3395 CHEVROLET CAPRICE Tudor Hardtop 983" V-8 motor, automatic trans. mission, power steering,: power brokes, and radio with power aerial, Finished in a deep plum mist with black bucket seats and black plush floor mats, Balance of mew car war- ranty and low mileage, Price new over $4400, Lic, 11871, Save, Save, Save! 1959 CADILLAC Four Door Hardtop The pride of General Motors. Exter- lor is Jet Black with a tutone black and white interior, Full power on this prestige automobile. Lie, J4867, OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC "88" Tudor Hardtop One owner with only 34,000 miles. V:8 motor, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes and radio, This sporty mode! in the big car field is sharp. Drive this one teday. Lic. 477753. 1444 1963 CHEVROLET Four Door Sedan 48,000 miles on this one owner 6 cylinder, automatic transmission and radio, Finished in a tuxedo black with red matching interior, Velue end economy, Lic; H92407, AS-IS SPECIALS *S? PONTIAC, Lie, 493871 *S9 STUDEBAKER, Lic, 495084 4 Tudor Hardtop Luxurious Sport Car has full power equipment, Finished in @ beautiful metallic grey, floor console ond black bucket seats, Lic. J 1966 CHEVELLE Super Sport TWO DOOR HARDTOP Has 283' V-8 motor, automatic transmission and radio, Balance of new car warranty on this 10,000 mile cor, Listed new for $3536. Save, Save, Seve! Lic, H95082. CHEVY Il Sedan Original 18,000 miles. Economy plus with this 6 cylinder motor and standard transmission, This is a top seller in. the compact field. Lie, H96660. PONTIAC Parisienne Safari Station Wagon Fully equipped with V-8 motor, auto- matic transmission, power steering, power brakes and radio. This deluxe mode! is finished in a fawn beige with plush brown interior, Here is value! Lie, X10257. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. Lendl the arate ae * Largest Selection Over 100 OK cars on the lot * Best Deals Low prices and generous trade ins % OK Guarantee 30 days -- 50-50 1962 CHEVROLET Bictayis Sedan GM's famous 6 cylinder motor and automatic transmission, Economy and value with price to match. Lic, H- 95109. 1899 1965 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 SERIES DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT... FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF ! ! "See an OMS Salesman for your next Car !! JACK HUGHES MITCH KOWAL GRAHAM WHITE JOHN HORKY KEITH KAINE PETER GOODCHILD HERM SWEETMAN AL MARLOW MORLEY HUGHES DOUG AMEY JIM: PHILLIPS MURRAY SILVER e e e « HOWIE McCABE . Deluxe tudor. 20,000 original miles. & e ® JIM SINCLAIR JIM NEAL Has radio and slide roof. Extras upon RON GAMBELL KEITH SMITH extras on this sharp compact. Lic. H97606. $1499 | 5888 1960 CHEVROLET IMPALA SEDAN 1964 CORVAIR MONZA SEDAN MONARCH LUCERNE Tudor Hardtop The luxury car of the Ford Motor Co. low Finished in a beautiful ermine white with red interior, V-8 motor, auto- matic transmission, power steering, power brakes and radio. The price is right, Lic, 960E. Finished in a beautiful canary yel- 6 cyl. motor, automatic transmis- h bi wth "black. bucket: seats ond sion and radio, For economy, value plush floor mats. 110 h.p. motor, transmission ohd. rodio and all around satisfaction try this Lic. H97518, automatic This one is sharp one, Lic. H91882. | ANE TE SRL TS TORIES URS URT EMER RE Co 999 | 1888 | '3895 1960 Oo MERCEDES 220S FOUR DOOR SEDAN Has 6 cylinder gas motor, standard transmission and radio, The elite automobile from Europe. Try it and you'll buy it, Lic, 9097, LEY CORVAIR Monza Convertible This fire engine red sport model has 140 h.p. engine, automatic trans- mission and radio. Interior has erm- ine white bucket seats with black plush floor mats. The price . . . Seve, sove, save. Lic. 92251K. CADILLAC Four Door Hardtop This luxury car, and the finest car built, is immaculate. Has been ex- ecutive driven since new. Only 35,000 miles, It must be seen to be appreci- ated. Lie. 78615. RIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND ST. WEST LIMITED TELEPHONE 725-6501 OLDS. F85 One owner with only 21,000 miles, carries the balance of GM warranty, equipped with automatic transmis+ sion and radio, Finished in Cypress . agra with light green interior. Here is value. Lic, J70517. 999 CHEVROLET Biscayne Four Door, 6 cylinder engine, automatic trans+ mission and radio. Here is one to fit into every mon's budget. Priced te clear. Lic. J2806, 739° 1959 G.M.C. 4a-TON PICKUP Original 40,000 miles. Excellent condition throughout, This. type of truck is in demand, so hurry, hurry, hurry. Lie, 12884B. --OLDSMOBILE DELTA "88" Two Door Hardtop This luxury sporty model hos full power equipment, Exterior is finished in a camel beige with interior trim to match, Lie. J6510, AS-IS SPECIALS '59 RENAULT, Lic. J74536. "59 CHEVROLET. Lie. 353540. S499