Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Oct 1966, p. 7

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athens SAP i Ge A a A OMS Ig ETT BT RNY ey ng Sb LOR ED ee OL nad Hg fhe eee - THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 14, 1966 7 ee ee RRA Rae Ree ; ee AS OS Be pitti it tO: t ; ; i . ' : 1Qu Newfoundland -- |. 2 eeS ss : ° ° ° ' ° Ltd., pref. 62% cents, Nov. 30, : record Nov, 16, PO ee MARKET TODAY GQIM FTLOPity AL BLINCO [se iets mrnaiona common i, » 2 * | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Eee cents, Nov. 1, Get. 21. es 1 100 3 3 ow MONTREAL (CP)--Construc-;power from Churchill Falls by Still to be determined--the| sg; Ltd., 514-per-cent TORN Pred OCR | Wine 2500 30-208 ee tion crews will move to the Lab-|Hydro, ¢ ~ Price to be charged for the|pref. $1.31, Nov. 15, record Oct, Stock Ex et, 4 | YR Roar 100.183 SS Z ® rador site of 'the Churchill} . Hydro President Jean - Claude| power and the point at which it|95. jp 2ugations in cents uniess marked $.| Yokon ¢ 10m 8 >} S ac ge ne ge 1r e ant Falls ntnsalaane cevsiapness Lennart tot Ne -- will be delivered to Hydro-Que- aN Utilities + iia rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change Is within 45 days but mean-lence after igning C. ref. $1, Nov. 1, record from previous 'osrd-lof ual OILS GAS p time Newfoundland's Opposition| Churchill Falls company, a sub-| Henry Borden, chairman of P Chemical (Can Leduc " i : ow whether' sidiary of the British Newfound-|Brinco and the Churchill Falls 5 $00 23% 2 A+ : leader wants to kni ry a rr 15. cents, extra § z MINE pw 175 $122 12% 12% F Newfoundland or Quebec will|land Corp., '"'undertakes to give|company, said 100 men already cents, Nov. 22, record Oct. 28. cree] Siprate. ago 219 ab 28 #1 supply the labor. preference to Quebec labor, per-| are on the Labrador site for sur- \ Phage | es a oor c Ex Ges 3900 a " 0 (@ | : A letter of intent was signed|sonnel and services, and for ma-|vey and engineering purposes. program can be adopted to util. Bow Roy. 109 17,13 17 +3) C Gridell 3460 $70 Se sp Ba : : in 'Morea Thursday is Mage "a fy = manufac- A KA omy bod 300,000 a ae pe ize the power entirely in Que- Ang U 1000 og sentatives of Hydro-Quebec and| tu uebec,' 000, orsepower would bec." ; Amey, tm '9 4| ot St) te tr i --%| By DAVE MacDONALD | Raymond C. Firestone, chair- handling jobs Ken up to four|the Churchill Falls (Labrador)| Hydro's general manager, kept by the Churchill Falis firm| "The reduced rate of Hydro ex- (sal Ta at ges Dynomic 300 ms 298 288 JOLIETTE, Que. (CP)--When|™an of the board of the parent )prev: ethe current werk force |COrp. It covers, purchase of|Robert Boyd, said in a separ-|f-r use in its various. servicing] penditures made possible by the Belcher, 500s) $2| Pergo 1200 270 265 245 --10 |executives of the Firestone Tire|U-S. company in Akron, Ohio, |times the eS es ate interview this does not|operations at and near the site,|Tabrador project would, be- Sethim, = 615 615 615 French Pt 550 340 340 340 and Rubber Co. of Canada Ltd.|Says the Joliette plant's ma-| Bob Brown, plant manager, is mean Newfoundlanders will be|700 miles northeast of Mont- tween. 1966 and 1967, enable Va + a) Gt COllsds = 150 895 895 895 -- 5 hi tire through |proud of the fact that the spa- se towk "goo 48) a8 as 1'| "int Helium 2400 $38 390 330 say their new tire-making plant|Ciinery can move a ug : 'ake Unke cod f denied jobs on the $700,000,000/ real. Hydro to "'enjoy a few years re pralorne 100182 182 182. -- 3 | Mill City 2500 254 250 250 here is "the most modern in{its entire manufacture process|cious shop floor. could be con- ommu er project. Mr. Boyd declined to say what) spite from the very heavy exe remilo, 8. 400 00-0 Nc ole 00 220 220 220 the world" they are talking|'in 30 minutes. verted "overnight". to a nit "We will be needing all the|United States or Canadian penditure that would be ine amp Chib 200 550 $50 550 +15 | Numac 200 195 195 195 about one specific aspect--auto-| This pre - supposes that the|capable of doubling its output, . qualified men we can get," Mr.|companies might make agree-|volved" in any power develop- Reng ot, 2, 102, Place G 3300 9 te ye -- 4 |mation. Taw ni vou 9 cg - wf oe installation of extra ma- rvice Boyd said. : ments with Hydro to the Lab- ment in the James Bay area, on Gentine "eo our | Rew Mo a tm, fag Ff] The #14,00,000 plant's lla Pree ae aetna reel Hie €5 technical and manage On Be. Johrty a sineemot ie |teois were fallled, | Camees Becumrtetec, Bi ule" ime z+ scurry Rn 1200 $174 17 174 + rian interior spreads only 135 + eg "days. hr rial staff, whe are responsibie CN In Bt. mtb ap i , Mr. wePariane said the poten M00 $10 1% 1004 Union Ol) 240 $9 29 29 employees. across it's nearly : for overseeing the production of Irks C sae Pong Sry od chill Falls| Churchill Falls company wanis Sat" ee OR S| yy Gee, Yee ae 2 8 [spotless I2-acre shop floor. AnlcUT DOWN HANDLING 500 different, types of tires, are feat aid: "Prion coperivatig| "maximum" Canadian' particl. € Halli = 2500 6) 5861 in Ree incredible array of '<licking,| Firestone's research depart- ' ie. de: i " 3 ' ; - giant SSB GR Gh) "OM 2m 2 ihumming machines hold the ke mnt and' the "machinesy ma Cea, ash coasts de comin "EN rf, cvloyment wil be given tpn Inthe fare naning of S"Ramnier 200 210 210-210 +5 INDUoininus to ine success of this space-age! nufacturers have brought out @lfrench within 18 months, like to get out of the commuter | >°°? : "We also see substantial tire factor l = residence is Newfoundland and oe ie" ss ome | See eet Set wc Aa eed piled production line that' slashes} 'The bilingual Mr. Brown isitrain business was cleeifuliy Labrador.' American borrowing in this re- Revise 1800 62. 8) 8 F2| Alta Gas T 19 sat $31% al" ant %| The men who mah the flicke-|handling to the minimum and} confident that the company's po-laccepted Thursday by CNR Ae MacPactand rape calle ard." + eli i ine m+ ninore "St. dad $oyse- 2936 70% -- M4 jring consoles that control the|makes oon" cae, a of con- licy of making French the of-|President Donald Gordon. ance at the Montreal press con- Use BIDDING SYSTEM if 720° $41 Alcan 33s $77% 264 I + Va machinery complex can claimjveyor belts, peice pe heey ficial working language of the| «pq jixe to get out of every|ference, said that wherever) Competitive bidding would be East Sull 100 a "" a ra ee os ie non on ah daily production figures of 2,500) and other labor-saving ie plant, with full French technical one;" Mr. Gordon, who retires| possible preference will be| used for purposes of construc- Sweet T Sn pie Bn = sr nines A 150. $19% ise 9% tires but there S no doubt that} A Firestone yeep es - terminology in machine hand- at the end of the year, told the| given to Quebec in the purchase tion and procurement opera- Erncoeur 5000-124 12% '2%4 fous C pr 150 $10%2 10ve the machines are' the stars of|mated that the assembled ma ling and manufacturing proces- ; i tions. All Sugar 700 39 9) P ; ; i ae . Commons transport committee|of materials and equipment for! 20409 330 310 320 +20 hi t this factory are com Exp "1000 9% 9% 4 va| Bank Mil z10 $54¥e S40 "Save the show. chines in use at this ' ses, will' pay dividends in in-\j, 9 candid reply to John Ad-|the pgoject. Churchill Falls company offi- joldray = 1000 717) 7 Ps aa oe eT creased efficiency through ins- h I hn's, Gerald R. Ot-|Cials declined to disclose that Goldrim 3900 8 9 79 Sieet Ae se ee et « ; dison (L--York North). n St. John's, Geral 0 " ee eM 8 Beltre saa sss ® ee Mr. Gordon said the railways|tenheimer, leader of the Oppo- et neg na iad ae Sravey, 11000-7207 + ysl Bramalen 10 85 545th Most Prices ta eve BOOSTS WORK FORCE got into the commuter business! Sition Progressive Conservatives poe th shore : rid Granisle 100 AS MS aS | ae antl mM 884 The plant's total work force|by accident and now are un-|in Newfoundland, said in a) Pigmet (© SIAFENOGETS. A of Hasting io te lela cee Sea ne g of about 200 brings the totaljable to get out of it because er gerona inet g cop hang tnieat testis foe pede roel (ods Boy "25 Sams, aa avec M| Br tot Fin 220 sou 64 64 . number of Firestone employees|of public pressure. He con-|iet {he matter of construction) i 0S" 1" the new project. int bite T 30 We 105 te +8 Calgary" Joo siz" ai 20 uring oc yar Ta Ing in Me about a Es tended : y ser anid poo) O ohe ious of Newfoundland| The first is based on possible ven Bay organization empioys abou sjare no e solution to rap le of to one or several 80 '000.140 137 140 +9 CD Sugar 100 $18% 18% 18% + Ve : still do not know what exactly Sale of power ie a ee ei eee eee |) hx RONTO (CP) -- Trading|mid-week. Lamb prices opened eee he world wr has ee pts GIT OHNO ta 'valiitinnd of Wis leeer customers outside Quebec and 500 75 75 75 Can Iron 270 $174 17% 172 | was agtive and prices continued|higher and held their strength PUN GE «Pam einatn. AR AADOT sm LP Onene : of intent." "negotiations regarding this ee ee Sen Malt 100 $M dont jos "|steady \pn all classes and grades|throughout the week. the Philippines and Brazil. A CNR brief to the commit-| mney had not been informed|have been under way for some CGuieut "too a7 ass es -- | Coc pr m5 % 6 6 of slaudhtercattle except cows| Slaughter cattle: On offér| At one period during the war,jtee had suggested that new what guarantees there were that| time." L Shore 320 215 215 218 Can Brew 1010 Sts Oh Av at the Ontario public stock-|this week 10,010; last week 11,-|he company's. Liberian planta-|railway legislation include free- Churchill Falls would be de-| "If Hydro - Quebec does not teiten 30 Sa sats -- 9 | Co'AI'Aw: 10 0 a0 a0" |yards last week. 384; to date 1966, 395,508; tojtions were the only source of/dom to set commuter rates! veloped in order to bring maxi-|Teach an agreement with poten- Loredo om uy | & Shem feo S10 510 S10 | | Replacement cattle sold act-jdate 1965 434,392; this week dass in. ype rena 6aYS| without federal regulation. mum benefit to Newfoundland/tial customers, an alternative Paclecd fom ao a a +9] & Guat 38 eu, fase ist mlively at steady prices, Veal calf|1965 10,559; choice steers 27-|one sreavene, OIGIAT. However, Mr.. Gordon | de-|in terms of revenue, industry, Martin ee BRR VC Marconl: > 235 se. Ae" 460 rices were firm, hogs opened|28.50 with sales to 29.95; good| The Joliette plant's daily out-| fended the new CNR - operated|and emplo 'ment. \ To00 206 $55 54M 55 + |? ' A : ploy un o 77 na ra + % Sar tire A ts site 1200 12M steady but eased somewhat at|/26-27; mediums 23.50 - 25.50;|put capacity is TT at commuter service ge Rong i Montreal reporters were not M Fu McWat 4000 8 --1¥| CWN Gas 225 $18 18 18 commons 19-23; choice heifersjcompany's main tire - making|duced in the Toronto region by| shown the actual text of the let- CANADA'S ORIGINAL MUTUAL FUND Mule 'wo ge Cominco, 1175 $4 3am ae * i STOCK MARKET 25.50-26.50 with spk to He, wn ade ths the Ontario government. Al-|ter of intent. Most of the ac- a As pecuAlen 16 New Cal 1200 tH 34 Con Bldg 210 90 9 9% good 24-25; mediums 22-24; e company holds acres|though it would operate at a|count of its contents came in Nearer Tioo 135" i i ot cen, rons wis sae aia ; [commons 18 - 21; choice fed|on the outskirts of this commu-|iogs to the province, it would be| the statement by Mr. Lessard. 135™ CONSECUTIVE QUARTERLY DIVIDEND ond 210016 Coronain 100 -95«95---« 95 ~ --§ | TORONTO (CP -- Industri-| yearlings 26.50-27.50; good 24-|nity 40 miles north of Montreal far cheaper than building addi-| He said Quebec "'will receive A RECORD 5Y4 CONTS PER SHARE D Qvetieet' set an its pe i} Een Sint ase Sis ime iy |SUS were hit by a late selling)2¢: commons 18-21; choice fed|and the company's declared po-|tional super - highways along} almost the entire output of elec- PAYABLE NOV, 1, 1966, TO SHAREHOLDERS OF RECORD OCT. 14 :} Tonbter™': 3000 "3s 4 % 4 24 Bvetidge, nis sim ie tem spree on the Toronto Stock EX-|vearlings 26.50-27.50; good 24-|licy of expansion is tuned to the Lake Ontario shore. tricity" from the project for a loriex 2500 Dofasco 300 S197%% 197% 19% change Thursday as investors |9¢. good cows 18-19 with sales|take advantage of all of it. Norman J. MacMillan, execu-| minimum of 44 years. Record 1966 DIVIDENDS TOTAL 15\4¢ PER SHARE a, 2 om 0 io Bom ee 8" | |)*--™ | whittled sharp gains into frac- ; i 0-17.50;| But the benefits to Quebecers é i -_--_ ; thcal_ 1000 v FP _,| dove ee ee | eat ae ah cog! to 19.50; mediums 16.5 er arp Q ' tive vice - president of the CNR} Churchill Falls will have an $77 000,000 NC 500 7 71 =] Domtar 75 $\7 canners and cutters 13 - 16;|are more likely to come from|who has been named to succeed| installed capacity of more than CASH DIVIDENDS EXCEED 7 SINCE ORGANIZATION ee? eae eee Oe te A Th The industrial index closed -12; good h t than sharply in- thgat 475 480 Dover Ind 100 $17%*% 17% 14+ % x closed|shelly canners 9-12; good heavy|company taxes than sha ply Mr. Gordon, said the railway|6,000,000 horsepower, Power ' Opemska 330 os 950 950 Emp Life 730 $15 15 15 up .33 to 140.01 after being as|bologna bulls 22-23 with sales|creased employment, for Fire- would be happy to run any com-/from the first units was ex- Canadian Investment Fund Lid ge ME ae ig Bar xauislte. a alts ete + wathigh as. 140.84 at 2.30 p.m, to 23.50; commons and medi-/stone is firmly committed to the| muter service on which a prov-|pected to be available in late . Tia 32500 17% 1 ins 1 Fora cnd Pir} 133 133 In the main list, Chrysler|ums 17-21 age of automation ill the | 1971 or early 1972 ' ss 'or 8 , u "21. : ince will cover the loss. r R gine Point x10 EPE Pa pe 25 Mt Ol Ot moved up 1% to 38, Royal| Replacement cattle: Good * Mii te Ta TM , > : Lime 10 a ged Gmc aaa a3 30% 0 won Bank, Rothmans and Bank of|stockers 27-29; good steer stock a ee wr ion st | Se is cs oe Montreal 1 each to 6544, 24 and|calves 28-33; good heifer stock BUSINESS BRIEFS THE OSH AW A TIMES P "Algor, 1 22¥2 22% Hard Crp A 225 $35 34% 35 +1 |53%, respectively, Inco dropped{calves 25-27; common and med- xt fe Rio f figs A. Te Hayes St 200 $10" 10% 104 + 4/114 to 81% and Massey-Ferg-\iim stockers 20 - 26; heavy EXPAND PLANT : 3 Rix 'Ainab" 1 '4 ie 3M 2th nea * Home 8 450 tao 20 tow -- Me uson % to 21%. Pe short-keep agg cg A The E. B, Eddy Co. Thursday a Horne -- Western oils were stronger Calves: On offer this week|announced a $13,000,000 expan- Boman at Teh eh eo HB "On Gas = 'ite be anticipation of the Oct. 3 tates 4,520; last week Aen, oe sion of its Hull, Que., paper 1030 440 435 40 Husky Ol] 200 $1) of oil and natural gas leases in|1966 90,527; to date 1 B plant. The company will install oo 3s 35 33 * || ine Wire 300 490 420 4 410 (the Rainbow and Zama Lake|this week 1965 choice|a fine paper -machine with a ca- f Stand 2400 75 «(75 75 Ind W bn R 200 $2 520 $20 --8 | Inglis 400 37% ig - plbeaien regions of northwestern' Al-|vealers 35-39 odd sales to| pacity of 40,000 tons a 'year, It ae uae ete Se injand Gp 00 $17 «17 «17 + %|berta. Central Del Rio was up|43; good 30-34; médiums 25-29; |is expected to create about 100 Tock Corp 2 6 0 ™ +5 iniend w 19 a oa in bie ¥% to 11% and Banff \% to 1244.|commons 21-24; harm lta new jobs when completed by Trev i . nore 2% + Among speculatives Frobex| Hogs: On offer this week 8,- | mid-1968. Fombilt 0 ri a a $} Int one riff Sans 20s Uva tas Me ave up 15 cents to 3.00 and|410; last week 10,089; to date g eg: ea ea a oe {rier ree re ie ii tie [Area 10 cents to 3.10. 1966 330,099; to date 1965 351,- SALES ROSE Tribag $0 110 110 110 inv Grp A 235 $9% 9% %%+ | Base metals gained .75 on in-| 241; this week 1965 8,153; Grade| Department store sales were bs J 9 Das $00 280 260 260 Leferoe, i 'an mi mnt %|dex to 85.75, western oils .97 to|A hogs 33.35-34.50; ny govt Leger mae ar fot FLY CANADIAN AIRLINES SU PER DCs J T Buffadn 7000 53 53 53 --1 | LOnt Cem 105 and the FSE .38 to 134.10. |25.05-25.75; stags 18.10; boars S year, . le Im Keno" $50 500 9s 0) +5 | Laure See 200 tin "ti "tiv Golds eased .12 to 155.42. Vol-|14.50 on a live weight basis. |crease from July sales last YWHERE Genrer' 100.40. 10 wo +h Levy, 100 state 14h - 14H ume was 3,239,000 shares com-| Sheep and lambs: On offer|year, the Dominion Bureau of IN THE AIR TO EVER ch olan Na in Cok ae me ms ek \Deeet WR TRIPE Werhans | ts wee tae: Best week 8,062; |atieticn Teecrtol Tetien | @ wene.tole © LISBON @ SANTIAGO @ MONTREAL @ CALGARY Lob G B pr 20 4 3M 2% day. . to date 1966 52,430; to date awa. 008 ,~ e FI @ TORONTO @ LIMA @ TOYKO @ HONOLULU 4 i's % 54,469; this week 1965 2,039;|730,000 the fotal value of sales Detroit Bank mB Ue % slo I ie 2a lambs 22-24 with lights up tolin the first seven months of] @ WINNIPEG @ MADRID @ SYDNEY & VANeouY ve ° SuENS Ames my eae ee m lev Prd PRODUCE 27; sheep 6-12 acgpesece. to} 1966, _ ~~ . yon @ ROME @ AUCKLAND @ MEXICO CITY e : ass-Fer A. Ay | Eg lity; yearlings}over sales in the same f Goes Into Red 'Molson A 'me a ee T8 (TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale joe Pg ual a atoms' | lO osg Moore 120 $76% 76 764+ %ito retail carton eggs og = re 10 oe ~ pera gPre Pol Ser" "> fe e-layer EXCITING |. HOLIDAY FOR TWO Bank of Detrcit i years old| N® Tel 70 Ar es rs department of sirioaiiace 4 as.of , T eaten wala ts Gee SY itiome as ame as * EXCELLEN A Wonderful 15-Day Luxury C.P.A. Sun Tour to Portugal and R nesday in one or -1; BB 8 : the biggest bank failures since} Sve . 279 $2 3 3 Eggs: Wholesale price to CAREER OPPORTUNITY VACATION Madeira Isles. the depression. Pac Pete 145 2" a" fg country stations fibre cases a PO ri 67 y ¥ Tt was immediately taken| Pow corp" 100 $9% 9% 9% + see pd bye Se rg reg . Did ARM ACISTS A WEEKEND AT xX over by the Bank of the Com-| Price Com 25 si3% 13 Be a Ta le from olesale bd eal- |¢ AWARDS . E M Each monwealth, which issued a| Siu °Grq doo so ae" avo ers: Extralarge 61-63; large /§ : For Two Lucky Winners with $50.00 Expense Money Each. statement saying all deposits} Royal Bnk 170 $66 65/4 46, + %s fag age a small 39-|2 Male or Female for Ontario Cities for work in DIS- : siecle canis calidad Mild tui MINIS toc, tole ek ee a 5 Alene : Suede "1 a8 et Butter prices: Agriculturall? PENSARIES ONLY with a large and fast growing @ CONTEST RULES for. Two other winners will visit Expo '67. The demise of the faltering in| Sheit'inv w 500 00 600 600 --8 |stabilization. board tenderablel@ chain Organization. Top Salary, Pension and full stitution, certified by a secret} shell Can 100 $20% 20% 2016 -- Ys : i 59; Apply stating full details and remunera- The mojor prize will take the two lucky plore this unspoiled wonderland with tte | ire 1 3 carlots: buying 40 score 59;|$ Benefits. s 9 F | court session, surprised the 3,000) Silverwd A 200 $15ve 15¥-- 15ve Pe eee 4 inners on @ C.P.A, Super DCB Jet Em- mngnificient voleanic scenery and near | stockholders and president| Siater'sn zt Siem, te Scans EO BG Rebne sie yan mapectbe to Bex Number 0146 1 Ei on Cepek «tare tnae press from Toronto to Lisbon Portugal. perfect climate. There ore quaint ae a James. H. McGuire alike. One| Slater A wt = 365 = oe POS ee and deliver to one of the merchants has pad elgg After @ smooth and friendly Empress ping places where they con buy worl 4 of the major stockholders is the| Sieer"Can 1570 fam muh 20%4-- BOND MARKET | ws Sersomd cs a dendiiian Sh pets. Hivet os often te flight, they will be booked into their femous Madeira lace. The night ife i ll # United Auto Workers Union. les aa a ~ s. LG you wish, hotel and spend six days in Lisbon, @ ity you oa ask for w le! ing ichigan Banking Commis-| Thom NP Wop give rvs 17¥s + TORONTO (CP)--The Canad- 2, Entrants must match the six air mileages from ef colorful contrast. They will enjoy two and dancing. Michig: ig Tone Craft i b d ket closed § to to the appropriate cities listed in the sight-seeing tours, visit quaint fishing vil- ; stoner, Chaties D, Say sae es Tor bm Bk 'ss $ Saag + hte a ine bs i | egg entry. form: Each eft six oir mileages hos o lages, fashionable seaside resorts and the The two winners te Expo will fly vie q bank "'simply owed more than} traders A 115 Siow ioe 10% ally unch number; this number should be ploced in the lovely hill town of Sintra, From Lisbon, C.P.A. Super DCB FA, P.M: fllght Tore 3 it owned" because of "sabotage | TF En oi, "5 Si te a light trading Thursday. Bis. ray iced amon: Ty Repropriete' City, eur vocationers will sail tothe onto to . Each will receive $50 and conflict of interest" among) Tr Can Pw zl 70 Short - term Government of 3. Oshawa winners of the two prizes to Expo '67 Madeira Islands where they will find « in eash to help them 'enjoy their exciting its directors. He named noj| [rans Mt 24s sieve tim te Canada bonds were unchanged will be drawn from correct entries, All correct world of trepleal. enlondor:, Hele. @iiy will=: tesdiay: Visit 40 CONGMNIN Was MAIO names. The directors meet to-| Un Gas 200 9% 9% with the 4\4-per-cent Oct. 1, entries will also qualify for the grand prize draw, have occommodation, Kreaktests ond din- city end Expo. 67. They. will return: home day. i old ' 2 oe hi a ol % 1967, issue closing at $98.78 bid} & 4, Contest closes midnight Sunday, December 4th, ners at a well-appointed hotel and their via C.P.A.'s Monday morning breakfast Versatile 1a 38 $20%4 a wet, mjand a ae ik oak aa = a | 1966, : time will be their own to thoroughly ex- flight to Toronto. a apg } g..term. an = 8. Pri ili be -ewarded on or before J . s Relatives Wester" zi 'to rm mM ine 'ea vincial issues were unchanged HAVE YOUR acs pe UPHOLSTERY | : sth 1967. Prise runt be accepted "as earch A < 3 West ind 200 180 180 180 with the Government-of Canada Wesl Ind A -- |414-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED NOW! + Bi stint he pad, fe emtoene ond Se ENTER NOW... ENTER OFTEN Westee! 00 $19, 9 " " af by the winning entrants, a Tur AR A . 2 Weston A "201 $164 164 164--%|/ quoted at 86% bid and 865% Free Pick-up & Delivery quired to be answered by ths Maren tHe 20,4, 4i2 MILES AND WIN 1 t W Sales te 11 a.m.: 458,000, asked. In provincials, the On- , 7. All entries become the property of The Times, ss ediseighalaen haeaee tario Hydro 6-per-cent July 5, ! ] EAN ERS Contestants waive all rights to printed oF, bread Ht Is simple to enter. Just read the contest rules, fill in the entry form below and bring i Deerhorn cae Peat ae 1988, closed at 98% bid and 98% Fapokdetce kin te undid: single ink ct your entry to one of the participating merchants, Two lucky winners from Oshawa will | TORONTO (CP) -- Relatives! prove 1900 495 495 4s --25 |asked. if visit Expo and each entrant from Oshawa and several other Ontetrio cities, will have -- | of a Cornwall woman who died| Sisese 40 315 35 315 +15 Day-to-day money traded at 1700 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa 8, Contest open to Ontario residents over the ope the oppertunity to win the grand prize ef @ vacation for two to Portugel end Medeire. a in July, 1965, are contesting in| {7° \tone "soo soo seo. $00 --s |5 per cent. oars Sirsctiy wit "the contest end. their' immediate FS the Ontario Supreme Court the families. can tab ie teh an es es a ln a es ee Fi will in which she left $465,000 9. The contest is subject te Notional, Provincial } to a doctor. ond Local Regulations, Please clip this foamed end deliver to one of the Pg po keg . left_most R MILES FROM i The six correct oer of air milecges end cities are os I i f her rr. amuel e follows: (insert appropriete number opposite ¢ a Aber, a Cornwall doctor who at- ' " - " MATCH THE Al | FORM: name). i 7 | { tended her when her regular S TORONTO TO C.P.A. sia soni MMDTERAL LISBON [ AUCKLAND j physician was unavailable. 1g ana lan W. ] l | Oo o oO pape 'erluniieen | E! se: Plea llgenchebblage ng 66 99 DESTINATIONS | apo ae pn pis - ROME " SANTIAGO | ranean oe th d G Id fach of the six air mileages listed below has the o HONOLU' Oo W AM SYDNEY The Cornwall General Hospital use € or 0 e correct, mileage from Toronto, for ore of the CA. | 1 VANCOUVER =), LIMA o er 5 dik dich | / got $50,000 and two private 9 . HIRAM mileages has @ number. Match these mileage ume u nurses each were left $2,500, So don't be dazzled WALKER'S hore fo the onract ic of the seinen, cin sg i Five nephews, Dr. Malcolm : ' - Rem proving ot me ag eF aaen oe NADAD. . sccnceeoud decccdcnponas cares Ue sues euanienedauisn cae ] i Dingwall, Hamilton, Dr. Roder- m GOLD CREST (1) 6843 (4) 4887 k | ick Dingwall, Kingston; James as e Sse % am a er's ' : ADDALSS I Dingwall and William Dingwall, os Gus we Rae ads Din ns + 4 dy wa Mewes CES both of Toronto, and James f (2) 2120 (5) 4478 , ; Dingwall of Tennessee, are con- ee cae testing the will on the ground GOI iD CRES : (3) 3802 (6) 10063 GUTH sncsesahsedcenoeeendepeeton ast sae i that Miss Dingwall was incap- ee ee ee ee ee el j able of making it. | Other relatives contesting the t F vided at one of ais -are tas wrether Wedever apar ° The following are the participating Merchants . . . drop your entry form in the boxes ES. id dat one of Py Dingwall of Cornwall; Mrs. | % ae a these stores: @ BURNS SEWELLE S @ BURNS SHOES @ EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES @ Margaret Steel, _ Indianapolis, E GREEN DOOR @ JURY & LOVELL @ KARN'S DRUGS @ MARTY'S RECORD Ind.; Mrs. Mary McKay, King- | ston, and Mrs.'Jean Gregory of Minnesota, her nieces. | SUPERMARKET @ T CENTRE @ STRIPE DIS UNT STORES @ ZELLER'S 0.S.C.

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