Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Sep 1966, p. 17

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Repay eae aT Tree TOY ES _ 34--Automobile Repair 38--Coming Events © FRED STONE Brooklin _ Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding e Rebor' by anyone, on tember 10, 1966, sent. -- (signed) Claude B. Prost, NOTICE Square Dancing _ 37--Auctions Persons interested in learning Cylinder ing @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving @A i ransmission e ha and Valve TALISTS. Trans- business. 1038 Sim- Auction Sale ot FOUND-- Whitby, striped, tabby, ; or "Srreet %. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DARLINGTON PROVINCIAL PARK SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived, until 3:00 p.m. (E.D. "T.) on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th 1966 for the Construction of o water distribution system ot the Department of Lands ond Forests Darlington Provincial Park, Oshawa, Ontario. Tender Documents may be obtained from Room 1704 (Tower), Department of Pub- lic Works, Whitney Block, Parliament Buildings, Toron- to 2, Ontario, (Telephone No_ 365-1079), or viewed at the Builders Exchange, Oshowo, Ontario. A $3,000 Bid Bond, « 100% Performance Bond and @ 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified. A Deposit of $25 MONEY ORDER, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE mode payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be re- funded if documents are re- turned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise for- feited, The lowest or any tender not necessorily accepted. J. D. Millar, Deputy Minister. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF "AMY MARY TWILLEY, DECEASED, All persona having claims against the Estate of Amy Mary Twilley, late of the City of Oshawa, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, Widow, de- ceased, who died on the 16th day of August, 1966, must file their claims with the undersigned before the 26th day of September, 1966, ofter which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed heving regard only to the claims so filed. Dated this 26th of August, 1966. HYMAN & HYMAN 86 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS kittens, one per- i Street Ce MARSA the "Dannie Parish Holl Stevenson Rd. and Marion St. MONDAY, SEPT. 12 '7:30 p.m. Auctioneer Clifford Pethick Household Furnitur, appliances, etc, how to dance Modern Square Dancing with the Bowman- ville Swingin' Bows, Wednes- day night beginning Sept. 14, EPHONE WANA W104 ~ IAW ENAYD "ve i---wivw ow 39--Notices UAW LOCAL 222, progressive euchre for the retirees on Wednesd: ember 14, will be cancelled. on 28 in the BIRTHS McKEE -- Meredith and Bettie (nee Graham) are happy. to the birth of ay, It will take place afternoon. AUCTION Property of MRS D, J. COX, 76 King St. W. will be sold ot Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 33 Hall St. Oshawo THURS., SEPT 15 at 7.00 p.m. Elec- tric stove, refrigerator, dining room suite, kitchen suite, china cabinet, television, cof- fee table, antique wall rack, dressers, single beds, chest of drawers, desk, sewing ma- chine many more articles to numerous too mention, Terms cash. MYLES KING, Autioneer 725-3039 Oshawa A announce their son, Robert Vaughan, at the Oshawa General Hospital, on Sep- tember 9, 1966 A little brother for Danny. Thanks to Dr. Cowman, Dr, Mc Kay, Dr. Miller, and 4th floor staff. MBTCALF -- Neil and Carolyn (nee Palmer) are happy to announce the ar- rival of their baby girl, weighing 8 Ibs. 9 o7s., on Tuesday, ir 6, 1966, at Bowmanville Memoria) Hospital. A tittle sister for Kenny and Johnny. Special thanks to Dr, &. L. Ewert. LANTIBGNE -- Gillis and Corinne are thrilled to announce the birth of their twin daughters, Thursday, September 8, 1966, weighing 7 Ibs. 8 ounces, and 6 Ibs. 9 ounces, at the Oshawa General Hos- pital. SABOYRIN -- John and Pat, (nee Smith) of thei on September 7, 1966 at the General Hospital. A brother for Janette. CROCHET TRIM AUCTION SALE Saturday, Sept: 17th 8 schools, 6 pianos. The pro- perty of Ops Township School Area Board. These schools are situated around the Town of Lindsay. "The Heart of the Kawartha Lakes" very suitable for country homes or small businesses. For further information or inspection ap- pointments contact Carl Hick-~ son, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. Phone Lindsey 324- 3912, DEATHS GRAHAM, John D, In his 67th year, at St. Michael's Hospi- tal, Torento, on Thursday, September 8, 1966, husband of Marjorie C. and father of Dr. John and David, Toronto, Doug- las, Windsor, and brother of William L., St, Catharines. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, until 4 p.m. Sat- urday, September 10, and then 10 the Butler Funeral Home, St. Catharines, Sunday, September 11. Service in the chapel Monday, September 12, at 2 p.m. Interment Victoria Lawn Cemetery. | PORTEOUS, Saharh Jane At RR 3 Port Hope, on Saturday, Sep- tember 10, 1966, Sarah Jane McKenzie, in her 91st year, formerly of RR 2, New- castle, wife of the late Stanley Melbourne Porteous and dear mother of Helen, (Mrs. C. Parnell), and Marjorie, (Mrs, R. S, Haskili), both of RR 3, Port Hope. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, By ALICE BROOKS Richly-bordered sleeves are ing yarn. Easy-knit stockinette openwork crochet. Make scoop sleeveless Pattern. 7387: sizes 32-34; 36-38; 40-42; 44-46. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle- craft Dept., 60 Front St. W., Toronto 1, Ont. Ontario resi- dents add 2c. sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, Bowmanville. Service in the chapel on {@. J. POMERY, son's Road auctioneer, sale too small No jtoo large. Call 728-6810 or 725-8968 any- j time, 66 Steven- NAME, ADDRESS. foanaay at 2. Ban. erent tenevewl 310 MOST. BEAUTIFUL VAN TASSEL (Collins), Maria Jane... NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS IN On Saturday, September 3, 1966, at Lake new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! or |38--Coming Events }land, Fla., Maria Jane Van Tassel (Col-| ' 3 tins), beloved wite to the late Alfred|Knit, crochet fashions, afghans, toys, gifts. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Mon.' Sept. 5 Admission ticket gives you free chance on door prize. $250 JACKPOT Nos. 55 and 59 $50 CONSOLATION Jackpot pays double in 52 . Or less $150 JACKPOT $20 A HORIZONTAL LINE $50 FULL CARD $200 in 52 Nos. or less. 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 $45 in 17 Nos. or less. 20 GAMES AT. $20 Regular gomes pay double in 17 Nos. or less $100 Door Prize EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA | | |Van Tessel, dear mother of Mrs. R. W-/ quilts, embroidery, | Martyn (Gladys) Oshawa and Cyril and) \Eawerd, Toronto. Funeral service was\2 Free Patterns. Send 25c, to- held Wednesday September 7, St. Peters-' day, | burg, Fla. : . . WHITE, Poling' May 12 remarkable heirloom quilts Entered into rest ne " e 4 it B : : ing Home, West Hill on Thursday, ep-|j e ilt Boo i uilt- tember "8, 1966, Polina. May White of|." rte ae a Quilt Duntroon, Ontario. Loving sister of Mrs.|ing MOlis. Sen ic. |w. P. Jones of Port Credit, and Bal-| jsam, and sister-in-law of Mrs, R. 0. |White of Toronto. Miss White is rest- 16 complete patterns. 60c, fashion news! Use 3-ply finger- with! 4562 SizES 12¥2---22% SIMPLE DIAGRAM By ANNE ADAMS | THIS is the swiftly seame } | d or high neck, %, short or|shape you love because it gives| ci look. lyour figure a slim, young band Topped by a face-framing neckline. Prinied Pattern 4562: Sizes 1214, 14%, |22%. Size 16% requires 2% jyards 39-inch fabric. | FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins (no stamps, please) for each |pattern, Ontario residents add 3c. sales tax. \SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, |STYLE NUMBER. | Send order to ANNE ADAMS, leare of The Oshawa Times, |Pattern Dept.,, 60 Front St. W., Toronto 1, Ont. FALL'S 130 BEST DESIGNS -- lively school, sport, career, Half Altamount Nors-|-- complete patterns in color|glamor styles, all sizes, extra) ¢.catchewan ifeatures in new Fall - Winter |Pattern Catalog. Clip coupon in Send also for Quilt Book 1 --|Cataleg -- choose one free pat- Calga _| British jtern. Send 50c. ing at the McEachnie Funeral Home.) }28 Kingston Rd. W., Pickering. Funeral | |service In the chapel on Sunday, Sep-| |tember 11, at 3 p.m. Interment Utica Cemetery. Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW i FUNERAL CHAPEL! 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 Call The Preacher, Griffo X11 | Churchill Bill, Harrison 115 IN MEMORIAM AKEY -- In loving memory of @ dear |Distelite, No Boy 117 {mother and grandmother, Mary Jane| Also Eligible: Higgier, |Akey who passed away September 11,/Pincio's Gift, Bell, X107 | 1965. |& E Rocamora Entry. | The. depths of sorrow we cannot tell | } MONDAY, SEPT. 12 | lear and Fast FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claiming 1(2500), Maiden two-year-olds. 6 Furiongs, | } (16). Missy's Gem, McComb 115 Linda Ley, No Boy 112 Alten Lad. Mernander 118 Anuwar, Gordon 112 Hasty Vic, Hernandez 115 |Baby Blue, No Boy 112 | Rossi, Bowcutt 120 Menssik, Steve X107 Melbourne Sale, Gordon 118 Nihilist, No Boy A-115 + No Boy, A-115; Of the loss of one we loved so well SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,200, Claim- And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep|ing (3000). Three-year-olds and up. One Her memory we shall always keep. jand one-sixteenth Miles on Marshall Turf \--Sadiy missed by daughter Margaret) (7). }and grandchildren. | iene Soe Werry X110 anit | DRAYTON -- In loving memory of our|Be Optimistic, Swatuk AXXX! \dear brother Michael who passed away|Five Loves, Bell X106 | | | | |Children under 16 not admitted | HARMAN PARK ASSOCIATION IMPORTANT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Sunday, Sept. 11 Sept. 10, 1964 Cairnarctic, Steve X11? Too dearly loved ever to be forgotten, |Canadian Love, Lanoway A-T4 --Sadly missed by sisters Mary and|Silver Run, Coombs X105 | Pauline. Gi Swamp, Barroby 114 ' A--R Henderson, $ M Paulson and L C HAMER -- In loving memory of @ dear) Morrisroe Entry. little son and brother, Grant, who passed | away September 10, 1965, In his 6th year. Please God, forgive @ silent tear, A silent wish that Grant were here, There are others, yes we know But he was ours and we loved One year ago we had to part | A With one we loved with all our hearts, send ah co ation ie The wounds 'so deep they will not heal,| Biue Van, No Boy 115 Oe eee eet lost know how 'sicilian Sammy, Griffo X110 we fee! If we could speak with Grant today, Briet Led, No Boy 115 "hy Laugh with him in the same old' way, | jiveastar, Fitzsimmons 115 And hear his voice and see him smile,|Garcon D'Or, Kornblum XX108 Then life Indeed would be worthwhile. |tisa N Lib, "No Boy 112 --Too dearly loved ever to be forgotten | Monreal, Barroby 12 by Mummy, Daddy, Lynda, Jane, Mari-| Queen's Haven, Griffo X107 ... \lyn, Brian, Cathy and Edwin. |Hogan's Sail, Harris 115 | MePHEE -- In loving memory of a| Also Eligible: Special | | THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- ing (3500). Maiden two-year-olds (Divn. of Ist). 6 Furlongs (16). |Baby Dill, No Boy 115 a b him 9. Nimble, Robillard 120 Favour, Ditt- This Year's Love, Turcotte, WOODBINE ENTRIES ,Elm Wood, Macleod XXX103 Take Notice, Buttigleg A-XXX109 Sky Spark, Swatuk XXX103 Tinte, Simone XXX106 | Spanking Breeze, Bradfield xxXx109 |Perugino 2nd, Grubb X117 Jiveoli, Poirier XXX103 Stoned. Brownell A-X114 |A--D J Foster and Mrs P Clarke Entry. FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,800. 'Stock- ton' Allowances. Three- and four-year- olds, About 1 Mile on turf course (8), |Tai-Shan 2nd, Kornblum XX103 Ne Passez Pas, Griffo X113 | Zerotasto, Mackay 110 |Black Ringo, Fitzsimmons 108 | Famous Monarch, Green XXX98 |Belmonarctic, Turcotte 108 Provocateur, No Boy 113 Northern Miner, Dittfach 108 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $3,200. "The Pines' Allowances. Three-year-olds, One and one-sixteenth Miles (5). }One Sunday, Turcotte 123 | Cosmic Grey, Bell X10) |Flaming Victress, Dittfach 112 |No Reasoning, No Boy 115 Arab Prince, Griffo X107 (EXACTOR WAGERING) Purse. $2,800. Three- and fh). About One SEVENTH RACE "Amagarry" Allowances. four-year-olds (Divn. of 5H Mile on turf course (8), Drag PICt, No Boy 115 Merry Arctic, Harrison 107 Alirahni, Robillard 112 Phantom Flyer, No Boy 105 |Miss Telso, Macleod XXX95 | Acadian Flirt, No Boy 105 Sarl-Mark, Alter 105 Phalanx Queen, Barroby 111 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,300, ng (4000). Three-year-olds. One an sixteenth Miles on Marshall Turf- course 17). | Vital Mahn, McComb 110 |Paraguayo, Turcotte 118 | Yorkdale, No Boy 115 {Knight Out, Dittfach 110 Shining Mark, Barroby 110 Lofty Visitor, Coombs X107 Sliver Gus, Harris 115 Claim- id one- 16%, 18%, 20%4,| PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- One of the youngest teams in senior lacrosse,' Peterborough Petes will have four rookies in the lineup when they meet the | West for the Mann Cun. pa ate their first crack at the Cana- dian senior lacrosse champion- ship since 1959. If they win the best-of-seven contest, it will be the first time in 12 years. The championship, against the winner of the Vancouver-Coquit- lam final, opens at Memorial Centre here Saturday, with the second game Monday. The series will be crowded out of the Centre from there on by Toronto Maple Leafs of the Na- tional Hockey League, who open their camp Sept. 15. The remaining games, set for Sept. M, 17, 19, 21 and 23, will be played in the Peterborough Civie Arena. Petes played their way into the Mann Cup playoff by win- ning a semi-final against Tor- onto Maple Leafs-in four games and defeating Brampton Excel- siors in a seven-game series for the eastern title. HAS LONG BLANK SPELL The last time Petes played for the cup was in 1959, when New Westminster took the championship in seven games. Not since the boom years of 1951 - 54, when Peterborough teams won the cup four years jin succession, has the Ontario ty had a winner. | Petes have six members of the 1959 team still in action--play- ing coach Bob Allan; defence- men Ken Ruttan, Curly Mason | FOOTBALL |. STANDINGS ig Print plainly) By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Eastern Conference WLT F A Pts 41 0 8 49 8 410 7 33 8 3 4 0 51 93 0 5 0 32 95 0 Western Conference WL F APt 5 2 186 114 10 5 3 12111410 42 82 748 25 65109 4 Columbia 15 84100 2 Friday's Result | Edmonton 8 Montreal 3 Today's Game | Hamilton at Ottawa 'Next Mat Show r.. a1 1.WO wetas | Due to the "home show" at \the Civic Auditorium next week jand Minor lacrosse playoffs at | Hamilton Ottawa Montreal Toronto Edmonton | Winnipeg 6) Young Peterborough Team? Ready For Mann Cup Final! ; and Roy Wood, and forwards Larry Ferguson and Cy) Coombes. fo F Peterborough has four rookies in the squad--John Davis, Bill Armour. Jim Gooley and Tim O'Grady, Davis won the Untario La- crosse Association senior scor- ing title this year with 118 points during the 23-game season. The slim forward red 52 goals and had 66 assists. ; In the 11 playoff games, Davis scored 20 goals and had 20 as sists. He won the Rookie of the Year award, CONFIDENT OF GOALIE Manager Jack Gibson says Davis and goalie Pat Baker are "our two most important play- ers." "Of course, we've also got the scoring punch of Ferguson, who won the OLA scoring champion- ship last year. Then there's Bob Allan, probably the best la- crosse player in Canada," he said. Coach Allan has a tight de- fensipe corps in Ruttan, Wood, Mason, Gooley, Jack Armour and Bob Stickle. Petes have chosen forwards Don Arthurs of Brampton and Butch Keegan of Toronto and defencemen Ken Red Crawford of Brooklin and Bill Castator of Brampton to bolster the squad as needed, Under Canadian La- erosse Association rules, Petes are allowed four replacements. "We'd like to win the Mann Cup with this Peterborough team," Gibson says. "But if help is needed, all four players will be used.' Russell Dunn of Peterborough |has been approved as standby | goalie for the series. He will fill jin for, either team in case of | injury. METS STAR Mrs. H. T. Donihee of Cornwall, Ont., is the new president of the Catholic Women's League. She was elected at the 46th annual national convention of the CWL at. Hamilton recent- ly, (CP Photo) Successful Week For Lawn Bowlers Members of the men's section of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club have had considerable suc- cess in out - of - town tourna- ments during the last week. Bob Gallagher, Dick Adams} Dave Reynolds and Casey Like were second for three wins in the rinks tournament Labor Day in St. Catharines. On the same day, John Morrison, Ew- art Carswell and Jerry Oatway were fourth in the trebles tourn- ament at Elora, On Wednesday, George Read and Ron Snowden came within a whisker of winning the Hiram Walker in the doubles tourna- ment at Lindsay. They had a score of 57 for their three wins while the Stouffville trio, which won the silverware, had a score of 57 plus 1. | Eagle Day Signs With Argonauts COLOGNE, Germany (AP)-- Harald Norpoth, a 24-year-old TORONTO (CP)--Eagle Day, THE OSHAWA TIMES, 17 Rail Position For Surtees blant Friday while attempting to qualify for Sunday's Interna- tional, North America's richest "|sports car race. At the end of the first day of a two-day qualifying period, John Surtees of England, last year's winner, emerged with the rail position in a Lola T-70 after setting a track record of 1:38.4, The previous mark of 1:41.1 was set by Bruce McLaren earller this year. McLaren did it in 1:40.5 Fri- day for third place, Paul Hawkins of Australia flipped his Lola T-70 but es- caped with only a cut on the back of his neck. He later fin- ished second in 1:38.8, Lothat Motschenbacher of Manhattan Beach, Calif., was fourth in 1:42, followed by John Cannon of Montreal, 1:42.6: Mark Donahue of Stoneybrook, N.Y., 1:42.8; and George Foll- mer of Los Angeles, the 1965 U.S. road racing champion, and Dan Gurney of Santa Ana, Calif., both in 1:43.7. Chuck Parsons of Carmel, Calif., this year's U.S. road rac- ing champion, was ninth with a time of 1:44.1 and Ronnie Buch- hum of Playa Del Rey, Calif., rounded out the top 10 qualifi- ers with a time of 1:47.4. The winner of the race re- ceives $8,000. DRIVER KILLED © INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- A New Jersey drag racer was killed Sunday when his car crashed into a guardrail during the national drag champion- ships at Indianapolis Raceway Park, James Riley, 30, of Gar- wood, N.J., was travelling 150 m.p.h. when his car blew an engine and spun in its own oil. student from Muenster, Ger- |veteran quarterback cut by Cal-|many, broke Michel Jazy's Eu- gary Stampeders of the Western|ropean record Wednesday by Football Conference, Frida y|running the 5,000 metres in 13 was signed by Toronto Argo-| minutes 24.8 seconds. Jazy of nauts of the Eastern Confer-|France, who held the record in ence. ¥ 13:27.2, edged Norpoth in Buda- Argonauts coach Bob Shaw pest last Sunday. said Day, 34-year-old native of LOOKS FOR BOSS Columbus, Miss., who was ST. ANDREWS, Scotland traded to apes rj 1959 = (AP)--The world's oldest golf one season wi nnipeg Blue|club, the Royal Bombers, will likely play Sun- : og Segre gol St. Andrews, is looking for a day when the Argos meet Ed-|new 'boss. He will replace Brig. monton Eskimos in a Canadian Eric Brickman, who has de- Football League interlocking|cided to retire as secretary of me game. the club in 1967. "Wally Gabler is still my No. | 'We List Anything ! We Sell Everything ! For Assistance In Buying and Selling Dial 723-1168 Douglas J. M. Bullied REALTOR avhan! SToAC i quart & he anid. 'but Eagle will likely be in the game Sunday." Day's contract is for the bal- ance of the season and 1967. |the Children's Arena, pr \"Pat" Milosh will not present his usual weekly card next Thursday, He plans two more shows to complete the summer season and the next will be at. the Chil- jdren's Arena, on Thursday, |Sept. 22. " | The main event Jast night, a team bout between Fred Atkins and his protege, Tiger Jeet Singh, and the duo of Rocky Johnston and Sweet \Daddy Siki, proved a_ real rouser with the veteran Atkins |providing most of the action. | The burly Aussie floored Siki |for the first fall but Sweet Dad- dy came back to even the match, then Atkins won the third fall, pinning Johnston. | Stan Staziak used his "atomic jdrop" to subdue Pat Flanagan, jin the curtain-raiser and in the semi-final bout, after dividing the first two falls, Johnny Kostas was declared the win- SOCCER SCORES LONDON (Reuters) Re- sults of Friday night's soccer matches: ENGLISH LEAGUE Division II Doncaster ® Darlington 4 Leyton Or 0 Gillingham 1 Division IV and 4 bedroom homes in session or 30 days. Cash HOUSES BUY or RENT LARGE FIRM TRANSFERRING PERSONNEL FROM QUEBEC AND NORTHERN ONTARIO. Desire 3 H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR 723-7463 this area; immediate pos- payment arranged. Halifax 2 Southend 2 Stockport 3 Chesterfield 1 " paaboest guel ihcwag x: eed 1 NOTICE | 96 CANADIAN $a. 59 | COIN is Per l 6 SETS 3 Set | Minimum order 5 sets per person | Maximum order 50 | sets per person. 1 Certified jue { or money or | payeble te ROYAL COIN CO. : ALLIED CHEMICAL CANADA LTD. dear daughter, Anne Michelle, (Shelly) |fach, 112; who passed away September 10, 1965. 117. We do not forget her, | We love her too dearly, | FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,000. Claim-| XX--7 Ibs AAC For her memory to fade ling (3000). Three-year-olds 'and up, 7) XXX--10 ibs AAC From our lives. like a dream. | Furlongs ¢(9). | POST TIME 2 P.M. WOODBINE RESULTS When our hearts mourn sincerely, (CP).--Friday's ner, when The Beast got dis-| qualified, for refusing to let|{ |Kostas get back into the ring, | |following a toss-out, , (Manufacturers of Suphurie Acid) PLANT AND CONTENTS 'To be Sold By AUCTION on their Premises At Sulphide OFF HIGWAY 37 - VILLAGE OF TWEED, ONT. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21 10:00 A.M. Inspection on Tuesday, Sept. 20th, From 9:00 a.m 'to 4:30 p.m. MINING CONVEYOR, 2 NAPANEE BOILERS, COMPLETE POWER STATION, SINTER PLANT FANS IN STAINLESS STEEL, 3 LARGE VIBRATOR SCREENS (IDEAL FOR MIN- ING, STONE QUARRIES AND CEMENT PLANT), INTER- NATIONAL LOCOMOTIVE (GASOLINE DRIVEN), 13 HOMES, 5 GARAGES, 14 OTHER BUILDINGS, WOOD -- BRICK, BRICK BUILDINGS (LIKE NEW), STEEL LOCKERS AND RACKS, TIMBER OF ALL KINDS (EXCELLENT CON- DITION), GEAR REDUCER), SYSTEMS, WOOD OF ALL KINDS (IDEAL FOR COTTAGES AND HOMES), LARGE QUANTITY OF PIPE (ALL SIZES), 2 RAILWAY TANK CARS, 3 OVERHEAD STORAGE TANKS (18' x 35') OVER- HEAD CRANE (MORRIS, 4-TON), INDUSTRIAL GRIND- ING MACHINES, BAND SAW AND PUMPS, ELECTRICAL MOTORS OF ALL KINDS, ASBESTOS SHEETING, FIRE EQUIPMENT, STAND BY PUMP, YARD LIGHTS, STEE. FENCES, MISC. OFFICE EQUIPMENT, STRUCTURAL STEEL, TELEPHONE POLES, TRANSFORMERS, FLUORES- CENT LIGHTS OF ALL KINDS. (TERMS CASH). The Auction is to be conducted by (, i Courny AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER and LIQUIDATOR Tel. 478-3137, Tweed Owners and Demolishers -- 20 Years Experience and Service S, Kroch & Sons and A, Bergeron -- Montreal, Que. AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JANNETT ASHTON, DECEASED, ALL persons having claims against the estate of the soid _Jannett Ashton, late of the City of Oshewa, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, Widow, de- ceased, who died on or ebout the Ist day of April, 1966, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned solicitors for the Executor of the estate of the said deceased on or before the 17th day of September, 1966, after which date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the said estate, hoving regord only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 25th day of August, 1966. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH & VICTOR 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshowa, Ontario, Solicitors for Gilbert L. Murdoch, Executor of the said estate. Post Office Box 323 ] Montreal 29, Cenedo X--5 Ibs AAC 7:30 P.M. All neighborhood urged | to attend to help schedule | the winter activities for | children. For grief often dwells Where it seldom is seen, --Sadly missed and always remembered jby Mother, Father, Michael, Larry and Lisa. | MILLER -- In loving memory of 8 dear brother, Edward Angus Miller | (Teddy) whe passed away September 10, 963, | | | FOR THE FINEST TORONTO Second--Purse $2,000, maiden Seats LER 3 Custom and Ready Made race results: olds, 6 furlongs. | | First--Purse $2,200, maiden 3 end 4 seat Circle (Lanoway) 45.70 10.90 6.60 J year-olds, one and 1-16 miles. sambari (Gomez 2.90 2.40 Lhd Sate gh al a ggahcr| we Intend, | Currycomb (Coombs) 10.20 5,10 3.10|/Ruling Monarch 2.90 Were of you often, end will to the! prairie Royal (Harris) 5.50 3:40| Time 1:13 2-5 | id Grand Manitou (Gomez) 2.50; Superfivous, Papa Goose, Gone and forgotten, by some you May! Time 1:47 Chimar, Third Attempt, | in the latest Shades and Our Tom Boy, Sail Ahead, Phalanx|Glen's Brother also ran, i fabrics see | er es Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS | PRnnes ' - angie Woodbine } | BABY SITTERS TRAINING PROGRAMME for residence of Darlington Township a 10 weeks course is being sponsored by the Northumberland-Durhom Tu- berculosis and Health Asso- ciation, Registration Sept. 12, 1966, 7 to 8 p.m. ot Courtice district high school, new cafeteria. Classes each Mon- doy 7 to 9 p.m. beginning Sept. 19th. ) (Walsh) Nymphalls, Big Phil, be, But dear to our memory You will always be. --Always remembered by sisters Noreen, and Joan, brother Ronald, brothers-in-| jaw Harry and Joe, nieces Sheila and Laure and nephew Jeff. | | MILLER -- in loving memory of our) CARD OF THANKS dear brother and uncle, Edward (Teddy) | | Miller who passed eway Sept. 10, 1963, You often said we'd miss you | Those words have proved so true We lost our best and dearest friend Dear Teddy when we lost you. So please God forgive a silent tear, | A fervent wish our brother was here, There are others, yes we know, But he was ours we loved him 40. Piease God take a message To our brother in heaven above, | Queen, Pepper Pipe, Altona Miss, Town Grove also ran, Daliy double 5.10 Third--Purse $2,000, maiden 2-year-| olds, 6 furlongs. - Yor Priority (Gordon) 15.70 8.10 5.50) Smoke the Grass (Barroby) 7.30 5.90 | Be a Hero (Walsh) 11.30) Time 1:13, CARNOCHAN - BAILEY In the| Good Pet, Homecoming Day, Redi- midst ef our sorrow we wish to express rect, Raspberry Mush, Great Cana- heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our dian, Bush Hawk, Golden Jive, Sun- |many relatives, friends and neighbors for day Cruz also ran. | | \their kindness and sympathy shown us ---- | in the loss of @ beloved mother, Mildred| Fourth_-Purse $2,100, ciaiming 3-year- [Carnochan and niece and daughter, |olds, 6 furiongs. . |Sherri Lynn" Bailey. We especially|Hit the Line (Turcotte) 17.50 8.10 5.90 wish to thank Rev. J. Morris for his Sultan's Treat (Brownell) 23.30 12.20 ' | consoling words, all the donors of the | Roman Pride (McComb) 9.90! Tell him how much we miss him |many floral arrangements, the palibear-| Time 1:12 | And give him ail eur. love. ee victory LOBA No. S83 Lodge, Vie-| Shuswap Sheik, Broth of @ Boy, El Sant brane eateartn 2nd, joved BY ltoria True Blue Lodge No. $5, JOL. No, | Esmeralda, Linebacker, Gay Champ, 4 * Y, ir ki unin lames, Silvi | |Carmen, Debbie and Wendy and 'nephew |, for thelr kindness, and the Armstrong) y ver Moonlight else ran| | Mare. |--Morley and Carolyn' Carnochan, Mr.) jand Mrs. G. Strong and Family, Mrs.olds and upward, | Lorna Bailey. jone mile Early Bird Gome CARD OF THANKS | |Gay Pageant (Werry) FREE ADMISSION |dhGreek Tar (Lanoway) ldhGolden Bubble (Grubb) Jackpot 54 and 52 : | Time 1:37, YOUNG -- We would Ilke to express | OBITUARIES | Dandier, Roman Tribune, Tony's qur sincere thanks and appreciation for |Count, Black Treasure, Red Purse also.) |the many acts of kindness, messages of m Isympathy, and beautiful floral tributes, received from 'our many friends, neigh- ----~--=--ew= | bors, and relatives, in our sed bereave }ment, in the loss of @ dear husband and 74 CELINA BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY, 7:45 Fifth--Purse $2,200, claiming 3-year-| foaled in Canada, 9.30 3.60 3.10 3.80 4.40 | - 2.40 2.60) } NOTICE TO CREDITORS | AND OTHERS IN THE | ESTATE OF NORMAN | WILLIAM PURDY, | Child 1 1 PE NO ay soot 9 0 yy =i tate of the lote Normon Wil- 4 Comers liam Purdy, lote of the City -- Brounen . of Oshawa, in the County of hs oe Bo Ontario, Retired, who died on [ene Serer or about the 16th day of July, BINGO | 1966, must be filed with the ST. GEORGE'S HALL undersigned on or before the Alb Jack Sich Gay of September, 1966, ert and Jackson Sts. | after which dote the estate | Every Monday-7:45 p.m. | will be distributed according | 20 regular games $10 and $20 2 Jackpots Ist $210 56 nos. $5 each horizontal line 2nd $100 50 nos to low. Consolation for each $10 Door prizes $15 |ran. | | dh--deadheat | FUNERAL OF MRS. M. CANNING ui mile A funeral service was held|chopolis (Fitzsimmons) §.70 3.90 2.80| Friday for Mrs. Morley Cann-|Speediness (Kornblum) 4.10 3.10 ing, 300 Mary St. who died sud-|"tme ia 2.80 | denly at Oshawa General Hospi-| Tammy's _ Ringo, tal Sept 7 udge Burns also: ran, The service, held at McIntosh-|=**ctor 17400 Anderson Funeral. Home, was) Seventh Purse $2,400, claiming 2 ~ x ' , | ¥ear-olds and upward, 6 furlongs. conducted by Archdeacon Har-|Winkie (Gomez) ee old Cleverdon. Burial was at/tykke Til (Harris) 3.00 2.60; Oshawa Union Cemetery. fre Pan Crcte) 2.80 | Honorary pallbearers were| Leader Lane, River Party, Percy Canning, Clarence Cann-|Windy Flash also ran. ing, Ernest Cay and J. P. Man-| eighth--purse $2,300, claiming 3year- gan. olds and woward, one end 1-16 miles. ; 4 |\J8¥_ Flight (Gomez) 7.90 3.90 3.10 Active pallbearers were Steve | ocean Beart (Turcotte) 4.10 3.40/ Piper, Sidney Scammell, Dr./C9mmunicate | (Gordon) 4.60 | | Time . John Brock, Ray Weeks, Dr.| atoss's Pick A. W. Harding and Scott Hub-|Brillient | Needle, 'bell, Stand also rari. la--Natural Farms entry, | Sixth--Purse $2,800, B-year-olds, ore} Laura Young and family. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements ond floral arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest. MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 Danish Dancer, Ji OSHAWA HOME SHOW | THURS., FRI., SAT., SEPT. 15th, 16th, 17th. ik Lioyd G. Corson Executor, ¢/o Creighton, Dryan, Mur- doch & Victor, Borristors & Solicitors, 5 Simcoe Street North, cadinsiiaeissadi i Oshawa, Ontario. s GET SPOT CASH WITH TIMES ACTION ADS a | Balligally, fa SIMPLE MONEY TALK: Classified Aas| sell things you don't need for SPOT CASH. Dial 7243492 for an ad-writer| now! i aVedas, Brief Staff, Last Royal Wind,

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