Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Sep 1966, p. 19

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30--Cars for Sale 30--Cars for Sole ert etree rent a ME Tiel tee rs timmenannin yp ngthianpnnit mathe free mntetEt Mae NmNe Neste tn tle 31--Compact Cars for Sale 36--Legal 38--Coming Events SEAWAY MOTORS () HOUR Stay Awake Sales Marathon or has fo clear ol! 1966 Models, demonstrators and used cars in the next days in order to make way for the 1967 models which a be going on display Friday! Here's your y to take ad deal -- you nome it! * THE MAGIC NUMBER IS. . . 30 @ 50,000 MILE WARRANTY ON ALL 1966 MODELS @ $50 FREE SERVICE OR ACCES- SORIES WITH EACH USED CAR PURCHASE @ 50 HOURS OF SOLID BARGAIN- ING BY . @ 5SLEEPY SALESMEN WHO HARD- LY CARE ABOUT PRICE MAKE YOUR DEAL! FROM 5 p.m. Tonight TO ge of ao truly great new or used cor © . ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Fag og Fo Detsun Spetjalizing in vane ir and 9 7280 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. bein Mh ts om Service He ey * Open Evenings *% VOLVO & PEUGOT % MERCEDES BENZ Gene and Araleett Genes Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South 728-0921 MAIR, reaaondelh prick." Yeseonone 668-8716, ox il ALPING. Condition. Telephone yas7eay after' 6pm, ot 1962 "MGA" MARK Ii, perfect porate pg piney, pier hardtop, Phone 723- War GONVAI er py 32----Trucks for ag USED TRUCKS '61 FORD Econoline, serial 193342, '58 INTERNATIONAL Half Ton with platform, Lic, 16963B, '64 CHEVROLET Half Ton, V-8, Lic, 19756B, tf Bg Holf Ton, Lie, 14 6. A TERNATIONAL Three , serial '63 INTERNATIONAL Three Ton Cab and Chassis, serial 7491C. '58 INTERNATIONAL with Hydro line body and wench, seriol 5688C, '59 CHEVROLET four door, Bel Air, automatic, 6 cylin- der, Lic, 306507, '54 FARGO Half Ton, Lic. 171058. $175.00 COWAN EQUIPMENT 134 King "b, z. BOWMANVILLE TEL. 623-7011 GMC, model vat tong wore, bene sy dump Vie ee box 000 end, mo tr rane mission, 10 x 20, 12 fi Telephone 723-5387, 11 Bs 7h pm, Na A ROL deme ati Ap. haif-ton. Telephone 668-2810 a ALOMINUM step vary sale or woe Buying A New Car? 5pm. Sept 29th ewan * Want a Sample? = 1965 METEOR CONVERTIBLE Antique Bronze, power equipped, radio, 8 cyl. auto. Lic, 20508. ASKING 2495 1963 CHEVY II Super Sport. Lic. 94409. ASKING I195 Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash te the New Car Dealer end 'Save. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-8574 Le mil Call Gr wennsertn oe, Meta = Cars Fp] towne T fi SHAW A ao in ae, fen 4, ant t Bis se s iron nH WN, we | sans parte tor sale. r a a 1s Waleen" atreot Telephone 728-2 a" 34--Automobile Repair FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshoft and Valve Service _ § pm. TRAN 1960 AUSTIN SPRITE with 3 tops. Real sharp. Lic. Laesar. AoRINS 379 1961 FORD A real Black Beauty. Lie. 17278. ASKING /¥D * DON'T MISS THIS TRULY GREAT OPPORTUNITY NO REASONABLE OR UNREASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! FORD FINANCING -- 36 MONTHS TO PAY SEAWAY MOTORS (1965) LIMITED "Your authorized dealer for LINCOLN, MERCURY METEOR, COMET, FORD and MERCURY TRUCKS" Six Courteous Salesmen to Serve You 1120 Dundas St. E. Whitby (Hwy. 2 and Anderson Street) PHONE 668-5893 missions are our @nly Simcoe North, Phone mea: NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT RS.C. 1952, Chapter 193 Ha Saas ives Hg that It has under the sald Act de a4 the Minister of. ublle W' ks i" ed i ey a "Mase Bhieon "yey Hs ae peg ome at Whitby, ng = Poe of Ontario, description of the site and plan of the ge electric * station Peaernore fe nt is County of Ontario, Province of Ontario, composed of: 1, Part of Block "A", Re« glstered Plan 578} Part of the Weer Lot in front of Lot. 21 Range 2, Broken Front Concession; 4 a of a Lot HY76, ila Bt of the bed @ Ontario in 9 19 and 20, : Range 2, Broken Front Concession and Blocks "A" and "BY, Register- ed Plan 578, AND take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the pile tion of this notice T' DRO « ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO will, under Section 7 of the said Aét, apply to the Min ister of Public Works for ap- proval of the said site and plon. DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this 8th day of tember is A.D, 1966 E, B. EASSON Secretary THE HYDRO - ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO WANT FUN ? Join @ squARt DANCE CLUB Beéginers and Intermediates INTRODUCTORY NIGHT: Wi. Sat. 28 Qshawa asa Club Ritson Ra N. at Hilleroft Couples and Singles Weleomed COLOR TOUR SATURDAY, OCT, 1st We have Grranged o bus tour to see the best colof of the sduchenie Grea, For informe- *" Phone 623-3265 COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Orchard Bivd,, Bowmarville Ro ALE, tember #1 pm, Sponsored by Lakeview Hander ould BIRTHS 38--Coming Events LITTLE Don and bi id pnd he Ay hed i, goa Sa at Now Sanderson WASYLYK--- Reg and Bonnie ie Jarvis) wren to announce the cn ee firs' Francine Mi 4 : ozs., on Saturday, tt mints the Oshawa Genral Hos hoe fi , fs ries wt , First grande lor Mr, ah Fran iene and fourth ff, oe Mrs, he Bpees Ly rea' fae niger end ag har len ra , of Winnipeg. here. An receive of General Mi for some years, he as fremiber of waaht awn S Me Laughlin, He ay to Florida| chit more than 35 yeas and Mr. Braund is survived by 4 wife, sw ve sisters, hoy L, nr Virg 'teach Fiori rs, PEt . and nde "ec Man EB. McKEN The death occurred Sep ng" at the Oshawa General hap tal following a short dicknose of Mrs, Jean Elizabeth McKenzie, 40 Simcoe St, N., Oshawa. She bia 48th year, - former Jean Elisabet ter-| Dodds, the deceased was ; eae . aoe i e of Oshawa an é late hn Dodds, Born a it New Glas. wow, Nova Scotia, che received er education at Stellarton, N.8., and was married in Christ Anglican ae Stellarton, Sept, 18, 1941 A resident of Whitby, prior to oh evi to Oshawa, Mrs. Me- e|Church of England and of the Loyal Orange Lodge at Stellar. ton, N.S. Predeceased by her husband, John M. MeKenzle, the de DEATHS BERNARD, Ile Maud at thofembgr ta fice i, Whitby g)'Por! Perr), lta M, Msiethare ( loved wife of the la! ae re dear mother BINGO & $1,450.00 IN PRIZES Oshawa Lions Club 2 Jackpots Nos. 52 ana 58 ONE MUST GO $300 in 52 Nos. or less $200 in announced Nos. $25 Consolation Prize PLUS $10 per line both games Eorly Bird Game 7:45 Sha Fee tine sae.00 Pull 300 $150 Jackpot Game 20 Rogier Games et $20.00 Double in 15 Nos. or Less Last 5 Games $30 per game ADMISSION . 50¢ Bus Service leaves King and Simece Streets ot 7:00 and 7:15 p.m. The ee prize in the area for a 5' mission charge EVERY WEDNESDAY All Proceeds to Charity Jubilee Pavilion 35--Lost and Found LOST -- Lady's Wrist watch, 4 vineinity of Discount store, ae fi nek Stevenson Road wy ne Rewari ae 723-4) = in Boomenrtie po sliver covered. Wittnever wr wriatwaten, sae wallet striped ith : bisa hao ee Fe ea nl a homes before winter sets in, 668-2576, an -- in Bowmanville arena, sliver sho Wittnauer Mita ssn wallet 'elephone on pernenel F papers, MacDon taeaiee "ol of Bowman- ane Police. best -- ="in Whitby Plaza, Friday night, orange striped female cat, with ieren of oe and white, Telephone UND in Whitby, beige male kitten, ge! Street, also all white female kitten in Port Whitby. Telephone 668-2576. 36--Legal TY OF OSHAW SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES A sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the City of Oshawa will be héld in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Oshawa, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the sixth day of December, 1966, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid The list of lands for sale for arrears of texes has been pub- lished in the Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day of September, 1966, Copies of the said list may be obtained at the office of the City Treasurer. Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 5th day of August, 1966, 1, F, MARKSON, Treasurer ¥ GEORGE E. FULTON of 215 Porry . Whitby, Ont., will not be responsible 5 any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, Seplenner 27, 1966, without my written consent George E. Tuinon ESCORTED TOUR BUFFALO, N. Y. THANKSGIVING WEEKEND Oct:-8-=-Oct...10 ete we Write or Telephone COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Orchardview Bivd. . BOWMANVILLE Phone 623-3265 BINGO DNIPRO HALL EVERY TUESDAY 7:30 P.M. All regular games $10, Share the Wealth Jackpot $150. 50 Nos. or $20 Consdlation idith DNIPRO HALL BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY, 7:45 Early Bird Game FREE ADMISSION Jackpot 53 end 5! Children under 16 not allewed Special 7;30 bus from ' 4 Corners. Paper 4 ae . MeBachern), a ), of bor ra, thd loving grandmother of Thelma 'Mrs, R, Rowland) © Sonne, More Lae sting at the Chay + Pannabaker, Por service on Wednesday, at 2 ment Pine Grove Cemetery. @OULA At rel Heeatiale Reermanviity ptemb: » Leo Goul cui Perry, for pm, (ter: Monday, er 2 7 26 Duke Street, Sewrmanyile, in his husbat MW tn M, alee "s ire C eal et nit 10 am, manvitie ¢ aay, BLLOW, Brian Roy 8 te esr: gp vag 1 25, 1966, ipeloved hu of Lol Myers, and dea! "al mr gat » iim, Mike ahd Key nge i nar Biliott Funeral t Eglinton Avenue. Hen, Mi foros fo Nec olls, Wedny fi Peat Sremation josed casket, donations may be made ig Gnarity.) ville, a Bowmanville, Funeral serv Wednesday afternoon, | anville cebg ert ot| Cha peered was born Feb, 30 AQ to, nag rs eee ' m ay d is survived by her moth. | D er and two sons, John BH, and James L, MeKenzsle, all of Osh- awa. The funeral service will be +) held at the W, C. Town Funeral 1, Whitby, at 2 p.m. Sept, 98, Interment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev, John Smith, minister of St. Mark's United Church, Whitby, will conduct the service, PETER DONAT LEPINE In failing health for yr years, Peter Donat 106 Buckingham Ave., i bent, 26, at the General -- He was " his 74th ear, wm son of the late YA yn Xavier Lepine i, ss, in Glengarry County and had lived in Oshawa for 47 i. A builder by trade, Mr. pine was '. member of the! porou re of St, G the 'Great. pore Darin the First World War he served with the Royal Cana- dian Engineers. He had been an. ape hockey fan since the 's. : Sept. 15, dear 1920, in the Church of St. Greg- 'jory the Great, Oshawa; the} Ma aperton P gees hts edn that Ba Recton Kenzie was a member of the|Wat ot ie rst rest tre the Oshawé General on Monday, ember 26, I eter J. |, Lorne, Stanley, iy @i_ of Oshawa; in his 74th year, e Armstrong Funeral , reevien high mess in St, ays interment "eaeatteel eme- will be held a the funeral ras at 7.20 p. Gen ee san aa "Oinaws genes Sante Letcher, beloved fisbend yg, sy Cae tre Letcher, Dunbarton: rt Philps (Elsie), Mr. 4. na) and William, tne armaong Ore: In ne cath ih year. | 'Resting nage serve #°) by erchael Wes Mi mer Reaeven Ravenel" Gard Ser herdedh Uncoreninately 3.18 p.m GHZ, Jean Elizabeth Oshawa Cerwel Hospital, on Sun. Ww tay hort after a 3 Euizabetn Dodds, Seti pe line t Olmapee, Nova Scoft the John i ir neat S John E. a va both Dear fer a W,Morrason (ae) sr awe r a ting . € Tawn Puntre Chapel, Whitby, 'or ice in the chapel Wednesday, 2th at 2 p.m. Interment, ery Oshawa, Vis 1 gy he Tuesday. Mini Réverend J. Smith. EN Serer ag Me oo sal 2 tres 43 Melaliion" rive), be yonne Attwell, loving fainer of 7 In bis 77th year, Resting et Ris. hrmerees Funeral r George pe Bid ast, Service In St. soy Caren on Thursday, vo. 2, at 2 p.m. Interment at 'own metery, yey hg? |, Sépterbe éss a. Whi Corte me ne, Jenn le on ember a 1966, John Taylor, Sercns Street South, Oshawa, eas! nist year, Dear brother of Elva (Mrs, pal jana (Mrs. Charles Green), both erregeviiies Wi Wile ond Mar- garet (Mra. Allan a area + doth of Osh. awa, R Morris Funeral Sville, Service in the Interment Cc ie chal on jay at 2 Bm, Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 990 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 jee? ed by wife le in loving memory of fae grendierer, Hugh hy jand, whe passed away ", leaves of memory fall, ¢ wé gather them and treasure y . heard, he is always near, nit |, still missed, and very dear, oy Sunshine passes and thedews Y eye's remembra remembrance outlasts all. 1m bythe family", PALLISYER-- In In ting memory of father James A oni ister who pass- fades and thasows fall, al remembrance outlasts all, Me) Al fermembered x son Alan, ia it-iaw, Gall, Lee Ann and Glen, gg bl In loving memory of a husband Archie Pallister who pase. ay $6 suddenly one year ago today, y wy ever take away @ heart holds dear, 3, 90S as every ry Gaye Eee by Ny wwite re Alice and LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral afrongements end floral arrangements for all occasions. apie ia CENTR 24 ee PHONE SERVICE 8-6555 A caine TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courtéous ea please visit the: Park Office 723-2633" ul Pp Miche i a ro ge Og Also surviving are & sister, - of Sas , Raphael, Ansine and Stanley, all of ontreal and Roland of St. mo Quebec and 26 grand- ag t the ainpupetl "Meine for ye 5 og 4 inn orn y™ Bristol, England, the decea va * aon of the late John and Letcher, A resident of Canada for 53 years, he came to Osh+ awa from Toronto three years oy A supervisor for 37 years with the Northern Blectrie Company Limited, he was a life member of the Oshawa Olub, Telephone Pioneers K America, He served three overseas during the First ond Mr, Leteher, who was pre deceased by his first wife, Jessie McClure, in Toronto, Oct, 21, 1961, is survived by his hep the Aye Helena oughty Warren; ty Mrs. Charles Higginson ( Irene) and a eon, Robert, both of Dunbarton. Also survivin; ng ters, Mrs, NI and Mrs, are two sis bene a) Roseoe (Ena), William of Toronto and Joseph of Orono and six grandchildren, The memorial service will be held at the Arms' Funeral Home at 2 p.m, Sept. 28, In terment will be in Resthaven ee Gardens, Scarboro./¢ Rev. P Paul's barton, ice. - _--_ Dun- conduct the serv: in, ro py te born in Bn- and and educated in Peter. rough Where she lived from 1918 to 1961. She was the dauga- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Lesurf, ' She attended the Anglican Church, 4 a Scrace moved to Ajax in Her husband was the lateled aaa A heaale Lanes and one son, W both of Toronto two brothers, |») . Smyth, rector of Bt, da dee teneral was rg Comstock Funeral |°mplete Automotive < THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 27, 1966 19) be) OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS -- LIGHT 'N' LACY rhe 'ice att pen your shoulders for a touch of warmth when yeu want it, SIMPLE, SLIM Thrifty! Just 8 ons., Sply- By ANNE ADAMS fingering yarn My all you need) Soft as candlelight, the owl: to crochet cape-stole in medium|effect tie frames your face in size. Pattern 7030: sizes small,|fiattery. Below -- simple, slim- medium, large included, von Bo nes. Quick to sew in Cot. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) ings, ee both | eeasey. to alice ped ks care ison Si 14 mt} st is se roo 08 , . Or The Oshawa 'Times, Needie+| $94 th cs i rey craft Dept, 60 Front Street, # 48-inch dir aad H a. Geen feet 1FTY beggh '(b0e, oe coins fe, sales tax, Print|(no sta ase) for on PATTERN pe "i presidents i sales ' siz, cat pa NERDLECRAFT DESIGNS in| STY: new 1067 Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, crochet i range ne its, embrold te Patome, bend "Shee to 2 rkable -- ts in Museum Quit Book & ie motifs, Bend 600, also for Quilt Book 141¢) patterns, 60e, pattern. =| Hero Truck Driver Wanted rere three Le- -<, pelrtaoieh poe a Toronto; and seven children, ind Service was conducted b Rev. R. K. McKean. Buri A in Rosemount Memorial Gar- FREDERICK G. SMITH i] To Win Cash, Watch, Prize Wanted -- a hero truck Le convention at Toronté, Nov, driver, 1 and 22. For the lith year in a row, maple ye edly Dunlop Canada Ltd. is search-| act a truck path _ When/| the aan of his d the. 1900, Dunia | Kanal fore a as the lop na 'a lero te k hero and awarded the/tee + nae ieee AN OC trophy. Counell, | award of 0 oe receive a cua|Ora, / awa in th form of news- we and he ond de ait al pa per clippings or a witness' be honored Fs during the ctatement should accompany nsport Associa-|each entry. Last year, the fgg was OWN HEARINGS Richard Laverdiere, Limoilou, wire CURRENT, a Que., who uttered. 'second de- (CP)--This city now has its)gree burns to his' head, hair 'own citizen court und. thd and -- he drove his the|Judge J. ©, Malone, Me get 8 tions from local residents for. pee an explosion in an area mefly had to be heard in Re ee people might have been gina or Saskatoon, The death ocured, q Bd at the Oshawa G pital, of Frederick Gest Bmith, 48 McMillan Dr. deceased, who had not enjoyed od neaith for two years, was in his 77th year. A life long resident of Osh- mn Mr. Smith was a son of the late John and Lily Smith. He his education here and in éarly life was em- ployed by the Williams Piano Co, Prior to his retitement in 1948, he was employed by Gen- eral Motors for 28 years. He was & member of St. George's Meira: pigpcan-Caerony Mr. Smith is survived by his wife, the former Jennie Att- well, whom he married here in 1916 and a son, John, of Oshawa. Also surviving are two brothers, Richard of Oshawa and Thomas of Burlington and ' the Mcintosh « Anderson Funeral Home for service in St. George's Church at 2 p.m., Sept, 29. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery, Canon F. G. Ongley, rector of St. George's Church, will conduct the service. le RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse Pan dis co 40 50 bslind A farted: Adios rn Sinan Whirlaway Pick, po bag ine Ake | Scratched, Lady Petun IN MEMORIAM BAILEY In loving memory of mother and _yranamatner Susana Viola, Balley passed away We mourned for her in silence, No @Y@s Can see us weep, ot Mie Me, e er Bn ls shed, RUMMAGE SALE UAWA HALL OF THE POLICE. ASSOCIATION Wed., Sept. 28, 10:30 a.m. Proceeds To The Cerebral Palsy School And Treatment Centre. DEALING IN SERVICES? Ciassitied Ads get you new business? Dial 723-3492 for @ helpful ed-writer, RENT THAT VACANCY throvgh Rent Ads. It's EASY, Call 723-362 for an ad- writer today. BY THE WOMEN'S AUXILIARY) Som sett, rissa y "aoe uahter, Dorothy, Allan and WGrondchiteren, GAILEY-- th loving memory of a dear and grandmother, Mrs. @ le Bont who passed away Gone, dear mother, gone forever, How we miss a smiling face, Ress you left to remember, on earth can take your place ae missed by daughter, shiviey, and son-in-law Bill and grandson. oe Lee ta] Being tam Memory of a dear tether, George Whe passed away RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse 490 3.90 2.70 $800 (@), @Raw Yankee, Feagan "4 4 Stewa oe a ll se Harry Dillon, Bag Chief, Cardinal Chips, Joan Attorney, \q DA it $-Rick Spencer, Galbralth 7.90 '4a it dSage Valley, Callacott Sayed Best, Coke Also Started: Country Prince, Balterine Wick, Tica's Flash, and Allen Creed, Scratched, Attorney's Bob, oa RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), Purse Galophone, Geisel 4.90 3.70 3.10 @Mollys Report, Wapies 290 2.00 Miss Moray Comet. ingles '> Also Started: trish Valley, Gracefu' Princess, Wee Brilliant Mir, a Race = 1 Mite (Pace), Purse Aveusl 38 remembered by Bert and Mar- lorie, » here: Herbert, Coke 5.30 3.00 2.99 \-Sunset Lee M, Holmes r] Pp "4 AND 4, PAID $88.90 My RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse) 4Mi Crusader, Leo tbat po » GARDEN CITY RACEWAY MONDAY, SEPT, 26 +A ete ani aS it Cegeer, fe Ailanty Midnight, Simeniy Belwyn, bop RACE = 1 Mile (Pace), Purse 4300 (5), Linnie's Mie in 3.90 Be by 4Orummond Time, Hes 2.90 + Rendezvous Boy, McKinley i Also Started: Larry Dillard, end Heres {hao EXACTOR, 2 AND 4 PAID 96.90 bedfel g 4 RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), 1 Wiweed 12.80 rey ress ' iy Sonne Jim a and dice Rey ond Uncle Davis. Boum RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), Purse/ eis War by aad x3 3.80 13 arty ag Sult, MacDona! iso Started: roe Colby, Lottwater| Frost Myola, and Laird McNab, vue td RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), Purse Leland Hier, Cimichael 4.90 3.80 2.70) SWinnifred Po Ka Bout, Hie 5.80 ed en Victor, Arthur $1,700 ? WHICH DAY Is BEST? (0 MONDAY, () TUESDAY, () WEDNESDAY, () THURSDAY, [) FRIDAY, [] SATURDAY. Advertisers ask us this question frequently, Fortunately there is no best day to advertise. Each day new warits artive, bring- ing new readers as old Ones satisfy their wants. We recommend you stort your Want-ad tomorrow and cancel when you get results, From experience we know tomorrow is the very best day to advertise, DIAL 723-3492 and a friendly ad writer will help you word your Want-ad for meximum results! TIMES actin, 2.00 rf, Mata, Thelg ENT) Sto] Attendance 2406 Total Poot $148,781, and po abyyy: j Scratched, Riddeliworth, | SERRE tan tera nent ates etl set a ry

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