Or iy ea |20-----Real Estate for Sale | CHRISTOPHER SCHOOL AREA. pater 22----Lots fer Sale BUILDING LOTS $50. FT. Seven excellent lots left -- a prime residential district between Whitby and Oshawa. Various frontages ---- extra deep tate reestererts fae brett) & ing. Call Wilean Raaltay 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Aportments for Rent GRENFELL SQUARE Immediate Possession Features 1. 2 and 3 bedroom suites Estate for Sale 20--Real 20--Real Estate for Sele CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD Supervisor Narth.Waeet One of the finest three bed- room bungalows in Oshawa. "" QQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurndey, October 6, 1966 20--Real Estate for Sale NOW OPEN GUY LEBLANC 20---Real Estate for Scie Paul Ristow Ltd. Realtor 187 King Street East 728-9474 BROCK ST. E. 8 ROOM BRICK HOME, PAVED DRIVE, CLOSE TO G.M. North Plant. Excelent rental or rooming possibilities. Asking 316,500 wim reason- abie down paymerri. on estate sale. ST. 20---Reel Estate for Sale FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Streer Wesi, iy recreation room. Priced bene | see He g Boga: down ind one mortgage for the helene. Call ee yet 1 728-5205. Schofield-Aker Ltd. moDenn th bungalow with two-room apartments in basement. ne rent from these pays all your costs. Double garage. Private drive, bf ng bathroom in basement. Call now make an offer. George Twaites, "09.1139 or 723-2008. Carl Olsen cveuinls 20 Ray Street. $18,500.00 -- THREE-bedroom brick bun- galow, newly decorated throughout. This one year old beauty has a large kitchen, vanity in ainroom eng good-sized veu- yo Call Pacers Twaites at 723-1133 Lebage fn fo see. Carl W. Schatzmann Realtor 114 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-3338 1 IN A_100 You can't beat this -- for poi af anlu €14 000 a modern 3 bedroom bungalow on 75 x 200 ft. lot, with car- The WENTWORTH MANOR 275 Wentworth St. Oshawa You will enjoy enjoy living in Wentworth Manor, con- vaniantls cituimtad bao thence who work in and around Oshawa. Within easy waik- Te Tris is BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member Oshawa ond \ District Real Estate Board FREE APPRAISALS ANYTIME - NO tty -- NO CHARGE MORTGAGE MONIES AVAILABLE. WE CAN REFINANCE YOUR HOME SO IT WILL SELL FAST $15,000 and UP 3-bed brick bungal Newcastle. Several to choose from. Excellent terms. $16,500 Ontario Street, Bowmanville, 3-bedroom brick 2 ~- storey home. Very central. Terms. $19,900 Taunton Road East neor Hampton, 3-bedroom bungo- low on 1% acres. Suit V.L.A. 1,500 sq, ft. home. Extras. $24,600 Maple Grove, 6 room coun- try home, large pool, 2 acre lot. Owner transferred. Open for offers. $25,000 Bowmanville. 7 - room brick home, lot 68' x 180'. Very central. Terms available. Call 623-3393 After 9 P.M, Jack Whiteman 623-7414 ry Hockin 623-5055 t Yeo 623-3077 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Rod Kruger 723-7 Joe Barnoski Realtor 147 King St. E. Phone 623-7461 BOWMANVILLE 10Q acres with 6 room house, barn 50 x 35, good clay- loam, 90 acres workable. Asking $19,500 with low down payment. 100 acres all workable, lorge barn 124 x 28, 9 room house with modern conveniences, frontage on 3 roads, asking $28,000 with $10,000 down. V.L.A. property, 22 acres with almost new 4 bedroom bungalow, 1,400 sq. ft. Ask- ing $17,500 V.L.A. property, % ocre with 3 bedroom 12 storey house with garage. Asking $12,500. $1,900 down. Newcastle, only $1,500 down for this 3 bedroom bungalow with garage. Full price $12,- 500. $1,000: down for this 2 bed. room bungalow with garage. Large lot 68 x 205. Full price $4,500. For Your REAL ESTATE NEEDS CALL 623-746] KEEWATIN ST. N. Located in Grandview Gar- dens this 8 yeor old ranch bungalow with attached: gor- age is deserving of your in- spection. Beautifully mani- cured lawns and shrubs, Hol- lywood kitchen with built-in range and oven, recreation room and den plus many more extros add up to "wise investment". See it to-day. $1500 DOWN 7 year old: brick bungalow with attached gorage located on Thickson Rd, S. Hollywood kitchen, fireplace in. living room and a large lot. A bar- gain 'ot the osking price of $16,900. Immediate posses- sion. Act now! V.LLA. 7. -yeor old brick bungalow with large garage and over Ye acre of garden, located on Garrard Rd. Family size kit- chen, broadicom in living room and three large bed- rooms. A nice clean property. Asking $20,900.. Investigate this property! Realtor 728-9474 or Evenings call Tom Huzer 728-5422 Vern Morton 723-8327 Paul Ristow Ltd. port, paved drive, natural fireplace, oil heated, etc., terms can be arranged. HUNTERS PARADISE 200 acres, large house, barns, situated in the Town- ship of Renfrew, opproxim- ately 160 miles from Oshawa. $4,000 full price, $800 down. BARGAIN ??? -- YES Because nowhere else can you get a NEW ranch bung- alow with attoched garage on a large 70 x 210 ft. lot just outside of Whitby for only $18,000 with good terms available, call now to inspect. FAMILY HIDEAWAY on a_ safe, sandy beach obout 50 min. drive from here is this lovely cottage in truly perfect condition, fully furnished and equipped, in- cluding boathouse, 14 ft. cedar boat and motor. 10 ACRE LOTS in vorious locotions in the Whitby Township, some are wooded, some cleor, paved roads, close to school. For a good selection of ex cellent Income Properties and Investment Properties, call us now good. profits guaranteed, Call our office ot 668-3338 or evenings ot 668-3253 You are cordially invited to inspect our newest sub-division of the Built by Johansen Homes one year ago. Lovely family room has stone fireplace and stone bor. Hollywood kitchen and stove, New broadloom throughout. This home would 'cost $28,000.00 to dupli- cate, Asking $25,500,00 -- Phone to see now. Full Price $10,500 $2,000 down. 2 bedroom bungalow in excellent condi- tion and very nicely decorat- ed.. Modern kitchen and path. Spacious living room. Neor downtown Oshawa. Near King & Wilson Rd. Asking $14,700 -- 2 bed- room brick bungalow with large spacious kitchen ond good size living room. Beau- tifully landscaped ---- garage -- inspect this exceptionally clean home at once. Reduced by $1,000 -- Now Only $15,900 3 bedroom brick bungalow in immaculate condition, Large attached garage. Finished rec- room with walk-out to nicely landscaped back yard, Spa- cious living room and modern hollywood kitchen. ~ OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WILL HELP YOU SELL or BUY | LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST PHONE 723-5221 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Charles Choytor 668-2291 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Tom Houston 668-4416 Ralph Schofield 725+ 5067 KING STREET | Three bedrooms, 723-2008 for appoi Olsen Realfor, 20 Ray Street. 92,300. DOWN -- Carries for $123.00 per bedrooms, large Three large month, kitchen, dining room and living room, Electric heat. appointment at 723-1133 or 723-2008. Car! Olsen Realtor, 20 Ray Street. $2000. DOWN, three-bedroom bungalow, attached garage, jor $16,900. full price. Telephone 7: 1% ACRES of land with fruit trees, stra berry plants and raspberry canes. 'Also Smal house has and arger home has 7 rooms with tiled. yj oe finished rec- included two os geet 5 reoms reation room. Telephone 623-5579. $13,900 BUYS 8 6-room, 2-storey weling with garage. Completely modern and broadioom to stay. Immediate eee . Bullied on this estate sale. Douglas J. M. Realtor, 723-1 1168. Call George Twaites ~ $5000 DOWN buys ¢ good "commercial | build- ing which consists of store and equip- ment plus five-room apart ston, 728-1066, Schofield-Aker Lid. COUNTRY LIVING, | minutes from One ranch bungalow and one large spl contact. Joe Crawford 723-1021. Bosco Realtor. $2,000 DOWN. Six-rocm brick bungalow in choice area. Large private fenced lot | partially} Low asking price with good terms. Immediate | HAVE YOU a land problem? Land is our | L. N. Bird Real Estate Ltd, Whitby. Tele. }with fruit finished rec. trees and patio, room. Many extras, Possession. Call Murray Boyle, | Joseph Bosco Realtor. iment. Carries for only $150 per month. Call Bill John- two choice homes, Oshawa on paved jee level. Well priced with good terms. For all details and appointment to inspect, Joseph 723-4270. | business. 725-5625. COBOURG 67 registered building lots. Town water reody to go. PETERBOROUGH Housing Shortage? 50 lot subdivision Services available CLARE McCULLOUGH 723-7843 W. FRANK REALTOR 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in. attrac- tive area. Some treed lots. Paved street, Close by public school, new high school and bus lines. PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 | 1206 Dundas Street East, $8,500, BARGAIN. Nine-room house, good | Phone 668-8941. condition, small barn, Call Morley Bur-) | NEWCASTLE» -- 9 x "132, gess, 723-0049. Keith Peters Realty Lim- | water, |ited, Realtor. | BRAND NEW, nice small bungalow, Whitby. Wil! trade on larger, not too ol | two-storey house Apply 523 Palace St., _Whitby. REASONABLY priced bungalow, French School, oi! heated, tax $160, Try your down payment. w. 0. Martin Rei 'ith Holly in id, Close |sizes and prices. $2,000, Hampton, 132' x be $3,300. Macedonian Village, 275 ravine, city 135', 2 x 54', Make offer. Don Stradeski Realtor, | 7ay.u6st" in tewn or will sell. | CHoIce BUILDING LOTS for sale in |new subdivision, Solina Village, various SPOTLESS | chen and finished recreation close to schools. As! k- ve price $19,600. Open to offer. 728-5103. | Martin Realtor. _ OWNER dramatically reduces price of | bedroom home with fireplace and three - garage in North West section. Oj! heated. Now only $2,300. down, 200, Hurry for this one Martin Realtor full price $16,-/ "28-5103. W. 0. WE SELL ds nb Tired of waiting and hop listing with friends?? -- We need more properties ath reason; we're out -- we're out for @ reason; we sell them!!! Apply subdivider and only/owner Walter Parrinder. Telephone 263- Tie.s103, | 2346. 'ai (23--Real Estate Wanted _ room. @ FREE HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM. ROOM @ SWIMMING POOL ing distance of stores and schools. RENT INCLUDES; @ Dropes A few choice 2 and 3 bed- room suites still available, Open Daily from 1 - 9 P.M, TELEPHONE 723-8701 @ FREE HYDRO @ OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES @ FRENCH PROVINCIAL KITCHENS 'iNDOOR PARKING AVAILABLE @ OUTDOOR GUEST PARKING e Rental Information CALL 723-5111 380 - 385 GIBB ST. For Prestige Living "LA CONTESSA APARTMENTS PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED YEAR ROUND POOL BROADLOOMED SUN DECK Oshawa's largest apartment building offers the best feo- tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x 18' Balconies, 20'x18' com bination Living and Dini Rooms, 4 quick elevators, "9 Olde English Decor Lobbies. Bus stop ot door, Model Suite Furniture by Cherney's Furniture World, Broadloom by Angus-Graydon, OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY. 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. pe sath dat WE INVITE YOU to inspect this most] comfortable split-level bungalow in} |Whitby's favorite North West. Only) steps to school and church. A good) down payment ensures low monthly pay- ments. Listed at only $18,500. Extra large! lot. Please phone 728-5103. W. 0. Martin Realtor Hl |FOUR BEDROOM bu fem ily | Andy Keys Doug Gower Roy Foster, Orono Howard Forder, Brooklin George Beaton, 'ort Perry For a free appraisal of your property without any obliga- | tion, call George Twaites ot | IF YOU "ARE CARL OLSEN, Realtor -- LOOKING FOR: 723-1133, i 723- . , 2008 sale aged Home-sized rooms with ample storage space, | Metcalt REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. COMMERCIAL 6 room brick home with gar- ages. Zoned C-1. Lot 34 x 110. Opposite Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Sacrifice price ~ WYNDBROOK APARTMENTS Armstrong Homes KEITH 985-2987 McQuay Realtor 319 Brock St. WHITBY 668-5868 COUNTRY Atmosphere This delightful 114 storey brick and stone residence on No. 2 highway adjoining Whitby wos custom built in 1955. Centre hall plan con- sisting of seven spacious rooms, The family size living room. with stone fireplace offords a lovely view over the counrtyside, L-shaped dining room, reomy kitchen, 3-extra large bedrooms, 2-complete bathrooms, cosy study or ol- ternate 4th bedroom, all ook trim on main floor... . are only e few of the features. The 160 x 200 londscoped let has on abundance of mat- urea shade trees, shrubs and perennials. Reasonably pric- ed at $27,000. For further details and appointment to in- spect call Mr. McQuay. Residential Lot Within two block of Whitby Plaza on Brock Street South Excellent building lot 50 x 136 with mature shade trees $6,000. More frontage could be ebtained if necessary. Call r. McQuay DUPLEX LOT 51 x 144 duplex lot within 8 blocks of 4-corners in Whitby Duplex lots are scarce so act accordingly. $6,000. Call Mr 'Quey S., RIA eT oe kl DIRECT FROM BUILDER ! ! | Prestige Homes Harmony Village Walnut Court off Florell Drive. Harmony Rood South, eost of Donevan Collegiate. "LUXURY LIVING" Features Include @ Large ravine lots with yeor round stream @ ,300 square feet of finished floor orea @ 400 square feet of recreation room with natural field stone fireplace @ Sep- Grate dining room with bal- cony @ Built in dishwasher @ Radio intercom system @ Wall to wall broadloom in liv ing room, dining room, hall ond all bedrooms @ Two car attached garage @ Quiet paved court @ Plus 33 other special features too numerous to mention | TRADE IN YOUR PRESENT HOME NO CASH NEEDED Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, "BUY NOW _ SAVE $2, 000 K. R. BELL and SONS LIMITED 723-6541 REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST PETERS Realtor COMFORTABLE Describes this 3 bedroom brick bungalow in the eost end of Oshawa. Only $2,000 down will allow you to toke possession. Coil Stan Mc- wi for particilers, HARMONY VILLAGE Excellent value, close to all schools and bus line, 6 year old bungalow with carport, large recreation room, as- phalt drive, Hanover kit- chen cupboards, storms and screens, clay brick, Call Earle Allen 725-7782. in- spect and make an offer. GOOD LOCATION Overlooking Highway 401. 5 roomed brick bungalow, pri- vate drive, nicely decorated and landscaped. Fenced in beck yard, large recreation room in basement, nice clean home, screened porch in backyard, Call Morley Bur- gess 723-0049. BROCK ST. CLOSE TO SIMCOE 15. room, 2 storey income property, lot 63 x 132. Call now for more information Bob Johnson 728-2548 CENTRE ST. Two family eight room house, paved drive, double garage Asking $3,000 down. Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457. List your home, farm or vacant land with this office. LIMITED REALTOR Photo M.L.S. REDUCED $1,400 -- WHITBY Priced way below real value for quick sale. Only $14,900 buys this modern 3 bedroom brick bungalow on sofe; quiet Street close to school. Owner moved out of town, Open to all offers. Call Doug Cor- michael 723-7463. 10 ACRES -- LOCUST HILL Excellent building fot. Owner has reduced price on this to sell immediately. Call Idso Wiersma 728-5683 BARGAIN $11,900 One of those rare buys thot must be sold immediately. Snow white bungalow com- pletely modern inside. Situ- ated at 165 Grenfell. Will delight some discriminating, thrifty buyer wishing to locate next to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Call Doug Cor- michoel 723-7463 ORONO - BIG HOUSE CHEAP 6 room family home, with modern conveniences, Beouti ful large shode trees. Close to downtown area. Will be sacrificed this weekend with low down payment Call Idso Wiersma 728-5683 | STE. THERESE ENHAUT QUEBEC Very attractive; 1 yeor old, 7 room split level bungolow, 3 bedrooms, finished den, 1% bathrooms, --_ laundry room, attoched heoted gor- age, and many extras. Large fully landscaped treed lot, 2 miles from new G.M. plant For. further. informotion coll: 728-2870 t ' DOWNSVIEW PARK Choice home in a choice area, o A bedrooms, electric heating, also vacont lots of your choice to build your dream home on. ANSLEY SUBDIVISION 6-room, 3-bedrooms, new kitchen, broadioom, $18,900. Immediote possession. SUBURBIA Large well appointed 6-room ranch with attached garage. 3 bedrooms, full dining room, fireplace, fruit trees.on 100 x 200 lot in Kendal- wood area. SOUTHMEAD Ideol 5% room, 3 bedroom ranch, large landscaped jot, paved drive, home in excel- lent shape, asking $14,900 with $3,500 down, bolance on 1 open mortgage OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 725-9191 723-9178 728-5416 728-5836 728-1554 Joe Maga Eldon Kerr Frank Frankfurter John Osborne Jack Hogan MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. | We list exclusive end M.L.S | H.KEITH | "PENSION PLAN" | | HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED | 323 King Street West 728-6286 Available shan chase this 6 year old Gola -- fully equipped garage with Excellent sell "GREEN WITH ENVY" storey frame on Hor- mony North close to schools, church ond bus 3 bedrooms nice condi- tion, Asking $16,900. "ESTATE SALE" Two storey brick --- 3 bed- rooms ---- oil heat --- detach- ed gorage --- moke a cash offer. "NORTH END" $14,500 for this. six room 14 storey --- alum. storms ond screens --- fenced lot-- Must be sold. - 3 car storage space return, Priced to 1% Open 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m. ofter hours call Frank Smith 723-3533 Ken Hann 723-7963 Dick Borriage 725-6243 IMMEDIATE POSSESS $16,900 with TERMS Well looked after brick home with broadioom throughout Built-in refrigerator and T.V in family room, with lighted bor. Recently decorated. Se- parate and public schools close by Phone BILL MILLAR W. T. LAMSON | REAL ESTATE LTD. 725-2557 or 725-1186 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW| 1ON | FOREST GLEN HARMONY ALLL INHA from -- $15,900.00. Cali JACK APPLEBY | EVENINGS 723-3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED i MODEL. to Suit @ EVERY TASTE @ EVERY BUDGET $18,700 $1,500 DOWN (if you. qualify) 18 DIFFERENT MODELS featuring clay brick, aluminum. siding, mahogany trim, built-in range and oven, storms, screens ond doors, garages and corports. SEE THEM TODAY AT... Harmony Road North, ocross from Vincent Massey School. Open 9 - 9 daily or call GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-6461 or 723-8144 Head Office Dougan Realtors 725-1109 3 BEDROOM HOME Modern 5 room brick bungae- low in south west Oshawo Finished recreation room and mony extras. Priced to sell, BUILDING LOTS 10 and 25 acre lots, up to 10 miles north of Oshawa. PORT PERRY DUPLEX One 2-bedroom apartment and a |-bedroom apartment. Each with private entrance and bathroom. An excelient investment ot $13,900. SPACIOUS COUNTRY BUNGALOW 1,500 squore foot ranch style bungalow situated on a half ocre lot. Extras include large open fireplace, family room with sliding glass doors open- ing onto potio, See this one to-night. After 9 P.M. Gord Schofield 725-2214 Bob Wells 723-5467 Lloyd Lofoy 725-0343 Bill Dougon 725-1109 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED PARK ROAD. NORTH House with lot 94 x 244 Good potential, investments Opposite Oshawa Golf Course Call Jack Appleby, Evenings 723-3398 101. Simcoe Member of O.D.R 728-5123 Street North EB. OSHAWA REALTY Investment Properties Resales --- New Homes Free Valuations 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY 25 Bond West (Borid St.) LTD. ah Hg' home, garage and other buildings, @ EVERY FAMILY CALL J.B. McMullan REALTOR 725-3557 -- 668-6201 | ONE MILE VIEW | | have my 3 Bedroom Bungo- low for sale, Corner River- side Drive § King street E. Aluminum Siding. Not cramp- ed up in subdivision. Lot 68 x 110 feet. One Mile View from living room and patio. Din- ing-living room 3] feet long with sliding doors, picture window and naturol fireplace. Step saving kitchen. Low toxes. Very close to Protest- ant. and Roman Catholic Schools and Churches. Nice- ly landscaped. Some shade trees, Asking price $21,000 with terms, J. J. VAN HER- WERDEN, Phone 723-4471. PRIVATE Three bedroom bungalow, at- tached garage, three large bedrooms, and living room. Den with book shelves, ex- haust fon in kitchen, Large landscaped lot with small gor- den and fruit trees. Patio in frorit and rear. East. Oshawa sasith srimear ant highway <iaban full" price, | with small down payment. } Must sell. 728-7711, TWO. BEDROOM apariment in modern apartment building, Simcoe Street North area. Stove, refrigerator and drapes or ae a fateiae! October 1, 728-2870, or TWO LARGE furnished | rooms. Kitchen and béd-sitting room. Private bath, park- ing, sults two men or working couple. 725-8352. $1X-ROOM, two storey "house an id garag Available now. Bloor East Sistrich Tele. phone 728-6507. SPECULATOR'S 1 "$ix-room brick Vedied garage, paved drive, Cadiliac Avenue. Don Stradeski, Realtor, 7%3-465\ MELROSE STREET! Attractive six- room bungalow, completely decorated, inside and out, all the landscaping is done, even @ garden, swings for the | children, Close to all schools in an area jof fine homes. Owner leaving for Eng- land, Priced to ei tbat he Don | Stradeski, Realtor, 723-465 | COUNTRY 1 Living -- ae advantages. Have your house built to any specifica- Hons on this beautiful 100' x 150' CMHA |Approved lot. Mortgages arranged. Tele- | Phone 723-9503 } or 725-2159. |PRIVATE -- Two years "ald, electric heat, three bedrooms, separate dining |room, two washrooms, finished basement, |double paved drive, attached garage. im- | Mediate possession. 728-5836, | ESTATE | SALE -- Gleaming white alumi- pd siding small bungalow with water oll heating, three-piece bath, and full | basement with walk-out entrance. imme- | diate possession, must be sold now and jasking only $9,500. To inspect - call |Charlie Rankine now at 728-7576. sibby's| |Real Estate itd, 46 King St. |Oshawa. | waiTey - Light industry over one acre jland, large two storey modern home with extra apartment. Call Perry Real Estate, 723-8123. COURTICE -- Five room frame bunga low modern, new furnace, low taxes, jlarge lot on highway. Call Perry Real Estate, 773 $123. LARGE modern four bedroom two storey 10 acres. Courtice ares. Call Perry Real | Estate, 723-8173, lprick BUNGALOW, Wilson-Olive area, 10 years old, five rooms, 18' living room, | plus three good size bedrooms, paved| | drive, storms and screens, many extras. | |$16,500. terms. Call Red Kruger, 723- eg. W. Frank Real | Estate Limited. DUPLEX at Shopping Centre, - very reasonable rent, will carry the morigage. | | Don Stradesk!, 723-4651, |INCOME HOME: Two-storey brick home| with 4 rooms for the owner and an extra | THREE-BEDROOM _ reom and living room | 668-2786. | BOWMANVILLE -- 6 Rehder Ave, six| rooms and recreation room, Immaculate. | Phone Myers, 728-4314 or 7 725-4774. DUPLEX 'in north west. two bathrooms, separate meters. with heated workshop. Zoned R3. price $16,500 with reasonable terms. vest in your future now. Call §&, {Hyman Real Estate Ltd. 728-6286. | BROOKLIN -- $1,500 to $2,000 down, fou bedroom brick bungalow, four-piece 'ile recreation | bath, livingroom, -- kitchen, with stone fire- places, two bathrooms, lovely tot. Close | | to schools, churches and shopping centres. | | Two | kitchens, | Rec- | reation room with bar. Detached uaraoe| vl In- Dd. | Nick Siblock room, on large landscaped lot, 70' x 130', {Carries like rent, | McMullan Real Estate, 668-6201, siz per moni, J. 8. | NEW | HOMES in choice noorth-east loca- | tion at Rossland and Wilson Rd. N. Bui |by Oshawa's finest builder, they feature | |three and four bedrooms, some with at- | tached garage. See our plans now, move) in for Christmas. Call George Twaltes at Carl Olsen,| 723-1133, evenings 723-2008. Realtor, 20 Ray St. it 3-room apartment upstairs with stove, refrigerator and kitchen set. Private {drive and nicely treed lot. Must be sold now and asking only $14,900, To inspect this home now call 728-7576 and ask for Jerry Coady. Sibby's Real Estate Lid., 46 King Street West, Oshawa. '20a--Summer Properties | For Sale or Rent "PIGEON near PETERBORO Cottage with Lot | L975 $50 DOWN $47 Monthly PAYMENTS START NOVEMBER 1966 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! LOT 75'x200' surveyed with family-sized cottage, 3 bed- rooms, erected. $2,995. cash or Budget Plan. $50 down $47 monthly, payment start November, 1966. Limited number. Year round activities. PRACTICAL FOR RETIREMENT or PERMANENT HOME Good roads, open yeor round. Hydro, telephone, swimming, excellent fishing, woter ski- ing, boating, hunting, etc. Winter Ski-tow neorby. EN- JOY Fall, 'Winter, Spring, Summer. @ MEET @ Beside Toronto Dominion Bank, only bank in Omemee. Highway. 7 on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each day this week-end at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. No appointment nec- essary. ess LOR sac Can be seen Monday to Fri- day, day or evenings, by spec- ial appointment only. TTS HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD w.| COBOURG, ONT. 372-9494 cottage with ba house, on Paudash Lake. Call 725-7913. WOODED river lot Lake Scugog. 300 AF Full price $1800. Terms to suit.) /23- =e for _Sale SMALL | HORSE FARM, 399 acres, good barns and tack room, Sthawa, $10,000. full price, $3,000. dow good terms. Call Rod Kruger, W. Frank Real Estate Limited. You are one of Thousands who read The Times Wont Ads Daily. "two | 16 miles n, 723-7900. | SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. | 46 King West 728-7576 for A-C-T-I-O-N cal! Charlie Rankine 728-3682 Tony Zakarow 725-4366 725-5701 725-4362 723-6356 Anthony Siblock Jerry Coady & 4°66 ¢ 6.4 5 Hee 3 Buying = 'Selling a | $ home can be pesky. $ If this is your prob- $ lem. Call $ DON STRADESKI r § Realtor $ 723-4651 $ $3 $3333 $ ¢ PARAL Rip iA SELL! BUY! TRADE! ony property | Call CLARE McCULLOUGH = Oshawa 723-7843 | W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. (in NEED A COMFORTABLE bungalow, |or 1¥2-storey home now for a cash buyer. | Schofield- | Call ved joer b Johnston, 728-1066, '24--Stores, | Offices, | Storag |FOR RENT. 440 ft. commercial build- $q. | ing, suitable for car remodelling, sign painting, warehousing, etc, ag monthly. | Telephone 728-5103 or 728-9714 | STORE FOR RENT -- South end. Indus- trial _Zone. ne. Telephone 725- 725-0150. | office, beauty shop, etc. Located on 492 |Simcoe_ Street South. Available immedi- | | ately. 725-5445, WINDSOR PLAZA -- 950 sq. ft. on "man| floor plus a full basement. Good location |with immediate possession. Sibby's Real | Estate Ltd., 46 King St. West, Oshawa. 728-7576. NEWCASTLE, modern four room _ |ment, main floor. Electric heat, near | Highway 401. Immediate possession, Mrs. | Milton Tamblyn, Orono 466W. |STORE SUITABLE FOR small business | or workshop. Downtown location. Park-| |ing. $60 monthly. Telephone 728-8200. |25--Houses for Rent | THREE-ROOM HOUSE, space heater, | hot and cold water. Corner of | Wentworth- \Cedar Streets. Pasce: moniniy. 728-5422 | PRINCE ALBERT een We p.m. | Telephone 985-7765. Seven-room house, | | town water, heavy wiring and bathroom. | TWO-STOREY BRICK, newly "ecora | garage, new oi] furnace, thr | adults preferred. $110 monthly. Teuphons | 725-2325. | TWO-STOREY brick house, six rooms, | |gerage, Central location. oe tenant | 2501, |ONE - BEDROOM an | located, | Phone Available 623-2609. immediately. Tele- |LARGE | WINTERIZED two-bedroom cot- jtage on Lake Scugog, two miles from Port Perry, $75 monthly. Telephone Port | Perry, 985-2764. |GENTLEMAN, preferably office worker, |to share fully furnished house with three | other young gentlemen. |Centre. Telephone 723-1840. |EXECUTIVE type four bedroom bung 2786. able November 1. $125. monthly. NEW, near shopping centre, $140 monthly a available country home, 725-5085 after 4 p.m. and rec-room, $115. monthly. 728-0510. TWO-BEDROOM _ house, | phone 725-9103 after 5 p.m, $100, monthly, One Available now. 646 re St SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, | Near Shoppii ing low. Available October 15. Whitby, "Meh. WHITBY -- three bedroom house, | sp 'wo months: in advance. Telephone 668-6495. | MODERN, three-bedroom house, Iso city conveni- ences and two and three bedroom apart- ments. Solina and Nash Road. Telephone TWO-BEDROOM garden home, laundry Telephone with garage, centrally located, newly decorated, ab- stainers preferred, $115 per month. Tele- TWO-BEDROOM | bungalow _ and garage, child welcome. | close to school and bus, 256 Ritson Road S. Telephone 725-4614, "| SIMCOE AND ADELAIDE area, mm house available immediately, $1 '001 100 x| Write Box 45615, Oshawa Times. 43 WAYNE STREET 1 and 2 bedroom apartments available Rent includes everything. Electric heating, semi furnished, FM and inter- com systems, piped-in music Abstainers only. Children welcome Telephone 728 5412, seven 15. -|26--Apertments for | Rent Oshawa's only T.V. Transportation at A home you will "LA CONTESSA" Free hydro and electric heat with individual room control. Sauna Room Swimming Pool Recreation room with kitchen facilities Fabric Draperies Pressurized, odour-free corridors Shopping, schools ond churches near at hand controlled entrance to protect you your door be proud to show VISIT 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481 | | Within Walking Distance SHELDIAN MANSIONS 885 OXFORD STREET South General Motors 97. Colborne St Phone 723-8771 or 723-8426 ONE MONTH RENT FREE FOR A TWO YEAR LEASE FEATURES 1. Apartment controlled en- trance, . Electric heating. . Private balconies, . Refrigerators and steve in euch Apurinent, . Next door te General Me- tors plant and office. . Television and telephone pre-wired, PHONE NOW 723-8771 or 723-8426 Only bill you poy is your tele- phone bill. All other eosts ab- sobed by owner. MODERN APARTMENTS PREMIER 321 Marland Ave, PHONE 728-6722 or 723-1401 One and two bedroom. Now available. Broadloom corri- dors. Stove; Refrigerator. Drapes. F.M. Controlled en- trance. Elevator. Intercom, Balconies and Laundry facili« ties on each floor. Free Hydro, No damage deposit required Swimming Pool FM Music and Inter Com, Two Rathranme in all 2 bedroom suites Free Parking Free Hydro Model suite furnished by Wilson's Furniture Store MODEL SUITE OPEN P.M 728-7942 CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLAAAAT ~rew @ | and 2 bedrooms @ stove @ refrigerotor @ broadioom in halls @ inter- com @ F.M. @ Balconies @ Immediate possession. Close to shopping centre and all schools. 728-4283 Apt. 111 340 Marland PUT AWAY «8 tlay sum by renting that Spare room with a Times' Ad. Telephone 723-3492 and put one to FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT AT Grenfell Square 1 and 2 bedroom suites in Oshawa's finest apartment buildings. Immediate occu- pancy. Call Grenfell Square Rental Office ~ EXECUTIVE SUITE Large top floor, 2 bedroom apartment, two baths, two balconies, private garage, ex- cellent location ond view. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, PARK LANE APTS. _ 725-7732 ROYALE APTS. 119 NONQUON ROAD 1} and 2 bedroom suites available View anytime. 728-5282 @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 am. to 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m, " LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 723-5111 380 - 385 GIBB ST. Action Want jwork for you. 4 WHITBY 1 bedroom apartments, all modern conveniences, eleva- tor,, built-in. stove, fobrie drapes, Free parking. Neor schools Telephone 668-5347