30--Autemobiles for Sale |30--Automoblies for Sale {30---Automobliss for Sale |22--Autemobiles Wanted '38--Coming Events '45 PONTIAC super sport, radio, reverb, eee pet wanenane wae rear 'window 4 Sarovar, plus other op-| ca * Hans, unger 1200 mies. Private, 72 ie Wentworth want Mee: J AYCEES 'otter 5 SHAW AUTO WRHEKING C0, Gara AILEY -- All id Marilyn (nee bd ra] : happily anneunen the errivel. of B PELESHOK MOTORS LTD, [iu PORTIAE @vsiom pert: Sonverlibfe,| Bought, paris tor sale, ven ang metals -» a) fan 'ane Cnn % ie. 1s a ' 7 sewing: brakes, Monday, ILL S Seca 78 before 12 noon or "i . a ri Saas Caebaers = Wanted cars Brergn' and Lavrt Laurie, Thanks 'to Dr, Stocks THE FOLLOWING CARS -- 1957 DODGE convertible, V8, aviomal for, wrecking, Tires and parts. for, sale. and Dr. Grant. IG MUST: GO ! 975, in fair running condition, Also Ws "Nelson Street, 7 725-2162, ' , ; fi ne motorcycle, $100, Pickering, | Wanvep -- Gara for wreckl EVANS -- fater and Shirley (nee UYS f hata charge for towing, Telephone Mase Francis) are tappy to announce the rt Nichol birth of their son, Paul Heward, on Sat- NO PRICES --- WE WILL al chit, ae Sper, Two Five door. "door hard. Robe: s. Urday, October' 8, 1946, weighing. 6. ib. RESPECT bya Cong a Ain 'nat, van jephone 625-2062 between | 34. Automobile Repair 14 078., at the Oshawa General Mospita NEED THE R i A owe MeCONKEY -- To Lawrence and Augrey '65..SUNBEAM NEW ONES. PRIVATE ~ INE eriienne, wwe « 4"! ~= FRED. STONE : Andrew" bern' Sunday. a ' : ® low mileage, $2,300 or best offer, Brooklin Phone 655-3653 Sector' date Goer an rote Hage? hag Pin tg ie Sr26ee > ia ai vere is DODGE <a er, 383 automatic, sd Pheae ty ard : i j i a aa er, very 5 ' r 7 f 239670, ' power steering and brakes, radio, white- 3 pe 1" By Rae Admission 50c Pres dps is = Al and Pat £ 66 Seale, 4-door, v-8, walls, remote mirror, 4-way flashers, 9 ng on) announce the birth of ws, tot r aeugh- "only $1695 | (Blue Licence 103490. pals Sree. fee oak. '@ Automatic Transmission tr, Patricia Kim, 7 Ibs. 2 ots. on : " CHEVROLET, Good condition, $375. kshaft and ae e day, October 12, 1966 at the Oshawa '63 Lincoln, vinyl top. Lis " |Also oe Sie da JAWA, moerevele ck, 400; Ciel me . Two Jack mre General Hospial. "A. sister for Dianna. 7 Telephone 723-0 ' Our special thanks to Or, Kutener, '64 VOLKSWAGEN sori viel oe Ta GHRURBLETT onde Honda TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS. Trans- 53 ond Two door, green with va oe howe A peed coupe, four-door, ie Make reasonable offer, Smee are er 1 Tg ae 098 ONE MUST GO i i f ene 23-6569, Seve $200 ! Our wae ny peggy sedon. Li- ie perfect condition, '$4,000.|35----Lost and Found DEATHS : H only $895 | cence H83638, LA Bolas ME ancy Bowman arena, vr $500. 63 Chevrolet, sedan. 'Lie |cminggre standert radia cel-| Gi wertenl papers, 'Roward. releshene ; ANDREW, Bertha '63 ACADIAN cence 92883, ah Private sale," Whitby sep agora m newpra. Teeenene! IN 50 NOS, or LESS freed "Inte, tat at the. Community ville Police, 5 j tation '61 ick, Li 4 ; 2 a --- SEaEPREeGREEE ber 13, 1966, Bertha Walton of Pickering, Deluxe, four coor stot 61 Buick, Licence J4585, -- | igs BORD V-8, 1 oor, § ean = 78 agg ie pengrag se $200. Ori, beloved wife of he tale reser! wagon, six cylinder engine, '6h! Cheviolet, convertible, _ | cond!t/om automatic. and radio. } ephone 4. Andrew sand ven iar ot Honing automatic transmission and ' fil 081 6. ete eee ear sais - a In announced Nos. (Mrs, H, Pase oft, Peery, som custem radio. Lie, 11897X. supek sport. Licence d 1942 FALCON sedan, deluxe trim, aulo-|LOST -- 1953 Oshawa aioe Hospital Cohssletion Price of Pickering, Sona of Ajax, Gordon of . '62 Thavrolet, sedan. Li- matic tranamission, ve good condition, fon sien We in, us ere, inte vlog A $10 lina: both earnes Toronto, Ray mond of Sault ste. Marie, Phone ler am, ost @ d ' 5 lan an 'uby decea: an lear sist only $1195 | cence 877374, ere i jek Electra, | Howpi 4.' Talanhane of Ernest Walton . of Byttonville, Mrs, '61 Masmobile sedan, su haw pa. Bln good te. Terme | 220: $] 175. J k t Arstoee sat rast al ae achnie Funeral ee OT rpg Home, Kingston Rd. W., Picker '62 FORD wer 88 Lirence' 32397, can be. arranged. Cai 723-2755 after 6 LOS Bleck froin _Blasses: men's, ac po alter tbe Weide, Manorer waeiee ae : ; Ee | lost in vicinity of ine and son, Re $20 oper line, $75 full card. the chapel on Sunday, October 16 at 3:30 Galaxie 500, Convertible, 6] Chevrolet, sedan, Lie {194 CHEVROLET, four-door _hardiiop.| BANE, = Recular €20 qames nay (PM. Interment Erskine Cemetery, automatic trahsmission and cence 322485. - seeing radi, face' with 'red' inte Interior, "|Lost -- Turquoise earring between double" in 17 Nos. or less, whitewall tires, Lic, J2140. Tolophane 723-5081. |Turnberry Interiors on Stevenson and ARMSTRONG, John M. i '64 Pontiac, 327 engine, ; ah " oe vai George's Anglican Church, Reward. Sing 490: comes At Bt, Mary's of the Lake Hosaittal, Ki Kings: ru a I. only $1195 | convertible, Licence H88748. can be. see and Belven weeks | Tatepnone 723-9007, ----| Early Bird Game 7:45 P.M, {strong formerly of 'Trenton and Frank: ' furt, tf t Mc- 60 Ford Frontenac, outoma- {eras Taiphone mri." |36 Legg (ee Naess te, fon Ma a '62 CORVAIR 700 tic, 4-door station wagon. ROLET impala, two-door, hard: ae aa EXTRA. PRIZES (Mrs, Wm, A.. Ireland), Audrey (Mrs. Licence X7469 top, immaculate condition, fully eaulpped, | tardoaie (Bud): Littfe) all of trenton, Coupe, custom redie. Lic. J M rome buying new car. Telephone NOTICE * Joan Mra, sed Sacer) (onencen Sea: ' cis, Frankfurt, Patrick, Bancroft, er 243986. war" sedan: Licence 40 STUDEBAKER, best offer. Parts for! Every Thursday and Hubert of Oshawa, Brother of Wm. only $495 '59 or 60 Studebaker. Apply 299 Mont- | TO CREDITORS J. Armstrong, Detroit' and Mrs. Bert ' ; rave, Apt, 5. Carter, Frankfurt in his 77th year, 62 aaa sedon. Li- 1966 990 AMBASSADOR, aviomatic | pena are Savio to call a the weaves t ' @ Home, enton. Requiem high '61 PONTIAC cence H77332. Vel, power steering and: brakes, radio. | AND OTHERS at the Mass wil 'be ottered 'i st Francis oT 4 H r ae j % Assissi Church, Frankfurt on §Saturday,| Four door sedan, ax cylinder, $2 Acadian, power steering "4 "SLDSMOBILE rates: r steer- | IN THE ESTA TE OF Oct, 15 at 10:30 a.m. Interment in St. stondord transmission, Lic. and brakes, 2-door sedan, Ing and bra 394 cubic eh motor, CYRIL TALBOT WOODS, . ole Francis Cemetery. 244986. Licence H95946. positraction, y extras, A-l condition. | | D d Jubilee Pavilion Reasonably priced, 723-8050. | Gentleman, Decease INSTANCE, Chiistopner. denn' Alired only $895 | +58. Volkswagen Licence {198 CADILLAC Eldorado, "all" restored, Ail corsand Moving elblins guadeniy chtha Yamnie relidedes), Trai' 318552 $175. |two-door hardtop. 1963 Volkswagen | de-| Pp BUSES LEAVING Road, Darlington Township, on Wednes- . bans luxe, Ast condition, Telephone 728-1820. | against the estote of CYRIL 2 day, 'Octeber 12; 1966, Christopher John| 60 PONTIAC '57 Chevrolet, station wagon, |' BUICK, fully powered, radio. Wili| TALBOT WOODS, late of FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 Allred, jbaloved pis Son of somes. and) Deluxe two door coach, six Licence 13565x, $125 | 'rade, fer Property, Ot cash | OF iewer the City of Oshawa, in the and 7:15 P.M. wae held from Mcintosh ~ Anderson Fu- i model car and cash, Telephone 725-2478, # O 5 Gent! cylinder engine, automatic , ies PONTIAC converte Tor eale V4 County o ntario, Gentie- ' Ee Met King Hsp! Gant on transmission, custom radio. 57 Plymouth, station wag- | automatic, power sieering and brakes.| men, deceosed, who died on And Returning after Bingo F sah il EO cag a se oa Pin Lie. 265232. on, V-8, automatic, Licence | Telephone Whitby 668-6003 after 4 | or about the 28th day of | Children under 16 not admitted Church, Interment Mount Lawn Cem- only $745 34387 $125 is CHEVY Il, coach, V-6, standard, posi-| August, 1966, are hereby meager etery. j > Y traction, whitewalls, discs, washers, can notified to send in to the un- '63 Ford, 4-door, Licence t 137 Coll Street East NOBLE, James Anthony | 215 + Bessil paisa Tid dersigned on or before the TEN PERFECT |At Oshawa General Hospital on Thurs-| 3) « ? 1959 STATIONWAGON Chevrolet Bei Air 59 DODGE V-8 ' In perfect. condition, Fully equipped, new| 28th day of October, gang CHANNELS Gay, Oct. 1, 1066, oe Sarto hanna | Coronet, two deor hardtop, 59 Chevrolet, station wag- _|whitewalis, Telephone 725-9216 or 597) full particulars of their $0 at Aenaia 8nd Bains: Neble a) ion, power - - eaten - - Gutematic trensmisslon, 1988 BUICK Special, A-l condition, pri-| said date the assets of the on, Licence 20401X, $295 | Simcoe South, claims. Immediately after the the finest in | Funeral Home on Saturday, October 3 ca steering and brakes. Lic. 'SB Pontiac, station wé r | _ th B) TO Sirti INROr ena 81s) ERGOT 8, CORO : : gon, va' $375, Telephone 723-8000, d deceased will be distri- letery, 251978. Licence 4565X, $495 |43 RAMBLER Classic, automatic, origl- regi Reina redial only to ENTERTAINMENT | ROSS, Almer John (Doe) TOUCHING UP THE GENERAL y full price. only $595 pe ied 2999-1839. Lali claims of which they shall SPORTS Suddenly In Oshawa, Ontario, on Wedres-| -- Joanne Rowlinson, assis- swers the phone and mail, eral Georges Vanier, per- 1956 PONTIAC, six cylinder, good bod then hove notice. ; Ross, beloved husband of Lena Stapleton,| tant manager of Ottawa's and has been in charge of ad the most successful of '59 PONTIAC HERE HAS TO BE THE | Bison efor « Sonera $125, Apply is DATE lec aiagys Ps Sth Relayed directly to your [fatner, of Mrs. Clinton Graime (Joan)! recently - opened wax, the operation in the eve- figures in the wax Leurentian, four door sedan, SMARTEST CAR i FORD Fairlane 500, two-door, V8! y phapaniene 'hs WOODS Letina Mey interference free |Mrs, Nina Heard, Whitby: Mrs. james works, is a sort of girl Fri- nings. Here she adjusts the + lg six evlinder automatic, custom | |-°G4 Chevelle, super sports | |Sark. ss canon best offer. 720-416, 'eee ea. a Geren: Fn Yor, Saying | C87. She orgers_ stock, "em. | Hkstang of, Giressaes > Ue --CP Photo 'adio, Lic, . -8, 2-door hardtop, vinyl | |iggg-poNTIAG Siraio Chief wagon, four: by his Solicitors or ee |. iui tuners auctions Ia the chapel, sat. y % ; only $545 roof, Licence H78898. door, 22,00 miles, s68446s or 932 Green| MANNING F, SWARTZ ond. Became a | with funeral services tn the chapel, Sat N bitued ssi RONALD L, SWARTZ Charter Oshawa Union Cemetery. i985 CHEV. sedan in "good Tunning order Barristers. eral. Solicitors pita with good set of tires. Telephone as " ' : No Reasonable Offer Refused, PRICE ? oo splleealindinanad 26% King Street East, Member Before Kindness beyond Price, yet luine enue; 7 "rasan Wem tiem "alge "ue Se ate ait ENTRIES WET station wagon, } _ Oshawa, Ont ithi h of a : | ---- Lots and lots of cars to Corner of Harwood d best See eats. howe ed " anion : wa) Ont a October 21st | Laat First--Purse $2,200, claiming, 2-year-| Fifth--Purse $2,400, maiden 2-year- ¥ ? on oo GERROW olds, foaled In Canada, one mile 70\olds, turf course, about 1 mile, choose from. Station Road id 0 BUICK 'harden, no, F ae ent TEN DE R S and Save 9.95 yards, [James Bay (Bawcut) 10.00. 350 2.70 SATURDAY, OCT. Ne P . 942-6300 is, new exhaust system. 'Telephone 728 FUNERAL CHAPEL peiden, Mictoe CFrugette) 7.80 $99 $7) Scee, Giana Thar 00 3.70 (Clear and. Pest) Dewn Payment --- Pickle King (Thomas 26.40 142 4 rTT.] > yhard-| Received until October 22nd, 390 KING STREET WEST Time: 1:45 | aNetturno, aArctic lath, My. Maura, om Up te 3 months to poy. a soar sind ep oi gh Polk ears mist 1966 for y dale ponnolee at PHONE 723-5278 Telephone 728-6226 Missy's dom, * Melbour re Sale, Busy |ster 'Tudor, "Mo Norny ss naeaulue witt: ing. (arate) ives end a. oh 674 blues Pal condition inside and out; also ' Man, Honovfer, Oliphant, Sun Wrack, |ran, a--M ind-\ furs. (16), CONVERTIBLE mechanically Aly low mileage, execu 655 Ritson Rd, North Lise Le Lib, Big Phil, Shining Hope | fields Farms eniry. Sweat Poly No TOPS tive car, eater ler around $2,650, Tip. hig sansiisiiel hat Mews Oshawa Cable TV : Sixth--Purse 2400, S-yearolds and Jonep in a | Second--Purse $2,200, claiming, mal- \vererts 2 furl BILL WHIT rICK i904. CHEVROLET Super Sport convert-| 15, 1966. ot vows ee a ae | ck ae den 2-year-olds, Sonne in Canada, one! pe rie, b ver Wares, Hower | Apply at above or telephone IN MEMORIAM mite aha sa vasa |Arctle. Canuck \Gae) 3.50 " sosiisisieibieciagciiaaetig Sicial Sa (Fitz'm'ns) red anes alorie Righteous, Garden's 1250 Dundes East OF CARS, ed and white Fon, A LASTING TRIBUTE Sonat ds a5. |Ace, Bench Warrant also ran, wer ee Whitby Bill's Custom Auto Tri 295, Telephone neal By auriority of the 'Landlords | "and For ciorgpaegy and dignity | ,00" flee Beve Windens, Ann' a] @xaetors 90.90, il's Custom Auto Tri rot hee | ~=-- «BINGO we sugges : ; 7 "a5 (| iper PONTIAC Weerte, body by Barnette,|chattels of Mr. and Mrs, D. "Patterson } MOUNT. LAWN Bt Oe ae OR Lant Germ) seventh--Purse $2,500, claiming, 9 > 409 Brock St. South 19,000 miles immaculate and original.|formerly of 64 Wayne St., Apt. 2 in the year-olds, 1 1-16 miles, 668-5871 - $400. Telephone 725-1343 city of Oshawa will be sold, Oct. 17 for MEMORIAL PARK Lazy Rhythm (Dittfach) 4.60 2.40 2.30 Whitby 1965 PONTIAC Laurentian, automatic, /"e"? owing and costs, T @) Nl G H T BRONZE MEMORIALS Daily doiible: 24.50. (sere ele (itesinvnens) 2.60 2.20 me N re ark Numbers auffer Days 668-8101 -- fully powered. In excellent condition, --J. W. Varty For courteous advice please 9300. ' 3 4 Third--Purse $2,000, claiming, S-year-| Fime: 1:4 Evenings 655-4575 wal Re AM bi lat a A ROGER JOSEPH PLOUFFE will not visit the Park Office. | olds and upward, 6 furlong: e | »aAlberta: i, Silver Gus, Champi-| = |be. responsible for any debt tract i9aa MERCURY Marauder, Ad condl- ¥ debts contracted i Peaches Reward (T'c'te) 280 2.60 2.30\onnat, Enchow also ran. Late scratch: MacDONALD i $2,095. Telephone 623- ~5097. In my name by anyone, on or after this some GVRE sow pares 723 2633 an Ward (Barroby) 5.00 3.70/ Flying Lure, We & aL, C.) SECOND RACE Mog in REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES NY' * ission, . yard: MOTORS LTD. LON $69 UP eeilent" conditions Trade 'considered. 728-| 725-7149 SP E c | AL Victoria Bay icornbtum) 40 390 3.9) Definitely, Right | tion, MORE CASH {Seago ac pe gap or Gate, Oct, 12, 1966 without my written $5,000 IN PRIZES LOCKE'S FLORIST |Batinode (Krohn) 3.50 Morrisroe Ghd knees Stables' siicy, ing. (3.000). 'Three year olds and up 1 USED CAR tires, Time: 1:12 FORD SALES Pald for Good Clecn Cars, |sPindles, springs to make trailers also =-Reget_Jeteen Freie Funeral arrangements and Setay Soo, Dominion Brave, Witch-| Righth--Purse $2,200, claiming, Sarosu, Turcotte 114 ' Trade up or down, Liens paid | *"¢ welding on 1 trailers, 50? Bond E, _| 1, LARRY B. KINSMAN of 119 Nonquon ot the floral arrangements for all craft, Scottsdale Lad, Senator Gray|year-olds and up, 1-16 miles. Try Brandy, No Boy W 520 King St. W. 7 joa PONTIAC Laurention. 6 cylinder, | R08. apartment 102, will not be re-|~m. basat ss Neer also 'ran. |Nd Discard (Bowcut) 36,00 8 Dream Plan, No Boy 11 ' DODD MOTOR SALES Oe eS sire tt lent condiion, sBonsible Yor any debis contracted in my Civic Auditorium ccasions, idl Get Some More (Gomez) "702.50 |King. Legend, Gritte Xie Sutomence sont ; ame by anyone on or after this date,| OSHAWA SHOPPING Fourth--Purse $2,000, claiming -- 3-| Mount Market (Coombs) 30) New Herod, McComb 115 3%4 PARK RD, SOUTH $650, Telephone 723-5647. October 12, 1966 withiout > Tricky Se * -- -- -- " y written con- ear-olds ard upward, 1 1-16 miles. Time: 45 4-5. y Scamp, No Boy 115 CENTRE Moss's Pick (Harris). 17.30 7.40 470| Don. Cecilio, Sliver Beau, Gandio,| Medicine Lad, Whittle 117 723-5241 ENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down. Sent 723-9421 ded een pr 60 Ne trade down ps --Larry Kinsman 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Autumn Souvenir (McComb) 5.60 BY Greek Twilight Tango, Yancy! Sol Marat tre' 1, 'ss 728-73 ceric ouenne pemmeconne What a Question (Bowcut) / also ran, RA' -- Purse 000. Claim jment._¢ Gus Brown Motors td. 726-7 B | N G @) 728-6555 1 ris ing (3,00). Three. and 96 ar ee ' a 4 Revaha eee 64 VOLKSWAGEN @®A M. @ GRILLE, radmin all eer warts: 37- --Auctions ; After hours 725-7928 Robby Jr. Chance Cover, Luredale,|Attendance--s,281, Handle--414,403, n of ist). 6 furs. .(15) , . our specialty Courtice AT | erat Perea NG er a 1500 clean. "Your RAMBLER Dealer"' |Wreckers. 73-5238. | The Hangman, No Boy 1 KICOLS: Motors Limited. lantieue can, wor mer Torneo | AUCTION SALE. U.A.W.A. HALL | GARDEN CITY RACEWAY feat" '63¢MERCURY On Highway No. 2 plete and unresiored. $480, Days call 668 CARD OF THANKS Grand Manitou Ne Bay 114 pea Sl Wan Phickcn Ra ee Upon The Instructions of | SATURDAY, OCT. 15th | THURSDAY, OCT. 13 Den Fin aoc xile 8 cylinder, stondard shift, Whitby 668-3331 |31--Compoct Cars for Sale | Beverly Kingston, RR 2, 7:30 P.M. FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot). Purse |2-Cindy Van Patrick, Goodale 9.90 AtolArrow Garena bee tay 4 door sedon. Lic, 24547E. Sanne | Oshawa, Ontario, The 20 GAMES, $10 A GAME Fa gyal er AM ie ll Ain Sees Hilliard 4.20 2.90 2.60 w Aine storied: Commonweetth, Queen fultens Racar'toe oe | ' FORD Cors bought and Sold | SABYAN | Trainer of the following 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 and gifts sent me while in hospital; also |4-Star Nib, Archdekin 4.60 3,00|Blue Frost, Johnnie Hy, and Walnut|Kenteek, Coombs x 63 FO MORLEY STALKER TD , flowers from Cedardale United Church) 3-Lemac, Feagan 3.40 Herbert, [Patent Coated, Haris n 16 FAIRLANE | MOTOR SALES L $40, $ congregation, Cedardale United Church|. Also Started: Mike Riddell, Kintutica, Tony's Count,' G bb 107 : MOTOR SALES Volkswagen Sales and Service | JACKPOTS | Women; also Queen Mary Lodge, Aurora,| Kawartha Helen, Phyllis Marie, hd at RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), Purse| 'Also Ehgiven" 2 door, 8 cylinder, stondord, 137 KING STREET W N Used C jnurses and girls In blue on 2C and 20|Judy's Echo, 6). Viva La Bell, No Boy 108 ; ew and Use ars ONE GAME $150 lfor their kinffhess, Rev. A. M, Butler [Eonone Laird, Arch'dn 3,30. 2.30 24) | clean. Lic. H99098. OSHAWA | 334 RITSON RD. § SHARE THE WEALTH jand special thanks to Doctors Morgan| SECOND RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace)./3Bye Bye Ezra, C'michael = 2.60 2.60 | uh | HORSES +Bishop, Song, Hol 3.90; FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, Ciai | | if '62 CHEVROLET 723-6322--723-8311 723-3461 ae En, ane Gary, Merman, |2-Teday "Direct \5 joes sieeisibiaeseaaiiae i | --Mrs. Mary Harman. | [}ise" Jone Song corte 5.40 Hy +00 Poe weds. a 8 fg sey Farr, Kit's Kids| ng Para iy 6 turs, fit : 7 iss Jane » Geilse' 4 BEL AIR oon Mie Spat Finoncing _j__ Open Evenings S-Aceway. Julit Campbell 1'50|NB--Molly's Report, Mutvel_ scratch, ai| Neyo, , Turcotte A 2 6 automatic, 4 door sedan, } B | N G ve | eM UITING., i ha a tne ford Also Started} Superior Mark, Midnight | mere Die pag 'AND 3) PAID $8.20. |Shoswep Shae No'ben ile shorp. Lic, H90749. DOWN--$30 MO, | #% VOLVO & PEUGOT 1 WILL OFFER THE Rearinit apptactation te Mike. friends lRetor we ee ee a ' |Sunny James, Turcotte A-114 '62 PONTIAC 59 ~ 61 models te MERCEDES BENZ | FOLLOWING HORSES FOR | and nelahbors, for thelr kindness' and DAILY DOUBLE, 2 AND 3, PAID $13.10, pSEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace),/Doller Senolar, Harris, 117 | H | Sy rir r recent loss so | your choice! General Repair and | SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION | ORANGE TEMPLE | thanks to nurses of 2C, 2D, and Intensive| THIRD RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), Purse S Breese Abbe, Wadell 6.80 4,00 ay 'Champ, Steve X109 LAURENTIAN } BILL BENNETT} Auto-Electric Service AT THE FARM OF Care. Special thanks to Dr. Forbes and| $900 (7). 1-Little Etsel, Robillard 7.00 4.40 Weer rey Craft, aerownell x10 2 door hardtop, 6 automatic. MOTOR } | SATURDAY, OCT. 15th Dr, Smith, |6-Palacona, Robillard 7.20 3.70 2.80/2-Ezra's Rose, Carmichael 3.30) Best at, No Boy 114 L 11836. , ORS Jake and Bill's Garage | GARNET WETHERUP ', : --Mrrs, E, Whiting and family.|4Rose Ovelmo, Feagan 3.90 2.80}. Also Started: Captain Dillon, Adios | Fleet R ie, J . 484 King W 7:30 P.M 3-Ottawa Duke, Stirton 2/50, Yvone, Sue Dudley, and Pembrow Bill. 'omb 111 ' cl J | 449 Ritson Rd. South } : ™M, | 'yuo = The famlivck the tate Th Also Started: Dawk, Kentcrop, Jimmie | Sultana Treat, Brownell XX104 r 7) - family of the fate Thomas imac, and NB--Call Me Spud. EIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace).|4/Mrs. DG MacGregor and Mrs. W,__ WEEKEND SPECIAL 723-0 | d Li: - ----_--_---- ~ Eee Sa : jy. Yeo wish to express our sincer€inp muytuel Refund. [Purse $1,100 (6). entry. 160. .FALCON came Oshawa 728-0921 | On Taunton Ra. 20 GAMES $8. [tant ahora ft, rau "e BKenderious 'Boy, Mek'y 9.30 3.40 226] t CI ne friends tor floral tributes.) BOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace)./ Lie Dee Dee, C'michael 2.80 2e FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,500, Calming . ' AND NICK'S ay ' | 2 door, 6 cylinder, standard natn TWA, deluxe, "custom radio, "new IN_ THE Share the. Wealth . j cards and letters and all acts of Kindness | purse $800 (8). 2-Echo O Valley, Alexander motor, tires and snow fires, Z eaiva Vin, furing our. reeent-- bereavement in the|. 2° oterton. Rigen. 60.2.9 9.90! Alsa Hartens Ghee Ao, anateess |! 90m). Taree: Re He Bh, and UP. 6 tures | "shift. Lic. 35046. 754 Your Authorized Datsun h dut rings, trailer --hitch,. $850 $ theavy" duty --springs, trailer --hitc 5 ie gee $40 Jackpots to go | '0s8 of # beloved father. Hi 'Cen Grattan, Gemmill 6.00 5,20) Mine, and Lochinver Duke, |Dark Fairy, Coombs X168 3-Dixie Wick, Waples Gordian, ee oe and Fiat Dealer 668-8921 i 7 440 Must Make Room!) Specializing in Volkswagen [48 COMET, green, hardtop, 289, auto City of Oshawa. | $150 Jackpot to go |"alse- Started: "Key. Performance, La-| NINTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse! May' Burrye Gre a matic, mags, oversize tire reverbera. W lt Al: fe mars Dream, DNF--Kawarthe Babe, i$800 (7) 9g uck Reps et hs ped ia Repair and Service DNF -- Nancy Ditton C, and DNF--|6-Meadow Wave, i e Little Red, Harris 113 160 Simcoe South eet) Bee SO POS, 2 AS a Under 16 Not Ad tted REDUCED PRICES sou 725-0792, Arnold aac .FIRST FARM EAST denittec |Worthy Flemington: |2-Country. Mite, 3 | ornieat ahenaak hurraby 1 automatic, re [BNF 'Accident, did not finish. 1-Patsy G 2nd, Hilliard 3.20] Well To Do, No Boy A-116 F 728- 0051 i961 CORVAIR Monza, , N ---- |with bucke! ack-up lights, 1964 OLD FASHIONED ean, Belle Ric i fg 0 | 1956 CHEV., six "eylinder, meter. in per inl foes eee, Youmone ste 6 Be OF RITSON RD. TURKEY DINNER ee RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Bure sedan GIN Dien cand ranbe's irloee Fe ine. a Rs es Stable en. | fect Condition, some body work has been 668-6627 | oe AND jdone. $75. Telephone 728-1385 Tis Si a TT co St. Peter's' Anglican Church appy, u ate Swift Cav'ir, Waddell 16,50 8.80 4.70 Attendance 2,433. Total Pool $140,743, i TAUNUS 17M, wrecking. Ail body|or best offer, Must sell! Phone after 4) Cedar Street RACE -- Purse $10,000 CE ; : SIXTH USED CARS heed parts for sale, 3 Tudor Street, |p.m. 725-2045, | WED OCT 19 on "Wonder Where: Sfakes"" 'Three year 3 |65 BARRACUDA, red with black ie 7 . OCTOBER 15 at 5 PM. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Wal- OBI I S. lis. Foaled in Cda. 1% miles on tur'. ini send ic iaiaiihashntthcenrewetintstone - Nt CHEVROLET "Tmpala, 2-4 "hard-|terior, V-8 motor, 4-speed transmission nT gah ga Bee ering We " deer | top, 283 automatic, power a yeh immaculate inside and wut, 'Apply "Soa Adults -- $2.00 ter Alston of Los Angeles Dodg- + ed Wales Seer ee} ghee ie eilioew fare: Si a Excellent condition. |Park Road South, Brown's Supertest. | AT 3 P.M, SHARP _Children 12 and under $1.00 Jers says he's delighted to have MRS. ILA BARNARD g the McDermott-Panabaker| lNineniek 'Matas Currie Avenue a= nn net. | 'S$ AUSTIN-HEALEY, wire wheels, hard-| ans) i Rinicn (been chosen Nati 'uneral Chapel, P Perr Speediness, AVE DOLLARS! Several used cars,|top, set up for Chevrolet V-8, 'asking ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO Manager of the 'Year ia en pana Ee iis Mt Baran; rn 2 p.m. on Sept. 28 Rast fet Norinrn ine einen 198 an 2 i iN he |(Exactor Betting) '54 PONTIAC, Standard, good good | running os T m ieaaia - i condition, Telephone 725-3071, hae & btu ee ee ee eee THESE FOUR HORSES ARE: EVERY FRIDAY AT 7:45 P.M. |sociated Press poll and added:|tered into. rest at Fairview|Was in Pine Grove Cemetery, | 1956 PONTIAC, , Ve, four shift, good c | ' * " nis. the zs A ' tion, $250. Telephone raesareen™ "C™|1ME PONTIAC Strato Chiat sedan, va, 32--Trucks for Sale REED'S DREAM Corner Bloor and Simcoe | "It looks like a lot of people/Lodge, Whitby on Sept. 26. She|Prince Albert. Rev. Alec Rice.) sevenrn race -- Purse 1964 OLDSMOBILE FES Deluxe, four-|5,000 miles $2,475. Apply 189 Windsor 86 @.M.C, model V-352, five-ton, 'nae BROWN MARE Jackpot 59 nos. and $190 jare beginning to bury the Dodg- was in her 92nd year. minister of Port Perry United Kee Bs: ge Stakes Mandlcap® door sedan, V-8, radio, 29,000 miles, |Street. 726-6918 wheel base dump truck. Combination box POALED IN 1958 20 Games $10 ond $15 jers for next year, but I think] predeceased by her husband, Church, conducted the me-|}\, miles (6). up. Foaled in Cada, : Owner leaving country, must sell. Tele igsg FORD, Buick "engine with and hoist, V-8 engine, 18,000 pound rear Two extras games at $25. that news of our demise is pre- F. James Barnard, the de- jmorial service. | Titled Hero, No ~ dl es Phone 725-6134. Teleph . @xITAS. end, DP, axie, five-speed. Clarke trans LORD YATES pe | Victori cent bane 7 Jackpot and Share the Wealth |mature, ceased is survived by two, The pallbearers were R. Row- Hea Smosthie: Bit Dittieck 115 22 '56 CHEV. very good condition. faci mission, 10 x 20, 12 ply tires. Best offer BROWN GELDING 966 BEAUMONT Convertibie, low mile-| Telephone 723-5387, 11 a.m. + 4 p.m O 4 4 ' ~| It was thé fourth such honor|daughters; Mrs. A. McEachern/|!and, J. Dowson, A. McEachern, oroie Galop, Turcotte 1 Body and engine, $145, '57 - 59 Ford od age, eight cylinder, power equipped, yel- FOALED IN 1957 ite Posh-button radio, $25. Telephone 72%-!iow' with Diack interior, many" extras, 19 MERCURY, 215-10n stake. Good con-| HOLY CROSS for the man who has led the|(Thelma)' and Mrs. J. Mc-|H. Simpson, R, Butson, and G. kine: Victer® No Bar nate PRIVATE. G0 Chev. alAlr shatlon pect dined Sree a H.R.M , Dodgers to six National League|Kachern (Lola) both of Port|Jeffrey. |A-Windfields. Farm Entry, wagon, 6, automatic, $300 cash and take 1940 FALCON, two-door, six cylinder. "63 omc, halt ton, 34 ton box F esi | BROWN GELDING jpennants in 13 years and whoiperr y; also two grand- FUNERAL OF : over payments. Telephone 668-6495 9t PONTIAC, oreo hea , oe aie ee FOALED IN 196i RB | N G @) \" atched them get clobbered in/daughters, Mrs. R, Rowland) ELMER GORDON GLOVER inn tae bat Oh hen $2,300 Chain, r rdtop, a : * D ir ir 5 " mat cee i ae ee ek pir gg arin Bry race ice "56 INTERNATIONAL Gas truck tractor TOLLGATE the World Series by Baltimore|(Thelma) of Oshawa and Mrs.| The funeral service for Elmer|miles on tur ese. (10). ee | ee bjack interior. 188 Wayne St, after 4 pol Call between 5 and 9.p.m. 942-5692. | qual speed, motor and: brake system| CHESTNUT HORSE is Cancelled | Orioles this year. J. Dowson (Mary Lea) of Port|/Gordon Glover, 137 Gladstone |Panish. airindey. Inouye 112 is "oo -- ADIAN, '62 stat 4 i complete! reconditioned. Must i 4 La ¢ : 5 rr - - y i 7 is $9 PONTIAC convertible, good shape, | Conditions 90 jonwagon, Excellent Searelerely -- roaenditiansd.: Must | FOALED IN 1963 This Week. We had our problems in|Perry and one great-grand-|Ave, who died Oct. 11, at the|Paraguayo, Harrison 111 miles t ii] $ i $! | " ~ 4 Telephone 723-0566 atter 5 p.m. radio, 'ow mileage. Best offer or wilt | |1966," Alston said, "but our/daughter, Lea Ila Dowson of|/Oshawa General Hospital, was Ne ee wists. | Fooane reas extras, | consider trade, 839-1454 Bay Ridges, Phone 72485. ton truck, good 'condition. | TERMS CASH RUMMAGE SALE in basement oF iénox| eventual success in the Na-|Port Perry. held at the MclIntosh-Anderson|mercenary Brook, Wall 116 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne, 6 cylinder, | Presbyterian Church, Simcoe Street | tional League race is an indi-} Mrs. Barnard, who was born|Funeral Home at 2 p.m,, Oct./LI'l Eddy, Gritto xx112 1960 PONTIAC convertible, 4 cylinder,\ automatic with power steering, Contact 3 Automobiles Wanted North, Tuesday, October 18 1.30 Pm. ication of what a good spiritedin North Norwich Township, |13 - pSieillys, 3 nbige ei nn | = © "7 - . . . ' ie id " communicate, Biase ve Cat, Coombs automatic, radio, power steering, new) Mr. Grady at 723-5241 ' COURT CHARLENE a tai arkansas east EA, | 11750, Canadian .) x rie 7 winr toune" Good condition, $980. | i969 VW nine passenger bus. 8,000 miles CARS WANTED iTom Harrison, Ji, \Seoee 0 "Perecters, ennst 'ta bazaer|club this is.' Oxford County, was the daugh-| The service was conducted by om,» Wy Soop BEL AIRC AC Cylinder Hanan, | eat g Motor. Can be used a8. truck, | AUCTIONEER Monday, October 17, at: 8 p.m. in the} Alston got 206 votes in the APjter of the late Albert and Ellen|Rev. Winnifred M. Bridges, No Boy Ey cheese: Caeunatles Sotmeins Peobess| renren Masking 188 task Sonen| - Buying A New Cor? |; Home baking, "fancy. work, 'knit' goods, POH of baseball writers. Second)Bingham, She was. ptedeceased|minister of Columbus United] silver, Moontiont Paria arms atter 4:30 p.m. : | Street, 725-8782 : ee fe ying ec, Tel gift Items. Salad plate tea. ee! was Harry Walker of Pittsburgh|by . her sister, Mrs. F. b.|/Church, Interment was in|°%ysbageant, Werry 114 nag gg hardtop, |v CHEVROLET impala Super Sport, yon Cane rg a Ae Newburgh 378 2680 HOCKEY registration for pee wee hockey| Pirates with 130, Votes by 380|Thompson (Belle), -, |Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. Baranot, No Boy 112 cyli ' ic, radic, whitewalls,|V-8 automatic, fully equipped, $1,595. ' J ° New | ad boys, yéars and under at Bathe Park | wr : rer ¢ She ow ' , jan, Harr! \- i © Sieg i ae Vali aa Pee Cog nd sat 9 iy Se wes ere, anton rena), Sh vas ie mba ot The pallvarers wore Baral Bs St rf a ma Bs e ren 3 ' siover, Ge lables: entry. 5 lbs, AA\ prone 946-5693 between § and 9 p.m 1988 BUICK, snow fires, rebuilt moters| TED CAMPIN MOTOR Owper and Aupctioneer Not |ciry.wink COVERAGE at t Reasonable. |new serier'_and' ponsratere™ sane "ener. | ; N MOTORS | Respensible in Cose of Accident) Midi llth «garth Bigg hy a gered 54, eretiowsly won thejlan United Church, Dove, "Donald Dove, Arthur}X'5 4s. AAC: XX-7 lm AAC: XXX-10 Telephone 723-4756. 723-4494 Res. 725-5574- 723-2492 now for an ad-writer, "laward in 1955; 1959 and 1965, The funeral service was held}Ladd and Lou Palmer. Post Time 2 p.m.