used one season, $80, Telephone 728-0929, OSHAWA HOME IMPROVEMENTS Custom Built Kitchen--Bath- room---rec, rooms--and all General Repairs. H. McKOY Prop. 725-8576 J. B. WITHROW Remodelling contractor Specialty---Cabinets 725-0586 CARPENTRY ~ New ana repairs, block and cement work. Free estimates, 728-7680 ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- troughing, fire- roofing, eaves LLB, at ony: Gord May, Whitby, ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, repairs, large and small jobs. L. a . Roofing and Construction, 725-6937. PROTECT YOUR CAR from ice and rage built now with door, and painted. rer monthly payments arranged. 723- Barristers AND RELLY, Barristers. Soil Shere eter tid Kin 'street Dial 723-2278. Tis Ter ep ee 4, a Moree 'erence . |. Jermyn, ne "LLB, 75- IR Totem Beets Be IME Well ce arn STONE STYLE FIREPLACE manic, new condition, Muskrat coat, size 10-12, Telephone 725-2998, 2" TELEVISION, in good reasonabie, Telephone 668-8726. Load QUALITY mina pwtindaws, loors, awniny We it ings, etc, Low prices, away, also will do any other odd jobs Telephone 723-6 an like cutting or trimming trees, ete. Ve APARTMENT TPaRTALE js $16.,| 3297. |dressors, $10, cribs $10, stoves $19..| HOUSEWORK WANTED | oy ix a aay A ovine CALL ROBCO. Reasonable ~~ idressers $10, dribs $10, stoves $19, Vanity basins Fak $15. 16 Bond Street West, 25 Bond|,enehim, waren Tele rates, Free estimates. Also specialize in lawn maintenance, handyman services. ie 5 og systems, | street & Hey Creek, 728-4401, 728-2882; 723-6030, any time. Ip! and piping ane) aRea F ined, adjusted tree. RESIDENTIAL ana commercial floor and 00d ac, = "Fhemes 1 Jos! i¢ltor. P. MANGAN, QC, Sol josuri loan. Office, 1A King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. LLB, Rug, Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoisiered and re-styled. Free estimate, See our mate- rial for re-covering. Slip covers made to order, Dalton Uphoistering, 73 Charles | | Street, 723-7212 RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Estab- lished 20 years, Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Credit terms, Mattresses re-bullt, furniture refinished, Oshawa oP holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311 | FLOWERING -- SHRUBS Red Barbary |" bushy 69c each. Bridal Wreoth Spirea 3 to 4 ft. 79¢ each, Billiadi 3' to 4° 59¢ each. Honey- suckle 3' to 4' 99c each. These are just somplers, many more vorieties available. SALE CONTINUES THIS WEEKEND LIBERTY NURSERIES 128 LIBERTY ST. N. condition, BA, 725-4716 or 725-4717. % oy LLB, Barrister and Selleltors 86) King Sree "ast, Suite 307, MCLAUGHLIN, B.Comm. Sentaae and Solicitor, 22% King St. E 723-2231. Res. 7723-0944. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HiLL- MAN, polygon Street East, Os and 8 ete Jats 5-513: 'other first mortgage funds evaltenl: sos Carcass wn aver: gg es gn Ld "fo. wi gwiten jobs si fone aan ee cases the nae o wilt be be @ totally new career. Mana 'th the place to look for the best jobs is the "Help Wanted" column in The Times' Classified Section. Whether you're unemp! or looking to a better lob, check "Heip Wanted" now! CLASSIFIED RATES ADS banal 1 waction ot by Pete ot beens ' on 24 words, $2.88; exch 6 con 24 words, $5.04; each. Bui i trouble - free winter If you purchase from Western. Oil Company. 725-1212, } FLOOR COVERING BARGAINS, Thous- ands of yards of discontinued patterns | fioors poses vo PIM gases ane g Phe gin nny from 29¢, Wall covering 49¢, Wilson's! pany maintenance free, low cost, tree estimates, 725- 725-1885, WILL DO ANY SORT OF WORK, cutting and trimming trees, clean-up jobs, ae. 28-6636. Furniture, 20 Church $1, Telephone 655-3542, or HONEST CAL'S RE-OPENED In Whitby. Furniture and appilances at factory 3 668-636) HANDY MAN -- painting, ua sh and ay ooh Guaranteed work. Telephone} prices, 205 John toch nar 725-293 CHESTERFIELD . ontemparary sys six months, barely used. Cus! 1967 SKI-D00 SNOWMOBILE by Bombar- Mp we speeagy mses = ed dier, world's largest producer of soft soll MIOOLE RSE wibow omgy ol pve vehicles and McCulloch yn - person live. ta, "sunt dapeatta, write world's largest producer of chai i Box 46972, Oshawa Times. fNow..on display, United Rent-All Mar ie, ee EG 555 Ki <ing St, E. at Wilson, 728-5565, With Ue LOOK AFTER yt in my ome, week days, while mother works. NEW, USED -- Vacuums, polishers, Re- Prone 725-2142. pairs to ali makes. New hoses, Phone iibatiiavbacigeii WILL GIVE KIND and d considerate care Jack Lees, 728-6956. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used|'® Deby, in my own home, furniture or anything you have, The City|" Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-167). FURNITURE -- three rooms, new quai-| © ity furniture, only $299., Includes com- plete bedroom, living room, kitchen en- sernble, Pay only $3. weekly. home yy values! Barons' Home Fur Simcoe South. KOLINSKY JACKET, modern 8 syle x cellent condition, size 16-18. Telephone 723-4402 or 918 King East. FILL GRAVEL FOR SALE. Telephone 728-1892. ae be gyda and repairs, stucco, sidewalks, Day Ing, rec-reoms. Free + atc C. Wood, 728-3420 or 728- holstered, Telephone Claremont, "-2108. aaa PAVING, Free estimate, in- cludes grading and fill, two-year guaran- tee. 1! years in business. Verrano Paving, 723-5841, pont ge CHIMNEYS, all types of sidewalks, slabs, stoops. BOWMANVILLE frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-306). EAVESTROUGHING -- Murray Hoili- Telephone 623-3074 day. Guaranteed work. Free estimates.) =e | 1% Miles north of 401 YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner. Chim-| "TOP SIZE" BULBS roofs repaired. Free estimates. 723-2997. | Tulip Bulbs Carpentry | REMODELLING, 'Trim work, cupboerd rae, | rooms, fans ny stairs, Free esti-| maton. Telephone 7257ass, Hyacinith Daffodil Narcissus Crocus Dentistry Dutch Irish Bulbs CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M, Dental Surgeon, 172 King bed East, Oshewa. 728-5171 Grape Hyacinith Paper White Bulbs For appointment, Regal Lily Hyacinith Glass Bonemeal Peat Moss Rose Collars Bird Feeders Wild Bird Mix COOPER-SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 723-1139 jaily. rea. Please te! overs" 725-6213, TENCED BOOKKEEPER - "recep 5 gaia agi position, Miss Harris Aluminum Sales gow Road E. Hampton thon VY 535. 6064 Siding, windows, doors, awn- ings, stonework, railings, 16 years experience. Siding Experts, Lowest Prices. Rent A Piano SEE HEINTZMAN & Company Ltd. 79 Simcoe St,.N., Oshawa Telephone 728-2921 GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer washers and ranges. Free estimates, eal 728-1742 or 723-0011. CARTAGE, house demolition cleaned. Telephone 728-1892. Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service on calls. Waiter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563, additional word: secutive insertions of additions! words 2c. secutive insertions of jonal words ic. RELIABLE y care given fo ie child r south Gene: Motors. Feuanent Sasa, 17--Female Help Wented DICTAPHONE TYPIST and RECEPTIONIST required by progressive manu- focturer, located in Whitby orea. The applicants must have a minimum of grade 12 education, neatness, good grooming and an ability to meet the public pleasantly, Reply in writing: Giving ful details to the attention of THE PERSONNEL MANAGER, SKLAR FURNITURE COMPANY A Division of Stancor 617 Victoria Street East Whitby -- 10 "er om. er charge ag paid witnin @ d than 294) recre pos of ot COE i each 'ward; fh or ees: Pata sas per insertion with 25 cents addl- tlonal charge if not paid within 8 days. MEMORIAMS ts for the be Bg each thereafter verses 2c. additional charge if not within 8 days. CARD OF THANKS $2.25 for the first 35 SKATES! A large selection of new and used. Also hockey equipment, bargain priced hockey sticks, Cycle Centre, 204 Bond -- 725-6344. Fivi CE CHROME kitchen suite, grey, 0. Reconditioned; 21" Motorola television, $50. 725-1044, BAMBOO DRAPES and rod, kindergar- ten chair and two tables, silver cutlery, desk lamp, TV lamp, bread box, two small rugs, Telephone 725-6880. LADIES LEATHER jacket, | french bive, new sut and dresses size 16¥%, gentie- man's leather jacket and black winter- coat, size 42 all in excellent condition, Call 723-7244, FRIGIDAIRE + freeze! automatic defrost; Moffat electric rene, Inglis washer, outdoor rotary cjfothes dryer, baby's chrome high chair, All ex- cellent condition, _Telephone 723-0927. FOUR, | overnight cabins, ( (wood frames), various sizes In good condition. Best offer secures. For further information, call 728-0103, EXTERIOR SLAB door, 1%" b BIALEK, DR, E. P., Dental Surgeon, 112 Simcoe Street Nerity Oshawa. For appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728-8441. Dressmaking EXPERT ALTERATIONS on ' seat, as Th own a 1.7, tre bags dy S ecal HING 'werd aa mereater| TeV EPHONE 725.3746 AST Heh INCH PER INSERTION. prienee erwmar. "Reuunsble' orice. DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 pm. DAY PREVIOUS ~ thereafter with 25c. add and yards not paid within 8 days, g Sue eecoronng alle Plumbing and Heating ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- ling, new and used materials. Reasonable rates. Estimates free, 723-1191, J. Foley. ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- plies, Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Ing, | 255 Simcoe Street South, | TV--Radio Repoirs 6--Marine Equipment ALUMINUM Boat, 12 ff. Like new. Tele HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED phone 725-6491 AY TV TOWERS 1 MAHOGANY, pager ig BBS ARE BEST uc eo <A WHY SETTLE FOR Less! |7--~Swap and Barter TOILETS. runs. sinks in cal T R | O septic tanks, ie . ete . fittings. H. Chinn's rH Hilisiae Seles end Service TELEVISION 8--Articles for Sole Corner Bond ond Division PT RATE Tae eee spe apie APPLIANCE 728-5143 REPAIRS TELEVISION----RADIO Expert seonits, to all makes 24 HOUR SERVICE ° wasners, ryers, ranges, SIX SERVICE BAYS etc, @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ HOLMES FOR FASTER SERVICE . e ' A 5 G A N ELECTRONICS WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL FURNITURE and APPLIANCES For Prompt Service Coll Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply. "Telephone 723-0011 : 79° | sree! aliens: hows ori - i caida re wheel align , Inspect a ween Whitby 668 56 correct castor and camber, align toe-in and toe-out to Bh Rentals correct condition $6.88 New Sets e -- -- yA ae epee ALCAN ae BA the r adjustment FURNITURE AND e APPLIANCES BRAKE SPECIAL 452 Simcoe S. Most popular cars. First 723-0011 Quelity ey wheels, 4.88 TV SERVICE yA DAY OR EVENING WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL 728-5286 ee weights per' wheel each $1.95 OSHAWA ERHOCKS: MUFFLERS, T-E WORK AT ELECTRONICS COMPARABLE PRICES SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 UNIROYAL Fast T.V. Service DOMINION /CEMTRES | e jew Nome TELEVISION DOMINION TIRE STORES 728-5154 9 am. to 9 p.m, ~~ refrigerat 'or 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-6511 ere CITY TV televisions, radios, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land . i Servier: 112 Elgin Street East, ohene service and repairs. Service 725-6681. dept. open 7 days a week. |DONEVAN AND FLEISHMANN, On-| Also T.V. towers, color and jtario Land Surveyor, Commercial black and white T.V. Anten- ORESSMAKING. ale fitted sults, coats, dresses, lly tellored sllp- covers, drapes, Mra, Toms, ORESSMAKING, 'ieee Tats coats, dresses, etc. Work done proftes- All types of lumber, pipe, win- blue dows, doors, stairs, toilets, ; 32" by Lost i>. FOUND , rn. DAY OF PUBLICATION THS AND DEATHS a DAY OF PUBLICATION IN MENORIANS and CARDS OF NKS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 umn -- 4 p.m. day previous) 9 col PBs or larger -- 10 a.m, day previous. CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 4 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION iny advertisement cancelled before pu' fication will be charged on day's Lt BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While. every endeavor will be made to pecbeon replies to box numbers to advertisers a3 soon as possible. we ac- cept no ilability in respect of toss or damage alleged to arise a either fellure or delay in forwarding such re plies, however caused ve vn by _negli- gence or otherwise. The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing not for more than one Insertion of any advertisement nor beyond the price charge for @ single Insertion im which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to tts Proper ciessification. In the cases of display porermenaes The Times will not be heid responsibie for more space than that which "the actual oe. T ce all advertising matter cor- rect but assume no tlability of adver- tisement If any inaccuracies In any form . &re contained therein. 17'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Cali Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column sionally. Mrs, McNamee, 668-8756, Gardening and Supplies jprints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. | Delivery Service Established 1909 \TV--Radio Repairs BUY BULBS NOW For Color in the Spring Plant Now ! Freshly dug Evergreen and Flowering Shrubs FERTILIZERS @ So Green @ Evergreen LAWN SEEDS Stop in today for all your garden needs. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 King St. E. 725-6551 Not Just "Nursery Sod" But 100% PICKED UP OR DELIVERED Visitors Welcome s SOD TOP SOIL, SOD Fall Sale of NURSERY STOCK HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 55 Glovers Rd. 725-1721 Tor ag ae FILL for sale. Beatty Haulage, 725- $0D -- field -- nursery. Free estimates. Prompt ¢ detivory. 725-3325 or 723-9910. DARLINGTON GARDEN Mo hg + - Free estimates, Phone 987-4754, Ever- greens, sods, patios, fencing. Instruction AURELIA CURTIS, ARCT. Studie of Piano bye tig 3 to 9 p.m. 1130 King East or phone 723-5630. BALLET - SATOa | twirling. Register 4 47 p.m, daily. Harvey Dance peur: Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122. FIRST AND SECOND yore atm zante agreements purchased a intek and Hennick, Saree 1 ii rcing sairect Gast, 723-7232. Janitor Service | sToRE OFFICE er homes cleaned. | estimates, call Ken's Sneare Service, 12 Gladstone Avenue. 728-9538. Mortgages for perfect tv reception on 10 channels with no antenna get cable MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available for first and second mortgages. Open mortgages. No bonus. First T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better ) ------------ O's TV TOWER and Aerial service, sinks, tubs, overhead garage doors, steel windows, steel beams, wooden beams, cup- boards, furnaces, panei box- es, boilers, rads. Anything in the line of used building ma- terials, For sale year round, Telephone 725-4171 or 728- 3521 from'7 «.m. to 10 p.m. ~_ BARGAINS _ FLOOR COVERING Thousands of yards of discontinued patterns from 29c, Wilson's Furniture 20 Church St. FOR SALE ARMCO STEEL -BUILDING Size 24' x 72', Telephone 728-9791 kaee NEAT TN BLD Caviking and weather stripping for etl types of bulidings, -Pri- vate contractors nas, rotors installed, Sales and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 306 Kitchener Avenue, Call 725-0500, All work guar- anteed. Free estimates, ail work guaranteed. For fast service call 668-6761 or 728-6879 at 104A Byron Street South, Whitby. Well Drilling--Diggirg WELL means hud machine special- izing In . Ward, 204 Chest- nut Plt ac Whvby. 668-2563 or 668- 3809. 1--Women's Column RIVIERA COIFFURE Men and Women's Hairstyl- ing. Most beautiful Salon in Oshawa @ 20% OFF Perms This Month Only. 723-8601 East Mall Plaze 600 King St. E. 2--Personal Removal of superfluous heir Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Nov. 7th, 8th end 9th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these doys for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 or Free estimates. MATTRESS SAROAINE- All types of mat- tresses, all reduced. Smooth: tops mat tresses ng 'unk: beds, $16.88; roll away cots * complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furni. ture, 20 Church Street. 3 Telephone 723-1664, APPLES. East on No. 2 Highway, pass Bad to Oshawa Motel, house, Bring containers. CARROTS, TURNIPS, * pumpkina, ¢ cit- ron, squash, ripe and jomatoes. east of Columbus, 655-309: ers. FRESH VEGETABLES, north, a 80", plus hardware. 7 Eumig 'mo Projector, like new. AMPLIFIER aeaatona: , sit = electric guitar with reverberator also Amplifier Gibson (Les Paul) with trem- molo, $90. Phone 723-' 9934 after 6. GUNS -- 8 mm Mauser, $35, with sports stock; Couy repeater, 22 cal., $20, like new; 43 Mauser, $28, 725-9478. : APARTMENT SIZE, 4\2 cubic feet, up- right deep freezer, in good condition, $75. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- pllances, Call Elmer, tampton asbene OF 263-2695, = SILVERTONE TV, 19" console, one year old. Good Condition. Telephone 668-5164, 9--Market Bosket POTATOES FOR ne -- free delivery. Telephone 728-1306, Mac's, , Bellclous, Courtiand. Boy's a mile north, white Baled hay, Mr, N. Stroy. gee miles APPLES, McINTOSH, io bushel and up. Alto Spy, Delicious, Courtland, Les oe and Tolman Sweef, Bring own conta! Algoma Orchards Ltd., Thickson Rd. North, Whitby, APPLES -- Mac's, ra aiclous," C Courtland. East on No. 2 Highway, =, white Oshawa YWCA Program Department , Part time worker for program department, preferably some- one with experience in group work or the field of recrea- tion. 10-12 hours weekly, mostly in the evenings. Ap- ply in writing giving qualifi- cations, experiences, refer- ences and telephone number to Personnel Chairman, Osh- owa YWCA, 199 Centre St., Oshawa. SEWERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY Work at home doing simple sewing. We supply materials and pay shipping both ways. Good rate of pay. Piece work, Apply, Dept. D57, Box 7010, Adelaide Post Office, Toron- to, Ontario. : to Oshawa Motel, '4 mile ae house. Bring containers. carrots, cab- bage and pumpkins, Walter Huron Farms, Va-mile west of Oshawa on 40) Service Koad. 10--Farmers' Column 3--Sportsman's Column VACUUM REPAIRS, ail "makes, hoses, ereness etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213, Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering. BUY AND SBLL -- Good used furniture ttn tinnestntrnnenieperennemn| aN appliances. One location only, pretty pooh bedi for or five -- Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-327) deer hunters, First week. alners | SFEREO, HLF) record pl only. Call after 8 p.m, 655-4473, STEREO, Hi-Fi record play: HUNTING N ig ial ng guns used and sold, arimo and hunt- Ing onee Valley Creek, 16 Bond St, w. with AM an nd FM radio with kers, ed up promptly. 2721. Licence 4-C-66, FIRST GRADE hay for 3: e6-4426, 11--Pets and Livestock DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick- Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263- COSMETIC Ree Ves QUIRED Why not priate 725-5151 to discuss joining us In. promot-. SHOWCASE COSMETICS le. Telephone also 21" portable a with stand rr) 1 floor model TV. 723-5656 or 253 Sinciair Avenue. TYPEWRITERS, $4. No Money down, $2 weekly, Adders, cashiers, file cab. 4--Motorcycles 196 TRIUMPH 650 c.c., $425 best offer. Telephone 728-1830 after 6 p. mn. 5--Traifess K-W RANCH All typés of horses for sole. $25 down. Easy terms. Trio! rides, hay rides, sleigh rides. RELIABLE GIRL To fill part time position os candy bar attendant. Apply to manager. ODEON THEATRE 39 King St. E 725-5833 WOMAN TO LiVE IN" and mind three B. F. GOODRICH CANADA LTD. Shephard Ave. at Kennedy Rd. Toronto 291-3791 TECHNICIAN Our Company, the leading manufacturer of sporting fire- arms in Canada, has a newly created opening for a QUAL- ITY CONTROL" TECHNICIAN whose duties would involve the setting up of inspection procedures for detoil parts, os well as first off and final inspection, This solaried position will be of interest to an individual with @ good technical train- ing, who has hed machine shop experience in the moa- chining and punching of small. parts. Salary commensurate _ with experience, Excellent fringe benefits available. Apply in writing to: H. E. NELSON WINCHESTER WESTERN (CANADA) LIMITED COBOURG, ONTARIO FACTORY HELP REQUIRED BY New, used, lag service, trades, Bill R small children while mother works, in Ride daily Mon. - Fri. $9. fer finda G0 nuard Gee dea mortgages, second mortgages MODERN REXDALE tower for Less Money 3--Sportsman's Column 4--Motorcycies 5--Trailers "ALL GREEN" wae SOD GROWERS and agreements for sale pur- chased. GUARANTEED ey ringer washers, television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 TRAILER CLEARANCE Spacious box stalls, exchange Ask for {spending allowance. 723-4690. PLANT TO LEARN and up. Alcan a hE 'ag Appliances, 452 Simcoe ® South, 72: STANDARD TY! TPRWRTTER $30., rt. able $40., adding machine $30., National cash "register, electric muitipiier. 723-4434, Street, Apt. 9. thie NEW EVINRUDE 3 horsepower ee BEAGLE PUPPIES FOR SALE. Tele Remington mode! 1100, Pwrating le jot-| phone 723-0339 after 6 p.m, gun, three months old; Atlas juicer; COZY) RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep- ep | 7, muskrat coat. Telephone 660-1560. herds, pups, Show mare in foal to quarter Pahey Drums -- -- Complete new sel. Exiras.|horse. Pony. Pinto, Western saddles, Good Can be had reasonable for cash. Call equipment, clothes, Ashburn, 655-4662. between 12 and | _pim., Whitby 668-3072, |REAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready FRENCH PROVINCIAL chesterfield and/for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, plea Sreen brocade, excellent condi-/T. Broad, '14 Elgin East, EXPERIENCED PRESSOR ar Hie il seas ato sea. a PUREBRED REGISTERED GERMAN or alike, tin condl- Shepherd pups for sale, Telephone 723- numa Cardinal <@en- UPRIGHT PIANO for sale, good tion, May be seen at 100 Scugog Street 82) a Sowenanvine. GIRL WANTED for lunch counter, shift pe Apply Modern Grill 345 Riston aT he Ted, Pickering 942- | YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED lady Te live 6--Marine Equi In hoy A] with housekeeping. Ample] ff. Telephone 7 728-3636. 7--Swap and Barter &--Articies for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column liewPets and Livestock Vi-marticies Wanted 13--Articies for Rent 14--Business nities 15--Employment wanted 1 ints Wanted TRAILERS. HEATERS. RE- FRIGERATORS. Authorized Service on trailer heating and refrigerators. MILLER HEATING Ajax, 942-3491 PAINT BUSINESS EXCELLENT GROWTH POSSIBILITIES NO AGE LIMITS GOOD EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Call 'Mr. Stewart 244-4205 Penfound Vanish Co. Ltd. OPPORTUNITY ,. We are looking for ambiti- us young men, from 18-25, who don't mind working hard, for 6 hours per day. Excel- lent remuneration. This is our busy. time of the year and Opportunity is -- excellent. Telephone 728-4801 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Tounton-village OSHAWA Townline N., a M. N. of 725-9674 SMITH' S TREE | FARM 6--Age: a @ Cedors for Hedges Tecate Nels Wanton @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse) 19--Male or Female Help Wanted e Dry fire wood cut to suit Reai Estate For Sale Soateniner Properties ties posts and poles. anf jor Sal fF tools tor gs collect Newtonville 786-2283 2%3--Real Estate Wanted Sct TOP SOIL a for, Rom Processed for top dressing Room and Board $3 yn non-processed 2.25 lanted to Rent OSHAWA GARDEN! Fe noe gang Sale SERVICE treet Nerth, Whitby, 668-3338. 3 we Sale tT for Sa! 33--Automobies Wanted 4--Automobile Repair 723-1161 | REQUIRE $2500. second mortgage. Good! TREE TO TRIM? Cail "Slim, or {ll cut! residentiat Property. Good equity. Will [from -- Free estimates, 725-5118 orjgey Mg per cent. Box 446956, Sanawa| OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E. Gust East of Ritson) | 723-8131 - 723-8132 COLOR T.V. OR BLACK AND WHITE All T.R.1.0. TELEVISION 728-5143 Rust T.V. TOWERS fics COLORED TV or black and white 24-Hour Service 723-0065 or 668-5830 RAE'S RADIO & T.V. M. F. SWARTZ - 26% King St, East Oshawa, Ontario _ 723-4697 "Yst and 2nd MORTGAGES @ Residential @ Commercial @ Industrial Immediate Service and Even- ing Appointments. For com- plete details call BRANCH REALTY INVESTMENTS LTD. 51 King E. DOUG TERWILLEGAR 723-1157 Res. 725-6210 |FinsT AND | SECOND mortgages avell- | gble W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock WOUNDS FOR SALE, Written guarantee |-- <A S for deer, May be seen at 68 Wayne aneaniancee part. -time wie " wanted. Hours 8.30 a.m. to 1 11.45 a.m, to 4.45 p.m. Victory ori 0 Simcoe Street North. 9 Tudor St, MATURE DOMESTIC wanted to live in, children. General Referenc position for responsible Toronto 222-2986. BABYSITTER WANTED. person. RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE -- RENT Open Sundays 2 - 4 P.M. BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot at 401 and 28 NEW TENT aed only 'Med three bee Sleeps six. and all day Saturday. 6--Marine Equipment "STARCRAFT" rew Traveller boats, Evinrude motors. Open eveni and weekends, Marine a and = Supply| after 6 p.m. ee eo ee CONTINENTAL BED BARGAINS, mai- |14" BOAT AND TRAILER for sale, alsoltresses halt price. Finest quality Pos 35 HP motor. Needs some repairs, $300. he ey Perma Foam, Headboards, one- Telephone 725-2436, off, 723-3889, James Street area. Telephone 723-4714 after 6.30 p.m. Call work guaranteed 24--Stores Offices a Storage gg oe gt announces North, ih, Bowman) a sonTine KNLS. REGD. ONE NEW LLOYD Deluxe | baby ca car-|black Miniature Poodle puppies from Championship Stock. Also black, silver |-- ETERS TE Se ORES eae white stud service. Elaine and aaa vtitTaR WANTED for two school -i Frank Shewring. Telephone 723- children, ney week, live in, Tele- r-. white Bok with navy blue hood. Wes fully a er, eed condition, $75." Telephone. a 6a75 PASTEL MINK bolero, worn once, orig- inal valve $1,200. Telephone 725-1859 BEAUTIFUL PUREBRED German Shep-| PhO" herd aange 4 Cag and tan or all white, SXPantances Seenree to work at Telephone 728. GET SPOT CASH WITH TIMES ACTION ADS HORSES SORRDED Ei Close to W Whitby. Box stalls, $35 winter, $16 summer. Good riding area, Telephone 668-5918 or apply 916 Dundas Street W., Whitby. FOR SALE black miniature pedigree poodle, male, 9 weeks old, Ajax 942-4 3S--Lost and Found 4--Legal , 27--Auctions 3--Coming Events tices NEED | i SERVICE? Check "Business Services" in the Want Ads for reliable help now. at 8 NA ARI i a nd

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