Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Sep 1966, p. 16

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sf phe ene A er mk F 16_ THE OOHAWA TIMES, Toondey, September 27, 1966 Ea ees Its Harvest Time In The Want Ads... Reap The Bargains Here! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday~to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. Ss -- S SERVICE DI! m ECTORY | Building Trades Gardening ond Supplies se crys, Prone! Tein Soe foe, ye ial CA; E. ee Residential Commercial Industrial Repairs -- Alterations -- oo bs rat or a iow struction CALL JAMES ALLEN & SONS TOP SOIL, SOD Fall Sale of NURSERY STOCK HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 55 Glovers Rd, Septic Service Phompt 'A cleaned. on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West, Whitby, 668-2563, Surveyors : Ie Land. survever,- Commercial K-3 ei TT ontarlo street, 725-5632 Wi, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontarie Land Su » 112 Elgin Street East, Phone nse ' TV--Radio Repairs reet 725-1721 725-6126 JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun- tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street East, Telephone 723-4833, Barristers Iain R, JONES, LLB, Barrister and 723-8137 Vasant « UALITY CARPENTRY GENERAL REPAIRS For all your home improve- ment problems, call us first. 725-8576 My alg © talk with our AMES MACDONALD, Barrister and lic,.Fhe Commercial Buliding, a Ontario, Client t N6 or 725-4717. JOHN D. MELAUGHLIN, 8. Comm. ULB, barrister and solicitor 'av King 'st. €. 723-2031 723-0944, EPH RANE OE ieeney. to loan, Offices 1 on king Sirei East, Oshawa, HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and ane MAN, ify ot Solicitors, 36% Ki ba 7 RD. BA, LLB, pub- King Parking n5- "725-5133. NHA funds available. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll- citors, etc, 114 King Street East, Dial 723-2278, Res! - ically, M, Greer, 725-3368; Terence V. Sst, Thomas H. Jermyn, BAY 'LL, 725- 2662. DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS An average 300 million psn of Seo dally newspapers are throughout the any given weekdi fo td: Paving, 723- subscr' cost, just dial 723-3492. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 words, $1.00; Mac. 4achs 3 con-| Tepe 24 words, $2.88; ote é and aw PLATERING and repairs, stucco, ty aie ig driveway paved by experts, 20 cents at] sa, ft, Al 723-0281. OFFICE AND HOME RENOVATIONS Rec, rooms, bars, office in- teriors, desks, cabinets, spe- ciolists of interiors. Free esti- mate, 723-1848, -|CARPENTRY ~~ bid and repairs, block and cement work. Free seine. 728-7680 YOUR LOCAL chi Chim- Not Just "Nursery Sod" But 100% cess SOD GRASS PICKED UP OR DELIVERED Visitors Welcome "ALL GREEN" NURSERY SOD GROWERS Townline N., ¥% M,N. of Taunton-village OSHAWA 725-9674 SMITH'S TREE FARM @ Cedars for Hedges T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for Less Money OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. wp er ee BP, ihr wile MAD it By RJ. SCOTT |" AML PuNLIPPInES LEP ALARGE NUMBER OF ENEMIES A REMARKABLE. PROM CLOTH wink Wink BLABORMTE $¢A WHY 6 BuffRR A VALUARLE Poop; Ae pri A4OAD. FRO BY PICKING Burfien 1§ APAT AND Pad ISTHE BEET oF ALL FOODS: FOR Gwinig BHERGY: 9-29 ATOADS SKIN 15 DRY, WHEREAS A FROGS SKIN 19 Moist, WORE MEAD ORNAMENT MADE Uh BLUE OF WHITE TASIELS, bad Te. mM A FROG yup. be ae 6 Wold ab TAUNTON ROD. E, Gust East of Ritson) 723-8131 - 723-8132 @ Cut flowers and plants @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse) @ Rough lumber (cut to suit) @ Posts and poles, Call collect Newtonville 786-2283 TELEVISION----RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE imney cieane! pos -- repaired fin 'installed, epolred, Free estiinatee, 7252997 sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms, Free|< gatimates. A.C, Wood, 720-3420 or 728- REPAIRS, FINISH, rec rooms. inti jephone' 723-5969, Aesth ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, all types of | 728-06 ceinent Spay May) pet a kl GARDEN SERVICE -- Free estima' Phone 987-4754, Ever- greens, sods, ces fencing. $00, FIELD AND NURSERY -- Free estimates. Prompt delivery, 725-3325 or | 723-9910, Ree To by oy Call Slim, or I'll cut per y sen. Free estimates, 725-5118 or work, si Frank McCann, RR 3, Os EXPERT PAVING. a HOLMES ELECTRONICS For Prompt Service Call Whitby -- 668-5679 5-- Trailers ae KAMPING UNLIMITED SALES.-- RENTALS ~~ STORAGE TENT TRAILERS AVAILABLE FOR HUNTING SEASON $25.00 WEEKLY TOWNLINE RD. NORTH 728-9942 TRAILER WITCHES made end installed, also all types of welding done, roiene equioment tor rent, Telephone 723-6840, Wouse TRAILER, 1 Ivfoa!, Ideal hunting. Telephone 725-60' 6--Marine Equipment CSTARCRAPT i Tew Traveller boats, Open evenings and ter|---- eatin n> aran- errano cludes grading and fill, two-year 'tee. Eieven wees in business, ister lemy, BALLET, BATON = Twirling, 47 p.m. daily, Harvey Dance Aa Oshawa Centre, 725-6122. ATLANTIC Savi and concrete, Get All work guar, 3 years, ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- roofing, chimneys, sae aan Gnitone PIANO Classical, popular and theory. vor information contact Patricia Tuck, 4 Burk Street, Oshawa, Dial 725-4587, Loe MARIA DE KURTHY: ber of the Vienna Opera | stru siructer of Miss Oshawa 1966, vn "it her ballet be pe Oshawa, October 11, ania pl masonry. Gord May, esa 9 ght tar and gravel, rw sees ye small jobs, L. Rooting Construction, 725-6937. Carpentry -- 10 er cent additional charge paid wimin @ days. Method ere ae oe Initia! " © Beatin nt or pg Bg A 'words. CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN For REMODELLING, trim work, cupbosrds, recreation rooms, and stairs, Free estl- mates, Telephone 725-7044. purpose providing you a hawt? em- For all 728-3957, Mr, Bokar, after 6 p.m, Money to Loan HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE BEST WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! T.R.4.0, TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a reasonable rate of interest to consolidste your bills or for any other worthwhile ployed and have good credit. 723-4631. Dentistry Mortgage Ms Dental Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshewe. appointment, 728-5171. counts BIRTHS--DEATHS-- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.25 per bag ee SIALBK, 112 Simcoe BR. EB. P., Dental Street North, AND FOUND ba DAY OF PUBLICATION RTHS AND DEATH: Pen oay oF PUBLICATION IN _MEMORIAMS CARDS OF THANKS 5 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m, day previous) & col umns or Froth ges 10 a.m. dey previous. CARCEL LATIONS AND CORRECT . am. aay or PUBLICATION advertisement cancelled before pub- fication will be charged on day's insert- jon. BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be made to oT replies to box numbers to the jertisers as soon as possible, we _ Seon ne Tiebiltty tn respect of. Woes 6 damage alleged to arise through either be responsible for replies uncalied for in 2% days. REGULATIONS aawies t than one insertion of ye) advertisement nor beyond the price charge for a single insertion in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to tts proper classification. in the cases of display advertisements _ Pir pa wilt not be held responsible more space ne oI that which the actual jn. Fall Gardening MORTGAGE CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs, Service dept. open 7 days a week. Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V, Anten- motors, weekends. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd, Brooklin, 655-3641, eh son AT, gy tg 'and trailer, 1966 model. ster sepower with electric * A k.. i. iow veanirel Cadorette 15 ci) t, heavy duty 'gator trailer. Full Full price $1300, 725-4920, WANTED -- Deep i@ aluminum with 05 pereepeter or Noreen motor and aretiery hone " 8--Articles. for Sale All types of aeeber, pipe, windows, doors, stairs, toilets, sinks, tubs, overhead garage doors, steel windows, steel beams, wooden beams, cup: boards, furnaces, panel box- es, boilers, rads, Anything in the line of used building ma- terials, For sale year round, Telephone 725-4171 or 728- 3521, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. RIVIERA COIFFURE Men and Women's Hairstyl- ing, Most beautiful Salon in Oshowa @ 20% OFF Perms This Month Only, 723-8601 East Mall Plaza 600 King St. E. MATTRESS BARGAINS, All types of mat: tresses, all reduced, Smooth-top mat: 'esses, $29.) crib mattresses, $9,687 mat: bunk beds, $16.88) roll-awa In ch eS EG eae 14 FOOT Cedar strip boai, good condi- tlon, set eight foot oars, new, s40 com: plete, Tele 728-2874 before 3 p.m. 7--Swap and Barter TOILETS. TOSS, "Vanity basins and sinks in cabineties, pressure systems, le tanks, laundry tubs, piping and fittings, . Chinn, Hillside. 8--Articles for Sale nes, rotors installed. Sales and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, 306 Kitchener Avenue. Call 725-0500, 728-6879, All work guaranteed, LOANS Moneys availoble for first and second mortgages. Open mortgages, No bonus, First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chosed SERVICE CALL ONLY 2,50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 am. to 9 pm. M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshewa, Ontario 723-4697 Superfine Grass Mix No. 1 Fine Grass Mix Parklawn Grass Mix Timothy & Alsike Suburban Hay-Pasture Individual Grasses So-Green Fertilizers CLL 10-6-4 Evergreen 6-9-6 Golfgreen 12-6-6 Milorganite Bonemeal Peat Moss FIRST os SECOND Purchased a and cere Hag Darristerss n Sheet North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone 723-4191, FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES COLOR T.V. OR BLACK AND WHITE All work guaranteed T.R.1.0, TELEVISION --~ All Classes -- --- City, Rural, Vacation -- SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers 112 Simcoe St, N. -- 725- oat agreemen Henn aie 728-5143 Rust T.V. TOWERS fut, COLORED TV or black and white 24-Hour Service 723-0065 or 668-5830 RAE'S RADIO & T.V. "King Street East, 723-7232. FIRST AND SECOND morta able W Schatzmann ---- iT) Street North, Whitby, Optometrist F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe a Cooper-Smith co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 --_. 722.1139 Delivery Service Closed Wednesday P.M. LAWNMOWER SALE Drastic Reductions Plumbing and Heating TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Well Drilling--Diggirg PLUMBING MART Sold direct, 20% off cop- per pipe, pumps, 3 piece bath, oinless_steal sinks! vani- ties, plastic, black and 'gal- vanized fittings and pipe. 668-6601. 149 Brock Street North, 8:30 a.m. -- 9 p.m. ALC PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark WELL DIGGING by machine special tz ig in 30-inch tile, . Ward, 04 Chest- a Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 468- 1--Women's Coiumn LADIES! | is "our plane in tune? Any moths? Tuning and repair Sebastian Hohmann, 725-700". - 2--Personal Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 'Simcoe Street South, ™ ig ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- ling, new and used materials. Reasonable rates. Estimates free. 728-1191, J. Foley, Also Complete Sales and Ser- vice On Gardening Equip- ment. Toro, Lawn Boy and Yardman Lawnmowers Wheel Horse Garden Tractors to veproduce all eavertiat matter cor- » but assume no VieDhity of adver- tisement if any inaccuracies In any form are contained therein. 11'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Women's Column er Ni--Pets and Livestock l2--«rticies Wanted 13--Articles for Rent 14--Business Opportunities ee wanted Woeamale elp Wanted 18--Malw Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Reai Estate For Sale pa ged Properties 'arms for Sale Sear 4 for Sale Wanted 34--Automobile Repair 35--Lost and Found 36--Legai T7--Auetions 3B--Coming --Notions Events RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD. Rug, Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and re-styled, Free estimate. See our mate- rial for recovering, Slip covers made to order. Daiton Upholstering, 73 Charles Street, 723-7212. RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Oct. 3, 4 and 5. Phone Genosha Hotel on these days for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 4--Motorcycles DO YOU OWN) A HOME FREEZER Higher Food Prices Predicted Stock up Now: NO MONEY DOWN: 3 MONTHS TO PAY we offer Hind V4 units of Beef, from 90-lbs, to 125-lbs, @ 59c |b. Front V4 units of Beef, from 90-lbs. to 125-lbs. @ 43c Ib. Sides of Beef units from 1 to 250-lbs. @ Sic |b. Sides of Pork 60 to 65-lbs. @ 49c |b. Sides of Lamb 20 to 25-\bs. @ 9c lb. Fronts of Veal 35 to. 40-lbs, @ 53c |b. All prices Guaranteed for Week only, order to-day from Kleer-Pak Foods Limited Oshawa 725-8863 (Suppliers to Home Freezers) lished 20 years. Wor uaranteed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses re-bullt, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up- holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311, 1015 KING ST. E. 725-6551 Sales and Service NO. 1 NURSERY SOD Up to 100, 30c sq. yd. de- livered. 100. 200, 28c sq. yd. delivered. 200 yd: and up 26c sq. yd. delivered. a 1 FIELD SOD yd, and up 20¢ id. delivered. . ule We maintain oa Landscape Service. BETHANY LANDSCAPING Phone 623-7594 SPRING CLEAN-UP @ Planting @ Sodding @ @ Top Soil @ Seeding 4 @ Evergreens @ Grading @ Marion and Kentucky BI Blue. grass @ Complete landscop- ing @ Fertilizers. 723-9020 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING Bloor St. East NURSERY SOD Now cutting, choice Ken- tucky Blue, Also some No. 1 field sod. Pick up and save. We also deliver and lay complete APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, etc. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN MOTORCYCLE SALE Used scooters, trail . bikes, bridge stone NSU Jawa, Hon- dos Suzuki: . . $99. and up. HONDA SHOP 199 King West, 728-4242 Open Evenings ms | HONDA WINDSHIELD and parcel carrier, just like new, Best cash offer. Telephone 728-5580. '42 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE, 650 twin. Must sell, Telephone _TH-0610. 'SUZUKI, 250 cc, six speeds, . Call 7283148 after 5." een 5--Trailers FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe S. hawa Telephone 723-0011 Harris Aluminum Soles roan Road E. R.R Hampton Phone Ohana 725-6064 Siding, windows, doors, awn- ings, stonework, railings, 16 yeors experience Siding Experts. Lowest Prices. Rent A Piano SEE HEINTZMAN & Company Ltd 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Telephone 728-2921 GUARANTEED REPAIR io al wringer} washers and ra Free estimates. Call RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE -- RENT Open Sundays 2 - 4 P.M, BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot ot 401 and 28 "TRAILER CLEARANCE TRAILERS. HEATERS. RE- FRIGERATORS. Authorized Service on trailer heating and refrigerators. MILLER HEATING % Tudor St., Ajax, 942-3491 Want-Ads Don't NOW! SIX SERVICE BAYS For Auto Service e WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and camber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition . . . 6,88 @ Parts, extra if required @ Torsion bor adjustment extra, e BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars. First p gies Royaline. 4 wheels WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel ach . ot 1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES DOMINION TIRE STORE 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH TELEPHONE 725-6511 WANT ADs reach mousanas or interest: 'ake advanti Telephone 668-4965 After 6 e'slock TAG or 4011, Cost- They Pay lg Trousanas ae every day. T: vast audience by telephoning $19.68, Wilson's Furn tre CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS clearance of floor models, 2 pc, suites with foam ovens irom pg Modern 4 seater sets $158, Sectionals from $188 Wilson's Bocniteris 20 Church Street, BUYING OR SELLING turniure or op pliances, Call Elmer, tWampton 263-2 Or 263-2695. BIKETIME! Schooltime! New, used, Repairs all makes, Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street Bast, 725-6346 tien for Sale ILECTROWOMIT 'elevinlon, 406s gaa fr. ot heats four, five ri $50.) electric aro, ing. buttel, 818 razor, ne new, $10) WRUCKING WOT WEB HORT ond Tons prisien: excellent condition, wire wheel NEW, aie == vacuums, polishers, Re pairs to all makes, New » Phone dack Lees, 728-6956, Fae cS ea suites from "oe bedroonn f im five-piece dinette suites $34.68, Many, = tremendous savings, niture, 20 Church Street, star fib, antemporery ary. style, » barely u Sten uphel. Hered. ei eshane "clareriont 640-2108, ONE KROBHLER bed-chesierfield, one year old, $100, Excellent condition, Tele phone ASNT 0 or r evenings 723-5123, TEACHERS --- Two Underwood | writers with large ney ft My re each, Guaranteed for on Serwrienes, Bill Hamilton. "Region, 905- pe. sewind hibition specials, MACHINE YRADE-ING, Ex- Starting af 99,95 and in, Singer big 16 Simcoe St 725. Centre, et North, 43, ; slat spr t seeing wo mail Gy jeted ti good, clean jon, Phone 725- a3 afior 6 p.m. BABY CARRIAGE (Gendron) and stroll: er, in excelient condition, beige, Tele phone 723-8825, 36 TABLE TOP, GE stove, good condi tion, $65, Telephone 728- 3463 after § se HOT WATER SYSTEM, complele, eight rads,, boiler, burner, controls, free de livery, Dial 728-8409, KORDING TAPE recorder, stereo, plays four tracks, Yashica movie camera, Zoom lens and automatic electric eye, Eumig movie projector, automatic, self winding, 728-0743, REFRIGERATOR - Incest, size, in excellent condition, $100, Tele phone 723-8949, 201 King 5t, West, TWO-PIECE COOPER chesterfield, me dium grey, ideal for recreation room, constvelie _tromtent, piping worn on arm, 723271 eee ie t 3 Findlay oll space healer three el drums, 879 Ritson Roe Hy 5 pm, THREE-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, 3 months old, all pieces can separately, Scotchguard finish, Call ater 6 pom, 723-8289, HARDING RUG, 12% 18," Two-tone green. vanity dresser and bench, all in excellent condition, telephone Bowman: ville 623-2025. apartment only 9--Market 'Basket McINTOSH APPLES, Pick your own, bring your own containers, Phone for picking time, 720-5824, @ ATTENTION! COOK AND Lawrence apples, $1.75 bushel, your ewn container, A, Haas, north of Tyrone, OR led POTATOES FOR SALE -- free delivery, Telephone 728-1306, 10--Farmers' Column WAY FOR SALE, $90, per ton, Telephone 723-5970, "BATING Si. Bring Vemile DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick- #, ve Brees. Marqwill Fur Farm, Collect Hampton 263: AUTHORIZE0 dealer, Cash regs, adders, typewriters, we apoio md choice, $2 wkly, No used, rentals, serv- Ice, amen "ain Hamilton, Rag! TVPEWRITERS for students, office models, portables, reconditioned, 1 yr, Guar. $39. File cabs,, like new, 4 dr., $40, We will not be undersold, Bill Hamilton, | P Raglan, VACUUM REPAIRS, al! makes, hoses, brushes, etc, Pickup, delivery, 942-0213, Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering, apa TMENT SPECIALS -- "beds Hid rs, $10, cribs $10, stoves $19,, ae rs $10, dribs $10, stoves $19, washers $15, 16 Bore Street woes, 25 Bond Street East, Valley ¢ 728-440), STANDARO +P ewri perk: able $40., adding machine $30., Nat! We BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE | yaed Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-167), TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- Wool tower Sirwenures all-channel 50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton st, just east of Ritson Road, LUM! B SUPPLIES, new jollets, tubs, vanities, basins, pumps, pipe. Complete plumbing supplies, Call us for prices, | Free lay out service, Also we can ar- tallation. + ds | 149 Brock 9 pam. TEED 'D wring Th television, refrigerator, 'Nee $34. and e Alcan Furniture pee Appliances, vis Simcoe South, | 723-0011 COMPLETE GOV" scOuT 'and Cub unl: forms, boy's black two-plece sult, and a, check winter coat, all size 10-14, AMERICAN SIL TILVER™ DOLTARS, i921, '22, '23, two dollars each, Apply 200 Bond E, Park on Kenneth Avenue after 5, ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA, thirly big volunes, Never been used, Bookcase Included, @ must for students, Sacrifice. Apply | 1527 Lakeside Street, ae HAMMOND ORGAN, mode! 1-111, nearly new, Cash $1100, Telephone after 6 p.m., 725-4226, DESKS -- 1 double pedestal oak desk and 1 st rapher's desk, oak, | type writer stand and electric typewriters, Telephone 725-4774, CHESTERFIELD -- "contemporary "sivle, six months, barely used, Custom up: holstered, Telephone Claremont, 649-2188, FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual: ity furniture, only $299, Includes com: plete bedroom, living room, kitchen en: me ticencs 4C-46, ) # ot rank talking atrain, Apply Mra. antenna installed, +} BALEO WAY tor sale, . Plekup or will deliver, 728-5221, 11--Pets and Livestock THREE male" pure-bred golden retriever pppeies, registered, Finest of pets, Call Iph 08, 728-6246 or 723-3740. TV CAUAW Wannsis, r shepherds, males, 4 mo shots, stud servs, A 8 FUL BABY BUOGIES, ; ready 4 Blgin Bast, POODLE PUPS, 'registered, tiny sliver and white toys, stud soreece available, good | quality, Whitby 668-4909 ON®" MALE" Chihuahua puppy, e y. two months old, Telephone 728-3604 after 5 cash register, electric multiplier, 723-4434, | p.m. FREE to good home, Killen and five. ity|month-old pup, part Collle and police, eves children, females, Telephone 728 HUNTING" HOUNDS, two years eid. guaranteed for deer hunting, Apply 6 Wayne, Apt, % or 3, 12--Articles Wanted GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have oa Valley Creek \6 Bond Street West, 6000" UsEO Torn furniture wanted, etc, High. Sears, NG orner paris s¥aelinvie, ert ene Pine iret ait Plea Wend home for Fam earole, Court ty yaar, up. Limited supply, Telephone or drop nd within five minutes drive eof Port 15--Employment Wanted i ee a lawn Ser rss Sirs. Reeser: wou a ada ea Fin dren, Lake Vista ii ase, on Phone" 723-9012. me ee cnloren oes se "wear nie wae Phone' m3te5e, pe Wena wil Take : tare jam eh rehias, WOMAN' WILE og day esactn Wn cher own home for one or two eh or 400 Gre home, Bais) -- rates, alt 'mans, 400 Grenfell 81, wit HOARD 'one child, three years ve Marsal near itd ACCRI 6 \CCREDIT tying 'a clan, Junior matriculation typ! accept receptionist or office Telephone 93-5405, RESIDENTIAL and commercial Toor window maintenance, hardwood floors sanded and refinished, sculf resis: t mal cost, ime mee ToUR Stan WRLPERE Wn Tinding home or apartment you need, Classified Ads, '|17--Female Help Wanted _ WANTED NOW! Teenagers Mothers == Grandmothers = to stort ot once showing luxurious Chrit- mos cards to friends and neighbours, Earn plenty of extra cash for Christmas this easy. way, No experience needed, Our cotalogue does the selling for you, Over 300 items beautifully illustrated in full-colour, Write today for Christmos cards on approval and free catalogue. Monarch Cord Co,, Dept, 22, 217 Can- non, Hamilton, SECRETARY FOR LARGE LAW OFFICE Must be fully competent in shorthand and typing, This is @ permanent position, APPLY BOX 43513 OSHAWA TIMES OSHAWA, ONT. MOTHERS WHILE YOUR CHILDREN SLEEP Earn $$ e * hour, demonstrat- ing Por-Tee Toy Chest's un- usual and unique line of tays and gifts, No deliveries or collections, Car pili ag Call Now Mrs, 'Hartwig AR WAITRESSES ranuirad 7am, « 4pm, 4 pm, ll pm, 1) pm am, Apply GENOSHA HOTEL R. CAMPBELL NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE WOMAN Bi i"¥O WASH DISHES, Must be 18---Male Help Wanted Township of Pickering Reauires Yoier ene Sewer Fran Sparater, Minimum educa- tion, grade 12, or equivalent experience in water and, or, sewer plant operations, Salary commencing ot 2.17 per hour, increasing to 2.30 ef» fective November 1, 1966, One sewer and water main maintenance man, Minimum education, grade 8 with pre» ference given to man with proven experience in maine tenance inspection or con+ struction of sewer and water mains, : Applicants must have ehouf- feur's license, Salary com mencing at 2,17 per air, Ge ine a to 2,30 November 1, Application forms are availe oble at the Engineers office in the J, Sherman « Scott Water Treatment -- Plant, Brock Rd, S, at Lake Ontario, Pickering, P. H, POULSSON (P, Eng.) Township Engineer, FULL TIME or PART TIME SALES and SERVICE Evenings 6:30 to 10:30 p.m, Five night per week, Part time starting salary $50, Must be married, hove car, aged 21-32, If you're having financial difficulties rage | ends meet call 723-1145 for personal Interview only, No triflers SALES CAREER OPPORTUNITY For Young Mon ege 18-20. This is @ junior position but offers the right person the op- portunity te earn on interest. ing and rewarding career, Training will be given - the job, the speed of vencement will relate te ine terest, enthusiosn and appt cotion, Excellent working con ditions and company benefits, Apply in writing te: BOX 1967 THE OSHAWA TIMES reliable, Steady tel Lancaster, 2 ing Street Wert Gants JOIN the Wonderful Worle of cosmetics Beauty Counselor wit" train mature women, Full or parttime, YOUNG MAN" RiGUinES to ve in and care for three young In motherless home, Must be fond of ch dren, reliable and yen appearance, wows | Preferably 30 years or pares erry. inter: 985-7740 aA Wax EXTRA WONT finest line Novelties, Erene Port Perry, for ae ada weeps, F est prices, Call anytime, Furniture, 60-548), 668-6526, WANTED -- SMALL UPRIGHT Plano, In 900d condition, Phone 728,019 WANTED -- Chesterfield aie single beds, bureaus, washing and sewing m chines, exercising machine, other se: hold Items needed. Must be In good con- dition, Private. 725-5136, # FILLING ARBOR SAW and 12" band _|saw, Telephone 668-4694 after 5 p.m, 13--Articles For Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, §. 725-3338 ENTERTAINING? Fitiy to one hundred people? Oshawa Tennis Clud for ban: gusts, parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, parking, 723-2140 evenings, a train for stenogra 'or tree, logue, samples on approval and the fast on service, Jeandron Greeting Card, Co. Ltd,, 1253 King | $t. &. Hamilton, Ont, SPEEDHAND Abe Wy: stem enables U home, it's ¢ er ine weeks ot . is Canadian and approv Dept, of Education, Free veer, Write, 4 gree 460-4607, Cassan Systems, 805 eech St, « Whitby, Ont, UROuNTLY rwatoED -- Girl te | Took fter children and do light housekeep! bai mother welcome, Live In, fter @ or anytime _on weekend, rts baby sitter required, § day week to care for four, in school, North 'Oshawa area, Teleghone 725-0064, -- ROUTER SEER 1m | hou: we, ae co erly gentleman, at on! epely to Box Bai?" Oshawa Timess Whit: ray FOR babysitting, To live in, Tele Phone Whitby 668-6548, NEED MONEY tor eagnrinimaat Sart right now to earn plenty of extra cash by showing our exciting ine of Christ mas cards to friends, relatives, neigh 3 pon EXPERIENCED BUTCHER Good starting wages, All company benefits, APPLY TO MANAGER POWER SUPERMARKET 564 KING STREET EAST EXPERIENCED BUTCHER WANTED Excellent solary, plus bene- fits with progressing organ- ization, Apply store manager SUNNYBROOK FOOD MARKET 119 Dundas E. WHITBY vy No experience needed, Wlustrates over semble, Pay only $3, weekly. values! Nil Home Furaunines, 434 Simcoe Two care 4 - 2", mY, One Westinghouse Di-humidifier, '55 Chev, Bel Air, One leather-bound chesterfield and chair, All in good condition, 723 5967, PREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted 'Tree, Guaranteed trouble «free winter if you purchase from Western Olt Company. 725-1212, UNDERWOOD standard typewriter, sult able for student, recently reconditioned, $49, Telephone 728-3604 289 CUBIC INCH FORD motor, complete with carburetor, distributor, starter, etc, Only 5,000 miles, Telephone 725-4920. BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture and appliances. One location only, Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, 1? SKI-D00 SNOWMOBILE by Bombar- dier, world's largest producer of soft soll vehicles and McCulloch chain saws. $85 King St. E. at Wilson, 728-55 TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40 fi. con all channel antenna, $80, TRIO Tele vision. 728-5143. FIREPLACE WOOD - White birch, maple, oak, etc. 12 and 16", delivered, Phone 720-405). . FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator in dition, Two space heaters, al Teco, Pipes included. Brooklin 655-4936 after 6 ANTIQUE velvet, Antique five-piece bedroom suite, one wood, Telephone 723-1493 atter $ 'erfection Telephone 5 $45, | 2S FOR SALE, one 10 x 18 Heidelberg print. ig press, excellent condition, Phone 726 4334. DAIRE REFRIGERATOR, lephone 728-8741. BRIDESMAID'S GOWN. pink, empire style; typewriter, three-drawer chest, low price for quick sale, Telephone 720-2746 sire 11, BOLT ACTION 308 Husquarna rifle with 25 Bushnell -- bai? pivot mounts. de A bolt action, 'Monte 'carlo Stock, 723-9588, CHROME SET, Used six months, ex- Cellent condition, $40, Telephone 723-0468, HONEST CAL'S RE-OPENED in Whitby Furniture and appliances at factory Prices, 205 John | St, B. 668-636) POOL Table, 44" one wheel a box traller, boy's suit, ae 14s like new! Telephone 728-8538, . World's largest producer of chain saws; now on display United Rent. el Ps doiead na | ROR. went "Da acres of fenced-in com- CHAIRS, cara and cena te aisle runners, Ct Rentals i Simcoe Street North, . Call 793-2614, WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies, Ald Rentals, 105 Weatrice, ast6ee 14--Business Opportunities PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY Opportunity exists for thoroughly experienced plant manager to take complete charge of modern dry clean- ing plant and store, with op- tion to buy at later date or will sell outright, BOX No, 43223 OSHAWA TIMES SHELL CANADA LIMITED has a num ber of service stations for lease on busy arteries, Better than average income, minimum investment required. For in formation J, &, Van Zant, 728-6421, BEAUTY SALON FOR SALE, good clien~ tel, Must sell, No competition, Good Zon. | orice, Apply to Box 43429, Oshawa Times, VARIETY STORE for rent with" tour- room apartment, basement and private yor central location, $100 monthly, 728 SETTER, upholstered in red hemad EXPERIENCED MANAGER" for auto wrecking yard, Some investment re quired, Apply Box M4452, Oshawa Ss. cu. fi} Lime' GARAGE AND SERVICE siation, fully equipped. Ideal opportunity tor mechanic. Vendor anxious to sell, willing to talk terms, exceptionally good seven bed: rooms, aluminum siding home included 728-5103, W. OQ. Martin Realtor. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on Simcoe Street South, Present income $300 month yy Aug at $5,000 down for quick sale, 720 W. 0, Martin Realtor, ¢ two bulldi Oshawa, 50 Wellington mercial property with south end of &. TAS 9079, = GET SPOT CASH WITH TIMES ACTION ADS <lte" ent lots of beer as wee Soros cards on catalogue, Monarch card Co Devt, 217 Cannon, Hamilton, Ont, RELIABLE housekeeper to live In or oul, to assist mother. hg gue pre ~ school children, Telephone SAPABLE WOMAN ah a to" babys ait two small children, Must live in, Tele: phone 723-1482, MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to babysit one school-age child and one six-month infant, in children's home, in North Oshawa area, Telephone 723-3808 after 5 p, EXPERIENCED CLEANING woman quired one full day every three or four weeks, Must live north end of Ganewe or Kedron area, Telephone 728-431? Mahan htnede J apare-time appari nity. We require five women to sell hairdress- ing and beauty supplies at indy fo 'or a y Te NIGHT AUDIT CLERK For The Georgian Motor Hotel, Midnight to 8 a.m, Will train right person, Pensioners are welcome to apply between lk am, = 4 pm, YOUNG MEN As monagement trainees for large Canadian Theatre cir- cuit, High School education desirable, Apply Box 43374, Oshawa Times capital outlay, Supply Wholesale, 15 Kine i East, Osh. awa, FOR A RUAL SWLLepration, use Clase ified Ads! To selt ANYTHING. al dial 723. 342 Fe now tor an adcwriter, 18--Male Help Wanted _ ELECTRONIC SALESMAN Wholesale distributor requires a man with car to cover established accounts in East- ern Ontario, Salary --- company benefits ~--= expenses Phone 416-921-1143 Personnel Manager 490 YONGE ST., TORONTO, ONTARIO, MEN Over 18 years for Apple Pick» ing. Apply 8 a.m. ready te work, REDWING ORCHARDS 2% Miles West of Whitby, on No, 2 Highway SALESMEN TRAIN AT $125 WEEKLY WITH 80 YEAR OLD HIGH: LY RESPECTED LIFE INSUR- ANCE CO. PHONE 720-7S9° Apple Pickers WANTED Apply in person to PICKERING ORCHARDS 1 mile west of Pickering Vil- tage on \_highwoy No, 2. service STATION annie, Excaitent opportunity fer Good working natn. ye wey roneriai Ol Service ane. Highway 40}, Waverly Read, Bowmanville, TO BUY PROPORTY check the real eatare earketplace, Clansified Ada '

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