CRE PIG ET PRAY FOR THE POUND [parish led an intercession for|"'Our Father, 1 pray for guid- BRENTLEY, England (CP)--|Britain's totering economy./ance in our country's economic The vicar of a Staffordshire'Rev, Raymond Wilcox began: crisis.""' Young Britons Unreported | LONDON (AP)--Serious con- cern is being felt here for the safety of two Britons who set out from the United States in an effort to row across the Atlantic, $ David Johnstone, 35, and John Hoare, 28, haven't been seen since Aug. 12 when a U.S. Coast Guard cutter spotted them in mid-Atlantic. British and American author- ities are reported considering plans for a full-scale search, al- though the men's relatives have not yet asked for one. Aircraft of Britain's coastal command, however, are al- ready keeping an extra lookout on their Atlantic patrols for the 15-foot rowboat Puffin. The Britons left Norfolk, Va. May 21, two weeks ahead of an- other British pair--paratroopers John Ridgeway and Shay Blyth --who successfully rowed the" 3,000 miles in 92 days. Sudden Madness Strikes Old China |would be potent weapons in the| put it on trial with the slogan: Saige dee Le "Goddess of Liberty, go to There are 8,500,000 selected| hell." youths in the Young Communist} Churches and temples were League, millions more in the| sacked, art' works and All - China Student Federation] statues smashed. Teachers sus- and perhaps 100,000,000 pre-|pected of bad thoughts were teeners in the Young Pioneers.| paraded naked and beaten. Red The plan apparently was t0/Guards demanded that traffic choose elite groups from youth] move on red instead of green, organizations, se, in Lin|pecause red signified '"progres- Piao's words, would "'mobilize,| sive." They demanded that organize and lead the masses} soldiers, when given the "eyes of youth." : right" order, should -look left; In June, with the purge well right meant "reactionary."" under way, with the Peking Many humiliated victims were City party committee over- reported to have committed su- turned and the national party] icide. propaganda apparatus liqui-| A new shock wave ran dated, authorities postponed the] through the Communist world. enrolment in universities for|Party after party--some pro- half a year, so that young peo- Chinese in the past--denounced ple could help "carry through|the new phenomenon and the the cultural revolution." Press| constant vilification of the Rus- articles urged them to "boldly sians. mobilize the masses" and|, But the Red Guards had the highest authority for tneir NEWS IN BRIEFS pe BUYS WEEKL ~ 'SILBURY, Ont. (CP) -- The Printing and Publishing newspaper, the Merlin |troop-carri "Standard of Merlin, Ont. The|course and jolted Col. tandard was on -- against an iron bar. , who bough fg ae peta DE GAULLE MAY ATTEND MONTREAD (Ur y--* opense HELLYER PRESIDES man for the 1967 world's fair ~ TORONTO (CP) -- Defence|said Sunday night officials of "Minister Hellyer Saturday offi-|the exhibition have had "unoffi- Ba cre, Pe ea cee rs a ~ $2,111, Moss Park ry. aulle ce a sad in an interview that|the big Montreal exhibition. China and '3 ar per re "several other Canadian cities . gachece fgg a "peed new armories and three TIRE KILLS MAN He 9 reaus or four may be built in the next) BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP)--Stan-| a8 few years. Kitchener and Ar- ley F. Kiebzak, 29, of suburban THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Me Que., have been on. the Cheeta tees bl pyre od *, seemed a sudden madness for some time, he said. tally Saturday when a large ins isa: Geacended an 8 china and engulfed it silbaastey (Ge cepted ak Yan service te MEDICARE NE sy? a service sta- : TORONTO (CP) -- Medical]ti Funes said the explosion| Terror stalked city gy care legislation is not neces-|flipped Kiebzak tive feet, caus-|the form of swagge oi pe sary at this time, says the na-|ing head and chest injuries. aye poy hg ages Sages at Re ne duet SEIZE A MILLION of thousands, hunting for vic- ans. Eleven representatives BOMBAY (AP) -- An Indian|tims. Sd Tielke from Ontario, Quebec, Sas- customs official announced Sun- They were the Re ag katchewan and Alberta at-|day that 3,600 bars of contra-| Their mandate came from * tended a meeting of the re-|band gold worth more than|highest pinnacle of power in cently-organized congress Sat- $1,000,000 was seized from an China. es 3 urday to decide on basic poli-/empty apartment during a mid-| They were to strike down 7 ! cies and principles. night raid in central Bombay. | 'four olds': old customs, old)smash all representatives of tel Only last Wednesday, 3,400 gold|habits, old culture, old ideas./those "who are in power but rampage. At an Aug. 18 rally at- 'POLICE WANT RAISES bars worth almost $1,000,000) They were to root out "all mon-|who followed the capitalist|m TORONTO (CP)--Syd Brown,|were confiscated and 15 persons sters and freaks, all revisionists| road." president of the Metropolitanjarrested. and those who took the capital-| In July the Young Communist Toronto Police Association, said ist path. |League met and issued a call Sunday the association plans to ROLL. OUT THE BARREL! Priceless treasures of Old/to revolutionary youth toll MUNICH, West Germany ask the Toronto police commis- Buddhist temples and art mu-|"sweep away all demons and sion Sept. 30 for a 25-per-cent|(AP) -- Firecrackers, brass seums were wrecked. Old books,/monsters and carry the great wage increase. The association | bands and official keg-tapping|old songs, old paintings, the| proletarian revolution through also wants removal of a restric- ceremonies marked the opening| words of ancient wise men all|to the end." tion that all officers must live|Saturday of the annual Munich) were banished as tools of feu-| The meeting was under the in Metropolitan Toronto. The in-| Oktoberfest, the world's biggest|dalism and "the bourgeoisie." |jeadership of Li Hsueh - feng, crease would raise the pay of|beer-drinking festival. Officials} Old people, once - respected! who replaced the purged Pen a first-class constable to $8,125|predicted more than 4,000,000| writers and educationists, shop-/Chen as head of the Peking from $6,500 a year. visitors would consume at least| keepers, men and women wh0/|party committee. The press 1,000,000 gallons of beer during| had the wrong kinds of haircuts| hailed the session as the begin- RCMP HORSES SOLD the 16-day festival and wolf|and clothing, were beaten and) ning of a movement to prevent REGINA (CP)--The mechan-|down an estimated 350,000 fried ized age caught up with the humiliated. anti-party and revisionist (pro- chickens and more than 700,000| It was all in the name of what| Soviet) elements from capturing RCMP saturday. Thirty of the|pork sausages. RCMP's horses were sold at a the politburo had labelled "the the younger generation. great proletarian cultural rev-| Organization work for the Red public auction because the force WILL EYE UN olution." The youngsters were|Guards was under way at has quit 'ning riders. The) JAKARTA (Reuters) -- Indo-| tools of a political upheaval and| Peking University, whose presi- last class of vecruits to take nesian army leader Gen. Su-|a struggle for power. dent, Lu Ping, was purged and equestrian training graduated|harto announced Sunday that} SUSPECT PLANNING humiliated, and at secondary Friday. Foreign Minister Adam Malik] There are reasons to specu-| schools. It was to be organized, would lead an Indonesian dele-|late that the mastermind was} also, at universities and second- EXPECTS REVOLT gation to the United Nations|Defence Minister Lin Piao and/ary schools MONTREAL (CP) -- Vegvari|General Assembly session|that the Red Guard activities) cities. Tibor, president of the Quebec|which opens in New York Tues-|were directly related to his) peNQUNCE GODDESS i section of the 1956 Freedom|day. He said Indoenesia would Fighters of Hungary, told a send a delegation to study the meeting of the organization Sat- e has been going through a convulsion un pelled by high authority and carried out by the youthful Red Guards. This article is based on reports from China 1M THE DINING ROOM LICENSED UNDER oeasvonewee LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY IN THE "Vintage Room" Appearing This Week for Your Leisure Enjoyment SECOND GREAT WEEK / @ The REVELAIRES Popular RAYTHM GROUP with Their Sounds f ° The Modern Age BANQUET FACILITIES Available -- Phone For Information and Reservations tended by a» million persons Mao gave the Red Guards his personal stamp of approval. There was a resistance in some areas. 'There were clashes, with Red Guards killed or injured, Some people were executed for resisting them. FALL SALE Winter coming -- house need painting ? You stili have time with PRATT & LAMBERT apex HOUSE PAINT ed BUSINESSMAN'S ' & SMORGASBORD 4 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. SUNDAY SMORGASBORD Georgian Motor Hotel ,eaeirene RD. SOUTH AT CHAMPLAIN AVE. -- 723-4693 | CHAMPLAIN AVE. in other major emergence as the second t0/" In Canton, the Red Guard Mao Tse-tung, if not more POW-| denounced a st: " i. possibility of Indonesia's re- ery and excited urday that another Hungarian revolt is imminent. Mr. Tibor erful than the Communist party] dess of Liberty and decided to said he has just returned from entry into the world body. STEELWORKERS OBJECT chairman himself. } "Your revolutionary actions are very fine,'"' Lin told a rally ts for yeats jnues © 108 of 500,000 Red Guards and other @ Fade resistant youths in Peking Aug. 31. But the Red Guards threat-| ened to interfere with orderly | government, with agricultural/ and industrial production, with| education and even with Com- Minist auuiGiity im SOMe arcss.; BY last week, the party lead-| ership, through editorials, were} telling the Red Guards to slow) down. Tin cautioned against) cruelty; "Don't hit peopie." The newspaper People's Daily | @ Dries wm @ Biister resistant Set the with you REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF ELECTRIC SHAVERS & CLIPPERS Manufacturers Parts and Prices. DECOR EDGAR'S =. (The Do-It-Yourself Store) 34 King St. West PHONE 723-7351 OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE Many, Many More In-Store Tuesday Specials ADULTS ONLY ALLOWED SPECIALS! WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TRADE IN ALLOWANCES ON OLD SHAVERS Oshawa Electra Shaver Service & Supplies 728-4284 39 PRINCE STREET OSHAWA OH YEAH! LE GRANDE CHARLES IS BACK ! Genuine Brond Wellinger and Dunn the plea from guilty to not guilty and prevails upon the Crown to withdraw the charge." An association committee, which carried out a study into the success rate (no further convictions) of 422 men and 44 women in Ontario, reported a 63.3 - per - cent - success rate in large urban areas; 67 per cent in a medium urban area, 71.5 per cent in a small centre and 75.5 per cent in a Northern On- tario district. Kenneth Garbig of Lindsay, former jation secretary, he saw trends indicating the 'The United Steelworkers of policy, brushing aside the ad- PLANS SPACE COMFORT told a university conference |largest in ihe U.S. with 1,100,000 ard Gregory said Zulus live in| goal of full empioymeat and fel! might be better able to cope HARWICH, England (CP) -- told them to suspend their rev- | SENDS TIME FOR Britsin Radio. Canadian-backed| '*@bunctious youngsters to pre-} gold watch to Col. Marcus Fox,|getting enough fan letters. ers were becoming sensitive to There were doubts the mo- for all the precautionary words the main square in Peking for VINELAND (CP) -- Canada,to permit absolute and condi-| both were there, along with the| ership. or -semi-civilized world, says|TWIST LAW T law by remanding a criminal| wage POTENT WEAPON "] think Canadians are jail- er er canes "a himself, the magis-| piven .a. licence for cruelty, Proba' e any other people." sion, Probation -- the Judicial first-time offenders, nor do I tion." said jurists in England agree for older men and repeaters of Toronto said for years magis- country is' again heading toward America took issue Sunday with ministration's wage guideposts CAMBRIDGE. England (CP) f that the first man on the moon|members, said the 3.2-per-cent round huts and are not suscep-|production. with confined spaces and opti-) "yo i Ve the 16 disc) lutionary drive. Possibly the| TOOTH SEMINGDON, England (CP)|pirate radio stations, have had| vent disruption of 'he scouts. a wave of criticism from for- es Canadians Seen iirc itistmay in People's Daily, 1,000,000 Red the largest Red Guard rally | has the highest rate-per-capita|tional discharges. top echelon of Communist lead-| Mr. Justice Gregory Evans of he phenomenon was far ae for six months or a year, "'and| 'Selected youngsters, indoc:| happy anyway," he told the an- rate ch of Ontario. "I don't think Cana- = pene! diccus- View, the judge said; "Proba- think that because he is a first Mr. Justice F. G, MacKay of SZagisa than for first offenders. trates have recommended that was elected president; Er? Bekker, Toronto, vice-president; Maurice Racette, Ottawa, sec- retary, and Keith Walker, Corn- STARFIRES GIRLS - GIRLS - GIRLS CHARLES @ Comedian, Vocsiist ena M.S. Becked up by... DOROTHY PATTON'S MISS ALMEDA Swinging Band ECKSTEIN The Exotic Quéen . « « You will enjoy every minute of Big Charlie' 'a Stor Studded Show. LEESELEEE: "PRESTONE" By Union Carbide FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL "FLUSH-A-BYES" Disposable DIAPERS Compare at 2.49 FOR PRICE SAKE .... MAIN FLOOR 1.66 MADEIRA Hockey SHIN PADS and GLOVES choose from our big pre-season variety 50% DISCOUNT FROM RETAIL GUARANTEED Men's Thermal UNDERWEAR smell size; long or short sleeve shirts; Canadian meade by Monarch Knit. Compare oat 1.96 4 An FOR PRICE SAKE.... 12U0U MAIN FLOOR a visit to his homeland where ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) rebellion. President Johnson's economic as "inequitable and unwork- Aa czeperimentai psychologistjabie." 21 i z =i 1 100 000 perhaps siouic be & Zotz. Pich- guideposts "can only delay" the tible to visual distortion so they IT'S A RATE-RACE cal filusions in space. jockeys of Radio England and party now wanted to rein in the) Hussein of Jordan sent alto quit because they weren't Possibly, too, the Peking lead- eign Communist parties. wholly checked. Last Thursday, | a bd ' on appy Guards and army men jammed ever held. Lin Piao and Mao) of persons in jail in the civilized Mr. Tustice, Greases, vane, He said magistrates twist the| ..aden than it seemed. RT ee ey of te when he comes up, if he has|trinated from the cradle and dians are less law abiding than Speaking in a pane tion should not be restricted to offender he should get proba- the Ontario Court of Appeal that probation is more effective Magistrate S. Tupper Bigelow the Criminal Code be amended wall, treasurer. The greatest ecrful and eyetul in Town, Flannelette BLANKET new vat dyed fast colors; Canadian made by Caldwell, 70" x 90" size. C t 6.98 each con nict sake OnOO MAIN. FLOOR "IMPERIALS" 22 GAUGE "BATMAN" All Model Assembly MODEL by Aurora plastics Compare at 1.98 FOR PRICE SAKE .... LOWER LEVEL Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M. Matinee Seturdey 4 PLM. te 6 P.M, @ FULLY LICENSED ¢ KING ST OSHAWA 1 Low Rental Rates by the Month or Year Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting Save on Wholesale Meat Buy in Quantity and Save Complete Locker Service OSHAWA FUR AND LOCKER STORAGE 81 William St. West PHONE 723-3012 woobs AIR FRESHENERS for closets, nurseries, laundries, Helps prevent mildew. Regular 29c .. 6% . 7é6c 89c e@ LONGS ag @ LONG RIFLE ....:. @ LONG RIFLE Mushroom ." . our. FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN. FLOOR MAIN. FLOOR Iii aE i i ii OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE LIMITED 1038 KING ST. WEST AT GARRARD ROAD 94¢ You've Heard the Rest Now Hear the Best THE FABULOUS 'GOLDEN GIRLS Modern - Ragtime - Balleds & Blues Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M, MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M, FULLY LICENSED At the SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL LOUNGE & DINING LOUNGE Our French Buffet is on Daily! Luncheons 12- 2:30, Dinners 3-9. We cater to Weddings, Banquets, Parties, Bte. For reservetion -- Coll Whitby 668-3386 DUNDAS ST WHITBY