Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Oct 1966, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, (Wemen Monday, October 17, 1966 13 By VERGIL BERGER PEKING (Reuters)---An Am- erican - born journalist, Anna Louise Strong, 80, white-haired and a widow who needs a stick for walking, has joined China's revolutionary youth movement, the Red Guards, as an honor- White-Haired American Widow Member Of China's Red Guar figure at mass 'rallies, state/quet on her 80th birthday, banquets and literary and jour- nalistic meetings here. At many 'rallies she has spoken as a representative ofjtitled Letter from China by "progressive people" in the United States and denounced in vehement terms American pol- spent mainly in the United States. Then for nearly 90 years she lived on and off in Moscow, But in 1949 she was arrested there and expelled on espionage charges from which she was formally cleared later, Now Miss Strong has an apartment in Peace Compound near the famous Tien An Men (heavenly peace) square in Peking and is always accompa- nied by a Chinese woman sec- retary who usually takes her arm if she has to walk more than a few paces. Leaders honor her as a vet- eran revolutionary. Mao him- self. was host at a special ban- For the last four years she has published a series of Eng- lish-language news sheets en- Anna Louise Strong. ary member, icy and actions in Viet Nam and Like the millions of Chinese|Washington's handling of the : teen-age members, she fully|Negro civil rights issue, You , eae embraces Mao Tse-tung's phil- osophy and looks forward to the|CLOSE TO LEADERS _ "fine Gay when revoiutionaries si sened poly iy op 8 ew pel a op pepers: with top Chinese leaders than °°" nina your earning : : in @ career -- § : ter of | A0Y other foreigner, power---Beg) i aieresetdanter page cot Since she settled in Pekingi] add to your education --~ac- was born in Nebraska in No sight wears ana she hae had!l quire new emnlovable skille & vember, 1885, She. was the| frequent meetings with Mao,|l knowledge at the OSHAWA | | | the ceiling -- : i ska wal. SVALLING WITH the spoke on the increasing Elliott, general chairman of Te csucate vonvravenount ck leentgest:-wontne: to" receive: a| Nie. anit ame other Com-|| BUSINESS COLLEGE NINE plug in the CAREER-DESIGNED DAY after-dinner speaker, Dr. need for volunteers in so- the weekend conference, 414 Canadian Federation of {doctorate of 'philosophy from munist leaders. st minutes, A ; in ju 1 the University of Chicago and| She got to know them during|] seHOOL COURSES from which Installed add decor Wilson Head,- centre, who cial service, are Mrs, C. M. Volt, 00a TIRE, BERS, MA. decent BA ol in 1921 made "or first visit to|five 'visits to China between ie si - ies gts can * the Soviet Union. 1925 and 1947 when they were ; . An -active campaigner fo r| fighting for power. | ; Se Mao's China, she is a familiar' Miss Strong's youth was|} make space available. vane | EVENING CLASSES Skateless Skater, Once Famous, ambitious people may start any Bi. trio gives exactly TUESDAY or THURSDAY eve- |} amount of Haney, Makes Toronto TV Commercials} tino. orice o ssiecs, src. | y \t watt ert IAL COURSES FOR HOUSE. i Fiumination. tn red, TORONTO (CP)--For almost/ant return from the 1948 Olym-|| WIVES, Attend mornings or |! i 4 gold or blacks a dozen years Mrs, Thomas V.| pies remember the big saucer-|] afternoons. Choice of subjects, 1 Y f King of Chicago didn't own aj shaped eyes and blonde hair, SHIFTWORKERS---A Fe | c ay fact that ttend bot! pair of skates a fa And she could still fit into herf go ond evening class Chales would surprise anyone wh0/oid skating costumes since her) °°' ©" a |knew her when she was Bar| weight hasn't varied from the °f sublects. | Scott. iti | jbara Ann Sco cee | 103 pounds of her competitive] ¢arurpAY MORNING JUN. || The former Olympic figure-| days. | skating champion from Ottawa} She's firm about her decision] 'OR TYPEWRITING CLASSES admits she acquired a pair of/to give up skating altogether, for young people from Grade skates last year. But it was) "It was nice," she says, "but|] six through high school. only for a brief appearance in| now I have other things to do,"' : create ® a television commercial and| She describes herself as "an FREE LITERATURE available ® Qi antic i. she hasn't used them since. old-fashioned home-loving@per- upon réfuest -- Get the facts rang this elegant "I hadn't been on skates for|59N. uO -- Then oct, haan iron Swat more than 10 years," the 36-| "I have the world's greatest nt ow over 4 .|husband and I intend to keep year-old Barbara Ann said dur-) 1USDAa ur dining ing a trip to Toronto to do an- him, : Dial 725-3375 " other TV commercial, this one| Tom King, whom she mar- without skates, "I was going to ried in 1954, is a publicist whose 10 Simcoe Street North practise, then I thought if 1\favorite sport is golf -- "he's ever practise I'll never go| Very good and shoots in the low) through with it." 70s; I've never broken 100," | Mayor Lyman Gifford prior sity Women's Conference Boyce, Trenton, the Pro- So she did " re smeyre i . losi t Satur- at the Carousel Inn, Mrs. vincial Director for Eastern | without rehearsal, 'After all, 1 left, president of ogee : the 2 gos . a Robert Orange, Sudbury, Ontario are the other mem- |you can walk, you can skate. versity Women's Club 0 a free ee the Ontario vice-president of bers of the receiving line. |But she said the ice felt "like Oshawa and District, greets adian Federation of Univer- the CFUW and Mrs. G. E. Oshawa 'Times Photos |cracked eggs." Mere pe oe ern Fs 1 | Mrs. King said with wry UNLIMIT They hang from to choose -- Registrations 'ac- cepted as graduating students MRS. K. H_DONALD, IT'S JUST TASTE | amusement that "the only peo- . Ms e parents and their values," : . Says Volunteers Are Vital Link'*.. Head said, describing) Just as Europeans like their) Ple le Aly tga onde ony But B d Ls young people who had rejected| cheese aged, natives of Borneo|that's hardly true. Canadians their wealthy, well-educated pa-/like their eggs rotten. who hailed her on her triumph- rents to iive in Yorkville and ' , ' y mas ea "We need both the expertsjemulate our moral decadence,| become drug - addicts and pros- in the agencies and the volun-|They are well aware of our|titutes. Custom-Made or a : |inereasing social problems, Pro-| 'Loneliness is often experien- teer helpers," Dr. Wilson Head! jiems are not only in the big} Ph. D. in sociology and di-| cities, but also in the small rector of Planning and Research| towns and country areas, for the Metropolitan Toronto) 'The machine has been ac- Social Planning Council, told|cepted as being more import- the regional conference of Uni-| ant than thé human who op- versity Women's Clubs held injerates it.. There has been a Oshawa on Saturday. \break-down of individual dig- ced by young mothers and the elderly. In our rush for mat- erial wealth we have little time for the indi idual and his needs, We leave it all to agen- cies. The agencies, of neces- sity, find it necessary to specia- lize and seldom is the 'whole problem' of an individual con- Ready-To-Mang Draperies sii: Aloe wie @ SLIP COVERS @ BED SPREADS @ DRAPERY HARDWARE OSHAWA'S INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE WARD'S --- SINCE 1919 -- -- sine Simcoe St. $. at Athol 725-1131 Balloom Dancing. The Oshawa Ballroom Dancing Club is starting Professional Instruction in Latin American and Ballroom Dancing for beginners on Monday nights. If you are interested in Learining these THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! Dances and enjoying the Social activities of the Adult Building Ih club, Dr. Head works with over |nity. Human beings should not! sidered at one time. | four hundred agencies in Met-|be just another cog in the vast!" « ropolitan Toronto. They Werejand complex industrial mach- win Scat Baumane te -- all good agencies, he said, staf-|ine. jing out and establishing links fed by well - trained personnel,) pr, Head stated that indivi-| with other human beings. Vol- but they were unable to keep/dual responsibility has been|ynteers can prevent loneliness up with the increasing demand.|tyrned over more and more tojand eliminate the need for Organizations, "agencies and) experts, "We are demanding|much psychiatric help, There programs, created to meet hu-|not only kindergartens but pre-|will never be Race of profes- man needs in a wide variety|kindergartens and nursery sionals to help individuals of areas, were increasing 1iM\ schools, Parents are willing to| who lead lives of quiet des- number but were unable to cope/jet the experts raise, their peration." with the problems of drug-tra-| children. | = oe Sa Gavidees.te Bhd individuals need me . ly - distur' indiv: S,/dical help they turn to specia- deg ge maga -- lists, tg who ornate! MINK STOLES ound not only among the poor|treated the 'whole individual'! but also among the middle- hut who have since specialized WHITE FOX FURS as --.. ' : jin one part of. the body. It) "Under-develope countri€s!seems that no one looks at a envy us our affluence, OUT|problem as. a whole. There is! Central Location high - level of education, our a great sense of loneliness and RENTALS industrial expertise," Dr. Head| alienation in the midst of aM 463 pinen Rd. S., Ochews Prestige Address sald, '*but they do 'not wish' to crowd. | 725-3338 girs ~ ee Distinction Beyond "Loneliness leads to rejection | : Compare WORK IT ALL OUT -- ae ' ws RRS va Und d and Level RED CROSS mage poking MONTREAL (CP) -- Some- times the big package in the Sy Appointment Only O'Neill Collegiate and supermarket is not the most! economical, says Jocelyne Le- 723-1712 -- 728-2911 Vocational Institute Tere ~ duc Gauvin of the. Montreal Diet Dispensary. "It's worth the ef- fort in pennies saved to make wer al : VED., Wu. 1OTNn REGISTRATION -- 7:30 P.M. THIS COURSE IS FREE OF CHARGE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE CALL: 725-1111 Oshawa Recreation Department OR Art or Isabel Berry ---- 723.9376 An Affiliate of Oshewa Recreation Dept. ~> , SAT., NOV, 19th 1966 9 P.M. AT Y.W.C.A, Live Music By: EARL BROWN and THE HOE DOWNERS A Progremme of the Oshawa Recreation Dept. the mathematical calculation and find out which size gives more for the money." HOUSEHOLD HINT You can paint a refrigerator to match your kitchen. Wash it, _ use steel wool to roughen the surface, then paint with your favorite alkyd enamel. WOOLWORTHS Super Bakery Specials 8 a a & BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN WOOLWORTH'S FAMOUS ORANGE TWIST « & i & € # ba Hu ery Low Rentol Rates by Hit Mai the Month or Year Hill | ight Expert Meat processing a and Custom Cutting (\} Sul S \ emma sui Save Complete Locker Service OSHAWA FUR AND ~ LOCKER STORAGE a ee 81 William St. West HOWARD'S orarerits PHONE 723-3012 | irae SUPER "9" APPLE PIE DONUTS @ Custom Meade Drapes Made with Flaky Pastry SPECIAL THIS WEEK THIS WEEK ooch OL'y 2 tor 110 | vozen Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead BAKERY ORDERS --.PHONE 725-3421 @ Broadleom

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