er ee et ee ber eet ae em ae Re ee ee et ee a ee wer wert WANT 'TO TAKE ALONG THIS SACK OF FISH: FOR YOUR DINNER, CHICO? THE OSHAWA 'TIMES, Mosse September 15, 1966 BRIDG By B. JAY. (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) East dealer. oul Both sides vulnerable, JC Buy, BADDY-- I JUST FINISHED CLEANING IT Grand slams bid and made are comparatively rave occur- rances, and none but the most 'YOU DID A GRAND JOB FOR ME! HEARING THAT TWO RIDER: MICKEY MOUSE GUESS WHAT I'M GOING TO You THE LONE RANGER FOLLOWING HI6 Ki Fosmsees Systvain, tony 190, Woda digits verarved. @ kes SECRET AGENT X9 y IT IS HEADING THIS WAY, DAD! I DON'T MIND TELLING mw And a Few miles awayy,on Main Stree nay HT) Channel 1i}--Hamilten Channel %--Toronto Channel 8--Rochester Channel 6--Toronte Channel 4--sutiew Channel 3--Barrie Channe! 2--Buttale cement ace THURSDAY EVE, 2.08 OM Vi--Family Theatre @--Superman 7--Larami¢e WEB sorooege. o SHIPeoees Key 6 came B--Atom Ant 5:0 PLM, @--Dobie Gillis é--Country Style 3--TBA 2--Passport Two 7--Twilight Theatre 6--It's About Time 48--News, Sports with Chuck Healy 3--It's About Time 4:90 P.M, 4--News 6-3-9--News, Weather and Sports 2-8--Huntley-Brinkiey News 7:00 P.M, --My Three Sons --Batman ~Small World --News, Weather 4--Littlest Hobo 3--My Three Sona 7.20 P.M, ¥--News, Weather, Sports 7:30 P.M. 8-2---Daniel Boone 7--Batman 6--Hero 4-9--Jericho 11-3--Let's Go to the Races 6:00 P.M, --Donna Reed Troon Man From U.N.C.L.E, 4:98 PLM. li--Honey West 9--Pistol 'n' Petticoats §-2--Star Trek ?--Tammy Grimes 4--My Three Sone 9:00 P.M, i--The Saint o--it's H i ht WELL, THANK YOU, BUTCH ay oa BUBBA! JuST WHAT ARE 4 YOU DOING WITH THAT CAT? WHAT IS THIS MESS YOURE MAKING ? STRAW! Lf IM TRYING To TEACH SNOWBALL TO DRINK MILK THROUGH A EDDIE ,.. LAST NIGHT. MR, PAVANE CALLED ME... SAID COME CAR IMMEDIATELY. I WENT -- AND WHEN I GOT HE WAS... JUST SITTING... STARING AT ME... ANDi. AND I RAN Away! I PANICKED AND I JUST RAN TELL THE POLICE WHAT 'YOU WERE DOING SKULKING ;| AROUND THE CAR AT TWO IN THE z| MORNING, Boss! ] 's Hap) 7--Bewitched vie &3--Telescope 9:20 PLM, 9--Dean Martin 6-2--Hero | ACROSS | 1 1. Dutch 1, Meuse river | 4 5, Japanese outcasts 3. 4. Baseball 9. Thruway charges 10. Variety of coffee 12, Forest ox 13. Exclama- tion of applause 14. Employ 15, Antagor nistic 16, Negative reply 9. 17. French coin 11. . Painful: suffix 13. . A day that . Ostrich- . Civil wrong . Bitterly . Like a TELEVISION | 7---That Girl | | 6-3-- -- Heroes | l11--The Merv Griffin Show i 2A ean Martin 7--Hawk 6--Ville Marie 3--Run, BuGuy, Run 3--Rat Patrol 9--T.H.E. Cat | | | 10.90 P.M. | 6--Reluctant Nation | her, Spor 1:18 P.M, |6--Viewpoint | 2--Johnny Carson | 11:20 P.M, 4---Movie |é--News, Weather, Sports | 11.25 P.M, |11--Mark Sabre 11:38 PLM. | 8--Johnny Carson | 7--Movie | 11:48 PLM, | 6~-Time Tunnel 9--Wild, Wild West | 3--Movie | 12.00 A.M. jVi--Mystery Theatre 12.30 A.M, j11--Peter Gun FRIDAY | 0:00 A.M, |4--Captain Kangaroo | 8. A.M, 11--Albert J. Steed | 9--Romper Room | Y-Dialing for Dollars, | Girl Talk 9:00 A.M, li--Ed Allen | 9--Uncle Bobby |t--Big Picture 4--You and Your Family |2--Boro's Big Top | 9:30 A.M, | 11----Education | 8--Dialing For Dollars, } Bonnie Prudden 4--Love of Life }2--Jack LaLanne | 10:00 A.M. {WW ~lt's aM ch | 8-2--Eye Guess | 4-1 Love Lucy | 10:38 A.M, 1l--Morning Time 9--TV Bingo |8-2--Concentration J--Donna Reed 4-The McCoys 3---Time Out | W100 AJ |1l--Marriage Confiden- tial Mr. and Mrs, $-2--Chaln Lett | 7--Supermar' weep OG 1:38 A.M. 1}--Mike Douglas "| 9--Magistrate's Court 8-2---Sho 17. | 4--VICK van VyKe enow 3}--Erme Lindell 12:08 NOON %--Toronto Today 3-6--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather; Sports 12:18 PLM. 4--Speaker of the House 12:38 P.M. 3--News, Weather, Sports @-2---Swingin' Country 12:48 PM, 6-4--Gulding Light 1:00 P.M, 1--Theatre 9--Movie vrialing For Dollars, Girl Talk 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 2--Merv Griffin Movie 1:0 PAM, 8--Let's Make a Deal 2:00 P.M, 7--Newlywed Game | 4--Password 8-2--Days of Our Lives 2. P.M, | %--People in Confllet |8-2--The Doctors |7--A Time for Us 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 PLM. | 9--Words and Music | &-2--Another World | 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell the Truth 3-6--Take 30 9--It's 7--Super Club 3-6-4--Edge of Nig 24--You Don't y | 4.00 PLM, | 11--Funny Company 9--1 Love Lucy |t--Match Game |4--Secret Storm 3-4--Canada's Story 2--Mike Douglas 3--Ed Allen Time | 6--Yogi Bear \4--Andy of Mayberry | 4--Movie |64--Search For Tomorrow | +4--As The World Turns | DOWN 15. Peg- Season of asus, heavy rains for African one plant . Weeps A wing Greek letter position: . Leaves abbr. out . Bever- like birds age . Japas nese pungent drama certain fine-grained rock Jeers at Affirmative: - votes 60 minutes gods 27. Cause 29. Thin cushion: 31, Shock . Adobe of the Grecian 30. Boiled meal Yesterday's Answer 32. Long- legged bird 36. Formerly 37. Turkish weights 38. Ghostlike 40. Size of coal 8 42. Religious address; abbr. never comes . Slights eS 7 18 . Under legal age . American Indian . Son of: Scot, . Consumed . Yes, rural style . Eradicates . Printers' measures . Punishes, as a child . Gourd-like fruit . Haunch of an arch . Summer TV program, perhaps 3. Dregs . Adverbial suffix ; sometimes turn in or out a good could absorb in a lifetime. i RE ig ELL go ARE LIKE! TV f ISTH) 4 AE | \t ] ' ne < i BILLY IS 5, AND DEBBIE IS 8-- THE MOTHER GETS SPLITTING HEADACHES AND YELLS A LOT- THE FATHER'S AN EFFICIENCY EXPERT D. ANP MAKES $12,000 A YEAR-- HE 'YOUR HEALTH Babys Feet Tum What The Answer? By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD | Dear Dr. Molner: My 21-)volved could have any effect. months-old daughter's feet turn! It's all right with me to know |in. I have put her shoes on the|that suspicious researchers keep wrong feet to correct this. What testing everything in sight, be- jelse should I do? Her feet|cause it all adds up to safety turned in before she was six/for the rest of us. But we have months old.--Mrs. D. D to remember that their tests I can't tell whether you have/often involve giving thousands a real problem or an imaginary) of times any reasonable amount, one, but I most certainly advise|to see whether it bothers ani- you to consult an expert. mals. Often it takes thousands At six months, children's feet}of times as much as a person deal without it meaning any-| Personally, I'm going to keep thing. When they later walk,/on eating peanut butter. they often waddle like ducks or like Charlie Chaplin, but as the muscles strengthen the feet vere atherosclerosis in the legs/ straighten, provided nothing is)but the doctors do not want to} basically wrong. operate yet. They told me to) Take this baby to your family quit smoking or they could not doctor. If he suggests going to/help me at all. Will quitting! a specialist, do so, A little ex-|smoking stop the condition or Dear Dr. Molner: I have se-| eee i} 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA hardened veterans fail to get a thrill out of the experience when they attain the pinnacle of bid- ding heights. Most grand slams are easy enough to bid when there is a surplus of strength amounting much as 16 or 17 tricks in the combined hands. However, other grand slams may require skillful bidding on both sides, though usually this consists of little more than es- tablishing the proper trump suit, adequate control of all suits (especially with reference to aces), and the all - around strength to produce 13 tricks. Here is a relatively easy grand slam to bid, It occurred in the match between France and the United States in 1956, With Stayman and Field re- spectively North-South for the U.S., the bidding went as shown, The bidding was natural except for Blackwood, South showing three aces and a king by his responses to four and five no- trump. North was able to deduce that South had the king of clubs and that 13 tricks were therefore practically certain. However, the French North- South pair, Bacherick and Ghes- tem, failed to reach the grand slam. Their bidding went mystt PIC KU P CUT Possibly the sequence resem- bles a series of misprints, but that's the way the bidding actu- ally went. I make no attempt to interpret the bids, since most of them. were artificial calls di- rected at projecting or receiving specific information in aecor- dance with the complicated methods used by this well- known pair. Apparently ---- went wrong in transmission, however, since Bacherich and Ghestem missed the laydown grand slam and wound up playing the hand in six clubs. Perhaps simplest is best. WATCH REFUGEES TOKYO (AP) -- Japanese maritime authorities are keep- ing an eye open for stowaways trying to escape the Red Guards in Communist China. One youth hid. aboard a Japa- nese ship at Tientsin but was found and handed over to Chi- nese officials at Dairen. SALLY'S SALLIES h--4 8 "If it weren't for the size, style, color, price and the fact that I don't like it, I wouldn't be taking this back." John Ovens 0.0 OPTOMETRIST pense to get the right advice/only slow it down?--C, M. i now can prevent much greater; Giving up smoking won't cure/ PH, 723-4811 cost later if any serious prob-|your atherosclerosis (clogging lem exists. by accumulation of fatty ma- And if there isn't anythingjterial in the lining of the ar- wrong, your mind will be at rest|teries) However, smoking and the child won't have to con-|causes the arteries to constrict tend with wearing shoes on the and hence the circulation, al- wrong feet. ready impaired, will be worse jthan ever. Dear Dr. Molner: Do you con-| Dear Dr. Molner: What are sider peanut butter a safe food? |the cause and treatment of toxic I read something to the effect|labyrinthitis?--C. J. G. that flavorings and colorings| This is an inflammation of the might cause cancer. I have al-|semi-circular canals of the ear ways considered peanut butter/and it results in loss of balance. healthful and nourishing. Now I|It can be from infection, injury, hesitate to eat it--Mrs. 0. H. jor toxicity, meaning some sort I remember scarier scaresjof poisoning, such as from alco- about cranberries and other/hol: The treatment for toxic foods--but know of no harmilabyrinthitis is thus based on that came to anyone. In the/the cause, which is quite vari- case of cranberries it was also|able. i a cancer scare, but it died down when cooler heads figured out; Note to Mrs. J. H.: No. exer- how many freight cars full ofjcise won't reduce size of the cranberries a person. would have|bust. except to the extent a to eat before the chemical in-{it will help you lose weight. EXHIBITION Sept. 19 - Oct. 3 The outstanding paintings on exhibit will be from artists of the 15th-20th Century. Rembrent, Van Dyke, Aenoir are some of the masters repre- sented. You will be given @ cross-section of humenity shown in the fece red man @s shown in these peint- ings. Tht selection of puations ts on loon courtesy of The Art In- stitute of Ontario, CANADIAN AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM 99 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA