Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Sep 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Whitby First Aid Unit Requires New Members _. WHITBY -- Because of resig- nations, due to business trans- fers and personal reasons, the iy St. John Ambulance B: has lost a number of members Eat sovincosien's are ie ur of volunteers is insufficient to enable the brigade to fill re- quests for first aid teams at public. functions. Young men, willing to serve, are asked to contact R. Hawkins, corps tendent, at 668-3659. lembership in St. John offers an opportunity to be fully train- ed in first aid-to give worth- while service to the community. Cadets are also needed -- boys or girls between the ages of 11 and 16. . Brigade members report hav- ing a sg! summer, with atten- dance at large picnics, lacrosse games, the July meet at Mos- port, etc. They handled 184 cas- ualties and gave a total of 1,000 hours of volunteer service, They are now beginning the busy winter season. : First aid classes will be held at Anderson Street School, in various industries, and a class for the local police and fire brigade. In addition training twice a week. The new, and permanent, uarters in the Centennial uilding are now in use, and are greatly appreciated. A new first aid room is under con- struction at the arena, and this will make it possible for brig- ade members to give much more efficient first aid service at hockey games, public, skat- ing, etc. Additional members must be found, so,do give serious con- sideration to increasing the strength of this worthwhile or- ganization and help them to public service to Whitby and district, School Administration Seminar Planned A seminar dealing with school administration will be conduct- ed by the Ontario School Trus- tee's Council, Oct. 14 and 15, at the Georgian Motor Hotel, Osh- awa. The Whitby Public School Board and the Pickering Town- ship School Area No. 2 will be} co-hosts. Attending will be trustees and officials from the Whitby Public School Board, the Whit- by Separate School Board, the Whitby District High School Board, Pickering Township School area No. 2, Board; the Ajax Roman Catholic School Board; Whitby Township Area Board; Canadian Roman Cath- olic Separate School Board No. 9; CRCSS No. 2 Board (Bay Ridges), will attend. The sem- inar will be held at the Georgian Motor Hotel, Oshawa. Trustee Mrs. I. Hamer and Secretary-treasurer Miss May Newman, are the representa- tives of the Whitby public school board on the organizing committee. Kenneth Munroe, superintendent of Pickering Township School Area No. 2, is the chairman of the committee. The Ontario School Trustee's Council recognized the need to upgrade the knowledge of the members of the school boards throughout the province. It was felt that too little thought had been given to the changing role of the trustee who had to ad- minister the conditions caused by changes in the academic field. After three years of intensive research secking solutions and preparing teams of experienced trystees and school officials, the Trustee's Council has ar- ranged for the material to be passed on to local school boards through a series of seminars. Guides, Scouts Hold Church Parade The Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, Wolf Cubs and Brownies from Whitby and Brooklin held a district church parade last Sunday afternoon, The services were held in All Saints' Ang- lican and St. John the Evan- gelist Roman Catholic Churches. Headed by the Ajax Girls Pipe Band the All Saints' group marched from the A and P Plaza to the church where they were joined by honored guest Reeve George Brooks and maunta Bat Slants. Twine tie service at which Kev. G. Arm- Se McKibben and Rev. W. Patter- son the Scouts and Guides, Cubs and Brownies re- newed their promises. The lessons were read by Scout B. Pascoe of ist Whitby and Guide Joanne Huband of 7th Whitby. The address was given by Mr. Patterson of Garden View United Church. The St. John's service was led by Father K. O'Driscoll. Honored guests included His Worship Mayor Newman and Mrs. H. T. Cook, the Centre Area Guide Commissioner. The St. John's parade was led by the Whitby Town Brass Band. After the services the two sections of the parade joined at Fairview Lodge and with both bands marched past the municipal offices where Mayor Newman and Reeve Brooks took the salute with Mrs. Cook. Scout Commissioner Graham Willan and Guide Commissioner Mrs. Whales. Parade Marshals were ADC Mike Woods and Venture Coun- sellor Benny Lahaye. The pa- rade was under the direction of ADC Ted Markwick. Fund - Raising Project Planned The Castle Chapter Alumnae of the Ontario Ladies' College held a business meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. J. W. Richardson, Whitby Town- ship. Committees were formed for the alumnae's annual 'Night of followed by card games and the presentation of prizes. Plans are for 45 tables of bridge and other types of card games. Proceeds from the eve- | project. The ticket convener Is |Miss Hazel Worfolk, Whitby. | Lunch conveners for the first classes for cadets will be heia)g continue the splendid record for jning will go toward a college| Aquarium Assistant Terry McLeod says Vancouver's unnamed dolphin has a gentle mouth, brushing him only once with its sharp teeth during feeding. Terry is hand-feeding the dolphin, 1| "There is stilll a lot of work BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Whitby Township Council was told Mon- day night that its new munici- pal office will be ready for occupancy by the end of this week. Council has yet to set a date when it will take over its new home. Some were doubtful whether the | Friday deadline to be done," said Deputy Reeve John Batty, The Whitby Township Centen- nial Celebrations Committee will meet at the municipal offices this Thursday at 8 p.m. The meeting, to which the pub- lic is invited, is designed to mould celebration ideas in the township for centennial year, PROBE VANDALISM Whitby Provincial Police are investigating severe vandalism at the Brooklin Willow Park washrooms. VANCOUVER DOLPHIN HAS GENTLE BITE ai9 pound breakfast of, mackerel and herring. (CP Wire Photo) New Teachers Rre Feted PICKERING -- A reception for new teachers, sponsored by the executive of District 20 of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, was held Sept. 21 in Pickering District High School. More than 100 new teachers were welcomed iby D. J. Kettle, president of \District 20 and Robert Shef- |field, district vice-president. | Mr. Kettle introduced the head table guests and called on the vice-presidents, Mr. Sheffield and 'R, Farrell to introduce the principals of the secondary schools in Oshawa, Whitby, Port Perry, Uxbridge, Brock, Ajax, Dunbarton and Pickering. The principals in- troduced the new members of their staffs. Past President Ray Litt per- formed a short but impressive induction ceremony. {participation in UXBRIDGE ---Bill and Bob Tran, Claremont and Bruce Pearse, Claremont, were the winners in the South Ontario Junior Plowing match held Sat- urday at the farm of Stewart Diceman and Sons, Greenbank. The event was sponsored by the Port Perry Junior Farmers and the South Ontario Plow- men's Association, Win Timbers, Stouffville was the official coach and judge for the competition. The competi- tors were coached on correct plow adjustment and how to start and finish their lands. The purpose of the junior plowing match is to give the junior plowman an opportunity to receive instruction on plow- ing, and preper plow adjust- msnats; and ts the senior 406 HOW Wace & iuicu in the auditorium to hear Har- old Dean, deputy general sec- retary of the OSSTF who spoke concerning the federation and the teacher's part in it. Sewage Rate Plan To Be Discussed | | PICKERING -- A public! jmeeting, to which all residents of the area have been invited, |will be held this Thursday by the West Rouge Ratepayers' The winners in the class for boys 15 years and under, who had plowed in competition be- fore, were: Bill Tran, Clare- mont and Ted Smith, Black- water, RR 1. The winners in the class for boys 15 years and under, who had not plowed before, were: Bruce Pears, Claremont, RR 2; Barry McKean, Seagrave, RR 2; Murray Stone, Black- water, RR 2; Bob Campsall, Uxbridge; Barry Jones, Ux- bridge and David McKean, Sea- grave, R R2. | Association. The meeting will {be held at the West Rouge Golf | Club. Pickering Township Council- The winners in the class for |boys 16 to 22 years inclusive, |who had plowed in competition before were: Bob Tran, Clare- and tn annanvers thels!: egceuress tne Claremont Plowman Will Represent County mont, RR 2; Ken Diceman, Greenbank and Stan Kerswill, Stouffville, RR 3. The winner in the class for boys 16 to 22 years inclusive, who had not plowed before, was John Stone, Blackwater, RR 2. The winner to represent the South Ontario Plowmen's As- sociation in the Junior Inter- Branch Class at the Inter- national Plowing Match, Sea- forth, Oct. 11, will be Bob Tran. Syrup Seadanacs Meet At Lindsay The formation of a provincial from nz of producers trom many sections of tne prov- ince being held Oct. 6 at d- say. The objectives of such an or- ganization would be to encour- age the development and ex- pansion of the maple industry in Ontario; to promote the best interests of producers through better woodiot management, the use of: new labor-saving methods and the up-to-date marketing of fine quality prod- ucts. The organization would also endeavor to promote better marketing and higher returns for producers as well as to work with government and farm organizations for the betterment of the Industry. New Municipal Building Is Nearing Completion THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, September 27, 1966 One night recently vandals smashed windows, tore away screens, and caused extensive damage. LIVING COSTS RISE BUI Norway's cost of living has} 'TOKYO 23 cent since 1959./anese in ILD committed sul There are 500,000,000 Moslems} "respect for the in the world but only twollice an mosques completed and two pe Mie pee more under construction in|'The old national "Someone must have really wanted to get in," sald Reeve John Dryden. Council agreed to write to a Toronto newspaper saying the nener ean nut un road siena in the township provided there is | no cost to the municipality. NO SUPPORT On a unanimous recommen- dation council agreed not to support a resolution from the Town of Elmira that senior governments adopt 80 per cent of education costs. Literature on the service offered by the Victorian Order of Nurses will be included with assessment notices soon to be sent. out by the township. Coun- cil agreed to allow the litera- ture to be. inserted with the wottgd when they go out in the mail, Troon Movement To Be Heavy NICOSIA (Reuters) -- Thouw- i nds of troops from eight countries will move in and out of Cyprus during the next three weeks as contingents of the United Nations peace force on the island are relieved. In addition, Turkey Wednes- day will replace half its 600-man battalion stationed near Nicosia under the 1960 Treaty of Alli- ance, The Cyprus government has denounced the treaty under which Greece and Turkey sta- ident Makarios has acceded to an appeal from UN Secretary- General U Thant not to oppose the Turkish troops replacement to avoid renewed communal troubles. Austrian field hospital unit are oo home this week. They will be followed shortly by Can- ada's 2nd Black Watch, Britain's Irish 8th infantry group. Denmark will replace a bat- talion in November, Britain will replace the Welsh battalion with a Black Watch Regiment. CHALLENGES MAO Francisco de Souza Valente, a Brazilian octogenarian, has challenged Mao Tse-tung, 72- year-old Chinese leader, to a swimming race. 'If Mao in- vited me to race--downstream 7 ia ieave nim ne the retired eivil nc, SEPVANE Bid ivig- mois mer. Finland's 6th battalion and an} __ RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) --| lL. A Complete | SERVICE| | | ©@ Heating F TENDERS TOWN OF WHITBY | CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS CONTRACT No, E-2 Sealed tenders clearly marked os to contents, and addressed to the Town Engineer will be received by the Clerk Adminise trator et the Municipal Offices, 405 Dundes Street West, Whitby uniti 12:00 NOON, OCTOBER 3RD for the supply of olf materials lol requ wi other formation Fach Fo i ----Samnglon « cheque § amount of Yor of the Tender Price, endian esi "7 The lowest or any tender will not necesserily be accepted, R, ©, SIMS, P. Eng, Town Engineer BD. G. NEWMAN, Mayor Town of Whitby, COMPLETE | COMPLETE | | PH. 668-299 tion troops in Cyprus. But Pres-| #4 Royal Welsh Fusiliers, the| Swedish 34th battalion and the! at the Columbus Club | 133 Brock St. N. WHITBY | EVERY TUES. NIGHT Doors Open at 7 P.M, Bingo Starts at 8 P.M, SHARP Admission 50¢ iidran Under 16 Years af sae nlease. is ip No Ch Ly ll gi i} a f o™ VICTORIA and GREY TRUST GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES MAY BE LEFT TO ACCUMULATE AND COMPOUND Ya YEARLY VICTORIA and GREY TRU WHITBY, ONTARIO 668-5897 Cards" to be held Oct. 24.| meeting of the season were Mrs. This year the event will be in| Eric Pym and Miss May Storie,|lors R. Chatten, J. Williams| -- the form of a dessert lunch'both of Oshawa. jand J. Campbell will attend) WHITBY PERSONALS | and explain the revised sewage | rate structure. Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Ca-{also visited the grave of a sol-/New Richmond, Que, they nadian Legion, Branch 112,| dier cousin of Mrs. Ward at St.|were guests of Mrs. Foran's Whitby, delegates, Mrs. Doro-| John, Newfoundland. mother, Mrs, 'Elizabeth Cor- thy Ormiston and Mrs. Ann ,.| mier, Stanlick, have returned after Groups 2 and 4, St. Andrew's attending the auxiliary conven-| Presbyterian Women, are spon-| Barbara, daughter of Mr. and tion in Windsor, Ont. They vill Show et agg poet ree' = Mrs. Patrick Foran, celebrated present their report at the Sept.|S20w Oct. 4 al Masonic hall. In| her second birthday Saturday. 27 regular meeting. charge of arrangements are:| ninner. guests be A scum Mrs. Carman Sarles, Mrs. ; Best wishes are extended to) Lloyd Campbell, Mrs. Warren ogg eh nate Brinn Hee) Mrs. Bertha Lamb, secretary, Mowat and Mrs. Ray Kennedy. of Oshawa Branch 43, for a\Following the showin, hh ------ speedy recovery, Mrs. Lambion display .c9m..-be---purchasea became ill while attending the| and this way contribute in this convention. money: raising project. Mrs. James Broughton, 305, The Whitby Women's Insti- Byron St. N., is opening her|tute will meet Sept. 28 at the home Wednesday evening to} home of Mrs. Earl Ward, 105 Whitby Kinette Club executive|Mary St. W. A guest speaker'| members for its meeting. from the Bell Telephone Co.) will t S- | Weekend guests at the home| tm, Mar Willsm Walshe Mrs.| oat eT ae Meow; | Harold Wickett and Mrs. Mar- Mrs. Eric Ritchie, Montreal] 227¢t een ae and Mrs. Ritchie's mother,, Mrs. Barnett, who is visiting) Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van| them from England. frvcohag 508 Walnut St., are back! : rom a holiday spent with Mr. | ot Ra ome Tae wodby's baa Horne's sister, Mrs. Jean three-week motor tri r >| Musselwhite % Mt yaa travelled over miles.| ~ While in Port Aux Basques they; During their vacation Mr. viewed the monument erected|and Mrs. Patrick Foran and in honor of soldiers who were|Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Trudell torpedoes on the Caribou and| visited in New Brunswick perished in that tragedy. They'and Prince Edward Island. In TREASURER'S SALE rn LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. TO WIT: By virtue of warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Whitby under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 29th day of August sale of lands in arrears to taxes in the Township of. Whitbywill-be-held-et-THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS in the Township Hall, Brooklin, at the hour of two o'clock in the ofter- noon on the 15th day of December 1966 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 3rd. day of September 1966, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Hv este office, this 12th. day of September 966. Meel Baffled Bob ] J ou 4 Ot PRITIVEU eee NEW FALL MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES FROM : House of Hobberlin Tip Top Tailors USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 Any budding Rembrandts at home? Have them colour in your family. They'll likely colour bright and happy--that's the way you'd want it, isn't it? Even if anything happened to you. It's simple to make sure that this Is so. Suggest they draw a beard on dad--not a beat- nick beard, a "grandfather's beard", Are you prepared for this eventuality? The financial solution to these problems can be realized by saving through a planned pro- gramme of cash value insurance with The Excelsior Life. There are other ways,.. "making a killing" on the stock market... having a rich uncle leave you a fortune... but they're not likely, are they? The sure way is to build your own Excelsior Life programme that protects your loved ones now and guarantees you. an adequate monthly income when you retire. Think it over--then get in touch with your Excelsior Life representative. He's got all the skills to help you get the most from your permanent personal tte and health insurance, Make the move today. He's a good man to know. "@#%e EXCELSIOR LIFE Srmueance A. C. Craigie, Treasurer, Township of bingy Box 160, Breoklin, Ont. >) "Available for Immediate delivery in the following capacities" Me hes heard, if confused by olf the claims, depend on the original 5 yeer 50,000 mile Power Train Warranty of the New 1967 DART "GT" ALL NEW CHRYSLER Now Playing -- One Complete Program Each Evening At 7:30 AN EXPLOSIVE |STORY OF TODAY! In Color COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents BROCK WHITBY ASTRONAUTS MUTINY IN 460 GALLONS 525 GALLONS 600 GALLONS 700 GALLONS 1000 GALLONS POLARA "500" MONACO 500" CORONET Coming Soon * a IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER PHONE boo-3dTT SOM ocr's -- brooklin CHASED | | rodscte to Entertainment Beal 'i 2 aries + 44 BILL WILLIAMS «one carrey Unde Marlowe» Kat rieen Breck: Donald Charehill ROBERT | LIPPERT ne JACK PARSONS BERRIRD KNOWLES. HARRY SPALDING BEGINS 7:30 NORTHCIDE CHRYSLER DODEE EGINS 8:40 BRANCHES FROM COAST TO COAST IN CANADA

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