Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Oct 1966, p. 24

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Pood 24. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 14, 1966 BRIDGE . By B, JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mas Individual Championship Play) BIDDING QUIZ, 1, You are declarer with the West hand at Four Hearts. North leads the ace and another heart, South following suit. How should you play the hand? ake 9KQ10084 A110 72 oer T 1. Win the heart in your hand, cash the K-A of spades, and sa ruff a spade. inen cash ine ace nao 4 ae : AR of diamonds and exit with the IT SN. eCcK ANYONE WHO ten, . WATCHES fF HERE. COME UNLUCKY It does not matter how the TER. 1 GO INTO DANCE. CIE HAVE HIM FO : adverse ag gh Mens or SUPPER !! THAT NARROW THis PUBBLO LANDING, S/DE OF HiLL-- GUNNER'S Sia ON tee as. FOR THAT fend; in all cases, you can be sure of the contract. If North wins the diamond; he is bound to give you the tenth trick whether he returns a diamond (establishing a trick for you), or a club (irito your A-Q), or a spade (giving you a ruff and discard), If South wins the diamond and returns a low club, you finesse the nine, thus endplay- ing North so that he must yield the game-going trick. The same result accrues if South returns the ten or jack of clubs. You simply cover with the queen. If South wins the ten of dia- monds and returns a low dia- mond, you discard a club, thus insuring the contract, while if South returns a spade, you get a ruff and discard. : All roads lead to Rome. 2. If you were to play the ace and another cluh after winning the spade, you would almost surely go down even though you found the clubs divided 7-1. One defender or the other wou.d win the club and return a spade, and you would find yourself with only eight running tricks. If you then attempted to estab- lish a ninth trick by leading a diamond, the defence would TELEVISION ig : presumably grab the ace and cash a minimum of three spade Channe: i}--Hamilten | 9:30 PM. | 6--Cousin Bill YOURE R/GHT, TONTO, /T COULD GET US 70 THE FIRST LEVEL. 17'S WORTH Ny taal | 7 YOUR GENERALS ARE FOOLS, CORRIGAN / THE THING SHOULD BE DESTROYED BEFORE IT DESTROYS US! THE LONE RANGER co awe Le SECRET AGENT X9 Cooma acne BRS ai At fo Gidorarmen SSS tricks to defeat the contract at Channe!. 6~Rochester 2-8--T.H.E. Cat 3--Ed Aflen Time . least one. Channel 7--Buftalo 10:00 PEM. 1190 AM. J Instead of following this hope- = rated |1--Mery, Grittin gate and OH, THERE page gt abou ia te Channel 3--Barrie uk . ial Gren Spurn | Sea tag" | ache Srl YOU ARE shade ont say 6 oe This play offers a legitimate 3--Time Tunnel 9--Beaties inn, thew y chance to make the contract. If li--Family Theatre Lye ne nig shield 'cee. ee, @--Superman feather, Sports |11--€ducational | 3M 4--Road Ri duck; otherwise, you have nine lovie A--News, Weather, Sports! f--Uore alae. aes easy. tricks. 2--Something Special 2--Jetsons North has either the A-x or 7--Monroes hs PLM. | 9--Rescue 8 RONG IN ft PONT TAKE Ta é-tpaye 46 eer I Mg Basa Aes Having "stolen" the diamond, ANY CHANCES FOR THAT, ert) 1:00 P.M: 4--Lone. Ranger A-x-x of diamonds, he must 6--Flipper %--Johnny_Carson 7--Bugs Bunny cH é--Let's Sing Out PM 11,1230 PAM. ener you now play a club--intending Creal T--Milt 7 Ne Ae q 4 3 Roan: 2: W--Pierre Berton" || Movie ¢ A ' to finesse the nine if South fol- _ Fen eh we ee ene % iN, cal lows with the eight. Unless Chuck Healy |, S-Tonleht 3--Ernie Lindell North has all the missing clubs, Hts ae coe you make the contract. 6--Run, Buddy, Run FA ea 2-8---Smithsonian SALLY'S SALLIES 95 ; 11:48 P.M, 1:00 -P.M. ey . Pe ae 11--White Hunter hy re &--Movie 7--Championship Bowling Hiei ee 11:55 P.M, 3-6--Championship ews, . Weather N--Movie Snooker 12.00 A.M. 4--Rural Review OPEN MY NAIL- s 2-8--Huntley-Brinkiey News 4--News 7:06 P.M. 11--It's About Time %---Pruitts of South- hampton Wonderful World 6--T.B.A, 2--News, Weather Sports 4--People Are Funny 3--Monroes 7:20 P.M, 7--News, Weather, Sports 7:38 P.M, 11--Time Tunnel 9%--Iron Horse 2-8--Tarzan 7--Green Hornet 6--Rat Patrol 4--Wiid Wild Wes? 6:00 P.M, 7--Time. Tunnel 3-6--Get Smart 6:30 P.M. 2-8-11--Man From UNCLE 9--It's Your Move ¢3--Tommy Hunter Show 4--Hogan's Heroes 9:00 PLM. 9--Mission Impossible 7--Milton Berle SATURDAY 8:00 A.M, 8--Davey and Gollath Outdoors Unlimited 2--Clutch Cargo 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 A.M. 7--Rocketship 7 9--Cartoon Playhouse \l--Sennitzel House &--Three Stoges | 2--Hercules | 00 A.M, 9:00 A. 4--Field Trip 2--Mr, Magoo 9:3 A l--The -Sonins 4--Paper Capers 3--Ontario Schools | 2--Stingray | 10:00 A.M, | &--Secret Squirrel 9--Stingray 7--Popeye,, Gumby 4--Frankenstein Jr. 2---Sinbad Jr, 10:30 A.M. Ni--Hobby Time | 49--Space Ghost | 82-~Space Kidettes | 7--Beatles | 3--On Safari | 11:00 A.M, 7--Movie 24--Animais Secrets 1:30 P.M. N--Donna Reed 8--Movie 4--Science Reporter 2--Sea Hunt 1.55 P.M, 1t--Saturday afternoon ai the Races 2:00 PLM, | 7--Buffalo Bills High- lights 30 PLM, 4--Bat Masterson 7--Wide World of Sports 2--Movié 3:00 P.M. 4--Forest Rangers 9--Hi-time 130 PLM. | 3:30 P.M. |11--~Outdoors Limited | 4~Science Fiction Theatre. 4:00 P.M, 1--Wrestling | 9--After Four | 8--Bowling 7--College Football 4--N.F.L. Countdown 3-6--Wresfling POLISH BOTTLE, PLEASE ? YOUR HEALTH Weight, Hair, Moles PLAN VARIED DIET WARSAW (AP)--Polish for- est guards are assembling feed Girls Need Advice éMovie | %--Lone Ranger soon trem UNG LB: | "Foca setiaes NO, t use ALL oF || [THAT ONE HAS QUARTERS INIT FORA, -- j 'dinwa f "EM, BILLY / HERE ARE DIMES FOR CANDY...THERE: NEW BASKETBALL... in the Bialowieza Forest oh the B 'S MOVIE MONEY... ; ~___ Q AND OVER YONDER wide ACROSS = 49. sna » Walk- ape Bane Dear Dr. Molner: I am 13,jabout, It's just a common self-|Russian border. There are 136 peace oe WELMMOUBICIE] | weigh 140, and am 5 feet 4. How | doubt. pire a a pel fevee ° * . 3 * Ci Ss. . Relieved Music fara much should I reduce? I'm). I'm sure it will make you feel| or hay, five tons of acorns, 20 6. Lift ; note willing. I love to eat. |better to consult your doctor. i 11, Island i . Bread- How can I get rid of beauty|He will keep the visit strictly pes OS eae aan erovy's off ; i marks and moles on my arms, | confidential. the wikter Venezuela 5 , ALM IO} ele! | neck and back? Dear Dr. Molner: If 'one 12. Mistake : RICIAIC Inia How often. should I wash my|lipoma tumor is. removed will NEED TO' LEARN 13. Girl's . Bere sures hair? Mine is dry. -- GIRL|many more appear? Aie they, More than 250,000,000 school- ' 5 Seca : -- Yesterday's Answer | NEEDS HELP AT 13. |dangerous if not operated upon?|age children in underdeveloped ivekith : tay You might as well learn the|--G.C. countries will not go to school country typing Distress 37, Ankle awful truth, People who love to; More lipomas (fatty~tumors)|at all this year. 15. Beast . Brewers' signal 39. Hindu eat are rather certain to be)may appear but not because of) of vats . Land sqcred too aged Phesiagr irgl yer py gt of por -- people ; t burden . Lincoln measure tree more, reduce their diet. and/are more inclined to have this Saker eee Fak 6000 WITTER nv e 16. Music . Music . Describing 42. Surge avoid foods that are extremely | trouble than others. No, they ELSE 4) | WHITTLING ALWAYS PRODUCE A ToY note note atamed of the high in calories. lare not dangerous. They are WHITTLING } "THERAPY, BENEFICIAL SOOTHE ? iad OR CALM HIM DOWN... ee ecaetetet oe 17, Excess 6. The mustang oe I get about a bushel of letters)removed only if they are large every week from grownups who/enough to be a nuisance or to $ of : turmeric Instruct 44, Scorch -- a ~ a think there's some way to eat|Mar one's appearance, 8. Sultan's rod name all they want of rich foods, not; Dear Dr. Molner: I am going bother with exercise, and stilljon 14 and find myself becoming $$ $$ $ $ 9. Turfy . Pincer= fabric not get fat. |bow-legged. My knees are turn- decree .Harmonize 47. Ribbed 10, Rub like 49, Failing It takes .some will power but] ing in and my calves are turn- out claw marks people can learn .to eat less and/ing out. Can I prevent the condi- ; I ola To like it--and stay thin. 'tion from becoming worse?-- Y The only way to® get, rid of|L.C. 'ata WY moles is to let your doctor do} Folks who are going on 14 Vp it. Just removing a mole is ajsometimes become overly criti- SUPREME 88's 4 MEN'S DESSERT BOOTS 5.88 | 2--Sahara Invitational for the last herd of European bison in the world, which lives 4:20 P.M, : DO YOU COLLECT SWE ee By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD SUGAR SAS A HOBBY, GRANDMA? simple office job. Ig it's in ajcal of themselves and their very prominent place where a/shapes and imagine things that small scar will be objectionable,|aren't really happening. If, at I suggest either a dermatologist | your age, there is a real change or a plastic surgeon. jin the shape of your legs (bone SUSPECT ANYBODY og gaa iS LIEUTENANT, f Wash your hair when it gets|structure, that is) your parents| OF TRYING TO BREAK b . i fy Yi, t,t dirty. Once a week or so should|doubtless would notice it, too, i INTO MRSSPAVANE'S ' | DOUBLE! 2 f Zz 4 A be plenty. Use a shampoo that/and take you forthwith to an NURSES' OXFORDS Pele gel org is made for dry hair, to replace} orthopedist. % F ie some of the oils. Dear Dr. Molner: What can a " STAND WATCH! Dear Dr. Moiner: I am a 17-|teen-ager do to stop thumb4 peace orig year-old boy who is well past|/sucking while asleep?--A.T. : puberty. I can't understand why| If you do it while asleep, ob- Ledies' STACKED HEELS 43. Behold some of my organs are so un-|viously it's a deeply-ingrained 5.88 44. American Y developed, What do you sug-jhabit. How about wearing Indian _. n gest?--M.M. gloves? Or make sacks for your Bata job this bye ; s question, and not only from|ihem in place with a cord or 47. Biblical teen-agers. Yet the fact remains|ribbon tied around your wrists SHOE STORE 45. Doa It seems as though hardly ajthumbs out of canvas, turkish tailoring Wy, week goes by that I don't get|'oweling or something, and keep tok Osher that almost never is. there any-|This ought to help you break the end 15 Simcoe . North thing really worth worrying! habit. -MUGGS AND SKEETER GET DEANSON ~ SURE THING, THEY'LL NEVER MEN'S eee SHOES hte. seteewall JULIET JONES © King Fonigene Spmdicnta, tees 1966. World

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