nea ROCESS OSEAN EARN _ WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY RQar eae re ay ag ng ene \ Presbyterian Women's Hat -- St. Andrew's in Women, Groups) Ro: Presbyteria No, 2 and 4, convened a most successful "Hat Show and Des- sert Luncheon" held at the Masoni¢ Temple. Upon arriving ladies were served a delicious qQessert ang tea or correc. The following members took ar active part: Mrs. Warren Mowat, Mrs. Carmen. Sarles, Mrs. Lioyd Campbell and Mrs. Ray Kennedy. Mrs. Mowat wel- comed all present. acting as models were: Mrs. W. J. §. McClure, Mrs. John Harvie, Mrs. Thom- as Brown, Mrs. G. M. Boles, Miss Jane Mowat, Miss Mar- "Club Holds "Queen Recognition Night") The Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club held a "Queen Recogni- tion Night" at Kathleen Rowe school with 24 members pres- ent. The meeting was chaired by co-leader, Mrs. Irene Hunter. The total pounds lost was 27 pounds. three queens corwned were: July, Mrs. L. McKinley; August, Mrs, Irene Gow; Sep- tember, Mrs. Lillian Smele. These members were reward- ed for their' great efforts in| following strict diets and are| Home And School The president, Mrs. William Speck, gave a talk on what the association is doing for children at the meeting of the Palmerston Home and School Association. The parents were asked whether the association should continue. The vote was unani- mously in favor of | con- tinuing the organization. Great- er support for its activities was promised. Principal Hogg introduced his staff. The meeting then ad- journed and parents visited their children's classrooms and Tops Club Plans The Whitby Shrinking Violets TOPS Club met at Dundas |which was auctioned by Mary Show Successful garet Sleep and Mrs. James 88. The highlight of the evening was- the wide selection of novelty hats in "Metallic" which can be worn any time and are most flattering. It is nara w STITUTE a porucuias style as turbans, cloches, wide brim hats, off the face, over the eyes were all worn with}. ease and glamor. y There was a good selection of crushable, reversible all-weath- er hats in various colors, All hats showr. could be purchased that evening. Funds raised from this project will be util- ized by the women's group. an example for all members to follow. A delicious diet luncheon was served. It proved diet food can be most enjoyable. The table was nicely decorated in the autumn theme. Each member brought a gift) Proctor who acted as auction-| eer. Funds derived from this} auction sale will go towards the) crowning of the yearly queen. | A visitor, Mrs. Margaret Heaslit, of Ajax, was wel- comed. methods of subject. The Dr. Russell, director of the Reading Strdv Centre, College of Education, University of Delaware; Miss F. Poles- chuk, reading consultant, teaching the leaders are G. Stauffer, Public School teachers from the town of Whitby and the Pickering Township School Area No, 2 today at- tending demonstrations and discussions in three Whitby schools as part of a reading conference dealing with new North York Board of Edu- cation and Miss P. Moore, a master at the Peter- borough Teachers' College. The conference opened with a dinner and address by Dr. Stauffer Thursday night at the Carousel Inn, Ajax. AREA TEACHERS HOLDING READING CONFERENCE Seen at the Ajax gathering, from left, are: Dr. Stauffer, Miss Moore, Ross Drew, chairman of the conference committee and Michael Fernley, chairman of the Pickering Teachers' In- stitute. --Oshawa Times Photo Support Promised had the opportunity with the teachers. Attendance banners went to Mr. Hanson's class, Mrs. Brady's class and Mr. Staples'. The social convener, Mrs, R. B. Carswell, was as- sisted by room mothers, Mrs. A. W. McGuire, Mrs. D. Jen- kins, Mrs. R. Stubbings and} Mrs. R. Allan. The next meeting will be held Jan. 10, 1967, when the guest speaker will be Howard Hemp- stead who will address the group on the new mathematics method. Hallowe'en Party to chat $4800 Damage WHITBY (Staff) -- An Ux- which included doctor and hos- bridge couple were awarded a|pital bills for his wife, Maureen total of $4,8000 in special andjand $100 in general damages general damages, 'Thursday, in/for three lacerations the plain- a civil action before Ontario|tiff suffered in the accident. County JudgeAlex C. Hall in| s County Court. The action re- A etn Colton sulted from a two-car collision | a face ' . ; | received lacerations _ re- |$hip Line on Aug. 20; last year, 'Wiring 70 stitches, was. award | 3 ; ed $3,000 for pain and suffering Judge Hall, in assessing the including a further. plastic sur- ; | largest judgment of the October) sery operation which she said etc. This will be followed by a|sitting found that defendant,/she would undergo at a cost of diet luncheon. |Joseph R. Dunning, 19, of Pef-| $495, who! Uxbridge Couple Get Award Plaintiff Colton said the road) was wide enough|for two cars to pass and that his vehicle was) stopped at the time of the 1m- pact. |HOSPITALIZED 11 DAYS | Mrs. Colton said she re-| ceived facial lacerations and| a broken nose and as a result spent nine days at the Ux- bridge Cottage Hospital and two days at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. The plaintiff's Counsel, John) URGES WAR GOODS BAN TORONTO (CP) -- Canada should stop selling to the United States war material destined to be used in the Viet Nam war, Walter Gordon, former Liberal finance minister said Thursday. Police Warn Of Salesmen BOWMANCILLE © (Staff) The Bowmanville Ontario Police Detachment has warned Bowmanville and Oshawa area residents to beware of fast talk- ing magazine salesmen working in the area. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 7, 1966 § warned area residents, especial- DIES CONVENIENTLY ly older people to be ware of Philippines. the salesmen. He said the|°Ts) -- Five group had recently invaded the Peterborough area where local|/Thursday. They their com- police placed an advertisement|panion dead at the scene of the in the newspaper warning resi-|crime--a funeral parlor. ents. 3 Provincial Police said the : Blair Pork Vista R.P.A. Police Cpl. J. A. Wood said the salesmen are going from door to door advising people that by purchasing subscrip- tions they will be helping the schools in their area. Earlier this week a 70-year- old Blackstock mati was fast talked into making a downpay- ment of $45 for three-year sub- scriptions to three magazines. After calling the Bowmanville Provincial Detachment, were able to retrieve the money which had been paid by cheque. Corporal Wood said the oper- ation bordered on fraud and MICHAELS STERN Finest quality suits tallored from sharp looking long weor- ing COURIER cloth in shades of HICKORY'N BLUE SPRUCE. Now in Stock Mercantile Dept. Store 321 Brock S$. 8. WHITBY PLAZA | FORMER NOVA SCOTIANS peice Ry he _ representing is in the area, Hard Times MmAAIAE bw PAIN Gs E Square & Round Dancing SAT., OCT 8 8:30 till 12 P.M. LL, Paints end Varnishes LEGION HALL Penee Miaaee ae WHITBY DODD & SOUTER || rere te ros torments rigs pte $3.00 Por Couple 107 Byron Se. $., Whithy PHONE 668.5862 on ee PRESCRIPTIONS Formerly Re-Filled --_ Af -- WORFOLKS PHARMACY May Now Be Obtained at COURTICE PHARMACY : 117 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-2394 eee a wee wow 1 DECORATING SHOP Wellpaper end Murals Draperies If you are a skilled: An opportunity awaits you back home. Good wages, steady employment, increasing op- portunities with growing Industrial Development. TOWN OF WHITBY HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION FALL CLEAN-UP WEEK OCTOBER 11-15 There will be no garbage collection on Monday, October 10th. Garbage normally collected on that day will be picked up on Tuesday, October 11th. Street School. The leader, Ele- anor Cougle, presided at a dis- cussion period when members made plans for a Hallowe'en party to be held at the school Oct. 25. Several suggestions were made for costumes. Prizes will be awarded for the best cos- Tentative plans were made/ferlaw, was travelling east on ¥ for a night of cards. The date|the Township Line in the middle eo F ggn' soe mb gia and definite plans will be an-jof the road as was the plaintiff,| (+. tac fers t dish : nounced later. This is to raise|Robert Colton who was travel-| ain aight i" is a funds for members to attend jing east. e allowed her the judgment. the TOPS convention in Wind-| sor, in May 1967. | Florence Edwards elected "Queen" of the with a loss of 3% pounds. Turret Lathe Operator Milling Machine Operator Grinding Machine Operator External--Internal Machinist (set-up and operate milling machines, lathes, drilis, grinders) Greer of Oshawa, said the facts | spoke for themselves and sug- gested a $1,700 in special dam- ages and $3,100 in general : |He said that at certain times|damages for the plaintiffs. The judge ruled that as the) scars even on a female were| Defense Counsel Clare W jcars approached each other! attractive blemishes and served| Morrison. of Newmarket sug: |they both slowed and pulled to/to set off the rest of the facial sect d:thet Colicn-had created Bee Tent Est ae Deaeiee betsy, ithe emergency by driving in the vehicle's right front. wheel WaS| During centre of the road and Secom: tume, most original, comical] caught by ihe edge of tie Git) Township Police Constable John|mended $1,050 in general dam- and the defendant continued in Clark said the accident had oc-|ages. ¢ . : M ' Sacrament Se Held At St. k's the' ditch for' 175 feet. curred at about 4:05 p.m. on) Judge Hall said it was not an The congregation of St.|Word of God Incarnate) was\snor ACROSS ROAD \the 18-foot wide: gravel road.|imprudent practise for people Mark's United Church observed|sung by the choir. | Judge Hall said that instead|He said the collision had been|to drive in the centre of a the Sacrament of the Lord's) Sunday evening representa-\o¢ braking the defendant had|in the westbound lane. narrow gravel road. Supper last Sunday morning.|tives of United Churches in the|trieq to accelerate his vehicle| ~~ ne a ts ae a In this way the congregation|west end of Oshawa Presbytery | out of the ditch and shot across shared with other United|met for a planning fellowship) the road when the front wheels Churches and those of other nee aoa egy by &lcaught the curb. denominations in the observ-|panel an iscussion groups. | , ance of World - Wide Con sonal spariated, ot Miss| ine piaintift ae _ munion. tleanor estney, rs. a ; : . An appropriate anthem "Ave|Doble, Neil Murkar and Dr. |lese rete: a Aieyy Fevabitced Verum" by Mozart (Jesus,'W. W. Tomlinson. Lik in the font seat GF Vib cab with WHITBY PERSONALS jcompensation for the Colton 'vehicle, owned by the plaintiff's In charge of tea tables are: relli, Mrs. Stan Bronisewski,/father, which was written off Mrs. L. F. Richardson, Mrs,|Mrs. Paul Kaiser, ei Wil-/as a result of the collision. Cyril Heard, assisted by Mrs.|/am O'Neil, Mrs. Keith Mac:) Robert Colton, 28, of Main Mrs. Ted Waring and Harold Quastrill, Mrs. Ida\-nus Mr aring and st., grarded Simpson, Mrs. Gordon Farn |Mrs, J. B. O'Brien. dale, Mrs. William Jamieson, | Extra trucks ond men have been assigned throughout the week to handle the extra load that results from Fall clean-up. Your co-operation is requested in having all garboge out EARLY on your regular collection day. Disposal area on Hopkins Street will be open from 8:00 A.M, to 5:00 P.M., TUESDAY to SATURDAY, inclusive. Please place all material beside your regular garbage. John R. Frost, Sierk Adminisizveion was week | the trial Georgina | Tool Maker Tool Inspector vening Programs Start 7 & 9:00 Saturday Matinee Starts 1:30 BROCK * WHITBY 2 AN Fk Poin Heat Treater Operator RED CROSS HOME NURSING COURSE O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute TUES., OCT.-t1th Registration --- 7:30 P.M. THIS COURSE IS FREE OF CHARGE Machine Repair Mechanic Plater Please write stating: education, trade training and experience, former hometown In Nova Scotia, earn- ings expected, marital status, etc. him. Damages included '$1,025 as All replies treated in strict confidence No fees or obligations. Box D9911 Oshawa Times . "8 { taken Bane) Cmte ms ctor tmrnncen Cinechopt Colby Delve Storring .. . Ann Margaret -- Bob Cummings -- Red Buttons Recommended os Adult Entertainment. was special GD PAINT SALE Inside and Outside WHITE AND HUNDREDS OF COLORS No Extra Charge for Special Mixing 15 GALLON Uxbridge, $675.20 in Mrs. Wilbur Davis, teacher Mrs. Edward Breen, Mrs. Jo-|of handcraft, volunteered her seph Ward and other members 'time at this work shop to show | of the Unit. | the ladies new ideas in eyed |mas decorations. These articles Mrs, John Smith and Mrs./ wil; be on sale on the CWL ee Pees om, | bazaar to be held Oct. 29 at e 0 as! -1$t. J ny sh | hes, Davie tae ek ie. Kl Pee McKelvie will assist. Leaders | of other units will be in charge; At the close of an enjoyable! of country fair, variety and evening the hostess served re-| bake table. | freshments. | ! Mrs. James McCarroll, 124| While in Whitby Mrs. Davis Bell Dr., opened her home for | was also a visitor at the home| a "Bazaar Work Shop." Pres-|of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bir- ent were: Mrs. Richard Sand-'beck, Victoria St. E. We Invite You to STEP UP! to the Great Car for '67 As regular as clockwork! aim pl eg Pa ae Srtain 95; We fly there more often than anyone else at this time of year because we think there's more for you to enjoy. More front-row views of historic pageantry. More star- splashed West End premieres. More time for cosy chats in quaint old inns and pubs. In fact, about the only thing you won't find more of, is rush! So prepare to relax. And right through winter choose from 16 BOAC and Air Canada flights a week from Toronto to London. Inciden- tally, the average mid-winter temperature in London is some 16 degrees above Toronto's. Quite warm, really. So is the welcome you'll find aboard your BOAC jet. ONE LOW PRICE > BOAC RATION WITH pops Dod @ SRITISH OVERSEAS. AIRWAYS CORPO AIR CANADA S67. . the Bieotest ever, js here now! Luxurious appoint- ments; great styling; performance be- "la! DODGE feotures the orl- inal and proven 5+ $EAR/S0,000-MILE pow- er train warranty! You know it's greot! ... made by Chrysler! ee NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER DODGE 918 BROCK < Y > BE ON THE SAFE A and Travel Information Cell or See | | Cell New for Complete Travel Arrangements | MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE | } 25 KING ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001) i { Cc Trevel A FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL OSHAWA--WHITBY--BOW MANVILLE--BROOKLIN 57 King St. E., Oshawa--728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 yond compare; and selection of models to sult every taste or budget. See! Drive DODGE '67 now! They're here! DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 BYRON ST. WHITBY -- PHONE 668-5862 FREE DELIVERY