Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1966, p. 7

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= 5 i a Ie Pee I eee & . e * THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 22, 1966 7 EEE . pote §6=6| Officials Search saisteanre 4 leita 4g po ge, af : Executive Warns : i. : sisteeciditssedabatharas ascasKmr ==--~ a ; Hd a ik cs af For Lost Radium Against Inflation VANCOUVER (CP) -- Vin- : NEW YORK (AP) -- Forjmiligrams of radium worth|cent W. T. Scully, chairman of M ARKET TOD AY weeks, U.S. officials have lis-|$6,000, The other is seven inches|the board and chief executive BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT tened for the slightest click of|long and one-eighth of an inch/officer of the Steel Company of their geiger counters--a signaljin diameter and contains 50/Canada, said Wednesday the TORONTO 10:40 Ce "soon INDUSTRIALS that might mean success in anjmilligrams of radium worth|Canadian economy is still Toronto ixehange--Sept. intensive coast-to-coast search|$1,500, faciig an inflationary threat, Sieaton tn cons vnians marked! Aiea Gasp M0890" 90. fer two tiny capsules of radium} Warren Holm, a spokesman) Mr. Scully said in an inter- xwcecwarrenis, Net change is| Al9O Con 27a "sidvs 18s 18h j ef an CO S 'ete! Jost during rail shipment to New|for the Radium Chemical Co.,|yiew the most minute price in- Pravious board-lot closing sale, air sae. Be i we: Yer said there was no extreme dan-|creases in basic materials are - A 7" fee ts ' But the first click is yet to|ger, that' the capstles wouid|magnified by the time tiey|~ r yi] come. have to be held in the hand for|reach the consumer. 10% 7 The two radioactive capsule|"many hours" before there was) "There is also a built-in mo-| ae I ] eS ern @ | losses were discovered within a|serious radiation poisoning. | mentum in the economy--one of} 80 80 + 5 Fe sn - "es boveal iy vod Ssictinad ee the hg oan the factors being a bein: = ep ine hai railway securit: ice shortage of skilled labor, We By WALTER HAYES Noboru Inagaki of Mitsui and) promote investment in otherjshinped {rom Fort Worth, Tex..|ruled out the possibility OS thalklacs cet creating the skills," he Bell Phne : Co. Ltd, said at a press confer-|countries, particularly in Can-itne other from Seattle. Both|in the loss of the radium. said, or 44 Pde phone ot) oi rb ence, |ada and Australia. were destined for the Radi . 2. --%|Cenadian industry is inevitable,| He was in Vancouver for the) He said Japan has a heavy ichemical Co. of Woodside, N.Y. 5 a % pees {nk ax ma vite presi: opening of the $2,000,000 (Pane eines ag ro hers and Fm One capsule is three-fourths of " "|Steel and Wire Co, Ltd. plant/is turning toward western Can-|,, inch square and contains 300 4 ihe u 4 ee 8 largest trading} | in neighboring Surrey. The plant) we ' aarp he od is jointly financed by Canadian) r. Inagaki sa a r4 ey But it won't come as long a8) and Japanese interests, includ- |Japan's main interest in west- NET EARNINGS es 32..-- Yl Japanese industry is "'thirsting| ing Mitsui. ern Canada is as a source of nie nha vs $20 «20 0 =m for raw materials and unable Mr. Inagaki said the Japa-/raw materials, Japanese indus-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS a by ie operate at full capacity," |nese government is eager to|try is becoming more global-| 'Trans-Prairie Pipelines Ltd, ms $15 i. 15M 100 i ise | minded. six months ended June i: 2086, € " f share; io 2 '2 mS SEES KEEN COMPETITION | $492,227, | 28.9 cents a 7 a8 ; oe ra s an U. ». Securities Commission He said he can foresee the ee dae Gee: Lid, |day when there will be Japa- , sh Cdn Tire A 13% -- Ve] |nese investment in western Ca-\yeat ended May 31: 1966, $290,- &. Westing ko 530; 1965, $180,339. 390 395 p PP vet Ha nadian industries which will 299 7 chrysler 00 0 | Orders Company Scrutiny compete directly with similar 7 rhb 2 |industries in Japan. BOND MARKET } u Cominco A ae ey c The 65-year-old vice-president We < ee gamers. ; Pep WASHINGTON (CP) -- The, The hearing, at a date to be said the thinking of Japanese RONTO (CP The Cana-|@ 18s 18 -- hl Con' Bidg 105 +5 | United States Securities and Ex-| announced, will also offer the) industry toward Canada is '"fa-| TO (CF) --~ 1 dl Wm 40 --1| Con Paper y 4% + Ys change Sone ie ma Conniinns a aiasics to defend) yorable."? brgrrice Pong: big teg % : Ma \2Va-- Va\ y,/an inquiry into staff allegations| themselves, it sai % 4 i | | Sha 'Ace 6 08 en" " jagainst a Toronto firm and two| Listed as involyed are the or ME, Inagatl sald Mitgul is one| ig trading Wednesday. : $544 $4 Sa | Bist seco me ime gM 2 | Toronto residents. |Southern Brokerage and Hold- | Short-term Gqvernment of A little A Oil 3 Forest Phone firms in the world and handles} ith th 500 S44% 44% rial Dofase 2 --%| A. commission statement said| jing Co. Inc., its publication ;Canada bonds closed w: od Dotasco Pie mT, tau -- w {the inquiry will sift the allega-|called The Canadian Forecaster ed sk mendes gov eee 4%4-per-cent April, 1, 1967, issue enter $16% 16% 16% + 'e |tions to determine whether/and President Alan McDonald The Titan plant opened last | jat $99.35 bid and $99.45 'asked. ' . Etim BSE} S| Teme" acon wil flo [Munro and employee Peer Fe ndgy. ie the Are aoc] ide hte ee ae ae self-satisfaction -\fery. | vine! h, Falcon $37.) 87 Fs | Col bi built ith i We ie ech fy ob oS) OMG A The sal! charges that South canta ng gt apenas 0H a point withthe Gover ae ee cee sim tae tau te pproves jern Brokerage '8 the men vio- mt of Canada 44-per-cen e and Canadian capital and labor. dat ! 730 230 230 +15 | FRE Pn pr $56 5656 lated provisions of the Invest-! |Sept. 1, 1983, issue quoted a' g y "anh =) Slot fs | Federal Loans ser Company Act in recom-| git, '% Jointly-owned by Mitsui! 958% bid and 85% asked. In pro- 18 ZOO or you. soe te eg (40 per cent), Kobe Steel Works| yincials, the Ontario Hydro 6- ; : Tt a) -- | S'Mckey"A 24s 'sre 'Mm Mm | TAWA (CP)--Approval of |"uaseasoned re eee er ice Ltd. of Japan (30 per cent) and|per-cent July 5, 1988, closed at| a te fe ae alge DV pce og gy . Pret --, ' f ' ffice is a full busi ? ou 70% Ma | SL Power Sa 234 234 Bb 813 in federal loans for nine| securities.' Hercules Steel Ltd. of Vancou-!9g bid and 98% asked. sob acct a ager arinac 6 9 neces Huds B: maga ri int Bible T1000 98 98 98 -- 2 | Gt W Life $3 9 5) |sewage treatment projects in| ----|ver (30 per cent). Day-to-day money traded at| Once you start saving the Start saving the Permanent way Iron Bay "i 1% nk | mee ee 4 | six provinces was announced to- HAS MANY PRODUCTS 4% per cent. ' Permanent way, there's no stopping you. and see how rewarding it can be. 4000 3 3] --1 | Hawker § 1 410 +10 |day by Central Mortgage and) DIVIDENDS The plant is turning out wire It's a beautiful sight to see your Canada Permanent offers the aenge tite is ee -- 14! Home a 4 |Housing Corporation. : ' balance building so quickly. security and experience of Canada's Jowsey oe 0 41) tome et ; = mene P By THE CANADIAN PRESS |{0r Welded mesh used in rein- A ce Kerr Add $1212 12 =) queen Si "dl tae Spang '4) 'The Ontario loans: Pembroke, International Bronze Pow-|{orced concrete, nails, barbed] OSHAWA TIMES With both Regular and Special largest trust and mortgage complex, i Anece WS 145 165 fate 451% 51% 51% ~ 4 |$929,666 and Trenton, $29,000. ders, 6 per-cent pref. 37% cents, | Wire, coat hangers, stucco and| Savings Accounts, you earn higher Established 1855-- Federally Lab Min $28Ve 26% 286 Imp Tob 200 $13% 13% 13% | 4 | other neeting, as well as roping! PICTURE interest. You can make deposits by incorporated and supervised. Oct. 15, record Sept. 30. Do it the Permanent way. > et -- 2 2 1 ae oe et ied wire for wire rope manufactur-| a fot Lol eo Beate | PRODUCE Reynolds Aluminum Co, of | 0 | RE-PRINTS Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-9482 CANADA PERMANENT J. W. Froud, MANAGER Madsen 128 125 125 --2 | Inglis t+ % Canada Lid., 4%-per-cent pref. High carbon wire of varying SAVINGS » TRUST SERVICES » MORTGAGES Marchant 165 190, 190 mB Inland Gas 2 ' Abad % TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale | $1.18, Nov. 1, record Oct. 1. guages for pre-stressed concrete Aviteble Ae Canada Permanent Trust Company 1% 154 1ST , tresses will also We 96 ta fee Eee: Se ah Ie |department of agriculture as of|record Sept. 29. re hy ei ie 4 4 A+ 1 | e produce o 80 8 ei sit 11 Viva, | Wednesday: A large 65.9; A me-| Dominion Dairies Ltd., com-) «7 has invested lots of SERVICE WWW + nersn" fom -- | dium. 62.7; A small 45.1. mon 15 cents, Oct. 14, record cg Mean eg r} Boiled w S20 20% ig ad " , . ' 4 4 4 41 +% money in contracts and mines| : : +5) Eggs: Wholesale price t0/Sept. 30. bia, but asi] 251 King St. E., Othawe 10%, 10% 10% + "| 2 40 4, (country stations fibre cases|_ Canadian Foundation Co., 6- /in British Columbi ju " uM +1 lly operating sec-| 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each W514 I , 2B quoted by the Toronto Board of|per-cent pref. 30 cents; com- partners actual P' 8g 0 50 eac y d industry we are the first ue Zz" a= ts] ee Trade from wholesale egg deal-|mon 5 cents, Oct. 20, record Nt pb sald Morris z.| 5x 7 -- 1.25 each 9% ers: Extra-large 59-60; large 58; | Sept. 30. [Jacobson of Vancouver, Tritan| 20% Discount on Orders ? ms | oeb M 8 stave 12% in jmedium 55-56; small 39; B 40; president. | of S er More Pictures -- Ww! $24 U% 24% -- %)C 35. He said beside wanting to mh Bonn a Shue 3: 4 t 4%] Butter prices: Agricultural STOCK MARKET make money, the J in- + ¢ | Montex 00 -- 5 |Siaiiizaiion board tenderable TORONTO (CP) -- Declines terests had another reason for st Rae $764 7% b= Yo Buying 40 "score 305 ot cumb nees by al se is is mi buying 99..ccore. 58; selling 59.| 04... 'tie Wiscintin 'They wait to demons $262 264 26% po a" ey 515 Oa ates 7 7 17 Stock Exchange Wednesday as Wil 530 amo -- vs! the market tumbled to its third Chases thd "to employ Cans Ogiivie 225 $4 " "4 per cent in a Canadian manner Paramaq Oshawa A 7210 $24 24 24 A total of 294 issues retreated *|and maintaining Canadian inter- P. Pet tT y, Ve wm Y oe ae | eer, et S-4) Sunken Sub -- ue .aiumert and a1 were or ea, Pow Corp 225 $10%4 10% 10% | changed. "The Japanese have been Price Com 2159 $13% 13% 13% x Q m0 si" on HAMBURG (AP) -- Salvage|. Investors slashed the prices of| pictured as wanting to buy our '3 as in tao aval 600 530 525° 525 --30 lerews raised the sunken West|@ number of blue chips and the|raw materials and sell some of 200 Te ais 2s -- 1 Rank Org 225 410 410 410 --10 \German submarine Hai today|industrial index slid 1.12 to}them back as manufactured so 8 S| Rothman 270 27% 27%2--1\and began to tow it under wa-| 145.27. goods. In this venture they are 700 $3 55 85 Riven ae s™ 6% lter to the Helgoland Island na-| Massey-Ferguson paced the| helping Canada to build an in- MR. ision of the S. S, Kresge Company 3000 135 | StL Cem A 100 304 30% -- %|val base. decline, falling 1% to 23% after dustry that can export. 2500 2 24 24 tigre oe A navy spokesman said the|touching a low of 23%. Inco) Mr. Jacobson said the Titan 283 $14 14 14% Shell Inv p 1000 vee y|submarine was raised 50 feet| slipped 144 to 87, Alcan 1 to a plant expects to sell wire prod- Satellite peed 4 Ae y pel 20%--%\from the Dogger Bank in the|low of 28% and Canadian West-jucts in the western United Sherritt 165 480 480 480 | giiverwed 7 iis iis s ¥ ~5\North Sea, where it sank last/inghouse % to 19%. States as well as Canada. Silvrfids 100 335 335 335 Simpsons 675 $27\4 27% ae . |Wednesday in a violent storm.| Trading slackened, 3,323,000; He said first year production | ' eee =. eM i ig | SKD Mfg 300 |$6%4 6% 6%4--% Only one of the 20 crew mem-/shares changing hands com-| will be about 20,000 tons of wire! ' Sil Stand 500 8585s oe as ce _95 |bers survived. .. }pared with 4,664,000 Tuesday. | products. } d a $134 13% 13% int Nickel 46 --1 to retail carton eggs average; Dominion Textile Co. Ltd., 7- in furni- eo sas int Uti 4a 6 28 -- a weighted prices quoted by the|per-cent pref. $1.75, Oct. 15 and spring wee NU-WAY PHOTO 97 Nor Ctl 65p ag A a ate Crew Raises consecutive daily loss. Stenrck Yoo 212 212 212 Steel Can 1825 $22% 224 22'4 The Hai was suspended 88 On index, golds declined 1.25, Company official predict pro-| 2 4 Steinbg A 750 $20, 20, feet below-the surface by two|to 169.14, base metals .10 to/duction will be doubled in five) j Suptest od 500 $21 21 21 +\cables from a floating crane.| 87.70 and the TSE 1.09 to 138.92.\ years. Texaco 44 $564 h SAa-- Thom NP 650 $18' 18% 182 -- %| Tor Dm Bk 51 $56% A -| Tor tron W 1200 $33 "] how. senor " Traders A 285 $10% ' a rey 1 Tr Can PL 2629 $27% Winafat % 3% % Trans Mt" 135 steve | Zenmac ul Trans PPL 225 $8% } ulapa Un Carbid 260 $22 Un Gas 250 $10 OILS, GAS UGes A pr 100 $51 U Corp B 138 gum sive ive + wy 500 152 15% 154-- | Versatd 1000 232 23% 23% Versatile 15 "Fove 20 2975 $13. (12% 13 Vic G Tr 104 $15% 13% in -- | 245 245 245 1 Wanoco O 1900 230 230 230 450 450 450 Walk GW 1250 $27 27 27 -- %) 530 520 $20 +5 Weldwod 250 $8% 8% 8% $22% 2 2n-- Well Fin A 100 450 450 450 --SO0 Ss iow ie | ena Se fe, Soe : 20 | Weste'st $242 2414 24 -- Vo 170 «(170 | 00 200 200 200 ~ 5 100 400 400 400 10 ' Gi cOlleds 100 $20% 20% 20¥4 --1' 725 805 805 . 805 23 ; lot Haltom ; 225 180 180 180 | | - Sas ae i 4 Sais 1 11:00 am: i | ON \¥ : : Sn eee LY | } » ' FOREIGN TRADING i 5200 415° 420 | Oe ; COLEMAN'S 3) NRK 10 7 ew ' s Ssoe 300 350 350350 +20 1s Scurry Ra 1 s» ss -- " Stanwell <1! AID VIET SCHOOLS Fried on 600 202 199 202 Australia is sending 1,500,000 inion Of $28% 28% 28% : Un Reet P1000 ans a art-- | School textbooks to South Viet W Decalte 325 320 320 Nam. MANAGER H ; . ] 7 aga! AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE F Carman S$ Fearman S Swift $ HEPPHARD AT KENNEDY : ' TORONTO | Premium i Sec eer NTS 4 d a e An a nea and rapidly expanding chain of die ay | Bologna Polish Coil Wieners Car Care Auto Centres provides a rewarding |} store management career for an_ individual |} Volkswagen possessing experience in the sale of auto ac- | Camper a. cessories and parts, and miscellaneous automotive }} | C C C services. | A-1 Condition i® i If you are 21 to 36 years of age, have an affection | Ib Ib for automobiles and want the responsibility of man- aging an Auto Centre, you probably are our man. if NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED The appointment offers a comprehensive training i ROAST program in all phases of store management. A_ ]} Financin vailabl F | d Bl h d good salary with excellent bonus incentive pro- cing A = ancy ce ancne s gram is provided, Company-paid pension, hospital- |} as' ' Turkey Dinner ization, insurance and medical programs are but a |} ee onuls Peanuts ; Creamy mashed potato, vegetable, few of the benefits received once employed by |! | : : roll and butter. B. F. Goodrich. P All applications held in confidence. Call, write or | a ¢ i 4 ° phone for what can be a rewarding management 7 career with B. F, Goodrich . j e Employee Relations Department B.F. Goodrich Cenada Limited |] 1437 King East Phone 728-1555 | | ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY | Kitchener, Onterio, «| % MILE EAST OF TOWNLINE.

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