| 38 me OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, September 12, 1966 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE' CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale 14--Business Opportunities SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT A A ig lenienal te HISIN ysnacd tubs, overhead garage / $39,000. ESS x C D \ / C L Dp) iJ i. c TO R Y rSCRAPS- 4 wean! TH steel windows, steal I NIE wJ7LIN V i \u _ i] ied oa BS heey beams, wooden. beams, cup- INVESTMENT R boards, furnaces, panel box- B ' i es, boilers, rads, Anything in WEDDING ; the line of used building ma- Lot size 115 ft. x 111 ft. PROCESSION . terials, For sale year round. Well kept older type, solid Ace ¢ Building Trades Gardening and Supplies Rug, Upholstery Service Do caPtive 1 NEVER SEEM i Telephone 725-4171 or 728- | brick home, with ountants ing 9 PP ig, Uphoiste PORPOISES DISPLAY at FA ail B | D ( ET 3521, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. four tom self Peas vacteit CHESTERFIELDS upholstered and IHADLLIGENCE OM A SHES JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered OF A SECOND SLOWER LARGE REFRIGERATOR, In good con-| POrtment. Large showroom Accoun- s ; . 7 Bond Street re-styled, Free estirpate, See our m ba PAR WITH ORAROYE CONCEALED. Gi OE pa RR a al Residential NURSERY SOD rial for recovering. \ Slip covers mi WAS OF A DOG Within A af pie cldiaea Gition, with freezer compartment, Tele-| plus extra large workshop and : to order, Dalton U; istering, 73 Char 4 im \ WILLIAM C. HALL, B. Comm. Chart- Commerci al : : Street, 723-7212, ' gp fF eitig ; phone 728-2080, two car garage. Plenty of ered Accountant, 36% King Street er Now cutting, choice Ken- " peor i4\ | FULLER lv rbeyl Bt fay South} Parking even four transports Phone Genes reer . | tucky Blue, Also some No, ea. 20. yrs. Workmensh App thie og Ladsnbaianin' Durham, 723-0444 , if needed. Zoned MIB. Ideal fos cu "mt 0 A Saaltio weakeetnine goes WA GIG Industria 1 field sod. Pick up and save. | Free es es. Cre terme, Mattresses % TV TOWERS SPECIAL--4 ft, structure,| for body shop, storage yard, A . Z ; i it, for e re ed, . 9 all channel i " 4) Mireet North, "80097. Res. 723-7605. Repairs -- Alterations We also deliver and lay, = ering, PV sgh thes age Db q z ait chanrel_satenns $50, TRIO Tele} dry cleaners, machine yi GORDON "R. DAY, Certified' General Additions --- Remodelling Telephone 668-4965 -- : Ms ¢ 135 Ib WATER FOR SALE, 623-578. THe Sehofielgane Tek tine Coniens all wt For all yoyr Censtruction After 6 o'clock Sales and Service ; "Hi; , 4 MATTRESS BARGAINS, All yes oF a 66, Schofield-Aker Ltd, ALBERT HOSMAR, Car chatiared Accoure Needs -- ! Blue Brand tresses,, all reduced, " Smooth-top } f 5 r res: tt 5 tant, 4 Prince Street, Suite 4 Osh CALL SPRING CLEAN-UP APPLIANCE Beef retest WO bode, Gielen SHELL CANADA LIMITED has ® une Gis. Cnierio. Leeete fe --| JAMES ALLEN: & SONS @ Plonting @ Sodding @ tn a cots complete, $)9.88, Wilson's Furni.| oer, 0f Service stations for lease on busy JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ REPAIRS 14 Won 15 Ibs. ture, 20 Church § Streets FUME Varteries, Better than average income, Beeioshaner meS0, elgg yates TAS-6125 * Everaheerts @ Grading @ E I mak mnouee b Wieners FURNITURE -- three rooms, new quai-|formation J. E. Van Zant og eld "6 Bast, Oshawa, 7: as i xpert repairs to all makes * 4 ity. furniture, ve $299, ine. ques nt, wr, ° a compli alin YALE, FRIEDLANDER | '| QUALITY CARPENTRY | @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- | of washers, dryers, ranges, Head alone pero badreach view' Theor," kitchen "eneare [POR SALW = Tenses gas. bletlan Woe | ¥ S fered Accountants, Licensed Trustees in grass @ Complete landscap etc. : ? 4 * bles, Pay only $3 weekly, Unbeatable|"2°M house, restaurant, 20 seats with Bankruptcy: 52'2 Simcoe Street North.) & GENERAL REPAIRS ing @ Fertilizers. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ : ADORIED WiiTE. Pork Chops valves! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424) Conveniences, House oll furnace, restau Oshawa 726-7371. | For all your home improve- 723-9020 memati bows o-Aragh ; : kaa Proximatels. Vea i trontaee ae HOPKINS, BEADLE AND arter- It j - . ] VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hi ig Sy Aaa ee eat, Shins Oe 725-8576 | Blo tr east ALCAN . Ry Chicke Brahe lo, etary bn | orn' Ge "yc ten, Me nia. 705-9509; §. 7. Hopkins, CA; H, E. i chain "Cina vane Ohlone aaaily FURNITURE and APPLIANCES ne IN TKEIR FAMILY, fish itd oe aa Service, Main Streel,|7 per cent mortgage or will accept good A. aici Pir |smail farm as down payment. Li 1 Beodis, CA) B.. Lukow, © Then have.a talk with Our | material and workmanship, Low. prices, 452 Simcoe S. ----- Oshawa eee ee 10 Ibs. MOVING? Save dollars, rent U-Haul | miles north of Lindsay on 35 Hiewwey. customers, free estimates. 723-5377, Rental Tralle 1 Sussel Cameron, 35R11, Lh Lio cee ee estimate 3 5 apie a Telesho 23-0011 rallers, local or one way, Can-| o Barristers RVMMIGE CAVING air Coheain. Oni INOREERK GOB ow cone oma ----emephone 723-0011 Bologna ada or U.S, United Rent-All, 728-5665, $55 | - ha FRED R. JONES, LLB, Barrister and| your driveway paved by experts, 20 cents quality Kentucky Blue, Prompr delivery King East at Wilson, 15--Employment Wanted _ Solicitor, 86 King Street Bost, Suite 307,/sq. ft All work guaranteed 3 'years.J/on any amount. Phone after 6, 668-4965 Rent A Pi \ . . | 5 Ibs, STANDARD TYPEWRITER, $20; on! 725-035 723-0281. FREE TO TRIM Col Biime oF TTT cot en 1ano 1--Women's Column 6--Marine Equipment Buses able, $35; electric standard, DA WILL TAKE attentive care of one or WUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN al HILLMAN,|CARPENTRY -- New ano repairs, block|them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 oF SEE LADIES! i is your piano in tune? Any adding machine, $30; electric multiplier, two children in my home while mother arristers, Solicitors, 36% King Street) and cement work. Free estimates. 728-7680) 728-0610, HEINTZMAN moths? Tuning and repairing. Sebastian] 10 4b cash register, $40. Phone 723-4434, |Works, Near Oshawa Shopping Centre, ast, Oshawa: R, D. Humphrey, QC NEW PLASTERING and repairs sivcse, [DARLINGTON @AROEN SERVICE RC Ltd Hohmann, 725-7001, EXTRA LOW COST a AUTHORIZED BURROUGHS, Oiympia /*5658 EE a SpA cl BN skit) Whitby, |4nd factory, mechanical repairs to equip-|Free estimates. Phone 987-4754. Ever- ompany Ltd, i . 2 s Sausage Gealer. cash regs. adders, typewriters, | LAWNS CUT, Odd jobs) also moving end 82761; 74326; | 725-5193. | NHA "and |ment._Call Pickering, Sa2ehi7. priori: sete, pation. CIN 79 Simcoe St. N,, Oshawa 2--Persona Say ee on this 5 Ib money. down. New, 'Used,' rentats, serve /raung Call 728-2882 or 723-6030. other first mort funds availabie. YOUR LOCAL chimney cieaner. Chim-|con EigLD AND NURSERY -- Free! 909 ou ' jice, trades. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. {WILL GIVE DAY CARE} to pre-school GREER AND MELLY, Barristers, Sollci-| "evs built, repaired, gas linings Installed, |/20'" ans. Prompt delivery. 7283325 oF Telephone 728. 2) | Removal of superfluous hoir Pork R child in my own home. Wilson' Rd eee eee And King. 'Street! East, Dial|f00's repaired. Free estimates. 723-2997. Tas 90. SEWING MACHI il Matie. Murduff will Ube in or oast | Suits AND DRESSES, size 11-16, almost/King St. aren" Phone mann ** yg ones 4 M. Greer, ROOFING, et tor end' gravel, ehingies, : bien rome] Maken Wace quarenived. Fox heme Wty!' Cahawy) Sent, 12, 19 and 14. 3 Ibs Tand, 'te. Telpphone Tiida, =i | WILL GIVE LOVING care to child in my QC, 725-3368; Terence elly, q repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H. nstruction $e@ prong. (e5-va5 oN RE ER AERA lon these ; or north Oshawa ares, Telephon $332) Thomas H. Jermys, BA, LLB, 725-|Reefing and Construction, 725-6937. whieh se ses ARC and ACETYLENE wellding and cul ks ia " Cooked Meats eR Ee hay oo weal? 942, od : x iL TYPE BUILDING 6REPA ee ting. Reasonable rates, S09 Bloor East PP ' Mato | JAMES MACDONALD, BA, 'LiB, ha dae soe os Phone T2320 = ELECTROLYSIS BOAT (assorted) ANTIQUE ORGAN, in excellent condi-| bagel a ra eh Barrister and Solicitor and Notary _ places, masonry, Gord May, Whitby, GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer 3 Ibs Hom ee 1 2 |88 companion to own child. Apply 4! Nes oahawsontarie et me 668-2774, washers. and ranges. Free estimates. Cali 723-4641 : . CRIB, PLAY PEN, carriage, stroller, Sandra Street West, Osh: available, 725-4716 or 725-4717 CUPBOARDS made to order. Trim, con- coh da ond RIDE OR RIDERS to Toronto arriving PURCHASE Veal Cutlets | able, "Telephone ies0n Reason: | LADY wishes to do housework, Telephone g Crete footings, floors and patios. A. Mac SOMETHING DISAPPEAR? Place & lost x r Bi nd Wellsiey, Tele- " 725-0434 atter 5 o'clock. JOHN D. McLAUGHLIN, B Comm. LLB, Kay, 654 Grierson. Street. 725-9450. CLASSES ad in Classified to reach the finder, pial oo oe a i (breaded) GAS RANGE, two years old, four 7 bare wie 60 any Pi r barrister and solicitor, 22¥2 King St. 6.) 723-3492 for an ad-writer now. " . ers, excellent condition, $100, Telephone! yon any job. Painting, clean up 773-2231 res. 723-0944. EAVESTROUGHING -- Murray Holl fein | SIMPLE MONEY TALK: Classified 'Aas! ,, 4" x 29" Turkey 12 Ibs, 723-9096. fobs, tree trimming . and nd cutting. ste. P34 day. Guaranteed work. Free estimates : Septic Service sell things you don't need for spot; 14' x 64" x | Free Ph. 728 725-9404 Group lessons in instrumental ptic Servic CASH. Dial 723202 for an séwriter| FIBRE AS (for Xmas) CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS clearance Smo: ST aT TT? aE ee : - # floc . AE B ae NEW PLATERING and repairs, stucco,, music following the Orff Met- | SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Phompt service new areas | | Cushions from S138, Modern 4 with foam | 17. Female Help Wanted ee sidewalks, "remodelling, rec-rooms. Free) hod for children 5 to 12 years | on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street RUNABOUT (Your cost approx. from $158. 3 pc, sectionals from. $188 I estimates. A. C. Wood, 728-3420 or 728- West, Whitby, 66-2563, iain 's Column People 917. of age. The fundamentals are thn i 3--Sportsman's Colu siddshield,: Hesting, weanine Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. WANTED NOW! 'Sing the Praises arse AS ' ' ; tought through rhythmic acti- HUNTING LICENCES, guns, ammunition, f BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- of Oshawa 5 REPAIRS, AiR, FINISH, re Tec rooms, painting. tg flys pans aul the Surveyors | supplies. Valley Creek, 16 Bond St. W., lights --- complete pliances. Call Elmer, tampton 269-24 Teenagers --- Mothers -- Action Ads cath sn Sh ciaving of abecllth. deniened W. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land 728-4401. Se See $545 00 +. _| Grandmothers -- to start ot ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ail types playing Pp y Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street East, Phone _---- ' GUN COLLECTION: Wincheste -| once showing luxurious Chrit- cement work, side slabs, stoops. instruments, Those provided | 725-6881. | cian . CLASSIFIED RATES Frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-2061. én flute-like Vectedens glock- |5ONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, On. |-- 'Motorcycles with 33 H.P. Evinrude elec- f 26 Varieti exceptional 'ination daring beck jo tra| OS, cords to friends and EXPERT PAVING. Free estimate, in- enspiels, xylophones, metalo- tario Land Surveyor. Sormmnereasl blue} ~ MOTORCYCLE SALE _ tric start, controls, battery A Total o 6 arieti€S |see after 6 p.m. and weekends. 604 Hor-| neighbours, Earn plenty of TRO ADS sie of 24 words, $1.08; Goets, wrasiog end fit, Bd hegs neko phones ' tealle timpani and | Prints. 11 Ontario Street, 725- Used scooters, trail bikes, phates os complete for MEATS Steaks, |2 Avene. ____________| extra cash for Christmas this » Mac. each) 3 con-| oe : ' lt ig 7 GET A JOB with work "wanted " r j ( ICE CREAM CABINET -- three-hole in| easy way. No experi Fa: emg Pe 'of 24 words, $2.88; | P8Ving, 723-5841. assorted rhythm instruments. [Cas siied. Bw 1 work, hee ahd hovel oe ih we ee "pi $1 150 00 Roasts, Your Xmas perfect condition. Coca-Cola cooler, ré pon yi pa ro peti additions! words orn eo ' a Carpentry This course is rv ae ego 'ed-writer help you phrase your |ob-| das Suzuki. . $99. and up. ' Turkey ee ait ote Pass fashioned china cab- the selling for Jeli Gree 306 ive Insertions words, $5.04; to prepare children for ad. , bub dra TCE SE SEITEN HERR : ; jonal words 21c, each, REMODELLING, trim work, cupboards,| study of an instrument of Joe 9 HONDA SHOP above with 600 Ib. trailer -- (all fully guaranteed) BIKETIME! Summertime! New, used.| items beautifully illustrated in recreation rooms, and stairs, Free esti- , TV--Radio Repairs 199 King West, 728-4242 complete. Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond) full-colour. Write today for Che 10 ner cunt, aditonel charge rere a sephone, 225 70ss their choice and to stimulate | Pp No M D Street East, 725-6344. y fr'not paid within 8 days. mates. Telep! : paihuciasn'fob sirius oey Open Evenings $ 1285.00 | fe) oney Vown -- F¥PEWRITERS ior HIS TS Christmas cards on approval Method of Counting -- Less then 24/Dentistry already begun. Hour-long les- | we SUbune oo. Huet: tere Cll f 3 Months to PAY _ |sels: portables, reconditioned, 1'yr, Guar.) 9d free catalogue, Monarch Is counts as 24 words; each word, = sons once a week on Friday pda ltl acti dineatane EXPLORER TRAILERS $39. File cabs, like new 4 dr. $40. We| Card Co, Dept, 22, 217 Can- initial, figure or abbreviation counts as CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M,, Dental YWCA . ° | MOTURCYCLE, 650 cc. Triumph Bonne- ~) On Budget both not be undersold. Bill Hamilton Rag-} non, Hamilton. one words phone number counts two) 5uroeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa il gd le a "BUILT. IN OSHAWA' ville, much chrome. Best offer over $600.) OQ, Ip, copacity $179.50 tan. Hf BIALEK, DR. E. P., Dental Surgeon, further information contoct: AT OUR OWN PLANT 1966 HONDA, CB160. Like new! Black; Sal FREE HOME DELIVERY ae Mt wat sa ll wen! BOOKKEEPER SIRTHE--DRATHS-- 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For still on warranty. 942-5863, 700 Ib. capacity $214.50 TO YOUR DOOR. exe party dress, turquoise, Telephone ' ' SOCIAL NOTICES 4 jappoiniment, 720-5842 or Res. 728-8441, MRS. STELLA MORTON, We give you. a_ better Sale $160 125-5166 $225 per insertion ad tower for Less Money N.S.U, 250 €C, Good condition, $150 cash iets eed npivetnaibiink tional 'charge if not paid within ® 388. Drosemaking a F Sroee 902 mi wer for Les sale, Student" needs money. | Telephone 850 |b. capacity $252.00 ORDER TODAY FROM | |iv™ 'TOWERS SPECIAL -- toot tower RECEPTIONIST rook! struct IN MEMORIAMS DRESSMAKING-- Suits, coats, dresses alah SATOR Toil -- einai tbe Salata Sale $189 Kleer-Pak Foods Ltd. |$50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton easter the frst. 28. words ond S,| sherations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting a| BALLET, "BAT! wirling. Registe 1966 SUZUKI Hustler, 250 CC. 3,000) Road East, just east of Ritson Road, REQUIRED FOR each thereatter plus 12c. per line ofl Speciaity, "Mrs. 'Toms, Whitby, 668-2i72.|47, P.M. gaily, Hervey nce Academy, . miles, showroom condition. $650. Tele: 1100 Ib. ee as OSHAWA COMPLETE SET of World Reterence 666- pho 5 . e Encyclopedia, set medical encyclopedia, Sector ise aaditlone! charge it nol paid Oshawa _centre. a within & days. Gordening and Supplies | TUITION in Wign school subiects. A few SUPPLY LTD, $--Trailers 1900 0b. capdeity «$347.50 725-8863 also, set World Natures Library, Phone LAW OFFICE os oF wey i re 3866. TAUNTON RD. E. ais 7 i FR cise pamag SL GET. TRAILER CLEARANCE SUPPLIERS TO HOME [LEO aie cee yen! coves Seamus: em 28 for the first 35 words and Sc. each ~ --- VU E € Ritson) ee mor with ie additional charge if ° PIANO-- Classical, popular and theory. ust East of Ritson COMBINATIONS salary. Pleasant ki not paid within & days. F. || G d g For information contact Patricia Tuck,| TRAILER HEATERS. RE- FREEZERS. |down, also desk, potato chipper, four-hole ams working con+ GN REGONING rere teen cere. BOP | 723-8131 - 723-8192 | FRAUEN HEATERS RE | OS teen 14 Me \Seter Stet window Serene ire ica! tions per inch (Sisplay)) $1.75 for the 5 % Mortaaae | ree oS Oe d tang with steering, wind- 1 |wheel 400 x 8, picnic cooler, fireplace first 2 words and' Se each thereater| -- Superfine Grass Mix es oe shield, upholstered seats, run- ore aX, [screen, Webster sir compressar, two! -- Apply BOX 42719 Cyrene: Ase), No. 1 Fine Grass Mix TELEVISION -- _RADIO. MILLER HEATING ning lights, controls, battery psi rei "iy medern three-piece" sectional, Mossbera OSHAWA TIMES AUCTION SALES H MORTGAGE A and box, 40 H.P. Evinrude or Auto rvi '22 automatic, B.B. gun. Jamilton, $2.24 PER INCH PER INSERTION. Eva bp ag 24 HOUR SERVICE __9 Tudor St., Ajax, 942-3491 davitic tue, 700.16, Explor- e 985-7160. oiler aa or } i WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |5 oo ° connate Suburban Hay-Pasture LOANS HOLMES RAMBLER TRAILERS | $f, trailer -- for immediate | (Che "Dodge, Ford, Ply. \S----Market Basket oftee see OND Bay PREVIOUS Individual Grasses SALE -- RENT $] 49 5 00 mouth, Pontiac. We 'correct FRESH VEGETABLES, fomaiost. cor, COMING EVENTS $2.24 'ak é wheel alignment, inspect and on Fe a oe ua iearion ert has" | Greene Ger |: ELECTRONICS fog Sarge 2 s:E. cbrrect. coat sind: Covioer,. ah ae twee wage oe ee am, a -6- pariocda. Ne: Banus. Firt BUDDY TRAILERS align toe-in and toe-out to | FRESH ROASTING chickens, 40c. pound.) For professional office. Age BIRTHS AND DEATHS Evergreen 6-9-6 ; For Prompt Service Call PORT HOPE 14' Lapstrake Aluminum with correct condition . . . 6.88 Large capons, S0c. per pound. Deliver en] 20 . 35, Reply stating age, _ mortgages,. second mortgages i 1 . T 5291, a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATIO! Golfgreen 12-6-6 Ghd SAPGLGHE ter Gale: Gore Lot at 401 ond 28 sleeper seats, flat vinyl cov- @ Parts, extra if required | 10_oF more, Telephone 728-529 marital stetus ond experi- : ; | ; |POTATOES -- delivered, Telephone 623- i CARDS OF THANKS, Milorganite | chased _Whitby : 668- 5679 MOBILE HOME, nearly new, Glendaie| fd floor, windshield, steer- @ Torsion bar adjustment | OT var ence to: -- 0' x 10'. Two bed f letely fur- ing, push button controls, extra. = §'pm. DAY PREVIOUS Bonemeal M. F. SWARTZ HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED |nisnea." apply, Noreae'soomey" "Traller| ~ boviery and bos 40 HP, . EREGH "VEOETABLER | -- | fortetons BOX. M42103 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Peat Moss 26: 6 King St. Eost TV TOWERS res een eee -- Evinrude Lark with generator. BRAKE SPECIAL Carrol, pepoe"s beets, cabbages, beans, OSHAWA TIMES Pa m, day lous: - A made and installed, easonable prices. William Sacl orn re Gage Lee ak nations 2 Oshowa, Ontario ARE BEST jalso all types of welding done. Portable For immediate delivery, Most popular cars, First ton's Road South, first farm south of ( es h | equip for rent, Tel 723-6840, Quality Royaline. Hydro Sub-station, west side, CANCELLATIONS AND ooper Smit Asa 723- 4697 ue WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! $1486.00 Z viheale : i ss M CORRECTIONS FIRST ond SECOND |6--Marine Equipment | e 10--Farmers' Column 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION pads With 700 Ib. Explorer Trail- i eth s A8 f MORTGAGES | SACRIFICE -- 16° cedar strip boat, 28 WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL MAN WOULD LIKE to rent barn, large WHILE YOUR i horsepower motor, trailer, many extras er. Any advertisement cancelled before pub- j fication will be charged on day's. insert- -- All Classes -- | Including weights per wheel | €pough_to nold AVE SE SR FENS. THE CHILDREN SLEEP i 16 CELINA ST City R iV. t } $500, batt Serra, even Sree $1646 00 on 95 E. $$ h 4 ae ion. p -- City, Rural, Vacation -- |with tropical fish, filter, etc., . Tele- vee j * "AND CRIPPLED farm alock bia. arn per hour, demonstrat- BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 3.231 SUMMERLAND TELEVISION oe Oe ee: . SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, et Up Deep Merge roe een | ing 'Parkes Toy Chest's un+ 723-2312 -- 723-1139 SECURITIES LIMITED Corner Bond and Division "|12-FT,, GIN. (SPRING BUCK) aiuminun FRONT-END WORK AT Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263-| usual and unique line of tays | While every endeavor will be made to r ; forward replies to box numbers to the Member Ontario Mortgage 728-5143 1 Fetinsan "tnator, $30. complete. 723-3622. 15' Crestliner. Fibreglas --- COMPARABLE PRICES rll asia san and~gifis:~No~ deliveries oi advertisers as soon as possible, we ac Delivery Service -- Dem ian Sone \ cept no liability in respect of loss or Closed Wednesday P.M more CITY TV televisions, radios, |FOOT SPRINGBOK "aluminum run: sora ashi id - nays lank 11--Pets and Livestock a ete yd "nauiet damage alleged to arise through either v y ™\. d s | about, excellent condition, equipped com- Seats, windsnieid, steering, SALED WAY 3 en Pick a | low rs. Hartwig failure or delay In forwarding such re- Me AOI One Bo Mas salar AND SECOND mortonces, wale| *TY'S#" ONC repairs. ervice |plete with deck, steering, gear, wind controls, battery and box and sonny SNe for sale, Pick-up or wi 723-3568 piles, however caused whether by neg Hi agreements purchased and sold' Hennick; dept. open 7 days a week, |shield, navigation lights. Used two} 199 H.P, Evinrude -- speeds ' gence or otherwise. The Times wi I fer LAWNMOWER and Hennick, Barristers, 21 King Street} Also T.V. towers, color and pe a ATL al =| Up to 48 MPH: a real ski TIRE STORE €OZY-J RANCH Kennels, Reg. German be responsible for repiles uncal East, 723-7232. "STARCRAFT" Grew Travelier boats shepherds, males, 4 mos., 9 mos. Hig ng in 20 days. S A | F ast, 723- black and white T.V, Anten- lavantiiba dhotera. Ooen ll eats! boot shots, stud servs. Ashburn 655-466 4 SALESLADIES REGULATIONS 1 apt AR nM ogy at ee installed, Sales | weekends. Marine Storage and. Supply $7950 00 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH BLACK WELSH PONY, gelding, 7 Part-time for exclusive ladies 12 Simcoe St. N. -- 725-3568 Street North, Whithy 468-2338 and Service 9 a.m. to 9 P. m, Ltd,, Brooklin, 655-3641, hands, $125., trained for show. Telephone} sports wear shop. Experience Times will not be responsible . al! idem TELEPHONE 72 725-8597. 4 The Oshawa Times o Drastic Reductions WILL ACCEPT existing morigeges, saie| 306 Kitchener Avenue, Co MP Evinrude motor. All new head 725-6511 aa ate | preferred. Pleasing personals q ts submitted : rT; po eh of Peal ie Weinert for more Also Complete Sales and Ser; agreements in trade for income proper-| 725-0500, . 728-6879. All Bash . piel ade Bh de Ad yr --_ a, | BEA sasy ao dy ity, ond than one insertion. of any advertisement vice On Gardening Equip- tes in Cobourg and Pert Hope Cell Giare| work guaranteed 6767 Whitby y : MANY OTHER BIG T aes bi we 4 fr arng tpi sr 'Apel Mrs. Refarences Rancingd Solar a nor beyond the price charge for @ single ment McCullough, 723 Ra ran ea! eae eugnyes wo ree ing ar 4 5% Estate Ltd, 14 FIBREGLAS Cadorette, 25 HP Viking accordance with li WESTTey, SRN stron conurs Toro, Lawn Boy and : Ee Eee et nseane ey aN. Rentals leulboard, windanielen ceoatole tralia, BARGAINS Stands with lighting 12--Articles Wanted sail ability te The Oshawa Times reserves the right to Yardman Lawnmowers Optometrist New Sets tere, New 1964. Rxcellent.. condition.) ~CONVENIENT TERMS GOOD USED FURNITURE. Whol" have APPLY IN PERSON classity advertising according to its "i rhc a ese ect os Ae ee Good as new A real bargain, rare? aeaeaation. Wheel Horse Garden Tractors F, RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe ALCAN \s0 HP MERCURY lotr ana bost, excel 9 you? peiy Creek 16 Bond Street West, SEIGNEUR'S Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone Htent ition, Appl dun Rd. Tele- Now at the 728-440) > In the cases of display advertisements RUNDLE 723-4191 FURNITURE AND ee er a pply 371 Verdun ele t BIRKS JEWELLERS GOOD USED furniture wanted, etc, High: SPORTS WEAR LTD. Oshawa Shopping Centre est prices. Call anytime. MacNells' Oshawa Shopping Centre The Times will not be held responsibie - ~- fe for more space than that which the actua' | SONG SA SRV RRR? 8 Oo th the APPLIANCES: g | OSHAWA 725.351) jFurniture, 668-5481, 668-6526, good annenranre error occupies. The publishers endeavor GARDEN CENTRE LTD, Business Service Directory brings extra | to reproduce all advertising matter cor- 1015 KING ST. E. oo tg A He altace ig ke % [end apoio One (Good Used furniture 13--Articles For Rent WAITRESSES ' e location only. Pretty rectly, but assume no fiability of adver- : 4 a SNES tisement if any inaccuracies in any form 725-6551 . PI bi dH ji Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, required . are contained therein. umbing an eating de oad 3 5 Dish- Walaa, - i SERIS dint | PLUMBING 'SUPPLIES, new t tubs,| Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dis! '17'S EASY TO PLACE A oe Bre gee gee : 56 a ay, TOWERS Pioot TIMES ties, basins, pumps, pipe, Complete! es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Apply Mr. Campbell |vaattes, supplies. Call us for prices. | TIMES ACTION WANT AD NO. 1 NURSERY SOD PLUMBING MART COLORED TV Free lay out service. Ales weekend} Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Call Classified Direct Sold direct, 20% off cop- |arranged installation, 668-6601, 149 Brock; Wear, Men's Formals, White Genosha Hotel Up to 100, 30c sq. yd. de- both or black and white ° Street North, 8.30 a.m. -- 9 p.m. | Stol per pipe, pumps, 3 piece bath, p.m. | ~--« Fox Furs, Mink Stoles No Ph Il 723-3492 livered. 100-200, 28c sq. 24-Hour Servi {30 MOFFAT dei lo_ Phone Calls id; daliveted. 200 yd: ond ainless steel sinks, vani- BF iid. ors Horbor Rd. off Simcoe St. $. | ematOReAY, delat edt, heavy ai SARGEANT'S RENTALS yd. *d. 200 yd. ond up | ties, plastic, black and gol- 723-0065 or 668-5830 C| f d rr ates G1 to Inmee lenge storape. drier lewitena | INDEX TO ee eeiivene vanized fittings and pipe. RAE'S RADIO & T.V. assifle 723-8186 conditicn, one year old. 723-1848, 463 Ritson, Rd. S. , 7208898 WOMAN IFICATIONS NO. 1 FIELD SOD 668-6601, 149 Brock Steet) }-<------------- / ey | ACCORDION SOPRANI 120 base, 3 coup- ENTERTAINING? Fiffy to one hundred CLASS 200 yd. and up 20c sq. yd. North, 8:30 a.m, -- 9 p.m TV SERVICE an weenie esnsaeratsioten paso Vir ttigs ene a. in eee nai bericn "wondines art "hichen,| for fish and chip restaurant. eee Column delivered. ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, 7--Swap and Barter cou = ' oe parking, 723-2140 evenings. | Experience necessary: Steady Scleorteanls Comin We maintain « complete |néw and used materials. Reasonable DAY OR EVENING BiB tac Mads x. edad ER A fs lee refrigerator, 11 eu, feet, $35. | ee carg ang Sarton tabieee employment. Apply to the 4s Mamerrtien Landscape Service rates. Estimates free. 728-1191, J. Foley 728 5286 | TOILETS, TUBS, vanity basins and slephone 725-6491 ia ae a laisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, " is $--Trailers ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup. -. . pet Hegre ira ribet ARNOLD PALMER golf clubs, "Nine Simcoe Street North. Call 73- 2614. FISHETERIA Foes wae borer BETHANY LANDSCAPING} fra, Plureinn, Heating' wea Wneitarring OSHAWA ; fitings. H. Chinn, 288 Hillside tn excplient condition. Reeves $250, "ack, | WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, | walkers, | 231 KING ST. W. g--Articies for Sale __Phone_ 623-7549 255 Simcoe Street South, : CABINETS with sink or vanity basin $39, ("9 $140, 723-5679 [Aid Rent antag A Meares | EXPERIENCED responsible girl for 9--Marke! Basket ' --------- sib il Laundry tubs, bath tubs, toilets, pres RADIAL ARM SAW, Crafisman 10" with\ : | Plant, Packing and some typing. ¢6ee251, 0--Fermer's Column sure systems, flushomatics, septic tanks,| attachments. $225, very littl 4 : : S| t ' A a a y little use, Com- 4. |WOMAN for part-time light nousekeep- eget hoki gag Freshly Irrigated } oe ----_-- _ ADS pipe and fittings. boats motors, trallers,|pare catalogue. 728-0373 1 --Business | Opportunities | ling and baby sitting, ee to 4 p.m, artic garden tractors, H Chinn, corner Hillside SINGER SEWING machine, industrial | Telephone 725-8864; eee fe Ba eats SOD FRESH FRUITS SERVICE CALL ony 2,50 and Park South, 723-7088. | moce! 96K, $95: Telephone 728-531) oF | 510 FEET | MMEDIATE OPENING jfor woman ex. -- U s 7Vic i 23- F | ion wee v : sieges 8--Articles for Sale HIGHWAY FRONTAGE (ean cana 'g |COTTAGE SPECIALS--beds $16. fridges! lecMalw Help Wanted Visitors Welcome : DOMINION TYPEWRITER, SCM classic twelve, port-|520., table and chair sets $19., dressers| ; ites Top salary. Telephone wamals or commie Help wentes | "ALL GREEN" NURSERY and for anies ath caves Veh Carrinas, TEES Y Soe Re eet nets ete eee | pet, West city Ninlts, water. 16 MATUR. Gee eee ee Ls TELEVISION GE HAIR DRYER, $10; guitar, $15 -i| Valley Creek, 728-440) 25 Bond Street East.) and storm sewer. Excellent ee we aan atl ey: Tac, e Su r Pr t : yy at hy 5; '56 P PEA Cet at ecd RES > 6 tha t aig Ac igh ies SOD GROWERS VE 728-5154 o nw we 9 p.m pire la - inidarcen Bat aan itovo~ ing Garleas, Tvy ea ani depth Poi hiihid ghd develop: |ledge of fooking WP gill Excellent : { 7 ' A a RES UL lS fevisin 0.; $25; plaid travel bed, $8, Telephone 668- ment, Keasonabie per squore yar comodation provided ani remunera- o's for Sale TOWNLINE N., 42 MLN. of gas 'range and grill, $50 tion. Apply to The Times, Box.'100) in e-Reai estate Wanted i . ' jelectric pop cooler, $25.; two odd dress: | 5909. foot value pes inna g ap Had Frag i TA--Stores Offices and Storage Taunton village OSHAWA COLOR T.V. ers with mirrors, $10 both, 728-8237 or 18 eee . jweiiings. Wind. as: tawen, Gee Beat we shctewanh: ter wine (Grenfell. St WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used Call |perience, age, etc., as possible, %--Apariments for Rent 725-9674 OR BLACK AND WHITE |furniture or anything you' have. The City Mr. Ristow | BABYSITTER to mind two children from 2=Rooms for Rent READ AN ¢ All A |GUARANTEED USED wringer "washers, | Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street 4 p.m. to 8 p.m, in children's home. Mc- 2 : - c 1D USE THE work guaranteed Telephone |television, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and South, 723-1671. 728-9474 Rieu, ve i i #--Room and Board | i ca SEES Seifenoaen ey Cullough - Bayview area 'in Whitby, 29----Wanted to 'Rent 7 | | jup. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452) EReE; Furnace cleaned, adjusted free, . i | 668-8388. - W--Automodiies tor Sale f SMITH'S TREE FARM T.R.1.O. TELEVISION | Simcoe South, 723-0011. _|Guaranteed trouble-free winter if your or 725-8152 evenings |JOIN tha eegncerh Wanda oF Selene wlan sai ggg be Petal Seip @ Cedors for Hedges j 728-51 43 NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. WG purchase from Western Oil Co., 725-1212, PAUL RISTOW LTD | Reset Counselor will train mature 3--Automobies Wanted @ Cut flowers ond plonts jPairs to all makes. New hoses. Phone BeTERBORO cedar skiffs 14 foot used . women. Full or part-time, 725-6816 OR gt ele Hy ¢ | . - Jack Lees--728-695:. PF 100.00 each, Oil space heaters, good shape Realtor 2@-Automobile Repair @ Manure (cow, sheep or he iw fT] D ill Di : - 18100: bbeh.. Ol heated Welienter tanks | WAITRESS, ~ -- Must also be short order «9 elt e ? BASKET |Well Drilling--Diggirg FABULOUS August Fx Nture sale, every|15.00 ¢ ! a 187 King East lcook. Telephone 723-0761." 'Lansdowne e Rough lumber (cut to suit sticx of furniture mus: Ww. Chesterfield'tike mew 50,00 each, international sai! A | Plaza 4 Post les WELL DIGGING py machine special suites from $99, bedroor. suites from|boat. Best offer will. be considered. Apply) re Pear 38--Coming am -- ond pole izing_in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest $99, five-piece dinette suites $34.88. Many,|P.0. Box 1, Peterborough, telephone J.) GET SPOT CASH WITH |RELIABLE WOMAN to care for chil- _Notions Call eollect Newtonville 786-2283 put Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668 many | more -- tr penseus savings. | Sinn Buckhorn 657-8513 after 6:00 TIMES ACTION ADS _ [Sten and do light duties: Live in pre- ean'e Furniture, ch Stra :