Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1966, p. 21

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18--Male Help Wanted Sr at GOP slh beschge Yee caiae BAP eee aril ya ba tele' pre teehee EE Nie rae boy ee: 18---Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sole 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Reui Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale. 20--Réal Estate for Sale a gana eed tee eee SE tia ee THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'Thureday, September 22, 1966 27, WE. NEED SALESMEN! e Top Pay. @ Experience Not Necessary. @ Training Provided. @ Pleasant Working Conditions. APPLY IN PERSON NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. Highway No. 2 (Just West of Thickson Road Rear Whitby). Experienced FLAT POLISH OPERATOR Top rates and conditions, Apply in confidence to K. ARNOLD EAST SIDE STAMPING CO. LTD. 9100 Tecumseh Rd. East | Windsor, Ont. CARETAKER REQUIRED Reply giving full particulars to; BOX 43083 OSHAWA TIMES CAREER OPPORTUNITY Leading 'business service or- ganization with world wide affiliates requires a mature . Sales representative for local orea on an exclusive arrange- ment, Applicant should have 0 background in insurance, finance, . mutual. funds or proven record in commercial his .energies from 9:30 to #38 fivedays c-week oter-¢ short training period. $7500 to $10,000 No investment or ovenight travel required. Lote model cor essential. For confidential interview forward resume to P.O. Box 129, Station "K", Toronto 12. front desk. 1 ferred, Apply COOK REQUIRED for week of deer hunt. Modern ences Telephone 728-4875 ts. ly in person, m3 ataiion i Piss. Grasmere Farm, 4th nue and Westney Road. br vewpprhletd for energetic Good working conditions, | Read, Bowmanville, sales, and be willing to apply. TV SERVICE MAN, experience essen- iat. Bg --) to qualified man, usual Capital TV, APPLE PICKERS staring Sepiember 26. Concession, Pick- ering Township, between Harwood Ave- PRESENTARLE, ALERT older man for int work. Local man pre- pruce Villa Hotel, 668-3386. 12 "men, first convenl- SERVICE -STATION attendant. Excellent young man, Apply imperial |Oll Service Centre, Highway 401, Waverly YOUNG MAN "Yequired i for sewing ma- ma- chine | tenance. adjustments, and ~ store: main- Good working conditions, steady employment. Telephone 725-5443 for ap- | pointment, [ATTENDANT FOR SERVICE STATION. 'Apply Les MacDonald. 2534, Telephone bal | |REAL ESTATE SALESMEN make + mare| [money in well organized. smaller office. | The busy season is just starting. We'll! |be glad fo'train you. Contact our sales-| manager for confidential interview. 728-| 5103 or after hours, 728-7083. Realtor, W. 0. Martin} SEVERAL TRUCKS needed for hauling! Christmas trees all. local work, from approximately October 10 to cree 110. Phone 263-2359. |LEARN THE ART "of professional sales- |manship. | urge you to investigate nis | wonderful opportunity. Your sole Invest- |ment Is 15 to 20 hours.a week. For -- | details, telephone 723-4163. | EXPERIENCED DRUMMER for rascal group. Interested parties phone 723-4838 between 5.45 + 6.30, } 19--Male and Female ____Help Wanted RESPONSIBLE COUPLE As superintendants in aport- ment building. Woman full time, man part time. No chil- dren under 12. WRITE BOX 43142 OSHAWA_ TIMES + TAXI DRIVERS HARDWARE MANAGER Required by leading depart- Ment store in Oshewa area, references re- "quired. aaltion offers pleasant working -cohditions, good salary, plus commission, company benefits. Please reply in writing to: BOX 44489 Oshawa Times QUALITY CONTROL ANYLIST Must have grade 12 educo- tion with a minimum of 3 years experience in inspection and quality control, Excellent starting salary and company paid benefits. Apply CRYSTLER CANADA LTD, Canadian Automotive Trim Division 274 Mackenzie Avenue AJAX 942-4160 FULL TIME ONLY YOUNG' MAN 17 to 24 To learn drive-in restaurant operation. Car an asset. Phone for. appointment 728-229 | SHIPPER -- RECEIVER (aged 25 - 40) Required by young progressive monufacturing company in Ajax. Must haxe experience with multiple stock units and have supervisory ability. Sal- ary open to right man with company benefits. Telephone 942-150 for appointment. SALES SERVICE POSITION Public relations ressive young men, from -35, with grade 11 or more, some musical know- ledge helpful but not neces- sary. This full time position pays salary plus commission and expenses. Full training progrom, for suitable appli- cont. Telephone 723-0101 For Interview or Write Box 43095 Oshawa Times YOUNG MAN REQUIRED For full time Junior position, in Oshowa's finest men's weor store, Experience not neces- sory Reply giving full porticulors to BOX 44096 Oshowe Times Part or full time. Minimum age 25. | MERCURY TAXI 725-477) '20---Real "Estate for Sale Jack - RICARD keted Realtor BOWMANVILLE + 623-2503 200 ACRES --- PONDS Nine room hore. Large barn, Drilled weil plus. 2 ponds. $27,500 -- Terms. Over 1,00 years old. Beauti- fully re-conditioned home with large living room, fire- place, etc. This 100 acre fafm. has good fences, born, ponds. $50,000. 10 ACRES and HOUSE With all conveniences. Barns in good condition. Close to Taunton .Road. $19,000 -- Terms OSHAWA -- COLLEGE HILL Two bedroom storey and half home, Nice retirement home or ideal for couple starting out, Asking .$1,500 down. BOWMANVILLE Two bedroom brick bungalow, Close to uptown. $2,000 down . BOWMANVILLE Two. storey brick home on Carlisle Ave. Very good con- new dition. Situated in central res- ideritiaiVarea." $17,900. NEWCASTLE Three bedroom brick bunga- low. on. Mill St. Attractive, well kept home with large shade trees. Asking $15,500 --~ Terms | MAPLE GROVE Three bedroom bungalow with aluminum siding. Close to school 'and United church. $12,900 Terms 'ORONO Three bedroom home on Prin- cess. St. Close to shopping. Low taxes in the village make this a desirable and economi- cal investment. $11,800 -- Terms Qn. Waverly Rd. and Base Line, Bowmanville. Suitable for service station or light industry, ete Milford McDonald 623-3911 Wilf Hawke, Orono 1R 12 Howard Wight 623-2524 Dorothy Vivian 263-2138 Garriet Ricard 623-7397 Member OsHawa and District Real Estate Board COLONIAL BRICK HOME| COMMERCIAL PARCEL OPEN HOUSE In Westview Heights sub- division, Newcastle, new three bedroom brick bungalows built by ALWOOD > HOMES, one with N.H.A. 6%4% fin- ancing. Quality craftsmanship ---$16,000, $4,700 down This weekend 2 - 4 P.M, _W. FRANK Real Estate Ltd, 2). King Street West BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 | | } Ray GIANT HELPERS In finding the home or apartment you need. Tim Clessified Ads. GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 VACANT LAND |, @ For anyone interested in building a home in the country, we have a 10 acre parcel of land on Courtice Road North. Good level lond with treed area at the rear, Can be bought with only $2,000 down. Call to-night. BRAND NEW Il. @ 7 room brick bungalow with completely finished recreo- tion room and walk out base- ment, 2 complete 4 piece bath- rooms ond a carport. The 6% % N.H.A. mortgage carries for $131. 'principle, interest ond taxes, LUXURIOUS LIVING Il, @ Lovely front lawn with planter, Double front doors opening into a spacious en- trance hall, leading into large living room, Dining room hos sliding glass doors which lead to a balcony overlooking the bock yord. The b wt fea- SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. » 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century Of Service OPEN DAILY 9AM. TO 9 P.M. $1,000 DOWN WHITBY ~~ SEMI DETACHED $13,900.00 full price -- 8 yeor old bed brick bungalow with 2 bedrooms and another bedroom in base- ment, plus partially finished Rec room and two bath- rooms. See this home soon it might be whot you've re looking for, QUIET STREET -- SOUTH EAST AREA $2,000.00 down ----- 3 bed room aluminum siding bung- alow with extra large garage and large lot. Asking only $11, 900. 0Q and ong open mortgage at $85.00 monthly. <« $12,900 Three bedroom, older type home which has been _ re- delled and is very clean, tures a bomb shelter and walk- out entrance, plus recreation room, kitchen and two bedrooms, or one bedroom may be used os an office, Call to-day and we will be pleased to show you this) attractive home. PRICED TO SELL IV. @ This home should not! be overlooked as it has many} attractive features. decorated and clean, A home anyone would be proud to own. Consisting of six rooms on main floor plus two. down, including a 30'6" recreation room. IMMACULATE CONDITION V, @ Located close to school, bus and shopping centre, this modern brick bungalow repre- sents a terrific buy. Large lot, well landscaped, paved drive- way and T.V, antenna with ro- tor, almost finished recreation room, Call us. --- we will be glad to show you this excellent family home. THE ULTIMATE IN MODERN LIVING Vi. @ Let us show you this spacious brick bungalow in the! North West area of the City. This home consists of three bed- rooms, large combination living | and dining room, good sized} kitchen and attached garage. Lerge Recreation room. Paved drive. Terms arranged, Call us| anytime for more details. NEW SPLIT LEVEL Vil. @ In choice Large custom built home with electric heoting. 7 large rooms with attacked garene on an ex- tra large lot, Immediate Pos-| session, Call now for further in- Beautifully) location. | | | Double car garage, close to downtown, HOSPITAL AREA An ideal income home--21 storey -- 9 room with two A-piece bathrooms. Asking $17,900.00. Call to-night for an appointment to see. $16,200 Is the asking price for this good 2 storey brick home neor the hospital, Six rooms, gor- age, quiet street. Call now for details. WILSON at ADELAIDE Five year old brick bungalow in better than new condition. Has large living room with dining area, hollywood kit- chen, @ finished recreation room and the bedrooms are a very good size. Very well landscaped grounds, plus asphalt drive. ' Reasonable down payment required. NORTH WEST Three bedroom bungalow -- excellent location, close to schools and churches. With recreation room, Asking $16,- 900.00. BRAEMOR GARDENS Almost new 3 bedroom side split with attoched garage in desirable north west loce- tion. All nicely landscaped and decorated, Listed at $22,900.00. OPEN \ scala | BEAU VALLEY DAILY 6:00 -- 9:00 P.M. SAT oend SUN 2:00 -- 5:30 P.M. formation. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Vill, @ 10 room brick home with hot water oi! heating. Just below John Street on Simcoe Street South, lorge lot 54 x 132 ft. For full particulars call to-day. CUSTOM BUILT IX. @ Here indeed is one of the best values ever offered in a) 1Y% yeor old bungalow, This) three bedroom charmer is loca- ted on Thicksons Road, easily accessible to shopping, schools and downtown Oshawa or Whit- by. The owner, who is a builder, has spent time, money and la- bour, to make this the most ate tractive home you have ever seen. Vinyl asbestos tile in kit- chen, large living and dining rooms, three bright bedrooms with walk-in closets and full! sized bedrooms, Call us to-night to inspect. $13,900 FULL ASKING PRICE X. @ Three bedroom, semi-de-/ tached bungalow 'in excellent Condition, situated in A jek: thie home features beautiful wood panelling on walls in large re- creation room, Extra shower in basement and spacious family sized kitchen. Enjoy plenty of living spoce for half the up- keep in this immaculate home BRAND NEW HOMES Xl. @ We have exclusive |ist- ings on two attractive modern homes, featuring well designed kitchens, 3 and 4 good sized bedrooms, dens, extra wash- room in divided basement and garage. All wiring is under- ground in these electrically heated quality controlled homes. Our sales staff will enjoy show- ing them to you. CHARMING BUNGALOW xi! @ $16,700 for this spreading one floor bungalow located on a large lot, in Whit- by. The living room is 17 ft. x 12 ft., 4 piece bathroom, three bedrooms. Full basement, paved driveway. Contact one of our salesmen and have them show you through this excellent buy. WALK HOME TO LUNCH XII. @ If you work at General Motors south plant. Nice two bedroom bungalow, new mod- ern kitchen with double stain- less steel sink with spray. Hard- wood floors, new forced air oil furnace, large lot 60 ft. by 161 ft. Inspect to-night. QUIET DISTRICT XIV. @ Call us to-night on this nicely decorated, 3 bedroom brick bungalow in the city's pre- ferred North West area, Good financing and easy terms like rent, make this spacious home a bargain on to-doy's market Call 723-5281 for full particulars. Open daily from 9am. to 9 p.m | GL --_ Realty Ltd. For full particulars coll 723-2265 Moible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Irene Brown 725-3867 Marg Hall! 723-1358 Bill Johnston - 728-1066 Mel Dale 623-5638 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa and District Rea! Estate Board. WE: LIST EXCLUSIVE and M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West. _Free, "sary; safe" parking. JOHN F. Real Estate Ltd, BOWMANVILLE, 14 Frank Street, PHONE 623-3950 STOCK FARM, 395 Acres. Large 2% Storey, very mod- ern brick home. Barns, Lerge river through property. ety location, Priced to sell, : STOCK FARM, 248° Acres with 8 Roomed home, 2 Barns, 3 Farm ponds, Han- dies 80 head of cattle the yeor ground. Asking $25,- 000. Terms. NEWTONVILLE, 70 Acres with large stream. Barn. Small home. Unfinished bung- alow. Down payment $5,000. STOCK FARM, 196 Acres. Large L-shaped bern. Large trout pond. 7 Roomed home with all modern conveniences. Priced to sell. 100 ACRE FARM with. 8 Roomed home, Good L-shaped barn. Spring creek. Asking $18,000. Terms. COBOURG AREA, 100 Acre farrn with 8 Roomed home. Bathroom and furnace. Large barn, with steel stanchions. Asking $25,000. Terms. NORTH OF BOWMANVILLE, 16 Acres with 8 Roomed home. Barn and large pond. Stream. Priced to sell 144 ACRE FARM with 8 Roored brick home. All modern conveniences. Large 120 feet barn. Stream. Poved road. Asking price $35,000. Terms. DEWITH After hours please call Donald Mountjoy 623-3614 Guy LeBlanc 623-3715 Thomas Donnelly 985-7264 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 Lyle Mason 392-3964 Ross Davidson Bethany 30r2 go down! CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR REAL ESTATE DEPT. BUY AT LAST YEAR'S PRICE! Only $13,900 but you'll be proud of this small 2 storey immaculate home. Centrally located on Warren/ Two good bedrooms new oil furnace, T.V, tower, work bench in basement, aluminum doors, etc, EXTRA BEDROOM in BASEMENT A truly nice home at low price, 5 year old, 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Wychwood (North Central) area, 4 alu- minum doors including walk- out basement. There's even an attractive balcony on which you can watch the sun 6%4% mortgage carries for $117.56 including toxes, Just listed. It con be yours if you hurry! REALLY ATTRACTIVE 10 ACRE PARCEL Between Oshawa and Bow- manville, one mile north of Highway 2 west side of Pres- ton Road (10th line). 525 feet. frontage. Nice knoll as attractive home site. Reput- edly valuable deposits sand and gravel. Asking $8,000 with $2,000 down. Toxes under $$ per annum. NEAR HOSPITAL Full price $13,400 -- excel- lent buy -- exceptionally clean 14 storey older home in excellent condition -- sit- ucted on beautifully land- scaped lot with rock garden and apple tree in back yard ~~ large living room and din- ing room area ---- bright spacious kitchen -- one extra large bedroom and one bed- room average size, This home must be seen to be oppreciat- ed -- act quickly. THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE vi OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST WILL HELP YOU SELL or BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST PHONE 723-5221 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Charles Chaytor 668-2291 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Courtesy, Integrity, Service H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. PRESTIGE ON PRIVATE COURT : This home to .be sold ot a reasonable price to the right buyer. 2 steray hame with sun deck, attoched gar- age. Fireplace in liv- ing room, Large shady treed lot, Just waiting to be lived in, All modern conveniences. ig 995 down, Bulonce in mortgage. Cal! i -1656. INCOME BUNGALOW Beautiful 3 bedroom rug , brick bungalow, with | bedroom suite in basement, Private entrance for tenant. $4,000 down and live for $40 per month, Call 728-1656, $1,490 DOWN French school and Col- lege Hill area, See this lovely home which corries for only $90 monthly, Walking dis- tance to the South Plant. Exceptionally clean and well decor- $1,827 DOWN Brand new 3 a ee, homes on Waverly St. south of King just west ping Centre. Taste- fully decorated, Com- and rear. Take a look. payment on these rab of $915 if you! quolify. Call 728- 1656. $1,900 DOWN For this charming 1% storey home on quiet residentiol street Broadioom in and = dining Private with oversize gorage. only have one lik: this! Coll 728-1656, | KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST Realtor INCOME PROPERTY Semi-detached 2 storey, only $16,900 tenants pay heat etc., new furnaces, six rooms in each half, centrally loco- ted. Call Earle Allen 725- 7782. SUBURBAN PROPERTY About 3 miles north of Osh- awa, this bungalow at only twelve nine provides com- fortable living within easy commuting distance. Low taxes and large lot. Call Stan McCormack ot 655-4558 tonight. $10,920 FULL PRICE Asking only $1500.00 down, has been completely re- modelled this summer. Loca- ted in Village of Blackstock. Call John Kuipers 723-6590, 140 ACRES 3 CREEKS Bight miles from downtown Oshawa. Selling et less than $500.00 an acre. Property has @ lot of road frontage and should be seen. Phone see 4 Bill ~Reictitfe 655-4457, 4 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Close to new Catholic school, west of shopping centre. Built- in stove and oven, large kit- chen and bath, storms and screens, T.V. tower, broad- loom in living room and hall, Cali Earle Alien 725-7782. GOOD V.L.A. PROPERTY 1.2 acres of land with nice 5 room bungalow with forced air oil heating, small bam on property, Call Bob John- son 728-2548, 10 ACRES -- CREEK Asking only $6000 secluded area about one and a half miles from paved road. Phone Bill Roteliffe 655-4457. List your home, form or vacant land with this office. HUNTERS Private Call HOWARD FORDER BRAEMOR GARDENS Stevenson Rd. N. at Annapolis St. West ta WAVERLEY ST, 614% Beautiful three and four bedroom homes for im- mediate possession. OPEN DAILY 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. H. MILLEN Real Estate Limited 9 Bagot Street FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, BOWMANVILLE TAVEe TAKE NOTICE road to 80 acres onde with ceiver runnina through property and large spring fed pond. Ideal for duck hunting. Port Perry area, Asking $12,000. with terms. COUNTRY HOMESITES On paved rood, school bus at gate, Blackstock area, Wood- ed lots 100 x 300, Minimum home size 1050 square ft. Asking $2,000. with terms. ASHBURN 10 acre. parcels, 660 ft. frontage on paved road, close to village, school bus ot gate. Asking $6,000. -with terms, BLOOR ST., OSHAWA Good home with income pos- sibilities, Two self-contained apartments, oil heated. Ask- ing $16,000, with terms.. Modern three bedroom brick home, double garage, six spacious rooms, living room with fireplace, balcony over- looking deep lot, natural trees and creek. Walkout bose- ment planned for family room with fireplace, storage space and workshop, Asking $32,500. Terms to be arranged, 150 acres nearly are work- abie Nature! drainage. drilled well, excellent corn land. 7 room frame home with conveniences,, Ample barn space. Excellent for beef operation. 16 miles Oshawa. Asking $35,000. Terms. 100 acres, brick home, large barns, excellent farm land, pond and 3 springs starting on property. 12 acres valu- able Hardwood bush. High and scenic Port Perry area. Asking $25,000. Easy terms. 350 acre Scugog Island Form. Presenting a dairy farm with 1100 pound milk contract, Two modern houses, two barns, silo, excellent farm land with 3 rood front- ages. Ideal dairy or beef oper- ation. Asking $105,000. with terms. Brooklin 655-3853 SAVE * kk * Realtor 728-7377 WANT ADs reach mousanas or inlereat- ed prospects every dey. Take advantage of the vast audience by telephoning 723- Mie $500 W. W. BONUS @ 3 bungalows left! @614% NHA mortgages @ Terms to fit the workingman's pocket @ Move inon approval @ Many, mony features @ 2 choice locations FOR APPOINTMENT TO INSPECT Call Joseph BOSCO McMULLAN Realtor 120 Dundas West WHITBY 668-6201 BROOKLIN Income Home Older 10 reo heme on loras lot 82 x 130' with plenty of shade trees and garden, Low- er floor consists of kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms, 4 pe. bath and utility room, Upper floor consists of 2 bed- rooms, living room, kitchen, 3 pc. bath, Now renting for $100 per month. Home must be seen to be appreciated. Open to offers. ANNES STREET $2,500. -- $3,000 down 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Living room, large family style kitchen with plenty of cupboards, 4 pc. tile bath with 2 pc, bath off moster bedroom. Landscaped lot. Aluminum storms and screens, many, many extras. Open to offers. $3,000. DOWN 2 bedroom brick bungalow en large lot 73 x 150 with plenty of shade trees, Kitchen, living ated. Call 728-1656. | of the Oshawa Shop-| pletely sodded front We can accept a down | tin MMetca Bright cheery kitchen. | paved drive) Nicely landscaped, he '| room and dining room. 4 pc, ceramic tile bath. Garage. List price $14,900. OLDER FRAME HOME Kitchen, living room, 3 bed- rooms, Zoned R4,_ Large shoded lot 83 x 115. Sale price $5,900, "For All Your Real Estate Needs' Call 668-6201 LLOYD REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. SUBURBAN GEM Large well appointed 6 room ranch with attached garage 3 bedrooms, full dining room, fireplace, fruit trees on 100 x 200 lot, in choice west end location, MONEY MAKER 5 bedrooms, furnished to rent plus 4 room apartment for owner, excellent revenue in good central location. Call now for details, SOUTHMEAD ides! 5% rooms, 3 bedroom ranch, large landscaped lot, paved drive. home in excel« lent shape. Asking $14,900. with $3,500. down, bolance on | open mortgage. DOWNSVIEW PARK Choice home in a choice area, 3, 4, &. bedrooms, elec- trically heated homes. Call now for appointment to in- spect. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Eldon Kerr 723-9178 «Bob Johnston 725-9365 John Osborne 728-5836 MEMBER O.D.R.E,B, We list exclusive and M.L.S. 20--Real Estate for Sele 20--Reel Estate for Sale GORDON. OSBORNE -- REALTOR ~ 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU - 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby Dial 668-8826 48 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Dial 728-5157 THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CLIENTS. OVER THE YEARS ~ WHY NOT YOU? BUNGALOW with APARTMENT -- $14,500 © Three bedroom home in central Whitby location, Has garage, paved drive and small apartment. Some broadloom included in the many extras around this neat well kept property. The toxes are under $300 so act quickly if you need a home like this, WHITBY -- 3 BEDROOM BRICK -- $13,500 North section of Town with clean decoration is priced right for a quick sole. Need about $2,500 down payment to move in, balance like rent, Call us ebout this and others today. NEWCASTLE COTTAGE -- $6,500 Three bedroom home could be winterized for all yeor living. Spacious 66' by 254' lot close to Lake. Some furniture included in this clean decorated home so act quickly if you want an eto. | nomical property. ACREAGE BETWEEN OSHAWA and BOWMANVILLE 10 acre parcels of land for the home you have dreamed about. Thee, oe ore close to Oshawa so investigate these sites while they last. SUBURBAN 4 BEDROOMS -- BRICK with broadloom, On outskirts of Oshawa with City water, This 7 room brick is situated on wide frontage with attached garage, family size kitchen, 2 baths and larger bedrooms make this « home to enjoy. Asking price $23,950. CENTRAL OSHAWA -- $9,500 _1¥a storey home with low taxes, close in. location. Will sell quickly with three bedrooms, forced oir oll heating. Pleasi wood panelling in several rooms for light decorating costs, good down payment will moke for easy monthly payments, KAWARTHA ST., OSHAWA -- $15,700 Three bedroom brick with recreation room end other Le in features to make this an ideal home at an economicel pr So tune end ase dhda-bluien ater vou Winds a otee Eta at ae future, This could be it so try an offer, 3 BEDROOM TWIN -- $12,700 Beat the high as ¢ een this economical property in the centre of Whitby. One down payment end you pay only $86 monthly for interest, principal and taxes, it you: don't have enough to pay down increase your monthly but have a home of your own, COLBORNE STREET EAST -- OSHAWA INCOME Home with 2 aportments and rental income from parking lot. Owner retiring to England Mier quick sale on this i) room, 2° storey home neor downtown G.M, Some extras include: stove, rotor T.V, aerial, ete. You con live here and let bog by end parking income pay the bills, Not much to do here with elean decoration to greet you, Asking $24,000 with reasonable down poyment, Realtors 725-1109 DUPLEX -- OSHAWA $18,900 for newly decorated duplex. Owner's apartment features 3 large bedrooms, ponelled room __with Open fireplace. Separate en- trance to one bedroom apart- ment. Buy as an investment. 153 feet frontage on Simcoe Street North McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE Looking for a large 4 bed- room horne? This attractive family sized split-level fea- tures 2 bathrooms, a huge kitchen, fireplace in living room and attached garage. Located just off Stevenson's Road North, Reasonable down payment. KEDRON. AREA $14,500, 3 bedroom bungao- low situated on a large 100 by 150 foot lot. Good well, living detached garage. $2,500 down payment. After 9 P.M. Bob Wells 723-5467 Bill Dougan 725-1109 Lloyd Lafoy 725-0343 Gerd Schofield 725-2214 ORONO -- 6 ROOM HOUSE Price reduced. All modern conveniences, Colored bath- room, Beautiful large shade trees. Huge landscaped back yard. Close to park and swim- ming only $12,500 with easy terms. Call: IDSO_WEIRSMA 728-5683 Rep. H. Keith Ltd. Realtor W.. 4. Dougan PRIVATE SALE of property consisting of var- lety grocery store with living quarters for the owner, Turn- over $30,000. Substantial down payment required, Write box 42213, Oshawa Times. GREENWOOD CRESCENT, WHITBY -- $14,900 Like @ quiet street with nice yard near schools. If s0, why not let us show you this 3 bedroom brick home with partially finished recreation.room, all clean decoration and a fine 6% mortgage, monthly payments only $109 includes taxes. NEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE --= $14,500 Two storey brick twin home with dining room, three vemeny and family size kitchens, Clean decoration, modest heoti ond low taxes, Neat fencing surrounds the play area of year old property, Monthly payments only $88 including ssa Phy CENTRE STREET, WHITBY -- $14,750 Need a three bedroom home. This could be yours with broadioom in living. room, ceramic tile bath, enough material to finish recreation room and a 6% interest mortgage. School handy here too, Need $3,000 down. Buy now beat inflation, A MODERN HOME with SPACE -- $21,950 Many young families are getting crowded with smal 3 bedroom bungalow and need that extra space for real living. This can be what you have been looking for with four | Bedrooms. 12' by 11' dining room and a kitchen thet the fami can use. Not only this ree you have a finished recreation room with ornate fireplace. 1% baths and a neat car port, Extras include built-in radio and record player, Norge dryer, TV. Tower and others, Not too much iawn io tock < efter, just riaht for the busy father, As low as $4,000 down may toke this fine family Oshawa East End home. OSHAWA -- 1% STOREY -- 3 APTS, 11 room brick and stucco home divided into 3 apartments for interesting income, Live in one apartment and let rent Oey ts the bills. Equipped with coin operated washer - dryer, gos refrigerators, Asking price for the whole package only O52" 800 500. RECREATION ROOM and EXTRA BEDROOM ' Whitby three bedroom brick with extra bedroom in basement. Near Public and High Schools, Double paved drive and extras for better living. |f you have a good down payment, interest on mortgage is only 6%. Owner moving, 2 STOREY EXECUTIVE in. WHITBY -- $27,000 8 rooms in all, in this spacious home on popular Cochrane St., Whitby. A lorge family will enjoy the 22 baths and the sensible 11' x 14° kitchen space. Has built-in stove and oven, separate dining room, fireplace and cozy den. You must see this beauty and appreciate its setting on 133° -- lot, Taxes ore sur- prisingly low, OSHAWA, on JAMES ST. -- ONLY $12,900 2. storey brick with low taxes has 2 apartments renting for $155. monthly. Looks like good income for wide quake eae or if you want a family home and rent one apartment for income. Less than $2,000 down may buy this sleeper if you can see the possibilities. ATHOL ST., 'WHITBY -- $18,200 Five year old brick with three-bedrooms, Hollywood style kitchen, start on recreation room, all "hew decoration, 4 piece bath with vanity, Paved drive, hedge, walkout basement, sun deck, School is close by here too. OSHAWA NEAR DOWNTOWN with INCOME This nine room brick home with garage has three kitchens, two bathrooms, separote electric service to meke income. for you, Live on one floor and let income pay your payments ahd taxes, Make good boarding house, too, Asking price $20,500. OSHAWA, 3 BEDROOM BRICK -- LITTLE DOWN With mony extras including exhaust fan in kitchen, low 64%4% interest on mortgage, extra nice kitchen cupboards. Tile both and 4 neighbourhood you will enjoy. Why settle for less buy where your investment is sound. Asking price $17,000 with small down payment. 6 ACRES, TREES and FOUNDATION -- $5,500 Completely finished basement here 10 blocks high 24 x 44° all ready to start building the house. Commuting distance to Oshawa and Whitby just off Highway No, 35.

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