G THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, September 8, 1966 Whitby Garden Club Show Has Fall Theme WHITBY--The Annual Flower Dahlia, large cactus, 1 bloom aad Vegetabls Shaw af the rod Mrs, R. VanHorne, R. Van- norne. Whitby Garden Club was neid "Dahlia, pomipom, 3 blooms -- -- Mrs, R. VanHorne, Mrs. 8. Burns, Mrs. H. Pryce-Jones. "Carihbean Holiday" -- Mrs, J. Crawforth, Mrs. 8. Burns, Major Earthquake May Threaten Californians LOS ANGELES (AP)--Is a major quake brewing in. the bowels of the earth beneath Southern California New studies showing storms of tiny tremors along one of the| sel hic faults (cracks) in the earin"s ciust in tis arca--and|°*T reese dead calm along another large fault--were reported Wednesday at a meeting of the American Geophysics! Union at the Uni- versity of California at Los An- les. "We don't know enough about prediction ts say what this means," Dr. sae yee at the Whitby Arena rotunda, R.. VanHorne, Mrs. R. Van- -which was decorated in a late Horne, Mrs, J. N, Wilkinson. summer theme. Tea and cook- Collection of dahlias, not fes were served to those attend- more than 5 blooms -- R. Van- ing, by Mrs. J. N. Wilkinson Horne. and Miss Marguerite Ross, and Gladioli, any color, 3 spikes various members of the club or less -- Mrs, R. VanHorne, who assisted them. The entries Mrs, S. Burns, R. VanHorne. were judged by Fred Ing. Fol- Gladioli, miniature, any lowing are the classes and win- color, 3 spikes or less -- Mrs. ners: F. S, Burns, Col -- Mrs.- §. Burns, Zinnia, large, 3 blooms -- ita oc" Guia, hee E. E. Mrs, P, Coath, Mrs, E. E. Bond, Bond, ; Miss M. Price. "Mexican Fantasy' -- Mrs. 0. Moore, Mrs..S. Burns, Mrs. M. Gouldburn. Modern arrangement, contain- er and flowers in tints and tones of one color -- Mrs. S. Burns, Mrs. R. VanHorne, Mrs. J. Crawforth. "Simplicity," one stem with accessories and -- or foliage -- Mrs. R, VanHorne, Mrs. M. Gouldburn, Mrs. J. Crawforth. "Good Morning', geranium blooms arranged for breakfast table -- Mrs. M. Gouldburn, Mrs. J, N. Wilkinson, Mrs. R. VanHorne. One spike Gladiolus with other flowers or accessories -- Mrs. J. Crawforth, Mrs. R, Van- Horne, Mrs. E. E. Bond. Three tuberous begonias suitable container -- Mrs. Gouldburn, Mrs. §. Burns, Mrs. Mrs. J. N. Wilkinson. Zinnia, pompom, 5 blooms -- Mrs, H. Pryce-Jones, Marigold, African, 3 blooms-- Mrs. M. Gouldburn, Mrs. P. Coath, Mrs, H. Pryce-Jones. Marigold, French, 5 blooms-- Mrs. P, Coath, Mrs, J. N, Wil- kinson, Miss L. Pellow. in| Petunia, single or bedding M,|type, 5 blooms -- Mrs. J, N, Wilkinson, Mrs. J. Crawforth, Miss L. Pellow. Petunia, double, 3 blooms -- Miss L. Pellow, Mrs. J, Craw- forth, Mrs. 0. Moore. White and green arrangement «= Mrs. R. VanHorne, Mrs. S. Burns, Mrs. J. N. Wilkinson. Miniature arrangement, not less than 2" or more than 4" -- Mrs. J. Crawforth, Mrs. M. Gouldburn, Mrs. J. N, Wilkin- son. Miniature arrangement, not more than 2" either way--Mrs. J. Crawforth, Mrs. M. Gould-'0, Moore. burn, Miss L, Pellow. | Collection of Asters, 5 blooms Arrangement in kitchen uten-|-- Miss L. Pellow, Mrs. K. Mc- il -- Mrs. R. VanHorne, Mrs./Kelvie, Miss M. Price. J. Crawforth, Mrs. M. Gould-| Dahlia, large decorative, 1 burn. |bloom -- Mrs. R. VanHorne, R. Arrangement using driftwood! VanHorne, Mrs. E. E. Bond. Ajax Council Accepts Negotiated Centre Price vn AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax Town|Twelve tender prices were re-| Rose, Grandiflora, 1 stem -- Counell spent two hours behind | ceived for the project, the high-|Mrs, M. Gouldburn, Mrs. R. closed doors at a special meet-|¢st being $32,000. Donegal Con-|VanHorne, Mrs. 0. Moore. 3 |struction of Toronto will do the| Rose, Floribunda, 1 spray -- ing of Council Tuesday night to/ work. |Mrs. E. E. Bond, Mrs. M, decide to accept a negotiated! The lowest tender of six to|Gouldburn, Mrs. R. VanHorne, price for the construction of the|construct catch basins and con-| Any flower not listed above, Community Centre-arena proj-'crete curbs was also accepted.|5. blooms' -- Mrs. E. E. Bond, ect. {Council accepted a bid of $13,-/Miss M. Price, Mrs. J. Craw- Councillor Ed Wetherall said |308 from Ruptash Construction |forth. council had decided to prepare | Limited to construct a number) Collection of vegetables, 2 of a construction bylaw for the|of concrete curbs and catch|each, not less than 6 varieties-- project and present it at the|basins in the town. |R. VanHorne, Miss M. Price, regular council meeting Mon-| Council also passed a bylaw|Mrs. M. Gouldburn. . jto accept easements for sani-| There was a draw for an) Council also decided to ac-|tary sewers and storm drains | arrangement of flowers donated cept a tender of $11,728 for con-|in the new subdivision between |by J. Burtinsky. This was won struction of storm sewers on|Lake Vista and Southwood Park|by Miss Mamie Rowe. Gladioli Bayly St. west of Harwood Ave.'now under construction. exhibited by Mrs. S. Burns and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van- Horne were given as draw 0. Moore. Rose, Peace only, 1 bloom -- Mrs, R. VanHorne, Mrs. E, E. Bond, Mrs. M. Gouldburn,. Rose, Hybrid Perpetual, 1 bloom--Mrs, E. E. Bond. Rose, Hybrid Tea, 1 bloom, any color -- Mrs. R, VanHorne, Mrs. E. C. Price, Miss M. Sweet Peas, 5 stems -- Mrs.| ability in design. Mr. Johansen said. Carriere, an technologist, handled ment. built, Carriere claim Mr. and 1962. La Tuque, Que., tinues today. Civil Servant Gained Cash OTTAWA (CP)--An architect testified Wednesday he paid a consultant's fee to a federal offi- cial accused of taking $33,800 to secure government grants for hospital construction. Architect Robert Johansen, of Shawinigan, Que., told a pre- liminary hearing he paid Remy Louis Carriere, 52, $4,300 partly for help in designing a hospital that received a federal grant. Carriere, he said, had great "T was not dealing with him as a government official, but as a man, a specialist in the field," architectural hospital grant applications as a senior official with the health and wel- fare department here. He is no longer employed by the depart- Mr. Johansen said part of the $4,300 also went to Carriere for design help on an old peoples' home not eligible for federal as- sistance, The home was never Two of the four counts against Johansen paid the official $4,300 for aid in securing grants between 1958 Mr. Johansen, architect for a $4,300,000 Grey Nuns hospital at said it was basically Carriere's design. The} two had worked over the plans| At Cajon Pass--a break in the for two years, The hearing con-| mountains north of San Bernar- James Brune of the California Institute of Technology's seis- mological laboratory said in an interview. "There are theories that swarms of these microquakes may precede big shocks, It is also possible that Jack of activ- ity along a fault may indicate a strain is building up between the faces of the fault that could result in an.earthquake of large magnitude." Several seismologists in re- cent years have predicted that Southern California is overdue for a major earthquake. Rec- ords indicate big tremors in this area come about 100 years apart and the last one was in 1857. One theory is that it takes 100 years or so for enough strain to build up to cause a major earthquake, and that this inter- val may be lengthened by microquakes relieving the strain, If there are no micro- quakes, this could mean the fault is locked and strain is building up without being re- lieved, or it could mean there is no strain in that area. MEASURE FAULTS A team of researchers headed by Brune last year began meas- uring microquakes along the southern part of the San An- dreas fault, a jagged crack that runs from the coastline north of San Francisco southeastward into Mexteo. They found virtually no activ- ity along the fault from Palm- dale, 70 miles north of Los An- geles, to Cajon Pass, 100 miles east of Los Angeles. |dino--another large fault, called the San Jacinto, branches south- ward from the San Andreas, From this point southward both the San Andreas and the San Jacinto have had up to 16 microquakes a day, Brune said, | ' "The San Jacinto is currently the most active fault in South- ern California," he added, "'It is too early to say what this means, but it probably is re- lated to some motion along the fault, "Eventually we hone to be abie io determine wnewer were is.any relation between micro- quakes and large quakes -- whether we can predict the ig ones by studying the small ones, ' "We won't really know, how- ever, until another big one comes along in an area where we have been measuring micro- quakes." .».the greatest name in vodkal SHWA Now..5 METRO AREA YARDS TO SERVE YOU! THIS ITEM AT OUR 5 METRO AREA YARDS EXCLUSIVELY! Random "Vee-Groove" Woodgrain Print 0 0 0 scam asn_| (Que at Sale Price! OUR REG, $5.74 PER WING ORCHARDS Featuring This Week... © WEALTHY APPLES © ENVOY ROADSIDE MARKET OPEN DAILY Located 21 Miles West of Whitby on No. 2 Highway at the "BIG RED APPLES" PEACHES s Professor Predicts Chance ?c.r.t*nd%ix" J Hare. = e Of Short - Term Recession cpr wil] LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- A,1966 Canadian investment semi- warned Wednesday night that| 4... i the prospect of a short-cycle re- ads is egain witnessing the aa: cession in Canada during the|Sic story of productivity and) SOWMANVILLE (1C)--Oal ALE iy os cies peetty eorincaly." four items were dealt with dur- pretty y ness expansion. ing a 40-minute town council bined with slow and disappoint-| qy, H Ope ; ing productivity increases, are < ceeatiaeas at trenspert Library ning likely to bring about a rise in re nd -- hig ae Is Delayed ge pgp iS a capt | the CPR which was de-| , stroyed i | BROUGHAM -- Brougham (spending intentions appear to or ths tell iter on p Aenad go a thorough housecleaning/|tories are low, government de-|jt is complet ' : id. soon, when each of the more|mand is high and the demand Geias Corain representin, than 4,000 volumes and the|for housing is building up. \the home owners in the cat As a result the fall opening|Short and shallow "unless of| requested th f al will not be until Sept. 21, when | course, we make bloody fools bt leaned lots tr Wasereunl ce) summer book-borrowers are in-| Ourselves," Prof. Slater sald.| noses, Council said residents of | their reading schedule for fall|Short-term recession is immi-| maintain t | and winter. A good supply of |nent, we are likely to have con-|there y nails teen mice new books will be on the | tinued inflation." ldents of the area were asked| Library meetings are being) DON'T CARE? their suggestions held to discuss the fate of the} REGINA (CP)--Some unions} Warren Townsley vepbeent| association libraries in the) don't care if they bring the na-|ed residents of Fourth St., re-| vised that they must be dis-|get what they want, Martin Pe-|street li | y <2 =| ghts. Mayor Ivan Hobbs | solved as such and no further|derson, provincial Conservative| said it is up to the subdivider| government grants will be re-|leader, said Wednesday in the|to have the lights installed. Members of the library board| Pederson was speaking at a/communicate with the U | s t } , nited feel_confident that something| special session called by the| Counties regarding the acquisi-| good will befall the popular! Liberal government to deal with| tion of a small parcel of land of } of 1 > u » SF W ly hope that circumstances will | gas a Jer wor e f way 'the t i § ' "way own will be devised in which it can|Crown - owned Saskatchewan| ask for a deed and in return carry on. |Power Corp. will maintain a parking area. prizes and were won by Mrs. Queen's University professor] nar, : -| R : B 2 d nar, David W. Slater said Can alse rl ge next nine to 12 months "has to|prices at the tail end' of a busi-| Speaking at the opening of the) rarge wage increases, com-| meeting Tuesday. costs and a drop in profit mar-|puilding of the Eigin St. bridge Association Library will under-|be firm, crops are good, inven-| would maintain the bridge after shelves will get the treatment.| The recession is likely to be|and Meadowview subdivisions, vited to return books and plan |But, he added, "even if some|the area will be required to| shelves. |\to submit a letter setting forth | township. They have been ad-| tion to its knees as long as they|questing the installation of} ceived starting next year. | Saskatchewan legislature. Mr.| The clerk was authorized to| little library here, and sincere-| 9 cur at As thine 1d) -- This 4 year old, 2 Storey home hos space to spare for the growing fomily with 12 x 13° kitchen, 12 x 11" dining room and larger than average bedrooms. Exterior finish is brick ond just enough clapboard to change the color occasionally. The Junior executive buyer will find the prestige in living in @ spacious, well planned home without the cost of maintaining © sprawling lot that a one storey bungalow would need to have. The wise buyer will oppre- ciate the sa' t : sattla tor rile on taxes, heot costs and sq. ft. cost of this sizeable 2 storey home, so why Some extros ore panelled recreation room with om. i ate Acom type fireplace. Combination yo Player, rodio and built-in speaker, Norge Dryer, 2 bathrooms, sun deck and TV tower, 'ou get all this in one of the better Oshawa Eost End Streets for @ firm price of $21,950, With as little os $4,000 Down . . . Don't wait -- call now! Gordon Osborn REALTOR 2 OFFICES TO SERVE YoU 218 Dundas $+. E., Whitby 'Phone 668-8826 (2 doors east of the Whitby Post Office) 48 Simcoe St. $., Oshowe Phone 728-5157 {Opposite Oshawa Post Office) Don't Get Caught Napping... Nicots Moror Saves 10. We Won't Be UNDERSOLD SEE! THE NEW 1966 RAMBLERS We are the Only... American Motors' Dealer Between Scarborough and Oshawa SALES LTD. Hwy. 2 West of Thickson Rd. -- Whitby PHONE 668-3331 PANEL! AxT's 95 =e quantity 4mm. "VEE-GROOVE" MAHOGAN PANE 969 wo 9,08 LESS THAN CRATES ADD 20c PER SHEET PREFINISHED MAHOGANY PLYWOOD PANELS Weeiseniniaaie ang 29 ro Al i LESS THAN CRATES ADD 20¢ PER SHEET LAUAN OR OKOUME AT THESE LOW PRICES! "VEE-GROOVE" LAUAN OR OKOUME ECONOMY WOODGRAIN HARDBOARD PANELS LIMITED @ AMERICAN 9 RRY FOR PLANKED wl. THIS! ' : ae " ony quantity UANTITY! WALNUT O.L.P. "OHALET" PREFINISHED PANELS Factory Grade Ga, Birch rc ; and/or Elm 4xT's 3 ] at I lar stock would @ $ a be 97.42 and .$8,48 each in per panel! ' any quentity , IAL! 'Finest Quolity Doublecoat White CEILING TILES LAST CALL... While It Lasts tn Lift Lots! Truok It Away! DRY SPRUCE 2x 48's Dry Utility Construction Grade 82.9 99-0 rane, $9.65 KEY-IN-KNOB LOCKSETS $5.40 "Aol" Grode, 210-Lb. 4 Colours? ASPHALT @ GFT, $5.29 EXTENSION SHINGLES $F).60 24-FT. $19.88 PUSH-UP | 98.FT, $24.68 fer iose | Ser sae ALUMINUM vee Sparkting White! $3 4.25 Less than 10%42c square foot! LOWEST PRICES!! Finest Wood LADDERS! STEP BFT, $4.67 32 x 24" BASEMENT $ WINDOWS POSTFORMED 8'$27.95 COUNTER 1063495 ALUMINUM LADDERS AT TOPS LESS THAN $3.50 FT.! SIMILAR SAVINGS!! ECONOMY GRADE AJAX Sea ce Highwey 401 to Ajax Exit 66 south to 161 Dowty Rood Telephone AJAX 942-1221 BROOKLIN North of Whitby Highway No. 7 ond 12. Telephone BROOKLIN 655-3313 CASHWAY OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SATURDAYS 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M, ANY QUANTITY