Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Oct 1966, p. 29

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adults ATTRACTIVELY io FURNISHED ROO/A |27--Rooms for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale 30--Automobiles For Sale Availakl, lable Nov. 1 725-3411 a MANSIONS Tel 231712 728-2911 For Appointment REGENT. ARMS Immediate Occupancy TELEPHONE 723-6455 Between 6.00 and 9.30 p.m. furnished fully apartment, with equipped kitchen, py for aul. bye aiaamel apartment, pri-| month THREE-ROOM basement vate bath and entrance, $85. ly. Whitby THREE-ROOM Pgh In n pees te 9 t's "Ronsouth, For At 240 Ritson Road ig ier tion apply 214 Arthur Street. jable.| come. Apply 4. 723-3295. home. Ct tua 8 oe Tp. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | ee ag ged apartments, free let A vee S No- | Lae Diya Boye? val Sy he ioe? nev od bag tg ree eosy upper duplex. 2 park Avaliable now. tral Motors. io FOR "RENT Phare ar up- aiatene. Ges district, Careful aduirs only. Phone Bowmanville, ie WHITBY HOTEL Rooms to rent by the week. © 207 Dundas St. W. 668-2337 fo ley, board op bp lil In. pr THReE ROOM with bath. cy pvr rane reir ana aaa Beni on ate THREE ROOM 9p srs 'Bl Blor ah ta." aa hers: Apply 36 Pine potenaand ices, guiet pulling. bus service at phat eA RT eee TWO-BEDROOM LUXURY apartment in Grenfell Square, swimming pool, Corner location with extra closet snes Large appliances, drapes, hydro includ- .gareae avaliable, $135. Mr. Allen, 23-25 725-6884. ao BEDROOM caine In wo apartment building, very central close to public transportation. Stove, fridge, washer ae dryer, Adults only. TWO-BEDROOM apartment. Available October 15, bg gg OF e's inc I< hydro, dri luded. 3 "Mil Street, Apartment 'Road. | trolled TWO ROOMS, ground floor, private en- trance, cupboards a ht om Tolan -- Pod employed p-| TWO-BEDROOM apartment, to sublet In rol apier buliding. Centrally located, entrance. nm twelve. For appointment tel: on. THREE-ROOM apartment, downtown lo- 28-| cation. Abstainers only. $60 monthly. Telephone 728-8 under 728- FURNISHED BEDROOM, central, gentle, shift workers welcome. ry ras | Sadana Ave. Telephone 723-9815 after door.|106 ELGIN STREET EAST. shat smok! Single or re, women only, no ing. cic. atiapon atin ot ROOM for leman with si employment, good district, near hospital and ~~ stop, nicely furnished, acces: Ne $10 weekly. Tel. 723-0258, ROOMS for rent, wane, rates. Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street Nort! ROOM aye RENT, board optional, Tele- phone 728-3350. ONE LARGE FURNISHED housekeep- jing room, puede for one or two, Tele: phone SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 2% Division Street. LARGE furnished bedroom for gentle man, kitchen and laundry privileaes, Con! parking space. Apply 574 Crerar Avenue. partly furnish- sult gentle Telephone TWO-ROOM apartment, ed, stove, fridge included, men or couple, $15. week. 728-8353. LARGE page oidlgatd room with all one-sHDROGH near Metres" ent Rent includes g tne AND THREE bedroom apart- Controlled ent iarter savien, yond f evi service, eal 729-2 TO SUBLET -- two-bedroom apartment, fridge and stove, child welcome, $105. monthly, loaf Immediately, 725-5374, Apply 345 Gibb St. std tk ln OO AE NEW gga gf a $80, monthly. Fang fri agp peed ri-| Suit. one ° two people. at avaitable © Sctober 13. 123.5925, 723-0696. LYNDEN APARTMENTS. One bedroom, electric heat, stove Bah refrigerator: ing peed Gentieman only. Apply 202 Albert FURNISHED two large rooms, very clean, Suitable for two persons. Apply 74 Oshawa Bivd. North, LARGE FURNISHED Shopping Centre, King al Nassau Street or phone 725-2198. »}ONE FURNISHED room for rent. Very close to Employment Office, $8. weekly. T 723-8762. CGinee reom, to 82 irt- | 3506. swimm sauna Garage Svcheate $135, Aanavie N Nov. 1. Telephone 725-6064 after 5. FURNISHED, newly decorated, three room basement apartment, private en-| on, trance, centrally located, suitable for ro couple or two girls. 728-6036 efter p.m. TWO-BEDROOM modern apartment. Broadioom throughout, refrigerator, stove, TV outlet, hot water Included. Available now, infant welcome. Apply 329 Adelaide West, Apartment 2, 725-0519. ROOMS FOR RENT. Call 728-5026 eny- time. LARGE, furnished room, private en- france and bath, fully equipped kitchen, central, Share bath and kitchen with re- -|fined lady. Ti 725-0128. TWO bedroom apartment to ariel in new apartment buliding, across from boeing] Motors south plant. Hs te double bedrooms, close to oat and downtown. Apply 340 725-2076. FELr.<ORTAINED basement apartment, room, private entrance. resigentil area. a monthly. Telephone pouRnOoN apartment, satan, hee heat, i hydro. Close .fo schools, shops. rte 'OMS. |weicome. South Oshawa. $110 Fle dy | 725-8359 SOs. FOR RENT, ROOM apartment, in small irtment ne. 'are seo = tre, $118 monthly. mt after 7 p.m. 7 two + bedr apartment, electric heat, stove, drapes included. $11 Available Nov. 1. 668-2445. 'oom basement |§ wats rte FaRERAOOR apartment with private Immediste possession. Apply 250 Bruce Street after 5 p.m. GROUND FLOOR, three room whke Pog Private entrance. $95 ) hydro. Apply 345 Oshawa Bie. 8. a are with bath. "| GOMPLETE upper floor in home, seml- Street East. gh gg a ROOM for gentleman In home, Rent includes all con- i ae Vantaenres, Close to oe and Tan ote COME IN! COMPARE | @ TRADE UP OR DOWN * FINANCING A AVAILABLE 766 FORD MUSTANG V-8. Lic. 64757, auto, on floor, buckets, 2-way power, whitewalls, radio, Must pe seen! 2008 © A.M. ®@ "Your RAMBLER Dealer' |32--Trucks for Sale 19 HALE-TON Chevrolet. Alax, 942-2401, 1959 CHEV! box, fair 668-5355. . Te Nick Motors Limited Highway No. a. Just West of Thickson Whitby 668-3331 Cors bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322--723-8311 On the Spot Financing '66 CHEVROLET BELAIR V-8, 2-door, Lic. 3210E, tadio, 3,000 miles. Warranty in effect, $2395 '66 CHRYSLER 300 2-door hardtop. Lic. 34814. 2-way power radio, white- DOWN--$30 MO. 59 -.61 models your choice! BILL BENNETT|{35 MOTORS 484 King W. 723-0371 walls, 5-year warranty. Re- tail price $4,895. bo i at $3600 '63, PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE Lic. J5993. V-8. 2-way pow- er radio. Sharp! $1695 '63 MORRIS 1100 Lic. H86132. Travel econo- mically. $695 PRIVATE MUST BE SOLD 1965 Mércury Park Lane. 4 door hardtop, fully power equipped. Asking $2,395 or offer. 723-7688 GRILLS, radiators, all car parts, models our specialty Courtice Wreckers, 723-5238. : Lake Auto WANTED = 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS .. 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 TAKHSHORE AUTO WRECKERS want fo Wentworth gest, Testi paw AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars ht, parts for sale. iron and Bloor Street East, 725-2311. OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars or wrecking, Ti ind parts fo le, 1175 Hao. evet._ fa re Telephone ri 2 for wreck charge for Mita, Telephone Fr ie mere Repair FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding School Addition FOUR CLASSES Tenders will be received Ae @ four room classroom addi- - tion (with boiler room ond Plans and -- bay be ob- washrooms) St. Paul's School, Whitby Township. tained from hot Ziedler ond , arcihtects, 385 son ve, Toronto, Tr will be received by F. J. Mole loney, Sec., on u ls Qetober har 1¥6o, unt S Paul's School, forte ee = Seren 4 400 Garrard Rd., R.R. No money ow: ~H, Ottevanger. @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting : Resleeving 37--Auctions @A 1 @ Crankshaft and Valve Service TRANS! 1959 : ooaae yor ged Bg good runni condition, Best c 77-0620, {STS. Trans- are our i een '008 Simcoe North, P! '61. AUSTIN 850 STATION WAGON Lic. 3588X. Perfect condi- tion. '58 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 Two door hardtop. not available. '56 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE Lic. H82736, radio, transportation, '57 MG SPORTS Lic, 80593, Lift off hardtop. $350 Lic. good 1952 Chevrolet Half Ton oe, Mp, good condition. Lic. 'Try Our Fina" Products and Service Hackney Motors 1189 Simcoe N. 728-0031 stores. now. FURNISHED bedroom a quiet refined gentieman in adult home. Telephone 723- large ONE if single. pom fan desired, 402. large double room, also Light housekeeping MacDONALD SINGLE dy of rent. Central location. Telephone °7: conPURTELY 'FURNISHED ii private private spacious rooms, parking, unfurnished. Telephone p.m. STEVENSON ROAD NORTH ares, three- |e room furni apartment, private bath tra bel parking, suit one or two | Persons. entrance, or furnished 72-59) 1 77 after Vis ANY THEBEVRVOM spariments|on In oer ee bu! Sey ae 80 2 Willem Street West. Ti 728- THREE ROOM fiat, very central, mod- ern. Telephone Tan. vate bath. Garage nvaiebie FTelephen |i ianat or <r 2 Se ically sitar ae nase LARGE, SINGLE or double furnished . new furniture. soe for clean privi cand BA hos- ONE-BEDROOM eine In apartment bullding. Quiet adults monthly, | 225-2227. only. $90 SNE-SEDROOM 'partment in apartment mont. Wer Seve, isd. Siencve Street: North| Keon! a la Sores OR rtpgead GIRL to share large two-bedroo! with same, on bus iine, aii y privileges: Cail afier six p.m, 859. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, $70. Telephone 725-9385, fern and Wich Rorplee Sh Be refrigerator, washer, dryer, session November 1. 726-1 p.m. THREE-ROOM apartment, trance, ground igeoot By hea ty wining, heat, I and water. oy Sor » Ap- 531 Montrave, 728-0007. Soar PERRY -- two-bedroom, self-con- my tenes apartment with fridge 'and stove, ment, en and bathroom, sult two es e Legg private. Available now. a, bedroom n Sennen 14 oun. a Bivd. 'South, WeaPITAL cma <n and double rooms for rent. Private kitchen, bath- room and laundry facilities, Apply 264 Golf St. or phone 725-3493. ese hag and clean light house- Private entrance, laundry fachities, etentrally located to hospital and downtown, Girl only. 728-2359. as * S$ @--4 oo RUUIN UH HUGS SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. ACCOMMODATIONS available for mele boarders, willing to share, five day week, Telephone 725-6185. monthly, Brooklin 655-4659. SELF-CONTAINED, three - room epa: ment, refrigerator and stove Supplied. Private entrance. Suitable for busi couple or La hatad Available October 1. 1 Telephone 7: . REGENCY Town -- flow available, hg two-bedroom apartments, close lo Shopping Centre, free hydro, stove, thse, drapes, FM musi+, controlied en- tr balconies Tg laundry Tcilities floor. . Marland Avenue. Whitby 668-3591 THREE-ROOM GROUND floor apert- Pe ith Rr nomigge 3 for and ied inctud- yd child welcome. wi |, share a ongg 9 Svaitable October 1 APARTMENT, Sieoe aren North. at door, new, hydro, Hg heat, reispetiet,. 'stove Included. Laun- Gry facilities. Adults. 725-8393. veFehongig « downtown ip vetlel four} si bath, freshly di monthly, neodes heat, 'eater 'ma "elec ROOM AND BOARD for one girl. Large room. Apply 151 Oshawa Bivd. North or 723-9938. WHITBY -- Central location. Shared or private room for youn aoe. Park: ing, TV. Board optional. Call 668-4928 ROOM AND BOARD for a young Tady in @ private home on Burk Street. Tele- ae TOR ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, to share, in clean home, use of TV. Five- day week, Call 728-6747. peony AND BOARD or rooms -- le room and one room with Bon fo share. Very central. -Parking space. Apply 48 Albert Street, 728-9643, tric stove. No small children. 725-6342, us| SIMCOE NORTH AND ELGIN -- Three- room apartment, ground floor. Private entrance, stove and refrigerator supplied. a's only. 723-9132 during days; 725- TWO - BEDROOM apartment, modern 'at new broad- located. No small og after October 15. a role iro be yar na ahi Ocscher V5. 125005 or WANTED. A business aad or women -- small house, Freedom of house p! THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, er entrance and bath, available October Telephone 725-2849. 75 ONE-BEDROOM basement ap: -- entrance. Apply 111 wilson heed jou! so | BOWMANVILLE -- Two-bed: low with oprege, se patio, $100" ng Telephone 668-82 nEeaeRooR Sparinert avaliable im- mediately with electric heat, hot and cold .|water, hydro, stove and fridge at only $110 monthly. No damage deposit. Sibby's Real Estate Ltd., 446 King Street West, poi 728-7576. Call 488740 avaninas ae Cabuadars fe periivent, tur: nlshed. heated, -ectricit y supplied. 'Avail. able now. Telephone 7; AVAILABLE, Four - forme self-contain- ow spans, ave lidren Private Rooms $15.00; 3-room suites, $10. each person, motel suites to share; GROUND PLOOR three - beer apart- ment. 723-0062. Two - BEDROOM apartment, self-con- tained, separate entrance, immediate possession, central yo heated. $100 monthly. Telephone 723-; HLOin STREET EAST, 7 -- Furnished gentieman. Close to downtown. Apely after 4 p.m. TWO-BEDROOM apartments for rent. Apply 291 BE pags apartment 104 or $35. Parking. T' 668-5201, Whitby. ADULTS ONLY -- Two-bedroom apart-|%%° ment in medium size building. aved parking, information cali downtown end --o, reasonable rent. 723-2563 after 6 p.m. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, private en- . Close to a8 ROOM AND BOARD for lady or gentie- man, Close to hospital, north Sent, bus stop. Telephone. 725-2305, ROOM AND BOARD for young Bh ma close to downtown and nortn GM o bmiangg 4 week, good meals, done. cousouawa STREET EAST, 57. Room and for gentleman, willing to share. Close to north GM., central to downtown. isuaaey FORD SALES 520 King St. W. 723-5241 Several '66 Demonstrators Left '64 CHEVROLET COACH Six cylinder, automatic, real clean, Lic. H78754. '64 RAMBLER AMERICAN Wagon, six cylinder, standard © shift. Lic, X10249. '63 FORD GALAXIE Sedan. Sharp. Lic, J16437. '63 COMET STATION WAGON Radio, automatic, like new. Lic, X7064, '62 VAUXHALL VELOX Real clean. Lic. J6456. Ask for--Steve Rosnik, Varn Grady, Ray Lathangue, Jim Foreman. MacDONALD FORD SALES 520 King St. W. 723-5241 1962 PONTIAC, V8 Strato ¢ 7 Strato. Chief. Good condition, Also @ box traller. App. # 8'. Telephone Whitby 668-2828. 1960 FORD four door, 332 engine, stand- 35-----Lost and Found ard renee. $295 or best offer. Tele- phone 985-7765. LOST -- In bad ypiw brad arene, silver and wi 199 BEL AIR Chevrolet sedan, six cylin- der automatic, $350 or nearest offer by Saturday. Telephone 726-5810 evenings. col jallet with personal papers. Reward. Ti James MacDonald 725-9704 or Bowmen- ville Police, '65 CHEVROLET Super Sport hardtop. Power steering and brakes. Positraction, radio, ey' woo Price $2,495. Tele- Phone 725- 1963 PORTE Parisienne sedan. Like new, fully equipped. Will accept trade oe arrange financing, Telephone 725- 1962 OLDSMOBILE "Starfire." equipped, ie Ped $1395, Phone 2346 after 5 p.m 1964 MERCURY Marauder, A-1 condi- tion, $2,095. Telephone 623-5097, USED CAR PARTS, tires, wheels, spindles, springs to make traliers also arc welding on trailers. 509 Bond E. 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian, 6 cylinder, automatic, new paint, excellent condition, $650. Telephone 723-5647. "A OLDSMOBILE hardtop, power steer- ing and brakes, 394 cubic inch motor, positraction, many extras. A-1 condition. Reasonably priced. 723-8050. '60 HILLMAN convertible, tires, A-1 body, $275. Dial 668- LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down. Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- ment, Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375. 1963 ACADIAN -- Licence H91267, four door sedan, $50. down, $45. alt 6 Nicol's Motor Seles Limited, on High- pei. 2, just west of Thickson's Rous, 1960 CHEVROLET, Licence 687512, six cylinder sedan, An ideal family car. $25. down, $39. monthly. Nicol's Motor he Limited, Highway La 2, lust west Thickson's Road, 668-333 ia coupe, seniaanToRST, Cadillac motor, needs transmission. Best offer. Telephone 668-2344 in Whitby. 1962 MERCURY COMET -- Licence 99377. This car must be driven to be appreciated. Like new! Nicol's. Motor Sales Limited, on Highway No. 2, just west of Thcikson's Road, 668-3331. 1958 CHEVROLET -- Licence 37723, four- door sedan, $20. down, $25 month, Nicol's Motor Sales Limited, on Highway No. 2, lust west of Thickson's Reed , 668-3331. 1950 DeSOTO coupe, Condition, semi reutomatie._ 4 phone ve CHEVROLET, six automatic, radio, Y good condition, owner returned to schol Priced to sell, Private, Telephone bat On ad new mechanical $225. Tele 1954 PONTIAC sedan, gencerd. In good condition, Telephone 725-0129. 1956 THUNDERBIRD, V-8, Sonia auto- matic, power steering, detachable hard- top, excellent running condition. Call Cannington 432-2641 of 432-2029. 1966 CHEVELLE Malibu hep still under warranty, showroom i- tion, Can be financed. Telephone 725- 9478. SAVE DOLLARS! Several used cars, 55's up, Trades accepted. Terms ar- ranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 50? Bloor E. 63 CHEVROLET, four door sedan, V-8, Lost -- Pair wal ont ay eee glasses, Gene ae and four Faaaal (Simeoe-King). Simcoe Street ir of case. LOST -- In vicinity of South and Bloor Street West, one men's gray framed glasses In bla 728-1779. GET A JOB with work "wanted" ads in 668-|Classified. Dial 723-3492 now and have an edewriter help you phrase your lob getting ad. Auction Sale Furniture, piano, car, estate, property of» Luke Estate. Half mile south ' of ig vp on r- ban R Sat, Oct. 8th Real Estate consisting of farm 48¥2 acres, 6 room frame house, 3 pe bath. Run- ning water. Oil furnace. 2 barns, 30' x 50' and 25' x 30', Implement. shed. Gare age. Will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Terms and conditions of sale of real estate announced day JOHN McKAY The fun service for John McKay, 183 Ritson Rd. died Oct, 2, at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, was held at the Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral Home at 2 p.m., Oct. 5. The Canon F. G. Ongley, rector of St. George's Memorial Anglican Church, Interment was tn DeewRy ans mb dnsooe Lawn Cemetery. and James $., who]? The service was conducted by|by Rey. | Gate Receipts Largest Ever LOS. ANGELES (AP)--Total receipts for Wednesday's Los Angeles-Baltimore World Series game at Dodger Stadium, $557,- 336, was the largest ever for a series game. The previous high was $552,- 774.77 at the Los Angeles Coli- seum Oct. 6, 1959, for the fifth game of the Chicago White Sox- Dodger Series. The paid attendance of 55,941 was not a record, The all-time high was 92,706 for that fifth game in 1959. of sale. Sale ot 1:30 o'clock. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, Ted Spen- celey, auctioneers. 36--Legal Land Titles Act IN THE MATTER OF parts of Lot 8, Sheet 11A, Municipal Plan 357, for the Township of East Whitby, now for the City of Oshawa, more particu- larly shown on Plans of Sur- vey, on file in the Office of Land Titles, at Whitby; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thet ALBERT J. PARKHILL, Trustee, and NICK LEW have made an application to the Local Master of Titles at Whitby for a certificate of title to this land of which they claim to be the owner in fee simple free from all en- cumbrances, Except a Mort- gage at present registered on title. Wherefore any other person having or claiming to have any title to or interest in the land or any part thereof is required on or before the 12th day of October, 1966, te file 2 ste claim in my office at the Town of Whitby, and to serve @ copy on the Applicant. The address of the Applicant for service is: PARKHILL & YANCH Barristers, etc. 8 Simcoe Street, South, OSHAWA, Ontario. DATED at Whitby, this 3rd day of are 1966, W. H. MOORHOUSE, DEPUTY MASTER OF TITLES automatic, radio. Four new tires. 32,000 original miles, one owner 2ar. No reason- able offer refused. For further informa- tion telephone 728-4803. 1959 ~=PONTIAC. Licence J5401. 4door hardtop, 6 automatic. Priced to sell. No down payment! Nicol's Motor Sales 'td. on Highway i; ath lust west of Thick- son's Road, 1954 sector "sa running condl- tion, recapped fires. Telephone 728-7812. '37 MCLAUGHLIN Buick, good running order. Collector's item. Contact Mr. Paimer, Bad Boy's Store, 728-4658. 1965 CHEVROLET SS convertible, 18,000 miles, all extras, white with black top and Interior, Telephone 725-0155. '65 ACADIAN Canso sports deluxe, fully equipped, low mileage, one owner. Tele- Phone 728-8800. 199 BEL AIR, six cylinder, standard, A-1 shape, reasonable, Telephone 725-9656 after 4.30 p.m. 62 epg asd A-1 condition, one owner, i: ROOM AND BOARD for three gentie- men. Single beds. Willing to share. Close ito south General Motors. 728-9523, 1545 Lakeside Street. 196@ FORD Galaxie, Perfect 4 Ford ere truck, V8, Tel Radio, heater, whitewalls, automatic, 6 eg $700. Telephone Whitby 668-8092 er 5, ROOM AND BOARD. Bag 2 shift prefer- ably. 7 728-0490. 1963 PONTIAC two door. Like new In- side and out. Automatic, radio. Licence U No. 91118, T 942-5693 from § 10 9 9 pm. ROOM AND BOARD for parking, close to bus. Aliso Tes apartment for rent. Telephone phone 725-6070. 1964 PONTIAC Strato Chief wagon, fou door, 22,500 miles, Reasonable. Whitby 668-8464 or 932 Greenwood Crescent. 31--Compact Cars for Sale 943 RAMBLER four door. radio. Clean car. Automatic, Licence No, 82559. ae ior yenrieman, Ap ply 38 Brock East, Oshawa. ROOM AND BOARD available for gentie- man willing to share, Telephone oon-3132. ROOM AND BOARD for two men, rae ge room, TV in room. Ti A SST pa 194 PONTIAC "wo door, armed radio, Like new inside and out. Licence os ibe Telephone 942-5693 from 5 to 9 p.m. 1957 Green and white lige In good Whitb: iM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, willing to share room, clean, lunches packed. Telephone 728-4597. yy 668-2691, 1965 Teben ZOLTAN AND. NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 28-0051 Polara fii Power steering, brakes and Tinted glass, remote control mirror. V-8 cd matic fr 'whee! ROOM AND BOARD, in quiet home, 7- day week. Apply 251 Bruce Street.- france, one mile east of Bowmanville on pony No. 2. Telephone 673-7465 after ONE. AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments for Sent, Georgian Court Apts., Whit- 668-2296. FOUR-ROOM apartments available im- gaaiaey. py 68 Wayne Street, Apt. .| BASEMENT ae es ks by. airy bed, television, two large rooms, Murphy bed, THREE-ROOM apartment, close to hos- pital and north General Motors. Immedi- * sg lon. Telephone 725-7026 after panty cena aeere =o base- Poop work- Street ast |i One - SabaDoR, self-contained apart- ment, newly decorated, prefer business couple oF two ladies. am 5 TWO-BEDROOM ape In new du- plex, stove and retrigerstor, broadioom, red gf "No children. 'on 'Dundes Whitty, 660-6226. Kank bath, utilities supplied, ther- mostat, sult working couple. 728-2985 after 5 p.m. TWO- AND THREE-BEDROOM apart- ments, central, stove and refrigerator, twin elevators, parking. Available Nov. 1. No children under hone elve. Telep! discs. Owner must sell imiredlately, Selling price $2,295. Telephone 728-7311 between 8:30-5 p.m. or 728-4085 evenings. 29--Wanted To Rent WANTED, IN WHITBY -- Two-bedroom modern apartment for --. In gt 1962 PONTIAC Strato Chief, six cylinder, standard, radio, four new tires, one Al $800 or best offer. Telephone 725- block, rent. 8092 after. 5. URGENT. Housekeeping room near bath- room for elderly lady on old age pen- sion by October 22. Telephone 600-0003. URGENT. House wanted In Whitby by '5? FORD ranch wagon, must sell for T SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings $195. Good running 728-0558. 1965 CUTLASS convertible, power equip- , like new, low mileage. Telephone 728-4685 or 725-0694. adult family, at least three ictober ae Reasonable . rent. Tele- WANTED =e bedroom house by young 1959 PONTIAC sedan. Runs real well. $125. Licence 91884K, Stalker "sang Sales, 137 King Street West, 723-6322 % VOLVO & PEUGOT %& MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service jenn he WAGON, Pontiac, 9-pas- ONE-BEI BEDROOM ment, for working couple. THREE-| py o BR basement private bath, modern Kitchen. rgurente couple with two children monies, to steady employ 30--Cars for Sale area, $70 heat and hydro Included. booty 123 12 Blain St. West. entrance. Toply aor Lake Lakefield Street. 728-3105. LARGE, two-room apartment, immediate '| ONE two - bedroom apartment with oe hone 725-0239 or 723-4263. stove ai private washroom, close fo public tranagetaion 645 Oxford Street or telephone 728- FURNISHED two - room apartment, sult on adults. Central location. bea xr SPACIOUS two bedroom spartment, drapes, hi-fi, balcony, near Eaton's plaza. Telephone 723-3877. TWO BEDROOM, kitchen and bathroom, pvr ge parking sees, let_home. Apply 175 Olive Avenue, Wo: BEDROOM ae available immediately, one child welcome. Apply 1s Elgin Street East. WHITBY -- One -- partment | small apartment buliding. *Gaturnished, newly painted. Avalalable now. No lease. $80 monthly or less. 668-2900 evenings. available now, | 6944. after 5 p.m. ONE BEDROOM, combined kitchen and living room, stove end i Completely furnished. Ample parking. Telephone 725- 27--Rooms for Rent BED - SITTING room, light | housekeep- ing, private bath. Nord to hospital. Lady preferred. Call 728-771 COMFORTABLE room tor gentleman Big 4 Apply yt A FW agen 323 Athol East yeree 'Large, three - bedroom, main f of duplex. 'Residential area. Avail- 655-4726. pre gy de DRIVE -- Upper two-bed- apartment in triplex, baicony, toe a refrigerator, free 5 eae and waa <n for girls, with laundry and kitchen facilities, sitting room -- Bhp gea Very central. Tele- phone 726-37) CHURCH -- 174 -- Single room for gentleman, abstainer. Five minutes from four corners. Apply above address. drying, paved parkin 773-4670. FURNISHED single and double rooms oer = ROOM self-contained apart , seperate entrance, stove and re- pan a vage gig heated, northwest area. Suitable nurses or working couple, sbatciners. 728-076, at the Oshawa Motel. Tele- phone 723-9761. BEAUTIFUL! 1966 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE A completely equipped. Pow- er steering, power brakes, power windows. Medium red with white power top. Auto- matic transmission, automatic radio, whitewolls, wheel discs and orily 12,000 miles. Still under General Motors war- ranty. Owner must sell and ony reasonable offer will be considered. Please phone 640-2963 in Stouffville, any- time. radio, power steering. teens 16568X. Stalker" 'Motor. Sales, 137 King West. 723-6322, 1963 PONTIAC convertibie, oh Rong matic, ee) ay Me owered, bucket 'Licence talker Motor Sales, | i U wert, aaa. 1959 CHEVROLET deluxe sedan, auto- matic, radio, power brakes, steering. Good clean car. $495. Licence 294050. Staiker Motor Sales, 723-6322. pad beige" Plggiec Seah, automatic, owner. Licence 420989, Stalker ye "Soles, 137 King West, 723- 192 CHEVY 1, sedan, automatic with radio. Just like new. poe 41588E. Stalker Motor Sales, 723-632: Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 190 CORVAIR sedan, 700 series, six Hinder, automatic, snow fires, Tele- phone Brooklin 655-3817 after 5 p.m. 196) VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radio, used as second car. agg gl icethlana Tele- phone 728-8300 after 6 "64 VIVA Deluxe, new =" tires, snow tires, two extra rims, heavy duty rear spring. trailer perm Sacrifice $850. 668- 8921 before 3.30, 1961 FALCON caine a ye cag bee radio, snow tires, body Ed $695 or best offer, Telbohone 190. 1966 GRAND PARISIENNE, two - door hardtop, fully equipped. Must be seen! Licence 318633. $2, Stalker Motor Sales, 723-6322. "4 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard- top, V-8 aufomatic, radio. Many extras. ai Condit! Private. Telephone 725- ' MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid DOBD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 = CHEVROLET, six cylinder stand- ard, two-door, Telephone 725-6195. 4) CHEVROLET two-door et Radio, Very good. Lic. 92058K. $995. Campin Motors, Oshawa. 1965 OLDSMOBILE Jetstar, 4 door, herd- fop, power brakes afd steering, mist blue; A-1 condition inside and out; also mechanically A-1; low mileage, execu- tive car. Best offer around $2,650, Call 773-6803 or 726-0884, ig. Ted LARGE ROOM, private bathroom. Close 1 itn Centre. Apply te 42 Fernhill the YOUR GIANT HELPERS in fingi home or apartment you need, Classified Ads. PRIVATE, '59 Chevrolet, Z-door hardiop, 1965 VIVA, four month's warranty left, it 75. T Port Perry 985-2764. i961 NSU Prinx, Excellent second car. $200. Owner moving. Telephone 728-2695. 1961 ENVOY, good condition. Call 728- 6670 after 6 p.m. 1961 pi ygtnr b 43, good running condi- tion. Gutman, Kingsway aad 1156 King %. E. Telephone 725-435: 1965 CHEVY I! balance of Radio, whitewalls. Terms phone 725-3701: after 6 p.m. 32--Trucks for Sale 56 G.M.C., model V-552, five-ton, tong wheel base dump truck. Combination box and hoist, V-8 engine, 18,000 pound rear end, D.P. axle, five-speed. Clarke trans- warranty. cash. Tele- NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of HERMAN JOHN ROBINSON, deceased: All persons having claim against the Estate of the above-named deceased, late of the City of Oshowa, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 20th day of June, A.D, 1966, are hereby notified to furnish proof thereof to the undersigned before the 7th day of Novem- ber, A.D. 1966, After the said date the Administrators will distribute the Estate hav- ing regord only to claims of which notices have been filed. Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 4th day of October, A.D. 1¥60. GERALD ALPHONSUS HICKEY and DOROTHY JEAN HICKEY, Administrators of the Estate of HERMAN JOHN FURNITURE AUCTION Sat., Oct, 8th Estate of late K. £. Fyle, Fenelon Falls, Ont. Sale will be held in arene at | p.m. sharp. Outstanding modern and antique furniture, dishes, appliances, bedding etc. see BIRTHS ABBOTT -- Jerry @ Wilson) are happy to day, September 30, 1 the Osh General a eae 'wel yn BY "4 as on. Many thai floor sane Biss -- gry lte and Sone A 4 Parker) a SF centre irth of their devgner, "Vicor by Pe hi pag 7» on October 1, 1 fi he Caeue General Hospital. bills, no reserve, terms cash. Orval in, auctioneer, 324-2783 Lindsay. NEARLY NEW SALE, Memorial Hall, eet Church, Friday, October "iI the. auspices of the! 19 DEATHS LOVELOCK, Stephen Entered Into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Tuesday, October 4, beloved husband 66, Stephen of the late Florence TS ng ES JAYCEES Monster BINGO Admission 50c Two Jackpots 53 and 58 ONE MUST GO $500. IN 50 NOS. or LESS $200. In' announced Nos. el of Oshawa and bi a id (Mary) of Oshaw Mrs. (Lilly) of Beech, Fi Florida, Wittiem and John awe, Harry Vancouver and of Brookiin, In yd 63rd year. Resting hay the Armstrong Funeral Home, with funeral tervica In the chapel, Pei. day, ye ped é at 3.90 p.m. interment awn ' Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 IN ne Baxter, Mrs, St Zubkavich (Beve: oe ny), Suees ~] Oct, 3, at the Port Perry Memorial Hospital, in his year, was held at the Armstrong Fneral Home at 2 p.m,, Oct. 5. The service was conducted by Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow, min- ister of Northminster United. Church. Interment was in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. The were Donald be Fs Fred Martin, Vin- cen Walker, Douglas Carmichael and Jack Swain. DIGGING UP PAST LILLOOET, B.C. (CP) -- A mammoth tusk perhaps 10,000 years old was the 15th relic un- earthed at the site of Portage Mountain Dam by B.C. Hydro crews. The finds range from dinosaurs' footprints in the rock to fossilized creatures. This winter, soak | up the sun in and | around southern is dea munvories finger" every day, = remembered Dy. his. a daughter s es son-in-law Jack and ie YOUNG -- In loving memory of @ dear pend rig Young, who passed aw be thy rest, dear mother, breathe thy name; ou dearly, $25 Consolation Prize $10. per line both games. $175. Jack $20 per line, $75 full card. 20 Regular $20 games pay double in 17 Nos, or less. Five $30 gomes Early Bird Game 7:45 P.M, EXTRA PRIZES Every Thursday at the a dear IN@ -- In lovii wife, mother and y p Wineiieet Me Noe Elizabeth Young, whe assed awa fober 6, 1965. i} Softt Gent Unseen, unhes' rd, she Is always gel Stilt loved, atl missed, and ve Though sunshin Ine passes and gt Bevel 's- remembrance outlasts all. y remembered by husband Will 1 A LASTING TRIBUTE For Sov! and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 Jubilee Pavilion SUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:15 P.M And Return Children under after Bingo 6 not a LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arranaements for all occasions. OSHAWA oes CENTRE 4 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 ROBINSON, by their Solicitor, Z. T. SALMERS, B.A. 63 King St. West, Oshawa, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of EDNA JUNE ROBINSON, deceased; Al persons having claim against the Estate of the above-named deceased, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, who died on the 20th day of June, A.D, 1966, are hereby noti- fied to furnish proof thereof to the undersigned before the 7th day of November, A.D. 1966. After the said date the Administrators will distribute the Estate having regard only to claims of which have been filed, Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, pe 4th day of October, A. D. 66. GERALD ALPHONUS HICKEY and DOROTHY JEAN HICKEY Adminstrators of the Estate of EDNA JUNE ROBINSON, by their Solicitor, Z. T. SALMERS, B.A., 63 King St. West, Oshawa, IF THE PERSON has not paid debt against a Renault, licence B81740, left at 1563 Simcoe Street North, within 10 days, same will - mg "Shp payment. Nort HOLY CROSS BINGO FRIDAY at 7:45 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St, East at Forewell ~ FREE _ ADMISSION -- FREE _ heey given out on Turkeys 10 be drawn Oct. 7 After hours 725. 7928 a | Wd de Take your choice of sunny vacations In Europe, the Mediterranean and North | Africa, Visit Lisbon and Madeira= 15 days from $445 ; INCLUDING economy. . excursion return fare from Toronto! (IT/ST/182), Or enjoy Madeira, the Canary islands and Moroceo = 20 days as little as $723, alr fare included (IT/ST/183). Many more tours to choose from. 10% down, balance over 24 months. See your Travel Agent or Canadian Pacific. ».and | amas | | FLY For Reservations and Trevel Information Coll: DONALD TRAVEL 38--Coming Events SUNNYSIDE BINGO TO-NIGHT SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY BROOKLIN 104 BROCK ST. $., Writsy 668-8867 $2,300.00 IN PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. 52 and 58 At The RED BARN EXTRA BUSES 7 - 7:30 P.M, Complete Travel A and Travel Information Call or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL BOWMANVILLE--BROOKLIN OSHAWA--WHITBY 57 King St. E., Oshawa 728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 20 Reg. *Games--Total $300. SNOWBALL--$220 in 56 Nos. Plus $10 each horizontal line, Regular Jackpot $200. In 54 Nos. $20 Con, Share The Wealth Good Parking Extra Bus Service No Children Please, PLEASE NOTE: OUR NEW '| six cylinder, automatic, radio, very clean, 9395, Terms, 668-223 mission, 10 x 20, 12 ply fires. Best offer. Telephone 723-5387, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Apply 1510 Simcoe --@. James LOCATION ° RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- ma TH $8.00 PER DAY 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 LUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa

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