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L. 4 \ist, i) Supreme Court. Lawyer Jan...W, 2 1 b her mentality permanently re- jduced to that of a seven-year- jold as a result of an operation \four years ago. He said Mrs. Aynslay, mother --v Of a 14-year-old daughter, confined to a Guelph sanitarium| cies suggested by former fi-| +35 a8 a result of air being injected|nance minister Walter Gordon + 5 |into her vein as she was being) for decreasing American invest- y,| Prepared for a heart operation. 4 was eventually in her |brain. Composing the lawsuit is a |$350,000 claim by Mrs. Aynslay, lodged ; old husband, y $40,000 in damages. Mr. Outerbridge said Mrs. | Aynslay is suing for loss of en-| inescapable, involun- itary imprisonment and restrain- }ment for the rest of her life.' is basing his) * Mr. Aynslay y|\Claim on the joss of his wife's | Services and companionship. Val "| BENSON | SAINT MAKES PROMISE JOHN, N.B. (CP)-- %| said Friday night a federal gov-|! lernment cutback in capital ex- penditures as an anti-inflation- jary measure will not affect the Atlantic provinces. Speaking at} a press conference, Mr. Benson unemploy- % jel also be unaffected. MORE 10% 100 $16% ei 16% --~ Va Ve 5" " Te $35% 35¥a 35% $35%4 35M 354 + --a 2 50% -- Va 400 h-V 60 87% +1% 264 + Va 71% + a | + Ve) ---% 21% -- %/ 27 = 67% + ei 355 $264 262 262+ +0 m4-- 6M 10% + 10 4\a leading Canadian-born econo- 50 $16% "in fen -- ve 778 Hospital, MD TORONTO (CP)--A_ $740,000 lawsuit against Toronto General Mat- thews of Toronto, an anesthet- began Monday in Ontario Outerbri. ideo, "told Mr. Justice Donald R. Mo- rand in the non-jury action that Mrs. Stuart Aynslay, 37, had is _;; An air bubble in her blood | Plemented, = |stream, Mr. Outerbridge said, economic growth and sacrifice oie ay jo? +f] caused her 'jeart to stop on the economic. efficiency. nie operating table, and the bubble 3 Revenue Minister E. J. Benson| "Se on an ad aml = aall tlle lagle "f i ete | | | Ta Le | ti als edged higher in moderate Exchange Monday. TORONTO (CP) -- Industri- rading on the Toronto Stock Despite the improvement, de- clines outnumbered advances PEACE RIVER, Alta. (CP)-- An all-weather airport and a lo- cation relatively close to the hottest new oilfield in Canada have given this town an eco- nomic shot in the arm. : Peace River, 250 miles north- west of Edmonton, had been a picturesque but quiet commu- nity through the years with a population of less than 3,000. But in the few months since Banff Oil Ltd. brought in the Rainbow Lake discovery well 180 miles north of here, the town has boomed, Numerous companies have followed Banff Oil. into the, area--they now have a total of about 25 success- ne es n Brings redace h Alberta's Newest Oilfield iv ful wells--and work is under way on a pipeline south to the Edmonton area. Peace River's airport, the nearest all-weather. facility to the oilfield, has made the community a staging point for the oil companies, The town's population, up more than 600 in the last year, stands at 3,400 and is climbing. Motels and hotels are jammed and their beverage rooms filled to overflowing. NEW HOUSES FILL UP A new housing subdivision, opened last year to the north, is filling rapidly. | ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) -- A group of dissident stockhold- ers of Canadian Javelin Ltd. launched a campaign earlier this year to take away John C. Doyle's control of the firm, has fired another blast at the Jav- elin founder over his reinstate- ment as company chairman. The group, which calls itself |the Stockholders Protective Committee of Canadian Javelin Ltd., said in a prepared state- ment mailed to newspapers here from New York that "Doyle has been flushed out |from behind the scenes because .,| the board of directors refuses) 4! to take the blame for what he does." Javelin announced Sept. 19 that Doyle had been elected chairman of Javelin's executive committee and would "have a | substantial' part in the respon- | ™ sibility for conduct of the com-| |pany's affairs in Canada." He resigned as chairman and | president last year after being} |convicted in the United States of mailing unregistered stock. He was sentenced to three years in prison--all but three months of it suspended--but he Free Trade Ties Urged MONTREAL (CP) -- Canada can become both richer and more. independent by rejecting nationalist economic policies and opting for a free trade re- |lationship with the United States jand other industrial countries, mist said Monday. Harry Johnson, who holds ap- pointments at both the Univer- sity of Chicago and the London School of Economics, said Ca- nadians will prove themselves politically immature if they re- treat into "vainglorious and self - defeating nationalist eco- nomic policies." "To take best advantage of \this country's potential for in- dustrial and general economic growth, Canadian industry needs maximum access to the large markets of other coun- |tries, he told members of the Canadian Club at a luncheon here. | "This is necessary to permit both specialization on those products in which Canada has the greatest comparative ad- vantage, and the exploitation of the economies of large-scale production." Prof. Johnson said tariff bar- riers are no longer necessary to ensure the existence of a strong industrial economy in this country. Canada therefore should use its influence as a leading trad- ing nation to get U.S., British jand European support for the jidea of a free trade area. Professor Johnson said poli- if im- Canadian ment in Canada would, impede The text of Professor John- son's speech was released to ithe press before delivery. DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Rank Organization Lid., 9 cents, Oct. 29, record Sept. 16. Bathurst Paper Lid., pref. 6% cents, Dec. 1, record Nov. 4; common 12% cents; class A 62% cents, Nov. 1, record Oct. [28 C.A.E, Industries Lid., 7% jcents, Oct. 31, record Oct. 17, | Dominion Textile Co. Ltd., 25 feents, Oct. 15, record Sept. 29. | Lafarge Cement of North America Lid., 8 cents, Dec. 15, record Dec. 1 1, HEN FIRED GUN CARACAS (AP) -- A chicken stepped on the trigger of a shot- gun on the Venezuelan farm of Mrs. Dama de Giron and hit to death "'by immersion, in the | Javelin Stockholders Fire Second Salvo At Doyle was in Canada and no warrant was served. The stockholders committee) storekeepers should be able to! |Combines Investigation Act. A claimed Monday that Doyle had) been pressured into taking the} post again by "mass resigna- tions of officers and directors) who now refuse to continue act- ing as his stooges." It said Jav- elin's New York office has been PRODUCE TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the |department of agriculture as of |Monday: A large 66.5; A me- dium 63.5; A small 46.4. Eggs: Wholesale price to country stations fibre cases quoted by the Toronto Board of Trade from wholesale egg deal- ers; extra-large 59-60; large 58; medium 55-56; | 43; C 35-36, Butter prices: Stabilization board tenderable! carlots: buying 40 score 59; buying 39 score 58; selling 59. Agricultu ral| Si '| big four-engined Hercules trans- small 39; B 40-) D --~-~-- DUUIIL At the airport, where once a charter company operated alone with two aircraft, several com- panies now have their opera- tions centre, one with a fleet of eight planes. Mayor Ted Whitney says the port hired by Banff Oil to move equipment to Rainbow during the summer contributed $2,000 a month in landing fees at the air- port, which is municipally- owned, Town Councillor Dwayne Rowe says, 'Rainbow Lake is having a greater impact on this town than any other single fac- tor in our history." As frosting on the cake, the Alberta highways department is throwing a new bridge over the mighty Peace River near the town and a $4,500,000 jail is be- jat $98.65 bid and $95.75 asked. BOND MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- dian bond market closed gener- ally unchanged in a session of light trading Monday. Short-term Government of Canada bonds closed with the 4%-ver-cent Oct. 1. 1967. issue Long-term Canada and pro- vincial issues were also un- changed wiih the. Government of Canada 4%4-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue quoted at 86 bid and 864% asked. in provincials, the Ontario Hydro 6-per-cent July 5, 1988, closed at 98% bid and 98% asked. Day-to-day money was read- ily available at 4% per cent. Treasury bills were un- changed at 5,01 per cent for 91- mee g bills and 5.19 for 182-day is. ~ Shaver Company Fined By Court TORONTO (CP)--Philips Ap- pliances Ltd., a Toronto-based company, was fined $2,000 Mon- day by the Ontario Supreme Court on two charges of ille- ing built six miles away. |SEES BRIGHT FUTURE | Mr. Rowe says that even when the Rainbow Lake ex-) |ploration tapers, Peace River) keep smiling. | Oil exploration is picking up jacross' the North and Peace} River should remain the jump-| ing-off point. The town's *popu- lation should hit 10,000 within five years. Town officials are scurrying! to keep pace with the boom, | Consideration is being given to | building a new terminal at the) airport. Pacific Western Air-| lines flew 285 passengers from) here to Rainbow in one week! during the summer. The town is attempting to an- nex large chunks of land on both sides of the river. Provin- cial officials are being urged to pave the Mackenzie Highway | west Territories border. "For a long time we waited while other sections of the Peace River country boomed," | Says one official. "Now it's our turn and we're going to make the best of it." | from Peace River to the North-) gally attempting to maintain re- | tail prices of its electric | shavers, The company was acquitted on two similar counts under the jrelated company, Philips Elec- |tronic Industries Ltd., was ac- quitted on a fifth count. n his judgment reserved) | from last June, Mr. Justice |Donald R, Morand said it was the first court decision in Can- ja da on a Combines investiga- tion prosecution involving ac- | tion taken by a manufacturer |against a retailer for loss lead-| ering of its products. | | leadering was selling an item) jat a price less than the cost |to the retailer. MINK STOLES WHITE FOX FURS | | i i | | | | RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. $., Oshawa 725-3338 | | Royal Bank skidded 1% to 67% and Avco 1% to 22%. tive as on Friday and as a re- sult volume totalled 3,383,000 shares compared with 4,104,000 Friday. Sp ae eee! Se ae Beil J 249 to 98 with 221 issues un- changed. The industrial index gained .12 to 145,18. Du Pont and International |, Minerals paced the group, ris- ing 1 each to 39 and 60. Inco and Simpsons added % each. Speculatives were not as ac- + to 18 cents pn 294,000 1% to 57%. Fal- Sanbridge dropped %¢ 10" 8684. up .65 to 88.37, western oils .90 to 105.44 and 138.95. Golds fell .39 to 167.00. Pa, Se) eg a ¥ ogo | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 27, 1966 13 Peers delayed 25 minutes) FRUSTRATION MAY HURT the opening to match buy " "ih sell orders, moved up 344 Denison continued its ad- On index, base metals were the TSE .19 to + x ] me ae with cash in.advance through an easy-to-repay Royal Bank termDlan loan When you're-planning to buy any major item -- heck against other loan plans available: acar, | able appliance -- borrow everything you need, first. He said his definition of loss) Then you'll be free to shop whenever and wherever | you please. A low-cost Royal Bank termPian loan gives you the cash in advance, placing you in | the key position to select the best value. Life-insured for estate protection; easy to service (frequently under 24 have to be a regular Royal Bank customer to qualify. Visit your nearest Royal Bank | © « « there's one in your neighbourhood. furnishings, fridge, washer, dryer or other valn- %* bow low-cost termDian really tes Typical amounts: $ 500.00 $2000.00 $3600.00 6@) ROYAL BANK Oshawa Branch S. F. Donnelly, Monager Oshawe King and Wilson Branch J. M. Waddell, Maneger Oshawe, $22 Simcoe St. Souht C. F. Griffin, Manager Convenient Monthly periods: repaymentt 12 months $ 44,02 30 months §=$ 75,83 36 months $116.45 get; fast, confidential hrs.); and you don't branch today i soup kettle." 9ts a real thull ! When you lwe at The All NEW... PRINCESS ANNE ) APARTMEN 1221 Simcoe St. N: Here in The Princess Anne one can and does appreciate living in true comfort. All apartments are designed to give the of truly maximum of beauty and convenience one expects fine accommodation. Our tenants are always our first consideration and we have endeavored to. provide the finest facilities, including: HEATED INDOOR POOL, SAUNA STEAM BATH, SHELTERED SUNDECK WITH SURROUNDING FLOWER BOXES, F.M. MUSIC, CONTROLLED ENTRANCE BY INTERCOM EN ELEVA GLISH DECOR LOBBY, HIGH SPEED TORS, PRESSURIZED CORRIDORS WITH CUSTOM CRAFTED CARPETING, PAID UTILITIES, SPACIOUS LIVING QUARTERS WITH HUGE BALCONIES. RENTAL OFFICE OPEN DAILY 2 P.M. to 9 P.M. 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE 725-9934