Bob Francis Versatile Performer Born and educated in Sharon, Pennsylvania, talented Bob Francis received musical train- ing first from his father, and} then later studied voice in Ger- Many. Oshawa audiences will see and hear him at the Home Show. This big fellow has travelled far, geographically and vocally since the days when he won Amateur Talent Shows around Pittsburgh and appeared in Variety and Minstrel Shows. The turning point in hi§ career started while he was a disc jockey for the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, when he was voted by the ser- vice men all over the Far East as the top male vocalist. Returning to civilian. life in 1960 -- Bob Francis started club dates and the night club circuit around Boston then back to Pittsburgh area. When he was booked into Canada, he was im- mediately signed by Artists Co. of Canada. Canada's leading talent agency, who real- ized the potential of Bob's sing- ing capabilities and fantastic life-like impressions which pin pointed his dynamic personality. Bob Francis then became active in clubs around Canada and did well but needed ex- perience, so he was sent to Europe, the stamping ground for any artist whe needed ex- perience and who had an ambi- tion to conquer show business. While in Rome, he studied un- der the top singing teacher Fran Alice Koch, who has taught some of Europe's lead- ing singers. After 2 years in Europe, Bob returned to Canada and was introduced on Toronto's T.V. Show "Music. Hop", where he Was an instant success. He has also appeared on the '"'Juliette'"' Show. And. now, burning with en- thusiasm, he has made himself one of the most sought-after artists in Canada. One can be assured of his instant audience acceptance. He is truly a polish- ed, well-groomed professional entertainer, abounding with tal- ent. His act is varied with unique orchestrations, special material and a varied repertoire, sup- ported) by his wit and charm. lp MO A A MN MB hl MM lt li ly A Al BOB FRANCIS CHEESE RULES VILLAGE | dairy produced more than 500,- NEW BOTH WELL, Man. |00? pounds, Ball. the province's 900 'neo. | Production, last year, = (CP)--With fewer than 200 peo- _ " ple, this southeastern Manitoba CAPITAL ENDURES _| hamlet is the province's ched-| Hamilton has been the capital dar cheese capital. Its co - op! of Bermuda since 1815. | NASH ALuMminUM TO VISIT BOOTH NO. 28 THE OSHAWA HOME SHOW SEPTEMBER 16th - 16th - 17th OUR FINE DISPLAY OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS @ Combination Storm/Screen Doors @ Combination Storm/Screen Windows @ Prime Windows for New Construction @ Koolvent Aluminum Awnings Mede in Oshewe by Wi ALUMINUM LTD. 95 Athol East, Oshawa ? Oshawa Home Show DEMONSTRATION On the Application of "LUCITE" See Our DECOR ces AND DISPLAY ai the Howe sxow SED Thurs. -- Fri. -- Sat. Paints HELEN BELL Color Consultant Witl Color Scheme Your Home AT THE SHOW!! 95 Years at 85 Simcoe ST. N.. Ph: 725-3529