20--Real Estate for Sale g 25----Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |27--Rooms for Rent 29.--Wanted to Rent j 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 13, 1966- 20---Real Estate for Sale UNIQUE BUNGALOW WITH SWIMMING POOL GOING FAST!!! Al Ae aor and OSHAWA | Ziv "iin sions 3 bedroom bungalows load- Attractively landscaped, pov- ed with extras ed circulor drive, lamp posts, N.H.A' 634% Selling for $6,500, down, with MADTCACES one poyment: for balance. $18,290 | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION aa Gna Ma $2,500. DOWN Ppiyryver wwrriy LARGE, MODERN e ALSO @ BUNGALOW LET'S TALK rss toro econane BUSINESS | price due to the owner's be- Haven't you heard thet you ing transferred. Consists of three, large bedrooms, beou- tiful broodloomed living and dining room with sliding po- tio door, Home completely de- corated recently, Paved drive, 20---Real Estate for Sale 26---Apartments for Rent FOR RENT NEW HOME -- 6 room brick bungalow with 2 car garage, Will be NEWLY DECORATED throughout -- ELECTRICAL- LY HEATED, Choice North East. Location. $185,00 per month, For further informo- tion call SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 723-2265. INCOME HOME -- seven hou Responsible couple with an oentid wel anes furnished room, Apply WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT? The short term thrill of a new, car, That holiday to Bermuda (all to soon it's over), Or is it the sound investment of buying a home, You not. only give your family a sense of pride and security, your investment continues to grow, How long has it been since pouting it + yaar ¥? --, Buy ond save. Finishe : homes in Braemor Gardens, eur the oo close k Sareaiaw; Downsview, and Barkley ant ", ci anew: | Rarersnens re 5 er queue a. es id ae cb Open deity 2 to 9 FOUR-ROOM Serinencyed, Presenting LA CONTESSA A distinctive apartment residence ' FEATURING Prestige 1 and 2 bedroom suites. Electric Heating. Individual room heat con- trol, Pressurized corridors, Free Hydro and parking, Recreation room with kit- chen facilities, Swimming pool, Sauna bath, Mail de- livery to every suite, Closed circuit T.V, controlled en- trance for your protection, sani centrally located, Rent TH Real Een ral sl anes 1 pees pe building with office arking a in Oshawa. Mtausiriel erms acrenoed, Asking $20,000, r. 0, Gower 728-1005. W. Frank Re Estate Ltd. 129.4993 1, Rent $125 poi URL - ie a venien No, 35 highway, hes) miles $110 monthly, Call Cla McCullough, "723-7843, W. | Frank : " Estate Lid. two level bungalows, errr or Eee CFE on ravine lots. Complete peel ate with three bedrooms, Tele- with broadioom, radio, intercom, built-in dish washer, fireplace, two-car . | THREE-BEDROO; Lew down payment to one mort home, just west of Telephone 723-0026 {118 = SPACIOUS two bedrooms, large ATTRACTIVELY kitchen and living room, fou: Parking. FURNISHED ROOM fridge, washer, eon Centrally located, nee possession. Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | it two busi Telephone 723. 35048 'ater 5 pm. 'tment, | unturnish DROOM ap: Available immediately, Apply 195 The MANOR salon WwW r ; FURNISHED two - room apariment, for ia SoG ks 0 bi entworth St quie! couple, Apply 195 Albert Street. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 'or "gentlemen snawa ONE-BEDROOM apartment, electrically | veniences, Clos¢ to bus downtown stores. Veu> will vanioy. living in equipped, heated, centrally located, FM Available now, . Telephone 728-6844, yoy tving music, intercom, balcony. 330 Gibb St. /ONE LARGE tu ished ho ie Wentworth Manor, con- | Apt, 211 or office, 4 pon Wa orate siumnlshed | Raveakeaning | ares veniently situated for those OOM apartment to sublet, |ing facies, Suitable for one or who work in and around elep FURNISHED one or two bedroom rhe ig close to on "3 teas three. chlidren would like ; house * 2 yyy Alax or Oshawa or two. 30--Automobiles for Sale DR Haig refrigerator, drapes, balcony, close! T Oshawa, Within easy walk- entre, E clean. |i a oe Ressrbie fort vay % ing distance of stores and 'ree Stove and refrigerator. Ble Tieciic ating schools, belarea. Telenha: THREE - ROOM api Sulta for baa oilse. gentlemen, No} een af 46 McGregor Street, A' able | alee pagar epg re RENT INCLUDES: | September Ay, 9! lenmwlal Hoon ge im my room alto @ Drapes FOUR - ROOM apartment, bed- sane In ma iy none "°C Grooms @ Heat and hydro rooms, Available now, Close woe tort schools | Ave. ®. Stove'-and ref beaten and south General Motors. Telephone WH ji rh central location, "Shared room rig 725-6121, © Parki ' sstyplornestchomttnicamminhininmectiind | TEN: SO one Partlemen. Parking, TV, Tv, As 'arking P Two . et ROOM a sertment ins new Board optional. Telephone 668 'ew choice 2 and 3 bed- | apartment building, wall to wal "| TWO large furnished rooms ie t "kitel room suites still available, 027 I IIving. dining and hall private entrance, nd ak facia, sult. Rental Ofice and Model Suite 8, Stove, refrigerator, drapes, heat and hydro supplied, Closed underground park- Mad Lo! eiephe ig i King "and ivi. Open Daily from 1 - 9 P.M, Ing for two cars, large ony, control. seiehitinnsiintens led entrance and FM, Telephone 728-0031/ONE furnished room x rent, Ladies or 723-1903. May be seen anytime, -- |praterrog: aad 105 Ritson Road North |417 BYRON STREET NORTI hitby. = | Fives room apariment with bath, tnyare eT urnished rooms with 'private en- M or |the shopeina rail Large dining area in all kitchens, Convenient to shopping and churches, Transportation at door, Londscaping architecturally designed, Beautiful ceiling to floor drapes, con trade your present home or farm on a new better built "ECHO HOME"'. Why not drop out tonight and see why an "ECHO DEAL" is the very best gueranteed trade and purchase plan any- where. TELEPHONE 723-8701 trade your present home, No cas latter 5 p.m, SOM a .. |THREE-BEDROOM house, sui! couple or, NEW, THREE-BEDROOM house on 100'x three or four ladies, Available now, Ap- 150' landscaped fot, $15,500, with a) pb ply 1429 Oxford Street or 728-5372, payment. Twelve miles east on Taunton) ' eon Road, first house north on Leskard Road, Mig BEDROOM fouls, near 'Public Ld ALL ~ine3 ia. Phene 72-5290 alter. 5 pm. $16,900, $3,000 DOWN -- nine-toom in| st¢Rmy AND MALR, three pood-alied Fy Ab Sg Lyra "own: | Bedrooms (upstairs), kitchen, living and |for $100, per mo et 4 Mag livingroom (diningroom, garage, Close to schools and |¢r.* Broadioom and drap |downtown; 723-2271; evenings 723-6390, and diningroom, Good district. = NEW BUNGALOW to rent, three bed- |owner, 725-3294, Y Ts ee 7 T brick, rooms, garage, Vacan' ep er. GLIDDON AVENUE -- s0 roa brick, feet a 723-4674, 1% storey home with pri i" garage. Good fer Income home, !t has AVAILABLE October 1, on Dundas! two kitchens, home in good condition.| Street East, Whitby. No children unless! |Full asking price only $15,600, Sibby's' infants; $125 monthly, Reply Box No. | | Real Estate Ltd, 46 King Street West,' 39533, Oshawa Times, Whitby. ond extra big lot. Phone Bill | rance and bath, with fully equipped kit- Millor; 725-2557 or 725- 1186, W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. _ IT'S LATER THAN. YOU THINK ! School Starts Sept. 6, Call About One of Our Homes Today. We Have Listings In Most | June 1 BRAND NEW building now renting 7a | nen a peg = nse {Port Whitby; two bedroom suites. Ca Mt} one 735-0}, |West Hill 284-6813, ha ROOM in oan giagene one gentleman, perks tecll Sion! rey Be yes. Aono winer Rath & WAYNE STREET-- apartment tor: a an teat included, si | | RURNISHED pedreeins" sentra fi rent, Apply apartment 9, 728-7732, ey oe men shift workers weldome. Adutt yong FURNISHED 3 room apartment, TV/ONE AND TWO bedroom , Sbariments| seis 73 Gladstone or telephone 723. ADULTS ONLY outlet, central location, Available October available immediately, stov efrigerat- = etnmapaenaresee 1, Phone 728-3120. [ete, Cranes: intercom, Bi lockers SOMPORTARLS "Toom ns gentleman FOUR ROO and laundry on every floor, Free hydro, | on ppl ler 4 p.m, 323 Athol East ment, ver" main" éanawe Shopng Apply 349 Marland Ave. Telephone 725-| or telephone 725-0536. uit working couple. Telephone . |LARGE LIGHT HOUSEK NG room 725-028) after 5 p.m, FURNISHED, yg three |close to hospital, suitable for one or two 725-1481 APARTMENT, four rooms, bathroom, fom basement apartment, ornate en:|ladies, Telephone 725-7091. jheated, ground floor, Near school, store |!rance, centrally located, suitable for BURNISHED, double room, Close, children welcome, $70 monthly, ie i vg couple or two girls. 728-6036 after iw. gentlemen. able 'resin titcher % 728-7576, mew |FOR RENT -- furnished cabins, all con- Hematon. 2692126. share, Apply 162 Oshawa Blvd, North, | Fara three, two bedroom units, \veniences, weekly rates. Wonderland | 140 NONQUON RD, TWO BEDROOM apartment with re. ONE-, AND TWO-BEDROOM apariments, 725-9280, jal! complete with stoves and refrigera-/Park Motor Court. Telephone 723-7424 frigerator, stove, drapes, hydro and get ber lida good ray oil utilities THREE furnished rooms for rent. Apply |tors. Dryer and washer included, Bal-\after 5 p.m 'Bie parking, $115 monthiy. Reliable aduits, SUPPIied. Please telephone 728-5262, 295 Mitchell Avenue jconies, eight ayers old, 728-1049 after 5 RURNISHED HOUSE for rent, living! available now. Telephone 725-5302. ONE AND TWO Shela eee Ssyghab nola TWO separate light housekeeping Tilins, WOULD YOU |p.m No agent room, three bedrooms, kitchen, refirger-| FURNISHED, newly decorated, three 'uded. | S!OV6. for gentlemen in quiet home, close 1 (@) | Your GIANT HELPERS in finding the ator and stove, basement, oll furnace,| room basement apartment. refrigerator and araieks 190 Nonquon nerth plant and q ne LIKE i Private en- hospital, Appl |home or apartment you need, Times' garage, $135, monthly. Minimum lease trance, east end of city Road. 728-9726. Agnes Street, P pply | 1 block North of 401 on Wilson Road at Dean Rental Information newly decorated, _ Call Collect Oshawa 723-0321 L. N. BIRD Real Estote Ltd. BOLAHOOD | BROTHERS LIMITED | suites, Suitable for t Other terms to be agreed. working couple or two girls, Available "$15.00). S-reom | [Classified Ads. BO Fs Ha tigi Malet ARE BY 1 Pica AA 8 Private Rooms $15.00; 3-room FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Very close '20a--Summer Properties. Your home becomes a castle, When you purchase this truly distinctive home 'in desirable Beou Volley. Styled for happy family living with 7 grocious rooms, 2 baths, finished rec. room and gcrage | WINTER'S COMING | SO BE COZY | As con be in this attractive bungalow located in o very desirable area. This home is Any School Area. GRENFELI B M Immediately, Telephone 728-5567. 10. each pe: tel 1 ® . . cMullan mi $ each person, motel suites to share; to, im loyment office, Tel ni 723- | BRICK, MODERN bungalow, newly a ONE - BEDROOM apartment, avaliable | $2. Parking, Telephone 668-8201, Whitby, | mer vee 725 3597 668 6201 | For Sole or Rent reamtity. teleonens ain $135 October 1, Quiet adults only, Telephone ONE _BEOROOM apartment. Telephone | eae (ARSE inlhas Rae Te ae rs ousy "O04 --- ~ - . coven suitable for couple. Apply 74 Oshawa -- micaneneet pone camoue | a | oALe = pinrwees Lorine ee aie MODERN, THR EDROOM bungalow, | TWO - BEDROOM apartment in new - : AND 3 bedroom apartments with! Blvd. North, "i wish from Fenelon Falls, completely furnish: recreation room, walk-out asement apartment building, with built-in oven, |retrigerator, st te trotled YOUR KINGDOM Jed three-bedroom cottage on lakefront. /Available Nov. 1. One child welcome. | 4 refrigerator and broadioom, Free wash aernncan, ijeveee sic wining SINGLE ROOM for man, furnished, T while you can right | Telephone 723-0980. Broadioom stairs, hall, $135 monthly. immediate er and dryer. In excellent 'location. 723 prot, fenced-in playground, 822 Glen | Phone 720-3211 ii y ignt now 728-5034 1362, vA Street or call 723-2347, ROOMS FOR RENT, weekiy r | at: |21--Farms for Sole THREE BEDROOM house. Farming area Possession NEWLY DECORATED three-room, self-| THREE ROOM unfurnished apariment,| veers Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street Ne 4 ACRES, three-bedroom stucco home| fof rent, close to schools. Immediate pos: ssess Contained basement apartment. Private) ¢75 monthly. Located cn 345 Oshawa | FURNISHED DROOM with ara | lin need ot tome repair, Large steel barn session, Write Box 42459, Oshawa Times. entrance and bath, Telephone 723-3211 oF Bivd. South, Apply at address. A oe a \f desired. Central, parking,| in excellent condition -- 12 stalls possible.| ROOM OR ROOM AND BOARD, lady Features 1, 2 and 3 Lenni TWO BEDROOM apartment, Reiriger:| viet home, no children, gentleman only. | Excellent land, stream and good well. preferred, Apply 184 Mary St. Telephone bedroom suites TWO - BEDROOM apartment in sixplex,|tor and stove, washer dryer, electri (Can 725-0782. Anorsinetely 1,050 feet frontage on | 723-0996. | balcony, broadioom, stove and refriger-\heat, in the new Kennisis apartment. SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 Simcoe orth, LIMITED 1,500 feet frontage on good ator Immediate Possession $125 524 Dundas St. East, Whitby. Teleph Division Street. o ROOM AND BOARD for two gentiemen, x cae. <n . East, Y. Telephone Str just perfect for a young or Ask Jack Shephard to be your this year. ure have elt. eaiahane close to south GM, Apply 1545 Lakeside SOON. Dior bee eis reas THO-97E0. TWO OR THREE fu ed } middle aged couple. Hos new | guide to better living ldown. payment to $24,900 asking price, | Oshawa Mabd i anem furnished apartment, resi: FIVE, one and two bedroom apariments.| able for couple or single girl. Private en- broadioom in living room, |W. |, Dougan Realtors, 725-1109, ACCOMMODATIONS available for male FREE Nata bebronke caine ular ar bet. Available now. completely pera trance. Telephone 728-6 ' ~ q Uy * 1) ie ond hallway, spacious holly- Call 728-1656 |SMALL FARM, 13 acres with bellding | pentcere: WEDOn Je. Sere Tye ney ween [ness person. Telephone 728-0933, man, Telephone T2001 after eine Ie edroom, central, gent gente. d kitchen, 3 good size land stream, close to Oshawa. Bob John-| Telephone 725-6185 | HEALTH CLUB | | |man only, parking space for car. Tele- woo We . Ison, 728-2548. Keith Peters Realty Ltd. | | UPPER APARTMENT, seit - contained, FOUR ROOM apartment on main floor,| phone 728-8644, bedrooms, 4 piece both, oil H. MILLEN poate werenton | private entrance. Apply 218 Celina Streets Rooms to be rented te persia ie I ; : or telephone 725-5922 after 4 p.m. bungalow. Tenants to share Fist floor; Estate Limited | Realtor. '26--Apartments for Rent |sep. wrate entrance, heat, Close to schools, bus Fl etl nailed | Roa : Telephone 723-7539 between 9 a.m, - | p.m, SUNSET GARDEN COURT, 945 Simcoe /single gentiemen eroriee Apply 516 One schoo! FARM FOR SALE, 50 acres good loam ~ ing. Priced for and shopp i] WYNDBROOK North, two bedroom apartment, available Wilson Rd, §, after 5 p, $18,500. Producing heavy, all Dorner: were tle district. 8 room modern house, Bank- ; quick sale at only . vi FOUR ROOM apartment, stove and/ October 1, one bedroom apartment avail- Carries for $106 a month in- |frig, 519 Crerar Street, Apt. 5, 725-3490, /abie October 14, Free services, quiet 16, BEDROOMS pr, 97 Colborne St PA ghee UE NE A es ___Reol ed barn. Silo, Buildings good. Apply PRIVATE SALE |Kingsiey Luke Phone Woodville 439-2910, ; 728-225 ildi f cluding taxes. To inspect A ge ee Oshawa, | STEAM ROOM | or 6. building, bus service at door, 725-9872. | only, references required. in residential please call Roy Yeo. Evenings of property consisting of var- Barn equipped with stable cleaners. | 3 : | TWO BEDROOM pl lee life THREE BEDROOM fiat. Ladies only.| area. Telephone 728-8671 after 5,30 p.. -- 725-2217 iety grocery store with living | water bowls, good well. Low down pey:| Townline Wert hone. Tae vun. Apply 334 King East. 2 |LARGE, furnished, housekeeping room, ment Mortgage 5 per cent. 725-813: 2. IMMI NG AVAILABLE October 15, modern three |containing refrigerator, stove and kitchen 101 Simeoe Street North SW THREE - ROOM basement apartment In bedroom apartment. Large, spacious|sink, Share bath with one other girl, Member © D.R.E.B. POOL 728-5123 quarters for the owner, Turn- eda Private home, separate entrance. Heat,/rooms, balcony and dining room. Sep-|Apply 253 Sinclair Avenue. over $30,000. Substantial 22--Lots tor Sale . Writ water and hydro supplied. $75 monthly.| arate entrance, completely private. $150 down payment required e Available immediately. Telephone 723-/ monthly, heat and water included, Tele- Wale venta' tates iin tart Ae Rits Rel Ete ' 142 COLRORNE EAST 728-7576 -- 4221 - 4 } fi Eee Mowintes UM Us a | acre vee bl 'shed 6 phone 668-8532, a -. |chen, laundry privileges. 162 | ' ree-room --unfurnis: ase- TWO-ROOM apartment, second floor, pri- | Road South. Telephone 728-2767. FOR SALE or RENT recreation room, extra basil 'o LEAVING CITY This home must be sold its ment apartment. Suitable for couple. vate entrance. Cl t ft ts Available immediately. Central. Tele: 254 Athol Street fast, ralephone 720-1800 FURNISHED ROOM for 12 Room Home sb ins CHURCH STREET, 174. Partly furnish-| |Road" south, a oe building lots available in the WHITBY -- Two - bedroom apartment. 'ed, two-room apartment; also single! ary eT, pulvaie for psa lth country Goin M4 acre to five : |Centrally located. Broadioom and room, Abstainer. Gentlemen. preferred, MARY STREET, rders or apartments -- ecres, your choice of wooded apply or cleared lots, all within 3 walking distance of shopping, 4 churches ond both high and cute and cozy consists of 5 rooms olf heated ond, situ- oted on @ fully hedged lot, price reduced to $12,500 and owner will look et oll offers. a Try yours ! Istectric "pests somiaereen ched home. Many features. Close to all schools and) drapes, All conveniences. Heat and water| Apply above address. | included. Adults er Vacant October 1. | Telephone 668-4363 |WHITBY -- One - bedroom apartment Available immediately, children wel public schools. Just 20 miles from Oshawa in the Black- stock area and selling for from $1200 to $2900 with $500 down and interest at N.H.A RESALE shopping. Move in on approval! $14,995. rata? full pric tact Murray Boyle, 723-4270. | B room brick bungalow lust Joseph ¥ i, yr Ph nhl 6 months old, carport, built- | Siva gae0, WINTER WORKS <a | In stove and oven, owner (Three left. NHA bungalow, 64 per cent| leaving city and must sell, be- This is our September clearance sale on all '66 models. Cars for as low as $100 down, or use your old car as down pay- ment. We will not be undersold, Phone 723-8771 or 723-2132 ONE MONTH RENT FREE FOR A TWO YEAR LEASE FEATURES 1, Apartment controlled en- trance. Electric heating. Private balconies Refrigerators and stove in each oportment Next door to General Mo- | @ tors plant and office Television and telephone pre-wired. COUNTRY BUILDING LOTS Are you tired of the high cost of living in the city? We have ntleman. @ FREE HYDRO 19. Ritson @ OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES @ FRENCH PROVINCIAL KITCHENS forth end, furnished recreation room - bedroom, private bath, jelectric heat, dehumidifier, quiet meet TWO large clean furnished room apart: |gentleman _only, _Telephone 725-0145, -- ment, heated. Close to bus stop, free L hydro, parking. Apply 708 Carnegie | room Avenua, preterred, 723-8793, all MODERN BASEMENT apartment, _ retri-| lRURNISHED Tedstiting room, .kitehen | Du- gerator, stove, near south GM and privilees, ideal for teacher (girl). {Handy to Separate, Public and High plate. Apply 179 Hibbert Ave, Avail- Telephone able immediately. $65 Telephone 723-0659, | Schools, 62 Athol E. et, Farewell, Osh- Qust west of Thickson TWO ROOM apartment. Completely ture| . SIMCOR at Arlington, large four rooms, |nished. Centrally. located, verte woes. Two 'furnished "bedrooms, |completely furnished, two bedrooms, pri-| Apply 31 Elgin East. ed, vate bath, parking, near hospitel and schools. Adults, Tele jone 723-3537 $9. Three large rooms and apart: |eral a ment, self-contained, downtown, Call 723- | TWO BEDROOM second tioor apartment. 2565 for appointment DOUBLE ROOM for prntiemen, ay | Privat h. Phon - ----|Gecorated, $8 each, kitchen privih Par: Evene. ae DREW STREET 74, th C j , three rooms fur-|parking, quiet house in nice eres, Neer Road), Highway No. 2, V | THREE DROOM apartment in triplex nished, central, adults or working Sevele hospital, north GM. Telephone 723-8863, Jon Cartier Ave,, near Shopping Centre, or three individuals, No children, 885 OXFORD STREET refrigerator, stove, --broadioom --_and stainers. Available now. Apply between CLOSE to north General Motors and drapes inctuded, Available Oct. 1. Adwlts!7:30 and 10 p.m hospital. Parking. May be eret Single, preferred, 723-4932 FURNISHED self-contained pelea rn tL Bla Mg Within Walking Distance SUBLET, 2 bedroom apartment, broad- apartment, refrigerator and stov LARGE clean furnished room near Shop- 66 is. 3] | pedir ee 1987 CHEV 'Station | wa jon, » hx "eyll Boye Fg couple preferred, Telephon® 723-' tiRee ROOM apartment for rent. Call TWO PURNIGHED 7 housekeeping rooms, |$tandard, best cash or will swap 723-9921 or apply 202 Clark St. a kitchen and bedroom. Gentlemen only. jfer wae have you, Telephone 725-254 i sont Sere. tee Privaie 'bath. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, with stove |APPly 313 French St al Ab n apply 19 Riteoh Rad. seuin refrigerator. Available immediately, Tele-/ HOUSEKEEPING room, furnished FWO-NRDROOM : a "i phone 723-5322. jfrigerator, stove, water. Parking | + apartment, in new 4 Apply 410 King Street East, building, wall to wall broadioom_in liv [NEW BACHELOR spariment "ltable| ARPIY, aly Ingroom, built-in stove and fridge, drapes.| siectrically heated, $80. monthly. b , ly Includes! SINGLE. letel furnish nt verberator, Rice 9721 afi |Washer, dryer free, Electric heating, everything. Telepnone." 725025" after » completely furnished lig INDOOR PARKING phone 668-3200, LARGE one bedroom apartment, cen AVAILABLE trally located, no children, @ OUTDOOR GUEST 723-2977, PARKING | TRADE YOUR OLDER HOME on jtrically pt bungalows, with Joa | garage, fully landscaped, rete i ae | Immediate Possession, 728-510: mt -- Realtor. for a steadily employed BH yg Vos | newly, ane man, Parking, one block north PHONE NOW 723-8771 of 723-2132 Motors, 728-6697. Only bill you pay is your tele- phone bill. All other costs ab- sobed by owner PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED YEAR ROUND POOL ther information call: D. W. McQUAY, Realtor, 668-5868 or Port Perry 985- 7242. N -- One left, 1,100 sq. f.,| two-room 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attrac- tive area. Some. treed lots. come, Heat and water supplied. Tele only 5% per cent, For fur- mortgage. Low down payment. Carries for $125. per month P.1.T. Two choice jareas. Contact Joe Crawford, 723-102) | Joseph Bosco, Realtor. Paved street, Close by public ING CENTRE AREA school, new high school and 'com home on oversized priv: bus lines. erage. Newly renovated. Ide PRICED TO SELL {Rome or for retired couple Phone 728-5579 | Crawford, 723-1021, Joseph Bosco Reaitor. | CHOICE NORTH AREA. Weil kep? bun: | galiow on large fenced lot, three roomy | 1@ ACRES high land, spring creek, close Bedrooms, large livingroom, bright 10' Xito Oshawa. Bob Johnson, 728-2548. Keith 1s" kitehi with plenty of cupboards. Peters Realty Ltd, Realtor Many extras. Carries for $117. Lae - month PA. Call Murray Boyle, in LARGE attractive lots for sale. Peleg and are only 15 minut | 4270, Joseph "Bosco Realtor. oo tod - from Oshawa. $1,800 and up. Wil! bu! id | COUNTRY BRICK bungalow, off Garrard|ine nome of your choice. NHA and VLA jRoad, three bedrooms, large kitchen, financing avaliable, Call Newcasile| jfireplece, garage. With walk-out three-| Homes, 987-4245, Westview Heights, New room apartment. Perry Real Estate, 723- cas: e, Ont | HOUSES WANTED jis sani . lone lO-acre lot, north-east, B R | PRIVATE SALE -- $2,000 down or leas! i ston Ries ae uy or ent or will accept trade on this almost new, |four bedroom, 2 storey brick detached! 140 X 347 ON DARLINGTON Road Hydro Electric personnel de- home on extra large lot, Two bathrooms, | South. Telephone 723-6420 3 d 4 bed hy recreation room, extra large carport, sire 3 on room MOMes ipaved drive, close to separate, public 23--Real Estate Wanted | ™ this area. Immediate pos- po: and high schools. Quick session. Cosh payment ar- (Mortgage. 723-6541 ronged.Co!l for service, Wil- EDROOM spill, Jiom Crawford, Pickering re- yore presentotive 924-4535. H. Keith Ltd. Realtor ent Went Newt Merit tinsit tan + BUNGALOW PLUS *Buy your own home with the 'rent received from the base- iment apartment. 1 M 1 i TV ping Centre. _Telephone 725-2 r oom, hydro, heat, included, balcony, antenna, heat and hydro, off street park- ev a South Genera otors $125 monthly, "Two children welcome. ing, Telephone 723-2013, : rooms, Telephone 723-7806 or 723-5325. ; |WHITBY -- Two-bedroom 'apartment, ipso Some kitchen privileg |NEWLY DECORATED, three room fur- stove, refrigerator, broadloom an na ie ery central. Telephone 7: | nished apartment, private entrance, bath,|drapes inciuded. Avaliable October *|PURNISHED. BEDROOM, hydro, water, heat, Near south plant. | 668-5480 | 723- 1015 @ No damage deposit required Central Swimming Pool A. KEITH Ltd. REALTOR 181 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12, Ont. Two bathrooms all 2 bedroom suites fc) bucket: 'seatn, hade glassy Free Parking {wire wheels, whitewalls, Hapesg with rer }1963 FORD Galaxie convertibi steering and br |HamRg Snr Intrcem, TRATES oF 'lieben Teeskies eee nl | es, l2 $1,795 or best offer. 'elepho! r ONE-BEDROOM "basement apartment. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, 8 m td. 2 Roo 1 and Boars |1955 CHEVROLET Bel Alr, paid, private, ground entrance, spacious, boda entrance, Apply 111 Wilson Road ee south GM area, Telephone 723-4515 for | ROOM 'AND BOARD for two gentlemen, | Standard, new battery. $85. T. stove iunches packed, shift workers welcome. | 725-8885. "A Ole appointment. |ONE-BEDROOM apariment with -- 18' Balconies, 'x18' com- and refrigerator, and two-bedroom apart: Tejeph, 728-0159, bination Living and Dinin @ Mode! suite furnished by (Ct bd Rant BE alc unfurnished ment. Close to downtown, Parking, | scr oe ~ 1963 RAMBLER, licence J14282, é-cylin- ination Q 9 Wil EF S apartment, refrigerator and stove. Near) aquits, 221 Arthur St. ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, der, standard shift with overdrive, A-1 Rooms, 4 quick Elevators, 2 ilson's Furniture Store air, Ceara! Molar. a sue ce TWO ROOMS, comtoriable bed: siting| Willing to share room with single beds. | condition. Nicols Motor Sales Ltd., (ust jik gs ris I now. un " Olde English Decor Lobbies, ne y lroom, bright kitchen, with. sinks stove Dhome "728082. or steady days, Tele ped of Thickson Road), Highway No, 2, and fridge, One lady preferred. Telephone ----- ROOM = and cence H99i51, Bus stop at door, ' sbiabak SUITE OPEN en APTS., 941 Simcoe St, North.) 793.1409. Mode! Suite Furniture one bedroom basement -- apartment, - - acked for clean, well-behaved ntle- | Nothing down, ' y 9 P. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, clean build- ae: Close to south Generel Mebane, orl fam ah sci att i. So eer Free Hydro FM Music and Inter Com, BROADLOOMED SUN DECK Oshawa's largest apartment building offers the best fea- tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x utilities ; th conces: | ' BREAKFAST, ~ Lunches | 1959 PONTIAC, hardtop, licen new! | be recree $4,600 Sell-ective southwest | down, 95. is ACRES, K, Tooley's Rood North. Tele ----= | phone 725-064: |PLAY Fora -- sit eee |land value grow, Lot 94 Four-room bungalow, ork "ea. N. Open to offer. Roy Yeo, 725-2217. Bolahood Bros, Ltd, LAND Of LAKES -- large seven-room frame house, inside conveniences, over- and Sell Your Home thru Watch. your x 244 ft Fe one owner car. $50 down, $45 |Nicols Motor Sales Ltd. (lust wat ie { Thickson Road), Highway No. 2, 668 3331, 1961 PONTIAC, four-door hardtop. Radio, automatic, white walls and chrome discs. pba ee, Licence No. H82785. Tele One and two bedroom. Now avoilable. Broadiqom -- corri- dors. Stove, Refrigerator. Drapes, F.M, Controlled en- trance. Elevator. Intercom, Balconies and Laundry facili- ties on each floor. Free Hydro. 1 and 2 bedroom suites in Oshowa's finest apartment byildings. Immediate occu- pancy. Call apartments available immed A . % i trie heating, ats Nydres | Feleebene 72667. ee TMNT ote, 7ORSST7: mileage, original owner. Telephone 635- GENTLEMAN, geod hearty 7 Teas, | 3632. atter 6 p.m. Stove and fridge supplied, $100. and $110. i per month, no damage deposit, Sibby's lunches packed, 6¥2. days. Parking,/1962 BEL AIR Chevrolet, whit iT 27--Rooms for Rent cheery home, very. central. Apply 205 Na Bey In Al colon, ez oan Real Estate Ltd., 728-7576 e be cas : TWO ROOMS for rent in private home,|King Sf. W. across from Speedy Muffler! ggq3, gentlemen preferred. Apply 605 Somer-/King. y nh _. |1957 "DODGE sedan ville Ave. or telephone 723-1386. /ROOM AND BOARD for " eunibinen condition. $125 er best offer. FRONT furnished 'room Cozy, _ private willing to share. Lunches ata Five- | 8682, entrance. $10 weekly. io noue, ia 2539 |aay week Telephone 668-2109, __ |@0 PONTIAC with '62 motor, six cylin- ONE SINGLE AND ONE DOUBLE room. der, automatic transmission, 4 new tires, Gentlemen only. 563 Ritson South. Tele. inne egy ho segalsind uae gecenes new brakes, new shocks, new paint job, phone 723-6542. 3415 4 navy bive, just like new, family second ROOM AND BOARD tor geniieman.|s7 COLBORNE ST, Ey room end bowrd| ems emnone_728-1578. five-day week, Near north GM. Telephone |; gentleman willing na share. Close to 197 "PONTIAC, V-8 standard. Excellent 723-3738 |north GM Central to downtown, 'onditién. J and B Motor Sales, 146 Brock FURNISHED BEDROOM, very central, _--_-._ Street Northy Whitby. 66h. fag SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 parking. Gentleman only. No light nee, Division Street. keeping. Telephone 728-8644 tebe SAS telephone 723- 3325 after 4 p.m. Adults only, Abstainers; TWO furnished bedrooms, newly decor- pgp nn gg en Mg OH Ciean,| 1961 PONTIAC. Laurentian, V-8, auto- 75 Athol E ated, option of board. Centrally located. |,-. welcome «! matic transmission, radio, good condi- apartment, private bath jAvailable immediately, Telephone 668-| _ ae w= | tion, Telephone 725-2684 after $ p.m. all turnished, Apply 7) La) 233! Whitby Rane coaklog, tance' methane tobi 60041964 RED Custom Sport Parisienne, V-8, LARGE, housekeeping room, $ |power steering, excellent condition. Apply 371 Verdun Road. Telephone 723- | TWO-BEDROOM upstairs jPrivate bath, east end area, | now Telephone 723-2549 | BROOKLIN ~~ Three room upstairs ap artment. Private entrance. Phone 655 3654. ' FURNISHED, three room apartment. Private entrance, Suitable for two gentle men. Apply 284 Chadburn Street THREE ROOM apartment centrally to cated, suitable for one person. Apply 63 Celina Street THREE ROOM Central location or two persons preferred apartment, available ~ Good mechanical Phone 668- unturnished apartment 1957 FORD, 2-door hardtop, goad 'shape, wanted in quiet home for one} 42803, Apply Two ROOM fridge, stove, square Rental Information salle Avenue suitable for | on 'South. married couple, Also a single house- CALL Pansat Pheeiocititevig hh gab \ pr B en [Keeping room, for men enty." Telepheae| ROM ANG" GGARG tor gocllonan" os | 1809, partments $125, and seven room) ys dict ater 12 p.m day week, lunches packed. Telephone! = flat, coroer of Solina Nash Rds. re 725-9843 i957 STUDEBAKER "Sliver Hawk Coupe trigerator, stove, heated, water. 725-5085) FURNISHED BEDROOM for young lady! n V-8, standard with overdrive. $75. Phone after 12 noon n new home, off Stevenson's Rd. N.|/ROOM AND BOARD for two young| 942-5376. = ac| Telephone 728-8444 LANSDOWNE DRIVE two bedroom $125 on men. Ample_Parking. Telephone 725-4002: 74)" GAMBLER American, adeer. Ee and t¥2 bedroom apartment $105. includ |LARGE_ turnsied bedroom for gentle: DEALING IN SERVICES? Classified|cellent mechanical condition. Trade con- @s everything but hydro. Free washing. | man, kitchen and laundry privileges, | Ads get you new business? Dial 723-3492) sidered ou avaliable, Lic. He5080, Stove refrigeraotr. 723-4670. parking space. Anoly §74 Crerer Avenue. far a helpful ad-writer 728-7381. o F | kitchen and living room combined, Avail- ey orld, J Cherney's Furniture Wor Ing, central, Intercom, No children under Shopping Centre, Free parking, Highway No. 2, 668-333 ngus-Graydons UNFURNISHED three room upstairs ii ONE: BEDROOM apartment, located near clean beds, good meals and lunches/Nicols Motor Sales Ltd., (just west of t, | |CENTRALLY LOCATED, Shue SSIS Gate dee ear Hee room and board | matic, Stove and laundry facilities, Available ping Centre and ith GM. Telephone ighwi APARTMENTS |Oct, 1. Adults only, Telephone 723-2715, ONE BEDROOM APT. with electric Faaeta aiawmenat ~ Seestas. CC eee | sani ais ~édoor hard adults OF 'idamage deposit, Call 725. 3933. day week preferred, lunches packed. /top, licence 14,000 original nes 'This arociously cared for 6 Ep hp tstboal wary: sci lnokine No. 7 Highway and Saimon River, AMABTAAPAIFPCC Real Estate Ltd. APAK | MEN IS Ground huge Telephone 723-6713. trally located. Apply 14? Brock Street Road), Highway No, a 668-3331, the lost detoil --- even an TRIPLEX, with extra large storage area, Telephi 725-9657 atter 5: elephone a AT . petite October 1. Apply 299 Montrave Avenue, Houdailie and south General Motors. [newt No reasonable of retuned. Nicole terms, $16,000 full price. Trade accepted. !-------- merece the eating. See for yourself. ment to share. Telephone 723-8737 after Apply S84 Mont-| _oy gomery. 2 apart | north Tel ment building, available October 1, rec./ment in private home. Separate en. |r GM. Telephone 725-2305. H MILLEN bath up. Recreation room, carport and PHONE 728-6722 REAL ESTATE LTD 12 to $ p.m. smoker only. Hydro and heat inciuded.| Phone 728-6801. $6,300 FULL PRICE. Four-room trame > a coaeiin worki couple t iris; ki iry ers onl Tele one 725- 7755. SELL! Chore Rank 728-3682 MODERN, four room basement apari- (facilities, porkings veasseotie. Mundry x wa 1963 RAMBLER, four - and $75 monthly. Paved highway, school are Ranking is Avenue or call 723-5730. BACHELOR apartment $85. One and two TV, parking. Board optional. 668-4928. | Telephone 942-5693. Call [CONVERTED SCHOOL house in Orono Anthony Siblock 725-4362 $85 monthi 5 m Ys | Adult I . i ST CAN TT ee enone Sabra power brakes. Radio and all other acces- W. Fronk low down payment. Immediate posses. $$ $ ONE BACHEL 4 E BACHELOR and two one-bedroom ments. Two bathrooms. Close to south Seven-day week, good meals, laundry|wagon, A-1 condition, rust free, low Very CENTRAL ESTATE, suitable for THREE-BEOROOM custom bulit Brick) § REGENT ARMS $ buyers Rental Office garage. Beautitully ; This home is immaculate and loaded) $ $ HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL--Brick Income| Separate and public schools. Call Jack) $ 63 King W. 723-4651 to Oshawa Shopping Centre $ Perry Real Estate, 723-8173 bungalow on Va acre. Full price $7,900.'t0use or semi wanted Urgent. Large conunieanicos i bedrooms, fireplace, garage, only $2,900 | THREE. BEDROOM ranch type bungalow, PRIVATE PARTY wants two- or three. 00) 0 2. bedroom apartments close Steaat, $15,900, two bathrooms, two Nocte| EXCEPTIONALLY NICE bungalow, i28| Agents replies welcome. Write Box azesy,, 'APtS., Rooms, Room & Board ' TWO-BEDROOM bungalow, convenientty|f5 frontage by 191 feet. J. aM construction, Apply Box Oshawa Sat. 'til 3 p.m Telephone 723-6455 T garage. in immaculate condition inside| house and- garage, on College Ave. Lot 24--Stores, Offices, Storage NOW RENTING Suitable for rete sine: Easy terms. Mr. Appl 9 ?' iy terms. r. Appleby 723-3398 or 728- 5 ACRES of land with six "Pea hese: aa FOR RENT, centrai location, 400 Ont rick with triple garage ath CIA. schools and shopping. Call Mr Gower | south 745 Stevenson Rd. N ig ce e Wellman tr Ramble Jable October 1. 728-3506. Broadioem-by-Ang don 2 y ntr--7AE-Sy---0e-- 7) _-S00F-Park-Road Sam. 1956 CHEVROLET, | Wea , new J15501, OPEN 2- 9 P.M, DAILY. gi specimen ehivate srr: Paty neem AND BOARD in quiet adult home, |tires, A-1 mechanically, Full price $239, 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. Centrally located. Parking, Telephone South General Motors, Rent Includes N NI im D Fas: ane heats hydro and swimming peel. Ne Gam: cee ear bus stop. 25) Bruce St. Thickson Road), Highway | No. 2% 468-3331, 725-9934 R ears me paivave "AOOM _| 195 FORD, | Meance J2i7 ngs va ute 4 phone 942 during day and 723-0900 or power steer! Power self-contained apartment, refrigerator, | atter 7 soaring me, for gentleman, in new home, near Shop-| Like new! Nicols Mote Sales Lia" "host heat, hot and cold water, hydro. Stove MO DERN [furnished Mee tee or Apartment, UN-' and fridge supplied. $110 per month, No| ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, five-| 1965 PONTIAG, aparisienne, . Hae FOR $110) month! ---- appr GRIFFIN elephone 728- " | SUBLET. New two bedroom apartment. ican Tae =| Mate here, be t of nice "room. brick bungalow boasts 6 ( - Heat, hydro included, Leundry facilities, ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen. Cen- ue _ is lower opt. complete % en miles east of Kaladar, Ontario, Excel | PRIVATE SNTRARCES i E ane ent hunt! and fishing. 728-8283 RENT Bsb giao Sti be Seeriineri Two BEDROOM Sparinenh, Seva fe. East or telephone 725-2938 1963 FORD, two-door top, m e s yi exhaust fon in the kitchen, all units rented. Close to Oshawa on No 12 -8 ] 44 , Y WeICOME: frigerator, washing. facilities, Available | ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, near | "276% V-8, miramgh gid ust Te 'The proof of the pudding is [2 highway. Only $3,000 down and easy Hae vous ean wishes to tind another apt, 4 or 37) Albert Street Parking facilities. Apply 863 Ritson Road Rous) 'Mlghway'N Cy weet" of Thickson 24 acres of land. Call Doug Gower, 728. | PREMIER young business girl with furnis apart BASEMENT apartment, South or telephone 723-8364, U Coll 1005. |W. Frank Real Estate Limited, } G f || nine bth Telephone 725-2198 ROOM AND BOARD for . § " % entieman, Close to bus, hy } U 728-1656 WHITBY -- Seven - room, two - storey 321. Marland Ave. ren ) TWO BEDROOM apartment, in apart-|CLEAN unfurnished two room Ly eee 1. Bus, DamettRty Four rooms down and three rooms and S reation room, laundry facilities, children trance. Own bathroom. Heavy wiring. boayern AND piped for geniiemen will- welcome, Apply 374 Poplar Street from Parking. College Hill district. Non-ling to share. Lunches packed. Central, garage. Only $16,500 with $5,900 down, W. uvare ; or 723-1401 q ' = Reol Estate Limited Seer teen eee SSO aa Wat. 798.7876 TWO BEDROOM apartment, stove and oo TOnmly. 725.2915, ROOM AND BOARD in Christian hom ---- $4,200 t 1 raue-ron e be ORTON call refrigerator. Telephone 728- THREE ROOM apartment, suitable for|Sixday week, lunches packed, Abstain ingeliow, Ive acres ta: drilled wei ior A-C-T-I[-0- nei only 20 miles from Oshawa. $1,000 down "4 facilities, parking: reasonable. Phone ugar aa = "door, BUY! TRADE! ment, completely furnished. Close to St.|725.9843 'or apply 448 Drew. Street. WHITBY -- Central location. Large |condition, automatic, radio, white walls pt " property: bus at door. Call Doug Gower, 728-1005.| Tohy Zakarow 725-4366 Hedwig's School, Apply 216 Chadburn| shared room for two young gentlemen. and chrome discs. Licence No, H8255%, any |W. Frank Real Estate Limited, 623-3393 Nick Siblock 725-5701 ; LARGE one bedroom aoartments nice |monthr "Retrigeretor S1G7-50 to $120 Per ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman or 1966 CHEVROLET Bel Airs §.80 miles. CLARE McCULLOUGH area, well decorated, modern inside and Jerry Cood _723- 6356 location, on ground floor, ere sonaree. ee" evs & week. Tele: Private. V8, automatic, Power steering, Oshowo 723-7843 out. Ye acre of land. Oniy $10,900 with _- ery Goody adults only, available October 15, Tele-| ment : a ae phone 728-4257, MBBRRN Two waa URS ed sari. ROOM AND BOARD for young lady, /S0rles. Telephone 669-8312. sion: Call Doug Gower, 728-1005 W. Frank! $ $ $$$ bathrooms. Close to "weuth |close to downtown and north GM offices. |¥988. CHEVROLET, tour-door station Rea! Estate Ltd Real Estate Limited 623-3393, Homes, farms urgent- $ 0 clini + Consisting of 15 rooms, "A pea on Robert St., in North Osh ly required Yor coth Grenfell Square arbors three fireplaces, Te ca awa, Sudden loss in family forces sale. tr winging] (nis home Is, imme ne, DON STRADESK! Immediate Occupancy jus! m fo Sriveway Perry Real Estate, 'mam. clated. $4,000. down will handle Clone wy Realtor 2 bedroom apartments close 723051 ] ] double homes, four apartments of seven) Sheriff, Gritfin Rea} Estate Ltd., 723-8144 oe Se tee a ee Adults ondy 'OOM: h. Rent a Y $ ' . T FOOMS eac ent over $300. monthly. |$1,600- DOWN Just listed, S year old| PRIVATE SALE only. No agents please. TELEPHONE 723-6455 380-385 GIBBS Call Hel ' TWO-STOREY, north-west location, three [za1, Sy . yh aga -- or 623 rh pavengt for, house or semi in south Between 6.00 and 9.30 p.m REGENT ARMS down. 728-5103. W. O. Martin Realtor le of e FOR RENT e | d Oc y oe roan tee izabeth St. Telephone | bedroom older home under ten thousand mmediate very INVESTMENT PROPERTY, Arth wu r| 725-2068 after 3 p.m, Can arrange cash or your equity, trie, tng wh ane Re Nonquon Road; eight rooms (two in Oshawa Times Office Hours: Tues. to Fri, to Oshawa Shopping Centre. basement), very clean, nicely shaded lot TWO OR THREE piex Brick 10:30 a.m, to 7 p.m, Adults only located close to downtown in Whitby werden, Realtor, Oshawa, 723-447! imes Well landscaped lot, paved drive and| PRIVATE SALE -- four-room frame ge i ASSOCIATION Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. Br St 728-1070 , - and out. $14,200 with low down payment. | 40x124. Price $6,700. Apply 14) Chureh a 4 . -- : W. 1. Dougan Realtors, 725-1109 St. after 3 p.m BOWMANVILLE Heated, os SCUGOG AVENUE -- iwoyearcid brick HAVE THE NOUSE af it | 'eet bungalow, spotiess five rooms, three bed-ion this Dect nal an 29 Po = secorated. "Telephone ar ROSSLYNN ARMS rooms, walk-out basement. Only $15,900.) 150. CMHC Approved. 723-950: sim Bolahood Bros. Lid. * All Court quare feet, suitable for any line of bus APA ae ENTS ING STREET -- commercial roe PAA a yay pl He nn fo ah | MARS. Neated. 728-1901. 182 Simcoe Street R M FOR YEAR-ROUND BOAT and trailer storage eall Bowmanville 623-324, \ 728-9724 Steal at $15,900. Call Mr. Appleby 723-728-1005, W. Frank Real Estate ties 423 3392, $398 or 728-5123, 380.385 GiBB ST