20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 17, 1966 20--Real Estate for Sole 20--Reol Estate for Sale BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED McLAUGHLIN BLVD. 7 room, 2 storey brick home with ae oe kitchen, separate room, size living room, 4 bedrooms, . 4 piece bath, oil heat, owner moving from city. Immediate possession. Asking $16,900. To inspect and make an of- fer call Roy Yeo. Evenings 725-2217. RENTAL 6 -- brick house opposite Oshowi Centre. $115.00 month, 3 bedrooms, 2 cor garage. Call Jock Ap- pleby. Evenings 723-3398. 101 Simcoe Street North Member O.D.R.E.B, 728-5123 PRIVATE RANCH BUNGALOW AJAX + PICKERING $2.800. down payment. Pro- fessionally landscaped, 100' x 150° lot, paved driveway, attached garage, loads of ex- tras = including broadioom and deep freezer. Huge liv- ing room and separate dining room, Ultra modern kitchen. Full high basement. Early possession if desired. Call 942-6829, WHITBY 3 bedroom, bungalow on large lot 75' x 142', Very mod- ern throughout, cement block workshop 24 feet x 30 feet at rear of house, walkout basement. Listed at $15,500. Call George Twaites at 723- 1133. Evenings 723-2008. CARL OLSEN REALTOR 20 RAY ST. COUNTRY LIVING -- rigs A advant Have your house bullt to my specie: a. tions on this beautiful 10" . "4! CMHA A . |. Tel seers ia wna ree 329 MCDONALD STREET, Port Perry-- Sturdy old lot, Seven rooms plus boards and and downtown. Full price 39,000. Must be cash. Please feel free to come out and talk business. Credit Union folks most welcome. Apply above add: is asa STEVENSON RD. NORTH, Close to schools and 3 bedroom brick jate possession. Phone SELL OR TRADE-- seven room brick modern home with eleven acres, Cours tice for_@ modern home in Oshawa. Call Perry Real Estate 723-8123 24--~-Stores, Offices, Storage ar 26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 28--Room and Board 91--Cempost Care for'Sale Large Modern Store for rent In Higa Plaza Suitable for restaurant, hard- ware, etc Telephone 728- tia Between 9 and 5 one OFFICE FOR RENT In Pb ton. BOWMANVILLE, -- neat brick bungalow, rons low downpayment to an offer on 'nis a home akg call Jeannette Nugen tr deski Realtor, fn a 580. -" R-OL! bungalow, bed- Rome tor? - bath, newly | dstorerea twa and partly loc month, T » 728-6246, NUM-SIZE STORE for rent, syit- able office, beauty shop, ae 492 Simcoe St, $. Available now. v. 725-5445. 'STORE suitable for smail wail bustaess or shop. Downtown location. Parking. $60 monthly, Telephone 728-8200. irnished, New ave pg frigeraotr and sneha fenced-in pried 25--Houses for Rent scaping completed wi Private drive. Close Metta +4 Pigg Full price $20,900, phone 725-4256, Hd paconaLe Street, Pert: turdy is@ on corner tot, rooms plus bey good kitchen cupboard: and some tile floors, Close to schools and downtown, Full prive $9,000. Must be cash, Please feel free to come out 'and talk business. Credit Union folks|'! must welcome. Apply above address. 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or PIGEON near PETERBORO Cottage with Lot » >2995. | $50. DOWN $47 Monthly PAYMENTS START JANUARY 1967 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! LOT 75'x200' surveyed with family-sized cottage, 3 bed- rooms, erected. $2,995 cash or Budget Plon. $50 down $47 monthly, peyment start January, 1967. Limited num- ber. Year round activities. PRACTICAL FOR RETIREMENT or PERMANENT HOME Good roads, open year round. Hydro, telephone, swimming, excellent fishing, water ski- ing, boating, hunting, etc. Winter Ski-tow nearby. EN- JOY Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. @ MEET @ Beside Toronto Dominion Bank, only bank in Omemee. Highway 7 on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each day this week-end at | p.m. and 3 p.m. No appointment nec- essary. ry. ven s pe Myre bungalow, three bed- four-piece bath, newly decorated and Be perity furnished. 'New Stove, refrig- erator and drapes included, Landscaping ed with ye yard, Private drive, centre. t Clone to si Full drive. Full price $ Ag down 000. 725-4256. PRIVATE SALE--Family size tga de wg 'ele- phone 942-2333. $1000 ~ DOWN, Supien, two three- apartments. Earning $150 monthly. ries for $100. Call Bob Johnston, Metcalf Real Estate, $2800 DOWN -- six-room home with deep bw Elderly Soe have fo sell because of health. Just listed | $0 call sin Johnston, 728-1066, NEW, four-bedroom, spili-level, deco- rated, two-cer garage, lace, walk- out basernent, ogo extra two-piece bath, @te. ary r) pay prestige home. Move right in. Call J nette bat ugent 723-4651, Mca Stri Realtor, evenings 725-5639. HANDY MAN'S Spportuny bn = iol city. limits, twe-sedroom acre fenced land. Coats fer $8,500, W. ©. Martin, Realtor. 1 28 3t03. ree-room Car- 5-945, low down payment on this| _ 5 Can be seen Monday to Fri- day, day or et by spec- ial appointment only, Pitts HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD. COBOURG, ONT. 372-9494 t) prop: frig and hotplate. Also -- w stove, acre of land, Huntsville area, Tele- phone 668-2577 after 6 p.m. 22--Lots for Sale BAST END -- acl] bungalow, with double attached ga non r old four laundry room. Famil a3 field stone fireplace and I ington ae -- Patio. Full price $26,400 with only $3,500 down. Call 723-5082 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. only. No agents, Pree. ET eEOROOM two-storey ick house and garage. Centrally located sg F and shopping. Telephone 728- se errtiineeniieescchactninhennti peop MARY AT les soe nn ~ Be thy Bo listed the neatest two - low In this ¢ pth) tached garage, electrically heated, extra large patio and asking only $16,900. W. 0. Martin Realtor, Pm-sits. COMPACT HOME near French te oll furnace, low taxes, listed a at 10,700. W. ©. Martin Realtor, 728-5103, Haldia hid SALE -- Three-bed $1,000 own oa bungalow choice north end Carries Ay 30. monthly. Call Bob Joh: » 725-9365. Metcalf Real Estate. am DOWN -- three-bedroom low, attached esreme. A asd 314,900" price. Telephone 728- A den ch sen BL dl z BRAND NEW, nice smail gy = Whitby. Aig trade on lerger, not too old, two-stor house in town or will sell. Apply % Palace St., Whit a SIX-ROOM, two storey house a Available now. Bioor East Giatrict pe 728-6507. garage. Tele- wee DOWN, ene a4 bungalow, attached Le tard jen, $16,900. full price. Telephone 728-77 $3000 DOW wae re commercial bul'd- ing which consists of store and cavin ment pilus five-room apartment. rries for only $150 per month. og eu pried ston, 728-1066, Schofield-Aker TWO LARGE furnished rooms. oe and bed-sitting room. Private beth, park 83 gg two men or working couple, $2,000 DOWN -- 1 three-bedroom bungalow, livingroom, kitchen, four-piece tile bath, large landsc: lot. Close to si is. List price $15,500. J. B. McMullan, Real Estate, 668-6201. $1,509 DOWN -- four-bed older brick home on large io, aS s x railed car- ries less than rent, $65. per month. List price $11,700, J McMulian Real Estate, 668-6201. SIX-ROOM F HOME in P. on paved highway, twenty-five miles frem Oshawa. Hot and cold water, $4200, $1500 down. Apply Bax 27, Milton. PRIVATE -- 1'% -torey brick home, six- room and bath, early new furnace. pond Bag schools, | orth GM. Telephone se four-bedroom home, three- bath, large lot, 55' x 200', detach- gerage, used as workshop, $800 down, full Price $4,500. 942-5376. GARDENER'S DELIBHT -- over 500 ft. deep ict and @ five-room attractive bun- ed with private drive and garage, it asking price just reduced for -- sale. To inspect this fine home, Charlie Rankine now at 728-7576. Sibby's oe Ltd, 4 King St. wW., ATTENTION HANDYMANI low and garage, north w-st. Call Morley Burgess, 723-0049, Keith, Peters Realty Ltd., Realtor. LESLIE ST. -- $1200 down wip pur- chase this two-bedroom frame bun- viow, Modern kitchen and bathroom. Nev fur- nace. Low taxes. Just $75. month on one open 7 per cent mortgage.. Call Irwin Erulkshanks of Schofield-Aker Ltd., 728- Mats SELL, Harmony Nori, near new vocational school, Five-room brick bun- galow, fully finished recreation room, na- tural fireplace, Serees. Immediate = 900, 728-3893 GLEN ACRES OPEN HOUSE This Weekend 88 x 190 LOTS 995. CHOICE LOTS STILL AVAILABLE AS LOW AS $100 DOWN Directions: Take highway 9 to Uxbridge; north on High- way 12 to Centre Road North; follow signs to Sales Office OSHAWA 725-3568 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attrac- tive area. Some treed lots. Paved street, Close by public school, new high school and bus lines. PRICED TO: SELL Phone 728-5579 ACRE LOTS, Whitby Township. Lo- pon te on No. 7 Highway and fourth con- East of Highway 12. Terms . Call W. Schatzmann Realtor, 668-3338, evenings 668-3253 23--Real Estate Wanted LISTINGS WANTED: NOW SIBBY'S Real Estote Ltd 728- -7576 "ase a Ses % 'es 4 Buying -- Selling o home can be pesky. If this is your prob- lem. Call DON STRADESKI Realtor 723-4651 $ 7359 SS SSS § | | session. $17, 725-0852. LARGE NINE ROOM brick home, two bethrooms, fireplace, centre hall, two driveways. Hot water, oil heat. Call Perry Real Estate 723-6123. WHITBY-- seven room older modern cme Bay lot, renovated, low taxes, on caries. at your offer. Perry Reel Estate, 7238 of the vast gudience By telephoning 723- ue. ee 1N NEED A COMFORTABLE bungalow! or 1¥e-storey home now for a cash buyer. | Call Bil) Johnston, 728-1066, Schofieid- Aker Lid WANT ADS reach Mousencs er inter cs Rental Information NEW HOUSE and attached garage in north-west Oshawa, two-storey, three bedrooms, electric heat, broadioom, two 'coms. Close ft ta, shopping bungalow, room, rage. Olive and Wilson $140 monthly. Telephone 723-0575, TWO-STO} rick house, three bed- f brick house, three 5 to Shopping Centre and is. Bus at door, Telephone 725-0319. ia = BEDROOM apartment, centrally located, ag Immediately. Tele. Iso two- and ti room apartments, al utilities Ril Courtice, Solina ar and Nash Road. Telephone 725-5085 after 12 noon. EIGHT - ROOM farm house on Taunton Road East, oll furnace, $125 per month, Telephone 728-5125 mornings, 9 - 1. $65 MONTHLY. 97 Nassau Street. Six- room house, no furnace or hot water. Vacant. Telephone 725-0332, THREE-BEDROOM bun northwest section, Oshawa, residential, ¢ Close to pub- lic and separate schools, $160 monthly. Available November 1. Phone 723-7164, TWO-BEDROOM house with coal fur- nace. Next to Shopping Centre. Tele phone 728-8882, FOUR-BEDROOM four-piece bath, modern bungalow, east of Bowmanville, T 987-4386. For Prestige Living NEW MODERN LA CONTESSA APARTMENTS Two Bedroom Apartment Private entrance. Fridge, stove and hot water includ- IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR: Home-sized rooms with ample storage space, Free hydro and electric individual heat with room control. Sauna Room ed, Available immediately. Telephone Whitby 668-4321 bine 'ARTMENTS, one itd and one small. entran in apartment Bgl ig Apply pre Gibb a or phone -728-2722, SUNSET GARDEN COURT -- Simcoe Ni and h. why Nes eae ments, bye erg \ lately. F ices and pai ce Walk-out balcony, gh at door, to TWO APARTMENTS One large and o prt ~ para new|smail, Both pee entrances, apartment building, Apply 246 gine. St. WHITBY-- two-bedroom apartment, stove rel penedincns. and drapes included. 'elphone Two ey -- 725-9385. rent. Call Sieve THREE - ROOM Rap myg ye ogy Som location, eee oN ny kbsteinerd persons. ony preterred. Apply 'e Athol ji + ROOM apartment, » $68 mon! rapeonly with heat ons and oy Ba Included Will give day care fo one or two children. 723-1927. FURNISHED bachelor basment apart- ment, Immediate possession. North Osh- awa, close to bus. woes 723-8635 be- tween 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. 'apartment. $70. 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in- private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to Swimming Pool Recreation room with kitchen facilities Fabric Draperies Pressurized, odour-free corridors Shopping, schools end churches near at hand Oshawa's only T.V. controlled entrance to protect you Transportation at your door A home you will be proud to VISIT "LA CONTESSA" 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481 show SUBLET -- Two-bedroom house in Bay Ridges area, $100 monthly, Available November 1, Telephone 839-2339. FOUR BEDROOMS, South Oshawa. Available November $115 monthly, Apply Box 46232, Osh Times. TWO-STOREY, fo room house, Fur- nished, newly decorated, dg Fey qu 518 Vict it. E., Whitd FURNISHED HOUSE for "een ante central to reliable couple, N tion to one child. $125 i del References re- quested. Apply 29 Charles Street. SPACIOUS, liveable modern. th room bungalow, enclosed backyard. Near schools, shopping centre, churches, On Stevenson Rd. North. 723-7463 veme MODERN split, Whitby, three bedroom cathedral ceilings in kitchen, living Sasa finished recreation room, landscaped, nice bey 8. Two months In advance. 668-6495. THREE modern broadioom, colored bath, lovely fenced yard. Possession Immediately $145 manth- iM 723-1452. bed- 26---Apartments for Rent GRENFELL SQUARE Immediate FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT AT Grenfell Square 1 and 2 bedroom suites in Oshawa's finest apartment buildings. Immediate occu- pancy. Call Grenfell Square Rental Office 723-5111 380 - 385 GIBB ST. Possession Features 1, 2 ond 3 bedroom suites @ FREE HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM ROOM ® SWIMMING POOL @ FREE HYDRO @ OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES @ FRENCH PROVINCIAL KITCHENS INDOOR PARKING AVAILABLE PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED BROADLOOMED SUN DECK Oshawo's largest apartment building offers the best fea- tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x 18' Balconies, 20'x18' com-- bination Living and Dining Rooms, 4 quick elevators, 2 Olde English Decor Lobbies. Bus stop at door Model Suite Furniture by Cherney's Furniture World. Broadioom by Angus-Graydon. OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-9934 @ OUTDOOR GUEST PARKING . CALL 723-5111 380 - 385 GIBB ST WENTWORTH MANOR 275 Wentworth St. CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT @ 1 and 2 bedrooms @ stove @ refrigerator @ broadioom in halls @ inter- com @ F.M. @ Balconies @ Immediate possession. Close to shopping centre ond all schools, 728-4283 Apt. 111 340 Marland Oshawa You will enjoy living in Wentworth Manor, con- veniently situated for those who work in and around Oshawa, Within easy walk- ing distance of stores and schools. RENT INCLUDES: @ Dropes @ Heat and hydro @ Stove and refrigerator @~Parking A few choice 2 and 3 bed- room suites still available. Rental Office and Model Suite Open Daily from 1 - 9 P.M, TELEPHONE 723-8701 MODERN APARTMENTS PREMIER 321 Marland Ave. PHONE 728-6722 or 723-140) One and two bedroom. Now avdilable. Broadioom corri- dors. Stove, Refrigerator. Drapes. F.M. Controlled en- trance. Elevator. Intercom. Balconies and Laundry facili- ties on each floor. Free Hydro. |TWO BEDROOM apartment, | loccupancy November |Lakeview St. | | nished, 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m, LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 REGENT ARMS Immediate Occupancy 2 bedroom hpartments close to Oshawa Sipping Centre. Adults only. TELEPHONE 723-6455 Between 6:00 and ¥:50 p.m. WHITBY 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, all modern: conveniences, ele- vator, built-in stove, fabric drapes, Free parking.. Near school s. Telephone 668-5347 apartment, TWO - BEDROOM apartment in small apartment building, very central and close fo public transportation. Stove, re- frigerator, washer and dryer. Adults only. puesto 723-1408. = room furnished TWO thi artments in Whitby. Heat and hydro supplied. Tele- phone 668-3866, THREE-ROOM iM ground floor unfurnished $70 monthly includes heat, electricity, water. Adults preferred, Avall- WHITBY HOTEL AND fewiM Agnes Stroste Telephone ROOM ieee Tale or ia in quiet, adult home. men, men, Eran dcorfed soceretes' ane $70. m weekly, home, Par! fe sda nied lunches are on room and board for Pai Fh a packed, ROOM or quiet men, Close to and Shepel Place, 'oom and he ae Fie n ruth ner 'epy at ROOM AND BOARD CARD avaliable, central 'central | location to Information SABYAN . MOTOR SALES LTD. valent & bye sey Seryice 338" BTSON 7. S. Open Evenigas % VOLVO & PEUGOT %& MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 Rooms to rent. by the week. 29--Wanted To Rent ZOLTAN AND: NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Deoler 207 Dundas St. W. 668-2337 able immediately, Apply 396 Pine Ave., 725-5363. THREE BEDROOMS, close to north GM Apply 340 Athol Street East, T 6. FOUR-BEDROOM apartment in modern building, private entrance, parking, laun- dry facilities, $122.50 monthly. Available November 1. Phone 668-6980. THREE - ROOM seif rt. THRE iM r all nicely fur- nished, private en id antenna, suitable for one or two able price. Apply 275 Ritson South. 1, is vernber 1 three bankers, Tel lephone 668-5825, WANTED -- Three - bedroom TWO - BEDI EOROGM Wwrnished "speriment wanted, Alax, wnitby' or Oshawa, 'or 668-5825, 9 to 5. im- ere i lag Tg Telephone mediately, part Telephone GARAGE 728-7837, for on boat. son-!30---Automobiles for Sale apa ment, rate entrance, stove and re- lectrically heated. $75 month- for nurses or working couple. onaanne ONE three and one two-room apartment. 82 Grenfell Street. Telephone 725-5524. Can be seen rafter. $ p.m, new i nee we we plex, june aac thas frig., ex: haust fan and balcony. 'Avaliable Novem- ber 1, Telephone 725-4183, SELF-CONTAINED one-bedroom apart-|c' ment. North end. Avaliable immediately. ee all services. Telephone 5: . ROOM FOR RENT, young business girl. Three blocks north from 4 corners. $10 per week, Abstainer preferred. Tale. pnone 723-4746, ATTRACTIVELY furnished room for fee Aven in_private aduit home. Cadil- lac / Avenue. Telephone 725-1777. ve gouvie rooms, ciose to at Schools, hospital and north GM, Kitchen and bathroom, Telephone 728-5026. cozy front room, heat and light In- cluded, all new furniture, bullt-in ward- robe, suitable for one person. $19 week- ly. . Telephone 725-2539. room for girls with kitchen FOR RENT or SALE 12 ROOM HOUSE 162 COLBORNE ST. EAST ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments, one furnished, two bedroom with stove and frig, One dovble garage. Apply 478 Park Rd. South. ONE, TWO AND THREE bedroom a; ments, refrigerator, stove, FM controlled entrance, twin elevators, swimming pool, fenced playground. First month's rent free. Telephone 723-2347. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, newly deco- rated, central. 728-0841. $80 MONTHLY. Large _ self-contained basement apartment, one bed: vate entrance. Good residential Telephone 728-2541. THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- trance, ground floor, $80 monthly in- cludes heat, lights and water. Apply 531 Montrave. 728-0607. ores. artment, private entrance. Close to NEWLY DECORATED two bedroom ap-|pie LARGE APARTMENT, nicely finished, private entrance, two adults. $90 includes privileges and laundry facilities, sitting hydro, Wilson and Olive area. T 23-6304, ADULTS ONLY. Two - bedroom apart- ment, medium size buliding, close to downtown and shopping, paved parking. a monthly. Telephone 723-2563 after Pom. rocm with TV, yee to buses, ea Ne and 728-3719. LARGE fu athe housekeeping room, working couple or gentleman. Apply 194 King West. FURNISHED bedroom, central, car park- ze gentieman only. Tel: 728-8644, ONFURNI Duplate a now, Dry g 375 Windsor St, SUBLET-- Modern two bedroom 'apart. | bu ment, controlled entrance; balcony, piped in stereo music, southern exposure from D one-bedroom apartment working couple, Available @ for boat storage. Apply |™er : seventh floor, No children under 12. 728- +) 0111. TWO ROOM furnished basement apart- ment, private bath, Suitable for business couple. Abstainers, no children. Telephone 725-0507. TWO BEDROOM apartment for refit. Couple only. Very clean. Apply 77 Celina Street In person only between 9 and room, pri-|6 p.m. THREE ROOM furnished apartment, newiy decorated, TV outlet. Parking fa- cilities, centrally located. Adults, abstain- ers, Immediate possession. Apply 6? Mc- Gregor St. with three lor. Private ntrance. vient "Nes rmontiay. No children. schools and one child Share bath with ons 'other family. Large backyard. Heat supplied. $95 monthly Telephone 728-4236 evenings. ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment, near South GM, $100 monthly Includes heat, water, hydro. Use of washing ma- chine. Immediate occupancy. Telepnone 723-6690. upper du- plex, north-east section. Private entrance. Working couple preferred or one child welcome. immed Possession. Tele- | phone 728-5530 & 4 TWO ROOM apariment, si }one or two, ground floor. jtrance. Light housekeeping. 728-2489. Two stove loom, Suitable for Separate en- Telephone ROOM apartment. Built - In ind oven, refrigerator, broad- washer and dryer. Available for Ist. Apply 1402 728-4500 daytime. FOUR ROOM gh Het an ey one or two gentiemen. New at ment. C pletely furnished and private entrance. ROOM for rent In private sol Suitable for either lady or gentie- man, Telephone 723-7370, aL ROOMS to be rented sx Separately Ir In ingalow. Tenants to share first floor; sinalg gen entiemen preferred. Apply 516 Wilson Rd. S. after 5 p.m. ROOMS for rent, w weekly rates. Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North. LARGE, furnished room, private en- trance and bath, fully equipped kitchen, central, Share bath and kitchen with re fined lady, Telephone 725-0128. BED - SITTING room, light housekeep- ing, private bath, Close to hospital. Lady preferred. Call 728-7713, COMFORTABLE room tor gentleman only. Apply after 4 p.m. 323 Athol East or telephone 725-0536, NICE ROOM for young lady or gentle. man, TV outlet, close to bus. South-east hd of Oshawa. Electric heat. 0243 after 6. CONVERTIBLE TOPS jalizing in Volk Repair and Service _ 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 1966 FIAT 850 COUPE Under full warranty. Many extras. Owner driving com- pany car, CI Zen yiuoV. Telephone 623-5839 or 942-6322. NYLON g8¢ Up REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS, Bill's Custom Auto Trim 409 Brock St. South matic, we man 125-0792, im CORVAIR. with bucket bse pina new fires. Telephone gs, "oversine lives, revortere: overs! res, reve! ra- sexta Call before 3 p.m, ioe packeup Tigh sgh, ey Whitby Days 668-8101 -- Evenings 655-4575 © A.M. @ "Your RAMBLER Dealer" NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No. 2 Just West of Thickson Rd. Whitby 668-3331 "65 BARRACUDA, red with bi terior, V-8 motor, mi Hs "eer oe Rereks wire wheels, hard- for Chevrolet V-8, asking 5, 'Apply, Ted's Auto Body, Oshawa. 195? VAUXHALL Victor deluxe, x condition, ag Is believing! 690 Osier Si 728-24 jd ot 49023 condition, Tow mille: 905 saver, tires In cond tion. Best offer. Telephone 10, 32--Trucks for Sale Cars bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322--723-8311 On the Spot Financing MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid 3 FURNISHED large room, suitable for two jentiemen. Separate beds. Close to North eneral Motors. Stove and frig included. Apply 90 Adelaide Ave. East. Pid si STREET, 174 -- Single room y available apply 284 Chadburn anytime. LYNDON APARTMENTS 94) Simcoe St. North. One bedroom, electric heat, stove, and refrigerator. Available Nov. 1. Tele- phone 728-3506. FOUR-ROOM apartment with garage: private bath. Available Immediately. ba children. Location, 36 Elm St., 725-9133. LANSDOWNE DRIVE -- Upper footer room apartment in triplex, balcony, stove and refrigerator, free washing and drying, paved parking. Telephone 723-4670. CLEAN FOUR-ROOM apartment with private bath, entrance and driveway. Good location, $85 monthly. Available Nov, 1. Telephone 725-8513. Please y TWO-BEDROOM Apply 291 oy ga telephone 728-909. FOUR-ROOM SoaTiaaTE avaliable im- ppt aga Apply 68 Wayne Street, Apt. 9 of for rent. 104 «or apartments apartment rane BEDROOM apartment in triplex | near Oshawa Shopping Centre, drapes, rug, refrigerator, stove, Adult family | preferred, Available October 15. phone 723-4932. Private ae $15.00; 3-room suites, $10, each person, motel suites to share; $35. Parking, Telephone 668-5201, Whitby. McKIM ST., 232, two-bedroom_ upstairs apartment, bathroom, kitchen. 'Telephone 38. Tele- Jun newly decorated e room basement apartment, BN france, centrally located, sult working couple or two girls. raat ote 6 p.m. leaer FLOOR, three room apart- Private entrance. $95 Includes He hydro, Apply 345 Oshawa Bivd. S. 417 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whitby. dak ai apariment with bath. Available 1 ama AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments In new building, downtown, 80 Willlam sisrt West. Telephone 725-9328 or 728- 7969. REGENCY TOWERS -- now avaliable, orn two-bedroom apartments, close Centre, tree hydro, stove, THREE - ROOM self - contained apart- ment, private entrance and bath, heat and hot water supplied. November | pos- 728-5103 or 728-9714, fridge, drapes, FM rmusi:, controlled en trance, balconies and laundry facilities on each floor, 249 Mariano Avenue. 725-2227. «| kitchen and 9 . Five minutes pate four corners. Apply above address, FURNISHED single and double rooms available at the Oshawa Motel. Tele- DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 DOWN---$30 MO. 59 - 61 models phone 723-9761. LARGE, clean, furnished room for two. Private entrance and bath, single beds and television poe Fadl, $10 each weekly. Telephone 725-2 COMPLETELY "FURNISHED housekeep- ing room, suitable for | or your choice! BILL BENNETT MOTORS 484 King W. 723-037) $ all conveniences. Motors. Apply 303: Pacific Avenue, off: Park Road South. HOUSEKEEPING room single or double, refrigerator and stove. Free parking. Close to hospital and north General Motors. Telephone 725-8150. Close to south General | 1964 CHEVROLET. Impala, 2-door hard- top, 283 automatic, power steering and brakes. New Sree. Excellent condition. Best offer, 723-3745. SAVE DOLLARS! Several 55's up. Trades accepted. Terms - ranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor E used cars, TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, bedroom gentleman only. Apply 313 French Street. LIGHT housekeeping room, close to hos- pital, suitable for lady. Telephone 725- 7091. '62 ACADIAN, stationwagon. Excellent condition, 30 etd to gallon. Snow tires, | Wi radio, 'ow mileage. Best offer or will consider trade. 839-1454 Bay Ridges. 1960 VW nine sae og 4 bus. 8,000 miles on new tapi yg bey @s truck, FURNISHED ROOM for rent within walking distance from Oshawa Shopping Centre. Lady preferred. Phone 728-3690. 250 BLOOR STREET WEST, completely furnished light housekeeping room for two men. Telephone 728-1105. FURNISHED room for rent, free parking space, Apply 39 Sandra Street E. or! 4 phone 728-2660. SINGLE ROOMS and board, Apply 25 Division Street. WORKING GIRL requires two girls to share furnished house. Home privileges, private room, laundry, downtown. Phone 723-8882. condition, wasn $550" ct Sg 4 19 Soeion| Street, 725-8 m0. 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian, two - door hardtop, A-1 shape, six gylinder, -- matic. After § p.m, 723-6385 Currie Avenue. Mealons 10 30. 19 mission, x 20, ply tires. Best offer. Telephone 723-5387, 11am. > 4 p.m. Poel tela ntnn LAR 4 8 lds 1949 MERCURY, 2'-ton stake. Good con- dition, Telephone 728-2968. 749 GMC, Rplt ton, % ton box Flestside. Best offer: Apply atter 7 p.m. 14 Billings. gate Crescent, Ajax. . (phd letet Rs, ns S 'ss Se ee Gas truck tractor, pee , and brake system completely racial: Must sell, best offer. Telephone 668-8336. 1954 FORD haif-ton truck, good condition. 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'Save'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 TAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS care for wrecking, Hi 200 Wentworth East, 1181 SHAW AUTO WRECKING bought, pene 'te blast for paid, CO. Cars sale. Iron and metals loor Street East, 725-2311. ona AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars -|for wrecking. Tires and parts pd sale, 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. ANTED -- Cars Tlephane wreckii charge for towi ase Robert Nichols. 34~--Automobile Repair TRANSMISSION" SPECIALISTS. Trans a miss! re our onl ee 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 35---Lost and Found LOST ~-- In Bowmanville arena, si 1956 PONTIAC, V-8, four shift, dition, $250, 'Telephone 72842070 1964 OLDSMOBILE F85 Deluxe, four- door sedart, V-8, radio, 29, mi Owner ae country, must sell. Tele phone 725-6134, Iver wristwatch, and waliet pal | papers. Reward. Telephone 725-9704 er Bowman ville F Police. MacDonald LOST -- 700 Ib. steer, red color in Rag- lan area. Telephone 655-4803. 1959 PONTIAC, automatic, 6, new tires, |\' [rage 3 Brake and valve lob. Private. 942-2565, ROOM <Basement apartment. entrance. Apply 111 Wilson Road THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, arian x ey available October Evers COMFORTABLE bed-sitting room In pri-|% vate home. Telephone 668-6207. Apply 406 Dundas Street West, Whitby. TWO- AND THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, shared bath, one or two Bua dren welcome. Available November 1. Dundas Street East, Whitby. Telephone 668-6226, CENTRAL thres-room = apartment, fridge, stove, heat, hot water paid, large rooms, $75. month. Available October 15. Telephone 728-0524. SECOND STOREY cf house, two bed- |rooms, private entrance and drive, close |to school, bus. Two children welcome. $70 | monthly Including services. 725-9103. THREE - ROOM apartment, complelely D DOUBLE ROOM and kitch- Scien mediately with electric heat, hot and cold} water, hydro, stove and fridge at only $110 monthly. No damage deposit. Sibby's Real Estate Ltd., 46 King Street West, Oshawa, 728-7576. THREE OR FOUR room apartment, fur- nished, heated, electricity pe Avail. able now. Telephone 725. $iis. TWO-BEDROOMS, ara living- room, and kitchen, four-piece bath. bg fa refrigerator, washer, dryer, parking. session November 1. 728-1903 der p.m. furnished, 9 Lioyd Street. $90 monthly all facilities. Telephone 723-6620. |NEWLY DECORATED two - bedroom apartment, heated, two children wel- come. $75 monthly. Telephone 623-2182. FOUR - BEDROOM apartment on 108 Dundas Street West. For information telephone 668-2061 or after 9.30, ae ADELAIDE WEST -- bed: ment, Decal stove, perros reali 725-6851 2 THREE-ROOM apartment in good loca- tion. Heavy duty wiring, Ww antenna. At 240 Ritson Road South. For Informa- tion apply 214 Arthur Street. on ROOM apariment, located near Sou General M . Rent includes heat, hydro and swi Ing pool. No dam- age deposit, immedists occupancy. Tele- phone 942-2012 during day and 723-0900 after 7 p.m, GNE, TWO AND Ti bedroom apart- ments with refri stove, intercom controtied eritrances, elevator service, swimming pool, fenced-In. peasant 822) | Glen Street or call 723-347, | TWO-BEDROOM upper son, untur-| private entrance. Reasonable to careful tenants. Maple Grove district, Phone Bowmanville 623-2215, THREE-ROOM ground floor apartment, refrigerator and stove included. Share bathroom, One child welcome. Available immediately, 15 Fairbanks St., 725-2389, TWO-BEDROOM apa Tare lawn, trees, parking lot. Heavy duty yn $75 monthly By hydro. Children - includes - newly decorated, private entrance, park- ing, adults, abstainers, Available now. 728-2) FOUR-ROOM apartment, private ei trance, refrigerator and stove. Available |-- November 1. Telephone 725-6992. THREE-ROOM apartment, heat, hydro, water, stove, fridg, parking included. Centrally located, $75. monthly. Tele- phone 728-2949. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. ~ Apply 68 Wayne Street, Apt. 9. THREE LARGE ROOMS. Suitabie for young couple. All conveniences. Apply 262 Conant Street. THREE-BEDROOM duplex children welcome. Close to school bus, Telephone 7 728-8218. BASEMENT APARTMENT, furnished, central, adults onty. all 'conveniences. T 728-5658 after 5 p.m. nent, ond EXECUTIVE SUITE Large top floor, 2 bedroom apartment, two baths ,two balconies, private garage, ex- cellent location and view. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, PARK LANE APTS. 725-7732 *d prospects every day, [ake baer ¢ estate marketplace, Classifi TO BUY PROPERTY real eck fied Age THUNDERBIRD TERRACE One and two bedroom apart- ments. Laundry facilities and lockers on each floor. Large suites . with utilities and drapes, Thermostatically con- trolled in each room. Un- derground porking available. 190 Nonquon Read. Telephone 728-9726 30 COLBORNE ST. £&., two-bedroom apartment, frig, stove, broadioom, free! laundry facilities, $115. Apply Apt. No. 1) between 12 and 5 p.m. rt- | cupboards NEW APARTMENT --- $80. monthly. Re- frigerator, stove, heat and hydro free. Suit one or two people. Available October 13. 723-5325, 723-0896. TWO bedroom apartment to sub-let in new apartment buliding, across from General Motors south plant. Telephone 723-0218. 48./LARGE, three-room apartment, sink and clean and or tele- in kitchen, Very central. Apply 313 Arthur St. phone 725-9817. nO as THREE - ROOM apartment, downtown Oshawa area. $70 per month, heat and hydro Included. Apply 123 Elgin Street West, Telephone 668-5621. ONE - BEDROOM apartment for two people. Telephorie Whitby, 668-8820 after 5 p.m. MARY STREET, 531. Completely fur- nished apartment, abstainers, adults only. Suitable for two nurses. References, parking facilities. Telephone 725-5691. FOR ENT Bachelor apartment, brand new, electric heat, frig., stove sup- plied, suit couple, $80° monthly. ~ Phone 725-6466. si. Im- | FUR! % room in quiet h en to share. Private bath and entrance, |2' LOST -- Black frame glasses, men's, lost In vicinity ef King and Wiison. Re: ward, Telephone 725-8016, : '53 CHEVROLET coach, six cylinder, standard, good condition, $125. Also Chevrolet half-ton pickup, $100. Will ie hook ree cash offer. Telephone 725-7913 r 5 pm *;| 36--Legal BY endo yh the Landlords and $10 each weekly, Close to downtown. Telephone 725-9280. oor LIGHT housekeeping room In 1957 CHEV., two-door hardtop, six, auto- matic, power steering and brakes, radio, Phone 723-8045. home, central, sult Telephone 723-9225. PRIVATE. °64 Chev. Bel-Air station wagon, 6, cash and take LARGE s single "or double. furnished room, new furniture. Suitable for clean yds Kitchen privileges. Close to hospit downtown, Telephone 723-3684 or 7: ™ BROCK STREET EAST -- Furnished » close to north GM, hospital_and dowrfown. Abstainer pre- ferred. Telephone 836. FURNISHED ROOM, clean, warm, near north GM, share bathroom, gentleman only. Phone 728-1050. LARGE attractively furnished room for lady, private entrance and bath, fully oun kitchen, central. Telephone 725- LARGE furnished housekeeping private bathroom. Parking space. For ¢ one ae Apply 66 Park Rd. South. 8 ELGIN ST. EAST, furnished room for pal ead Close to downtown, House- keeping privileges. Apply after 4 p.m. "| black interior, over payments. Telephone 668-649: Street In og city of Oshawa October 30 for 58 Aberdeen will be sold rent owing and costs. --Mrs. Robert Bell 37--Auctions 1966 CORVAIR Monza, 2-door htp., autd- matic, radio, 17,000 miles, green 188 Wayne St. after 4, 1965 CHEVROLET Impala, two-door hard- top, V-8 automatic, radio, power steering an power brakes. Telephone 728-7497 after 6, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 1960 Pontiac Laurentian, Radio, V-8 standard, posi- traction, washers, ete, A-1 condition, $650 or best offer, Phone 723-6276 after 5 p.m, cen 1960 BEL AIR Chevrolet, four door, ~ cylinder automatic, power steering, ex- cellent Snerion $700 or best offer. Tele- phone 728-63 193 CHEV Tm la, 2-door hardtop, white with red Interior. V-8 Rg ire are lent condition. Tel 'elephone 655-3 Pm, Room "FOR RENT with parking facill- tles, gentleman preferred. Telephone 723- 1830 or apply 109 Park South. TWO FURNISHED rooms with stove, refrigerator for good clean couple, at 240 Ritson Road South. Apply 214 Arthur Street for information. TWO, FURNISHED rooms in select to cality, parking space, bus at ai Sult- able for one or two. Telephone 723-4401. HOSPITAL AREA, furnished rooms for ladies, All conveniences including kitch- BASEMENT APARTMENT, two bed- rooms, newly decorated, centrally lo- |cated, close to shopping centre, Avail- able immediately. Telephone 725-3698 after 5 p.m, FIVE - BEDROOM apartment, in small building, refrigerator and stove included, near large shopping centre. $115 monthly. Avaliable November 1. Telephone 725- apart. $70 monthly. i, three-room, heated ent, entrance, Phone B55-4693, THREE-BEDROOM duplex, redecorated, adults, children over 12, $150 monthly includes hydro, heat, Wilson and Olive a. Phone 723-6304. MODERN, very central, furnished three- room apartment, heat and hydro in- cluded in rent, private entrance. Park- ing. Telephone 72 723-3078. THREE-ROOM © apartment with p private bath. Garage available. Telephone 723- 704) or apply 352 Mary St. THREE - ROOM basement apartment, private entrance, private ae Available October 30. Telephi 725-74 = | TWO - BEDROOM spacious apartment, stove and frig., modern building, newly decorated. Available November 15. Tele- {phone 723-5992. en . Double $10, single "ha. 725- 3493. 28--Room and Board SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. ROOM AND BOARD for two gentleman willing to share single beds. Close to new GM plant. Telephone 725-6441. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen will- ing to share. Six-day week, lunches packed. Parking. Telephone 723-0566. WHITBY. -- Central location. Shared or private room for young gentlemen. Park- In ing, 7 TV. Board cptional. Call 668-4928. ROOM AND BOARD for lady or gentle- man. Close to hospital, north plant, bus Stop. Telephone 725-2305. ROOM AND BOARD for young 'lady, close 19 downtown and north GM offices, seven-day week, good meals, laundry Gone. 728-3577. SPECIAL bachelor apartment in apart- ment building, furnished bedsitting room. kitchen, bathroom. All private. Plenty of parking. Ideal for working couple. $95 monthly. Possession immediately. 728- 9672. centrally hydro in- TWO-BEDROOM apartment, located, $85 monthly, heat, cluded. ane 1% St. E. ONE-BED irtment ment pulling. quiet adults monthly. _ Telephone 668-3591. THREE-ROOM unfurnished ment, north-west Oshawa. Available end of October, first flocr, private entrance, on bus tine. Telephone 725-9507. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, nicely To cated, north-end of city. All utilities in- Cluded. Telephone 723-7363. now for an ad-writer. CITY-WIDE COVERAGE ai low cost is|UPPER DUPL. EX, f what you get with Classified Ads. Dialimewly decorated, 723-3492 8465. four | central, jerge re rooms, adults. Tele- 'phone 728- rment, | Wes three room apartment, ele- ctrically equipped, ground floor, parking facilities, centrally located, private bath and entrance $80. monthly, 725-7279. THREE OR FOUR room apartment, pri- vate entrance, parking, laundry facill- private bath. Telephone 728-2958. THREE ROOM apartment in good lo- cation. Heavy duty wiring, television an- fenna. At 240 Ritson Road South. For information apply at 214 Arthur Street. THREE BEDROOM apartment, two bath-|5975 rooms, all utilities paid. Piped in music, controlied entrance. Available immediat- ely. Damage deposit paid. $150 monthly. 723-0362. ¥ al COL = STREET EAST, 57. Room and board for gentleman, willing to share, Close to north GM., central to downtown. a GARRARD ROAD, near K-Mart. Home cooked meals, parking, cieen, quiet home. Shift workers welcomed. 196 DODGE Charger, 363 automatic, Power steering and brakes, radio, white- walls, remote mirror, 4way flashers, dark k green, 723-7262. 1955 FORD V- V-8, two - door sedan, A-1 condition, automatic and radio. $225 or Telephone 668-6939. best offer. 1964 CHEVROLET, eggrn hardtop, V-8, automatic, brakes, power black with red int sare radio, erior. elephone 723-3081. 1941 BUICK Roadmaster, condition, can be seen and d ends. Telephone 723-1 (EVROLET Impala, two-door hard- Snner buying new car. Telephone 723- bes ; running ven week- 7 'BUICK fully saad trade for property cash model car and cash, Telephone 7 725-2478. 1958 BUICK Special, A-1 condition, pri- vate, $375. Telephone 723-5000. '@® FORD Fairlane 500, Wwodeer, v8 standard shift, recent paint and body work, $525 cash or best offer. 728-5626. 1959 CHEVROLET station wagon, $350 or best offer. Private. Newcastle 987-4933. 1959 BUICK hardtop, no reasonable offer refused. Radio, good tires, new paint new exhaust system. Telephone 728- 1965 OLDSMOBILE Jetstar, 4 door, hard- top, power brakes and steering, mist blue; A-1 condition inside and out; also mechanically A-1; low mileage, execu- tive car, Best offer around $2,650. Call 723-6803 or 728-0884. 1964 CHEVROLET Super Sport Sag ote ible, 327 ' motor, power steerini brakes, four-speed Reggie tn seuent condition. Trade .conside: --. will vin ms 1964 MERCURY Marauder, A-1 condi: tion, $2,095. Telephone 623-5097. USED CAR PARTS, tires, wheels, Spindles, springs to make trallers also , arc welding on trailers. 509 Bond E 1969 PONTIAC Louteritan. 6 cylinder, ROOM AND BOARD for two new paint, condition. $650. Telephone 723-5647, to share, in Clean friendly home, use of TV, and sitting rooy: Telephone 728-6747. ROOM AND BOARD @ young lady in 8 private home on Burk Street. Telephone FOR RENT. Board optional, close te bus and Highway No. 2. Telephone 668-6227. ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen In new home on Buena Vista Avenue, preferably Maritimers. Telephone 725- 3978, LARGE warm room, good meals, lunches LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down. Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- ment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375. GRILLS, radiators, all car parts, Lake models our specialty Courtice Auto Wreckers. 723-5238, ANTIQUE CAR, 1927 Ford Touring, com- plete and unrestored, $650. Days call 668- 8101; evenings 655-4575. See Page 21 For More Automobiles For Sale packed, parking close to bus stop. Gentleman. Apply 708 Carnegie Ave. AUCTION SALE Upon The Instructions of Beverly Kingston, RR Oshawa, Ontario, The Trainer of the following STANDARD BRED HORSES | WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING HORS SALE BY PUBLIC A AT THE FARM OF GARNET WETHERUP On Taunton Rd. IN THE City of Oshawa wwerlF IRST FARM EAST OF RITSON RD. WED., OCT. 19 AT 3 P.M. SHARP THESE FOUR HORSES ARE: REED'S DREAM BROWN MARE POALED IN 1958 LORD YATES BROWN GELDING FOALED IN 1957 H.R.M. BROWN GELDING FOALED IN 1961 TOLLGATE CHESTNUT HORSE FOALED IN 1963 TERMS CASH Tom Harrison, Jr. AUCTIONEER Tel. Newburgh 378-2680 (Owner and Aupctioneer Not Responsible in Case of Accident)