it le at Nt ae Cg Le yg aay lone Fale gpa iad Sy yd Mee eae Ave ye Ale egy PIGEON near - PETERBORO Cottage with Lot $2995. $50. DOWN $47 Monthly PAYMENTS START ANUARY 1967 IMMEDIATE -- POSSESSION! LOT 75'x200' surveyed with family-sized cottage, 3 bed- rooms, erected. $2,995 cash or Budget Plon. $50 down $47 monthly, poyment stort January, 1967. Limited num- ber. Yeor round activities. PRACTICAL FOR RETIREMENT or PERMANENT HOME Good roads, open year round. Hydro, telephone, swimming, excellent Tisning, water Sni- ing, boating, hunting, etc. Winter Ski-tow nearby. EN- JOY Fall, Winter, Spring, . Summer. @ MEET @ Beside Toronto Dominion Bank, only bank in Omemee. Highway 7 on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each day this week-end at 1 p.m. ond 3 p.m. No appointment nec- essary. ies OR. eas Can be seen Monday to Fri- day, day or evenings, by spec- ial appointment only. p thts HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD. COBOURG, ONT. 372-9494 OPEN HOUSE AT PIGEON LAKE MALLARD BAY v3 ATTENTION DUCK HUNTERS Reese SPLIT, Whitby, three bed- "AND FISHERMEN rooms, cathedral ceilings in kitchen, living rooms, finished recreation rocm, landscaped, nice residential area. Two tic. Try 8 low down payment on this} Here is your real opportunity 95. Prestige home. Move right, In. Gal Jean- be to obtain that cottage and lot p months in advance. 668-6495. TWO-STOREY brick house, three bed- Nugent 723-4651 for r hunting and i Realtor, evenings 725-5639. 1 Lae ata onto Bip' | pe le close to rola Centre and WHERE CAN YOU buy @ three-bedroom for only $14,000? Large living A salesman will be on duty from 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. room and dining room combination, step- saving kitchen, full basement with forced pegs and Sunday to st you and lots air-gas furnace. Private drive. Home has lg | from $2,990 to just been paren redecorated and sears Only four lakefront its left, 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent For Prestige Living TWO-BEDROOM fertone) 77 Marland apartment 14 or dove \souneoam-sosameniwvaTaniee|e0et re. Inediately. Apply 6 Wayne Street, Apt./7 ta TH RE iE = ROOM apartment, Central to-| PY9rO tree, phone. 725-51 LISTINGS WANTED NOW Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 IN NEED A COMPORTABLE ponenor or 1¥a-storey home rn 106, 8c buyer. WENTWORTH MANOR LA CONTESSA 275 Wentworth St. APARTMENTS "alow Oshawa : able beginning of bathroom and oarking available, | 695-4726. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR: 'Also Wo > bedroom partment 'on tiret| LAN floor with kit 0 iving ply bath, |room phone apply 50 Wil-| stove Home-sized rooms with |Please ample storage space, {lem Steet East. Free hydro and electric | sin "escn eerson, mote i $10, each person, motel suites to share; |W NEWCASTLE, modern heat with individual |%* Parking, Telephone baatsao Whitby. | ment, "| Moor Elect Electric heat, near room control. ie La Mrs, TO SUBLET. Two-bedroom apartment fiton Tambh Orono with refrigerator, stove, washer in thon amin rome di dryer, No children, $110. monthly. Tele-| FURNISHED omen ny apartment for phone 723-5135, rent, Available Ne ond 281 Simcoe | electrical Street South, 'ap ng ag P. FN | THREE-BEOROOH iariionl In top near heated. 'ally located, music, Intercom, ica he 230 Gibb $t.,| condi immediate refrigerator stove. Apt. 211 or office, Holy Cross church, si 35 monthly. Stor-|Close to. hospital and vide McKIM ST., 2, two-bedroom upstal ant refrigerator. | Motors, Telephone 150, apartment, bathroom, kitchen, sn telephone | C2! Call Bill Miller. *5ab25577251106. Tennae 728-2838. gentleman only. reet, eeping room, close to 4 New) TWO, one-bedroom aPalrss d $70, downstairs io, "eparte aie "bath, cen: Apply 319 'French SMe fenced si ig es trent > 78 al, suitable "for lady, "Telephone. 725 DREAM HOME. BARGAIN -- NORTH EAST Custom built sixe room brick gyri with at- po pd fomily . cn pale ry eo a fa hydro Included. Tele- [= NE aE aa room, private or 728- pe elon Gk ke feared Bia tate Pin Ode er ia preferred. Available October 15. Tele-| WHITBY. main) Ps phone 723-4932. You will enjoy living in Wentworth Manor, con- veniently situated for those who york in and around Oshawa. Within easy walk> ing distance of stores and -schools. RENT INCLUDES: @ Drapes @ Heat and hydro @ Stove and refrigerator @ Parking A few choice 2 and 3 bed- room suites still available. Rental Office ond Model Suite Open Daily from 1 - 9 P.M. TELEPHONE 723-8701 WANTED -- small acreage, with or w' out buildings, within 25 miles of Osh: pnb da 7 oe party. Write Box 46149, 24--Stores, Offices, Storage 5,000 SQ. FT. of Floor Space in Downtown area . Third Floor -- both passenger and ' freight elevator services SEE; T. L. WILSON OSHAWA Times 86 King Street East Phone 723-3474 in Wiplex, and refrigerator, tree EA bs paved parking. T four room apart- Linge room bungalow, garages den, 81670 $16,900. full price. 728- $5000 DOWN buys Ne) commercial coal Ing which eee store ee ae hoy eur mee for oni +30 ston, 1066, 'schorleld-Aker TWO LARGE furnished ae 'Kitchen bed-sitth pg Bp bath, park-| rs suits two or working couple. Sauna Room Swimming Pool Recreation room with _ kitchen facilities Fabric 'Draperies Pressurized, odour-free corridors' THREE - ROOM self - contained apart- ment, private soicooge and bath, heat water supplied. November 728-510 5103 'or' 728-9714. 'thres-hedraam bungalow, » four-piece file bath, landscaped lot. Close to schools. Uist price $15,500. J. » McMullan, Real Estate, 668-6201. ) $1,500 DREW ST.'74. Three or two rooms fur. rooms fur. working nished, central, adults or or three individuals, No children, be stainers. THRE EROOM apartment, partly fur- nished, ground floor. All privete. Close to south General Motors, small child. wel-! 'nme. Telephone 725-0809, j TWO- AND THREE-ROOM unfurnished en rae pr-senhat en shared bath, one or two CLEAN FOUR-ROOM apariment with lage someone ne, ca 'make eave Dundas Street' East, Whitby. Telephone|Private bath, entrance and driveway,| at home, $20 week' 668-6226, Good location, $85 monthly. 'Available LARGE roieneen ce Toor, Nov. 1, T 725-8513. poet ye Da Hh i or two clean ae tes > Two one - bedroom | furnish- ict. Telephone 725-9344, basement apartments, heat, 'complete! "| hydro, In quiet area. available early No- ie L001 Py room hr vernber Brooklin 655-4726, two men, Telephone 728-1105, ONE - BEDROOM furnished apartment,| $7 ished igom centr: jae af duplex, heat, free, oney feiwe, Fale 668-2466. nied tral Matra. Brooktin"6se4/%4 [FURNISHED room for rent ee paring THREE ~- ROOM apartment, completely Sandr: treet furnished, available immediately. 19 FURNISHED, Bol a yor ater eet | Bhone 708-3600, Lloyd | St ld 70 et A includes all trance, centrally located, suitable for ~ working couple or two giris. 728-6036 after NEWLY DECORATED two - bedroom/é p.m apartment, heated, two children wel- GROUND FLOOR, three three room apart- come, $75 monthly. Telephone 623-2182. ment. Private entrance. $95 bse inci FOUR - BEDROOM apartment on 108 heat, hydro. Apply 345 Oshawa Bivd. 5S. | now. @ EVERY TASTE. EVERY BUDGET @ EVERY FAMILY J. B. MeMullan 795.3557 - --_ o68-6201 BARNHART'S PAVILION on LAKESHORE Let 260' x 200', approxi- mately 1% acres. 'A site for future oy oem Good terms. f Call MAIBLE BOUDREAU Of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 or 728-2233 ba: apartment. Shopping, schools end ly 141 Wilson Road churches near at hand Oshawa's only T.V. controlied entrance to protect you Transportation at ' your door TWO-ROOM apartment for rent st 621 King Street East. Refrigerator and stove supplied. Private entrance Phone 728-0429 between ONE privaie ig ane Apply 1 sh coh 700° Charles Streel, | Port SINGLE ROOM in Private home, con i mas ates part ontlanat irki snace. 4s 7Pand p.m. er '$11,700, J. 8. gic Real Estate, 668-6201. PRIVATE SALE in Southwood Park, Three-bedroom --split-level, two years old. Telephone 920617,' __ LUNCH BUSINESS. A real money maker pac GM _plant. yin s Terms. Call Bill Gordon, 263-8875. P. E. Gravelle Reel Estate, 623-3341. SIROOM areas: ee in Mra ine way, twenty-five miles fr Oshawa, Hot " of and 'cold water, $4200, $1500 down. Apply Box 27, Milton. PRIVATE -- 1% storey brick a. 2 room and bath, nearly new Close - schools, North GM. Telephone 728-6165. PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED YEAR ROUND POOL BROADLOOMED SUN DECK Oshawa's largest apartment building offers the best fea- tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x 18' Balconies, 20'x18' com- bination Living and Dining Rooms, 4 quick elevators, 2 Olde English Decor. Lobbies. Bus stop at door. Model Suite Furniture by Cherney's Furniture World. Broadloom by Angus-Graydon, OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-9934 CENTRAL three-room fridge, stove, heat, hot water rooms, $75. month. Available Telephone 726-0524. SECOND STOREY' cf house, two bed- rooms, private entrance and drive, close to school, bus. Two children welcome. monthly Including services. 725-9103. - apartment, Wd, tai ober A home you will be 'proud to VISIT "LA CONTESSA" 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481 Large Modern Store for rent ' In Shopping Plaza Suitable for restaurant, hard- ware, etc. Telephone 728-4646 Between 9 and 5 SMALL OFFICE FOR RENT In central location. Available immediately, $35 per month. Telephone 728-6246, STORE FOR RENT -- South end. indus- trial zone, Telephone 725-0150. MEDIUM-SIZE STORE for rent, suit- able office, beauty ig etc, 492 Simcoe St. S. Available now. 725-5445. STORE suitable for -- business or workshop. Downtown location.' Parking. $60 monthly. Telephone 728-6200. 25--Houses for Rent THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, oll heat, br Tele- phone after 6.30 p.m., 725-3359. THREE home. central iccation. Available immediately, $85, per month. Telephone 728-6246, NEW HOUSE and attached garage in north-west ihawa, two-sforey, three bedrooms, electric heat, broadioom, two bathrooms. Close to schools, and bus, $140 monthly. 728-5240. THREE BEDROOM older type house for rent, downtown area, Commercial zon- ing. $150 monthly. Telephone 728-3555. FOUR-BEDROOM bungalow, recreation room, garage. Olive and Wiison area. $140 monthly. Telephone 723-0575. Mi gir BEDROOM town a, $120 month- Telephone 728-8696 for more informa- show SINGLE -- and board. Division Street. ae ic TO GET ab ite eae tee cee Mane" "aa" ad and get if! Dial Bist Sosure 28--Room and Board SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD : Apply: 25 Division St. ROOM AND BOARD for two gentleman willing to share single beds. Close to new "|GM plant, Te 'elephone 725-6441, Pat ae es large 'ot, ' arage, used as wi forkshop, $800 down, full S orice $4,500. 942-5376. $1,900 DOWN -- will tar large Centrally located six-room home. Carries for only $100 per month. Call Bill Johnston, 1066. Schofield-Aker Ltd. pre ig egret DELIBHT -- over 500 ft. deep lot and a five-room attractive bun- galow Name private drive and garage, full asking price jus? reduced for quick sale. To_ inst this fine home, call Charlie Rankine now at 728-7576. Sibby: "$s aly Estate Ltd, 46 King St. " June 1. ONE. AND anja nnn terg i building, FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT AT Grenfell Square NORTH EAST LOCATION Immediate possession on this immaculate 7 year old 6 oom . brick bungalow with walk-out basement, situated on a beoutiful rovine lot 176' deep. Owner hos been tronsferred only reason for selling. Asking $19,700.00 with good terms. For further information call Margoret Hall of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD., 723-1358. WHITBY AREA One ond a half storey stucco, close to schools, churches and bus. 4 bedrooms, good con- dition. Gorage,. large lot. . $17,500. Mr. Crawford, Pic- kering 942-4535. H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR $10,900 -- ATTENTION apa gg Bunga! and garage, north west. Ca' Morte ag rgesse 723-0049, Keith Peters Realty Ltd., 1 Realtor. prover ST. -- $1200 down will pur- se this how. inetern kitchen and ba' bong Laps taxes. as $75. 5 month on one per cent mortgage. Call Irwin eratkshanks of Schofield-Aker Ltd., 728- Ns, THREE-ROOM pr anaee é entrance and bath, avellable October 195-040. Dundas Street West, For' information jo ees ee niin 2061 on atten 9.30, 666-2248.| 417 SYROW SyRaeT NORTH: Whitby. ADELAIDE WEST -- two-bedroom ee ment, refrigerator, stove, carpeted. Call stan cam iio Willig THREE-ROOM apartment In good loca Ai"saa"iteon "Rod South, For informe: | ae At 2 son Roa 'or informa- Mlieesdlesioesevsesthaesi tion apply 214 Arthur Street. baie naa IRE be raaner aeert 4 ve oe ONE-BEDROOM apariment, located near|to Shopping Centre, tree hydro, stove,|. South General Motors. Rent Includes| fridge, pie Ty FIA trvssi-, controlied er heat, hydro and swimming podl..No dam-itrance, baiconies iry ftaciiities Po deposit, Immediate occupancy. Tele-|on oS floor, 249 Marlena Avenue phone 942-2012 during day and 723-0900) 725~ after 7 p.m. ONE, TWO AND THREE bedroom apart- ments with refrigerator, stove, intercom controlled entrances, elevator service, swimming pool, ge In playground. #22 Glen Street or call 723-2347. ROOM AND BOARD for -- will ing to Byes Six-day week, lunches packed. Parking. Telephone ROOM -- or room and meals for clean, quiet men, Close to south General Motors Pork Rene to a Parking. Apply 81 ihese das - Central location. Shared or gentiemen. P: ing, TV. Board optional. Call ume, Parke ROOM AND BOARD for lady or or gentle: man. Close to hospital, north t, Stop. Telephone "725-2505," Pans Bus ONE-BEDROOM TWO-BEDROOM 'upper duplex, untur- bi nished, private entrance. Reasonable fo 1 careful tenants. panei reve district, oe lbengy Bf Phone Bowmanville 6 qHace "Ow FOUR Te5n ageANGA TW THREE-ROOM ground floor apartment,| "HRE® OR FOUR room speriment, tu nished, heated, elect aval. refrigerator and stove included. Share bethroom. 'One ¢ able now. Telephone aa SELL, Harmony North, near new " ional school. Five-room brick bun- a fully finished recreation room, na- tural fireplace, seeee Immediate Le session. $17,900. 728-3893 Apt. For Rent 1 BEDROOM PRESTIGE LOCATION A beautiful location avail- able immediately. North end of Oshawa in one of the city's most beautiful buildings, All hiid 15 Fairbanks St., 725-2389. |$1)5. -- TWO-BEDROOMS, | -- phe a Lppioree lity tt oy ne vg id refrigerator, was! 4 iryer, |. Pos- session November 1. 98.1903 fier 6 BOWMANVILLE, neat three-bedroom brick bungalow, -- area, garage, low Wome: fo nap Try an offer on this ti home. call Jeannette Nugent 723-4651 Don deski Realtor, evenings 725-5639. four-bedroom, splif-level, deco- rated, two-car garage, fireplace, walk- out basement, den, extra two-piece bath, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, private bath, rage. Call 725-4667 or apply 44 Quebec t, between 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. p.m. BASEMENT APARTMENT. Partly fur- upper nished, includes TV, stove, fridg, heat, hae sali rage reeds Boerner diding 'en- and hydro. Reasonable. Young working|trance, immediate possession, centrally ea Preferred. 668-6715 or 927 ANNe@S/ incated, $100 monthly, Telephone 723-2043. = NEW APARTMENT -- $80. monthly. Re- frigerator, stove, head and ag free. Suit_one or two October 13. 723-5325, rt ROOM aN Bg for gentleman near TWO bedroom riment to vub-let in| Houdaille south General ments. new apartment suliding, across from gt 2B, facilities. Apply 863 Ritson R General Motors south plant. T s. 723-0218 be SC OARRARD ROAD, near Two BEDROOM basement apartment, meals, parking, jivent: | Pleetric, Meat, washer, trig Move, drapes |auiet home, Shift workers welco ha ada tA Fo net cls welcorne 8 $110 month-|ROOM AND BOARD for two APARTMENTS Whitby "668-2333. WHITBY, "hao bedroom, é Te TV, and sifting room, Telephone 728-67. ONE-BEDROOM apariment, refrigerator, |;cony,, private, entrance, stoye, ae th:| ROOM AND BOARD tor 9 y 321 Marland Ave. stove and creamea. ya onthly. Avail- ly. Telephone 723-9591 after 5 p.m. oie home on Burk Street. Bred able after October 15, 725-8088 LARGE, three-room apartment, sink and PHONE 728-6722 er 723-1401 1 and 2 bedroom suites in Oshawo's finest apartment buildings. Immediate occu- pancy. ROOM AND BOARD for you hi seven-day week os north Gin ae ona. 7 week, g meals, laundry : COLBOURNE, STREET GA: . pnd ay Mg ST, 57. Room . gent! willing te on. gna to north *. n GM., central to Call AVAILABLE Immediately, redecorated spacious five-room upstairs in modern quiet duplex apartment. Two bedrooms, stove, refrigerator, washing ilities, hot water heating. 728-2764, evenings. Grenfell Square Rental Office utilities paid except tele- TWO-BEDROOM apartment, lare lawn, phone, carpeted halls and all 723-51 1 1 trees, parking lot. Heavy duty wire. th t Id t $75 meninly plus Bh at Children wel- e extras you would expec come Call' 798-013: to find. Please telephone to- 380 - 385 GIBB ST. A Ice size "eroem MODERN _-- ROOM apartment, c located. Available immediately. Phone 623-2609. $110 PER. MONTH, new three-bedroom bungalow, all conveniences, retirement or commuter, 20 miles from Bowman- ville on 35 Highway. W. Frank Real. Estate, 723-7843, doy, - SEVEN - ROOM house. Available. Let a upstairs pay your rent. Four rooms downstairs with garage. $135 monthly. = Apply 641 Merritt Street or after 6 apply Phone 728 5282 295 Wolfe Street. GA S$ PAR K-Mart. clean, floors refinis! Down payment only $3,000. Call W. J, Norris, PReaitor. Ajax }942-3364 or Toronto 360-4482. HANDY MAN'S opportunity, just east of city limits, two-bedroom frame on one acre fenced land. Owner says sell for $8,500. W. O. Martin, Realtor, 728-5103. 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent EMERALD ISLE OPEN HOUSE Directions: From the junction of Highway 7 and 7B at Fowlers Corners, go north on county road and foll ih to pede pind signs 1, newly decorated, large garden, fruit Bay. trees;near schools, $125 monthly, two- For information call year lease, references required. Apply BOWES AND COCKS 67 Glendale Drive, Liverpool Road end No. 2 Highway. vicinity, 112-839-1533. PETERBOROUGH 742-4234 NEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE, new three-bedroom home, $140 monthly. and ask for Bert Hawkins or Harold McGrath or 725-9230. ROOM FOR RENT. Boarc optional, close cupboards in kitchen, Very clean and|to bus and Highway N ephone -- THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- ¥ No. 2. Tele; trance and bath, available October 1. No Shona reese. oe A 0 f w8-6227. children. Apply 250 Oshawa Bivd. South. ana 7 rr THREE-ROOM epariment, unfurnished, |oritme ares ayy gooriment, downtown |i newly decorated, private entrance, park-|hvgen included. ly 123 Elgin Street ing, adults, abstainers, Available now.| Wear' 'included, "Apply Telephone 728-2798, FOUR - ROOM cee with frig. and stove. Available Nov. 1. $100 Ve-acre lot, PRIVATE RANCH BUNGALOW AJAX ~ PICKERING $3,400 down payment. Pro- fessionally landscaped. 100' x 150' lot, paved driveway, THUNDERBIRD TERRACE One and two bedroom apart- ments, Laundry facilities and lockers on each floor, Large suites with utilities and drapes. Thermostatically con- trolled in each room, Un- derground porking available. 190 Nonquon: Read. Telephone 728-9726 Roam ned BOARD for two gentlemen in new home on Buena Vista Avenue, na [preferably Maritimers. Telephone 725 ROOM AND 98 Agnes LARGE warm room. meal: Telephne 725-1354, packed, one et is pe casmbindl det cad EES EREP ATES RDN parki ONE - BEDROOM apartment for two|Gentieman. A; poly 708 Carnegie Berane: Tetephane: eae) vereen et noo AND SCARE aa aah home. Nice room for one or two gen' 27--Rooms for Rent men. Freshly decorated 8 and. comfortable ATTRACTIVELY Short walk to downtown, 726-194' FURNISHED ROOM WHITBY, two comfortable si suitable for aM adie, a Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 'p.m. Telephone 668-52: ROOM AND SoaRG a Ph ei dag at 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 WHITBY HOTEL Rooms to rent by the week. me 207 Dundas St. W. 668-2337 ee PE oy and downtown. ly ree! Eat Te og pirrokg home, within Tomnliee redWe of of Osh- THREE-ROOM prone, all nicely fur-/Two - 00M riment nished, private bathroom, kl antenna, | wanted, pecans en No suitable for one or two pe @880n-i vember 1. ig Whitby or Oshawa, ud able price. Apply 275 Riteon mr South, three bankers, 668-5825, 9 to 5. Two Labo 7 girls ess third oe to| WHITBY -- ears needed. Three-bed- share furnished house. oom tbe private, room, laundry; downtonn. Phone Mime ee 90| FURNISHED 'bedrooms. close A JOB with work "wanted" ads in s|CET A Classified. Dial W832 now and have ind bus stops at door. Telephone 726-1832, im aa-writer help you Pinaud your fob ae ggg stn ogame og bec pind for pentiemane FOUR-ROOM artment, private 723-3738. trance, refrigerator and stove. "Available 725-6992. November 1. Telephone 7: THREE-ROOM water, stove, Centrally located, phone 728-2949, APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Apply 68 Wayne Street, Apt. 9. THREE LARGE ROOMS. Suitable for young couple. All conveniences. Apply 262 Conant Street. ONE THREE- AND ONE' TWO-room apartments. 82 Grenfell Street. Telephone 725-5524. Can be seen after 6 p.m. duplex apartment, children welcome. Close to school and bus. Telephone 728-8218. ONE-BEDROOM furnished apartment, near south G.M. $100, Includes heat, water, hydro, also use of washing ma- chine. Immediate occupancy. 72: BASEMENT APARTMENT, furnished, central, adults only, all conveniences. Te 728-5658 after S p.m. FOR RENT, one-bedroom baseme apartment, private bath, modern kitchen, close to bus stop. Telephone 728-1188. 30 COLBORNE ST. nt two-bedroom apartment, frig, stove, broadioom, free laundry facilities, hag Apply Apt. No. 1 between 12 and 5 p. 78 | Fwo- BEDROOM es located, $85 monthly, Pgglh cluded, Apply 16 Elgin St. SUBLET, three-floor, Sisco apart- ment, with recreation room; private en- Also two- and three-bedroom apartments, ol utilities paid. Near Courtice, Solina i ind Nash Road. Telephone 725-5085 after noon. NEW semi-detached three - house. Available February 1. parol Centre area. Would like to line up ten- ants now fo choose decorating scheme, etc. Rent $130 monthly. Apply Box 46595, MODERN three - bedroom house, elec: hg Biceps rect A $135 month- ROYALE EIGHT - ROOM farm house on Taunton A . Toechaen Wie siee mart Fabled asd gent PT. elephone 5 mornings, et SIX - ROOM house with g good 119 NONQUON ROAD location, "Available November 1. 1 and 2 bedroom suites phone 725-4831. available. 65 MONTHLY, - 7 Nassau Stree View anytime. room » Mo furnac or 728-5282 Vacant. Telephone 725-0332. AJAX -- THREE-BI @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: subdivision, built-in. stove, oven, eries. Consider one child, $125., six to Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m, to 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m. eihgt month lease. 942-4038. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 TWO MONTHS FREE Modern two and three 6; ones ere apartment, heat, hydro, fridg, parking Included. $75, monthly. Tele- One and two bedroom. Now available. Broadloom corri- dors. Stove. Refrigerator. Drapes. F.M, Controlled en- trance. Elevator. Intercom. Balconies and Laundry facili- ties on each floor. Free Hydro. REGENT ARMS Immediate Occupancy 2 bedroom: apartments close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Adults only. TELEPHONE 723-6455 Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. hots dudes bedsitting kitchen and bath. Central. Whitby 668-2503, ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments, one furnished, two bedroom with yes and frig. One vone garage. Apply 4 ae Rd. South , TWO AND THREE bedroom apart- poo refrigerator, stove, FM music, eallthoa red bol abe) id ig id swimming pool, fenced playground. First month's rent free, Telephone 723-2347. trance and. bath. $130 monthly. Poses: TO SUBLET, two - bedroom Seerinant ONE-BEDROOM apartment In part in new apartment building. Central. ment building. ae fg only. children. Available October 15. Telephone monthly. Telephone 668. 88 x 190 LOTS 728-5971 after 5 p.m. ee Wor GNMIGNED? GET aA ee. w 5 "ROOM Srehed apartment, FURNISHED rooms, central loca-/ getting ie ear ae newly deco-| northwest Oshawa, Available end of|tion, Immediate possession. Apply 71 Le|o- ° b d t t 2 a + October, first floor, private entrance, on| Salle Avenue. edroom apartments COMPLETE upper floor in home, semi-|bus line, Telephone 725-9507. FURNISHED room Helens ar ' : -orliate "entrees, private: washroory, Spe TWO-BEDROOM apartment, nicely lo-|stove, bus at close to south GM, Péssession Two bathrooms cious rooms, parking, furnished or _un- fea ru) ty mB i. CHOICE LOTS STILE 2 thn ad FA AN aniline In-\ suitable for_one or two airis. Telephone} AVAILABLE Fectures 1. 3:6nd:2 Fenced-in playground Ge self-contained |uucesGaRDEN COURT = SIN Lea WOR Rew, 7. AS LOW AS $100 DOWN ksi oman: mabe Basement apartment, one bedroom, Prl-/North, One- and two-bedroom apart-|Three blocks north Wonk tenet. 0 Directions: Take highway 9 Telephone 728-2541. and "parng, Watt bac. bas a eg nines rears. er to Uxbridge; north on High- Trance, ground oor, "$86 moniny Inc\rents ell 9672, ATTRACTIVELY | furnished | roore way 12 to Centre Road North; follow signs to Sales Office. NEW THREE-BEDROOM cotta ge y lakefront lot at Ball ee on "tees sep 90g. Telephone 668-6942, 22--Lots for Sale GLEN ACRES OPEN HOUSE This Weekend if desired. Call possession 942-6829, $2500 DOWN puts you into a two-bed- room home featuring dining room, living Botte ized oom AND BOARD to share, gentie- man only, lunches pater home privi- leges. Telephone 723-663 BEAUTIFULLY aed ore la bedroom in quiet refined coun me Excellent meals, parking, eeultable for eee . Whitby area. Telephone PUT AWAY a Tiey sum sum by renting that 'spare room with a Times' Action Want Ad. Telephone 723-3492 and put one to work for you. 29--Wanted To Rent URGENT! -- - lly with six school. children want re rent three or " be -- Cyl ake rooms. 1, well than oa Fa duniek eee oe eorge Pere at age or Ho aete asad Carl Olsen THREE. countay. ce --- City advanti e house bullt fo any flea: lave your it tora on this Dest 100" 4 age Approved lot. pan Sree e phone 723-9503 or 725-2159. 339 MeDONALD STREET, Port Perry-- turdy old house This weekend ot Emerald Isle on Buckhorn Lake, only 16 miles from Peterborough, we are featuring a Medallion all- electric, brick veneer, retire- ment home of 1,100 sq. ft. specially designed for easy, - spacious living. Some of the main features ore, kitchen and dining room with patio doors leading to a large sun deck, extra large living room and bedrooms. Panoramic view of Buckhorn Lake. Plenty of property for the green' thumb, good roads, year round. Price $16,235. Join those who enjoy lake- side living all-year-at Emerald Isle WANT ADS reacn mMousanas or Interest- ed prospects every day. Take advantage of the vast audience by telephoning 723- uo 26--Apartments for Rent GRENFELL SQUARE Immediate room, pene seal bungalow, three rooms, four-piece bath, newly pocorete and partly rnished, New sore, refrig- erator wy drapes included. Landscaping jeted with fenced-in yard. Private drive. Full price 'S20900" down $000 Ul ice Mi 725-4256. centrally hydro in- eae PRIVATE -- $2,000 down. Almost new, four bedroom, two storey. Two bath- po abled large lot, paved drive. ed to Hest, PRIVATE SALE--Family size pane te phone 942-2333. $1000 DOWN, 'duplex, two three-room pong Earning monthly. oe ries for $100. Cal! Bob Jonnsion, 72 Weicalt Real Estate. NEXT DOOR to Sir Albert Love Sepa- phd School you will find the most mod- jalow on the market. Three bed- foomee ultra-modern kitchen, basement. Private drive and gar. appointment to see call George Twaltes, b abo or 723-2008. Cari Olsen Realtor, Ray Street. ee Aa Tele- Also open is a 3 BEDROOM PLANK COTTAGE, priced ot $6,233, plus services, Directions from Bridgenorth, Ontario, cross the Chemong Lake Causeway and follow the signs to Emerald Isle. For advance information and frispection call H. McGrath, B. Hawkins or K. Fairbairn, TIMES Classified ACTION ADS for RESULTS Telephone 723-3492 for all other departments 723-3474 walk-out 'For tor cludes heat, lights and water. Apply 531|EQUR:ROOM, {wobedroom, self-contain- yp alg a a aSUNTRY i cad _ ~~ choice homes, minutes from paved roads. One ranch in bungslow, ne. one_split-level Well priced with good terms. For ali de- bey bbe et pig eg pf one ag rawford, loseph Bosco Realtor, - 728-7377. IN -- six-rcom older ho Yee Just listed ust listed so a SiN Johnston, 728-1066, Schofield-Aker "ee. a all -- th wngslon. Tenants Yoanare fra, oer Ween fe. S. after 5 p.m. r ROOMS for rent, weekly rates. ay en /Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street Ni LARGE, furnished room, wrvery en- BOWES and COCKS Ltd. 740-4234 'YOU Are One of the Thousands with Two - neon apartment, separate NifA ial bbl heat rid hydro aw et er ee trance and bath, fully Ipped kitchen, two children. 723-172. central. Share bath and kitchen with re: con- pao Bee weg one rd a ee one/|fined lady. Telephone 725-0128. smal private entrances, in new = apartment building. Apply 246 Gibb St,/RED = SITTING room, light housekeep- = or phone 728-2772, | preferred Call 120-7713. FURNISHED bachelor basment apart-| <oaeorTABLE 'gentleman East ment. Immediate possession, or J Pe tor awa, close to bus. Telephone 723-8635 be. / only. Aner ane after 4 Aouad 323 Athol tween 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. FOUR - ROOM apartment in top condi-|NICE ROOM fo ie eealee, (eS). Sr gon tion, stove, refrigerator, garage. Suitable ere if ¢ Oshawa. Electric heat. 728-0243 for working couple. Telephone 728-0062 toothy before 6 p.m. DOUBLE ROOM for rent, cldse to bus, CENTRAL three - room apartment, re- frigerator, stove, etc. Available imme- ee a People, Free parking. 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attrac. tive area. Some treed lots. Paved street. Close by public school, new high school and bus lines. PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 10 ACRE LOTS, Whitby Township. Lo cated on No. 7 Highway and fourth con- cession. bay 4 Highway 12. Terms Realtor, Whitby. 'soh-sa38, evenings 668-3253. ®@ SWIMMING POOL EAST END -- lovely bungalow, with double attached garage, only one year old and fully broadioomed, fivingreont, sepa- rate diningroom, four bedrooms, two bath- rooms and tiled laundry hig Family room has fleld stone fireplace and slid =. door to patio. Full pte $26,400 with only $3,500 down. Call 723-5082 from 10 to 7 p.m. only. No agents, please. ; ROOM two-storey solid ge house and garage. Centratty located lo _ schools and shopping. Telephone 728- R HALF of duplex, 2 bedroom: wall-te-wall carpeting, private entrance, $125 monthly includes heat, water, hydro. 723-8904 after 5. WHITBY, 2-bedroom apartment, stove, frig, broadioom and drapes included. hone 668-5480. @ FREE HYDRO @ OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES @ FRENCH PROVINCIAL KITCHENS entie- New building Oshawa south a lac Avenue, Telephone 725-1777. @ FREE Telephone 725 0657 Montrave. 728: ed upper apartment, newly decorated,|NICE clean room for two, cooking and $60 MONTHLY in Port Perry. Two-|separate entrance, unfurnished, im i-| parking Pe ee paces entrance. Ap- HEALTH CLUB or 723-1996 bedroom self-contained apartment with|ate possession. Telephone 723-7539 be-|ply 119 Brock St. refrigerator and stove, Available im-|tween 9 a.m. -,2 p.m. CARGE double ~ OSHAWA ¥._Brooklin 655-4659. THREE - ROOM unfurnished apartment, | schools, hosptal_and nor Hane Mane, Rebeten womnies epart- pods location, ye ag nl for one ment ing, furnis! sitting room,| or jo persons. ju! only. s 725-3568 @ SAUNA CAVALIER Kitchen, bathroom. All private. Plenty. of| preferred. Apply 175 Athol East, ; "ROOM te parking, Ideal for working couple. $95) THREE ROOMS and bath, ground fi STEAM ROOM am 728° | parking, heated, central. 'Available Im. : 728-5883. VISCOUNT PORT PERRY, modern, ti apartment, private entrance, laundry facilities, baicony, Available October 26. DIPLOMAT hone 985-7244 atier 6 p.m. ht etag gh bh to sublet in quie' ing. Centrally @ 1 and 2 bedrooms @ trolled entrance. No child stove @ refrigerator @ BoM For appointment telephone 723- broadloom in halls @ inter- com @ F.M. @ Balconies @ Immediate possession. Close to shopping centre and all schools. WI MARY AT ROSSLAND -- We have just listed the neatest two - bedroom low in this desirable nei ay RNISHED one-bedroom apartment tea area, workin couple. Available Dry garage for boat storage. Apply hborhood, at- omy FE sig. J Sey, bs heated, extra flo and Merlin Realtor, Sasi oleae COMPACT HOME near French school, 9 oll furnace, low faxes, listed at 10,700. W. O. Martin. Realtor, 728-5103. PRIVATE SALE -- Three-bedrcom house, nr cote. fo siores and schools jores 8! } 942-0105. a ct two-bedroom bungalow in choice north end location. Carries for $110. monthly. Call Bob. John- Ston, 725-9365. Metcalf Real Estate. VILLAGE OF PICKERING -- $24,500, anne hore with four bedrooms or og pe and den. Double garage Very lerge trees tet. oe, Who Read ~ TIMES Classified CHOICE BUILDING LOTS for sale in new subdivision, Solina Village, various sizes and prices. Apply subdivider and owner Walter Parrinder. Telephone 263- 23--Real Estate Wanted ACTION ADS EVERY DAY To Place an Ad Telephone 123-3492 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. $$S$S$S$S3$ $ Buying -- Selling o home can be pesky. 'f this is your prob- lem. Call DON STRADESKI Realtor 723-4651 Saturday till 12:00 noon { RPAPAAAAAAAW PRAAYHAA $$$33$s$ @ iNDOOR PARKING AVAILABLE @ OUTDOOR GUEST PARKING Rental Information CALL 723-511] 380-385 GIBB ST. Apt. 340 Marland ys. Windsor St. EXECUTIVE SUITE iO « apartment, stove, refrigerator and drapes. Apply 219 Montrave, Apt. 5 TWO - BEDROOM spacious apartment, stove and frig., modern ve laig Pod pl 5. Tel phone 723-5992. Lerge top floor, 2 bed apartment, two baths ,two balconies, private, garage, ex- cellent location and view. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. PARK LANE APTS. 725-7732 enn ane very central, furnished three- apartment, heat and hydro in- Guded in rent, private, entrance. Park- ing. Telephone 723-3078. TWO-ROOM $ furnished apartment, pri- vate Oe ae parking roe Telephone 728-1300. 256 Athol St. THREE-ROOM a with private 'bath. Gar available. Te! 1 Hei or iy 352 Mary 8, diately. May be seen at 26 McGrogor Street, Oshawa. TWO - BEDROOM apartment in small apartment building, very central and close to public transportation, Stove, re- frigerator, washer and dryer. Adults only. pcehone 723-1408, three - room furnished ai In Thwnitoy, Heat and hydro sup; phone 668-3866, THREE-ROOM ground floor unfurnished apartment, $70 monthly Includes heat, electricity, water. Adults preferred. Avail- able immediately. Apply 396 Pine Ave., 725-5363. irtments led. Tele- FOUR-BEDROOM apartment in mode rn ing, priva' entrance, irking, laun- Gry facilities, $122.50, monthly. avallable| Gene November 1, Phone 668-4980, NICE clean room, single or to share, on quiet street, central location. Tele- phone 725-3710. TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms on ground floor. Also one large furnished housekeeping room with sink. Very cen- tral, 728-10; FURNISHED DOUBLE ROOM and kitch- en to Private bath ai pai enny $10 ae neki. raeviaee, Clos meri, LARGE LIGHT housekeeping rocm in wiet home, -central, sult gentleman. 12 ELGIN STREET BAST -- Sleep room for gentleman, centrel, reer nort General Motors, hospital and bus. $9 per week. Abstsiner No parking, Open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m, kos >