co Set ec all searienny~-Cabinnts 16 CELINA 81 | ,HEINTZMAN COLOR T.V. * josh Po MANGAN, GC, Sollclior, 725- 0586 723-2312 723-1139 & Company Ltd OR BLACK AND WHITE Money . A aN ee l4ve King Street Be < 7% Simeoe St, N., Oshawa Al k lisa as! a, vi jnaciiiamnamicaiaae Delivery Service an ean work guaran' JAMES MACDONALD, 8A, tLe, CARPENTRY =, New ano repairs, blocs Telephone 728-292) Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| and cemént ree estimates, 728-7680 Established 1909 GUARANTEED REPAIR to ail wringer) TRIO, TELEVISION a, The Commercial rn -chent cee ALC" ¥VPES cen PAIRS werhors Ord range eh, Free estimates nibh to actin: 6 awa, ' i x r ¥ 4? oF | a available, 728-4716 of 725-471 ES AEAERS Mh sob pon Cae har Was TOP SOIL | | a 728-5143 SSR 9S IME FRED R. JONES, =i eee nd 48-2774 niaaar tek Son aii Septic Service Solicitor, at King ast, | wenn "| a ecessed for ton dress Rust PEDAII7. Residence 7250351, repairs, large, and smmalt Yona Land) | $3 yard, non-processed 2.28 | ENETIE TAMAS sieaied, Bromel agumcs| © T.V. TOWERS. Procr Servier the aeons i Re 'tk paareg eo Conutewerren Ris on yerd West, Whitby, 668-2569 COLORED TV 723-2231, Res. 723-0944. snow. Ra oe con built new. wae OSHAWA GARDEN| I§ or black and white 6" slab, overhead door, and painted SER } urveyors | 24-Hour Service Easy monthly payments arranged. 72% V CE |W RLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| 723-0065 668-5830 For 9 Z heceies ' 723-1161 ot bad 12 Elgin Street East, Phone fi hf z RESULTS NEW PLASTERING and repairs Wye, a nee | 78S paras =| RAE'S RADIO & T.V. rn ' Sanat "AND FLEIS: TIMES eernete. A. C. Wood, 728-3420 or 720 SMITH'S TREE FARM iar band. Surveyor, Tse es ii fades TE SEE ae | treet, 7 725-! T V Ie ane ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get @ Cedors for Hedges ie wea ace egg SERVICE ACTION Ore Ate ne years. Disa @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse) | aie marketplace, Classified Ads. DAY OR EVENING -3492 EXPERT PAVING. F timate, i @ Dry fire wood cut t t . ; = basse Ese eens o0 ok teller won| ee eae Ot te Be 'TW--Redio Repairs eahigneg fee, 11 years In business. Verrano Paving,| _@ Posts and poles. HAWA CLASSIFIED RATES a [all collect Newtonville 786-2283 nen Geer nos aes Git chaaes| |TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim, or Til cot ELECTRONICS Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 words, $1.087|Frank McCann, RR 3 Oshawe, éss3061, ae gore, Free. Metienties. 7255118: or secutive msertions words secutive Insertions of 24 words, $5.04; additional words 2Ic. each. 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pidey, Octobur 14, 1966 Let } A Courteous Ad-Writer Help You . Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to : p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Remodelling contract OF 4c. each? additional words, exch of 12, 24 i day. 725-9404 YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner. neys built, repaired, gas linin Gere = i os te - additional charge/roofs repaired. Free estim # paid witni deys. KEEP HEAT IN: Caviking and weather | ri- enna work 5 sas |EAVESTROUGHING -- Murray Holll- . Free estimates. Chim-| 9s Sas 297 | Greens, sods, patios, fencing. | COOPER-SMITH SOD -- field and nursery. Free estimates. Prompt delivory. 725-3325 or 723-9910. | DARLINGTON GARDEN SERVICE -- Free estimates. Phone 987-4754. Ever- Instruction Method of Counting -- Less than 24 stripping for all types o 4 nis as ords; each word,|Vate or contractors. estimates. Witcl, figure. or abbrevietion counts as| Phone 723-6058. | BALLET SCHOOL one # phone number counts two Meria DeKurthy. A former words, Carpentry member of the Vienna Opera IRTHS--DEATHS-- REMODELLING, trim work, cupboerds,, House. Ballet teacher of Miss Soctay NOTICES chron fawn a Free esti} Oshawa, Ballet, acrobatic, $2.25 "aisee boot ee) auithin ® days. notional dances. Classes start- -- ee Dentistry ing on October 18, 1966. athe the fet 0 werts ont ic. (RIALNKG DRE OT Dana sreeer| =o maa thereafter pius 2c. per line of|112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For or information call verse) 25c. additional charge if not paid iment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441, | 728-3957 ree aneie ote yg 4 wae Hoge My «Dent || AURELIA ~¢ CURTIS, ARCT. Studio ol | CARD OP THANKS Fae clon saan Osnews, Piano Instruction, 3.10 9 p.m. 1130 King $2.25 for the first 35 words and Sc. | Soet oc nopen 723-5630. thereafter with 25c. additional charge if Dressmakin |- fet peld within 8 days, J |Janitor Service COMING EVENTS STORE OFFICE or homes cleaned. ; $2.24 per inch (display); $1.78 Sor the EXPERT i ag al ae first 20 words art Sc, each er estimates. Cali Ken's rgieanine Service, (Word Ads). ALTERATIONS 12 Gladstone Avenue. 728-9538. ON SALES : tin PeR INCH PER INSERTION, WOMEN'S "CLOTHING Money to Loan | | » ane ENINES Tver, GUARANTEED [ressonebie pos of interest to consol . WOR lyour bills or for ai i iorthwh 3 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS E 725 3746 Soren prowidind ied ae deaaily em- FOUND ? am. DAY OF PUBLICATION __ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ' than one insertion of any advertisement N : sid ts he . 2--Rooms for Rent LOST AND BIRTHS AND DEATHS ORESSMAKING, alterations. Suits, | 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION coats, dresses, etc. Work dene profes-| specialty. sionally. Mrs. McNamee, 668-8756. poe enierseantacaledehein lant DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, Ployed and have Good credir, 723-4631. alterations, slip covers, drapes Fitting Mee Cee Ty Te te ee Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372, IN MEMORIAMS end CARDS OF THANKS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS DRESSMAKING and alterations by pecened dressmaker. 728-0206. ex. Reasonable price 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous) 8 col Gardening and Supplies umns or larger -- 10 a.m. dey previous. CARE ATIONS AND CORRECTION: 9 am. DAY or PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before pub- lication will be charged on day's insert- ton, BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be made to forward repiles to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible, we ac- cept no ilability in respect of loss or @amage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such re plies, however caused whether by negli otherwise. The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing not for more for beyond the price charge for a single insertion in wich orror occurs. The Oshews Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to -- its}. Proper classification. In the cases of display advertisements The Times wili not be heid responaae for more space than that which the actual error occupies, The Lae peg th = gat to reproduce all Rategtan Bo Igy rectly, but assume no tiability of aver. tisement if any inaccuracies in any form @re contained therein. IT'S EASY TO PLACE a TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS BUY BULBS NOW For -- in the Spring . Plant. Now ! 'ton dug Evergreen and Flowering Shrubs FERTILIZERS @ So Green @ Evergreen LAWN SEEDS Stop in todoy for all your gorden needs. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 King St. E. 725-6551 . Women's C 2--Personal 3+Sportsman's Column 4--Motorcycies 5--Trailers 6--Marine Equipment ' 7--Swap and Barter &--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket W--Farmer's Column Pets and Livestock ¥ W--articles Wanted 13--Articies for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 15--Employmernt wanted 1é--Agents Wanted :W=-Femaie Help Wanted 1--Male Heip Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wented 20--Reai Estate For Sale Not Just "Nursery Sod" But BLUE 100% crass PICKED UP OR DELIVERE Visitors Welcome "ALL GREEN" NURSERY SOD GROWERS Taunton-village OSHAWA Townline N., ¥%@ M..N. o' 725-9674 SOD D f 20a--Summer Properties 2il--Farms for Sale 22--Lots tor Sale --Real Estate Wanted 4--Stores Offices and Storage i5----Houses for Rent 6--Apartments for Rent h--Room e Board Gm Wanted Rent SB Avtomonies for Sale 31--Compact Cars for Sele i2--Trucks for Sale 13--Automobies Wanted 34--Automobile Repair I5--Lost and Found 4--Legal 7--Auctions Coming Evenis 29--Noticns TOP SOIL, SOD Fall Sale of NURSERY § HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 55 Glovers Rd. 725-1721 A sERviCer "Cheek Want "Business rial for Ads tor reliabie| to order | Street, 725-7212, | Matai lis "PLUMBING AND. HEATING sup- Mortgages | FIRST and SECOND | MORTGAGES @ Residential @ Commercial @ Industrial Immediate Service and Even- ing Appointments. For com- plete details call BRANCH Rent A Piano AWE WIND 1§ USED 1K 7m PemAigatt ' By R. J. SCOTT A. Crip, CAPE. OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD, RR remem Predera ee IL Wi ati eta, | Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies {Sales and Service : | Bt, "ite fk itnSee| Residential "TOP SIZE" APPLIANCE | bos caneys aceourENe Bra! © Commercial BULBS REPAIRS bo Doss corn as poe Mle net Industrial ; | Expert repairs to all makes | voup yn gases 1 PH GUTMANN, Chartered "Ageoun- Tulip Bulbs of washers, -Arvel. tenets Girt fant, Licensed Trustee, 7 Bond Repoirs --~ Alterations Hyacinith " " " -- 723-4833. f yac ate, " re a xe! Additions --. Remodetting Datfodii @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ T WOSMAR, Si hulte For all your Construction ae : ahs! awa, to get Telephone. 723-127. Needs -- pagal ALCAN i HowKins, BEADLE AND Co. CALL AE PAXGOUK oF Accountants, Finencial Trade, Bulle! JAMES ALLEN & SONS | Dutch Irish Bulbs FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES Bony Ahir og es i 3 +s oping car hE 725-6126 Grape Hyaciniin coe §. ae SAFE EVEN FROM TKR oe " Saas ai €6., Char. Paper White Bulbs : aay SAWS OFATIGER.« Rae as sine' red erin, OSHAWA HOME Regal Lily | Hah Aluminum Sales ocanemtion: ' ANN VA Oshawa 726-7371. IMPROVEMENTS Hyacinith Glass Taunton Road E oF WAR =-sanrous| RA CO Custom Built Kitchen---Bath» Bonemeal Hampton ° Berristers Camel mome-eed sil | Peat Moss - Phone Gekene 725-6064 Porson anougn | TURNS RAM AXD MAN, Berrioters. sollchors "aa "aine| 7 cKOY Pp Rose Collars Siding, windows, deer, awn: OF IT CAM NLA A "Street East, Oshawa; Hut FOP. Bird Feeders ings, Sstanewerk, railings, 164 FULLPGROWNM MAN, | AND MANY .. a Bovenyn, QC, BA, LLB. Office "Sts 8576 |W Rie years experience 2 Hie oy Gas) assign NMA and] } Wild Bird Mix ut E Sait Lawest Prices Siding Exp ev vie Be atin a wba"™| J.B, WITHROW : |8--Articles for Sale 19--Market Basket THREE-PIECE res green and grey, good condition, Telephone 728-5819. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40 ff. structure, all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Tele- eae vision, S Sr ee iar QUALITY RANGE -- be ton with toa ere ha ys 'aiging Delicious, rtiand on a fe Oshawa Motel" Ma Toile northe oes house. Bring containers. . During National Newspaper 'Week 15--Employment Wanted HAI yOusranteed work, mori oe 10--Farmeérs' Column "|DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick. ae Promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tel Collect 263- carpentry, 725-2938. ANY KIND OF WoRt zy RK required, ences. 'Prefer 4 4 to 32 or 12 fo © pum, shifts, Apply Box ----e 'Help Wonted doors, awnil railings, etc, Low prices. Telephone TH. 2g ' GUARANTEED USED a television, rorntore 1 etc, and yp Alcan Furniture and Ahora, Simcoe South, iB APARTMENT aCe ~ beds 3 dressers, $10,, cribs hers $15. Street East, Valley Creek, 728-4401, BIKETIME! Schooltime! New, odie Repairs all makes, craw Centre, Bond Street East, 725-6344 FREE! Furnace Cieanea, aujusey jie. bape gg trouble - free winter if youl @ from Western Ol! Company. Hossa FLOOR COVERING BARGAINS. Thous- ands of vards of discontinued patterns from 29c, Wall covering 49c. Wilson's Furniture, Church St. FIREPLACE | Noo > -- White birch, and 16", delivered, HONEST CALS RE-OPENED Whitby. s Furniture x. Cagle a4 factory prices, 205 Joh 2721, M Clesece 4-C-66. /11--Pets and Livestock HORSES BOARDED Bought and sold, New barn. 150 acres posture. 175 acres riding space, HANCOCK ROAD N, __728-5738 -- 728- 7768 ~ K-W RANCH All types of horses for sale. $25 down, Easy terms, Trial fiGts, Huy ttues, ately Ride daily Mon. - Fri. $9. Spacious. box stalls, Ask for aye or Ted, Pickering 942- EIGHT-YEAR-OLD HORSE. nome 289136 Sy EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Must have first-class secre- torial skills, managerial capa- " bilities and several years ex- perience. Excellent working conditions with company benefits. Salary commensure aie wiitt experience, For oppointment please write The Manoaer Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 135 Simcoe Street North CaaeNaTELE rary we six months, barely teed. Custom holstered, Telephone Claremont, Ga9-2168, 1967 SKI-DOO SNOWMOBILE 'by Bombar- dier, world's largest producer of soft soil vehicles ani McCulloch chain saws. TV----Radio Re 8--Articles for Sale world's largest producer of chain saws now cn display, United Rent-All fee 555 King St, E. at Wilson, 728-556: NOW. SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE e WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, . Ply- mouth, Pontioc. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and camber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition .... $6.88 @ Ports, extra if required for ' perfect tv reception on 10 channels with no antenna get cable tv call 723-5278 @ Torsion bar adjustment extra, ' e BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars. First Quality "S14 4 wheels. 14. 104A Byron Street South, Whitby. Well Drilling--Diggirg |WELL DIGGING by machine jizing In 30-inch file. . Ward, ED'S TV TOWER and Aerial service. Free estimates, all work guaranteed. For fast service call 668-6761 or 728-6879 at special- 204 Chest- |nut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668- 3809. WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel Wh ts ee $1. SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL 1--Women"s Column RIVIERA COIFFURE Men and Women's. Hairstyl- ing. Most beautiful Salon in Oshawa @ 20% OFF Perms This Month Only. 723-8601 East Mall Plaza 600 King St. E. 2--Personal CENTRES The New Name Of DOMINION TIRE*STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-6511 CONTINENTAL BEDS, resses, half price, Finest quality Mo ag Head- boards. Factory out 33889, NEW, USED pairs to all Jack Lees, 728 We BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. |FRIGIDAIRE asuiomatic washer, in ex- jcellent condition. $60 or nearest offer. | Hampton 263- 2781. THREE PIECE green chest framed picture, two, 30 inch 'Tobie lamps, wine leather storage hassock. 728-8323. 16 FT CEDARSTRIP boat, Merc. 700 outboard motor, boat tra' Will sell complete or separate wv. SPACE HEATER in good c sonable, Apply 16 Erle Sirect at atter's 5 P. TWO, PROPANE GAS stoves, $40, two oll space heaters $35, tire and wheel 500819. phone 728- RIFLE 7 MM Mau Telephone 942-6488. sTOVE-- Gibson, 5 standard. Used only six months, Telephone 723-7090, PORTABLE AIRCO arc be ie 8 'on rubber. 300 amp, 100 ft. of electrode cable, 50 ft of ground, gas powered. sne-9528, CHILDREN'S COATS and dresses, sizes 4 to 6X. Also children's dresses, sizes 6X to 7, etc. Telephone 723-4929. uums, nay: Re- New hoses. sed one week. . {Also Scotch Collie trained guard dog, in games, quiet, $225. LABRADOR, biatk, spayed female, 1i "jmonths old, all shots incivding rabies, needs good country home with lots cf room to run, Telephone 668-6135. HOUNDS FOR SALE. Written "guarantee for deer, arg be seen at 68 Wayne Street, Apt, 9 BEAGLE PUPPIES, . 5 purebred, ably priced, Telephone 352 6939, Uxbridge. FOUR SEALPOINT Siamese kitten sale, Whitby 668-8993. e|HORSES BOARDED. Close fo Whilby. Box stalls. Good riding area. Telephone Cedi or apply 916 Dundas Street West, PINTO MARE, biack and white, Well mannered. Telephone evenings, 728-4028. PUREBRED REGISTERED GERMAN Shephard pups for sale. Telephone 723- , Feason- Young Kennels, rn pena BOARDED, rad limits, Mr, R, Fair. reece 72- iat puppies, "One Yellow if rador, $35-$75 delivered. Also pure white and colored Persian and short- hair kittens, show stock, 985-2645, COLLIES --~ house-trained miniatures. $25-$50 delivered. 985-2645. REGISTERED Samoyed, years old, ready for iB sy nearest offer, Telephone 649-5444, BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T. Broad, 114 Elgin East. COZY-J RANCH Kennels, shepherds, males, 4 mi 9 mos., trained, shots, stud servs. As! 655-4662; eve. SAMOYED PUPPY, male, egg ber inoculated, three months. two "S00 or Reg. German WANTED 'NOW! Teenogers --- Mothers -- Grandmothers -- to. start at once showing luxurious Chrit- mos cards to friends and neighbours. Earh plenty of extra cash for Christmas this easy way. No experience needed. Our catalogue does the selling for you. Over 300 items beautifully illustrated in full-colour. Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free catalogue. Monarch Card Co., Dept. 22, 217 Can- non, Hamilton, Oshawa YWCA Program Pepartment Part time worker for program department, preferably some- One with experience in group work or the field of recrea- tion. 10-12 hours weekly, mostly in the evenings, Ap- ply in writing giving quolifi- cations, experiences, refer- ences and: telephone number to Personnel Chairman, Osh- awa YWCA, 199 Centre St., Oshawa, re pemeriee dead Stud saves. FINAL CLEARANCE of Singer automa- tic. washing machines. Regular $309.95, reduced $50. No down payment. Two only. Singer Sewing Centre, 16 Simcoe St. N. Drop in or telephone 725-5443. TERMONTRSUD *RED irish Setter, male, purebred, $25. Telephone 942-5529. 12--Articles' Wanted READ LEATHER and chrome electric guitar and fender amplifier. Telephone 728-7089. RANGE, | Westinghouse, 30 Inch; Ean baby carriage and large crib. eee WEDDING DRESS, peau ¢ onth old, very modern. Besoin Phos ond train. Will sell for half. Size 10. Tele- phone 728-3270. AMPLIFIER Silvertone, reverberation, tremolo, two channels, four input, foot |}, switch, twin 12 Inch speakers, Thilmore crystal mike. Used two years. $125., 725- 0745. All types of lumber, pipe, win- dows, doors, stairs, toilets, Removal of superfluous hair Morie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Oct. 17th, 18th and 19th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these days for appoint- it; "ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 | | sinks, tubs, overhead garage doors, steel windows, steel beams, wooden beams, cup- boards, furnaces, panei box: es, boilers, rads. Anything in the line of used building ma- terials. For sale year round. Telephone 725-4171 or 728- 3521 from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE on all Singer felevisions. Save 10 per cent and more on portable and console models. Drop in or telephone ae" ave Centre, 16 Simcoe Street N. 725- CUSTOM PICTURE fr sani and art sup- sup- plies. Telephone 668-4497. FOR QUICK SALE, chest of drawers, kitchen suite, six chairs, . diningroom suite, double bed and other items. Tele- phone 725-9389. BROWN ABLE with six » almost brand new. Tele- COMPLETE BED with better quality mattress included, for quick sale. Open for offer. T (668-8 WANTED -- arriving at ride t Toronto, .30 am. Telephone 723-6873. 3--Sportsman's Column [HUNTING LICENCES, guns new and DOUG TERWILLEGAR 723-1157 eRs. 725-6210 FIRST AND SECOND morigages ave | | lable W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Broc | Street North, Whitby. 668-3338. MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available "for first and second mortgages. Open mortgages. No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages and " pure M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES -- All Classes -- ~-- City, Rural, Vacotion -- SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers 'FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale! |agreements purchased and sold. Hennick| and Hennick, Barristers, 21 King Street East, 723-7232. Optometrist F. RICHARD BLACK, 0 oD, 136 - Simeoe tin Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone ivainting a and ind Decorating _ | PAINTING and. paper hensing? tree - | fimates lephone 723-3100. 'Plumbing and | Heating --_ ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- | ling, new and used materials. Reasonable rates. Estimates free. TIF, J. Foley. plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South, Rug, Upholstery Service RE-UPHOLSTERY «by experts. Estab- |{ished 20 years. Workmanship guaranteed. ree estimates, Credit terms, Mattresses et built, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up- |holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311 CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered andl re-styled. Free estimate. 'See: our mate-/ re-covering. Slip- covers made| Dalton Uphoistering, 73 Charies| ' chased, | 723-8131 T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give'you a better tower for Less Money OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E. Gust East of Ritson) 723-8132 jused, bought and sold, ammo and hunt- Ing supplies. Valley Creek, 16 Bond St. W. 4--Motorcycles 1966 HONDA 50, three months old, $170. Telephone 728-9373 after § p.m. er Satur- day any time FREE We will deliver free of charge truck load lots of dry hardwood rippings within o 5 mile radius of Oshawa. Please call PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. 5--Trailers TRAILER CLEARANCE TRAILERS. HEATERS. RE- FRIGERATORS. Authorized Service on trailer heating and refrigerators. MILLER HEATING 9 Tudor St., Ajax, 942-3491 |WORLITZER ei 725-4744 electronic piano, Philip 21" television. Philco 12-cu. ft. refrigera- tor, Philip's three-speed record player. sh oy suite, floor polisher. Telephone AUTHORIZED BURROUGHS, Oiympie dealer. Cash regs., adders, typewriters, Le Pe being boyd choice, $2 wkly, No y down. used, rentals, serv- eer Srades. ill 'Hamilton, Raglan, HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE. BEST WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! T.R.1.0. FELEVISION: - Corner Bond and Division 728-5143 RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE -- RENT Open Sundoys 2 - 4 P.M. BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot at 401 and 28 TRAILER HITCHES made and Installed, also all types of welding done. Balad vid equipment for rent. Telephone _7: HOME MADE box' iF tor | home made car top carrier for small car. Whitby 668-8921 TELEVISION--RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS For Prompt Service Call j112. Simcoe St. N. -- 725-3568| Whitby -- 668-5679 1964 GLENDETTE 14' cabin ?raller, excel- lent condition, will consider trade for 14 boat and motor, In good condition. Telephone 723-403). 6--Marine Equipment FOR SALE -- Humber Javel boat, 35 Mercury engine trailer, $725. com- plete. Whitby 668-49 NORTHCRAFT rarasias 18' boat, motor and trailer, three months old. Telephone 728-1258, "STARCRAFT" ew Traveller boats, Evinrude motors. Open evenings. and weekends. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd., Brooklin, 655-3641. CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs. Service dept. Also T.V. open 7 days a week, towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- nos, rotors installed, Sales and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 306 Kitchener Avenue, Call 725-0500, All _anteéed, T.V. Rentals work guar- New Sets ALCAN . FURNITURE.AND APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe 5. 723-0011 FOR $ALE -- boat motor and treiler. Best offer. Telephone 723-4515. MATTRESS BARGAINS. Ali Wig of mat- tresses, all reduced. Smooth- mat- tresses, $29.) crib mattresses, ora) mat- tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; rerawey cots complete, $19.88, Wilson's Furni- ture, 20 Church Street, he jp tdelglecd mad Fo yen a clearance models, 2 pc. suites with foam alan from $138. Modern 4 seater sets from $158. 3 pc. sectionals from $188 Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- pliances. 'ae Elmer, Hampton 263-244 or PawniTaRS for. students, --_ office to,.portables,._reconditioned, 1 yr, $39, File cabs., like new, 4 dv., 990. We. will not be undersold. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-021 Fleming Vacuum Service, Malin Stri Pickering. 1963 KIMBALL ORGAN, electrasonic 500, two keyboards, 14-key pedal, many stops, immaculate condition $975. 942-0409. pal aie SELL -- Good used furniture ces, One location only. Pretty 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. STORE EQUIPMENT -- 18' tobacco wall case, coke cooler, plastic -- restaurant trays, milk shake mixer, stainiess stee! GIRL'S SKATING OUTE e velvet trimmed with white fur. new. Reasonable. Phone anytime, 4765. |, blue Almost 668- FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual- ity furniture, 'only $299., Includes com- plete bedroom, living room, kitchen en- semble. Pay only $3. weekly. Unbeatable values! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. STANDARD TYPEWRITER Port- able $40., adding machine $30., National cash register, electric multiplier. 723-4434. TYPEWRITERS for students,' office » portables, reconditioned, 1 yr. $39. File cabs., like new, 4 dr., $40. | not be undersold. Bill Hamilton, we Raglan A-LINE "bridal gown, . size 11 to 12 With " train, $56, Telephone 987-4844 after 5 p.m. LARGE Westinghouse refr , Find: lay electric range, one tnolis fr aaner all practically new. _Apply $46 Monteith Ave. COMBINATION | washer-dryer: ~~ wringer washer, Both in goad ndition. Girl's winter coats, sizes 8 ond. 12. Telephone 668: 4 Cc NAT BOOKCA ind de! $20., small walnut dining table $25. Tele- Phone 725-1396. Dye og Fl record player, with AM FM radio with extension speakers, Hd 2)" portable TV with stand and 21° floor model TV. 723-5656 or 253 Sinclair Avenue. TYPEWRITER Carvonser es ao table with carrying Case, le trade for standard virice. model 4 St. East. 723- 2512 daytime only. PIANO upright, apartment size or grand. Will pay cash. Move immediately. State make and price, Box M44814, WANTED -- house trailer, 14 and up, Must be in good shape. Willing to pay cash. Telephone 723-7679, WANTED -- One pair tap dancing shoes, lady's size 7% or 8. Telephone ee WAITRESSES Required 7 a.m. -- 4 p.m. ond 11 p.m, --.7 om. Apply Mr. Campbell Genosha Hotel GOOD USED FURNITURE. What you? Valley Creek \6 Bond Street Wert 728-4401. GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices. or arn MacNeil's Furniture, 668-548 WANTED -- Rie ae Telephone 723-4744. WANTED: Turbo-Glide transmission for 1958 Pontiac V-8. Must be in good } tion, Call 668-6978 after 6 p.m, BASS AMPLIFIER win ITED. Must be in first-rate 723-9606. 3 to W. COSMETIC x REPRESENTATIVES REQUIRED Why not phone 725-5151 te discuss joining us in promot- '| SHOWCASE COSMETICS RELIABLE WOMAN to babysit dren in their own geod me days ra week . ly. Call after 5.30 o1 PIANO -- apartment -- good condi- tion.. Call 668-5238 after 5.30 p.m, 13--Articles For Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses. Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS { 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 BABYSITTER 5 for week, live in. Two school Malet phone 655-4472. bagi Ke . OR MIDDLEAGED lady to live In housekeeping. Ample time off. woipiene 728-3636. URGENTLY REQUIRE! jalified elde erly lady or couple or with one child as" housekeeper t for small family, Mother is working most of the ti Private three-room furnished a arte and board included for the right applk Cant. Please apply Canada Manp-wer Centre, 314 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. Hinged ORDER COOK and clerk for cof HALL FOR RENT @ Dances @ Weddings @ Stags @ Banquets @ Showers, etc. Stage -- Bar -- Kitchen fa- cilities, Accomodates up to 300, C. Borun 725-9718 P. Soltys 723-4332 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. ENTERTAINING? Fifty fo one hundred ings. Bar, ROUnEKENPER for elderly people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-|Comf home, quets, parties, an 25 - 4 years, nonamoher Telephone 728-0283. 3 BABYSITTER TO MIND 'anna ae ees mother attends school. Mostly hings, and some days. Balley Drive' ares, Telephone 728-9677. FAMILY with two mall ehildren re small "children "ree quires midd vin small child to vein In, tight pics keeping duties. Private bedroom with TV and all conveniences. Call 263-2968. ABLE WOMAN or girl to live is do light house work and mind four works, a while mother "| Phone 729-318 gentleman, lortable » all conveniences. Ap kitchen, | ply Box 46106, Oshawa Times. parking. 723-2140 evenings. 14--Business Opportunities BABYSITTER REQUIRED & noo Telephone afters ns wats Wilson Road area. 28-3664, EXCLUSIVE Canadian manufacturer needs distributor in Oshawa area, to operote new process in high public demand. Earn up BABYSITMER WANTED, James Stree area, Telephone 723-4714 after 6.30 p.m. cOmPAInOW = HOUSEKEEPER for old- er woman, in new apartment Port Street to $30,000. yearly, Total in- vestment $5,000. Write giv- 18--Male Help ba od ing name and phone number to Deluxe Chemicals, 574 Rogers Road, Toronto 15. auto- DEER RIFLE, 2006 Remington after matic,-$100- or--best-offer, Telephone. i nm. 725-2445. |MUSKRAT BACKS, _three-quarier coal WHY WORRY ABOUT A LAY OFF -- BE YOUR and stole, like new, Two new fire cor Two boy's bicycles, full size. Antiqu 'ocking chair, end and coffee tables. er venson's Rd. North. RINGS for double bed, hone _723- 3960 after 6 p.m. R.C.A. VICTOR television, floor model, china cabinet, roll-away bed, hot water brand new. tank, dresser and drapes. 'Apply 235 Evlalie Ave. ss THISTLE baby carriage, brown, good condition. Priced OWN BOSS. FOR SALE OR RENT -- Service station and garage with equipment, restaurant building and living 'quarters. Rent $65, per month, sale price $9,500. 942-5126. Telephone 728-6588. 9--Market Basket po dab barbeque, large stock plastic poons. teh heart T 12 359-1598. POTATORS FOR Ale -- free delivery. Wet ESTABLISHED | CARS truck fruck and 728-1: railer PARTS "FROM 1957. PONTIAC -- good gine, transmission, rear 7--Swap and Barter TOILETS, TUBS, vanity basins and! sinks in cabineties, pressure systems, septic tanks, laundry tubs, piping and fittings. H. Chinn, 268 Hillside. FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION 758 oe TELEVISION &40 a.m. te 9 om. MARKET BASKET : en springs, bumpers; grill, hood, trunk {id, right hand hardtop door, slightly used |? ball joints and a Many smoaiter parts. Cheap, 728-7 ONE CEMENT | Bieha as with one horse- power motor, $65. One aluminum awn- iro, 16 x 1, an! Space heater, $50. Telephone ie 723-7 be ane grand pitino. Good con- RE Clary, th top freezer, bive Interior, excellent con- eg Oriental rug, wine "ge he x 7, Apply 241 Quebec Street. ', , good Condition. CAR RADIO with two speakers, genera- for with voltage regulator and 12-volt battery, heavy duty. All for '55 Buick. 723-8885. VIOLIN, CASE AND BOW, $25, Fender itar, $100, For more information call $hs-0680. PIANO -- Mason and Risch, apartment size, 50'. Price $375; Heintzman piano, $195.. Telephone piano tuner Mr. Cave, 942-5. 942-2689. FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT -- Upright plano, mahogany, beautiful tone, $250 or .|to Oshawa Motel, beige M0 sel VARIETY STORE with four-room apart ment for rent, basement and back ya: ard, all private, Good oe tral monthly. Telephone 7: location, $95. es pS ggol- with Ein sweer "CIOER thy. W. T, Cox, of "sore rroniae School, eer and Weal- 1% miles north inter call Lloyd lll yrs dd Guide Realty Ltd. ee South. i., 16 Simcoe APPLES FOR SALE -- Mcintosh, Spys\ Delicious, Cortlands, Blenheims, Y Salles. Bring yeur -- 173 Gi rard Rd. N. Phone 723-0379. McINTOSH AND SPY apcles 1 | and $2] Uy Corson, 723-5281, Guide Realty Ltd., Lor In awa, 53' by nye on two streets. An iditicnal 34' by 99' on adjoining prop- y if desired, For full particulars call 6 Simcoe St. South ber bushel. Bring 728-5819 or 339 malaga Road. Bia | ir mao Wanted APPLES, McINTOSH, $1.50 beehel and and Tolman Sweet. Bring own contain- ers. Algoma Orchards Ltd.,, Thickson|'2, Rd, North, Whitby. . APPLES -- Mac's, Delicious, Acourtiand, east on No, 2 Highway pas: " mile north, house. Bring containers. GREEN TOMATOES, $1.00 per bushel. Scott's Farm, Harmony Road North to the end of the Paverente turn left, third house on h white --tne| UP. Also Spy, Delicious, Courtland, Russet| MOVING? CALL ROBCO. 728-282882; 723-6030, any time, RESIDENTIAL 7 {and = window ad Boy's floors sanded and refinished, scuff resis- jestimates, WILL GIVE DAY CARE to children, two years old' and over, in my own home, Simcoe Street, 3230, Reasonable Free estimates. Also specialize in wn maintenance, handyman services. and commercial fi maintenance, hardwood floor fant maintenance free, 725-1885. low cost, free Are you baci ee per- manent work? We. are _an_ expanding hardware company and have vacancies for the following: PARCEL DELIVERY DRIVERS ----- must be over 25, and WAREHOUSE MEN -- experienced. ° These are permanent posi- tions at our warehouse located in Don Mills, and we offer excellent fringe benefits. For interview, apply: Mr. T.-C. Dallas AIKENHEAD HARDWARE . LIMITED 1325 Lawrence Avenue East DON MILLS Ontario Brooklin, Telephone 655- » Brooklin anytime. BUMPER Courtlands, oa PPLE: ~ Macs, Maybelle and -- Snows, etic oe mile north of Whitby, No. 12 Highw: FRESH THCETABLNT Carrots, cab- bage and pumpkins. Walter Huron Farm, Ya mile west of Oshawa on 401 north service road. RELIABLE WOMAN would like employ- ment as housekeeper for gentleman. Tele- phone 723-7866. HOUSEWORK WANTED in Oshawa area by. reliable and thorough worker. Tele- nearest offer. Harmony guitar with case, excellent condition. Telephone 725-6293. play pen, Telephone Whitby 668-2690, BARTLETT PEARS, "size, | cent six quart basket, Pallock orchards, 'medium Highway, Telephone 723-3139. METAL BABY CARRIAGE and new|i mile north Whitby. East side No. 12 NEED. LIVING QUARTERS? R iid, or baby In my home. South, 'General Mofors area. For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 Read "Rent" eds in Classified now |