ELLEN WILSON, DIANE | Shi i NUGENT, KATHRYN SEELEY Five Girl Guides SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Of 29th Company Receive Cords The 29th Oshawa Girl Guide Company honored five of its members at two separate parties. An All-Round Cord party at St. Mark's Anglican Church was held for Diane Nugent, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Nugent; Kathy Seeley, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Seeley; and Ellen Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Wilson. A talent night was staged by fellow guides and refreshments were served by girls trying for their hostess badges. Cakes, suitably decorated for the occa- sion, were presented to each All-Round Cord guide. A Gold Cord party was held when the presentation of. the cords was made to Karen Magill, daughter of: Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Magill and Ronolee Waller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Waller. During a candle-light cere- mony, the girls' fathers pre- sented them with their cords. A Gold Cord pin from the Osh- awa District Parents' Commit- tee, a Guide ring from the 29th Parent Committee and'a spe- cial Gold Cord cake from the 29th Company were presented to each girl. Movies were shown and re- freshments served. Youth Of Today Behaves The Same} As Early Greeks Mrs. Lioyd Courtice, in ad-jfow dressing the regular meeting of the Coronation Home and School Association on "Home and Telephone 723-3474 for Miss Ruth Lackie and Miss Genevieve Lackie, London, On- tario, and Miss Versa Woods, Galt, were thanksgiving visitors at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Frederick Morris, Ritson road south. Mrs. Andrew Chrisomalis, convener of the Evening Chap- ter of the Hospital Auxiliary's "Centennial Caprico! Ball', held a meeting of her commit- tee at McLaughlin Hall, Wed- nesday evening. It was decided the dance would be held Janu- ary 28th, at the Jubilee Pavil- ion. Mrs. John Carnwith was appointed ticket convener. Mrs. Daniel Shutka will be in charge of reservations. Mrs. Sydney Temple is co-convener of the dance. Members of the com- mittee present were: Mrs. Colin Ashton, Mrs. Garth Gil- lespie, Mrs. Grant Hart, Mrs. Donald G. Malcolm, Mrs. G. E. Jones, Mrs. Jack Stewart, Mrs. Lloyd Weiderick, Mrs. Ronald Wendorf, Mrs. John Carnwith, Mrs. Daniel Shutka, Mrs. Syd- ney Temple. Wednesday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Drage cele- brated their 65th wedding anni- versary with a small party by their daughters, Evelyn, Mrs. Reginald Fowler, and Mildred, Mrs. Carl Scammell. An anni- versary cake provided by their \granddaughter, Mrs. William White, was served. Flowers, cards and many-messages were received including some from greal-grandchildren in Edmon- ty and Mrs..Drage, who have Yesided in Oshawa for 61 years, were married in Leices- ter, England, on October 12, School in Action," left the mem- bers with this thought: "Our youth now love luxury. 2 They have bad manners and .contempt for authority. They *show disrespect for their elders ; and love idle chatter in place »of exercise. Children are now "tyrants -- not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before com- pany, gobble their food and tyranize their teachers." "Is this an assessment of youth made by a disillusioned 20th century parent or teacher? Take heart -- this statement was made by the Greek philoso- pher, Socrates in the 5th cen- tury, B.C.!"' Mrs. Courtice was introduced by Mrs. James Allen. Mrs. George Glassford wel- comed the many parents and presented Mrs. John Chmara retiring president, 'with a past- president's pin, thanking her for her faithful service over the past three years. It was pointed out that the November meeting would take place one week later than usual, November 28. The guest speaker would be Mr, Allan A Rowan-Legg, Regional Director of Expo "67, who will speak on « that subject. 1901 and came to Canada in 11905. They have one son, Law- rence, and two daughters. Mr. {Drage served as sexton of St. Women's Department Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kellar of Hamilton were Thanksgiving weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Pincombe, Simcoe street north. Miss L. Dorothy Martin, ex- ecutive secretary of the Feder- ation of Women Teachers' Asso- ciation of Ontario, will be in Oshawa for the October 19 meeting of the Oshawa Women Teachers' Association. Miss Martin will address the meet- ing on 'Teaching, My Career." Mrs. J. H. Jones, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Walsh and family, Rossland road west, Whitby. She plans to leave October 20, to visit her son, the Reverend J. C. Jones, pastor of the Church of San Louis Ray at Laredo, Tex- as, where she will remain until February 1967, when she will again visit in Whitby before leaving for her home in Eng- land in May. Mrs. Mervin Baker opened her home for a meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Osh- awa Police Association, to make plans for the upcoming bazaar in November. The fol- lowing conveners and their re- spective tables were set up: linen, Mrs. Leo Lootsma and Mrs. Edward Forgette; bake tabke, Mrs. Duncan Foreman and Mrs, Dennis Mackey; \Cox; children's table and fish }pond, Mrs. William Hayes and Mrs. Dennis Gibson; touch and take, Mrs. J. D. Powell and Mrs. Lloyd Young; white ele- phant, Mrs. Mervin Buchwald and Mrs. Douglas Aird; tea room, Mrs. Kenneth Ostler and Mrs. Bruce McGregor; country store and candy, Mrs. Charles Hiltz and in charge of the draw |George's Memorial Church for 50 years until his retirement several years ago. for the money treé of 25 silver jdollars, Mrs. Charles Hill. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Ukrainians Meet In Oshawa | For 28th Eastern Convention The 28th annual Eastern Can- ada Convention of the Self- Reliance League of Canada and its affiliates, the Ukrainian Women's Association and the Canadian Ukrainian Youth As- sociation was held at the St. John's Hall, Bloor Street East, during the Thanksgiving week- end, The delegates and guests were hosted by their respective local: branches with the presi- dents, Mr. John Tymochko, Mrs. John Dutchak and Miss Linda Dobroshinksy in charge. The president of the S.-R.L., Mr. Luke Tomashuk of Mont- real officially called the con- vention to order and after the opening business requested Mrs. Peter Ewchuk of Toronto to preside for the Ukrainian Women's Association meetings and Mr. Peter Smylski of Tor- onto to preside at the youth ses- sions. Delegates from Long Branch, Toronto, Windsor, Brantford, Waterford, Hamil- . Catharines, Grimsby, Niagara Falls. Ottawa. Mont- real and Lachine gave~ their reports. » SATURDAY'S SPEAKER Following the annual reports for 1966-67, Mrs. Roman Sluzar of Toronto introduced Mrs. Makar. Sushko of Hamilton who addressed the assembly regard- ing the "Role of the Younger Women in Organizations." The speaker acknowledged the ground work history and efforts of the founders of or- ganizations but anticipated a greater threshold was awaiting the women in the approaching decade. She foresaw that a great initiative must be in- stituted in all facets of volun- teer endeavors as greater de- mands on a woman in her ever-changing position would bring leisure hours to a mini- mum and her social time would become a chore and extinct if it did not compete with the theatre, sports and other activi- ties. Although a young woman her- self, she had the conviction that the "belonging" gave her as- surance, faith, confidence, hope, as well as the opportunity of and writers in their efforts to BARVINOK DISPLAY AND FINALE Walter Kuch and compiled of handcrafts of Barvinok's mem- bers aroused great amongst the guests. The em- broidery used in the original conventional adapted to modern design; the ceramics and decorated eggs all woman proud of her home dec- orating and her varied abilities. youth of Eastern Canada joined in a grand finale concert on Sunday evening to a capacity audience. An especially interest- ing feature of the program was a youth choir m massed together for the per- formance under the direction of Mr. John Tokary: of Ot- tawa. progress and achievements as a new settler. She continued in praise of Ukrainian pioneers who at- tained their pursued geals and realized magnificiently archi- tectural churches, schools, homesteads and education for their children, She commented on their an- tion in its social and political life. Mrs. Melnyk mertioned the acknowledgements and praise voiced by Prime Minister Les- ter B. Pearson on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Ukrainian settlers in Canada for their contribution to the de- velopment and cultural mosiac of Canada. A mother of two children, she recognized difficulty ia rearing youth in today's diversified world but encouraged young parents to continue the proud heritage they had received from their parents, who trought their culture from the Old Country. in .couciudi suc aprearee to the convention to voice its pro- test condemning the unjust ar- rests in the Ukraine of poets uphold their right --the Ukrain- ian language. A display, assembled by Mrs. interest stitch and also Ukrainian portrayed the The collective talent of the comprised of embers from all branches For the entire convention, CIN at a rere ere Po ee gt ee a ae ore chorage to Canada and integra- in Oshawa at the weekend. The official group above in- cludes, left to right, Miss Linda' Dobroshinsky, Osh- © awa president Canadian- Ukrainian Youth Associa- NATIONAL DOLLS were prominently displayed among the handicrafts on view at the 28th Eastern Canada conference of Ukrainian associations held tion; Mrs. John Dutchak, president Barvinok Branch (Oshawa) Ukrainian Women's Association; Mrs. George Fokaryk, na- tional president, Ukrainian Women's Association of pres- ident UWA, and Mrs, Wal- ter Kuch, convener of the handicraft display. --Oshawa Times Photo Chapter Hears From Mdm. Gandhi Thanking IODE A letter of thanks from Mdm.| Indira Ghandi, Prime Minister of India, to the National Chap- ter of the IODE, was read at the regular meeting of the Gold- en Jubilee Chapter. The sum of $2,000, had been sent to India through the Nat- ional Emergency and Welfare Fund of the IODE, Mdm. Ghan- di stated that this money had been allocated to famine relief among the children of school age in the stricken country and that it was her hope that it would also be possible to ex- Miss Sandra Hughes, whose marriage takes place tomorrow to Mr. David Wayne Spencer, has been widely entertained. A personal shower was given by three of her attendants, Miss Mary Demoe, Miss Penny Vancourte and Mrs. Donald Jeyes at Mrs. Jeyes' home. The bride-elect was presented with a negligee set. A linen shower was given by an aunt of the bride-to-be, Mrs. John Carey, Masson street. Mrs. Paul Peterson, Gibb street, opened her home for a kitchen shower. Bride - Elect Sandra Hughes Entertained At Many Showers the Hotel Genosha, followed by a miscellaneous shower. experience, mental cultivation Rule. and acquisition of friendship from coast to coast. In closing she stated the prerequisite of membership to be a sincere de- sire of fulfilling the Golden Christmas table, Mrs. L. Avery, | Bowmanville and Mrs. Douglas | A dance, convened by Mr. Morley. Parfinuk and Mr. Wal- ter Kuch on Saturday evening, which was attended by all, young and old, proved very tivities. the luncheon and the St. John's Sisterhood, the banquet. Miss Carol Stezik represented the youth, Mrs. Alex Stec, Mrs. Walter Kuch and Mrs. Walter Grigorenko from Barvinok and Mr. John Tymochko from the Self . Reliance League co- ordinated the convention's ac- Mrs. Paul Plishka convened successful. SUNDAY SERVICE Choirs from Ottawa, Oshawa and Toronto assisted the Rev- erend Rostyslaw Panczenko dur- ing Sunday's Liturgy. The Epistle was sung by Mr. Eu- gene Luchkiw of Grimsby. After the banquet, greetings were expressed by the National presidents of each of the or- ganizations: Dr. Paul Ochitwa of Toronto, Mrs. George To- karyk and Mr. John Urichuk, Jr. of Toronto. Judge J. R. Solomon of Winnipeg was an honored guest and speaker as was the Honorable Michael Starr. UKRAINIAN PIONEER Mrs. Halyna Melnyk, Mont- real, was the banquet speaker. She outlined the beginnings of the Ukrainian woman's pioneer windows and screens becomes easier if; you paint a matching number on each window frame, storm window and screen. Then, just match the numbers. HOUSEHOLD HINT The job of putting up storm tend the assistance to mothers and pre - school children. A recent photograph of Chap- er's adopted Greek boy, Joseph Portellus ..was . circulated and compared with an earlier one in the files. It was decided to send a donation to the Korean Projects Fund, which supplies powdered milk and X - Ray film to that country. Mrs, J.E. Rundle, education secretary, reported that an ap- plication from a student, a graduate of O'Neill Collegiate now. attending McMaster Uni- versity, had been received ask- ing for a bursary, which the Chapter decided to award. It was also agreed to continue the HOUSEHOLD HINT Apply a coat of thin, clear shellac to art reproductions to "age" them. Ss Collegiate at the forthcoming commencement. Mrs. H.J. Todd was installed as a new member. It was an- nounced that the chapter en- rolling the greatest number of new members during the forth- coming year would be recog- nized by the National Chapter. Mrs. A. V. Walker; convener of the annua] dinner dance, re- ported that plans were well under way, and then gave an account of her travels in Eur- Co-workers of the bride-elect at Crown Life Insurance held a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs, Dorothy Kirk- bride. Mrs. Gary Turner, a close friend of the future bride's mother, Mrs. H. W. Hughes, entertained in the Rib room of A pantry shower was given by aunts of the prospective bridegroom, Mrs. Norman Small and Mrs. William Crou- ter at the home of Mrs, Robert Small. ' A neighborhood shower was given by neighbors of the future bridegroom's parents, at the home of Mrs. William Rora- beck, who was assisted by Mrs, John Rogeman.. Mrs. Rink Bowler held a mis- cellaneous shower for neigh- bors of the bride-to-be. Following the rehearsal to- night, the bridal party will be entertained at the-home of the future bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Spencer, Hibbert street. , Fun! Friendliness { Fellowship { Modern Square Dancing INSTRUCTORS Jim & Betty Allen BEGINNERS CLASS ~ Every Mon, 8:00 to 10:30 STARTING OCT. 17 FOR INFORMATION 725-6126 proficiency awards at Centraljope this summer. had ee ' WIFE PRESERVER Skim grease from hot broths by floating a paper towel or life in Canada -- her struggles, facial tissue on top. YOUNG MODE RNS SHOW UP in PURE WOOL sy SHELL--This year, one of fashion's most desirable dictates---the sleeveless shell Picture yourself in this 100% English Botany full-fashioned sleeveless sweater with neck zipper. It's machine-washable and comes in the new exciting shades for Fall - ace an eam ame $ Mix or Match PULLOVER . CARDIGAN SLIMS <a sweaters. $10.00 KIRT--Complete the prettiest of pictures im a fully-lined perfectly matching 100% pure wool skirt, woven from superfine English Botany. Dry-cleanable with-colours dyed-to-perfectly-match all Kitten pure Botany wool "$17.00° © PURE VIRGIN WOOL Look for the Woolmark on the label when you shop id BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR 72 Simcoe North Open Friday Till 9 win-a-prize You Win Two Ways at JURY & LOVELL LTD. Tomorrow... LOW, LOW PRICES... and you'll receive DOUBLE COUPONS too! 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