4 ? f f i i E oo burgh has been awarded the 12th and final franchise in|next year at Forbes Field./) the new National Professional|Other cities in the league Soccer Weague, it was an-|New York, Philadelphia, nounced Thursday. Peter H.|ton, Hartford, Washington, At- t and treas-|lanta, St, Louis, Chicago, Los urer of this city's new National|Angeles, San Diego and. Tor- Block, vice-presiden' Mh Featuring: -- > CLUB JAYS FRANCHISE URGH (AP) -- Pitts-|which will run the soccer team, Hockey League franchise itch a MEA OO ETRE IE THIS WEEK THE YOUNG SET 'spokesman for an 18-man group the| said it will play its home games are Bos- and|onto, 9 -- 50¢ Memb Admission: -- 75¢ Non-Memb 0.C.V.I. AUDITORIUM SAT., Sct. 15th . . . ot 8:30 pm.. WHITBY ARENA SAT., OCT. 15th Rhythm and Blues Tickets at Door @ , 8:30 -- 12:00 p.m. Dress --- Casual P Dancing EVERY Saturday Night ~-- Shirt and Tie i ESCAPE! (Upstairs) RAYDERS | The centennial flame, symbol of Canadian unity, which will burn continuous- ly on parliament. Hill at Ottawa during centennial year, is put, through a trial TEST RUN FOR CENTENNIAL FLAME run at works department area. The natural gas flame is in the centre of a 12- sided ructure bearing bronze plaques of the pro- | BLOWS OWN BUGLE vincial crests. --CP Wirephoto |Bishop William Rogers of Ful- By DAVID LANCASHIRE BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -- The mixed - up politics of thela xas steer. the world -- and a bishop who|around country is trying to get into the White|the United States. Homer Tomlinson of the Church ' pire, says his election cam: "Now I'm on my way to Viet The king, Pentecost] Bishop|am to stop the war there," \Presidential Candidate, _ |World King Puzzle, East pet of his own -- a yard-long|said Bishop Rogers. "I thave bugle made from the horn of|personal power, but I Middle East have become even| Bishop Rogers is 'the king's|horn in Saigon. It is time more puzzling since the argivaljright-hand man. He has been|figh of two Americans--King Homer,|campaigning for 1968 F 73 -- self - appointed ruler of|Theocratic ticket by 'of God in Queens, New York,| « put on a slightly misshapen alu- minum crown and named him- self the monarch of all nations in Jerusalem last Friday, re- peating a ceremony he has con- ducted in many American com- munities. Now he has arrivéd in Beirut on a bus to drive to the bib- lically famous Cedars of Leb- anon "to climb the highest ce- daz and Shick oh Fol hishoet branch," This is to fulfill a bib- lical prophecy of Ezekiel, and the kine intends to plant twigs from the branch in airport lounges in London and New York. On the presidential front, KEEP IT DARK CLUTTON, England (CP)-- Councillors in this Somerset- shire village are holding unof- ficial bingo sessions to pay off £2,000 still owing on the new village hall. Chairman Harr. Dawson explained, "Officially it is not run by the parish council because that would be against the law." By JOE McGOWAN JR. + st PAT & MIKE FISH & CHIPS "Generous "Servings" HALIBUT, SHRIMPS, SCALLOPS 723-1951 688 HORTOP ter Indira Gandhi. have. occurred on and off the rolls, etc. DAILY SPECIAL FISH QUEEN'S HOTEL DINING ROOM OPEN 11 A.M. -- 7 P.M. DAILY Fri. and Sat. Home cooked meals, Home-made soup, pie, Soup, Dinner and Dessert 80c oni Drop~in-this weekend for a end Enjoy Country & Western Music by the "Rodeo Boys" @ SPECIAL! - PAT & MIKE'S 688 HORTOP ST. "GENEROUS SERVINGS" Halibut -- Shrimps -- Scallops, Etc. For the Fastest Service pleose Phone in Your Order fore You Leave Home, 723-1951. " COUPON |, i save 2Bc ; ll On all orders $1 or over when this coupon Is presented. [ff Limit One Per Customer, a - Night 'till 10 p.m. SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RED BARN in recent weeks. tion's leaders must look . for NEW DELHI (AP) -- India's|ways to eliminate problems be- dents are on the rampage] hind the unrest. from one end of the country to} jyrs, Gandhi called for a the other, threatening law and) forum for students to bring up order, and posing the current) prievances and thresh them out No. 1 problem for Prime Minis-|jn «an atmosphere of under- standing which is free from vio- Riots,. marches and strikes| lence or disorder." She noted that one problem campuses in nearly all 16 states} was India's great population growth, which has outstripped The prime minister has made] school facilities. She also said it clear the violence must be|that more developed countries stopped, but also said police}have extracurricular activities must show restraint and the na-|available for students, whereas By ROBERT BERRELLEZ SANTO DOMINGO AND HIS peg of President Joaquin delicious "Ri "aie quer. ' b Steak 50 NEW TORNA For one thing the president's Toronto's austerity program has elimi- Most Versetile Group nated the serving of coffee by white - jack valets & CHIPS ae alae ae Cole Slow ........... SECOND SOLO DINNER 60c Cale Slew Nop Plantation Fried Chicken SPECIAL! Fri., Sat., Sun. BUY 1 "SOLO DINNER" 3 Lerge Pieces Plantation Style Chicken --- Golden Brown French Fried Potatoes --- Sevory Summer Included with ALL ORDERS "IT'S DELICIOUS" he CHICKEN HOUSE 577 King St. East a 728-4771 ry ramay x | and for another the palace press office is without film for the duration of the program. More conspicuous, and more | The Big Fun Dance | significant, is the lack of a feel- | CONTINUOUS DANCING The Sounds of the Big Beet The Place to Meet 2 EXCITING GROUPS THE SECRETS THE LORDS OF LONDON ° Dencing 9 p.m. te 12:30 tis Adestesion $1.50 Om 9» hme , 2 we eS pay-cheque reality to hun- ing of imminent disaster that prevailed during the life of the provisional government had pre- ceded Balaguer's inauguration. Even during a flurry of wild rumors of a budding coup d'etat a few weeks ago, the palace pace was of busy unconcern. The mood of the 59-year-old re- former who runs the country was that of a corporation exe- cutive facing a grave problem, not the loss of his job. TAY CHEQUES HIT The austerity program is the cornerstone of his national re- habilitation plan. Accepted ini- tially as a short-lived campaign pledge, it has become a pain- WaaRaaoancommanamen |knew each had killed his limit. i } Cre orett of £0 ;|and to businessmen with over- DANCE Club Annrene SCUGOG ISLAND The most Modern Dence in the County of Onterio. Music by Bill "EVERY SATURDAY 9 till 12 P.M. HOT . BUFFET LUNCH Served from 10 to 12 p.m. Meals served by our own personel chef, MR. HARRY BLONGE. We will eoter for Ba » wedd! i for 20 persons to persons. For Reservations Cell -723-5731--OSHAWA 985-2751--PORT PERRY vernment employees stocked shelves and a shrunken market. There have been only muffled grumblings of discontent so far, probably because the plan's full effects have not been felt. Even dedicated critics con- sider the lawyer-historian an in- corruptible, morally unassail- able man who, ironically, built up his reputation while serving the dictator faithfully and effi- ciently. | In his methodical way and with support from the military,|; Balaguer seems on his way to shaping the economic and politi- cal strategy for the delicate task ahead. HUNTERS RAZZED ELMSDALE, SS. (CP)--Ivan Hennigar and Robert Wright each killed a moose early on the first day of the hunting sea- son. They were congratulating each other when a third animal --much larger--wandered out of the bush, eyed them and am- bled away again, almost as if it Fea "NO ULA.W. TEEN DANCE SAT., OCT. 15 1 P.M. TO 4 P.M. The Ugly Ducklings turing Non Members 76¢ JEANS" He seems to have convinced (AP) --|many Dominicans that he rep- Things are different at the Do-|resents the last frail bridge be- minican Republic's National] tween chaos and peaceful demo- Indian Students Pose i Problem For Premier in India there are almost none. Education is free and compul- sury<but India lacks enough classes or teachers for the mushrooming student popula- | tion. Foreign exchange troubles have resulted in shortages of textbooks and laboratory equip- ment. For those fortunate enough to earn degrees, the job openings are few and the pay is low. Much of the student violence results from frivolity that gets out of hand. Student strikes have been called because one group felt an examination pro- Austerity Regime Changes |: Life In Dominican Republic students, The danger is that the stu- dents are learning the power of their mass protests and ore unl- versity vice - chancellor has de- scribed the student demonstra- tions as India's version of Palace, seat of the three-month-| cratic rule, SATURDAY IS "DOUBLE COUPON" DAY ... GET TWO COUPONS WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE This Saturday all downtown Oshawa stores identified with the "Win A Prize Downtown" signs are giving a bonus coupon with every dollar pure chase... shop downtown this Saturday and save ! PRIZES INCLUDE ... @ The new Camaro, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. @ $1,540.00 in merchandise voughes. @ Two, seven day vacations for two to Honolulu via Canadian Pacific Airlines. @ Four winter vacations for two to the Bay Motor Inn and Ski Village. @ Electrohome "Envoy" portable television--Parkway Television. China's teen - age militant Red Guards, fessor was too strict or because medical. examination was made compulsory for first-year ton, Mo., took his campaign to Jericho, Jordan, and marched around the walls brought down by Joshua's trumpet in Old Tes- tament times. The remains of the walls are still there, and Rogers was- blowing on a trum- GUEST BAND: TICKETS AT DOOR BAR FACILITIES OVER $8,500.00. IN PRIZES! win-a- prize CLUB CAMARO | DANCE PARTY -- at th -- GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL (DOWNSTAIRS) (For Young Adults -- 21 to 35) ADMISSION --° $2.00 PER PERSON DRESS -- JACKET AND TIE CLYDE DON QUARTET FRIDAY, OCT. 14 - 9 P.M. to 1 AM.