lice cruisers gave chase she shot into the meter and radio of the cab as a threat to Mr. 'Kwan to drive faster. When she aimed at an ap- proaching motorcycle police- |man, Mr. Kwan struggled with her for the gun just as the cab crashed into the roadblock. He was hit in the leg and a bullet grazed his head. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thirsday, September 15, 1966 37 said the entertainers are classi+jand trenches when the Ameéri- | fied as civilians by .American|c@ms moved into a re. Five Viet Cong las were kilied authorities, . but" it owas not trying i" fi eye Bese known how the South Vietna- mese regime would classify or R F , ounded up with the enter- North Vietnamese entertainers tainers were two violins, @ No mm : handle them, oO sang, and - per- banjo, theatrical makeup and Troops Capture Errant Troupe AN KHE, South Viet Nam (AP)--A_ barnstorming band of Mystery Shooting Puzzles Lawmen ™ i TORONTO (CP) --»-Toropto|with ,the attempted murdef, of detectives today are Still trying|the two men, is in good condi- to unravel the mysterious shoot-|tion in hospital wiih a broken ing here Tuesday which left twojankle and toe; suffered: during men wounded and a woman injthe hour - long snree which hospital under police guard. ended when a bullet-ridden taxi | John Kwan, 32, a cab driver|crasned inio a roadbiock of po- uce Cruisers. in| HAVEN'T. &- CLUE' } » Police said today they "haven't a clue," why the men | 'were shot. After Mr. Knight was shot with a pistol, the wuma: com- mandeered two taxis, the sec- ond driven by Mr. Kwan, As po- : : I The troupe of 13 men and perio gic Far Peng who|Women was hiding in tunnels!costumes, ISLAND GOLFS 'turned the group over to South Within its 21 square miles of| Vietnamese authorities We d- land avea, Bermuda has seven | Tiesday. yasull wulouD. ! waa Sint wilas used i | Wilfred Knight, 38, shot in the shoulder a short time before as = \he left a tavern, is free on $1,- 000 bail after being charged a' a material witness. ; BELL DISPLAYS AT AUDITORIUM Bell Canada's large display at thé Oshawa Home and Manu- facturers' Show at Civic Audi- totium is creating a lot of in- tetest. Not only can show-goers firid out about Direct. Distance Dialing and Touch-Tone serv- ice, to be introduced within the Carol Ann Tomlinson, a pretty 22 - year - old brunette from suburban Long Branch, charged (pa oat) "wan Ballroom g * SATURDAY * : } end his orchestre ry * Reservarions--?23-2143 a 725-1348 Ne * Oshawa exchange this year, | but they have the opportunity of | j winning @ free long distance) call to any part of North | America. Anti - War Candidates PAT & MIKE FISH & CHIPS "Generous Servings" Holibut, Shrimps, Scallopes 723-1951 688 HORTOP oe 668-2692 --~ 839-3621 Defeated In Primaries WASHINGTON (CP) -- The Kennedy clan suffered defeat at home but a pro-Kennedy man got a governorship nomination in the West as primaries to pick candidates for the Nov. 8 gen- etal election were held in 11 states Tuesday. Some other races indicated popular support for President Johnson's Viet Nam policies as several anti - war Democratic candidates were defeated. Edward McCormack, a long- time challenger of the Ken- nedys, captured the Democratic nomination for governor of Mas- sachusetts. He defeated Kenneth O'Donnell, a top aide to the late president Kennedy. Senator Edward Kennedy of atinnee tnd non een maint Former Massachusetts gover- nor Endicott Peabody, trying for a political comeback, defeated Boston Mayor John F. Collins in the Democratic race for Senate nomination. Peabody will face in Novem- ber Republican Attorney - Gen-| eral Edward W. Brooke, who! was nominated without opposi-) tion. If victorious, Brooke will) be the first Negro to sit in the Senate in 85 years. eanmncerceesces. DANCE | OR TWIRL | REGISTER DAILY | | 4pm to 7 pm | FOR FALL TERM HARVEY |W DANCE ACADEMY Oshawa Shopping Centre| 7 22 MeTavish A would gives" Se up his KILT, but not his COLT. Member- ship Tickets ie a Have You Got Yours! Sruivs-- ." Phone 725-4661 728-1292 725-8185 Available Now t ' t ' t Home: Peabody also defeated a third candidate, Thomas Adams, a descendant of the two presidents Adams. Adams campaigned in opposition to the Viet Nam War. Wisconsin Democrats gave Lieutenant - Governor Patrick Lucey their nomination for gov- ernor. Lucey, 2a staunch sup- porter of the late president Ken- nedy, will face Republican Gov. Warren Knowles, who was un- opposed for renomination. a 4 FRIDAY 'The Sounds of the Big Beat es The ~ S vo Plece To Meet Pa | BoBRY Kris 4. =o oe = 44 THIS WEEK G TOWN BOYS ADMISSION 75¢ Dress:-- Shirt and Tie v9 fee aa eRe Hee HEHE HOP HPA HAA CH A he He B IMFERIALS 5 . -- PCesuel Dress Admission $1.50 IT COMES TO SERVICE YoU CAN COUNT Fc Under New Management ' PLAZA RESTAURANT Lansdowne Shopping Centre NORTH OSHAWA We Specialize in Italian and Canadian Food, offering Good Food = @ well experienced ~ staff. Feetures Include: RAVIOLI, LASAGNA, SPAGHETTI, MEAT BALLS end MEAT SAUCE © PIZZAS @ CHEESE 1.00 @ MUSHROOM 1.25 @ PEPPERONI 1.25 @ MUSHROOM & PEP. SPECIAL 1.78 @ ENZO SUPER SPECIAL 2.10. Open Mon. to Thurs. 7:00 A.M. te 11:00 P.M. -- Open Pri. sag 7:00 A.M, to 1:00 A.M, -- SUNDAY 8:00 te 11:00 @ FREE PARKING e@ Takeout orders 10% DISCOUNT, if you pick the order up, or FREE DELIVERY over $5.00 ; PHONE ENZO AT 723-0761 FOI HPI II FOF IIA TI I HI AH IA ACK ION, THIS WEEK RONNY BRIGGS = AND -- = The Profiles NEXT WEEK ... GIRLS ... GIRLS GIRLS ... GIRLS... * ANTHONY INN--Emperor of Chine OMAR SHARIF--Werrior oF tant ORSON WELLS--Wise Man Whe Inspired Polo OSHAWA PH. 723-4972 Ho) 2 Ad am | omer se OF ooo Cane DRIVE-IN "su@anr) A UNIVERSAL PICTURE, NOW PLAYING Me ete he eC HH ICH HRP PEA HE POA IAI A AA A Ge pA A OK L eee € Fe ' t ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER 723-2883) 725-4563} Life Insurance j income Disability ! Pension Plans Group Insurance Business Insurance Estote Planning SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY | of CANADA Oshawe Shopping Centre ADDRESS CCCUPATION Exeet Date of Birth FREE WITH TV GUIDE An exciting 32-page supplement -- the 1967 TV Set Buyers' Guide. Authorita- tive coverage of every improvement . . « every innovation . . . every new'style and trend. Don't miss this special bonus in the September 17 issue of TV Guide: Ce SALE Abts ieee: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THE RIB ROOM FEATURING FRENCH CONTINENTAL BUFFET DAILY For Reservations Phone 723-4641 ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY & SAT. AFTERNOON eg GENOSHA HOTEL » oe & & & oo. © Oo 2 2.2. OO. 2.2, 2.0, 2.2.2, Bs COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTS ANTHONY QUINN ~ ALAIN DELON Wilson & Lee Lid. -- Music Store Offer You An Ideal Arrangement TRY BEFORE YOU Bly Choose Your Piano -- Keep It In Your Home For Six Months -- Test Your Child's Ability At The Keyboard Then Deduct The Rental Charges From The Price Of Your Instrument. Rental-Purchase | \f you aren't sure your child will | take to piano lessons, WILSON & ) LEE LTD. will rent you a brand E new small' piano and bench for less than 3.00 per week (plus cartage) months ical way at the BUDGET TERMS A Take Up To 36 Months To Pay VAILABLE 87 Simeoce St. N "Eastern- Ontario's Largest AUSIC STORE OPEN EVERY THURS. AND FRIDAY 'til 9 P.M plus cartage paid by you will be deducted from the price of the instrument should you decide to purchase Music Centre" WILSON & LEE LTD. PEATURES TIMES -- Weekdeys 7:10 end 9:35 Set. Cont. From 1 p.m. ---- Sun. Cont. Prom 2 p.m. J Plan for a period of six Here then econom- to test your child's ability keyboard. All the rent ff) Phone: 725-4706 | \ HCTOGLOMN AEDT RD Co-starnng SHELLEY y ty Sa aS A FUTERPE PICTURE in PaNAVisiONtand METROCOLOR @ ADDED ATTRACTION @ GIANT SPECTACLE OF THE WORLD'S MIGHTIEST MEN! Metro-Goldwyn-