Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Oct 1966, p. 26

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| 26 'THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Theredey, Gotober 6, 1966 Keep One Eye On The "Series"... The Other On The Classified A Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale ']15--Employment Wented [17--Femal He Help W Wanted comeeae KITCHEN, with sens at oman WANTED by euphone le ies ; | ; g f cabinette, re 'woman. reg RIISINESS SERVICE DIRECTO RV [consscur too ys com [SRR re ef Paar WX JI Ye JY VYLIN V Nk WYiinLN EAAIN GE... nA ) oes 4 125) cu. fot Sai See a pANE Manas worn N' BICYCLE, girl's 20" wheel, 19" oF fURKESIAN fi tp owt revere, Fesetil17--Female Help Wanted Accountants Building Trades n ) Meter oe. a met Gerdening_end Suprie* sent ng Sense yy al ¢ REMINGTON aulomatic 208 deer rifle, Commercial Printing Plant OF COINS. GORDON R. DAY, Certified General . A Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- Si ential NO. 1 NURSERY SOD Rent A Piano : WAS THE , Near Toronto ping Centre, 725-9953. Re d Up to 100, 30c sq. yd. de- 1 EQUIVALENT set ya aluminum Phypinry Requires i wit % 7 Chart i rh ai 200, 28¢ sq. ' OF A KEW HAT ores A ri my at veins At Commercial gh Fee ty 200 vd nt Ped HEINTZMAN i A, cenit Fi ee a Industrial | 26 sq. yd. delivered. & Company Ltd. Peas Ay Westinghouse, elamalic dryer, Sener BINDERY Se artne TOLOSNT Res. 728-7605. i NO, 1 FIELD SOD 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa notte ours Sr Seer osc Toe . Res, 723-7605. Repairs -- Alterations we 'Accoun- Additions -- Remodelling 200 yd. and up 20c¢ sq. yd. Telephone 728-2921 , ; one AGE. none ist is F OREL. A DY tant, Licensed Trustee. 17 Bond Street For all your Construction delivered. GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer viene a brig Fare pocelay oe om beavy F mth eo Be a se ica acters ene aan Free estimates. Call 5 ech 6,199.3) be seen anytime. 481 Drew St. ; ALBERT HOSMAR, Chai 'Accoun- andscape Service. : 1966 GMC TRUCK and Glendale Only those with complete , AT Prince Street, Suite 4, Osh- CALL | Ee ee JAMES ALLEN & SONS |BETHANY LANDSCAPING|Septic Service 1 _ [Bt os SEE) rine of bray ope | ASSOCIATES MOPKING, BEADLE AMD CO. Charter. 725-6126 Phone 623-7594 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Phompt service YN WHAT YEAR " |GIRL'S COM BICYCLE and girl's rust) <4; , ion. Excellent working con- nancial Trade Bull: on calls. Waller Ward, 204 Chestnut Street Sw HES SUM winter coat, like new, size 12 teen. Tele- pm cg = ing oon FIN ANCE CO, io eri King 'treet East, yer eae oy West, Whitby, 668- T. Hopkins, CA; COURT RENDER THE ITE ELWA SEWING Centre, 38 Bond ; " ae Car &. Lukown CA. ener NU RSERY SOD Surveyors in i tex | DECISION THAT. ia waite ae See Contre, 38 Bond cident benefits. YALE, FRIED! RAND COW Char-| Built Kitch Bath- Now cutting, choice Ken- [Songvan AND FLRISHMANN, On| ORINOCO Recion | METOMATO 05 A j mi ; chine clearance. Singer Mi Zag complete} Our employees are aware of Wa nted fered Accountants. Licensed Trustees i tba he gh a tucky Blue, Also some No. |tarlo Land. Surveyor. Commercial blue| oF $a:AMERICA | VEGETABLE. t $69. Elnas and Whites, $i this advertisement si ate sme re Nor Goncral Repane" °°" | field sod. Pick up and save, [Brinis, 11 Ontario Siret, rassu "Axe Bins ? , $00 off Repairs to al rakes" . ; MALE : : i | HW. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land) OX ALL THER : hank ae YY a : Barristers H. aah Prop. takes' aiedies PY Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street East. Phone bk uh eae 1893, oe p Sean Mik be cid i tea ame. BOX 45703 5.8578 6 725-6881. 2s anne cbt 1, Hol rnd oinrin cae | SORES SAA FF OSHAWA TIMES EMPLOYEES After 6 o'clock TV--Radio R AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION complete, JOHN Ocommctia | J.B. WITHROW TOP SOIL nate Repeins rose a Sarviater ond "Solicitor Processed for top dressing 4--Motorcycles 8--Articles for Sale gers conan: Walley" Crtk Ne Bond Remodelling contractor a yee. non-processed 2.25 pee tort \ ~ 22Y4 King St. E. ; 4 'SUZUKI, 250 six-speed, 1966 model, best Street West. Good starting salary. Residence: 723-0944 Specialty--Cobinets QE AWA GARDEN) |-V. TOWERS [fezsertettciomuiie Rt] Now! six So St gel com PUNCH PRESS: + ss semen: soci 725-0586 SERVICE "BUILT IN OSHAWA" tn, anne te Tango S43 For Auto Service TEEVISION SETS, va, 1) Tor bah OPE R ATOR Grade ier equivalent necis- FRED R. JONES, LLB, Barrister and AT OUR OWN PLANT eh ae Baenc « sory. ings across Can- Sal" King, Sgt Ean, Se 30 CARPENTRY -- wow ona rps, ek 723-1161 ihe TRIUMPH Tec, $i. Teeohore| WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL trailer, Good condition, $250,' Port 1 Perry part we work. Free estimates, 726-7600 We oi b 728-1830 after 6 : ' e give you a better Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply be ARANTEED USED here, A HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL-lvew pLasTERING and repairs, stucco,| ~~ SMITH'S TREE FARM tower for Less Money 5--Trail mouth, Pontiac, We correct ouARAn ralriperater, lee MAIN: toe For Steel Rule Die CONTACT: man, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King sire re remodeling, rec-rooms. ee @ Cedars for Hedges ratlers wheel alignment, inspect and |e Alcan Corntiyre and Appliances, vt téiie hyn, QC, BA, LLB, Office 728-3420 , Me operati eh © Manure (cow, sheep orherse)| CCL AVIA T \/ | TRAILER CLEARANCE cir cae a corns [RAISTRE baby, caring, oa oi ote] G. S. Sloggett 7 . . | ~ 5 tgage funds available. revs bul real, oat, iiningeTnstatien| @ Ke ry sphiavenen gets Sresshs : ; WTOne Nathsaras correct 'condition. , .* 6:68" | |Pricss te sell at-sas, Teleetone PaaTeO. sti ptouth itary techie tai wig? Rm AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll-|00fs repaired. Free estimates. 723-2997.) @ Posts and poles. 3 >. @ Ports, extra if required press and run production. 111 Simcoe St. South hers, King" street om, ee ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete, Get|--all collect Newtonville 786-2283 SUPPLY LTD. pele bi heating and @ Torsion bar adjustment 9 --Market Basket ti Write. stoti : OSHAW. f ¥ » GARDENS PLOt he : 3 ee ---- age, mari- H A QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, QC, 728- Te Sa All work guar HY ccperts, 22 cents] GARDENS PLOUGHED "and "cultivated. TAUNTON RD. E MILLER HEATING extra POTATOES FOR SALE -- free delivery. rite stating vend 8q. ft. ; i i rh 2. deageves nadune on ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- Tnetructi _ptlenaglned ead 9 Tudor St., Ajax, 942-3491 BRAKE SPECIAL ree ouR oii TOMATOES, ripe and JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC Solicitor |tronn® cumney™ qavestroushing._ fre-| Instruction 723-8131 - 723-8132 Most popular cars. First |fortn' aise" trom: Courtice Road Nertn,| TO: Commercial Printing Plont to loan. Office, I4ve King Street)¢p a4 BALLET, BATON Twirling. Register li i . Oshawa, 728-8232. " . , AMPING UNLIMITED Quality Royaline. A. Horvath, eee teeta sts we ROOFING, 'hot tar 'and gravel, shingles. |Scnawa_ shopping 'Centre, 7250122." Bp MNTALS -- STORAGE| 4 wheels 88 | GREEN TOMATOES, $i.00 ber "bushel P.O. BOX 123 Near. taronte ° jo | oanainen en . ai e 01 jor' : Barrister cand elicitor, and ogg oe Roofing an Constroction, 7250957." MRS. MARIA DE KURTHY, former} HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TENT TRAILERS AVAILABLE WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL fhe and' oh he pavement, turn left, third OSHAWA Requires West, Oshawa, 'Ontario. Client parking | EXPERT PAVING. Free estimate, | in- rece hg Miss Oshawa 1966 Veil stort TV TOWERS FOR HUNTING SEASON er weights per whe ioe ei intl OE Re available, 725-4716 or 725-4717. Gludes grading and fill, two-year guaran-|P oS ait school in Oshawa, October. 11. $25.00 WEEKLY ng ights pe APPLES FOR SALE -- Mcintosh, $2. seats (7 business. Verrano Paving, | For information call 728-3957, Mr. Bokar, ARE BEST ' ea 1.95 |per bushel. Other varieties, Spies, Deli- ----_----_---------- SET. UP M AN Loe a eA ER arenes 7 ae dig TOWNLINE RD. NORTH SHOCKS, 'MUFFLERS, cious, Courtlands, Blenheims, La Salles. CLASSIFIED RATES ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, sil ivpes ot{----_ ' WHY. SETTLE FOR LESS! 728-9942 FRONT-END WORK AT Eee ie "DOWTY EQUIPMENT HORS APS certian oh 90 Werle $1.08; | Frank McCann, 'RR 3, Oshawa, issn, jJanitor Service COMPARABLE PRICES oe | Neck Sees cho pe ; of CANADA LTD. FOR BINDERY DEPT. T R | O RAMBLER TRAILERS to Oshawa Motel, 14 mile north, white words, 3 secsive manos ova ' saa8; Carpentry STORE Orrice or homes seeped. SALE -- RENT DOMINI house. Bring containers. 239 Station Street Experience on Muller Gang ON 10--Farmers' Column ed Stitcher, Baum Folders ond hes @ vacancy Cutting Equipment desiravle. additional orn | 6 or call Ken's aGiganing service: secutive Insertions u Bad $5.04; REMODELLING, trim work, cupboard: ladst 7 Ope is saitionel 'words ne. each. res mates, Telephone. 7252860, and, Sera ree en a apr Loan ne oig Bo 2 rua BUDDY TRAILERS T EF DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock. pick- f tsa Excellent working conditions Charge ans ae, aba y 728-5143 PORT HOPE R STORE up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, plans steal i with coverage of sickness and W net pel Dentistry % Tel Collect Hampton 263-| 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a yrone. lephone le' jampton 263- 2 . Method of Counting -- Less than 24/CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental| reasonable rate ef interest to" conspiidate| TELEVISION----RADIO Lot at 401 and 28 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH 2721, Licence 4-C-66, ee BOOKKEEPER accident benefits. Words conte ae eee einige a | surat. 172 King Street ast, Oshawa.) Your ills or for any other wocthwhil ma TRAILER HITCHES made and installed.) | TELEPHONE 725-6511 BALED HAY tor sale. Pickup or wil! MACHINE OPERATOR | , : also a pes welding done. 'ortable a ee ords phone "number counts two ti cigped end have mood oredr. THS-4001. 24 HOUR SERVICE 80 ail types of welding done. Portable | _ deliver. 728-5221 in replying please state age ; ge lg ER I Soresen sapioment for _ rest. felch 70. | AUTHORIZED 1 BURROUGHS, Olympia ran, m FOR SEALE clover and excellent working conditions, os experience. ae Qe imcoe i awe, 'or WANTED -- H trailer, 15- /6- | dealer. 'ash regs., adders, it ¢ Pi 40 i ji ees are aware is ad- BIRTHS--DEATH appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-844). Mortgage HOLMES tot Tae ay A geal AR RA AF pints, your chloe ia "Ns JONN DEERE ieee meer meemx| COMPANY paid fringe benefits ploy S-- f SOCIAL NOTICES Boone " 2S-1784. ae, iss S€7¥-jeq piough. Runs and looks fike new. S ae | . amilton, Raglan, Would exchange for smaller tractor, Call 942-3100 fiona "charge i mat 'pal unin Dressmaking nc MORT | GAG GE ELECTRONICS 6--Marine |--Marine Equipment | MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mar.|620-4926 after 6 p.m. Local 201 BOX 45357 bt once saengg ---- Suits, coats, dresses, ---- org tresses, all red Smooth-top te S| Tl ES alterations, slip covers, drapes yore) a 7 reduced, Smoo! mat Bi af IN MEMORIAMS For Pr i Servé Call 1# MOLDED PLYWOOD boat with thirty ses, $29.1 cri mattresses, $046; tee 11--Pets and Livy hk OSHAWA TIM 25 for the 'ig 35 words and Specialty. Mrs, Toms, Whitby, 688-2372. } ' horsepowe: ind tt trail pt Ai ah Mie DRESENAKING, --slerations_-- Se psig a. Telephone 7208292. 0 *'|tresses. for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-swaylin@RADOR PUPPY, yellows tale" ond WANTED NOW! each, nse nadltions! charge it aot Be sf profes. Whi ve ge cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furnhjniack females. Partially trained, Also : ee Sioneiys Mrs. McNamee, 475 hitby 668-5679 SSE Terman ne com, wineaiols |e, Church: Sirol Collies, $95. 10 $100. delivered,| Teenagers -- Mothers -- TRAFFIC OFFICE bik oe thane SAMARINS Ga ccs wren| ilable for first Nee trailer and Tarp. New 1964, asking | CHESTERFIELD | GARGAINS clearance| Port Perry, 985-2645. Grandmothers -- to start at RATE CLERK $2.25 for the first 35 words and Sc, each|perienced dressmaker. Reasonable price.) and second mortgages. Open a i $700.. 728-9978; pick rom 3 i ef We ng! wine eon REGISTERED red male dachshund) once showing luxurious Chrit- For Local ire point thereafte: additional charge !f| 728-0206. mortgages. No bonus: First CITY TV televisions, radios, | *$TARCRAFT® oem gt taveller | boats:|from $158. 3 pc. 'sectionals fram sige. | PUPEY: yr_feasonable. Telephone 623-3430. | mas cards to friends and Duties -- Approvel for pay- service and repoirs. Service [Evinrude motors. Open evenings and! Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, | THREE SAMOYED dogs. Would like nei rs. Eam plenty of ¥ plenty ment of all freight bills, Pe 9 its for sale pur- dept. open 7 days a week. weekends, Marine syorage end SUPPIY SUyiNG OR SELLING furnitre, a cae information extra cash for Christmas this ministration of tracing end With or without experience. tal status, experience, etc. r with 25c. not paid within 8 days. Gardening end Supplies peta oow second mortgages COMING EVENTS $2.24 por inch (display)? 91.78, Sor the chased. Also T.V. towers, color and | Fweive-root FIBREGLAS ~ fantall|nnces i E = beg iiaare . No cloims..Adminishtttion of dis- first 2, words and thereafter "TOP SIZE" black and white T.V. Anten- | : : stud for Vv. noe, with Built-in yoke. Also | °63, 3Va | ee | tld I hire. Telephone 6st. . tribution points. n-- cree Ae, M. F. SWARTZ nas, rotors installed. Sales | Evinrude motor. Telephone 726-9074. _ |TV TOWERS SPECIAL --- 40-foot tawer ys ira Kennel ste German| the selling for you, This will Geass oka a AUCTION, "es PER INSERTION. BULBS 26% King St. Eost and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SACRIPICE SALE, 18" Lapstrack alvm-|s50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton| shepherds, m mos., 9 mos., trained,| 'items beautifully illustrated in two or three man in an ins Oshawa, Ontario 306 Kitchener Avenue, Call | for) ave horsepower electric motor with| oad 2st lust east of Ritson Road. ."Aahirn SSSdGs2 eve full-colour. Write today for dustrial traffic office, as exe ceADLines Tulip Bulbs if 7 725-0500. All work guar- |alternator. Fully equipped with extras.|TYPEWRITERS -- for students, office| BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready) Christmas cards on approval cellent growth possibilities 723-4697 . phe diy os Boor "sohFie Saba ihe'nee tar! st/ Bran ie Rlameease" "PYM! ond free catalogue. Monarch | axist. or A shorp high schoo WORD ADS Hyacinith a 5 pm. DAY PREVIOUS i FIRST and SECOND We will not be undersold, Bill Hamilton, Card Co., Dept. 22, 217 Can- graduate who is interested LOST AND FOUND 4 sei fl MORTGAGES SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Lette. Sh Fel eS sa GLP PRE vee ome OR oes] Card Co. Dept 2 in entering the field of trot 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATIO -- All Classes -- ' a a » all makes, hoses,|eoR SALE -- Taha ey thorough- ic and transportation. Write BIRTHS AND DEATHS Crocus -- City, Rural, Vacation -- Fast T.V, Service soil 'hee lavoary "ae shine and Fleming Vetiabn tervicn, Mali" etree brede seeds BB gp gga ee 3 to Box 45576, Oshawa Times, 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION Dutch Irish Bulbs SUMMERLAND DOMINION fittings, H. Chinn, 288 Hillside. Pickering. years ok Bd et watch dog, three MOTHERS euttining background and # --y ayer ae eo ew experience. All replies held in ini SECURITIES LIMITED ; PLUMBING SUPPLIES, new tollets, tul IN MEMOR| Grape Hyacinith mber Ontario Mortgage TELEVISION \8--Articles for Sale Mle igi og Complete ag A trials or game farm. Frank WHILE YOUR complete confidence. AMS Me CAI OF HANKS. ; ices. RDS Paper White Bulbs Free ley ou service. 'Also' we can 'ar:| Bray. 655-2446 CHILDREN SLEEP 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Brokers Regal Lil 112 Si sited 2 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. installati 1, ; MN CLASSIFIED DISPLAY eg Bre y 2 Simcoe SM. N. 725-3568 p NOW renee, tateittion. am, a Brock 12--Articles Wanted en ae hour, demonstrat: 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous; @ cot} Hyacinith Glass FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale Jen nial as ti Tse ing Par-Tee Toy Chest's un- Umne or larger' Wo em aey BreW%S-| Bonemeal tna Hema Soreatert nt" King' twee] || COLOR T.V. SIX SERVICE, BAYS ar, or ren ogc of som anil RANG, SPY gvacmant cine "Se| ond gifts. No delveres or | MMECHANICS * . P a ve imm le ate H cance aon 0 Peat Moss i Ok BLACK AND Wire | nn FASTER SeRvice jist, Regier Gc ts eStore | Soe Ho, ein, oi, m. DAY OF PUBLICATION org a age mann Be sachet & gvait All work guaranteed lene ie wee now en display, United Rent-All W Marine, WANTED. 'Quebec heater or r box stove. Call Now Mey Hartwig mn Any advertisement cancelled before pub-| Bird Feeders : io WHEEL A SgRTINSWTAT DS, mattresses, half- oon es FoRaT ER wie have lication will be charged on day's insert) Wiid Bird Mix poll goon gg ley ghd age ik 100, S0le- T.R.1.O. TELEVISION pat at Bs oo Ply- price, Finest gual, Pentre Heed: you? valley Creek \6 Bond Street , west, SECRETARY MECHANICS p x j rt 'ontiac, We correct joards. Factory outlet p BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 coaee Tie fe nape auhgy 728-5143 visesl 'shone lapect wid NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re-|GOOD USED FURNITURE wanied, etc. GIRL FRIDAY H ELPERS While every endeavor will be made to COOPER-SMITH Sas correct castor and camber, | Pairs fo all makes. New hoses, Phone|Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNeil's| Lots of variety, good skills, bert tothe Optometrist T.V. TOWERS ®t, | Sion tosin ond toon oo | soak Dest Furniture, ast odin flexible, with telephone and Vat le ENE IEE SS "ve roo! i AND SELL -- Good used furnitu : cept no liability in respect of loss oi CO. F, RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe COLORED TV correct condition .... $6.88 |and appliances. One location only. ratty 13--Articles For Rent ee a ee McC Ta rae, me Ltd alleged to arise through either Steet North, Sulte 6, Oshawa. Telephone @ Parts, extra if required |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271 cong . Good start. aiium Transpo ms failure or delay in forwarding such re- 16 CELINA ST. 723-4191. or black and white Ad ; ing salary and excellent em- plies, however caused whether, by. negil- 723-2312 723-1139 @ Torsion bor adjustment |TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40. siructure Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- ployee benefits. NABOB Personnel Dept, how by bs af ee ; i or otherwise. 'The Times will, not Painting and Decorating 24-Hour Service extra. Vion 5a aes es, Cutlery, Glasses. Coffee FOODS Ltd., Ajax, 942-3881 gence or 4 ge ees ee Delivery Service Now 1S THE TIME to 'get your house, B fectrrgucl lig apy ° FIREPLACE \ Nhite Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal |~ 25 Ritson Rd, N., Oshawa arn er. furniture pain ten paper . °% ' we 1", ds a 9 ae th? . sR aE aie Tay menace REGULATIONS Established 1909 hanging. Reasonable rates, 723-0772. tres aC adi ines ModE BRAKE SPECIAL Phone 728-6852. : { MAIRUREQIOER cars. First |HONEST CAL'S REOPENED In whiby| [0% Furs, Mink Stole. WANTED HEARING. AID Pade Pld ar Rit Bon thong submited Plumbing and Heating TV SERVICE A Furniture and een at factory] SARGEANT'S RENTALS For part time. Experience not for errors in advert etherwise than in writing not for, more LAWNMOWER DAY OR EVENING if 8 aaeieereee = ais| --463 Ritson Rd. $. 725-3338 _| Deceemry., Phone 668-4321 SALESMAN than one insertion of any fe lagen PLUMBING MART M the price charge for a single t ie I tl 4 ie pal. in which error occurs. S A [ F Sold direct, 20% off cop- 728-5286 e holstered. "Telephone Cie Claremont. 649-2108, eoecied sraehaneas Sek court Repeal SE Wy. 1390 Dundas pian Bho saigh ll per pipe, pumps, 3 piece bath, OSHAWA WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |FURWITURE -- three rooms, new qual-|Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, . man with specialty sales The Ostiawa' Times reserves the right to ' ; Msrcol. Pressel ie. Shae? clanalty averining 'according to tts Drastic Reductions ffoiniess' steel sinks; * vani- Including weights per wheel ity furniture, only $299., Includes Com- ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred nate serene: -----| background. Excellent oppor- €o , _tivi | se ao in i hate tee | eet ot | GL ECTROMICS | on $1.95 [tombe Puy-ony sy wees, Unoeshse let" peteewutigs. Be, "een COSMETIC. tunity for hard worker inter In, the cases of display savertisements| VCS reaning.. Equip- vanized fittings and pipe. SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, values! Barons' "Home Furnishings, 424 Fone reacile "avente@hs REPRESENTATIVES ested in five figure income. The Times will not be held. responsible . ' 668-6601. 149 Brock Street |wejy Drilling--Diggirg FRONT-END WORK AT acre | CLOVER BAR LUNCH for sale, Good In Liberal commission, Free more space than that w oro, Lawn Boy and North, 8:30 a.m..-- 9 p.m. _ COMPARABLE PRICES STANDARD | TYPEWRITER $90. port-|come, Apply 580 Ritson South' vr tele: REQUIRED training course. error occupies. The publishers endeavor Yardman Lawnmowers ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel-|WELL DIGGING by machine special- cash Fetisters electric mutt pier Masa wala Sone Why. net phone. 725:9 151% to reproduce all advertising matter cor- izing In 30-inch file. Ward : Bd! : . x Ki | Wi ng 19:04 Chest , eter " j rectly, but assume no liability of adver- heel Horse Garden Tractors | ling, new and used materials. Reasonable a 'sree West, Whifbyr 608.2860 or "tas at UNIROYAL REFRIGERATOR, Servel, large scross|14----Business Oppo ent reuse joining us: in promot- Reply Manager pee agp sled Se inaccuracies in any form RUNDLE é rates. free. 723-1191, J. Foley. jo tradaarr einahiiely silenly Enna corals ng Maico Hearing Suwice "" ned therein. ALL PLUMBING AND HE) ; ; ay " IT'S RASY TO PLACE A Pls. Telephone yasai, Haale H. stark 1 Woman's Column CENTRES chatr, a0, savant Ae PARLOUR | SHOWCASE COSMETICS 850 Yonge Street TIMES ACTION WANT AD et ee LTD, os 5 snes Street 'south. = fac The. Ne PRINTING PRESS, 10" x 15 Heidgibuep 5 large snooker tables and |" Eas SSR SS <2 Torgato 5 WA-4- -2752 101 1 ST. E. e w Nome ra, excellent lon. Tel "723.3492 725-655] Rus, Upholstery Service | RIVIERA COIFFURE | oowinvon TiRe'sTones |e "va vat] occesrie, bun tl CONFIDENTIAL WOULD YOU LIKE ia P ~ en and Women's Hairstyl- 17 Park Rd S 0 i F . : Saree Pes awn tear ce] ing' Most beam Saom'n | pyr RM.S tween an feats te S| senor tog machine, por | For sles manager Reque- | MORE MONEY? INDEX TO Neat ytt Riven Sed" Ga fo orger: Baiton Upholstering. 79 charles i ® "% OFF Perms MeCLARY GAS STOVE: four-burmer, Saity Kromn tables for 64-65 land' were ad Pi grat OAA SUPERVISOR Si , 723-721 1s nn y. oven, very gi condition, e S - CLASSIFICATIONS 100% Gauss SOD RE-UPOLSTERY Wy by experts' Esfab:| 723-8601 East Moll Ploze pot Be ed trouble tree oe $8. Telephone 7-407" ater 4.30 p.m. _| ---- opproximately' $10,000. cedures essential. Apply. in needs full or part-time men lished 20 years. Workmanship guaranteed. rmerchese from Western Oii Company.|ONE SAVAGE-STEVENS pump aciion 12- 65-66 -- approximately person to the labour office. ( Part-time PICKED UP OR DELIVERED | Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses 600_ King St. E. 75.12 gauge shotgun in excellent condition, $50.) $13,000. Full price $17,000. GOOD YEAR rd oo a r r ile As- e-bullt, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up-|iADIESI I is "our plane in tuna? "Any Any ison 28 5 ouitar for sale, $75, Tele-| Telephone 985-2848. " " Visitors Welcome halstering, 207 Dean Avenue, 7254011. fmotha? Tuning and Vepetring. phone. 7: SQUIRREL JACKET with meiching hat CUE BILLARDS TIRE RUBBER sociation Memberships. Pleas- 725-7001. "ALL GREEN" NURSERY |Seles and Service 1986 feLRaaaapa motor and transmis-| (14): bamboo drapes and: tod, chairs.) AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE COMPANY of CANADA LTD, ant, dignified, good paying kitchen utensils, silver, _ bath: | ----------_-- ~___-- ---------- : SOD GROWERS 2--P, al phone 728-009. As Is $65. Tele-}room pole Tod, dinner gown, 725-6880. EXCLUSIVE BOWMANVILLE work. No experience neces- Townline N., 14 M,N. of L @ PHOTOGRAPHIC equipment, complete| VIKING ELECTRIC RANGE, 30", aulo-) Canadian manufacturer needs | | ------_ - sary but a car is. For full in- we Tab Oe APP IAN E R 1 fi hoir [dark room Includes Durst 606-enlarger,| Matic oven, rotisserie, six years ld.) dictributor in Oshawa area, formation contact John Moun- Taunton-village OSHAWA emoval of superfluous hoir Telephone 728-0033. . 9 REPAIRS M Murduff will be in' |gereatey Sea Sryer., three sats trays, | q ---------| to operate new process in tain, 180 Roxborough, i 725-9674 One Ge a saikces ie tank and all accessories. 728- STAVETAR' + POSTURE REST sce high public demand; Eorn: up Soles representative requires awa, Phone 723-8970. iLcanourmen' tome" Expert repairs to all makes 19th. Phone Genosha Hotel FULLLENOTH WEDDING dress, snort able. Telephone 725-4920. to $30,000 yearly. Total in- girl between sizes 12-14 for |-- Le ang iy TOP SOIL, SOD of washers ava. ne on. theta. dane. $e sae. once, In A. 2 728-5803 |WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used| vestment $5,000. Write giv- modelling Beeline Fashions. SHOR 17--Female Help Wanted ' ate : : sig tent -- TELEVIEOA, cook rug 6" by 9% and|surniture or anything you have. The City! ing name and phone number Two to four evenings a week. HORT ORDER 18--Male Help Wanted Fall Sale of p : kitchen suite witht d'chalti. Alce severe! Semi ps ang) to' Deluxe Chemicals, 574 Aeply, 117 Cromwell Ave. COOK 1$--Male or Female Help Wanted @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ELECTROLYSIS mirrors, different sizes. Cail 725-6478. | | SOUIN. 723-1671. _ Saas R R ' t. 20--Reai Estate For Sale NURSERY STOCK 723-4641 ONE 37 Con INENTAL bed with head.||MPORTED European dresses in the| Rogers Rood, Toronto 15. Apt. 4 20a--Summer Properties board, new, one rug 6' by 9, one wringer {latest Styles and colors from Paris, THE MOST WONDERFUL opportunity] ------.| Good wages. Free room and Fat ied My Boag A A washing machine, "good Zonaition, ee |Sweden, etc. Sizes 11, 15, 16: also Kolin-|of your ilfetime It you. are tinking. oF uwren WOMEN + required for night} board. Apply Dan's Restaur- He -Lots tor Sale HARDSAND FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES 3--Sportsman's Column _|smunid "Telephone 129-058 phone 72s-4a2, UNM! cendition. Tele-} going into business for yourself and havel Telephone 728-2001. "8" "**58Y:| ant, No, 2 Highway, Kings- 24---Stores Offices and Storage 452 Simcoe S..--- Oshawa HUNTING LICENCES, guns new ana GIRL'S WINTER tose size 14, girl's APARTMENT SPECIALS -- beds $14,|E@5Y fo operate and the best business inlexpeRieNceD i ae eR ga 2:5 ton Road, Pickering Village. 25---Houses for Rent LAN DSCAPING Telephone 723-0011 «| used, bought and Sold, ammo and hunt. Mrs white figure srates, size S¥/ltressars, $10. cribs $l0,, stoves: ie. the Kawarthas, on main highway. It does fr fen oF Suge, cake Telephone 942-5030. - = Vail 1 t.|fwo Atlas weatherguard snow fires 7.60 i t hurt to take @ | ly Kelly Kirk, 55 Glovers Rd ste ioge le ed Ms haaddi teascaal 6" ouch, 027, electri¢ train, 1Wo Washers sis. 16 BondhStrect West, 25 Bond| RR. 4, Lakefield. "No iifters, please: Thig| cleaners Lid, telephone 725 725-1721 Harris: Aluminury:Soles|\Ginvas I peak ek" PINS doe ero ee Street East, Valley Creek, 728-4401, is a sincere offer. LADY WANTED fo babysit, three days a STOCK ROOM han Taunton Road E. hunters to fill party of 18. for second | ELOOR, COVERING BARGAINS. panne CEMENT BLOCKS for sale, kc each|7g Employment Wanted _ ie ore felons eh nae AND A sana 'down, Pree Call Stim, oe Fit cat R.R. 1, Hampton week, Haliburton area. $70 weet. |? from 29c, Wall covering 49c. Wilson's} cit toa rt RECEIVING CLERK "| Phone Oshawa 725-6064 |"ayne Roberts 723-1306. Furniture, 20 Church St. acorns ~Schooltime! New, used.|MOVING? CALL ROBCO. f Reasonabie| MIDDLE. AGED LADY required to act Mest bein \ 00 = tad "and nursery. Free es estimates. i i BEDROOM SUITE, living room suite, Bond Street East, 725444, cere "si iver: saaietonanen Lshewrube oarvicen 5 | 45507 Oshawa Times. dead sans nd abl he Kona qc Prompt deliviry. 7253985 or 728 Siding, windows, doors, awn- |siMPL® MONEY TALK: Classified Ads| kitchen set, two single beds, 21" Admiral U 723-6090, 728-2082, any" time. , ond able to ded. Apply ings, stonework, railings. 16 seit things you don't need for $PoT| TY, Universal Encyclopedia, feather re-|/MODERN DINING ROOM suite, amber - = Sail EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, --day or! cashier's desk in coffee shop. 'DARLINGTON GARDEN $ aRviCe-- ~ ea) experi cliner chair, 21° 1" carpet, lamps,| walnut, consists of table, four chairs, buf--WOULD LIKE TO mind two children, night shift, also cook for day shift. Apply Genosha Hotel. No hone Free estimates. Phone 987-4754. Ever-| YeOrs experience : CASH. Dis! 723-3492 for an ad-writer)tabies. All items pa less than @ year |fet, hutch, wall cabinet, Only three years|any age, in my own home, five-day|15 Bond St. E. Town and Country Restau- phon Greens, sods, patios, fencing. Siding Experts. Lowest Prices. |now! old. Apply $35 Oxford $1., Apt. 105, old, $350. 623-59. week. Telephone 725-7803. rant. calls please,

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