18. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, September 15, 1966 Pilot Walked To Freedom "The nights were the worst. Martin and I would lie together face to face to keep warm. We prayed together and we cried together. There was somebody hunting us all the time." On the 19th day after the es- cape '"'we were crawling along a jungle path when this villager jumped out 20 feet in front of were the worst after I lost my friend . . . But I was angry. I wanted to come home. I wanted to fly again." Suffering from jaundice, his feet swollen from cuts, he found a parachute and cut an S 9 § message out of it. On the 24th day after his escape a rescue helicopter lifted him out. _ BE SURE TO VISIT OUR EXHIBIT AT THE us, He yelled 'Americani, Ameri-| Tt was Dengler's second long cani' and started hacking Mar-|walk to freedom. As a seven- tin with his machete .. . ."|year-old in Germany he hiked Dengler escaped into a gully. {for 68 days trough the Black Through Viet Nam Jungle "T must have blacked out 20|Forest to escape Nazis, who or 30 times, The last four days!had: killed his father. : BY taKe WHO: KNOWS ! THURSDAY -- FRIDAY ~ SATURDAY SEPT. 15-16-17 at the the jungle after five months in a Laotian prison camp run by North Vietnamese, he described his ordeal at a press conference Tuesday: y DIETER DENGLER FREE COLOR SCHEMES AVAILABLE THURSDAY 2-5 P.M. and 7-9 P.M. FRIDAY 2-5 P.M. and 7-9 P.M. SATURDAY 12:30-4 P.M. and 7-9 P.M. GD re Pages MISS HELEN BELL--C.I.L. COLOR CONSULTANT ALSO, EACH DAY AT THE SHOW, THERE WILL BE A LUCKY DRAW FOR ENOUGH PAINT FOR ONE ROOM PATTE'S Fo PAINT 95 Years at 85 Simcoe St. N. 725-3529 ° escaped once, for six days, then he was captured a day later. He for good June 29. ' " Dengler said he and six other Search Pa Finds Child Americans, confined in a thatched-roof hut, decided to try a rs to escape when they overheard Who Fell From Train Window |=' nen 7 'Lieut. Martin and I decided SIOUX LOOKOUT, Ont. (CP)|Danny could have gotten out/it was better to die in the bush "Danny fall out the window" is|was through a vestibule door. |--as free men--rather than in stock answer Mrs. James| "It is almost impossible for|the hands of Communists," he Tower gets from her two-year-|a two-year-old boy to open one/Said. He gave this account: old son who is recuperating in|of those doors," police said.| Dengler had stolen four guns hospital today after falling from|"There is a possibility that it)from the guards' hut. These and @ passenger train near here. |may have been opened by an|some food were divided among The youngster was foun dj older child but this is still under|/the group. They killed six Thursday 15 hours after his dis-| investigation." guards in the escape. Officials appearance in tall grass beside} ithough temperatures|don't know what happened to the CNR mainline 14 miles east/ dropped to 50 degrees and rain|the other Americans. of this northern Ontario com-|fe}) after he disappeared from) "We had no compass and munity. the train, doctors said the/didn't really know our position Mrs. Tower, who was travel-| youngster was in "'amazing con-|so we decided to find a river ling to Edmonton with Danny dition," having suffered on] y|and follow it. We were weak and and one-year-old Stephen, said had to Jearn to walk again. in an interview Tuesday Danny was in shock when he was taken to hospital '"'but is com- ing out of it. He seems all right, almost normal." She said the child, who re- ceived some "'pretty bad" cuts to the back of his head, will likely be in hospital for several ys. Take it from a professional economist, "Save Dollars' McDonald, The Times Want Ad Department can help you sell almost anything for cash; we could all use a little extra, especially at this time of year. Want ads are easy to use and a staff of courteous sales women are eager to help. Call 723-3492 For The 'TIMES' N DAILY i, MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. wt. | LL 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- OSHAWA 728-6291 -- YOUR ONE-STOP BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE Save A Potful DURING OUR PRE-INVENTORY SALE. ALL GLIDDEN PAINTS 25% OFF Sale ends Wed., Sept. 21st CASH & CARRY INSULATION 2" x 15" x 48" (90 sq. ft.) 3" x 15" x 48" (60 sq. ft.) 15 CARTONS OR MORE -- 3 59 Per Carton. Reg. 4.65 le ; FREE CEILING TILE =. Plain White, tongue and groove. 12" x 24" -- 34 pes. per carton (64 sq. ft.) CARTON LOTS ONLY 10° er. MAHOGANY PLYWOOD Random V Grooved Top Quality Prefinished Panels Reg. $4.20 3 19 4x 7 only \ 3.89 FINISH HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Grade 12 equivalency course prepares vor ie Mrs. Tower said she doesn't Te aiank wen know how the child fell from the train. "It happened so fast -- one minute he was there, the next minute gone." A young girl told Mrs. Tower that Danny was "'gone." Officials today were still puzzled by the accident. Win- dows on the train were closed and the 'only apparent way Ne eontract te sign. All books and supplies for es little es $2.00 weekly, For full information end free trio! lesson write: Academic Standards Institute 40 MAIN STREET W., HAMILTON, ONT. MAIL COUPON TODAY oF 7° FRI Casey No. 401 Bethroom Exhaust Fen PRE-INVENTORY SALE SOUTHERN PECAN HARDBOARD PANELING 3 shades, light, medium and dark. Ideal for 3 ag den, cottage, ete. 4x8 sheets. Reg. 5.95, NOWVUs ENAMELLED TILE BOARD Variety of colors. A high quality board at this price. 4 60 4x 8 sheets. Reg. 12.80. CASH & CARRY, NOW. . Va See our Display at the Oshawa Home Show THUR. - FRI. - SAT. September 15-16-17 MILLBUILT Contract Dept. MILLWORK & Building Supplies PANELING Over 60 varieties in Stock Ne. 293 Bethroom Exhaust Fen with twin lights, Reg. 61.70. NOW ... 46.25 Exheust fen, with pull chain, CANADIANA 1-PIECE ALL STEEL OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR All hardware included. 8 x 7. Reg. 54.50 Only CASH AND CARRY A2303 Lg Hood, Accent cop- pertone, 2 speed fan. Res. 41.50, Now G1.00 Also available in white. €70 Medicine Cabinet. Size 24 x 17 with sHding plete slees mirror, Reg. 26.50. 79.90 er 5... No. 56 Recess type, 11 x 18 mirror. Reg. 6.20. os x spate No. 102A Recess type, 16 x 20 mirror. Reg. 16.40. 12 30 tO NOW ... 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NOW 10.95 UTILITY SPRUCE TONterN cereeues + we eee se oe 4x7 S/léx4x8 S/léx4x8 ANTIQUE ELM Prefinished, v grooved Viedx4x7 3/16x 4x8 CAVALIER TEAK Prefinished v grooved 4x8.... C 45.70 Reg. 4.80 4 x 8 only 100 ft. Extension Cord Reg. 8.50, NOW 7.65 Spruce Plywood With woterproef Bonding, % x 4 x 8 Sheets, Reguler 3.84, CMHC ACCEPTED CAVALIER ELM Prefinished v grooved vio ke URE TL . SER Sound and Dry . Bbc 2x 4x 14 ft. only ...... «. 70¢ 2x 4x 16 ft, only . Bae Cesh and Cary ot: ee 25 or more sheets, cash arid carry "we 3,69 50 sheet lots or more. Lesser lots slightly more.