Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Oct 1966, p. 20

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' QQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, October 7, 1966 FAC ye Ce WEG Bee Eh Ss | TITLUIALT ILI Tr a LL ee Pe Le ba MARKET TORONTO 10:4 AM, recs 3 2 = == THEE ge sss eat fl se8e8.e8s F g wsaSek stdes§ sa8e8. ss ot > Ss a . sa" ie PEE + --10 : oz Exéze. ss~sEsBeen Exes. sus seu8 + 10 9 A+ 1% we +% wb Bb 3 =" 750 $14% 14%4\ 4% 100 140 «140 20% 20 a -- Ve 2000 16% 16% 16% a 23 234 23 id a 16a 26% 26a + ig 82 M4 Ba-- a v 7 ae a a ie 210 ha +4 3% 15 15 19S 195 «(195 5. wo 17 WW --3 1 7 74 S54 + Ve 4 16 es) bd ios si io Dona Dunraine ast Mal 'ast Sull iZ 585 --§ ae, sa want "on te A al a 188 475 a 188 385 500 An a Bett 213 a4 $00 1850 is ie 500 (67 7 2000 6 500 188 2 16 V6 +4 uA U4A--" 7 3 +1 BS 435 Th 78 515 2B 330 510 13 4 12 560 ary 2 -1 560 "4 4 BA BA+ 1 3 #0 +8 142 » 20%--1 ws +32 400 12 0 20 4000 20¥4 20% 100 175. 175 OILS, GAS 2000 24 24 24 S11% 11% 11% -- 4) 27a 27a 272--- 2 259 240 242 +15 Fargo Gt COilsds Int Hellum Mill City Numac Numac wt Okalta Permo Petrol | Dofasco p mts a U_ Canso a5 W Decalte '4 4 24 TAN rremnT ee BAVEF Uo) Bb AU AER Aces 475 39% 31% 90 $232 2 w Brazilian BA Constr BA Oll BC Forest BC Frest p BC Phone CAE ind Can Cem Can tron Can Malt $10 1 $124 12% 12% 25 $12% 12% 12% 510 8$33% Sage 10 105 y ye 33% + M 3% Wat 7 4 0% Wa--% Bist Seag D Electro Dofasco 230 282 100 1% 30 $84 84 : $10% 10MM | $19%4 19% 19% $202 20% Wia-- 260 160 $192 19% 19% HB Oil Gas $11% 11% 11% Husky Oil Husky C pr Husky D W Imp Oil 100 325 $ 24$330 330 330 sso. 88 985 S80Y%2 80% 8014 100 1 Hi Hy 3 300 7 110 BAR Fae hha «| 650 $5% 5% 5% i $21 21 2k me "i $92 9% 94+ Ve} ¥} $27% gg an - Ww) 150 $19 1175 400 By 250 $10%2 10% 1 oa 212 $16% 16% \ mo 613CT 2120 $124 1% is $6 6% 0% 100 $14% 145% 14% 130 y 2B 10% 700 32 Bia--V 16% 16% 2 re ae --5 IMC ~) Int Nickel *% int Util Int Util pr Intpr Pipe intpr Steel intpr Sti pr Inv Grp A Jefferson Jeffersn w Jockey © Lau Fin ui evy Life Inv wt --10 M Lf Mills Maritime Mass-Fer Molson A Moore Morse A Nat Trust NB. Tel Norands _ Man Oe 2 2 21% + %) 15% 15% 4 74% 74% -- %) 16% 16% 15% 15% 16% 16% 46% 47 + 11% 11% + Vel Wa VW 2, 2 275 €11% 317% Pow Corp 400 $10% 10 10 Pow Crp pr 125 $412 41% 414-- Ve QN Gs 63w 100 40 430 4 Rank Org 150 395 395 395 Rockower 125 $18 184 18% Rothman 190 $244 24% 244 -- Royal Bnk 162 $65%4 65 65 -- My Sayvette $00 355 355 355 --5 Shell Can xzii0 $19% Sliverwd A 750 $15 Ww "A 19% M15 $2714 im 131 $15% 15% 400 $10 100 $9% Wie 2300 $204 20% 100 $17% 17% 100 $47 47 65 353% 53% 50 $33% 33% 75 $57 = 57. 100 $10% 10% 570 $28 (27% 47 370 710 710 400 $16 16 400 $7%e 734 15 7% 15M 10 +! om Va 4+ 20% -- 's m"--- Slater Sti St Paving Steel Can Steinbg A Stuart Ol! Tor Dm Bk Tor iron W ee 3% -- we 3% 57 10¥%e + Ve) 27% -- Vo | 47 710 16 Tor Star p Traders A Tr Can PL Tr Can Pip Tr Can Pw Trans Mt Trans PPL Un Carbid Un Gas U Corp B Vie G Tr Wanoce O Walk GW Well Fin A Well Fin B Weill Fin tc W Pacific Weston A West Awt 500 $ + 134 $16% 16% A pill 5900 305 650 $26 z10 450 100 275 s 275 $17 05 $15% 1926 650 25% ee - =% 450 «450 278 25 - 275 v7 i Ao - Ve Zenith 100 170 170 Sales to 11 @.m.: 459,000. By The Canadian Press Clairtone ™05 $104 0% 0'4-- 25 $754 754 75% 10 140 1 " pow Agnico Cowicien Gunner Madsen RL N Rank Sullivan Upp Can DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS 150 131 28 395 2000 190 Canada Crushed and Cut Stone Coe NBs Oe, Se *€C-/ term, 98.766 and 5.01. per cent.| , 12% cents, Oct. $1, record Oct. 14. Parker Drilling Co. of Canada Ltd., 15 cents, Nov. 1, record |*" Oct. 14, 36 Varieties of Beautiful Specimen . . SAVE -- SAVE -- SAVE advice end top quality "EVERGR Van Belle "Your Friendly Gai 5S MINUTES EAST ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 EVERGREENS By doing it yourself with our expert "DROP IN OR CALL" Gardens rden Centre" OF OSHAWA 623-5757 34 Ya | Woodwd A 500 $23% oe a + Ya} 170 TORONTO (CP) -- Prices were uneven to lower on all classes and grades of slaughter The tower of the British pavilion at the 1967 Mont- real world's fair is framed by the translucent plastic EXPO GOING UP "tent" skin of the German exhibit.' The British vravi- lion has been called "crag- gy, tough and uncompro- cattle except canners and cut- ters which sold at steady. prices at the Ontario public stockyards this week. Replacement cattle traded on a broad demand at strong prices. Choice veal calves sold at fully steady prices but the buin vi ine Leceipus were neavy and lower grades with these kinds selling under pressure at lower prices. Hog prices opened higher but levelled off to sell at steady prices for the balance of the week. Lamb prices also opened higher but heavy receipts forced prices down from mid- week on. STOCK MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- The Tor- onto stock market fell Thursday to its lowest level since 1963. The industrial index, a yard- stick of key stock movements, plunged 1.34 to 137.12, lowest since Dec. 31, 1963, Earlier in the year it had been as high as 175.60. A total of 92 issues fell to 1966 lows on Thursday as 307 Public Stockyard Trading Has Drop In Week's Prices | g00G 24-20; good cows 19.50-20.50 with sales to 21; mediums 18- adie ales oa BUSINESS BRIEFS COMBAT POLLUTION Bethlehem Steel j Thursday it will build a multi- million dollar waste treatment | Dr. oe? were real Children's 'H Thursday, "Part of. is the result Ps = buying over-the-coun' er drugs song sng are seldom beneficial," Po Wei rbiomate yena ahigst ehh pO , said problem of the consumer . Brodie said in an interview. plant that engineers say will halt a major source of pollution in Lake Erie and Buffalo-area streams. The project is sched- uled for completion by 1970. MAKES OFFER Quebec-Télephone announced in Rimouski Thursday it will of- fer stockholders ordinary Shares worth $4,000,000 in order to raise, in part, funds needed for canital financino in 10RR A construction program and the acquisition of several independ- ent telephone systems will cost Quebec - Telephone $16,500,000. Short term. loans amounting to $10,300,000 already have been contracted. PROFITS DOUBLE Profits in the Canadian and United States drug industries are at least double those of any Slaughter cattle 11,000: On of- fer this week 10,694; last week 9,875; to date 1966 385,498; to date 1966 423,793; this week 1965 12,827; choice steers 27-28.50 with sales to 29.60; good 26-27; mediums 23.50-25.50; commons 19-23; choice heifers 25.50-26.50 with sales to 27.80; good 24-25; mediums 22-24; commons 18-21; choice fed yearlings 26.50-27.50: 19; canners and cutters 14- 17.50; shelly canners 10-14; good heavy bologna bulls 21-22 with sales to 23.50; common and me- diums 17-20. Replacement cattle: Good stockers 27-29; good steer stock calyes 28-33; good heifer stock calves 25-27; common and me- other: sianitertart ind ; anufacturin, us' dium, "'stockers. 20-28; "heavy | Dr. Hugh Brodie, director of the short-keep steers 23-26. | child health centre at the Mont- Calves 4,500: On offer this | week 4,432; last week 3,398; to| date 1966 86,007; to date 1965) 91,897; this week 1965 3,956; choice vealers 35-39 with odd sales to 43; good 30-34; medi- ums 25-29; comthons 21-24; boners 17-20. Hogs 10,000: On offer this LOADS UP LOOT. DAR ES SALAAM (AP) President Nasser of Egypt was loaded with gifts when he left Tanzania after a state visit. At a single ceremony here in the capital he was presented with a ceremonial drumstick, a spear, week 10,019; last week 9,496; toa sword, an elephant tusk, a date 1966 321,689; to date 1965|stool a robe and a bow and stocks declined against 81 ad- vances and 243 remained un-| changed. | Among issues that sig to} lows were Falconbridge off 1 to 80%, Alcan 1% to 255%, aval 2% to 22 and B.C. Telephone| and Inco 1 each to 53 and 80. | Golds, which plunged 4.89 on| index Wednesday, tumbled an-| other 5.34 to 159.39. Dome gave} up 1% to 41 and Kerr-Addi %| }18 wd yearlings up to 13. IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE Why Not Call TOM FARQUHARSON SUN LIFE Assurance Company Of Canada RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: 668-4371 725-4563 wena 343,008; this week 1965 7,600; |arrow. Grade A hogs 33.35-35.50; heavy <7 Fim sows 23.05-25.15; stags 18.25-/S° ae .45; boars sold live weight 14.60-14.75. EXCE Sheep and lambs 3,000: On of- | fer this week 3,028; last week| 2,358; to date 1966 50,830; to} date 1965 52,430; this week 1965) P. 2,871; lambs 21-25 with lights to) | 28. 50: sheep 6-12 according to! > and Giant Yellowknife 14 each| to 12 and 10. | On index, base metals were down .35 to 85.17, western oils 68 to 104.09 and the TSE 1.28 to a low of 131.57. PENSARIES ONLY with a | | | ; BOND FIRES CAPS Sean Connery, filming a} James Bond story in Japan, had to use toy guns because Japa- nese law forbids real ones. LENT CAREER OPPORTUNITY PHARMACISTS Male or Female for Ontario Cities for work in DIS- chain Organization. Top Salary, Pension and full Benefits. Apply stating full details and remunera- tion expected to Box Number D1466, large and fast growi mising"' by its Sir Basil Spence. designer, (CP Wirephoto) MONTREAL (CP) -- Glass |bottles may be on their way j}to cutting in on tin cans as the predominant containers for soft |drinks, some Montreal business |sourees say. About 1960, tin cans began to | move up in popularity among jsoft drink manufacturers. One of their strongest sell- ing points was said to be that lnansumers of the soft drinks did| not have to pay deposits on jcans--a condition that was nec- * lessary with glass bottles. The bottle - makers are re- |ported fighting back these days | BOND MARKET TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- | dian bond market closed gener- lally up % to % of a point in a |session of light trading Thurs- | day. | Short-term Government of Canada bonds were unchanged | jwith the 4%4-per-cent Oct. 11967, issue ond at $98.70 bid land $98.90 asked. | Long-term Canada mo pro- jvincial issues were up \%& to Y%| |point with the Gevaramest of \Canada' 414-per-cent Sept. 1, 5 | 1983, issue quoted at 86% bid)" land 8654 asked. In provincials, Hydro 6-per-cent bid} | ithe Ontario | July 5, 1988, closed at 9814 and 98% asked. Day-to-day money traded at 15 per cent. | Treasury bills closed at 5.08 ifor 182-day bills. Government Bills Sold At Auction OTTAWA (CP)--New. 91-day 000,000 at an average price and yield of 98.749 ahd 5.08 per cent last week, $105,000,000,. same 1$2-day bills: $30,000,000 at; 97.469 and 5.21 per cent last) week, same amount and term, Government of Canada treasury | bills auctioned Thursday: $115,- 97.497 and 5.15 per cent. | : BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Tin Cans May Lose Lead ' As Pop Goes In Bottles --the no-deposit, non-returnable bottle being a prominent part of their sales pitch. The old deposit | bottle is, at the same time, be- ing kept on the market. The non-returnable bottle is|bottle is heavier than the can. lighter than the old ones used} to be. It is said by bottle-mak-|weighed 27 pounds, ers to wear as well for pur-| poses of the treatment to which}19.6 pounds. the consumer is likely them. OLD BOTTLE HEAVY The old variety of bottle ned to be relatively heavy because, being returnable, it was sub- jected to refilling at the soft- drink plant. This meant the bot-| tle had to be stronger. Allan's Beverages to put | Ltd. of} Montreal, which manufactures|returnable glass.'"* carbonated beverages, says it! has found that no-deposit bot-| tles, which it has in use in Que- bec province, are going over| surprisingly well. leral sales manager of Domin- | will jsuc' cess,' Vita, and it can be resealed. Furthermore, it lets the cus- tomer see what he's buying. A main disadvantage, the Al- lan's executive said, is that the A case of 24 no-deposit bottles while the same quantity of cans weighed William Davidson, gen- lion Glass Co., said there are cost advantages in non-return- able bottles. "Our information would seem to show that the packaged price for cans ... in a case of 24 be approximately 20 per cent higher than that for non- Mr. Davidson said his com- pany is pushing the new bottle "with, T might add, surprising Allan's reports that one gro- 1, [cer wrote to the firm: "If the présent selting price} can be maintained, I believe the} new bottles will cut into the | \tins.' | B. Vita, vice-president of | Allan' s said glass bottles have} some advantages over tin cans. Among these assets is that the| firm finds it does not have to resort to as much high-pressure | {selling to market {when they are bottled. |CAN SEE CONTENTS beverages | | Glass is the traditional con-| |per cent for 91-day bills and 5. 21) tainer for beverages, said Mr. Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill McFeeters -- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 | Bue 5 vey < os COAL & } SUPPLIES OVER 40 YEARS sideeuniaia Take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks always on the ready to serve you. Fuel Oil Budget Plan available. McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL | 110 KING ST. W. EST'D. CANADIAN RYE WHISKY EME 9 HIE WALEEE & SONS UMITEO, WALELAVILLE, CANADA In Copenhagen old salts rub shoulders with silversmiths, cabinet- makers open their shops to visitors, some menus are four feet long, jolly matrons prepare scrumptious smorrebrods and Tivoli Gardens have a monopoly on laughter. Askip and a jump: boa's, trains and connecting airlines take you to the fjords of Norway, the avant-garde world of S On Tuesday evening, November 1st, a DC-8 b Maple Leat emblem leaves for Moscow's Sheremetievo airport. This inaugurates, with Aeroflot (the national airline of the Soviet Union), the first and only same plané service between Canada and the U.S.S.R. From then on Air Canada's route system will stretch from the shores of the Pacific, half way around the world, Overnight the Canadian traveller will find himself by the Kremlin's Andersen's lovely maiden guards the entrance to Copenhagen harbo?, Ided kK and the unh of di - COPENHAGEN-MOSCOW -- From Montreal starting November 1st Air Canada adds two fascinating destinations to its international system. The inauguration of a new service of major importance marks a remarkable step in Air Canada's continuing growth. Fly Air Canada to Copenhagen, open door to all Scandinavia: a wondrous world of good taste, good food and good fun. Finland. The Scandi are crack di In their hands crystal, Shoppers, beware! U: d silver, teak or cloth turn into miracles of lissome simplicity. d temptations are likely to turn your | head dangerously. So, fetch your maps, oa , and prepare your S p The golden bulbs of St. Basil's on Moscow's Red Square, --and without change of plane! brick battl n g atthe g foray! Air Canada: first North American airline to fly to the U.S.S.R. id, bulbs atop g the formance at the Bolshoi Ballet. "it's the trip of a lifetime". to the heart of the Soviet Union, AIR CANADA (&) St. Basil's, shopping at the )G.U.M. and sitting for a dazzling per- So, suddenly an old cliché comes to life: go to Moscow... Your travel agent is an expert: he will give you all the details about your trip to Scandinavia or the U.S.S.R. Or contact Air Canada, 130 Bloor Street West, Toronte, 1858 OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 104 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY PHONE 668-8867 FOR RESERVATIONS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 57 KING ST. EAST FOR TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL OR SEE FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 728-6201 25 KING ST. E. OSHAWA CALL FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE 723-7001

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