eh, ak NS EY BN RL A Titi AR AB DO A Li MARKET TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCKS Distributed by CP Toronto Stock &x Quotations in cents unless marked $. 1--Odd dE x-dividend, |, Xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is previous board-lot closing sale. MINES lot, xi rights, trom Mogul C Mosher Con Negus Cc Red Conwest Cop Fieids C Denison Dieknsn Dome Duvan East Sul F Mar F Orenada Frobex Genex Gient Yk Grandroy Guich Gunnar Kirk Twns L Dufauit Sept. 13 Xt EX- 10:4 on High Low a.m. Ch'ge 3% Ba W4+ % 400 400 «400 » H 9 8 155 155 155 re oS (116 730 209 «215 22% 22a 22a DA Wa 2H * + + + ve) 152°" % 18% 4-- Ve 94 94 150 150 380 (375 «380 «+10 8 +1 -5 oO 680 13% 13% 20a 20 630 630 80 13% + val 20 --1{ ~10 | +14 3) + a +20 1 ' 295 24a 2) 270 (240 2. 4622 «69 $1l% WM 1% 83 OB! v7 7 $}i% le 11M o 0 «0 180 178 180 6 61 (63 12% 12Va 12% $10% 10% 10% 8 2 +15 TODAY Crain RL Crush intl Cygnus A Dale-Ross Disti Seag D Bridge Dotasco Dom Store Domtar D Textile Feicon Fam Play GMC Gi Paper Greyhnd Guar Trst Hardee Hara Carp 25 z Hard Crp A Hawker $ Hayes Sti Home A Huron Eri Husky Ol) Husky C pr Husky D W H Bay Co HB Oi) Gas Imp Oil imp Tob Ind Accept ind Wire Inland Gas Inland G p Int Nickel int Ulli Int Util pr inipr Pipe inv Grp A James stl Jefierson Jeffersn w Jockey © Labair LO Cem w Lav F 63w Life invest Loo Co A Lob Co M Lf Mills Mass-Fer Molson A Molson B Montex Montex pr Mont Loco Moore Noranda Nor Ctl @ Ogilvie Oshawa A Pac Pete Pow Corp Prem tron Price Com QN Gas Rank Org Reicnhoid Revelstk R Nodwell Royal Bnk Salada Shell Can Shell inv w Shuily's Silverwd A Simpsons Simpson § Slater Sti St Paving Stee! Can Steinbg A Tancord Tor Om Bk Tor Iron W Towers Traders' A Transair Tr Can PL Tr Can PI Tr Can Pw Trans Mt Un Carbid Un Gas U Corp B Versatd Wanoco 0 Walk GW Webb Knp West ind Westc'st Weston A West Awt Woodwd A Sales to POREIGN TRADING Abitibi 665 125 240 2 300 300 185 200 1425 p 100 150 755 125 300 235 100 200 M45 1000 100 250 2150 269 100 Noam, wo $ 5 § 13 5 615 27a 270 sg Over Financial Pr CVOTAWA TOPY ae A meeting of the federal and pro- vincial governments draws seven premiers to Ottawa this BONDS TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- dian bond market was up % to % of a point in the morning $1814 184. 18ia + Ma but fell back to close near 517% 17% 17% + %|Thursday's prices in active $slte 51% Si -- Ye treading Monday. years. $13% 13% 13% 4 ; $204 202 202+ %| Short - term Government of| at Mr, Sharp's request infla- #5 405 405 4 Canada bonds closed with the|tion will be the No. 1 item on $17 va|4¥-per-cent April 1, 1967, issue ithe agenda as the federal-pro- $24 7s \ closing at $99.30 bid and $99.50 vincial tax structure committee jasked. |sits down Wednesday. Fh +" tion and taxes. Finance Minister Sharp is expected to make at least a general plea for anti-inflation- ary spending restrictions by the provinces, He will also present Ottawa's stand on tax-sharing and re- ceive provincial demands, Thus will be revealed the prospects of agreement on sharing taxpay- ers' money for the next five 24 ' 1770+ Va % 53 = 2 AWa+ $20% 89% $12. W% $5470 54% 27 $10% $5e $28\a $47 47 750 750 $16% 16% $214 21% $26 528 5 bie 10% 105% Long-term Canada and pro-| The exchange of tax propos- soa 62 a+ "ivineial issues behaved simi-jals gives the meeting the ear- 827% 274 2+ ilaviy with the Government of|marks of a full-scale federal- oS ae as" + 5 |Canada 4%4-per-cent Sept. 1,|provincial conference of heads 6 ee 1983, issue quoted at 86% bid/of government. x x and 86% asked, In provincials,| he meeting would normally $3 sv sv --taithe Ontario Hydro a-per-cent bring only provincial treasurers sim 94 94-- Vai July 5, 1988, closed at 98% bid).+6 and Premiers Bennett of iw te ee and 98% asked. British Columbia and Johnson $252 254 25¥2+ | Day-to-day money traded at of Quebec, who also handle fi- $i5¥a 15¥a SV 4% per cent. wv stds tearm ait wile"! DWEDENDS | STOCK MARKET $116 11% 110 | a DIVIDENDS | siya pur : 'ce | TORONTO (CP) -- High-fly- 1%e-- Ye By THE CANADIAN PRESS ing speculatives faltered in the a P.L, Robertson Mfg. Co. Ltd.,| i216 stages of trading Monday ~ + one non-cumulative redeemable .. the Toronto Stock Exchange \non-voting 3-per-cent second) ,non profit takers cut sharply |pref, share of 20 cents par value|i i+, their gains, op 4k ae share, Sept. "A+ the close 3,948,000 shares ov, ci se ~ av. P ' - < " de Jefferson Lake Petrochemical !'*4 rete Law compared fee of Canada Ltd., common 714 with 4,412, teens : # --icents, Sept. 30, record Sept. 22.) The rejuvenated speculative } , 1%, ,,| Maher Shoes Ontario Ltd.,market caught fire late last $20% 2014 214 -- ref. 15 cents, Oct. 1, record|week on news that Frobex and 205 205 205 | Sent, 19; common 12 cents, Oct.|Area, jointly drilling on the Hid 26M ua 1, record Sept. 19. Gaspe property of Wexford Site 16% 16% | Dominion and Anglo Iny,/Mines, encountered copper min- A SS Corp., 5-per-cent pref. $1.25, |eralization. 322% we me + 4/Dec. 1, record Noy. 15, Frobex, which jumped 1.15 $2) 2) 21 +% Scottish and York Holding|jast week, eased 2 cents to 2.46 ses Ltd., common 5% cents, Oct./on 510,489 shares after touching $34 33% 33% + "15, record Sept. 15. a high of 2.90. Area backed off ete UF John Labatt Ltd., common 15/16 cents to 2.10 on 276,775 shares rae cents, Oct. 15, record Sept. 23./after being as high as 2.45. 280 284 + Ve : Res Industrials managed to 10 | lout a gain following the trend 16% -- ve! PRODUCE lof a strong New York market. 214 --1¥a It was the group's second con- dag tilted TORONTO (CP) ---Wholesale|secutive advance since Finance aa Poa 1 iat 19 \to retail carton eggs average) Minister Sharp announced his 200 200 200 weighed prices quoted by the anti-inflation program. 827% 27% 27% + denartment of agriculture as of Bell Telephone ae ns ne Monday: A large 65.3; A med-|Bank each were up 1% to 50% $24 24% 249+ Veiium 62.2; A small. 44.5. and 6814 and International Min- ge Ms yt | Eggs: | Wholesale price tolerals 4% to 6244. Inco slid 1 to $244 24a leountry stations fibre cases|807%. quoted by the Toronto,Board of| Golds suffered a sharp drop 7 770 24a Ottawa Faces Provinces oblems THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, September 13, 1966 93 BUSINESS BRIEFS * BREWERIES PROFIT J. G. Campbell, president of Canadian Breweries Ltd., told the company's annual meeting in Toronto Monday that profit in the first quarter of the cur- rent fiscal year was 14 cents a share, This compared with 13.8 in the same period last year. BENT ON GAINS Mike Rygus, Canadian vice- president of the International tance has attractea tive other premiers: Campbell of Prince Edward Island, Robarts of On- tario, Roblin of Manitoba, Thatcher of Saskatchewan and Manning of Alberta. AGREEMENTS EXPIRE The existing fivelear tax agreements expire March 31 at the end of the 1966-67 fiscal year. However, further five- year agreements must be reached by Jan, 1 because fed- eral authority to collect taxes on behalf of the provincial gov- ernments extends only to the end of this calendar year, The tax structure committee was set up to project--for the first time in the thorny history of tax-sharing--long-term future requirements at both govern- ment levels. and Roya? These studies now are com jplete, but whether they will |prevent the tensions and broad jdisagreements of some earlier jconferences is hard to predict. --| Mr. Sharp told the Commons lin his anti-inflation speech last \week that the federal govern- |ment will not surrender further jtax room to the provinces, For several years Ottawa has been slowly yielding more and more personal income and corpora- tion tax revenues to the prov- inces, It is reported that Ottawa now will hold the line and drop the |withdrawal or "abatements" |principle. NO INCREASING SHARE If the provinces wish to in crease income and corporation taxes in future, they could do so only by placing a_ higher over-all levy on the taxpayer, not by taking a larger jederal | | Leaks from the annual pre- miers' conference at Toronto in |August indicated that the fed- eral government had tentatively suggested increasing equaliza- tion payments -- which redis- tribute tax money to. low-in /come provinces--on the basis of a new formula. Since 1962, equalization has been based on average yields from personal income, corpora- |tion, estate and resource taxes. | The reported new base for equalization would take in other provincial revenues and set up Association of Machinists, said 4 evitical week for 2 showdown on infla-;nance portfolios, But its impor.|Monday in Toronto the union is gains in negotiations now under way with Air Canada, The un- ion, which represents 4,900 em- ployees, is asking for a 20-per- cent wage increase,. Current hourly rate for journeymen me- chanics is $3.17. OPPOSES QUICK CUT The federal government shouldn't cut construction spending abruptly as an anti- inflation measure, Armand Trottier, president of the Can dian Construction Association, said Monday in Toronto. He suggested instead long - range planning for the construction in- dustry. SEEK NEW TALKS Although their current con- tracts do not expire for another 15 months, 16 unions represent- \share of the existing tax dollar. | » 094,000, $10 Trade from wholesale egg deal-|as Dome retreated 2 to 46, Hol-;an index of national average ers: Extra-large 58-60; large 56-|linger % to a low of 20% and/prosperity. : 58; medium 54-55; small 37-40; |/Giant Yellowknife % to 11. | By measuring each province's 39-40; C 34-85, | On index, industrials were up/position against the index, the ing 9,000 employees of Alcan aoe er Be . nS SE PRT Pa TSE MELE MCU LU ARE sive mie: Aluminium Ltd. in Quebec are seeking a new round of nego- tiations aimed at wage * creases. 'The average hourly wage rate for employees at Al- can facilities in Arvida now stands at $2.85. Trade Balance Shows Increase OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's trade balance for the first seven = aha orrrery t 4 e Do- minion Bureau of Statistics re- ported Monday, The export balance on com- modities was $134,000,000 to the end of July, up from $6,100,000 a year earlier, Imports during July held al- most level at $737,800,000 as ex- ports climbed 8.3 per cent to $855,400,000. The month's ex- port balance almost doubled -|July, 1965, figures, For the seven-month period exports were up 17.3 per cent, imports 14:7 per cent. A 23.4-per-cent increase in ex- ports to the United States boosted the seven-month total to $3,453,900,000. July exports to the U.S.. were. 13.8 + per + cent higher than a year earlier at $501,500,000, S YOUR BUSINESS HELD BACK BY LACK OF FINANCING? IDB has helped to finance many growing businesses in the acquisition of land, buildings, machinery or equip- ment. It may be useful for you to discuss the financial needs of your business with us, lid | INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 27 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA TORONTO, ONT.: 250 University Avenue = Telephone: 368-1145 BE SURE YOU ENTER... The Oshawa Times Power Boat Marathon ONTEST Competitors from Canada and U.S.A. will be racing in the Third Annual Lake Ontario International Pro-Am Power Boat Marathon, an 80-mile VOM ITit course from Oshawa to Toronto and return, for the Carling Cup and other awards. 10% 10% + ¥iB Cc Mosher as «(85 Kerr Add Lk Dufauit Madsen R Siscoe Un Keno H 300 675 PRODUCTION IS COMMUNICATION Because someone hadn't told acm someone that the order had been changed. 1200 85 500 $12 12 600 $1) nN 14 340 650 255 =-s 1s 15 1S = Uh Wh Ue | n 2 =} 15a 15Ve 15a + Ve wv 9 w +14 280 $5912 S914 SA + 25 $224 2% 22% 4 7 | Butter prices: Agricultural|.16 to 145.44, base metals .32 to/federal government would set ~ \'stabilization board tenderable|87.43, western oils .68 to 98.91\the size of payments for prov- oH jcarlots: Buying 40 score 59;|and the TSE .17 to 138.87. Golds |inces that fell below the aver- ~" |buying 89 score 58; selling 59. fell 1.43 to 170.06. jage. Pine Point Placer 'A * om It's Simple to enter . . . you could win a Ask our Business Office for the facts on how to send information from where it /s to where it's +1 136 $294 DA BM+ $00 110 Sitvrtids Siima Siscoe Sud Cont Sullivan Texmont Texore Tombil! Trin Chib Tundra U Asbestos" 2600 U Buffadn 9000 Utd Pore 7000 Urban Q Vespar Zulaps 1000 sii" i" "e+ 10 110 } $44 4% 44+ ! OILS, GAS Am Leduc Asamera Banff Calvert CS Pete Cc &x Gas C Gridoli Cdn Sup 0 Cdn Trient 1000 1000 French Pt Gr Plains int Helium Mill City Nat Pete Numac Numac wt Permo Place Prairie Prov Scurry Ro 19100 2450 6 ol Stanwell Triad OW U Canso 100 260 . ee See 325 320 325 $11 11% 11% 2» 2 8B 189 «(189 415 410 «410 470 «470 «(470 $19% 19% 19% 240 240 240 $10% 10% 10% 875 875 875 S19% 19% 19% 320-205 do 189 370 370 197 (97 262 262 «262 INDUSTRIALS Abitibi Alta Gas p Alte Nat Algo Cent Algoma 8t Alcan Alcan pr Alumin 2p Anthes A Asbestos Atl Sugar Bank Mitt Bank N S$ 16S 210 150 200 135 3437 400 Bell Phre Brazilian BA Oi! Br Intl Fin CAE ind Can Cem Can Cem p Caribben Chemcell Chem 175 @ Chrysier Codville A Comince 435 Computr 100 Con Bidg w 4325 Con Paper Cons Gas 250 $10" $90 $16% $10 $26% $30% $37 $40%4 404 $23 2% $2! 2 94 aM 65 0% ~ 0 10% 10% » 9 16%8 16% 9% 10 26% 26% + 0% 20% +} Vie WM + % $ Hooray. A thousand widgets in record time. And there went the profit. That's why we say: Production is communication, Communication is the very needed. Reliably. Accurately. Through a service from Bell, the communications people! = LT heart of everything that happens. You need 3 of this, 300 of that; change the colour, size or weight. Someone has the information: unless it's communicated to the people on the line, it is useless. And it must get there fast and accurately. There are hundreds of ways of communicating; one of them is Telescript. Telescript links two note pads by telephone wires: As you write the information on one pad it appears on the other. B Bell Canada ; Heres All You Do To Enter... Fill out the application form below with your guess of the actual time it takes the first boat to complete the 80 mile race. The person guessing the closest time to the official time will win the Crestliner Boat and Evinrude Motor, In the event of a tie a skill testing question will be asked. All entries must be posted marked NOT LATER than MIDNIGHT Friday, September 16th. Mail application forms to: The Marathon Con- test, ¢/o The' Oshawa Times. a es OSHAWA TIMES POWER BOAT MARATHON , Application Form | NAME -scssesssstesebesstserttressersstseeserteneeteetenee | MOORES, oo cae eo ie ee | WR i, ee MY TIME GUESS IS ey ee ee MAIL TO: THE MARATHON CONTEST e/e THE OSHAWA TIMES, OSHAWA, ONTARIO See the Start and Finish Of This Great Sporting Event . . . Sat., Sept. 17 At the Oshawa Harbor. . . Starting at 10:30