REVERSE RUBY DEATH CONVICTION These are members of Texas Court of Criminal Ap- peals who reversed the death-penalty conviction of Jack Ruby, slayer of pres- idential assassin Lee Har- vey Oswald. Left to right are: Judges W. A. Morri- son, K. K. Woodley, and W. T. MeDonald. The court re- versed the conviction on grounds of inadmissable testimony and sent the case back for retrail in a county other than Dallas. (AP Wirephoto) Artificial Kidney Cost Kept High, Say Doctors WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two Cleveland doctors charged Tuesday that manufacturers of artificial kidneys keep prices too high and therefore are partly responsible for making the machines unavailable to "thousands of people that need them." The machines now cost from $7,500 to $14,000. Dr. Willem J. Kolff and Dr. Satoru Nakamoto of the Cleve- land Foundation said all manu- facturers of such devices have TV Producer Quits Network TORONTO (CP)--Peter Reilly, executive producer of news and public affairs for the CTV iele- vision network for 13 weeks, re- signed Tuesday. He said the resignation resulted from a clash -with John Bassett who is a director of CTV, president of CFTO-TV and publisher of Tor- onto Telegram, and is "'irrevo- cable." CTV arranged for exclusive rights to reporting by author Isobel LeBourdais from the Su- preme Court of Canada rehear- ing of the Steven Truscott mur- der case, A dispute arose, Mr. Reilly said, when he refused Mr. Bas- sett's request that her reporting be shared with The Telegram. Mrs, LeBourdais wrote a book that was largely responsible for Truscott being granted the Su- preme Court rehearing which opened in Ottawa today. She claims in the book that Truscott, 12 when convicted of the mur- Ger of a young giri, is innocent and that his trial was a miscar- riage of justice. Truscott, now 21, is serving a life sentence in Collins Bay penitentiary. The Telegram today reported that an agreement had been reached under which Mrs. Le- Bourdais would provide reports for the paper and for the net- work, and the paper would co- operate with CTV in. making files and background material available for researchers. or FILTER TIP CIGARETTES . REGULAR and KINGS . "tended to make the price of new equipment higher rather than lower." They added: "Some kidney manufacturers do very much the same as the automobile industry does--the stylists prevail over the prac- tical engineers, safety is sacri- ficed for looks, and the patient pays for the looks." The two made the charges in a joint report to the third inter- | national congress of nephrology. At the same time, they re- |ported progress towards devel- loping an inexpensive artificial |kidney employing an ordinary)caysed by tribal strife and jeal-| |home washing machine or a lunch-counter fruit - juice jet- sprayer as part of the equip- ment. By BOB HORTON WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States has two mais capable ind weapons in South Viet Nam, but no atomic warheads bay py Je pra to that Two Nuclear. Weapons - [In US. Viet Stockpile In the jungle war of Southeast Asia, they added, it is difficult to envisage targets suitable for nuclear hits. But if by some unforeseen cir- cumstance the United States felt h ta draw wan prceet Tuesday. They ruled out the likelihood of any tactical nuclear weapons being used in the current mili- tary situation. They said the would .far outweigh military gains, Safety Club Boosts Belts COATESVILLE, Pa. (AP) There's only one way you can join the Kangaroo Club: You must have survived a_ traffic crash because you used a seat belt. Kangaroo Club International was founded here in 1964 by the Chester County (Pa.) Safety Council. "Our officials recognized the need for some organization to tackle the jos of motivating people to use seat belts," said Frank E. Bird, the club's execu- tive director, who also is super- visor of safety and plant protec- tion at the Lukens Steel Co. "We just want people to use the belts they now have in cars, |trucks and buses. And use them on every trip they make." There are 292 life members. Each is entitled to wear the club's insignia: a mama kan- garoo with its baby lashed in the pouch by a seat belt. The non-profit club which has 237 chapters in the U.S. and Canada, does not manufacture or sell seat belts--or anything else. EXODUS UNDER WAY KANO, Nigeria (Reuters)--A turning to their tribal home- lands went on unabated. Wed- nesday following a week of vio- lence in which many have died. This big shakeout in Africa's most populous country has been jousies between the Moslem Hausas of the north and the Tbos of the eastern region. gtave political implications] great exodus of Nigerians re-| ~lits nuclear arsenal, they said, atomic warheads could be fired from 155-mm, and eight-inch howitzers now in _ operation against the Communists. The warheads are not in Viet Nam but could be in the army's hands in short time, officers said in interviews. The same applies for air and naval forces. PROMPTED QUESTION The question of whether nu- clear arms should be used in Viet Nam rose again this week with former president Dwight D. Eisenhower's statement that he would take "any action" and --|"would not automatically ex- ANNOUNCEMENT | GUY LeBLANC Mr. Guy LeBlanc is pleased to en- nounce the opening his new Real Estate business in Bowman- ville. Mr. LeBlanc has resided in Bowmanville since 1950 and for the past years hes been os- sociated .with on Oshawa Real Es- |] tate firm, He will be pleased to meet his many friends and past customers ot his new office at 147 King St. lf you're looking for @ home, or trying to sell one. . . be sure to see Mr. LeBlene tedey. Guy LeBlanc -- Realtor -- 147 King St. &. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. clude anything" in efforts to) eo the war quickly and honor-| The defence department posi- tion is that ne military require- ment exists which would call far uce of waslaar arme undor present 'circumstances in North! or South Viet Nam. The administration fears such a radical turn of the military effort might draw China or Rus-| sia into the war. At the very least, military ot-| ficers say, the use of tactical | nuclear weapons would bring on| a massive Comunist propa-| ganda campaign against the! United States. it leaves you breathles ... the greatest name in vodkal ASANO ONAN ET a FREE tree ea Electric Blanket C Fearman' Bologna Fancy Iced Donuts --_~===S--~CS~S~S s Fearman's Polish Coil ROAST BEEF DINNER M Side Bacon Swillt's Premium jashed, potato, vegetable, roll and butter. Cc ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY Quite possibly you have several good reasons of your own for buying an elec- tric dryer. But here's an excellent reason to buy right now: a double-bed size elee- tric blanket, complete with iHuminated dial control and two-year guarantee, This $24.95 value is yours free when you buy an electric dryer at any store featuring the Hydro Special. Why an electric dryer? K's the sefe, speedy, odouriees way to dry clothes. 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PURCHASE A DRYER NOW AND RECEIVE A FREE Electric Blanket 725-5332 FROM ONE OF THESE DEALERS RUTHERFORD'S FURNITURE 2 STORES -- 149 & 156 SIMCOE S. BAD BOY FURNITURE and APPLIANCES. 725-6559 KING ST, E, 728-4658 "491 RITSON RD. S. STARR FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES ROGER APPLIANCES AND FURNITURE 723-3343 50 BOND ST, E.--Next to UAW Hall--728-2151